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Atthe18thInternationalCongressofBiochemistryandMolecularBiology,Birmingham,EnglandTheInternationalUnionofBiochemistryandMolecularBiology(IUBMB),theFederationofEuropeanBiochemicalSocieties(FEBS),andtheBiochemicalSocietyannouncethesponsorshipofaSympos…  相似文献   

土壤微生物生物量周转的估算   总被引:44,自引:5,他引:39  
土壤微生物生物量周转的估算高云超,朱文珊,陈文新(北京农业大学生物学院,100094)EstimationforBiomassandTurnoverofSoilMicroorganisms¥GaoYunchao;ZhuWenshan;ChenWenxin(CollegeofBiologicalSciences,BeijingAgriculturalUniversity,Beijing100094).ChineseJour-nalofEcology,1993,12(6):6-10。Toobtainsomeinformationabouttransformationofmineralnutrientsbysoilmicroorganisms,wehavemeasuredtheamountandturnoverrateofsoilrnicrobialbiomassinno-tillage,directdrillingandplow-ingsoils.Microbialbiornassinno-tillagetopsoilis51.7%and26.0%higherthanthoseinplowinganddirec  相似文献   

采用TheBrineShrimpLctalityBioassay法对民间药翼蓼PteroxygonumgiraldiiDummeretDiels),金荞麦(Fagopyrumdibotrys(D.Don)Hara),齿果酸模(RumexdentatusL.)巴天酸模(RumexpatientiaL.)网果酸模(RumexdictyocarpusBoissetBuhse)、掌叶大黄(Rheumpal  相似文献   

壁山县农田生态系统中氮肥利用与平衡的研究何新华(云南师范大学生物系,昆明650092)NBalanceinAgroecosystemofBishanCountyafterApplyingNitrogenousFertilizers¥HeXinhua(Depart-mentofBiologyYunnanNormalUniversity,Kunming,650092).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(5):29-35。Theinputandoutputofnitrogenandgrainyieldduring1949-1980inBishanCountyareanalysed.Theresultsshowthatnitrogenconsumptionishigherthanitsaccumulation(-31.6%,+14.0%)andthera-tiooforganic-Ntochemlcal-Nisobviouslyindisorder(2.00:0.67).Itissuggestedthatnitrogenbal-ancecanbemaintainedthroughpla  相似文献   

布氏田鼠种群生态及行为生态学研究进展尹峰房继明(北京师范大学生物学系,100875)ResearchAdvancesinPopulationEcologyandBehavioralEcologyofBrandt’sVoles(Microtusbran...  相似文献   

孔庆鹏  黄顺友 《遗传》2000,22(6):379-384
本研究测定了长臂Ba属(Mystacoleucus Guenther)中的3个种:月斑长臂Ba(M.chilopterus Fowler)、长臂Ba〔M.marginatus(Cuvrier et Valenciennse)〕和细尾长臂Ba(M.lepturus Huang)共22个个体的线粒体细胞色素b部分基因片段,其序列为408bp,并选用Pang Pi(Rhodeus sinensis Cu  相似文献   

曲周县饲料资源及其利用率的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
曲周县饲料资源及其利用率的分析曹志平(北京农业大学生物学院,100094)FodderResourcesandTheirUtilizationEfficiencyInQuzhouCounty¥CaoZhipins(collegeofBiology,BeijingAgriculturatUniversity,Beijing100094)。ChineseJoumalEcofogy,1993,12(2):57-58.ThispaperanalyzesthecompositionstructureandnutrientcontentoffodderresourcesinQuzhoucountyandtheirconsumptionamountandutilizationratebyvariouskindsoflivestocks.Therelationshipbe-tweenfodderresourceandlivestockspopulationstructureisalsodiscussed.Keywords:fodderresource,livestockstructure,Quzhoucounty.1引言我  相似文献   

对普通小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)基因组(AABBDD)最可能的供体-T.uratrtuThum.(AA)、T.monoccumvar.boeoticum(Boiss.)MK(AA)、AegilopsspeltoidesTausch.和Ae.tauschii(Coss.(DD)的核糖体RNA基因ITS区进行了PCR扩增和克隆,并测定了ITS1和ITS2的DNA序列,讨论和纠正了前人  相似文献   

吉占和   《广西植物》1995,15(2):106-109
本文报道了2个新种(元阳石豆兰BulbophyllumyuanyangenseTsui,长帽隔距兰CleisostomalongioperculatumTsi)、2个新组合(翼萼卷瓣兰BulbophyllumretusiusculumRchb.f.var.oreogenes(W.W.Smith)Tsi,角萼卷瓣兰B.retusiusculumRchb.f.var.tigridum(Hance)Tsi)和1个新命名(细茎毛兰EriatenuicaulisS.C.ChenetTsi)。  相似文献   

李树忠 《生物多样性》1994,2(3):181-183
北京动物园珍贵鸟类的繁殖成果简介李树忠(北京动物园,北京100044)关键词  北京动物园,鸟类,繁殖,成果BriefintroductiononthesuccessofcaptviebreedingofrarebirdsintheBeijingZo...  相似文献   

Cities around the world are undergoing rapid urbanization, resulting in the growth of informal settlements or slums. These informal settlements lack basic services, including sanitation, and are associated with joblessness, low-income levels, and insecurity. Families living in such settlements may turn to a variety of strategies to improve their livelihoods and household food security, including urban agriculture. However, given the lack of formal sanitation services in most of these informal settlements, residents are frequently exposed to a number of environmental risks, including biological and chemical contaminants. In the Kibera slums of Nairobi, Kenya, households practice a form of urban agriculture called sack gardening, or vertical gardening, where plants such as kale and Swiss chard are planted into large sacks filled with soil. Given the nature of farming in slum environments, farmers and consumers of this produce in Kibera are potentially exposed to a variety of environmental contaminants due to the lack of formal sanitation systems. Our research demonstrates that perceived and actual environmental risks, in terms of contamination of food crops from sack gardening, are not the same. Farmers perceived exposure to biological contaminants to be the greatest risk to their food crops, but we found that heavy metal contamination was also significant risk. By demonstrating this disconnect between risk perception and actual risk, we wish to inform debates about how to appropriately promote urban agriculture in informal settlements, and more generally about the trade-offs created by farming in urban spaces.  相似文献   

广州市屋顶自然生长的植物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了广州市屋顶自然生长的植物种类调查结果,共记录维管植物49科109属128种.通过调查及分析,推荐16种有较好屋顶绿化潜力的物种.  相似文献   

Global warming leads to shifts in vegetation types in given temperate environments. The fastest species movement is due to the globalized supply and use of exotic plants in gardening and urban landscaping. These standard practices circumvent dispersal limitations and biological and environmental stresses; they have three major global impacts: (i) the enhancement of biological invasions, (ii) the elevation of volatile organic compound emissions and the resulting increase in photochemical smog formation, and (iii) the enhancement of CO(2) fixation and water use by gardened plants. These global effects, none of which are currently considered in global-change scenarios, are increasingly amplified with further warming and urbanization. We urge for quantitative assessment of the global effects of gardening and urban landscaping.  相似文献   

菊科几种入侵和非入侵植物种子需光发芽特性差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对入侵菊科植物(假苍耳、薇甘菊、紫茎泽兰、飞机草)以及非入侵菊科植物(扫帚梅、天人菊、金鸡菊、麦秆菊、翠菊、黑心菊)对比研究发现,入侵组种子往往是需光发芽,即有光条件下平均高出无光条件发芽率40%(P0.01),而非入侵组的需光发芽特性不明显,即有光和无光条件下种子发芽率差异不显著(P0.05)。以入侵植物假苍耳为例对其种子需光发芽的特性研究发现:红光有利于提高种子的萌发率(萌发率为62%),而蓝光起到相反的作用(萌发率37%);当以全光的25%照射种子时,最能够促进种子的萌发(萌发率59%),更高的光强抑制种子萌发(100%光强时,发芽率为21%)。适宜浓度水杨酸SA处理(0.01mmol/L)可以起到与光照类似的效果而促进种子萌发(提高30%发芽率),而PEG和低温处理对其不存在显著影响,说明这种需光发芽的机理可能与SA处理影响种子萌发存在一定的联系。研究证实了入侵和非入侵菊科植物之间确实存在需光发芽的差异,其生理生化差异及是否有利于入侵植物的快速入侵需深入研究。  相似文献   

Urban habitats harbour considerable biological diversity. Ecologists have developed methods to select which habitats should be conserved. The Ecological value, a method based on vegetation, has been created for the urban habitats of Montreal (Quebec, Canada). The main objective of our study was to determine if this method was relevant to assess carabid diversity of Mount Royal Park. This index is calculated using five criteria: uniqueness, representativeness, degree of succession, richness and rarity of the flora, each of which can influence communities of insects. Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were selected because of their success as biological indicators. Despite sampling difficulties, our results demonstrate clearly that the Ecological value method does not represent the high carabid richness of urban open habitats (tall grasses) and their specialised native carabid species. Within forests we found nonetheless that the ecological value index has a significant positive relationship with native carabid abundance. Moreover, maturity and structure of urban forests were positively correlated with carabid abundance and richness. Some urban vegetation characteristics have been shown to influence entomological diversity, but the relevance of using a global floral index to encompass the carabid community seems limited.  相似文献   

Urbanization is associated with substantial losses to stream biological diversity throughout the United States' mid‐Atlantic. Stream restoration has been used to improve stream conditions and, in part, to ameliorate these losses. However, the relationship between restoration and recovery of biological diversity is unclear. Our objective was to critically examine the efficacy of urban stream restorations with regard to biological diversity. We compared restored urban streams to urban nonrestored, nonurban, and reference (minimally degraded) streams using five measures each of fish and benthic macroinvertebrate diversity. Both multivariate and univariate statistical analyses show biological diversity of restored urban streams to be similar to nonrestored urban streams and lower than nonurban and reference streams. Restored urban sites showed no apparent increase in biological diversity through time, while diversity decreased at two of the reference streams coincident with increased urban development within their catchments. Our results indicate that restoration approaches commonly used regionally as in these urban streams are not leading to recovery of native stream biodiversity. Evidence from several sources indicates a need for dramatic changes in restoration approach, and we argue for a watershed‐scale focus including protection of the least impacted streams and adopting other land‐based actions within the watershed where possible.  相似文献   

城市生态基础设施管理研究进展   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
徐翀崎  李锋  韩宝龙 《生态学报》2016,36(11):3146-3155
城市生态基础设施作为城市生态系统的重要组成部分,在维持自然生态过程稳定、促进社会经济发展、保障人居环境质量方面发挥着重要的作用。在快速城市化进程中,对城市生态基础设施进行科学的管理显得尤为重要。在重新明确城市生态基础设施管理概念和内涵的基础上,归纳提炼了4项管理原则,并对现有管理类型进行了梳理。对生态基础设施管理涉及的3个关键问题的常见解决方法进行了总结、分类,并对每类方法的优劣进行了分析讨论。针对此领域的工作做了展望。对于现有城市生态基础设施管理问题与方法的整合研究既有利于明确今后研究重点,也为城市生态基础设施管理提供了科学依据和案例参考。  相似文献   

As the capital of China, Beijing has experienced extensive urbanization in the past two decades. To explore the effect of urbanization on plant diversity, we investigated the vascular plant diversity of the whole Beijing Municipality in three different functional (urban, suburban and exurban) regions. For its geo-diversity, Beijing has a rather abundant vascular plant diversity (2,276 species), including 207 species of conservation concern such as endemic, threatened and protected species. The exurban region had not only the highest species diversity (1,998 species), but also the most species of conservation concern (194 species). Urban region possessed the maximum alien species in terms of both absolute number and proportional representation, while the suburban region had the least species diversity (1,026 species). Some problems, such as wetland shrink and biological invasions, were common in the whole Beijing Municipality. However, primary threats to biodiversity differed in the three functional regions. The urban and suburban regions mainly suffered from habitat loss and fragmentation due to urban sprawl, while the exurban region faced serious ecosystem degradation from increasing disturbance from both local and urban people. Based on our investigation, we put forward conservation strategies for the three regions: improving the structure and ecological function of green spaces in urban region, preserving as much remnant natural habitats in the suburban region, and restricting the rural tourism and establishing a biosphere reserve in the exurban region. In addition, improving public education and orientating that more to social aspects of conservation practice is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

The diversity of native species assemblages and that of indigenous cultures that once characterized the temperate forests of southern Chile have experienced a process of homogenization ever since the Spanish conquest. Today this process continues to erode both biotic and cultural diversity. With the goal of linking ecological research with actions to conserve the biological and cultural richness of this region, we established the Institute of Ecological Research Chiloé. The Institute's philosophy and activities involve three approaches: (1) participation of professional ecologists in environmental education and decision making, through collaboration with the community at local, regional, and global scales. (2) programs of ecological education, which include planting indigenous trees in urban areas and creating a local botanical garden with representative Chilean forest species. (3) critical analyses of the narrow economic and utilitarian environmental ethics that currently prevail in Chile, and often in other Latin American nations, and examination of traditional or novel alternative ethics and perspectives that address multiple interrelations between biological and cultural dimensions.  相似文献   

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