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中国凹盾象属六新种记述(鞘翅目:象虫科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文记述产于我国的凹盾象属Stenoscelis昆虫6新种,分别为赤杨凹盾象Stenoscelis(Hexastenoscelis)alni sp.nov.,圆窝凹盾象S.foveatus sp.nov.,齿突凹盾象S.acerbus sp.nov.,小点凹盾象S.puncticulatus sp.nov.,洼喙凹盾象S.recavus sp.nov.,和蔚县凹盾象S.yuxianensis sp  相似文献   

No .1StudiesofScreeningMicroorganismsdegradingLinearSodiumAlkylbenzenesulfonate (LAS)anditsDegradingCharacteristics YINGQi Feng,XIAOChang Song,JIShu Lan ( 1)……………………………………………………………………ScreeningofSirainsProducingLipaseswithhighActivitiesandConstructionofStrain…  相似文献   

中国船甲螨属记述(蜱螨亚纲:甲螨亚目:卷边甲螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述中国船甲螨属Scapheremaeus Berlese种类共6种,其中包括5新种:网纹船甲螨S.retestriatus sp.nov.,钩船甲螨S.uncinatus sp.nov.,四网船甲螨S.quarireticulatus sp.nov。,双突船甲螨.Sbituberculatus sp.nov.,指突船甲螨S.digitatus sp.nov和1个中国新纪录种子代船甲螨S.na  相似文献   

No 1AStudyoftheSkeletonsofZhouandHanDynastiesUnearthedintheMiddleandtheSouthRegionsofShandongProvinceSHANGHong ,HANKang xin ,WANGShou gong (1 )……AnInvestigationontheIncidenceoftheSupraorbitalForamenandtheHypoglossalCanalBridginginChineseAncientBoneanditsBe…  相似文献   

新疆凤毛菊属新植物   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
新疆凤毛菊属二新种及一新变种,即簇枝雪莲Saussurea polylada J.S.Li,狭苞雪莲Saussurea ischnoides J.S.Li和腋序雪莲Saussurea involucrata Kar.et Kir。var。axillicalatthina J.S.Li。  相似文献   

DVISORJIAORui Shen (J .S .Chao)  Professor(InstituteofPlantPhysiologyandEcology ,ShanghaiInstitutesforBiologicalSciences ,ChineseAcademyofSciences ,Shanghai 2 0 0 0 32 ,China)EDITOR IN CHIEFYANGSheng Li  Academician(ShanghaiResearchCenterforBiotechnology ,ChineseAcad…  相似文献   

邵宏 《木本植物研究》2000,20(2):125-128
本拟定中国美登木属4新种1新等级,它们是:广南美登木M.guangnanensis H.Shao,蒙自美登木M.mengziensis H.Shao,易门 美登木M.yimenensis H.Shao,树状美登木M.arboreus H.Shao和疏刺刺茶M.variabilis(Hemsl.)C.Y.Cheng var.inermis(C.Y.Cheng et W.L.Sha)H.Shao。  相似文献   

November 3- 5 ,2 0 0 2 ,ShanghaiThebiosynthesisofaurodrosopterininDrosophilamelanogaster :Purification ,cloningandcharacterizationofdi hydropterindeaminaseChiyoungAhn ,JaekwangKim ,SangickPark ,JeongbinYim (SchoolofBiologicalSciences,SeoulNationalUniversity ,Seoul 15 …  相似文献   

本文对黑龙江省低额属Simocephalus的种类及分布进行了初步的调查。鉴定出低额9种,即锯顶低额Simocephalusserrulatus,老年低额S.vetulus,拟老年低额S.vetuloides,棘爪低额S.exsfinosus,西伯利亚低额S.sibiricus,角壳低额S.lusaticus,微齿低额S.himalayensismicrodus,黑龙江低额S.heilongjtangensis和北安低额S.beianensis。对各种低额的形态特征及分布特点作了概括并编制了种的检索表。对所述各种的模式形态及已获种中雄体的精子形态提供活体照片。对部分低额生活环境中的几种主要因子进行了测试,其结果表明,本属各种多生活在水质清洁溶解氧较高且偏碱的水环境中,其水质多在寡污到β中污之间。  相似文献   

长白山北坡椴树红松林高等植物物种多样性   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
长白山北坡椴树红松林高等植物物种多样性郝占庆,赵士洞,陶大立,王淼森(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所110015)SpeciesdiversityofhigherplantsinLimekoreanpineforestonnortkernslopeofChangbaimountain¥HaoZhanqing;ZhaoSidong;TaoDali;WangMiao(InstituteofAppliedEcology,AcadenziaSinica,Shenyang)China,110015):ChineseJoutrnalofEcology,1993,12(6):1-5.TheShannondiversityindexandevennessareusedtoanalysethespeciesdiversityofhigherplantsinlimekoreanpineforestonnorthernslopeofChangbaiMountain。TheresultsshowthatShannondiversityin-dexis2.8228forwoodyplants,2.9766forherbs;theSha  相似文献   

何伟添  段舜山 《生态科学》2008,27(2):124-128
咸潮又称咸潮上溯、盐水入侵,是发生在沿海河口水域的一种水文现象。近年来,澳门咸潮频繁发生,严重影响了人们的正常生活和工作,也为工农业生产带来了巨大的损失。随着咸潮危害的加剧,人们对咸潮的防御对策问题也越来越重视。该论文分析了澳门咸潮产生的原因,认为干旱少雨和海平面上升等自然因素是导致咸潮发生的主要原因,而由人类活动导致的过度用水和生态失衡则加速了咸潮的发生。接着论述了咸潮给澳门带来的危害和测定咸潮的指标方法,最后对预防澳门咸潮的发生提出了一些建议。在澳门的地理背景条件下,除充分利用澳门的水库湖泊资源以增加澳门淡水储备外,更加需要全流域公众珍惜水资源,注意节约用水。  相似文献   

The alteration of fresh and marine water cycling is likely to occur in coastal ecosystems as climate change causes the global redistribution of precipitation while simultaneously driving sea‐level rise at a rate of 2–3 mm yr?1. Here, we examined how precipitation alters the ecological effects of ocean water intrusion to coastal dunes on two oceanic carbonate islands in the Bahamas. The approach was to compare sites that receive high and low annual rainfall and are also characterized by seasonal distribution (wet and dry season) of precipitation. The spatial and temporal variations in precipitation serve as a proxy for conditions of altered precipitation which may occur via climate change. We used the natural abundances of stable isotopes to identify water sources (e.g., precipitation, groundwater and ocean water) in the soil–plant continuum and modeled the depth of plant water uptake. Results indicated that decreased rainfall caused the shallow freshwater table on the dune ecosystem to sink and contract towards the inland, the lower freshwater head allowed ocean water to penetrate into the deeper soils, while shallow soils became exceedingly dry. Plants at the drier site that lived nearest to the ocean responded by taking up water from the deeper and consistently moist soil layers where ocean water intruded. Towards the inland, decreased rainfall caused the water table to sink to a depth that precluded both recharge to the upper soil layers and access by plants. Consequently, plants captured water in more shallow soils recharged by infrequent rainfall events. The results demonstrate dune ecosystems on oceanic islands are more susceptible to ocean water intrusion when annual precipitation decreases. Periods of diminished precipitation caused drought conditions, increased exposure to saline marine water and altered water‐harvesting strategies. Quantifying species tolerances to ocean water intrusion and drought are necessary to determine a threshold of community sustainability.  相似文献   

Effect of salinity on quality of various agricultural crops   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The effect of salinity on the quality of various agricultural crops has not yet been explored much. This information is very important to Israel due to the increasing use of saline water for irrigation. This paper reports the effect of saline irrigation water on the quality, especially the taste, of several crops. Fruits from a processing tomato cultivar exposed to various degrees of salinity had higher values for total soluble solids (TSS) and acidity than their controls. The yield of fruit after saline water irrigation is lower, but this is offset by the nigher fruit quality and its consequent higher value. Melon fruits from plants subjected to saline water scored higher in taste than their controls when the fruits were analyzed fresh. After 3–4 weeks of storage at room temperature, there was no longer any difference in taste. Even though salinity slightly increased the TSS content, this did not correlate with the taste scores. Iceberg lettuce grown with saline water did not significantly differ in taste from its control, even when the sensitive triangle taste test was used. The same was true for peanuts. Thus, for these two crops no advantage of better quality would compensate for possible lower yields. Salinity had little effect on the yield of two varieties of Chinese cabbage, but increased the frequency of tipburn.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton dynamics in the open waters of the ice-edge zone of the Lazarev Sea were investigated over 12 consecutive days during a drogue study conducted in austral summer (December/January) 1994/1995. Throughout the study, the upper water column (<30 m) was stratified with a well-defined pycnocline evident. Although a subsurface intrusion of colder, more saline water into the region was recorded on days 5-9 of the experiment, its effect on the water column structure was negligible. Total surface chlorophyll a biomass doubled between days 1 and 5 (from 0.82 to 1.62 mg m-3), and then showed a tendency to stabilise, while the depth-integrated chlorophyll a standing stock displayed an increasing trend during the entire experiment. All changes in biomass were associated with an increase in microphytoplankton. Flagellates and picoplankton dominated cell counts, while diatoms composed most of the phytoplankton biovolume. Results of the study indicate that, during the period of investigation, average cell abundance decreased. Coupled with this decrease was an increase in the biovolume and average size of the phytoplankton. Phytoplankton succession was observed in the ice edge during the drogue study. Typical ice-associated species of genera Haslea, Fragilariopsis and Chaetoceros, which dominated at the beginning of study, were replaced by open-water species of genera Corethron, Dactyliosolen and Rhizosolenia. The shift in phytoplankton species composition and size can likely be related to high light intensities and grazing by microzooplankton. The intrusion of colder, more saline water on day 5 appeared to modify the diatom succession, indicating extreme variability in phytoplankton dynamics in the near ice-edge zone of the Lazarev Sea.  相似文献   

大渤海区海水入侵态势与防治构想   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文主要研究大渤海区海水入侵的若干问题及其对生态环境的影响和应采取的对策。大渤海区的山东、河北、辽宁、天津4省市沿海区,70年代出现海水入侵后,发展速度相当快,且十分严重,结果使该地区土地生产力下降,工农业发展受阻,表生景观退化。仅莱州市70年代末,海水入侵向内陆推移的速度为每年46m,而到80年代末则增加到404m,10a扩大约8倍。鉴于此,应采取相应对策。  相似文献   

本文研究了乌拉尔甘草种子种皮蜡质的厚度与蜡质抑菌效果、蜡质与种子抗老化能力和种子吸水能力的关系。结果表明:用浓硫酸浸泡2-3min可完全除去蜡质,蜡质的厚度约为30gm;接种菌液后,脱蜡种子在PDA培养基上形成的青霉和曲霉菌斑的直径显著大于不脱蜡的种子形成的菌斑直径,但蜡质的体外抗菌能力不明显:随着老化时间的延长,脱蜡种子的含水量增加速度和发芽率下降速度明显快于未脱蜡种子,且在湿度较高的环境下,脱蜡种子的平衡水分比未脱蜡种子显著升高,说明蜡质在一定程度上可以保护种子不易受外界湿度的影响。  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal changes in the biomass and abundance of the two dominant bivalve species Corbicula japonica and Arcuatula senhousia were investigated at 14 stations positioned along the Ohashi River from November 2005 to August 2007. Corbicula japonica predominantly inhabited the upstream section of the primary branch and Kensaki stream of the Ohashi River, whereas A. senhousia predominantly inhabited the downstream section of the Ohashi River. However, the distributions were highly variable among stations and seasons. Intrusions of saline water from Lake Nakaumi varied with astronomical and climatological factors, and consequently, the halocline of the Ohashi River is subject to spatiotemporal changes. Changes in distributions of C. japonica and A. senhousia occurred in relation to a flood event, indicating that environmental disturbances affect the distributions of the two bivalve species. Responses of the two species to continual saline water intrusion were also observed during the period of normal flow conditions. We suggest that the distribution of the two species is closely related to the dynamics of the ambient saline water, which is the most important factor correlated to changes in the distributions of C. japonica and A. senhousia in the Ohashi River.  相似文献   

The sea-level rise induced by climate change has caused impacts (e.g., floods and saline intrusion) in estuaries. In this work, we used monitoring data (salinity, sediment and taxa occurrence), simulated saline intrusion and Species Distribution Model to predict the spatial distribution of families in the estuary at two levels of SLR (0.5 m and 1 m) for two scenarios (moderate and extreme). For the simulation, we used the ensemble method applied to five models (MARS, GLM, GAM, RF and BRT). High AUC and TSS values indicated “good” to “excellent” accuracy. RF and GLM obtained the best and worst values, respectively. The model predicted local extinctions and new colonization in the upper estuarine zones. With the effects of climate change intensifying, it is extremely important that managers consider the use of predictive tools to anticipate the impacts of climate change on a local scale on species migration.  相似文献   

Due to global climatic changes, water and soil salinization is an increasing worldwide phenomenon, thus creating new threats for farm animal production. The present study was designed to investigate the adaptation capacity of goats towards sodium chloride (NaCl) in drinking water. Twelve non-pregnant Boer goats with an average body weight of 50.5 ± 9.0 kg were kept in individual pens. The study was conducted in four phases applying a two-choice preference test. In the control phase (phase 1) only fresh water was supplied in two containers. In phase 2, water with different salt concentrations (0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1.0%, 1.25% and 1.5%) was offered in one container and tap water in the other (sensitivity test). During the third phase (adaptation), goats were stepwise habituated to saline water by offering only saline water with different increasing concentrations (between 0% and 1.5% NaCl) in both containers. Subsequently, in phase 4 (sensitivity re-test) the same treatment as in phase 2 was repeated. Goats had ad libitum access to hay, water and a mineral licking block. Individual water and feed intake were recorded daily, while body weight and body condition score were measured every 2nd week. Body weight was not affected by saline water intake, whereas dry matter intake and body condition scores decreased significantly during the experiment. Water intake was significantly (P<0.001) higher in phase 2 (sensitivity test) and phase 3 (adaptation), compared to phase 1 (control) and phase 4 (sensitivity re-test). Total sodium intake followed the same pattern. In phase 2, when goats had the choice between fresh and saline water for the first time they preferred higher salt concentrations and consumed significantly (P<0.001) higher amounts of saline water (75.4 ± 53.2 g/kg BW0.82 per day) than in the re-test (40.4 ± 34.0 g/kg BW0.82 per day) after the habituation period. Thus, salt discrimination rejection thresholds were lowered to 1.25% in phase 4 compared to 1.5% in phase 2. The results suggest that a stepwise adaptation to saline drinking water in goats is an effective method to habituate the animals to saline water intake when concentrations were below 1.5%. Goats reacted more sensitively to the salinity of drinking water after prolonged exposure to saline water indicating flexible regulation mechanisms depending on the total sodium balance of the animal.  相似文献   

高水位地区作物生长关键期采用微咸水或咸水灌溉被证明在一定条件下可以起到增产正效应,但同时却存在着土体盐分积累及其对下茬或次年种植影响的生态负效应.为探讨消除或抑制微咸水或咸水灌溉对土壤盐分积累的生态负效应,保证作物种植增产的正效应,本文在河北近滨海高水位盐碱区开展了为期2年的试验研究,探讨了旱季微咸水或咸水灌溉带来的盐分异位积累与离子分布变化特征,分析了雨季关键期暗管适时排盐对土壤盐分的立体调控生态效应.结果表明:旱季咸水灌溉后土壤经历“积盐-脱盐-二次积盐”3个阶段;灌溉初期,1 g·L-1咸水灌溉处理下0~50 cm土体脱盐,土壤含盐量随土壤深度增加而增加,HCO3-含量增加,其他离子含量降低;6与13 g·L-1咸水灌溉处理下0~50 cm土体积盐,土壤含盐量随土壤深度增加而降低,HCO3-含量降低,其他离子含量增加;雨季暗管适时立体调控脱盐效果显著,土壤脱盐率达16.0%~45.7%,同降雨量下,降水分布越集中,脱盐效果越好;周年时间尺度上,咸水灌溉小区土壤积盐量小于对照区;咸水灌溉处理小区冬小麦产量显著高于对照处理,1 g·L-1 处理高于6与13 g·L-1处理.  相似文献   

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