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啮齿动物的分散贮食行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
食物贮藏是许多动物重要的适应性行为,分散贮藏的食物以植物种子为主。每个贮藏点贮藏数量不等的食物项目。啮齿动物分散贮藏食物之后,可降低食物被其他个体获取的机率,提高对食物资源的控制能力,最终有利于自身的生存和繁殖成功。植物种子被贮藏之后,可减少非贮食鼠类对种子的取食。同时,合适的微生境和埋藏有利于种子萌发、幼苗建成和植物的更新;使植物的分布区得以扩展。探讨啮齿动物的分散贮食行为,能够更好地理解食物贮藏在啮齿动物生活史中的作用,进一步认识鼠类和植物的相互关系以及不同啮齿动物在群落形成中的潜在作用。本综述了啮齿动物分散贮食的研究进展,并提出今后工作中的几点建议。  相似文献   

王威  张洪茂  张知彬 《兽类学报》2007,27(4):358-364
面对捕食风险,贮藏植物种子的啮齿动物如何通过调整其贮藏行为,权衡捕食风险和贮食效益,需要深入研究。2006 年9 月,在北京东灵山地区,以黄鼬作为捕食风险源,在半自然围栏内比较了有无捕食风险源时,岩松鼠贮藏的核桃种子的状态,以及埋藏种子在实验围栏内的分布、微生境和搬运距离,以探讨捕食风险对岩松鼠贮藏种子行为的影响。结果表明,捕食风险源存在时,搬运和埋藏种子的比例都显著减少,弃置地表种子的比例无显著差异;埋藏于高风险区的种子比例减少,中风险区和低风险区的埋藏种子比例增加,但差异都不显著;位于裸地和草下的埋藏种子比例减少,位于墙基的埋藏种子比例增加,但差异都不显著;此外,埋藏种子的搬运距离也没有显著差异。可见,捕食风险源存在时,岩松鼠显著减少了搬运和埋藏种子的比例,但对埋藏种子时的埋藏区域和微生境选择,以及搬运距离无显著影响。差异不显著可能与围栏效应有关。  相似文献   

不同植物种子依靠不同的方式实现扩散,啮齿动物对林木种子搬运后在取食点微生境和贮藏方式的选择存在偏好,研究其贮藏行为与微生境的关系是探究幼苗建成的关键。在秦岭中段火地塘林区,采用标签标记法,以锐齿槲栎、华山松和油松种子为材料,探究了小型啮齿动物对松栎混交林建群种种子扩散过程的影响。结果表明:1)油松种子原地取食率显著高于锐齿槲栎和华山松种子,且啮齿动物更倾向于搬运后取食(60%)和埋藏(4.33%)华山松种子,搬运后取食距离也为华山松最大(2.49 m);锐齿槲栎小种子被搬运后埋藏的距离最大(4.92 m)。2)除华山松种子外,其他类型种子被搬运后单个取食的比例均在85%以上;油松种子不存在埋藏点,而其他类型种子90%以上均以单个形式被埋藏。3)大部分种子被啮齿动物搬运后选择在裸地丢弃;锐齿槲栎大种子(87.5%)、小种子(78.57%)和华山松种子(53.33%)较大比例被啮齿动物埋藏在灌丛下方,埋藏在裸地的种子较少。4)大部分种子在灌丛下方被取食,仅华山松种子被啮齿动物搬运到洞穴取食;除油松种子被大量原地取食外,其他类型种子被搬运到取食点的种子比例基本呈现由微生境植被复杂到简单(灌丛—草丛—灌丛边缘—裸地)而逐渐减小的趋势。种子的营养价值及取食和搬运过程中啮齿动物付出的成本是影响种子命运的关键性因子,且啮齿动物对种子埋藏和取食地点的微生境存在较明显的选择性。  相似文献   

梁振玲  马建章  戎可 《生态学报》2016,36(4):1162-1169
分散贮食是许多动物取食行为策略的重要组成部分。对以植物种子为主要贮食对象的动物来说,种子内营养物质含量、种子大小以及种子内次生化合物的含量等因素都直接影响动物的贮食行为。动物偏爱贮藏个体较大的种子,大种子多被搬运并分散贮藏在远离种源的地方,而小种子则多被就地取食,以补充动物贮食过程中的能量消耗。贮食动物主要通过空间记忆、特殊路线以及贮藏点周围的直接线索等途径重新获取贮藏点内食物。在重取过程中,一些贮藏点被遗忘,其中的种子成为植物种群更新的潜在种子库。因此,分散贮食动物不仅是种子捕食者,还是种子传播者,它们对植物种子的捕食、搬运和贮藏,影响了植物种子的存活和幼苗的建成,从而在一定程度上影响植物种群的更新、分布。植物种群为了促进种子的传播,在进化过程中逐渐形成了形式多样的适应性策略,降低种子的直接被捕食率,提高种子的被贮藏率。研究动物分散贮食行为对植物种群更新的影响,将有助于理解贮食动物与植物之间的互惠关系,从而认识贮食动物种群在生态系统中的作用,为生物多样性的保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

啮齿动物对植物种子的多次贮藏   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
啮齿动物对种子的多次搬运和贮藏是极为复杂的行为过程,既是对自己贮藏物进行管理、防御竞争者盗食的一种策略,也是盗食其它个体贮藏物的一种食物利用方式。此外,啮齿动物多次贮藏种子的过程实际上也是植物种子的多阶段扩散过程,因而对植物更新产生重要影响。本文综述了啮齿动物对植物种子多次贮藏的研究进展,分析了多次贮藏种子的原因,并从啮齿动物与植物的相互关系上探讨其生态学意义。  相似文献   

啮齿动物作用下退耕地山杏种子扩散与贮藏的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
啮齿动物对植物种子的取食和扩散影响种子的时空分布,继而影响种子的萌发和幼苗建成,因而在森林更新中起着重要作用.在国有济源市愚公林场,选择退耕地生境,于春季、夏季、秋季分别释放人工标记的山杏种子,观察啮齿动物扩散与埋藏山杏种子的季节性差异.结果表明:1)退耕地中的啮齿动物主要包括大林姬鼠、社鼠、黑线姬鼠;2)山杏种子扩散速率在春季显著慢于夏季,夏季显著慢于秋季;3)种子搬运量受季节和种子状态交互作用影响,春季显著少于夏季,夏季显著少于秋季;4)不同季节种子平均搬运距离不同,秋季不同状态种子的搬运距离均大于春季和夏季;5)啮齿动物对山杏种子的贮藏点大小多为1粒种子,少量为2、3粒种子,且贮藏点大小与季节间存在显著的交互作用,春季单粒种子的贮藏点数量显著少于夏季和秋季,而夏季与秋季的贮藏点则倾向于多粒种子;6)在夏季和秋季各有5枚(共释放1800枚)被啮齿动物分散贮藏的山杏种子建成幼苗.  相似文献   

植物的繁殖体总是面临来自各类生物(如昆虫、脊椎动物、真菌)的捕食风险。因动物捕食引起的种子死亡率影响植物的适合度、种群动态、群落结构和物种多样性的保持。种子被捕食的时间和强度成为植物生活史中发芽速度、地下种子库等特征的主要选择压力,而种子大小、生境类型等因素也影响动物对植物种子的捕食。捕食者饱和现象被认为是植物和种子捕食者之间的高度协同进化作用的结果,是限制动物破坏种子、提高被扩散种子存活率的一种选择压力。大部分群落中的大多数植物种子被动物扩散。种子扩散影响种子密度、种子被捕食率、病原体攻击率、种子与母树的距离、种子到达的生境类型以及建成的植株将与何种植物竞争,从而影响种子和幼苗的存活,最终影响母树及后代植物的适合度。种子被动物扩散后的分布一般遵循负指数分布曲线,大多数种子并没有扩散到离母树很远的地方。捕食风险、生境类型、植被盖度均影响动物对种子的扩散。植物结实的季节和果实损耗的过程也体现了其对扩散机会的适应。许多动物有贮藏植物种子的行为。动物贮藏植物繁殖体的行为,一方面调节食物的时空分布,提高了贮食动物在食物缺乏期的生存概率;另一方面也为种子萌发提供了适宜条件,促进了植物的扩散。于是,植物与贮食动物形成了一种协同进化关系,这种关系可能是自然界互惠关系(mutualism)的一种。影响幼苗存活和建成的因子包括种子贮蒇点的微生境、湿度、坡向、坡度、林冠盖度等。许多果食性动物吃掉果肉后,再将完好的种子反刍或排泄出来。种子经动物消化道处理后,发芽率常有所提高。  相似文献   

啮齿动物对秦岭松栎混交林建群种种子扩散格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林群落中的啮齿动物对林木种子存在着一定的取食偏好性,这种偏好性会使啮齿动物形成不同的捕食和贮藏策略,从而导致林木种子形成不同的扩散格局。以秦岭中段松栎混交林建群种锐齿槲栎、油松、华山松为研究对象,采用塑料标签标记种子方法,研究啮齿动物对种子传播和扩散格局的影响。结果表明:(1)种子特征是影响啮齿动物对其进行扩散的重要因子,油松种子以其质量小、种皮薄等特点吸引啮齿动物大量捕食,其原地取食率达到83.33%,显著高于华山松和锐齿槲栎种子。(2)锐齿槲栎和华山松种子大部分被搬运一定距离后再被取食和埋藏,其中,扩散距离在1 m以内、1—3 m和5—8 m的锐齿槲栎种子分别占59.12%、18.23%和13.26%,最远扩散距离达12 m处;华山松种子扩散距离主要介于在1—3 m(37.85%)和3—5 m(23.73%),在距离5—8 m(13.56%)、8—10 m(11.86%)和大于10 m(11.30%)区间也有一定的分布,最大扩散距离为12 m。(3)啮齿动物倾向于将锐齿槲栎种子搬运至松林内取食,而将华山松种子搬运至栎林内埋藏,说明不同林分类型及其环境因素对林木种子扩散后的分布格局具有重要影响。(4)3种类型种子被啮齿动物捕食的比例以油松最大(96.90%),锐齿槲栎次之(73.57%),华山松最小(50%);次年调查时,未被捕食的种子大部分已经被取食,仅有极少数锐齿槲栎种子萌发成幼苗(1.67%)。啮齿动物的捕食和贮藏行为对林木种子扩散及其成功更新都至关重要。  相似文献   

同种竞争压力对小泡巨鼠贮藏油茶种子行为的作用分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
2002年11~12月,在四川省都江堰地区的亚热带常绿阔叶林内利用人工修建的半自然状态围栏进行实验,研究了小泡巨鼠在有同种竞争存在条件下对油茶种子的埋藏行为。结果表明,小泡巨鼠在有竞争存在条件下,显增加了埋藏油茶种子的量。这一结果支持了“竞争的存在刺激鼠类埋藏”的假说。同时,研究结果表明,小泡巨鼠在有竞争存在条件下,显增加了对埋藏种子的搬运距离,每个贮藏点埋藏种子的数量也有所增加,同时埋藏的生境更多地偏向于遮蔽较好的微生境(草丛底层、灌丛下层)中。这些行为策略有可能有利于种子被埋藏植物的种群扩散。在讨论中,我们还通过比较鸟类和兽类在感觉器官上的差别,分析它们在有竞争存在条件下所采取的不同贮食策略。  相似文献   

2007年9月至10月,以贵州省遵义市绥阳县宽阔水国家级自然保护区亚热带森林系统内食果(或食种子)啮齿类动物与肉果植物香港四照花Dendrobenthamia hongkongensis和干果植物西南山茶Camellia pitardii为研究对象,初步研究鼠类捕食对两种植物种子扩散的影响.结果表明啮齿动物对两种植物果实及种子的搬运存在较大差异:鼠类对于肉果植物主要表现为种子的散布者,香港四照花90%的种子被成功散布,但距离较靠近母树;鼠类对于干果植物则主要表现为种子的掠食者,超过90%的西南山茶种子被鼠类采食,仅极少数能够偶然幸存下来进入土壤种子库,鼠类对干果的平均搬运距离大于肉果.  相似文献   

Most plants with fleshy fruits have seeds that are ingested by animals, but a less well-understood mode of seed dispersal involves fleshy fruits containing seeds that are discarded by frugivorous animals because they are too large or toxic to be ingested. We studied the seed dispersal biology of Haemanthus deformis, an amaryllid lily species found in a mosaic of bush clumps in a grassland matrix in South Africa. We asked whether seed dispersal is directed in and among bush clumps and whether germination and survival are greater for seeds dispersed to bush clumps than for those dispersed into grassland. Using camera trapping, we found that fruits are consumed mainly by birds and rodents. The pulp was removed from the seeds which were then discarded without ingestion. While many seeds were dispersed close to the parent plant, most (c. 78.5%) were dispersed further than 1 m away from the parent plant. Longer distance dispersal resulted mainly from birds flying off with fruits in their bill or from rodents engaging in scatter-hoarding behavior. Seedling survival was most successful within bush clumps as compared to grasslands and shade was identified as a primary requirement for seedling survival. Seeds from which the fruit pulp had been removed germinated faster than those in intact fruits. Haemanthus deformis deploys a system of directed seed dispersal, whereby both birds and rodents contribute to the dispersal of seeds within patchy bush clumps that are favorable for seedling survival.  相似文献   

陈晓宁  张博  陈雅娟  侯祥  王京  常罡 《生态学报》2016,36(5):1303-1311
森林鼠类的种子贮藏行为对植物的扩散及更新会产生积极的影响。2012和2013年秋季,分别在秦岭北坡的周至国家级自然保护区和南坡的佛坪国家级自然保护区内,调查了森林鼠类对板栗(Castanea mollissima)和锐齿栎(Quercus aliena)种子的取食和扩散差异。结果显示:1)秦岭南北坡的环境因素,特别是植被因素,对鼠类扩散板栗和锐齿栎种子具有重要的影响。南坡较为丰富的壳斗科植被种类,导致2种种子在南坡存留时间均长于北坡,而北坡的扩散取食和丢失率均高于南坡。2)种子特征影响鼠类的取食或贮藏偏好。由于较高的蛋白、脂肪等营养含量,鼠类更喜好取食或搬运贮藏板栗种子。然而,低营养但高丹宁含量的锐齿栎种子仍然被鼠类大量贮藏。3)2种种子在南北坡的扩散历程在两个年份间有很大差异,在食物相对匮乏的年份(2012年),种子被扩散的速度更快且丢失的比率更高。这种差异反映了种子大小年现象对森林鼠类取食和贮藏策略的影响。4)无论在秦岭南坡还是北坡,营养价值含量(如蛋白和脂肪)较高的板栗种子的取食和贮藏距离都明显大于营养价值含量较低的锐齿栎种子,这与最优贮藏空间分布模型的预测一致。  相似文献   

Tropical forests have been subject to intense hunting of medium and large frugivores that are important in dispersing large-seeded species. It has been hypothesized that in areas with extinction or low abundance of medium and large-bodied animals the density of small rodents may increase. Therefore, this increment in the density of small rodents may compensate for the absence or low abundance of medium and large frugivores on seed removal and seed dispersal. Here, we fill up this gap in the literature by determining if seed removal, seed dispersal, and seed predation by small rodents (spiny rats, Trinomys inheringi and squirrels, Sciurus ingrami) are maintained in defaunated areas. We accessed seed removal, seed dispersal, seed predation, and seedling recruitment of an endemic Atlantic rainforest palm, Astrocaryum aculeatissimum, in a gradient of abundance of agoutis. We found that seed removal, scatter hoarding, and seed predation increase with the abundance of agoutis. In contrast, the proportion of dispersed but non-cached seeds decreased with the abundance of agoutis. We did not find any effect of the abundance of agoutis on seed dispersal distance, but we did find a positive trend on the density of seedlings. We concluded that small rodents do not compensate the low abundance of agoutis on seed removal, scatter hoarding, and seed predation of this palm tree. Moreover, areas in which agoutis are already extinct did not present any seed removal or scatter hoarding, not even by small rodents. This study emphasizes both the importance of agoutis in dispersing seeds of A. aculeatissimum and the collapse in seed dispersal of this palm in areas where agoutis are already extinct.  相似文献   

为了深入了解啮齿动物在不同种子丰富度条件下对不同大小和单宁含量种子的觅食行为策略及其与植物种群更新的关系,在宁夏六盘山区的华北落叶松人工林,研究了不同大小和单宁含量[0%Tannin(T)、2%T、8%T和15%T]的人工种子在模拟结实小年和结实大年对啮齿动物取食和扩散行为的影响.结果表明: 啮齿动物消耗种子速度在结实小年更快,结实大年的种子消耗速度相对缓慢. 种子就地取食率(ISPR)在不同结实年份间无显著差异,扩散后取食率(PRAD)在结实小年显著高于结实大年,但前者的扩散后贮藏率(HRAD)显著低于后者;种子扩散后的取食距离(PDAD)和贮藏距离(HDAD)在结实小年均显著大于结实大年.在结实小年,大种子的PDAD和HDAD均大于小种子,前者在不同大小种子间均差异显著,而后者仅在2%T和15%T的不同大小种子间差异显著;在结实大年,除0%T外的其他单宁含量种子的PDAD和HDAD在不同大小种子间均差异显著.ISPR在中等单宁含量种子最大,高单宁含量种子最小;PRAD分别在结实小年的高单宁含量种子和结实大年的无单宁种子最大;不论在结实大年还是结实小年,HRAD均在高单宁含量种子最大,中等单宁含量种子最小.这说明结实大年可延缓啮齿动物对种子的消耗速率,提高种子的HRAD,但种子扩散距离减小;啮齿动物在结实大年和小年均表现出对大种子的扩散偏好,且大种子被扩散的距离更远;啮齿动物在不同结实年份均偏好于就地取食中等单宁含量种子,而扩散高单宁含量种子.  相似文献   

Understanding the functional role of animal species in seed dispersal is central to determining how biotic interactions could be affected by anthropogenic drivers. In the Monte Desert, mammals play different functional roles in Prosopis flexuosa seed dispersal, acting as opportunistic frugivores (endozoochorous medium‐sized and large mammals) or seed hoarders (some small sigmodontine rodents). Our objective was assessing the functional role of Microcavia australis, a small hystricognathi rodent, in the fruit removal and seed deposition stages of P. flexuosa seed dispersal, compared to sympatric sigmodontine rodents. In situ, we quantified fruit removal by small rodents during non‐fruiting and fruiting periods, and determined the distance seeds were transported, particularly by M. australis. In laboratory experiments, we analysed how M. australis stores seeds (through scatter‐ or larder‐hoarding) and how many seeds are left in caches as living seeds, relative to previous data on sigmodontine rodents. To conduct field studies, we established sampling stations under randomly chosen P. flexuosa trees at the Ñacuñán Man and Biosphere Reserve. We analysed fruit removal by small rodents and seed dispersal distance by M. australis using camera traps focused on P. flexuosa fruits covered with wire screen, which only allowed entry of small animals. In laboratory trials, we provided animals with a known number of fruits and assessed seed conditions after removal. Small rodents removed 75.7% of fruit supplied during the non‐fruiting period and 53.2% during the fruiting period. Microcavia australis and Graomys griseoflavus were the main fruit removers. Microcavia australis transported seeds to a mean distance of 462 cm and cached seeds mainly in scatter‐hoards, similarly as Eligmodontia typus. All transported seeds were left in fruit segments or covered only by the endocarp, never as predated seeds. Microcavia australis disperses P. flexuosa seeds by carrying fruits away from a source to consume them and then by scatter‐hoarding fruits and seeds.  相似文献   

对取食种子的动物而言,种子的选择、扩散以及随后的处理是一个复杂的过程。为了解济源太行山区鼠类对不同种林木种子的选择和扩散策略的差异,于2011 年9 月10 日至11 月8 日,选取山杏、桃和栓皮栎3 种林木种子,将种子标记后,释放于次生林中,以5 d 间隔,调查并记录种子命运。结果表明: (1)大林姬鼠和岩松鼠是该地区主要的种子取食者和扩散者; (2)3 种种子的扩散速率明显不同,栓皮栎种子扩散速率最快(中位存留时间8. 6 d),其次为山杏种子(中位存留时间20. 9 d),桃种子扩散速率最慢(中位存留时间37. 5 d); (3)鼠类倾向于取食栓皮栎种子(55.0%) , 埋藏山杏种子(62. 0% ),但忽略桃种子(原地存留率99. 0% );(4)88. 6%的山杏和78. 8% 的栓皮栎种子被贮藏在灌丛下方、树干基部周围和石块旁边等生境中,而仅有4 3% 的山杏和9.1% 的栓皮栎种子被贮藏于裸地中;(5)鼠类将山杏种子搬运到更远(3. 4 ± 2. 1 m,mean± SE,n =63)处贮藏;而栓皮栎种子的搬运距离则相对较近(2. 5 ± 2. 4 m,n = 57)。结果显示:鼠类对不同种植物种子具有明显的取食、贮藏偏好和不同的贮藏策略。  相似文献   

Scatter‐hoarding of seeds by animals plays an essential role in seed dispersal of plants and in shaping plant–animal interactions in forest ecosystems, but the function of scatter‐hoarding behavior is still unclear. We hypothesize that weak olfactory cues between seeds and scatter‐hoarding animals would increase scatter‐hoarding. Using a rodent–plant system of Siberian chipmunks Tamias sibiricus and Korean pines Pinus koraiensis, we tested the effects on seed scatter‐hoarding intensity by measuring and modifying the seed odor intensities and the abilities of the animals to detect seed odor. Siberian chipmunks seemed to scatter‐hoard more seeds with weaker odor signals, and Siberian chipmunks with reduced olfactory ability scatter‐hoarded more seeds, supporting our hypothesis. Our studies suggest that olfaction may have played an important role in the evolution of the strength of seed odor and scatter‐hoarding behavior of animals, and in shaping plant–animal interactions.  相似文献   

Predation and dispersal of large and small seeds of a tropical palm   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Steven W. Brewer 《Oikos》2001,92(2):245-255
Seed size may vary greatly among individuals within plant species. What effects the extremes of this variation have for seeds taken by small mammals are poorly understood. Not all seeds removed by small mammals are necessarily eaten. Small rodents are common seed predators, but they may disperse a significant proportion of seeds by scatter hoarding them via burial. Size-dependent predation and dispersal of seeds has not been directly tested within a plant species for tropical rodents. This study tested whether or not large and small nuts of Astrocaryum mexicanum (Palmae) differed in their fates due to handling by the spiny pocket mouse Heteromys desmarestianus (Heteromyidae). Exclosures were used to give small rodents exclusive access to A. mexicanum nuts. H. desmarestianus preferentially consumed large over small A. mexicanum nuts, but cached (in burrows and by scatter hoarding) similar proportions of these nuts by size. Small nuts tended to be buried farther away from exclosures than large nuts. Although sample sizes of buried nuts were small, the rodents retrieved all buried large nuts, but 30% of the small nuts remained buried long enough to germinate. I also examined predispersal predation by insects and found that insects appear to have no size preference for A. mexicanum nuts, but insect predation appears to hinder nut development. Thus, nuts attacked by insects develop to be significantly smaller, with a low proportion of undamaged endosperm, than uninfested nuts. It is hypothesized that the preferential predation of large A. mexicanum nuts by H. desmarestianus is a response by these rodents to insect predation.  相似文献   

Granivorous rodents have been traditionally regarded as antagonistic seed predators. Agoutis (Dasyprocta spp.), however, have also been recognized as mutualistic dispersers of plants because of their role as scatter-hoarders of seeds, especially for large-seeded species. A closer look shows that such definitions are too simplistic for these Neotropical animals because agoutis can influence plant communities not only through seed dispersal of large seeds but also through predation of small seeds and seedlings, evidencing their dual role. Herein, we summarize the literature on plant–agouti interactions, decompose agouti seed dispersal into its quantitative and qualitative components, and discuss how environmental factors and plant traits determine whether these interactions result in mutualisms or antagonisms. We also look at the role of agoutis in a community context, assessing their effectiveness as substitutes for extinct megafaunal frugivores and comparing their ecological functions to those of other extant dispersers of large seeds. We also discuss how our conclusions can be extended to the single other genus in the Dasyproctidae family (Myoprocta). Finally, we examine agoutis’ contribution to carbon stocks and summarize current conservation threats and efforts. We recorded 164 interactions between agoutis and plants, which were widespread across the plant phylogeny, confirming that agoutis are generalist frugivores. Seed mass was a main factor determining seed hoarding probability of plant species and agoutis were found to disperse larger seeds than other large-bodied frugivores. Agoutis positively contributed to carbon storage by preying upon seeds of plants with lower carbon biomass and by dispersing species with higher biomass. This synthesis of plant–agouti interactions shows that ecological services provided by agoutis to plant populations and communities go beyond seed dispersal and predation, and we identify still unanswered questions. We hope to emphasise the importance of agoutis in Neotropical forests.  相似文献   

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