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以APGⅢ定义的川续断目(Dipsacales)忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)和五福花科(Adoxaceae)为研究对象,基于已有的川续断目分子系统树和花粉形态数据,分析了忍冬科25属和五福花科5属的花粉形态多样性,采用简约法(Fitch Parsimony)推测花粉祖征和演化式样,寻找共衍征和分类性状.选择花粉萌发孔数目、萌发孔类型、花粉形状、大小和外壁纹饰五个关键性状推断了其演化式样.研究表明:三孔沟、近球形、较小花粉、网状纹饰是川续断目花粉祖征.长球型、中等和较大花粉,以及刺状纹饰是忍冬科的共衍征,支持忍冬科和科下分支为单系群.忍冬科花粉刺状纹饰和五福花科花粉网状纹饰明显将两个科区分开来.通过追溯性状演化分析,支持将七子花属(Heptacodium)置于忍冬族(Caprifolieae),以及Zabelia置于刺续断科的观点.  相似文献   

泽泻科的花粉形态研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对泽泻科11属27种代表植物的花粉进行了光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察。在系统描述了该科及各属植物花粉形态的基础上,将泽泻科植物的花粉划分为3种类型,即少果泽苔草型、慈菇型和泽泻型。根据花粉形态特征的比较,并依据泽泻科植物祖先类群的花粉具有船形、具单沟萌发孔、花粉外壁具明显的刺状纹饰、覆盖层完整无通道等特征,作者认为泽泻科植物花粉形态的如下演化趋势是明显的:由船形演化为卵球形、球形和多面体球形;由单沟萌发孔经过一无孔的中间类型演化为散孔类型;孔膜由光滑演化为具颗粒和小刺;萌发孔不内陷进化到内陷;花粉粒外壁的刺状纹饰逐渐过渡为颗粒状纹饰或者消失,以及覆盖层由无通道到具细通道和通道。  相似文献   

报道了国产爵床科Acanthaceae山牵牛属Thunbergia(山牵牛亚科Thunbergioideae)6种、叉柱花属Staurogyne(瘤子草亚科Nelsonioideae)和老鼠簕属Acanthus(老鼠簕亚科Acanthoideae)各1种植物在扫描电镜下的花粉形态。山牵牛属植物的花粉粒为圆球形,均具螺旋状萌发孔,外壁纹饰以光滑或颗粒状为主,偶具棒状突起。具螺旋状萌发孔被认为是该科独特而较原始的花粉特征。叉柱花属的花粉粒为圆球形,具3孔沟,外壁平滑。老鼠簕属的花粉粒为长球形,具3沟,外壁具细网状纹饰或具小穿孔。花粉形态特征支持传统上将上述3属置于3个不同亚科的处理。  相似文献   

水鳖科9属15种植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对水鳖科Hydrocharitaceae 9属15种植物的花粉形态进行 了观察。水鳖科植物花粉为圆球形至近椭球形,无萌发孔或偶为单沟萌发孔,外壁纹饰通常为小刺状纹 饰,刺密集或稀疏,花粉表面具瘤状、疣状、颗粒状、皱波状突起或光滑。外壁由覆盖层、柱状层和基层组 成。覆盖层厚或较薄,柱状层小柱发育不明显,基层薄。水鳖科植物在花粉大小、纹饰类型、刺的长短、 密度、形态、萌发孔的有无以及花粉壁的结构等方面表现出了较为明显的差异,这些特征对探讨类群间 关系具有较重要意义。由于黑藻属Hydrilla和Stratiotes属花粉较为特殊,支持将它们各自作为一个独立 的族处理。水鳖科植物花粉外壁纹饰和结构特点表明该科与水雍科Aponogetonaceae、泽泻科Alismataceae 和花蔺科Butomaceae等近缘,而该科植物花粉大多无萌发孔等则反应了该科与茨藻目Najadales植物有密切联系。  相似文献   

大戟科现代植物花粉形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对大戟科21属33种植物的现代花粉形态进行了系统的形态学研究。选取的33种大戟科植物基本涵盖了该科绝大部分花粉形态类型。根据花粉的大小、形状、外壁表面纹饰, 结合大戟科亚科分类, 对该科花粉形态特征进行详细对比和分析。结果表明, 每个亚科都有其独特的花粉形态, 各亚科可以根据花粉形态来鉴别。此外, 大戟科多个属(如野桐属、山麻杆属、叶下珠属等)的植物花粉形态特征较明显, 可以鉴定到属甚至种一级水平。研究结果不仅为大戟科花粉形态分类学提供了依据, 同时为地层孢粉分析中花粉的鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

小檗科魁臼亚科的地理分布与系统发育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以植物地理学资料为主,综合植物化学,细胞学,形态学及解剖学的等方面的资料,分析了小檗科鬼臼科现代地理分布格局产生的原因及其系统发育的影响,指出:(1)我国鬼臼亚科植物的多样性中心和分布中心,鬼臼亚科植物的现代地理分布格局是由于第三纪以来替代分布和长期隔离的结果;(2)在鬼臼亚科植物中,以山荷叶属最为原始,它通过两方向演化,一是保持其原来的异花授方向演化为足叶草属,另一方向是转向自花授粉,自山茶叶属  相似文献   

通过光学显微镜(LM)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察表明,红树(Rhizophora a piculata)花粉粒赤道面的形状为球形-近球形,极面观为圆三角形,偶见圆四方形,3-4孔沟,具有连续的环赤道内孔,花粉外壁的典型纹饰为细网状一皱纹状(microreticulate-rugulate)。作者首次报道红树花粉的多态现象,其花粉外壁纹饰和萌发孔数量存在显著的变异,SEM观察到花粉外壁纹饰的变异主要是孔状(perforate)、皱纹状(rugulate)和穴状(foveolate)等类型,LM观察发现4个萌发孔的花粉变异类型。花粉形态的观察与描述为化石花粉的鉴别提供了不可或缺的对比依据。研究红树的花粉形态和发现多态现象有助于了解红树科红树属的花粉外壁演化。花粉的多态现象表明单个花粉形态特征并不能完全代表种的特征。花粉的分类也应该充分考虑花粉性状的间断和连续性,以期正确认识花粉性状在种群内的变异和变异式样,达到客观认识和正确划分植物种下等级的目的。花粉的多态现象为化石花粉的种类鉴定增加了新的参考信息,作者也讨论了花粉多态现象在植物系统演化和古生态学等研究中的可能价值与意义。  相似文献   

小檗科鬼臼亚科的地理分布与系统发育   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
以植物地理学资料为主,综合植物化学、细胞学、形态学及解剖学等方面的资料,分析了小檗科鬼臼亚科现代地理分布格局产生的原因及其对系统发育的影响,指出:①我国是鬼臼亚科植物的多样性中心和分布中心,鬼臼亚科植物的现代地理分布格局是由于第三纪以来替代分布和长期隔离的结果;②在鬼臼亚科植物中,以山荷叶属最为原始,它通过两条方向演化,一是保持其原来的异花授粉方向演化为足叶草属,另一方向是转向自花授粉,自山荷叶属演化为八角莲属,然后再演化为桃儿七属;③桃儿七属与足叶草属不具有直接的亲缘关系,它们在形态上的相似只是平行进化的结果。  相似文献   

中国栗亚科植物花粉形态及超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文作者对国产的Castanea、Castanopsis Lithocarpus三个属花粉,进行了光学显微镜、扫描电镜、透射电镜下的观察和系统研究,结果表明:三个属的花粉形状、大小、萌发孔、外 壁纹饰及其结构都非常相似,与植物外部形态的特征相吻合。故作者支持将这三个属归为一个亚科即栗亚科Castaneoideae。  相似文献   

中国紫草科天芥菜亚科花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了深入研究紫草科Boraginaceae的分类问题,用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了中国紫草科天芥菜亚科Heliotropioideae天芥菜属Heliotropium 6种,砂引草属Messerschmidia 2种和紫丹属Tournefortia 1种植物的花粉形态.它们的花粉为长球形,赤道面观为椭圆形,极面观为六裂圆形或八裂圆形,少数为三角形.萌发孔有三种类型:(1)三孔沟与三假沟交替排列;(2)四孔沟和四假沟交替排列;(3)三孔沟.外壁表面具微弱的小穿孔,皱波状纹饰或表面近光滑.上述结果表明天芥菜亚科三个属之间有密切的亲缘关系.花粉特征表明紫丹属在天芥菜亚科中可能是比较原始的,天芥菜属的演化水平比紫丹属和砂引草属要高,而砂引草属介于其他两个属之间.花粉形态特征显示天芥菜亚科是厚壳树亚科Ehretioideae到紫草亚科Boraginaceae的过渡类型.紫丹属的花粉具三孔沟的萌发孔类型表明天芥菜亚科与破布木亚科Cordioideae有一定的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

Yunyun Shao 《Grana》2018,57(3):161-177
The pollen morphology of 49 species and one variety, representing 18 genera of the family Annonaceae from Thailand, is described and illustrated based on observations using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The pollen grains of Anaxagorea show double-spheres as a result of the intine extrusion. The palynological evidence confirms the close relationship of Dasymaschalon, Desmos and Asian Friesodielsia. Decussate tetrads in Goniothalamus and coexisting tetragonal, rhomboidal, T-shaped, tetrahedral and decussate tetrads in Mitrephora are reported. Pollen morphology is consistent within Huberantha, Marsypopetalum and Monoon, but is more diverse in Polyalthia sensu stricto Pollen unit, shape, size, ornamentation and aperture number reaffirm the great diversity among and within genera in Annonaceae.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of tribe Sanguisorbeae (Rosaceae, Rosoideae) were examined using scanning electron microscopy to identify useful characters, test taxonomic and phylogenetic hypotheses among genera, and elucidate pollen character evolution based on a molecular phylogeny. Aperture number, aperture structure, pollen shape, and exine sculpturing were variable within Sanguisorbeae and were used to delineate six pollen types. Four types (I–IV) were observed only in subtribe Sanguisorbinae whereas two types (V–VI) were found only in subtribe Agrimoniinae. Pollen grains of tribe Sanguisorbeae were generally subprolate to spheroidal in shape, had operculate or pontoperculate apertures, and had three apertures, except for Margyricarpus (tetraperturate). Exine sculpturing within Sanguisorbinae represented variations of striate, verrucate, rugulate, and perforate patterns often with microechinate sculpturing. Striate exine patterns and prolate shapes characterized the pollen of the Agrimoniinae, except for the microechinate-verrucate pattern and subprolate to spheroidal shapes observed in Hagenia. Pollen characters are most useful at the generic level and, when mapped on to a molecular phylogenetic tree of the tribe, are concordant with a monophyletic Agrimoniinae and a clade comprising Margyricarpus + Acaena + Polylepis + Cliffortia + Sanguisorba in the Sanguisorbinae. Outgroup comparison indicated that operculate colpi, three apertures, and polymorphism for striate or microverrucate exines represented primitive states for tribe Sanguisorbeae.  相似文献   

The Loranthaceae is the largest plant family with aerial branch parasites termed mistletoes. Three genera of Loranthaceae are terrestrial root parasites and the remaining 72 genera are aerial parasites. Several characters, including habit, haustorial type, germination pattern, pollen morphology, chromosome number, inflorescence morphology and flower merosity, fusion, symmetry and size, are considered to reflect evolutionary relationships within the family. Convergence is a common evolutionary pattern and can confound interpretations of evolution. We investigated character evolution by mapping character states onto a phylogenetic tree based on the nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnL–trnF regions. Convergences in form were found in several characters, including habit, haustorial type, flower symmetry and merosity. These convergences typically correspond to ecological parameters such as pollination syndrome or stresses associated with the canopy habit. Other characters such as chromosome number and germination pattern illustrate divergent evolution among clades.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 101–113.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 36 species representing 14 genera within the tribe Rhinantheae in the family Orobanchaceae was studied and illustrated with light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Five major pollen types were recognized on the basis of exine ornamentation. Within these major types, minor types (subtypes) were distinguished based on exine surface pattern, size, shape, amb form, colpi and colpus membrane. These types and subtypes are as follows: type I. retipilate: subtype Ia. regular retipilate: (1) pollen size < 27 μm, (2) pollen size > 27 μm, subtype Ib. irregular retipilate; type II. verrucate: subtype IIa. macro-verrucate, subtype IIb. verrucate, subtype IIc. sparse verrucate; type III. retirugulate; type IV. granulate; type V. micro-reticulate. A key to pollen morphology of genera studied within the Rhinantheae was made based on pollen morphology from our study and earlier work. Combining with other sources of information on the Rhinantheae, the systematic relationships of this tribe are discussed. Rhinantheae pollen displays considerable variation between genera and species, with taxonomically significant characters at genus and species level. Palynological characteristics provide evidence for interpreting the conflicting views concerning the “Pterygiella Complex”. The evolutionary trend in exine sculpture of Rhinantheae could be proposed, namely that retipilate sculpturing which is the most widespread type is more primitive than the other types (such as foveolate, granulate, regulate, reticulate, retirugulate and verrucate). The pollen data in present study and the view of Hong (1986), as well as the molecular data from Bennett and Mathews (2006) indicated that Asia and related regions were likely to the origin centre of the tribe Rhinantheae.  相似文献   

Pollen of all large-flowered neotropical loranthaceous genera and related Australian taxa (Nuytsia, Atkinsonia) were examined in the light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopes. Trilobate, deeply concave, peroblate or oblate pollen shapes are basic within the complex; triangular, slight convex, suboblate shapes are more derived features. The non-fixiform pollen of Atkinsonia is unique within the family. Most of the large-flowered genera possess exclusively syncolpate aperture types. However, among Psittacanthus species tricolpate, diplosynrugate and diplorugate apertures are also present, representing derived types for the complex. The inaperturate pollen of Atkinsonia appears to have developed independently within the family. Pollen sculpturing is typically non-uniform, i.e., there are pronounced sculpturing differences in polar and equatorial regions. Uniformly sculptured pollen is restricted to Atkinsonia, Ligaria and some species of Psittacanthus. Ultrastructurally, most exine modifications have occurred in the equatoral ektexine. Here the basic organization ranges from essentially columellaless to columellate, the latter the more derived condition. Endexine is typically thick and stratified in polar areas, thin and lamellate in peripheral and apertural regions. Similar pollen morphologies of Nuytsia and Gaiadendron support the idea of a transoceanic evolutionary connection between the Old and New Worlds. Pollen characters show Gaiadendron to be the most primitive and Psittacanthus the most advanced among the large-flowered neotropical genera.  相似文献   

The pollen grains of 33 species representing 11 genera of the family Berberidaceae, mostly from China, were examined with the light microscope and scanning electron microscope. Their characteritic details can be used for generic diagnosis. A pollen key to the genera based on these observations is presented. Based on the morphology, the pollen grains can be grouped into the following three types: 1. The tetrad pollen type found only in the genus Sinopodophyllum. 2. The spiraperturate pollen type found in the genera Berberis and Mahonia. 3. The tricolpate pollen type found in the genera Diphylleia, Jeffersonia, Nandina, Dysosma, Caulophyllum, Leontice and Epimedium. A diagnostic key to the pollen grains of genera in the Berberidaceae. 1. Pollen grains single 2. Pollen grains spiraperturate .................... Berberis L., Mahonia L. 2. Pollen grains tricolpate 3. Exine with spinose sculpture ........................ Diphylleia Michx. 3. Exine with non-spinose sculpture 4. Exine with striate or striate-reticulate sculpture ...... Jeffersonia Barton 4. Exine with reticulate sculpture 5. Exine around colpus with distinct thickening ........ Nandina Thunb. 5. Exine around colpus without thickening 6. Pollen grains larger (45—50)×(32.5—37.5)μ 7. Colpus with membrane ................ Dysosma R. E. Woodson 7. Colpus without membrane ................ Caulophyllum Michx. 6. Pollen grains smaller (25—550)×(20—527.5) μ 7. Pollen grains prolate-perprolate .................... Leontice L. 7. Pollen grains spheroidal-prolate...Epimedium L., Podophyllum L. 1. Pollen grains tetrad ............................ Sinopodophyllum Ying  相似文献   

Qing Liu  Nan-Xian Zhao  Gang Hao 《Grana》2013,52(4):238-248
Pollen grains of 57 species (representing 42 genera) of the Chloridoideae have been investigated using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Two aperture patterns and nine exine patterns are distinguished using SEM and TEM. These are categorized into five pollen types. Two pollen types are previously not recorded in Gramineae. A key for the identification of these pollen types is presented. Generally, pollen characters have limited systematic value in recognizing taxa at generic level or above in the Chloridoideae. An evolutionary trend is proposed that awaits verification by further systematic study. Pollen characters can be used as indicators for the areas of origin and distribution of the Chloridoideae.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 20 taxa from Gochnatia , Ianthopappus , and Richterago (Compositae - Mutisieae) have been studied. Pollen morphological characters and intergeneric differences are described. Pollen of grains of Richterago and Ianthopappus are relatively larger with thickened exine in the mesocolpia and possess coarse, supratectal spinuliferous processes the height of which is less than their diameter at the base. In Gochnatia , the pollen is medium-sized, the exine is not thickened in the mesocolpia and has minute supratectal spinuliferous processes the height of which is equal or slightly more than 3 w m. Ianthopappus corymbosus is the only species in which the infratectum is thicker than the tectum. With reference to the pollen size and the exine thickness this species appears phylogenetically closer to Richterago than to Gochnatia .  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pollen characters have been widely used in defining evolutionary trends in orchids. In recent years, information on pollination biology and phylogenetic patterns within Orchidinae has become available. Hence, the aim of the presented work is to re-evaluate exine micromorphology of Orchidinae in light of recent phylogenetic studies and to test whether pollen micromorphology strictly depends on phylogenetic relationships among species or whether it is influenced by the marked differences in pollination ecology also reported among closely related species. METHODS: Pollen sculpturing of 45 species of Orchidinae and related taxa was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. To cover potential intraspecific variation, several accessions of the same species were examined. KEY RESULTS: Orchidinae show remarkable variation in exine sculpturing, with a different level of variation within species groups. In some genera, such as Serapias (rugulate) and Ophrys (psilate to verrucate), intrageneric uniformity corresponds well to a common pollination strategy and close relationships among species. However, little exine variability (psilate-scabrate and scabrate-rugulate) was also found in the genus Anacamptis in spite of striking differences in floral architecture and pollination strategies. A larger variety of exine conditions was found in genera Dactylorhiza (psilate, psilate-scabrate and reticulate) and Orchis s.s. (psilate, reticulate, perforate-rugulate and baculate) where no unequivocal correspondence can be found to either phylogenetic patterns or pollination strategies. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in pollen characteristics do not consistently reflect shifts in pollination strategy. A unique trend of exine evolution within Orchidinae is difficult to trace. However, the clades comprising Anacamptis, Neotinea, Ophrys and Serapias show psilate to rugulate or scabrate pollen, while that of the clade comprising Chamorchis, Dactylorhiza, Gymnadenia, Orchis s.s., Platanthera, Pseudorchis and Traunsteinera ranges from psilate to reticulate. Comparison of the data with exine micromorphology from members of the tribe Orchidieae and related tribes suggests a possible general trend from reticulate to psilate.  相似文献   

甘薯属10种植物花粉形态扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对用于育种研究的甘薯属(Ipomoea)10种植物花粉形态进行扫描电镜观察研究,以补充该属植物花粉形态学信息. 结果表明,甘薯属植物花粉粒的形状均为近球形,体积较大;花粉萌发孔多为散孔,少数萌发孔不明显;表面纹饰有3种:刺状类型、网状带刺类型和网状类型.根据花粉粒大小、刺的长短、萌发孔特征和表面纹饰类型等可以把这10种植物区分开来,同时发现I.wrightii与已有报道存在较大差异.  相似文献   

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