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参照中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 17322.10-1998和《军队特需药品研发勤务技术指导原则(试行)》规定的测试方法,测试了避蚊胺和水溶性二氧化钛处理迷彩油(CFP)对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus的驱避效果,为研发我军专用的防蚊虫迷彩油提供依据.结果表明:在3种颜色迷彩油中加入DEET后,不影响DEET的驱蚊效果;添加不同浓度DEET对蚊虫的驱避效果差异显著,20%dEET和25%dEET+迷彩油对白纹伊蚊的平均防护时间均达到或超过10h,达到《军队特需药品研发勤务技术指导原则(试行)》规定的标准,15%dEET+迷彩油平均防护时间不足10h,未达《军队特需药品研发勤务技术指导原则(试行)》规定的标准.研究表明:将适量DEET与迷彩油混合涂抹于皮肤可能作为演习或战时的伪装和防蚊的一种有效的综合保护措施.  相似文献   

采用同时蒸馏萃取及硅胶柱层析法从猫薄荷Nepeta cataria 植物中提取、分离制得驱蚊有效成分假荆芥内酯,并采用个体涂肤有效保护时间测定法及风洞空间驱避效果测试法, 对假荆芥内酯与避蚊胺(DEET)的驱蚊效果进行了对比试验。结果表明,400 g新鲜猫薄荷植株可制得精油5.6 g,其中假荆芥内酯含量为55%,Z,E-假荆芥内酯32%, E,Z-假荆芥内酯23%。室内标准药效评价结果表明,DEET对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus 及淡色库蚊Culex pipiens pallens有效保护时间分别为9.6±0.2 h与11.5±1.5 h,而假荆芥内酯仅为2.2±0.2 h与4.3±0.8 h。风洞定向行为测试结果表明,假荆芥内酯单独作用时,对蚊虫有微弱的引诱效果,但在人体气味及二氯甲烷L-乳酸存在时,可显著抑制这些引诱物对蚊虫的引诱效果,是优良的空间驱避剂;DEET对蚊虫无明显的引诱作用,对二氯甲烷L-乳酸溶液引诱剂也无明显的抑制效果,但可显著增强人体气味对蚊虫的引诱性。  相似文献   

植物性驱蚊剂的开发研究受到了极大的关注,但昆虫的习惯化行为反应是制约有效植物性驱蚊剂发展的障碍之一.为了了解登革热重要媒介昆虫白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus对植物性驱避剂的行为机制,本研究在分析了香茅油溶液对幼虫存活影响和对成蚊驱避作用的基础上,将白纹伊蚊幼虫于经稀释的香茅Cymbopogon nardus油溶液中饲养,然后通过局部涂肤的方法,测定白纹伊蚊雌蚊的刺叮选择行为变化.结果显示,香茅油对成蚊具有显著的驱避效果,但是幼虫经香茅油溶液饲养后,尽管仍具有显著的驱避作用,但是44.5 mg/L和178 mg/L的低浓度香茅油对白纹伊蚊的驱避作用发生了明显的减弱.说明幼虫期对精油溶液的经历,可诱导白纹伊蚊刺叮选择行为的习惯化反应,从而降低植物性驱避剂的驱避效果.  相似文献   

四种植物精油对德国小蠊的驱避效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
室内测定4种蚊虫驱避效果较好的植物精油(香叶醇、芳樟醇、柠檬醛和茴香醛)对德国小蠊雄性成虫的驱避性,并与传统上常用的驱避剂DEET作对比研究,以期从中筛选出对德国小蠊驱避效果较好的驱避剂。每种植物精油设置4个剂量,即1,10,100和1000μg/cm2。结果表明,每种植物精油的驱避性均随剂量的增加而升高,4种精油的驱避性均高于DEET,驱避性最好的是芳樟醇;当剂量为100和1000μg/cm2时,每种植物精油的驱避性与对照组相比均有显著差异(P<0·05);除芳樟醇外,其余植物精油在剂量为1000μg/cm2时的驱避性与100μg/cm2的驱避性相比差异显著(P<0·05)。提示芳樟醇可能是一种很有发展前景的德国小蠊驱避剂。  相似文献   

迷迭香植物精油对白纹伊蚊的驱避作用及其化学成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用水蒸气蒸溜法和超临界二氧化碳萃取法提取生长于云南的迷迭香茎叶植物精油,测试2种精油对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus Skuse的驱避作用,并利用GC/MS联用仪分析2种精油的化学成分。结果表明:超临界二氧化碳提取的迷迭香精油对白纹伊蚊的驱避时间是(5.82±1.13)h,达到国标驱避剂评价的B级标准。2种精油化学成分中都含有驱纹活性物质:柠檬烯、樟脑、Eucalyptol、(+)-4-Carene、1-methyl-4-(1-methyle thylidene)-cyclohexene、Beta-pinene等,且驱蚊活性成分在挥发油中占有较高比例,显示该植物精油在驱蚊方面有一定开发价值。  相似文献   

几种驱避化合物对白纹伊蚊寄主搜寻能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝蕙玲  杜家纬 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1220-1224
研究了白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus在含不同浓度的驱避化合物的空间内停留不同时间后,对其寄主搜寻能力的影响。结果显示:在密闭空间中, 分别以0.013~0.500 μg/cm3浓度的柠檬醛、丁香酚、芳樟醇、香叶醇、茴香醛处理白纹伊蚊24~96 h后,试蚊均出现不同程度的定向寄主抑制,其中以茴香醛及香叶醇抑制效果最佳,但香茅醛各处理组试蚊均未受到影响。白纹伊蚊搜寻定向寄主能力受到抑制的个体,在实验室正常饲养后,可逐渐恢复;但茴香醛0.250 μg/cm3处理试虫96 h后,一直未能恢复正常的吸血行为。研究结果提示,茴香醛与香叶醇作为优良的空间驱避剂,在白纹伊蚊防控技术领域可发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

【目的】驱避剂是防止蚊虫叮咬的良好个人防护用品,但其作用机理一直未被解释清楚。本研究利用化学计算手段对4种重要的人体引诱物(乙酸、丙酸、丁酸和戊酸)与22个萜类驱避化合物的缔合作用以及该作用对驱避活性的影响进行了研究,以期为蚊虫驱避机理研究提供新思路。【方法】利用GAUSS View软件构建引诱化合物分子、驱避化合物分子以及二者可能形成的缔合体结构,再利用GAUSSIAN软件优化所有结构,并计算它们的能量和各类参数;借助AMPAC和CODESSA软件计算出所有结构的描述符;以萜类驱避化合物对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus校正驱避率的对数值(logCRR)为活性数据,利用CODESSA软件建立描述符与驱避活性的定量构效关系模型。【结果】4种羧酸与萜类驱避化合物相互缔合的缔合能量大多在18~20 kJ/mol之间,缔合距离和角度分别在2.0~2.5 Å 和110°~180°内波动,符合氢键相互作用的特征。4个最优定量构效关系模型的R2值均大于0.9,模型中的参数都包含缔合体的描述符,表明引诱物 驱避物缔合作用与校正驱避率的对数值显著相关。【结论】4种羧酸与萜类驱避化合物之间存在中等强度的氢键缔合作用,该缔合作用对驱避活性具有重要影响。研究初步揭示了引诱物 驱避物缔合作用的存在,也为从新的角度研究蚊虫驱避机理提供了前期研究基础。  相似文献   

为验证萜类驱避化合物与嗅觉引诱物二氧化碳存在缔合作用, 并研究缔合作用对蚊虫驱避活性的影响。本研究借助计算化学的方法获得缔合体和缔合能量, 利用Gaussian View和Gaussian 03W软件分别构建和优化二氧化碳、 22个萜类蚊虫驱避化合物以及它们与二氧化碳缔合后的三维分子结构, 经Ampac 8.16转化后, 获得它们的缔合能量。借助定量构效关系计算方法研究缔合作用对驱避活性的影响, 利用Codessa 2.7.10计算获得驱避剂和缔合体的各类结构描述符, 从包括缔合体结构描述符及特征描述符在内的各类结构参数中筛选显著性参数, 以萜类驱避化合物对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus的校正驱避率的对数值为活性数据, 建立结构描述符与驱避活性的定量构效关系(quantitative structure-activity relationship, QSAR)模型。结果获得了22个萜类驱避化合物与二氧化碳缔合的缔合能量, 计算显示它们之间存在缔合作用并且可以形成缔合体; 获得1个R2为0.9643的4参数QSAR模型, 这4个参数所对应的结构描述符分别是COM-WNSA 3 Weighted PNSA (PNSA3*TMSA/1 000) [Zefirov’s PC], f-TerCO2-Min e-n attraction for a C-O bond, M-Max 1-electron reaction index for an O atom, M-Min (>0.1) bond order of an H atom, 前2个参数分别为缔合体的整体结构描述符和碎片特征描述符。计算化学结果表明, 萜类驱避化合物与二氧化碳存在缔合作用, 该缔合作用对驱避活性的影响显著。  相似文献   

【目的】驱避剂是蚊虫防治的重要手段之一。前期研究发现,在驱避剂的使用过程中,驱避化合物分子与人体分泌的引诱物分子存在相互作用。为深入了解这种相互作用的本质,本研究从量子化学的角度分析了3种驱避化合物分子与引诱物分子L-乳酸相互作用过程中几何结构、结合能、电荷布居和热力学参数等量化参数的变化,以期从计算机模拟角度揭示驱避化合物分子与引诱物分子相互作用的形式、强度和规律。【方法】本研究选择了3种在驱蚊方面具有代表性的驱避化合物,即8-羟基别二氢葛缕醇甲酸酯(R1)、羟基香茅醛-1,2-丙二醇缩醛(R2)和N,N-二乙基间甲基苯甲酰胺(避蚊胺)(DEET),使用Gaussian 09量子化学计算程序包对驱避化合物分子单体R1,R2,DEET和人体引诱物分子单体L-乳酸以及驱避化合物分子与L-乳酸的缔合体进行结构构建;在M06-2X-D3/6-311G(d,p)水平上优化所有单体、缔合体的几何结构,并做振动频率计算;在M06-2X-D3/6-311+G(d,p)水平上对单体、缔合体进行单点能计算。【结果】驱避化合物分子R1,R2和DEET与L-乳酸的缔合距离在2.64~2.74之间,缔合角度在170~175°之间,缔合后,L-乳酸羧基上氧氢键分别伸长0.019,0.029和0.022;R1,R2和DEET与L-乳酸缔合过程的结合能ΔE依次为-50.278,-72.385和-66.977 k J/mol,焓变ΔH分别为-43.715,-65.559和-60.465 k J/mol,熵变ΔS分别为-0.138,-0.159和-0.157 k J/mol·K,自由能变ΔG分别为-2.652,-18.090和-13.784 k J/mol;R1,R2和DEET与L-乳酸缔合过程中,L-乳酸的总净电荷由0 e分别变为-0.0248,-0.0250和-0.0168 e。【结论】计算结果表明,驱避化合物分子R1,R2和DEET与L-乳酸均通过中强氢键缔合,并且R2与L-乳酸的氢键作用最强,形成的缔合体也最为稳定。  相似文献   

【目的】为了探究驱避机理,此前选择萜类驱避化合物及与DEET(避蚊胺)具有类似结构的酰胺类驱避化合物,开展了驱避化合物与引诱气味组分(L-乳酸、羧酸等)缔合作用对驱避活性影响的研究。为了扩大驱避化合物的类型,本研究选择另外一组43个酰胺类驱避化合物,计算了它们与蚊虫引诱物氨之间的双分子缔合作用,以及该缔合作用对驱避活性的影响,从而为驱避机理研究提供帮助。【方法】用Gaussian 03软件优化驱避化合物单体和双分子缔合体的三维结构式;通过Ampac和Codessa软件建立结构与驱避活性之间的定量构效关系模型。【结果】驱避化合物与氨分子的缔合距离、角度和缔合能量分别是2.2~3.0,128~180°和14~25 k J/mol;最佳四参数模型中R2为0.8987,其中2个参数来自驱避化合物单体,分别是(1/6)X GAMMA polarizability(DIP)和ESPminimum net atomic charge for an H atom,另外2个参数来自双分子缔合体,分别是ESP-DPSA-2 difference in CPSAs(PPSA2-PNSA2)[Quantum-Chemical PC]和Minimum valency of a C atom。模型检验中训练集和测试集的相关系数平方的平均值分别为0.9013和0.8666。【结论】驱避化合物与氨分子之间存在弱氢键力缔合作用,驱避化合物分子的极化度及其与氨分子之间的极性相互作用、缔合体中分子间键相互作用及其电荷分布均对驱避活性产生显著影响,说明双分子缔合对驱避活性具有显著影响。模型检验表明最佳四参数模型具有良好的稳定性和预测能力。本研究可为寻找新型蚊虫驱避剂和揭示蚊虫驱避剂的作用机理提供参考。  相似文献   

Three controlled‐release personal‐use pulp fabric impregnated insect repellent formulations of 5% N, N‐diethyl‐3‐methylbenzamide (DEET), and 10% and 15% neem oils were evaluated in an environmental chamber on volunteers for their repellent efficacy against three mosquito species, Culex pipiens pallens, Aedes aegypti and Ochlerotatus togoi. The 5% DEET formulation showed significant repellency in pulp fabric (5 mm in width) against Culex pipiens pallens and Aedes aegypti (P < 0.05), providing an average repellency of 88.0%, 66.3%, and 46.8% of Cx. pipiens pallens, Ae. Aegypti and O. togoi bites, respectively, during the 6 hours of exposure period. Against night‐biting mosquitoes Cx. pipiens pallens, the DEET formulation provided mostly complete protection for at least 4 hours after the application. In pulp fabric of 10 mm in width, the 5% deet formulation showed significantly the highest repellency among the repellents against O. togoi (P<0.05), providing an average repellency of 52.3% during the 6 hours of exposure period. However, the pulp fabrics treated with 10% and 15% neem oil were less effective than 5% DEET against three mosquito species. This study demonstrated the potential of 5% DEET as pulp fabric repellent against both day‐ and night‐biting mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes and ticks are blood‐feeding pests of humans and animals that can vector many important aetiological agents of disease. Previous research demonstrated that TT‐4302 (Guardian® Wilderness) containing 5% geraniol applied to human subjects gave 5–6 h of repellency against mosquitoes (depending on species) and was repellent to ticks in vitro. This study was conducted to obtain an independent third‐party evaluation of TT‐4302 against Stegomyia aegypti (= Aedes aegypti) (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes and to test the efficacy of the product in the field against ticks. TT‐4302 provided an average of 6.5 h of repellency of ≥ 95% [Weibull mean protection time: 7.4 h, 95% confidence interval (CI) 5.8–11.3 h] for St. aegypti, whereas a 15% DEET formulation provided 4.7 h of repellency (Weibull mean protection time: 5.2 h, 95% CI 3.7–6.9 h). In tick field trials, the efficacy of TT‐4302 did not differ significantly from that of a 25% DEET formulation against Amblyomma americanum (Ixodida: Ixodidae). TT‐4302 was 81.3% repellent at 2.5 h after application, whereas DEET was 77.2% repellent at the same time‐point. Results at 3.5 h after application were 71.4% for TT‐4302 and 72.9% for DEET.  相似文献   

Scaling up of insecticide treated nets has contributed to a substantial malaria decline. However, some malaria vectors, and most arbovirus vectors, bite outdoors and in the early evening. Therefore, topically applied insect repellents may provide crucial additional protection against mosquito-borne pathogens. Among topical repellents, DEET is the most commonly used, followed by others such as picaridin. The protective efficacy of two formulated picaridin repellents against mosquito bites, including arbovirus and malaria vectors, was evaluated in a field study in Cambodia. Over a period of two years, human landing collections were performed on repellent treated persons, with rotation to account for the effect of collection place, time and individual collector. Based on a total of 4996 mosquitoes collected on negative control persons, the overall five hour protection rate was 97.4% [95%CI: 97.1–97.8%], not decreasing over time. Picaridin 20% performed equally well as DEET 20% and better than picaridin 10%. Repellents performed better against Mansonia and Culex spp. as compared to aedines and anophelines. A lower performance was observed against Aedes albopictus as compared to Aedes aegypti, and against Anopheles barbirostris as compared to several vector species. Parity rates were higher in vectors collected on repellent treated person as compared to control persons. As such, field evaluation shows that repellents can provide additional personal protection against early and outdoor biting malaria and arbovirus vectors, with excellent protection up to five hours after application. The heterogeneity in repellent sensitivity between mosquito genera and vector species could however impact the efficacy of repellents in public health programs. Considering its excellent performance and potential to protect against early and outdoor biting vectors, as well as its higher acceptability as compared to DEET, picaridin is an appropriate product to evaluate the epidemiological impact of large scale use of topical repellents on arthropod borne diseases.  相似文献   

目的:对结核分枝杆菌Rv3425蛋白进行生物信息学分析及抗原表位预测,评价Rv342519-176重组蛋白与CFP10-ESAT6融合蛋白在结核抗体检测中的应用。方法:PCR扩增结核杆菌Rv3425蛋白19~176位的编码基因片段,原核表达并纯化Rv342519-176重组蛋白(rRv342519-176)和CFP10-ESAT6融合蛋白(rCFP10-ESAT6),建立以重组蛋白为抗原的ELISA方法,评价2种蛋白在结核抗体检测中的联合应用价值。结果:具有抗原表位的rRv342519-176与rCFP10-ESAT6在大肠杆菌中高效表达;ELISA结果显示,rRv342519-176的敏感性为39%,特异性为97.5%;rCFP10-ESAT6的敏感性为37%,特异性为95%;2种蛋白联合检测,敏感性提高到57%,特异性为95%。结论:生物信息学预测Rv3425的优势抗原表位,表达并纯化的rRv342519-176和rCFP10-ESAT6在结核抗体检测中具有一定的抗原互补性,在保持特异性的基础上可显著提高检测敏感性。  相似文献   

This study determined the effects of contact with DEET on guinea pig skin on mortality, probing time, blood feeding rate, engorgement time, and fecundity responses in female Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say. Exposure, in this manner, to 10% DEET (in ethanol) for 5 min, resulted in 98% mortality in mosquitoes after 24h. The median probing time (PT(50)) required by females, when exposed to 0.1%, 1.0%, and 10% DEET, was significantly (P<0.0001) longer (12.5, 12.1, and 19.1s, respectively) than the 6.8s required by females to probe ethanol-treated skin (control). Similarly, mean blood feeding rates in populations of females exposed to 1.0% DEET for < or = 5 min (14.4%) was 6x lower (P<0.001) (85.5%) than in females exposed to ethanol-treated skin, whereas the mean engorgement time on skin treated with 1.0% DEET (66.3s) was significantly shorter (P<0.0001) than for females feeding on the control guinea pigs (105.9s). The mean number of mature o?cytes per female (fecundity) in treatment (1.0% DEET) and control mosquitoes was not significantly different. The responses to DEET observed in this study suggest that repeated exposure of female A. quadrimaculatus populations to this repellent, in laboratory bioassays, could result in confounding of toxicant and repellent effects and inaccurate estimates of DEET repellency.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine whether imidacloprid can impair the avoidance behaviour of the mosquito Stegomyia aegypti. Laboratory investigations using a T‐maze apparatus showed that St. aegypti mosquitoes present long term avoidance behaviour when they are exposed to repetitive trials with lemon oil and DEET. The present study tested the effect of a sublethal dose of imidacloprid on the avoidance behaviour of St. aegypti mosquitoes over a 48 h period. Data suggest that 0.5 ng of imidacloprid/mosquito reduces the avoidance behaviour of mosquitoes exposed to lemon oil, on the first day of exposure, after the second trial; whereas imidacloprid affected DEET repellency only the first day of exposure, after the second trial. Imidacloprid was toxic against St. aegypti mosquitoes, and at sublethal doses was able to impair the repellency induced by lemon oil and DEET. The present data were consistent with the finding that St. aegypti mosquitoes exhibit long term avoidance behaviour, and treatment of mosquitoes with a sublethal dose of imidacloprid under DEET application can affect the repellency of DEET against St. aegypti.  相似文献   

Abstract  Laboratory tests of commercial repellent formulations were conducted against Anopheles farauti Laveran, Culex annulirostris Skuse, Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse) and Stegomyia aegypti (L.). The majority of repellent formulations tested contain N,N ,-diethyl- 3 -methylbenzamide (also known as diethyl- m -toluamide, commonly called deet). Two formulations containing picaridin (1-piperidinecarboxylate acid, 2-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-methylpropylester, also known as KBR 3023), one containing ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate (EBAP) and two formulations containing essential oils (e.g. Citronella oil) were also tested. In the laboratory tests, repellent formulations containing deet provided the best protection, and picaridin and EBAP also provided good protection. Citronella oil provided only limited protection. Two field trials to compare commercially available repellent formulations containing picaridin and deet against mosquitoes at Redcliffe, Queensland, were conducted. In the first, Autan Repel, containing 9.3% picaridin, RID, containing 10% deet, and Bushman Ultra, containing 80% deet in a gel, were compared. In the second, Autan Repel Army 20, containing 19.2% picaridin, OFF! Skintastic, containing 7% deet, and Aerogard, containing 12% deet, were compared. The predominant mosquito in both tests was Cx. annulirostris . Bushman provided >95% protection against all mosquitoes for at least 8 h when tests ceased. The other deet repellents also provided good protection against mosquitoes, with RID providing 5 h, Skintastic 4 h and Aerogard 2 h protection. The Autan repel (9.3% picaridin) provided >95% protection for 3 h, and Autan Repel Army (19.2% picaridin) provided 4 h protection. These studies have shown that commercial formulations of both deet and picaridin provide good protection against Cx. annulirostris , an important vector of arboviruses in Australia.  相似文献   

目的选择一种最优势、合理的固定方式以提高对睾丸组织制片效果,以配合不同种类的科学研究。方法选用10%甲醛溶液、NBF—Bouin’s、Bouin’s和改良Davidson’s四种不同的固定液对大鼠睾丸进行充分固定后,制作石蜡切片,进行HE染色,比较不同固定液中的睾丸组织学形态的差异;利用糖原特殊染色(PAS),探讨不同固定液对睾丸糖原观察的影响;采用免疫组织化染色,测评睾丸组织内雄激素受体的固定效果。结果改良Davidson’8固定液较NBF—Bouin’s引起的曲细精管萎缩轻,形态更为清晰,用免疫组织化学方法检测雄激素更为敏感,并且改良Davidson's固定液在需要对精子发生进行分期时,其PAS染色的效果与Bouin's液固定后等同。结论与苴守圈常浦相№曲冉David0Rnn浦对女宙奥由的圈索特罩掂杯  相似文献   

The knock-down, mortality and 'irritancy' effects of three synthetic repellents (DEET, IR3535 and KBR 3023) on Aedes aegypti (L) (Diptera: Culicidae) were evaluated in the laboratory in the absence of animal bait. Filter paper tests were carried out to assess the knock-down effect (KDt(50) and KDt(95)) and mortality (LC(50) and LC(95)) induced by each repellent. 'Irritancy' tests were carried out to compare the flight response (time to first take-off, or FT) to increasing concentrations of repellents (2-7%) and at five distances from the treated surface (0-40 mm). DEET had an insecticidal effect (KDt(50) = 9.7 min at 7%; CL(50)= 1165 mg/m(2)), whereas IR3535 and KBR 3023 did not. Relative to an untreated control, IR3535 was an irritant (relative irritancy or RI > 1) at doses of 5% and 7% (RI = 17.7 and 9.9, respectively), whereas DEET was an irritant at lower concentrations (RI = 12.3 at 2% DEET). KBR 3023 was the weakest irritant over the same range of concentrations (RI(max) = 3.6 at 6%). DEET was more of an irritant (RI(20) = 9.4) than IR3535 (RI(20) = 2.9) over a range of distances (0-20 mm), and KBR 3023 was not an irritant unless mosquitoes made contact with the treated surface. All three repellents had a significant effect on mosquitoes, but DEET exhibited a more complex mode of action than the others due to its insecticidal properties. The repellents do not behave as a single class of compounds with a common mode of action, but most probably affect different physiological systems in insects. The physiological and molecular mechanisms of repellents, especially DEET, should be investigated to ensure a better use of these molecules for skin applications and/or for treating materials against mosquitoes.  相似文献   

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