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目的:试验以小鼠S180腹水瘤为动物实验模型,对He-Ne激光照射与化疗药物联合应用对S180荷瘤鼠脾脏重量和免疫细胞数量影响作了系统性研究。方法:应用11.00J/cm2,14.67J/cm2和22.00J/cm2三种剂量He-Ne激光照射荷瘤鼠内眼角,同时联合应用化疗药物环磷酰胺,以观察其对荷瘤鼠脾脏重量和免疫细胞数量的影响。结果:健康小鼠脾脏随日龄增加呈持续上升趋势,肿瘤对照组及CYT对照组在第4d.显著升高。此后便持续下降,尤其是CYT对照组,第8d.荷瘤鼠脾脏萎缩极为严重。而CYT/He-Ne激光联合应用组小鼠脾脏在第4d.轻微下降后,便呈持续上升趋势;CYT对外周血白细胞总数、淋巴细胞数和中性幼稚细胞数有着显著的抑制作用(P<0.01,P<0.05)。CYT/He-Ne激光联合应用组白细胞总数和中性幼稚细胞数的变化较单纯CYT应用组为轻微。结论:He-Ne激光对CYT及肿瘤本身所致免疫抑制具有明显的改善效应。  相似文献   

低能量激光照射对小鼠脾脏NK细胞活性影响的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究能量激光照射对小鼠NK细胞活性的影响,以便从NK细胞活性的角度阐明其免疫调节效应。方法:以BALB/c小鼠为研究对象,应用7.337J/cm^2,11.00J/cm^2,14.67J/cm^2,22.00J/cm^2和36.67J/cm^2五种剂量的氦氖激光作小鼠内眼角照射,连续照射8d,并于照射开始后第3d,6d,9d,13d和第17d,动脉监测实验鼠脾脏NK细胞活性。结果:以日剂量为7.33J/cm^2,11.00J/cm^2,14.67J/cm^2和22.00J/cm^2LELI照射小鼠四个剂量组均可增强NL细胞的活性(P<0.01或P<0.05),但其峰值的出现随着LELI剂量的增大而加快,22.00J/cm^2剂量组在第3d就达到峰值,而其余三组则分别在第9d或第13d时达到峰值,与相相反,大剂量36.6J/cm^2ELEI组NK活性则表现出明显的抑制效应。结论:适当剂量的低能量激光照射剂可对小鼠脾脏NK细胞活性产生增强效应,而过大剂是LELI则产生抑制效应。  相似文献   

用健康雄性Wistar大鼠制备糖尿病模型,以成功的模型大鼠作为受体,健康雄性大鼠为供体,行全胰十二指肠移植术。用移植成功大鼠进行大剂量激光照射、免疫抑制剂及二者配合抗移植排斥反应的实验,于术后隔天监测血糖、尿糖的变化,于术后7天及出现血糖、尿糖持续升高时采取移植胰脏,进行病理组织学观察,以了解排斥反应的发生与程度。结果表明,日剂量为39.7245J/cm^2的激光照射,可推迟排斥反应的发生时间、降  相似文献   

研究了啤酒酵母(Brewer's yeast)细胞经He—Ne激光(λ=6328)照射后继续生长的再生能力及蛋白质合成随照射剂量的变化关系。它呈现的振荡、触发和阈值效应等特点表现了对剂量的强烈敏感性,28℃和31℃时细胞的激活剂量出现在2.31J·cm~(-2)和3.23J·cm~(-2)等处,且照射组指数生长期比对照组明显缩短。上述现象表明了一定剂量的He—Ne激光的刺激作用,生物细胞内非线性动力学因素可能激发其内部存在的相干激发振动模式。  相似文献   

本文采用染色体畸变 (chromosomalaberration CA)试验和微核 (micronucleus)试验两种方法对低强度He Ne激光辐照育龄妇女外周血淋巴细胞。激光能量密度分别为 14.31J cm2 (辐照 5′)、2 8.6 2J cm2 (辐照 10′) ,5 7.2 4J cm2(辐照 2 0′) ,114.5 2J cm2 (辐照 40′)。照射血样后 ,染色体畸变试验检测其淋巴细胞染色体畸变率 ,激光照射及空白对照组 ,血样染色体畸变率分别为 4.2 9‰、3.96‰、3.81、3.5 9‰和 4.19‰ ,X2 检验无显著意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。阳性对照丝裂霉素MMC处理的血样淋巴细胞CA率平均为 14.41‰ ,明显高于激光照射和空白对照组 ,X2 检验有显著差异(P <0 .0 1)。微核试验检测结果 ,微核染色体分别为 1.0 2‰ ,1.17‰ ,1.18‰ ,1.31‰和 1.19‰对照 ,经统计分析激光照射各组与对照组微核率均在 2‰以下 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,属正常人体微核范围内。结果显示两组试验监测诱变均具有一致性。证明He Ne激光辐照人体细胞对染色体无致畸效应。且表明He Ne激光在治疗范围内应用安全、有效、不会对不体造成危害。  相似文献   

本实验用CO_2激光功率密度10.44W/cm~2、3.40W/cm~2,一次10秒及再次6、10、14秒处理草莓、茎尖外植体,可使多数处理的无性后代,产量提高或品质改善。He—Ne激光输出功率10.6mW,原光斑照射30、40秒,也有与CO_2激光相似效应。~(60)Co—r射线吸收剂量193Gy,单独处理及与He—Ne激光30秒复合处理,可改善果实品质,He—Ne激光对~(60)Co—r射线的辐射损伤有修复作用。  相似文献   

以Wistar糖尿病模型大鼠作为受体,进行同性间全胰十二指肠移植。用激光照射、免疫抑制剂及二者配合应用进行抗移植排斥反应试验,于术后7天及出现排斥反应相时,进行病理解剖与病理组织学观察,结果表明,日剂量为39。7245J/cm^2的激光照射,可推迟排斥反应的发生时间、降低排斥反应的发生程度;激光照射与8-5-3mg/kg/day的硫唑嘌呤(Aza)配合,上述作用显著,且与环孢霉素A(CsA)的效果  相似文献   

以Wistar糖尿病模型大鼠作为受体,进行同佐间全胰十二指肠移植。用激光照射、免疫抑制剂及二者配合应用进行抗移植排斥反应试验,于术后7天及出现排斥反应相对,进行病理解剖与病理组织学观察,结果表明,日剂量为39.7245J/cm ̄2的激光照射,可推迟排斥反应的发生时间、降低排斥反应的发生程度;激光照射与8—5—3mg/kg/day的硫唑嘌呤(Aza)配合,上述作用显著,且与环孢霉素A(CsA)的效果接近。  相似文献   

目的探讨多种激光在不同的能量下对红色毛癣菌的体外抑制作用以及可能的作用机制。方法将Q开关Nd:YAG 532nm激光、Q开关Nd:YAG 1064nm激光、长脉宽Nd:YAG1064nm激光和强脉冲光分为不同能量组及未照光组,体外照射红色毛癣菌的菌落,观察第0、1、3、7天时菌落直径的变化差异,用酶联免疫吸附测定激光照射后红色毛癣菌产生角蛋白酶的活性。结果与未照光组相比,上述激光在低能量时对红色毛癣菌的菌落直径与角蛋白酶活性无明显影响。2~4J/cm~2能量Q开关Nd:YAG 532nm激光、4~8J/cm~2能量Q开关Nd:YAG 1064nm激光、4J/cm~2长脉宽Nd:YAG 1064nm激光能显著抑制菌落的生长,红色毛癣菌角蛋白酶的活性出现明显下降。结论 2~4J/cm~2能量Q开关Nd:YAG 532nm激光、4~8J/cm~2能量Q开关Nd:YAG 1064nm激光、4J/cm~2长脉宽Nd:YAG 1064nm激光能抑制红色毛癣菌生长及角蛋白酶的活性。  相似文献   

应用细胞内生物电记录技术 ,观测不同功率、不同照射时间的 He- Ne激光 (脉冲频率 1Hz)对大鼠离体颈上神经节后神经元快兴奋性突触后电位 (f- EPSP)期间膜电导的影响。功率密度为 2 m W/ cm2 的 He- Ne激光在照射初期 (1min~ 2 min)引起快兴奋性突触后电位 (f- EPSP)幅值增大 ,同时膜电导增大 ;而在激光照射后期 (后 3m in~8m in)引起节后神经元膜电导减少。功率密度为 5 m W/ cm2 的 He- Ne激光照射期膜电导无明显变化 .结果表明 :功率密度为 2 m W/ cm2 的 He- Ne激光照射初期引起膜电导 (Gl=34.6± 5 .4 n S)较照射前 (Gf=2 6 .8± 6 .2 n S)有明显增大 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,照射后期膜电导减少。提示 :He- Ne激光照射可能是通过两时相效应改变节后神经元膜电导来影响交感神经节内兴奋传递过程。这可能是低功率激光对神经细胞的一种作用机制。  相似文献   

The effect of low-intensity laser radiation of the blue (441.2 nm), green (532 nm), and red (632.8 nm) spectral regions on the healing of experimental skin wounds in rats has been studied. The effect of the traditionally applied laser radiation in the red region has been compared with the effect of laser radiation in the other spectral regions, assuming that, upon irradiation of wounds by lasers emitting in the blue and green regions, a similar effect can be achieved at lower doses. The following parameters characterizing the healing of experimental wounds were used: the functional activity of phagocytes of wound exudates, which was determined by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence, and their number; the antioxidant activity of wound exudates; and the rate of healing, which was determined as a change in the wound area. It was shown that irradiation with laser accelerated the healing of wounds in all cases. The exposure to laser radiations in the red (1.5 J/cm), blue, and green (0.75 J/cm2) spectral regions shortened the time of wound healing from 22 to 17 and 19 days, respectively. The functional activity of leukocytes after the exposure increased on day 5 after the infliction of the wound, whereas in the control it decreased. The superoxide dismutase activity increased in all experimental groups by day 5 after the operation. A maximum increase in the superoxide dismutase activity occurred after the exposure to laser radiation in the red region at a dose of 1.5 J/cm and in the blue and green spectral regions at a dose of 0.75 J/cm2.  相似文献   

研究578.2 nm激光照射对兔视网膜的作用特点,以新西兰白兔5只10眼为实验对象,铜蒸汽激光(578.2 nm)通过裂隙灯照射兔视网膜后极部,照射时间为100 s,光斑直径为2 mm,照射剂量分别为60 J/cm2、80 J/cm2、100 J/cm2、120 J/cm2、160 J/cm2、200 J/cm2,每组4个光斑。照后1 h及24 h进行眼底照相及光镜观察。照光后可见,随激光功率密度的增加,兔视网膜的损伤也逐渐加重,并且照后24 h的损伤要重于照后1h。80 J/cm2和60 J/cm2在照后1 h和24 h均未发现明显改变。578.2 nm激光照射白兔后的主要病理学改变位于脉络膜。因此,以578.2 nm激光作为光动力治疗眼底疾病的光源时,照射剂量不宜超过80 J/cm2。  相似文献   

The effects of low-intensity laser irradiation in the red (632.8 nm), green (532 nm), and blue (441.2 nm) spectral ranges on wound healing has been studied in rats. The effect of the traditionally used red laser irradiation has been compared with the effect caused by laser irradiation in other spectral ranges, aiming to support the provisional hypothesis that a similar healing effect could be achieved at lower doses of wound irradiation by lasers emitting in the blue and green spectral ranges. The following parameters have been used to characterize healing of the experimental wounds: the functional activity of phagocytes in the wound exudate, which was determined from luminol-dependent chemiluminescence, the phagocyte number; the wound exudates’ antioxidant activity; and the rate of healing, which was determined as the change of the wound surface area. It was found that in all cases the laser irradiation accelerated the healing of wounds. Exposure to red laser irradiation at the dose of 1.5 J/cm2), and to blue or green laser irradiation at a dose of 0.75 J/cm2 shortened the time of the wound healing from 22 to 17 and 19 days, respectively. The functional activity of leukocytes in irradiated groups increased by day 5 after surgery, whereas in the control group it decreased. The superoxide dismutase activity increased in all experimental groups by day 5 after surgery. Laser irradiation in the red spectral range at a dose of 1.5 J/cm2 resulted in a larger increase in superoxide dismutase activity, as compared to that found after exposure to laser irradiation in the blue and green spectral ranges at a dose of 0.75 J/cm2.  相似文献   

激光对甜橙光合色素影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文利用He-Ne激光的单色相干辐射,探讨激光对甜橙植物色素系统的作用光谱的影响。结果表明,用蔗糖干柱色谱分离甜橙叶片的色素,经激光辐照后的与对照同为6条色素带。当辐照剂量超过30J/cm~2时,幼苗叶片的叶绿素含量呈现下降趋势,其中叶绿素a的含量明显下降。这说明激光影响了叶绿素a的合成作用与降解作用,从而引起总叶绿素含量发生变化。  相似文献   

In vitro effects of low-level electromagnetic waves (8.18 GHz, frequency swings within 1 s, intensity 1 microW/cm, exposure for 1 h) and low-energy laser light (He-Ne laser with 632.8 nm, 0.2 mW/cm, dose 1.2 x 10(-2) J/cm2) on the expression of receptor protein TLR4, which is known as a part of the system for microbal toxin recognition, were studied in mouse lymphocytes. In addition, TLR4 expression was examined in situations when stress responses to low-level nonionizing radiation were modified by the antibiotic geldanamycin, which suppresses the activity of the heat shock protein Hsp90. It was found that low-level microwaves significantly raised the amount of TLR4; in contrast, laser light decreased the expression of the receptor in lymphocytes. In cells pretreated with geldanamycin, the TLR4 expression in irradiated cells was reduced to minimum levels, much lower than control values. The results showed that TLR4, which is involved in specific binding of toxin from gram-negative bacteria, can regulate cell responses to signals of other origin, in particular to nonionizig radiation, including low-level microwaves and laser light.  相似文献   

The survival rate and reversions to tryptophan-independence of Escherichia coli after XeCl laser irradiation (lambda = 308 nm) within the dose range from 10(3) to 10(5) J/m2 have been studied to show that LD37 is 10(4) J/m2, the survival rate at a maximum dose of 10(5)J/m2 is 1 per cent, and the number of mutants per 10(6) cells survived is 100.  相似文献   

Mice of the A/J and B10.A/SgSnJ strains were treated with 50 mg of cyclosporin A (CsA) per kg of body weight on day 12 of gestation. There were significantly more fetal resorptions in both the A/J and B10.A strain when treated with CsA than in controls treated with olive oil. A low frequency (7.6%) of isolated cleft palates were induced in the A/J strain, which was significantly greater than that observed in A/J mice treated with olive oil alone. No cleft palates were induced in B10.A, which suggests that any increase in susceptibility that was observed could not be attributed to H-2 linked genes.  相似文献   

目的:研究He-Ne激光照射鼠巨噬细胞对线粒体跨膜电势的影响,及其与激光剂量的关系。方法:用亲脂性阳离子荧光染料Rhodamine123对鼠巨噬细胞线粒体作荧光标记,以不同的激光剂量照射,采用图像分析系统(IAS)和荧光显微镜观察线粒体跨膜电势荧光强度的变化。结果:低功率He-Ne激光照射5,10,15min,激光剂量分别为0.649,1.388和2.082J/cm^2,巨噬细胞线粒体跨膜电势荧光  相似文献   

Rabbit lymphocytes were treated in Go with therapeutical ultrasound waves (1 W/cm2; 1 MHz; continuous wave mode) alone or followed by an additional exposure to 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU). Doses in the Fresnel zone ranged from 120 to 960 J/cm2; no refrigeration was provided, and temperature increased from 37 degrees C to 45 degrees C. In the Fraunhofer zone, only an ultrasound dose of 960 J/cm2 was used, and the temperature of the insonated blood sample was maintained at 37 degrees C. For the sequential treatment, BrdU (10 micrograms/ml medium) was added immediately after the ultrasound treatment and was left in contact with the lymphocytes for 48 hours. Ultrasound alone did not induce chromosome aberrations, but ultrasound followed by the BrdU exposure resulted in an increased number of abnormal cells.  相似文献   

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