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ConformationalStudiesofArabinoglucuronomannology(AGM)ImshikLee;BaiChunli;WangChen(InstituteofChemistry,ChineseAcademyofScienc...  相似文献   

长白山北坡椴树红松林高等植物物种多样性   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
长白山北坡椴树红松林高等植物物种多样性郝占庆,赵士洞,陶大立,王淼森(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所110015)SpeciesdiversityofhigherplantsinLimekoreanpineforestonnortkernslopeofChangbaimountain¥HaoZhanqing;ZhaoSidong;TaoDali;WangMiao(InstituteofAppliedEcology,AcadenziaSinica,Shenyang)China,110015):ChineseJoutrnalofEcology,1993,12(6):1-5.TheShannondiversityindexandevennessareusedtoanalysethespeciesdiversityofhigherplantsinlimekoreanpineforestonnorthernslopeofChangbaiMountain。TheresultsshowthatShannondiversityin-dexis2.8228forwoodyplants,2.9766forherbs;theSha  相似文献   

达乌尔黄鼠染色体银染核仁组织者分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
达乌尔黄鼠染色体银染核仁组织者分析ANALYSISONCHROMOSOMESAg-NORSOFCITELLUSDAURICUSKeywordsCilellusdauricus;Chromosome;Ag-NOR达乌尔黄鼠(cilellusdauric...  相似文献   

中国南方低丘红壤区人工复合生态系统模式建造研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国南方低丘红壤区人工复合生态系统模式建造研究徐盛荣,吴珊眉,李辉信(南京农业大学土壤农业化学系,210014)ModelingofArtificialComplexEcosysteminLow-hillyRedSoilRegionofSouthCbina¥.XuShengrong;WuShanmei;LiHuixin(DepartmentofSoilScienceandAgriculturalChemistry,NanjingAgriculturalUniversity).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):39—40.Thispaperresearchesintothemodelingofartificialcomplexecosystemincorporatingcrop,fruit,forestandanimalhusbandrywithinacatchmentarea,whichisabasicunitoflowhillyregioninsouthChina.Themodelproducessignificantandcomprehensiveprofits.Fi  相似文献   

本研究用培养大鼠主动脉血管平滑肌细胞(VSMCs),结果如下:(1)用生物活性检测法发现VSMCs无血清条件培养液可刺激巨噬细胞集落形成,其作用能被抗巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(MCSF)抗体抑制;(2)用免疫细胞化学技术证明VSMCs存在MCSF受体;(3)用Northern blot技术证明VSMCs有MCSF及其受本的mRNA表达,血清刺激使两者表达明显增强。本研究首次报道了培养大鼠主动脉VSMC  相似文献   

横脊叶蝉亚科四新种:同翅目:叶蝉科   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文记述采自河南省伏牛铁横脊叶蝉4新种;双突横脊叶蝉Evacanthus procerus Cai et Shen.长突横脊叶蝉E.longus Cai et Shen,白斑横脊叶蝉E.albomaculatus Cai et Shen和双斑角突叶蝉Taperus bimaculatus Cai et Shen,模式标本保存在安徽农业大学。  相似文献   

重庆地区“双千田”组合模式及效益分析郑钦玉,朱自均,胡声荣,袁可(西南农业大学,重庆630716)雷炎,李登国,程世宇,温永学,刘官堂(四川省巴县农业局)CombinationModelsof"TonGrainYieldingField"inChongqingAreaandTkeirBenefitAnalysis¥.ZhengQinyu;ZhuZhijun;HuShengrong;YuanKe(SouthwestAgriculturalUniversity,Chongqing630716),LeiYan,LiDengguo,ChengShiyu,WenYongxue,LiuGuantang(BaxianBureauofAgriculture,SichuanProvince).ChineseJoumalofEcolegy,1993,12(2):34—36.Inthelightoftheeffectsandproblemsofdevelopingwinter-croppingpaddyfieldsinChongqingareaandinordertosearchaftertheoptimummodelofref  相似文献   

黄土高原粮食生产与水土流失和水土保持的相关分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
黄土高原粮食生产与水土流失和水土保持的相关分析黄占斌,张锡梅(中国科学院水利部西北水土保持研究所陕西杨陵71200)CorrelationAnalysisonGrainProduction,SoilErosionandSoilandWatreConservationinLoessPlateau¥.HuangZanbin;ZhangXimei(NorthwesternInstituteofSoilandWaterConservation,AcademiaSinicaandMinistryofWaterCoservalion,Yangling,Shaanxi,712100):ChineseJOurnalofEcology,1993,12(3):47-52.ThispaperanalysesthemutualinfluencebetweengrainproductionandsoilerosionintheloessPlateau.Itisfoundthatgrainproductivityisnegativelycorrelatedwiththepercentageofsoilerosionareaintota  相似文献   

DVISORJIAORui Shen (J .S .Chao)  Professor(InstituteofPlantPhysiologyandEcology ,ShanghaiInstitutesforBiologicalSciences ,ChineseAcademyofSciences ,Shanghai 2 0 0 0 32 ,China)EDITOR IN CHIEFYANGSheng Li  Academician(ShanghaiResearchCenterforBiotechnology ,ChineseAcad…  相似文献   

RegulationCultureonCytological,BiochemicalandPhysiologicalCharacteristicsofSomaticCarrotEmbryosHUANGMei-juan;(黄美娟),HUANGShao-...  相似文献   

Epileptic afterdischarges (ADs) elicited by electrical stimulation of sensorimotor cortical area were used as a model to study the role of neurotransmitter systems in cortical seizures in three age groups of developing rats. Drugs augmenting inhibition mediated by GABAA receptors were found to suppress ADs in all age groups, their activity was usually more marked in younger than in 25-day-old rat pups. Drugs potentiating GABAB receptors exhibit lower efficacy and more complicated developmental profile than GABAA-ergic drugs. Effects of an antagonist of GABAB receptor--marked prolongation of ADs in all three age groups--suggest an important role of GABAB receptors in arrest of cortical seizures. Drugs affecting glutamate receptors exhibit variable effects, usually better expressed in older animals than in 12-day-old ones. No specific role for ionotropic as well as metabotropic glutamate receptors could be predicted. Activation of adenosinergic inhibitory modulatory system also exhibited anticonvulsant action in the present model. All three neurotransmitter systems probably participate in mechanisms of generation, maintenance and arrest of cortical seizures.  相似文献   

Despite monolayer cultures being widely used for cancer drug development and testing, 2D cultures tend to be hypersensitive to chemotherapy and are relatively poor predictors of whether a drug will provide clinical benefit. Whilst generally more complicated, three dimensional (3D) culture systems often better recapitulate true cancer architecture and provide a more accurate drug response. As a step towards making 3D cancer cultures more accessible, we have developed a microwell platform and surface modification protocol to enable high throughput manufacture of 3D cancer aggregates. Herein we use this novel system to characterize prostate cancer cell microaggregates, including growth kinetics and drug sensitivity. Our results indicate that prostate cancer cells are viable in this system, however some non-cancerous prostate cell lines are not. This system allows us to consistently control for the presence or absence of an apoptotic core in the 3D cancer microaggregates. Similar to tumor tissues, the 3D microaggregates display poor polarity. Critically the response of 3D microaggregates to the chemotherapeutic drug, docetaxel, is more consistent with in vivo results than the equivalent 2D controls. Cumulatively, our results demonstrate that these prostate cancer microaggregates better recapitulate the morphology of prostate tumors compared to 2D and can be used for high-throughput drug testing.  相似文献   

A new system, ZCURVE 1.0, for finding protein- coding genes in bacterial and archaeal genomes has been proposed. The current algorithm, which is based on the Z curve representation of the DNA sequences, lays stress on the global statistical features of protein-coding genes by taking the frequencies of bases at three codon positions into account. In ZCURVE 1.0, since only 33 parameters are used to characterize the coding sequences, it gives better consideration to both typical and atypical cases, whereas in Markov-model-based methods, e.g. Glimmer 2.02, thousands of parameters are trained, which may result in less adaptability. To compare the performance of the new system with that of Glimmer 2.02, both systems were run, respectively, for 18 genomes not annotated by the Glimmer system. Comparisons were also performed for predicting some function-known genes by both systems. Consequently, the average accuracy of both systems is well matched; however, ZCURVE 1.0 has more accurate gene start prediction, lower additional prediction rate and higher accuracy for the prediction of horizontally transferred genes. It is shown that the joint applications of both systems greatly improve gene-finding results. For a typical genome, e.g. Escherichia coli, the system ZCURVE 1.0 takes approximately 2 min on a Pentium III 866 PC without any human intervention. The system ZCURVE 1.0 is freely available at: http://tubic. tju.edu.cn/Zcurve_B/.  相似文献   

Systems biology uses systems of mathematical rules and formulas to study complex biological phenomena. In cancer research there are three distinct threads in systems biology research: modeling biology or biophysics with the goal of establishing plausibility or obtaining insights, modeling based on statistics, bioinformatics, and reverse engineering with the goal of better characterizing the system, and modeling with the goal of clinical predictions. Using illustrative examples we discuss these threads in the context of cancer research.  相似文献   

重组蛋白表达系统的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用基因重组表达外源蛋白在现代生物学技术的发展与应用中起着重要的作用。根据外源基因表达宿主不同,可以将表达系统大致分为两类:原核和真核表达系统。该文比较了常见的几种表达系统的优缺点,并探讨了在选择适合的表达系统时所需要考虑的因素如目标蛋白的产量、生物学活性、用途及其物理化学性质以及表达系统本身的成本、便利性及其安全性等,以便于选择适合的表达系统,优化提高重组蛋白产量等,进而更好地服务于科学研究。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the sustainability of livestock systems, emphasising bidirectional relations with animal health. We review conventional and contrarian thinking on sustainability and argue that in the most common approaches to understanding sustainability, health aspects have been under-examined. Literature review reveals deep concerns over the sustainability of livestock systems; we recognise that interventions are required to shift to more sustainable trajectories, and explore approaches to prioritising in different systems, focusing on interventions that lead to better health. A previously proposed three-tiered categorisation of ‘hot spots’, ‘cold spots’ and ‘worried well’ animal health trajectories provides a mental model that, by taking into consideration the different animal health status, animal health risks, service response needs and key drivers in each system, can help identify and implement interventions. Combining sustainability concepts with animal health trajectories allows for a richer analysis, and we apply this to three case studies drawn from North Africa and the Middle East; Bangladesh; and the Eastern Cape of South Africa. We conclude that the quest for sustainability of livestock production systems from the perspective of human and animal health is elusive and difficult to reconcile with the massive anticipated growth in demand for livestock products, mainly in low- and middle-income countries, as well as the aspirations of poor livestock keepers for better lives. Nevertheless, improving the health of livestock can contribute to health sustainability both through reducing negative health impacts of livestock and increasing efficiency of production. However, the choice of the most appropriate options must be under-pinned by an understanding of agro-ecology, economy and values. We argue that a new pillar of One Health should be added to the three traditional sustainability pillars of economics, society and environment when addressing livestock systems.  相似文献   

刘涛  吴钢  付晓 《生态学报》2012,32(10):2985-2991
近年来,随着流域水污染问题日益严重,流域上下游之间的利益冲突日趋明显,流域生态补偿成为协调流域上下游利益冲突的重要途径。虽然我国一些地区已经开展了流域生态补偿的实践,并取得了一定成效,但在具体执行中还存在许多问题。通过分析不同制度安排下流域上下游利益相关者的福利变化,来说明制度的重要作用。在介绍有关制度的重要概念后,通过比较"囚徒困境"和"囚徒梦想"两个博弈案例,指出了制度安排对效率的重要影响,即效率和公平的是由现有制度安排决定的,在每一种制度安排下,效率和公平的含义会有所不同。基于一个流域污染赔偿的算例,分析了四种制度安排下的效率差异。在这个例子中,甲代表上游的排放污水的企业,乙代表下游受害的居民。在第一种制度安排下,甲不用考虑对乙造成的损失,双方的总收益实现了最大化,但大多数人会认为这种制度安排对乙不公平。在后三种"更公平"的制度安排下,存在着对乙的利益进行补偿的不同方案,且在第三种制度安排下,双方的总收益同样达到了最大化,只有在对甲进行强制的制度安排下(即强制要求甲安装污水处理设施),双方的总收益均少于其它三种制度。对案例的分析表明:(1)通过设计合理的制度,公平和效率可以"兼得";(2)如果利益相关者拥有影响制度安排的机会,将能够促进社会公平。研究为决策者提供一个分析框架,对缓解目前流域生态补偿中上下游的利益冲突具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

At present, a three-tier system is used to grade cervical dyskaryosis in the UK, although the two-tier Bethesda system is used in the United States, and the British Society for Clinical Cytology has recommended that a two-tier system be implemented here. In this study, we have retrospectively re-graded 117 conventional cervical smears using both systems to determine the intra- and interobserver variation and compare the cytology grading in both systems with the final histology. The intra and interobserver agreement was moderate using both grading systems, but the agreement between cytology grade and final histology was poor in both the two- and three-tier systems, and slightly worse using two-tier grading. However, when each of the three histological categories is considered separately the two-tier system appears to work better. Therefore, changing the way in which cervical dyskaryosis is graded in the UK may result in poorer agreement between the cervical smear result and the final histological diagnosis if introduced without proper training, monitoring and assessment.  相似文献   

Two enzyme systems capable of reducing disulphide bonds both in low-Mr compounds and in polypeptides and proteins exist. One consists of thioltransferase in combination with reduced glutathione and glutathione reductase, and the second consists of thioredoxin in combination with thioredoxin reductase. Their relative effectiveness in catalysing disulphide reduction of various substrates in rat liver cytosol was evaluated in the present study. The thioltransferase-dependent system was found to be more efficient in reducing small molecules. Insulin was most effectively reduced by the thioredoxin system. Bovine trypsin was a better substrate for thioltransferase, and partially proteolysed bovine serum albumin was equally good for the two systems. Thus, in the case of protein disulphide bonds, the nature of the particular substrate used determines which of the two reducing systems is the more important.  相似文献   

近年来,细菌糖基化修饰系统的研究受到了越来越广泛的关注。已有文献报道了诸多细菌糖基化修饰系统,包括最具有代表性的空肠弯曲杆菌的N-糖基化修饰系统以及脑膜炎奈瑟菌的O-糖基修饰系统。本文在已有的研究基础上进行了系统的归纳总结,讨论对细菌蛋白质糖基化系统的理解,同时综述了细菌蛋白质糖基化应用方面的相关进展。  相似文献   

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