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有机体之间化学相互作用的研究及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有机体之间化学相互作用的研究及其应用宋启示(中国科学院昆明生态研究所,650223)ChemicalInteractionAmongOrganismsandTheirApplication¥SongQishi(KunmingInstituteofEcolo-gy,AcademiaSinica650223).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(1):45-48。Thispaperreviewsthemostactiveresearchfieldsonchemicalinteractionamongorganisms:(1)allelopa-thyamongplants,whichiswidelyappliedinagricultureandhorticulture,(2)biochemicalinteractionbe-tweenplantsandinsects,(3)biochemicalinteractionamonginsectsand(4)biochemicalinteractionamongmammalsandbetweenmammalsandplants.Inaddit  相似文献   

最大概率原理在农田生态系统中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
最大概率原理在农田生态系统中的应用姚建民(山西省农科院农业资源综合考察研究所,太原030006)马蓉丽(山西省农科院蔬菜研究所,太原030006)ApplicationofMaximumProbabilityPrincipleinFarmlandEcosystem¥.YaoJianmin(InsliluteforCom-prehensiveSurveyofAgriculturalResources,ShanxiAcademyofAgriculturalSciences,Taiyuan030006),MaRongli(InslituteofVegetableResearcgh,ShanxiAcademyofagriculturalSciences,Taiyuan(030006).Chinese,JpurnalofEcology,1993,12(4):58-60.Inordertostrengthenthepracticabilityofmaximumprobabilityprinciple,thispapergivesoutsomees-sentialconditionsneededforapplyingth  相似文献   

集约高产过程中土壤有机质动态初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
集约高产过程中土壤有机质动态初探崔玉亭,韩纯儒(北京农业大学,100094)DynamicsofSoilOrganicMatter(SOM)intheProcessofAgriculturalIntensification¥.CuiYuting;HanChunru(BeijingAgriculturalUniversity,100094).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):37—38.Inthispaper,thebalanceofsoilorganicmatter(SOM)intheprocessofagriculturalintensificationinChangzhouregionisstudiedandamedium-andlong-termpredictionofitsdynamicsismade。There-sultsshowthatduringthisprocess,thebalanceofSOMisgettingbetter,andafteramediumorlongpe-riod(e.g,10—20yeats),theSOMcontentcangett  相似文献   

洞庭湖滩血吸虫易感地带保水生态灭螺的试验研究张元培,朱南屏(湖南省水产科学研究所沅江413100)(湖南省华容县血防站414200)EcologicalEIiminationofSnail(Oncomelania)byRctainingWaterinBloodFluke(Schistosoma)Suscepti-bleRegionsAroundDongtingLake¥.ZhangYuanpei(InstituteofFisheriesResearchofHunanProvince,Yuanjiang413100),ZhuNanbing(StationofSnailFeverControlofHuarongCounty,HunanProvince,414200).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(3):23-25.Inbloodfluke(Schistosoma)susceptibleregionsofthelakebeach,experimentsofwaterinundatedelimi-natingsnail(Oncomelania)arecarriedoutbybuil  相似文献   

杨树护田林带疏透度模型及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨树护田林带疏透度模型及应用张纪林,吕祥生(江苏省林业科学研究所,南京211153)(江苏省农林厅林业局,南京211153)PorosityModelofPoplarFarmlandShelterbeltandItsApplication¥ZhangJilin(Forestryscienceandtech-nologyresearchInstituteofJiangsu),LuXiangsheng(ForestryBureau“ofJiangsuProvince).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(5):56-60。Inthisarticle,theauthorsatfirstmadethree-principledselection,partialcorrelation,bestmulti-prin-cipleregressionselectloninsequence,Secondlyonthebasisofresidualanalysis,theauthorsmadetestofhighleveragecase,influencecaseandoutlieronsample  相似文献   

生态学的精神价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态学的精神价值陈清硕(江苏农学院扬州225001)SpiritualValueofEcology¥.ChenQingshuo(JiangsuAgriculturalCollege,Yangzhou225001):ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(3):68-72.Thispaperdescribesthefunctionsofecologyintheprogressofsocialideologyandcivilization.Ecologyhelpsbringintobeingtheconstructionofascientificworldoutlookandincreasetheecologicalconscious-nessofmankind.Italsosuppliesatotaldevelopmentalpointofviewforthesocietyandprovidesagreataestheticvalue.Thespiritualvalueofecologyshouldneverbeneglected.Keywords:socialecology,ecol  相似文献   

农业生态学在我国发展的回顾与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农业生态学在我国发展的回顾与展望骆世明(华南农业大学,广州510642)ReviewandPerspectiveonDevelopmentofAgroecologyChina.¥LuoShiming(SouthChinaAgriculturalUniversity,Guangzhou510642).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):4-6.Inlastdecade,greatprogresshasbeenmadeintheteachingandresearchofagriculturalecologyinChi-na,butsomeobstaclesstillexistonhowtounderstandagroecology.Ifwecanrecognizethesocialde-mandofagroecologyanditspositioninagriculturalscienceandpayattentiontothedescription,assess-ment,experimentandanalysisofagroecosystemmodels,thequanti  相似文献   

辽宁省灾害区划初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辽宁省灾害区划初探尹功成,梁文举(辽宁省农业区划研究所,沈阳110031)(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)AnApproachtoCalamityDivisioningofLiaoningProvince¥.YinGongcheng(LiaoningInslituteofAgri-culturalDivisioning,Shenyang110031),LiangWenju(InsliluteofAppliedEcology,AcademiaSinica,Shenyang110015).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(4):61-65.NaturalcalamitiesoccurwhenvariOusnaturalphenomnaendangerlife,mindsandproperties,butsomepotentialenvironmentaldisasterssuchasrnan-madeandanthropogenousnaturaldisastersdevelopslow-lyandprofoundly,whlchareunobviousandnotr  相似文献   

本文报道了采自云南省地表枯枝落叶层的目 6新种,隶属6科6属,分别是褐带单烟Caeciliiusspadlcitaensis(单科Caeciliidae),褐痣塔 Tagalopsocus phaeostigmus(双科Amphipsocidae),双钩外 Ectopsocusbiunncialis(外科Ectopsocidae),中斑围 Peripsocusmedimacularis(围 科Peripsocidae),小头触 Psococerastiscapitulatis( 科Psocidae)及单钩苔鼠 Lichenomimahamata(鼠 科Myopsocidae)。模式标本保存于北京农业大学昆虫标本馆。文中量度单位为mm。  相似文献   

沈阳水资源保护与水质管理李秀鸿(沈阳环境科学研究所,110005)WaterResourceConscrvancyandWaterQualityControlinShenyang¥LiXiouhong(ShenyangInstituteofEnvironmentalscieilce,110005).(ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(5):45-48。Theoverallandlongtermimpactsofwaterresourceshortageandwaterpollutiononeconomicdevelop-ment,humanlifeandecologicalenvironmentinShenyangarediscussedinthispaper.Itispointedoutthatinordertosolvetheseproblems,areasonablecontrolpolicyandcorrespondingtechnologymustbeadoptedincombiningwiththedevelopmentandConservancyofexistin  相似文献   

对环境污染除必须采取人工治理措施外,还必须充分发挥自然净化作用,才能取得经济合理和维护生态系统动态平衡的目的。 绿色高等植物特别是树木,对环境污染起着明显的净化和改善作用。因为它们的生物产量高,占有很大的空间,有巨大的根、茎、叶面积作用于环境,并对污染物具有一定的吸收积累或降解作用;生活周期长,有较长的时间与周围环境相互作用与影响,同时吸收积累的污染物质不会在短期内转移释放到环境中;此外,大部分树木是以保护环境或生产木材为主要目的,因而吸收积累的污染物不进入食物链对人产生危害。所以树木在保持和维护生态系  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):795-807
In the past decades air pollution has increased worldwide. We also gained more insight into the complex interactions between different air pollutants in the atmosphere as well as their effects on living cells and organisms. It also has been unequivocally shown by several groups in different countries that oxy radicals play an outstanding role in the interconversion of air pollutants as well as during the manifestation of toxic effects. Not only living systems are affected by air pollutants, but also inorganic systems such as buildings and sculptures. In the following overview the most important reactions occuring in the atmosphere as well as effects of oxidative gaseous compounds and particles such as diesel soot and asbestos will be discussed.  相似文献   

Nigeria, like any other developing nation, is faced with the twin problem of development without destruction. Industrialization, though an important component of development, has had a large share in the despoilation of air quality in the country by the release of high amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere. Petroleum hydrocarbons from refineries, flared gases, dusts, and fumes of metal-smelting and cement works, odorous gases of chemical and allied industries, carbon monoxide and oxides of sulfur and nitrogen of internal combustion engines, the charred particulates and sulfur dioxide emissions of the steel industries etc., all constitute pollutants or co-pollutants of the Nigerian atmosphere. This review article gives an insight into the phenomenal concentrations of some of these pollutants in the Nigerian atmosphere, which point to their unsafe levels and concomitant health risks. It is against this background that there should be continuous but sound monitoring exercise of the Nigerian environment, devoid of the peculiar mix of politics and science, in order to properly audit the quality of air, especially in areas of heavy industrial pollution. Such checks and balances would provide empirical data to assess the various trade-offs of atmospheric pollution in industrial areas of the country such as the Niger Delta region where oil and gas are produced. There should also be enforcement, thereof, of all existing and/or revised standards or regulations such as the compliance limits of the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) or the erstwhile Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA).  相似文献   

The possibility of improving the environmental characteristics of the atmosphere with the help of freely localized microwave discharges is analyzed. Theoretical and experimental studies devoted to cleaning the troposphere of ozone-destroying pollutants and creating an artificial ozone layer in the stratosphere are reviewed. Results from the studies of the possibility of the plasmochemical utilization of the accumulated chlorofluorocarbons, capable of depleting the ozone layer, are presented. The results of theoretical and experimental modeling are used to predict the plasmochemical consequences of creating artificial ionized regions in the atmosphere for the purpose of long-range radio and TV communication.  相似文献   

Chemistry of hazardous air pollutants has been studied for many years, yet little is known about how these chemicals, once reacted within urban atmospheres, affect healthy and susceptible individuals. Once released into the atmosphere, 1,3-butadiene (BD) reacts with hydroxyl radicals and ozone (created by photochemical processes), to produce many identified and unidentified products. Once this transformation has occurred, the toxic potential of atmospheric pollutants such as BD in the ambient environment is currently unclear. During this study, environmental irradiation chambers (also called smog chambers), utilizing natural sunlight, were used to create photochemical transformations of BD. The smog chamber/in vitro exposure system was designed to investigate the toxicity of chemicals before and after photochemical reactions and to investigate interactions with the urban atmosphere using representative in vitro samples. In this study, we determined the relative toxicity and inflammatory gene expression induced by coupling smog chamber atmospheres with an in vitro system to expose human respiratory epithelial cells to BD, BDs photochemical degradation products, or the equivalent ozone generated within the photochemical mixture. Exposure to the photochemically generated products of BD (primarily acrolein, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, furan and ozone) induced significant increases in cytotoxicity, IL-8, and IL-6 gene expression compared to a synthetic mixture of primary products that was created by injecting the correct concentrations of the detected products from the irradiation experiments. Interestingly, exposure to the equivalent levels of ozone generated during the photochemical transformation of BD did not induce the same level of inflammatory cytokine release for either exposure protocol, suggesting that the effects from ozone alone do not account for the entire response in the irradiation experiments. These results indicate that BDs full photochemical product generation and interactions, rather than ozone alone, must be carefully evaluated when investigating the possible adverse health effects to BD exposures. The research presented here takes into account that photochemical transformations of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) does generate a dynamic exposure system and therefore provides a more realistic approach to estimate the toxicity of ambient air pollutants once they are released into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Summary To evaluate the biological effects of gas pollutants on alveolar macrophages several in vitro systems ave been developed. We described here an original method of cell culture in aerobiosis, which permitted direct contact between the atmosphere and the target cells. We studied the long term (24 h) and short term (30 min) effects of NO2 on alveolar macrophages. Our results demonstrated that exposure of alveolar macrophages to gas pollutants may be responsible for either cell injury or cell activation associated with the release of various bioactive mediators (superoxide anion, neutrophil chemotactic activity). Cell culture in aerobiosis opens new ways for the research on the biological effects of gas pollutants.Abbreviations AM alveolar macrophages - CL Chemiluminescence  相似文献   

Pollutants deposited on the Severn Estuary from the atmosphere derive mainly from local industrial and urban centres. Atmospheric deposition accounts for 50% of the lead and zinc inputs, 10–20% of the cadmium, copper and nickel to the Estuary, but only a small proportion of the chromium, iron and manganese. Most of the cadmium, copper and lead comes from the lower atmosphere near Avonmouth and Cardiff Bay. Westerly winds have much higher sodium and chloride concentrations but generally carry lower pollution loads than the less frequent, offshore easterlies. Strong winds recycle pollutants into the atmosphere via sea spray. The hills on both sides of the Estuary encourage deep vertical mixing, and effluents may be carried well inland. Stable atmospheres, associated with southerly and easterly airflows, cause trapping and entrainment of stack emissions. Thus easterlies may deposit much higher levels of pollutants. This paper reviews present knowledge regarding the deposition of metals from the atmosphere into the waters of the Severn Estuary. Preliminary results (1989) indicate that, while distribution patterns remain broadly similar, the quantities deposited were considerably less than they were six years previously.  相似文献   

王玉哲  周启星 《生态学杂志》2012,31(4):1034-1042
土壤是环境的重要组成部分,是连接大气圈、水圈、岩石圈和生物圈的纽带。随着工农业生产的迅速发展,越来越多的有机污染物通过各种途径进入土壤环境。本文主要对有机污染物在土壤中的吸附-解吸、降解-积累、溶解-沉淀等微界面过程进行了较为系统的阐述,探讨了土壤有机组分、无机组分、植物和微生物等生态因子对有机污染物相关土壤微界面过程的影响;同时,结合国内外的研究现状和趋势,对今后土壤微界面过程的研究方向以及采用的方法手段进行了建议和展望。  相似文献   

Bacteria are abundant in the atmosphere, where they often represent a major portion of the organic aerosols. Potential pathogens of plants and livestock are commonly dispersed through the atmosphere, and airborne bacteria can have important effects on human health as pathogens or triggers of allergic asthma and seasonal allergies. Despite their importance, the diversity and biogeography of airborne microorganisms remain poorly understood. We used high-throughput pyrosequencing to analyze bacterial communities present in the aerosol fraction containing fine particulate matter of ≤2.5 μm from 96 near-surface atmospheric samples collected from cities throughout the midwestern United States and found that the communities are surprisingly diverse and strongly affected by the season. We also directly compared the airborne communities to those found in hundreds of samples representing potential source environments. We show that, in addition to the more predictable sources (soils and leaf surfaces), fecal material, most likely dog feces, often represents an unexpected source of bacteria in the atmosphere at more urbanized locations during the winter. Airborne bacteria are clearly an important, but understudied, component of air quality that needs to be better integrated into efforts to measure and model pollutants in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

This work is intended as a review of gas exchange processes between the atmosphere and the terrestrial vegetation, which have been known for more than two centuries since the discovery of photosynthesis. The physical and biological mechanisms of exchange of carbon dioxide, water vapour, volatile organic compounds emitted by plants and air pollutants taken up by them, is critically reviewed. The role of stomatal physiology is emphasised, as it controls most of these processes. The techniques used for measurement of gas exchange fluxes between the atmosphere and vegetation are outlined.  相似文献   

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