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北部湾儒艮现状的调查兼记印度洋白海豚   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
为了解北部湾中国水域儒艮的现状 ,于 2 0 0 0年 9月 15日至 11月 17日在广东、海南、广西三省区的沿岸海域进行了 36次舟船考察。调查结果表明 ,在北部湾的部分海域仍有儒艮存在 ,但数量比 2 0世纪 80年代已显著减少。建议把海南省西海岸近海的儒艮及其栖息地的保护作为最优先的海兽保护项目。另外在 11月 3日和 4日在广西壮族自治区北海市大风江口 (2 1°36′N ,10 8°5 4′E)的舟船考察中 ,还分别观察到约 7头和 4头印度洋白海豚的小群 ,它们属于在中国海域已知的唯一印度洋白海豚种群 ,建议广西合浦国家级儒艮自然保护区把印度洋白海豚也作为其重点保护对象之一。  相似文献   

福建及中国其他沿岸海域中国鲎资源分布现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用调访渔民、浅海底拖网、野外观测潮间带亲鲎产卵和幼鲎孵育情况等调查方法,重点调查了福建沿岸海域中国鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)资源分布和数量,并走访调查了浙江省、广东省、海南省、广西壮族自治区和台湾地区金门岛等地代表性的中国鲎栖息地,对中国沿岸海域中国鲎资源现状作了较全面的调查。结果表明,大部分海滩已多年未见中国鲎上岸产卵,中国鲎在上岸之前已被渔民通过底拖网捕获,能见到幼鲎的海滩寥寥无几,中国鲎已经从大部分海域消失,中国鲎资源量濒临枯竭。目前尚存少量中国鲎的海域主要是东山湾和北部湾海域。金门岛海域则因为人工放流和设立了中国鲎保护区,中国鲎资源得到较好的恢复。中国鲎资源衰竭的主要原因是人类的过度捕捞、栖息地的破坏和海域环境污染等。中国鲎资源的保护迫在眉睫。建议将中国鲎列入国家级重点保护动物名录,增设中国鲎自然保护区,加强渔业管理以及人工增殖放流等措施。  相似文献   

目前我国印太江豚 (Neophocaena phocaenoides) 的基础信息十分有限,2018—2020年对北部湾离岸较近的广西壮族自治区合浦儒艮国家级自然保护区及离岸较远的涠洲岛水域进行了截线抽样法船只考察。应用DISTANCE估算出儒艮国家级自然保护区印太江豚密度约为每平方千米0.273 (0.133 ~ 0.561) 头,数量约88头 (95%CI:43 ~ 181);涠洲岛水域印太江豚密度约为每平方千米0.100 (0.048 ~ 0.210) 头,数量约137头 (95%CI:65 ~ 286)。利用最大熵模型 (MaxEnt) 分析北部湾水域印太江豚的适宜栖息地分布及面积。MaxEnt模型训练集和测试集AUC值分别为0.980和0.927,模型拟合度较好,结果表明离岸距离和海洋深度是影响印太江豚栖息地分布的主要因子,印太江豚的适宜栖息地在北部湾东北部近岸区和海南西侧,适宜度超过0.5的栖息地面积达14 630.62 km2。2018—2020年印太江豚适宜栖息地面积较2013年大幅度下降,0.5适宜度的栖息地面积减少了40%。参考印太江豚2个群体的平均密度和北部湾适宜栖息地面积,粗略估计北部湾水域印太江豚约1 463 ~ 3 994头。由此可见,北部湾水域内印太江豚密度比较高,应引起足够的重视。建议首先进行区域性海洋环境的整体保护,重点关注鱼类资源的恢复及对人类活动尤其渔船的管控,并尽快建立新的自然保护区。  相似文献   

儒艮在中国近海的分布   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
儒艮Dugong dugon(Muller,1776)隶属海牛目Sirenia,儒艮科Dugongidae,俗称海牛,又称人鱼,海南岛渔民称海马。以往中国沿海产儒艮的研究甚少,只Hirasaka(1932)和寿振黄(1958)有过头骨及骨骼的描述报道,对其生态及分布方面的调查研究还没有深入的开展。1962年、1981年和1984年我们对儒艮在中国沿岸的分布进行了调查访问,并对近年所得儒艮的外形作了一些测量。现将所得资料整理报道。  相似文献   

<正>儒艮(Dugong dugon)隶属海牛目(Sirenia)儒艮科(Dugongidae)。广泛分布于印度洋、西太平洋热带及亚热带的大陆沿岸水域和岛屿间(周开亚等,2001),我国分布于广西、海南、广东和台湾省南部的沿岸海域,海南记录于东方北黎湾、儋州白马井洋浦港、澄迈东水港等地(王丕烈和孙建运,1986;周开亚等,2003;王丕烈等,2007)。  相似文献   

王新星  陈涛  李敏  王跃中 《生态学报》2022,42(7):2962-2973
沿岸鲸豚类栖息地易受人类活动的干扰,导致其分布和核心栖息地发生变化。珠江口-漠阳江口中华白海豚种群是目前所知全球范围内最大的种群,其中伶仃洋水域是其重要的栖息地。近年来,珠江口伶仃洋周边城市发展带来的人类活动增加,白海豚的生存压力日益增大,分析伶仃洋中华白海豚对栖息地环境变化的响应,研究对应的保护策略显得非常迫切。以多源陆地资源卫星Landsat为数据源,通过影像分析近43年珠江口伶仃洋围填海造成的海域流失,结合近20年来采用截线抽样法收集的海豚观测数据,运用含障碍核插值(Kernel interpolation with barriers)方法,分析白海豚的分布及核心栖息地的变化。结果显示:1986-2015年期间,研究区域内流失的海域面积为344.08km2;目击分布离人工海岸线的平均距离大于自然海岸线的平均距离,目击分布到自然海岸线和人工海岸线的平均距离均在减小,表明过去20年白海豚的栖息地使用选择发生了一些变化,被迫适应人类活动的干扰;1997-2016年白海豚的分布范围呈现先增加后减小,白海豚栖息地使用的重心偏向伶仃洋东部水域,核心栖息地趋向主航道和无人海岛附近水域萎缩,可能是海豚因海域食物资源减少而迫不得已的选择。不同时期,珠江口中华白海豚国家级自然保护区所覆盖的核心栖息地比例呈递减趋势,占比由79.9%下降到49.4%,当前有必要对保护区范围和功能区作出一些优化调整,以适应栖息地使用的变化格局。  相似文献   

在山西庞泉沟自然保护区进行了国家Ⅱ级保护动物原麝的资源调查,并记述了栖息地特征、密度及其食性。  相似文献   

鹞落坪自然保护区商城肥鲵的资源分布及生境选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006~2008年在鹞落坪国家级自然保护区对商城肥鲵资源状况进行调查,并对商城肥鲵栖息地的部分生态因子进行了监测。结果表明:鹞落坪自然保护区内的黄栗园河、大石屋冲和小石屋冲三个地点发现有商城肥鲵的栖息,其栖息地海拔介于600~1200 m之间,分布数量较少,对栖息地的生境有着严格的要求,且显示出"斑块化"和"破碎化"的特点。本文在分析了保护区目前所存在问题的同时,提出了保护商城肥鲵的措施与对策。  相似文献   

马鞍列岛褐菖鲉Sebasticus marmoratus栖息地适宜性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾旭  章守宇  汪振华  林军  王凯 《生态学报》2016,36(12):3765-3774
为了评估趋礁鱼类在岛礁海域的生境适宜度,选取马鞍列岛的褐菖鲉(Sebasticus marmoratus)为指示物种,以2009年获取的水深、盐度、叶绿素a、浊度和底质数据作为褐菖鲉春、冬季栖息地指示因子,建立栖息地适宜度曲线,并计算各站点的栖息地适宜性指数(HSI)。结果显示:1)绿华、花鸟、嵊山沿岸站点HSI普遍较低,枸杞岛、三横山、东库山沿岸站点褐菖鲉HSI相对较高,其中最大值1.0出现在枸杞岛沿岸的站点;2)春季褐菖鲉幼鱼的适宜水深在6 m左右,成鱼适宜在8—12 m的水深处生存;冬季褐菖鲉对8—12 m的水深适宜性良好;3)春季所有褐菖鲉的适宜盐度为30PSU,冬季幼鱼的适宜盐度为27—31PSU,成鱼的适宜盐度为27PSU、31PSU;4)随着叶绿素a和浊度值的增大,褐菖鲉适宜性逐渐降低。底质类型为岩时最适合褐菖鲉生存。5)相关分析显示,褐菖鲉丰度与底质类型相关性最大,而与叶绿素a、浊度呈显著负相关。研究结果表明,初级生产力和浑浊程度越高对褐菖鲉丰度抑制越明显。底质类型是褐菖鲉丰度分布的重要影响因子,其中分布有较多大型海藻的岩礁生境是其最适宜的栖息地。利用2010年春、冬季环境调查和渔获数据进行HSI模型验证,资源丰度随HSI值升高而增加,因此构建的模型可用于趋礁鱼类在岛礁海域的栖息地适宜性分析。  相似文献   

为了准确掌握青岛胶州湾口海域文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)的分布特征,2009年11月作者选择了北沙海域和南沙海域,共设34个站位,采用箱式采泥器对文昌鱼资源及栖息环境进行了调查.在北沙海域发现了较为集中的文昌鱼栖息地,栖息密度为162 ind./m2,平均生物量为11.93g/m2;优势体长为...  相似文献   

New Caledonia is at the eastern limit of the dugong's range. In June 2003 standardized dugong aerial survey methodology was used to estimate the abundance and distribution of dugongs in the coastal waters of New Caledonia, resulting in a population estimate of 1,814 ± SE 332. This represents the largest concentration of dugongs in Melanesia and one of the largest populations in the world, outside Australia and the Arabian region. Calves comprised 7.2% of the population. The observed density of dugongs was highest in the center and southern part of the west coast of the island but not significantly different from the density on the north west and north east. In the central west region, sightings were associated with a pass in the barrier reef and up to a third of the on‐survey sightings were outside of the barrier reef. The dugong distribution we observed during June 2003 differs from the reported locations of historical hunts in several respects.  相似文献   

The dugong is the only herbivorous mammal that is strictly marine and a seagrass community specialist. The pasture available to the dugong varies with the tides because seagrass occurs in both intertidal and subtidal areas. We GPS-tracked seven dugongs within a 24 km2, intensively used seagrass habitat in subtropical Australia in winter. We modeled resource selection within the habitat by comparing the dugongs’ use of space with the distribution of seagrass in an area defined using the combined space-use of the tracked animals. Selection by dugongs for seagrass quantity (biomass) and quality (nutrients) was analyzed within six time/tide combinations to examine the influences of tidal periodicity and the diel cycle on resource selection. Dugong habitat use was consistently centered over seagrass patches with high nitrogen concentrations, except during the day at low tides when the animals had fewer habitat choices and their space use was centered over high seagrass biomass. The association of dugongs with seagrass high in starch was positive during both day and night high tides when the animals could access the intertidal areas where seagrass biomass was generally low. Associations between dugongs and seagrass species were less definite, reflecting the potential for dugongs to exploit several species. Our model of dugong resource selection suggests that nitrogen is the primary limiting nutrient for dugong populations and also confirms the preference of dugongs for high-energy foods.  相似文献   

We conducted aerial surveys of dugongs ( Dugong dugon ) using the line-transect method and snorkeling surveys of dugong feeding trails in 1998 and 1999 around Okinawa Island (26°30'N, 128°00'E) and the Sakishima Islands, southern Japan. A total of ten dugongs were sighted and feeding trails were confirmed in the sea grass beds off the east coast of Okinawa Island. In the Sakishima Islands, however, no dugongs were observed, and there was no evidence of feeding trails despite the existence of apparently suitable sea grass beds for feeding. The results of these surveys and other available information suggest that Okinawan dugongs represent a small, geographically isolated population. Our sightings of dugongs during the daytime, offshore of sea grass beds where feeding trails were recorded, suggest that Okinawan dugongs principally feed at night when human activities are limited. Survival of this remnant dugong population is threatened by habitat degradation and occasional entanglement mortality in fishing nets.  相似文献   

In 2000 and 2001, dugong abundance was estimated using aerial surveys in three provinces along the Andaman coast of Thailand. A microlite aircraft was used to fly aerial transects over seagrass areas. All surveys were done during rising tides as the dugongs came to the seagrass beds to feed. The largest population was found in Trang province. In Trang, the total number of sightings during 22 surveys was 264, out of which 31.5% were single dugongs. The largest group seen in 2000 was 30, and in 2001, 53. The maximum number of calves seen in one day was 13. The best minimum estimate of population abundance is 123 animals (CV = 60.8%) in Trang province. Higher numbers of dugong sightings and group sizes corresponded with higher tides until water turbidity impeded sightings after the highest spring tide. In other areas the number of animals seen was too small for population estimates.  相似文献   

Disturbance from boats has been documented for many species of marine mammals, especially cetaceans, but has never been quantified for dugongs. Dugongs depend on seagrass for food. This food mostly occurs in shallow coastal areas where boat traffic is high. Thus there is potential for boats to alienate dugongs from critical habitat areas. Using an overhead video observation system (‘blimp-cam’), we observed the behaviour of focal dugongs during controlled boat pass experiments and while no boats were present. The percentage of time focal dugongs spent feeding and travelling was unaffected by boat presence, the number of boat passes and whether a pass included a stop and restart (pass continuity). The duration, distance and direction of a focal dugong's subsurface behaviour were unaffected by number, continuity or distance of boat passes. However, focal dugongs were less likely to continue feeding if the boat passed within 50 m, than if the boat passed at a greater distance. Mass movements of dugong feeding herds in response to experimental and opportunistically observed boats were timed on 42 occasions but only lasted an average of 122 s. These movements occurred in response to boats passing at a range of speeds, and at distances of less than 50 m to over 500 m. The levels of boat traffic we observed may reduce dugongs' feeding time budget by a maximum of 0.8-6%. Thus at present boats appear unlikely to be having a substantive effect on the energy intake of dugong populations at our study site on the Moreton Banks near Brisbane, Australia. However, boat traffic is likely to increase in this fast growing region, raising concern about the future impact of boats on this and other dugong populations.  相似文献   

Research on dugong–seagrass interactions in Indonesia was done during the period 1990 until 2005 in respectively East Aru, Maluku Province and East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This research investigated intensive rotational grazing by dugongs in intertidal inshore Halodule univervis seagrass meadows, dugong movements in relation to these grazing swards, and analyses of parameters explaining the temporal and spatial patterns of grazing in these meadows. In this paper, we report the findings of this long-term study. The patterns of movement and the results of snorkelling surveys confirmed a practice of regular recropping of restricted grazing swards by small feeding assemblages of dugongs. Dugong grazing showed a significant correlation with carbohydrate content of the below-ground biomass and no significant relation with total N. The timing of dugong grazing in these intertidal meadows coincides with high below-ground biomass and high carbohydrate content in the rhizomes of H. uninervis in the upper 0–4 cm sediment layer. Our findings support the hypothesis that temporal dugong grazing is ruled by carbohydrate content in below-ground biomass. The mechanisms of rotational grazing in restricted grazing swards are not yet well understood, and the maximisation of carbohydrates does not fully explain this phenomenon. Our research confirms that intertidal H. univervis seagrass meadows form a crucial resource for dugong survival. These relatively unknown biotopes need therefore more attention in research and conservation programmes.  相似文献   

The diving behaviour of 15 dugongs (Dugong dugon) was documented using time-depth recorders (TDRs), which logged a total of 39,507 dives. The TDRs were deployed on dugongs caught at three study sites in northern Australia: Shark Bay, the Gulf of Carpentaria and Shoalwater Bay. The average time for which the dive data were collected per dugong was 10.4±1.1 (S.E.) days. Overall, these dugongs spent 47% of their daily activities within 1.5 m of the sea surface and 72% less than 3 m from the sea surface. Their mean maximum dive depth was 4.8±0.4 m (S.E.), mean dive duration was 2.7±0.17 min and the number of dives per hour averaged 11.8±1.2. The maximum dive depth recorded was 20.5 m; the maximum dive time in water >1.5 m deep was 12.3 min. The effects of dugong sex, location (study site), time of day and tidal cycle on diving rates (dives per hour), mean maximum dive depths, durations of dives, and time spent ≤1.5 m from the surface were investigated using weighted split-plot analysis of variance. The dugongs exhibited substantial interindividual variation in all dive parameters. The interaction between location and time of day was significant for diving rates, mean maximum dive depths and time spent within 1.5 m of the surface. In all these cases, there was substantial variation among individuals within locations among times of day. Thus, it was the variation among individuals that dominated all other effects. Dives were categorised into five types based on the shape of the time-depth profile. Of these, 67% of dives were interpreted as feeding dives (square and U-shaped), 8% as exploratory dives (V-shaped), 22% as travelling dives (shallow-erratic) and 3% as shallow resting dives. There was systematic variation in the distribution of dive types among the factors examined. Most of this variation was among individuals, but this differed across both time of day and tidal state. Not surprisingly, there was a positive relationship between dive duration and depth and a negative relationship between the number of dives per hour and the time spent within 1.5 m of the surface after a dive.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Quantifying the factors influencing behaviors of aquatic mammalian grazers may enhance the generic understanding of grazer ecology. We investigated diel and tidal patterns in movements of the dugong (Dugong dugon) by Global Positioning System—tracking 12 animals in 5 inshore—intertidal and 3 offshore—subtidal habitats along the coast of Queensland, Australia. We examined effects of tide height and time of day on the dugong's distance from 1) the nearest coast, 2) water >3 m deep, 3) actual water depth (bathymetry + tide ht) experienced, and 4) distribution of the directions of movements. Both tidal and diel cycles influenced dugong movement. Tracked dugongs tended to be closer to shore at high tide than at low tide and closer to shore at night than during the day. Onshore movement was more prevalent on incoming tides and in the afternoon and evening. Offshore movement was more prevalent on outgoing tides and from midnight through the morning until midday. Tidal and diel variation in water depths used by the inshore—intertidal dugongs was small, but probably underestimated, hidden by a sampling bias in the telemetry equipment. Onshore movement at high tide allowed dugongs to exploit intertidal seagrass beds. Dugongs are closer to shore in afternoons and evenings than in mornings. This behavior may be related to the avoidance of predators or watercraft. Our findings can be used to predict spatial patterns of dugongs within areas of conservation management significance and to assess, avoid, and mitigate adverse effects of anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

Okadaic acid (OA) is a diarrhetic shellfish poison (DSP) produced by a number of marine organisms including the benthic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima, which are often found on seagrass. As seagrass forms the basis of the diet of dugong (Dugong dugon) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas), these herbivores may potentially be exposed to OA through ingestion of P. lima found on the seagrass. In this study, the abundance of epiphytic P. lima, on seagrass, and the concentration of OA produced by these epiphytic dinoflagellates was measured in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. P. lima and OA were found on all four species of seagrass collected. OA was detected in epiphytic material collected from seagrass, with a maximum of 460 ng OA/kg(wwtSG) found on Halophila spinulosa. From this information, the estimated maximum daily intake (DI) of OA by an adult dugong consuming 40 kg(wwtSG)/day was 18,400 ng/day, and an adult turtle consuming 2 kg(wwtSG)/day was 920 ng/day. Analysis by HPLC/MS/MS of 54 stranded dugongs and 19 stranded turtles did not yield OA above the detection limit of 10,000 ng/kg(animal tissue). OA was found on seagrass, however it was not detected in the tissue samples of dugongs and turtles.  相似文献   

Aerial surveys of marine mammals are routinely conducted to assess and monitor species’ habitat use and population status. In Australia, dugongs (Dugong dugon) are regularly surveyed and long-term datasets have formed the basis for defining habitat of high conservation value and risk assessments of human impacts. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may facilitate more accurate, human-risk free, and cheaper aerial surveys. We undertook the first Australian UAV survey trial in Shark Bay, western Australia. We conducted seven flights of the ScanEagle UAV, mounted with a digital SLR camera payload. During each flight, ten transects covering a 1.3 km2 area frequently used by dugongs, were flown at 500, 750 and 1000 ft. Image (photograph) capture was controlled via the Ground Control Station and the capture rate was scheduled to achieve a prescribed 10% overlap between images along transect lines. Images were manually reviewed post hoc for animals and scored according to sun glitter, Beaufort Sea state and turbidity. We captured 6243 images, 627 containing dugongs. We also identified whales, dolphins, turtles and a range of other fauna. Of all possible dugong sightings, 95% (CI = 90%, 98%) were subjectively classed as ‘certain’ (unmistakably dugongs). Neither our dugong sighting rate, nor our ability to identify dugongs with certainty, were affected by UAV altitude. Turbidity was the only environmental variable significantly affecting the dugong sighting rate. Our results suggest that UAV systems may not be limited by sea state conditions in the same manner as sightings from manned surveys. The overlap between images proved valuable for detecting animals that were masked by sun glitter in the corners of images, and identifying animals initially captured at awkward body angles. This initial trial of a basic camera system has successfully demonstrated that the ScanEagle UAV has great potential as a tool for marine mammal aerial surveys.  相似文献   

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