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<正>麝鼩属(Crocidura)隶属于哺乳纲(Mammals)劳亚食虫目(Eulipotyphla)鼩鼱科(Soricidae),广泛分布于亚洲、欧洲和非洲。麝鼩属是哺乳动物中物种最多的属,已记录有198个物种(Wilson and Mittermeier, 2018)。麝鼩属物种体型较小、形态保守,属内多个物种的分类和分布存在较大争议。我国麝鼩属物种丰富,目前记录有14种麝鼩在我国分布(魏辅文等,2021)。  相似文献   

<正>台湾灰麝鼩(Crocidura tanakae Kuroda,1938)属于鼩形目(Soricomorpha)鼩鼱科(Soricidae)麝鼩属,在台湾地区分布较广(Fang et al.,1997),其模式标本产于台湾台中市南投县。其后,Ellerman和Morrison-Scott (1951)等认为其是灰麝鼩(Crocidura attenuata)的亚种或同物异名(Ellerman  相似文献   

为重新分析韩国大麝鼩种群与相邻的俄罗斯远东种群之间的遗传分化情况,我们获得9 条来自韩国4 个地点和俄罗斯3 个地点的大麝鼩线粒体细胞色素b 基因(Cyt b)全序列,并将其与来自GenBank 的4 条Cyt b 全序列和4 条Cyt b 部分序列进行比较。结果发现韩国的大麝鼩并非只有一种基因型,因此,在利用Cyt b 部分序列进行种群遗传学分析时需格外注意。基于Cyt b 全序列分析,发现韩国的大麝鼩与俄罗斯远东地区的大麝鼩之间存在1.08% 的平均JC 距离和7 个位点的差异,推测韩国的大麝鼩与俄罗斯远东地区的大麝鼩在包括末次冰盛期在内的很长时期都没有进行过遗传交流。目前的测序结果不支持当前认为大麝鼩为单系群的亚种分类理论,支持韩国大麝鼩是C. l. thomasi 亚种的分类理论,但还需进一步对中国东北地区的样品进行测序分析后才能最终确认。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区水量丰富且季节变化大,对湖区小型哺乳动物造成一定压力。具有游泳能力的小型哺乳动物可利用水体逃生扩散,游泳能力影响其分布情况。黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)为洞庭湖区主要优势鼠种,在湖区各生境中均占优势;灰麝鼩(Crocidura attenuata)在湖区亦有分布,二者分布特点不同,可能与游泳能力有关。为观察比较二者游泳能力,野外捕捉动物进行游泳实验,观察并比较二者的游泳行为及皮毛吸水率。结果发现,灰麝鼩采用狗刨式在水面游泳,背腹部没入水中,身体与水面倾斜度较大,利用四肢划水提供动力,游泳期间无漂浮行为,皮毛吸水率随游泳时间延长而增长,游泳行为及皮毛吸水率无性别差异。黑线姬鼠也采用狗刨式在水面游泳,仅腹部没入水中,身体与水面倾斜度较小,主要利用后肢划水,可漂浮在水面,皮毛吸水率随游泳时间延长而增长,游泳行为及皮毛吸水率无性别差异。两者比较显示,黑线姬鼠采用水生适应程度较好的游泳方式,游泳能力比灰麝鼩强,其皮毛防水性能优于灰麝鼩,皮毛吸水率和吸水率速率显著低于灰麝鼩。上述结果表明,黑线姬鼠和灰麝鼩都具有一定的水中运动能力,但黑线姬鼠的游泳方式及皮毛防水性比灰麝鼩强,可能是其广泛分布于洞庭湖湖区的原因之一。  相似文献   

2017年8月,在浙江省拟建淳安磨心尖省级自然保护区和拟建东阳市东江源省级自然保护区捕获麝鼩属(Crocidura)共5号标本。基于线粒体细胞色素b基因构建的系统发育树显示采集于浙江的麝鼩属样本与大麝鼩(Crocidura lasiura)和日本麝鼩(Crocidura dsinezumi)构成姊妹群,遗传距离最近,而与中国西南部分布的小体型印支小麝鼩(Crocidura indochinensis)、五指山小麝鼩(Crocidura wuchihensis)及东北部分布的山东小麝鼩(Crocidua shantungensis)、北小麝鼩(Crocidua suaveolens)亲缘关系较远,其遗传距离分别为0.114、0.124、0.139和0.144。这些样本与麝鼩属其他物种之间的遗传距离在0.101~0.155之间,最小遗传距离出现在来自浙江的样本和大麝鼩之间,最大遗传距离在浙江样本与中麝鼩之间。形态上,采集于浙江的麝鼩属标本个体小,体长48~61mm(平均:55.60mm),尾长35~49mm(平均:43.14mm);尾长与体长之比72.92%~80.36%;尾近乎裸露,尾基1/3~1/2着生稀疏长毛;尾上下双色,背部黑褐色,腹部较淡;颅较短,颅全长15.60~17.16mm(平均:16.46mm),与中国东北部分布的山东小麝鼩和北小麝鼩相近又有区别,与已知其它麝鼩属物种形态差异较大;综合形态和系统发育关系证实采集于浙江的麝鼩属物种为一新物种,命名为东阳江麝鼩(Crocidura dongyangjiangensis Liu Y, Chen SD, and Liu SY sp. nov.)。本文对其形态、栖息环境和与近缘种的区别进行了详细记述。  相似文献   

正台湾灰麝鼩(Crocidura tanakae)属于鼩形目(Soricomorpha)鼩鼱科(Soricidae),首次被Kuroda于1938描述,其模式产地在中国台湾台中市(Taichung)。随后一直被认为是灰麝鼩(Crocidura attenuata)的亚种或同物异名(Corbet and Hill,1992;Hutterer,1993;Fang et al.,1997;Motoka-  相似文献   

在贵州省六盘水市杨梅乡慕尼克村,利用陷阱法捕捉到3号麝鼩属(Crocidura)标本。本次采集标本的体形较小,头体长(49.0 ± 0.8)mm,尾长[(41.8 ± 4.2)mm]略短于头体长(尾长/头体长为85%)。背毛呈浅灰褐色,腹毛颜色浅于背毛,呈灰色。尾部双色,背侧黑褐色,腹侧淡于背侧。前足背部白色,后足则为淡灰色。尾近乎裸露,尾基约1/3着生稀疏白色长毛。颅全长(15.92 ± 0.55)mm,脑颅高(4.75 ± 0.18)mm。上门齿1枚,有一长而大的前尖和一小而矮的后尖。上单尖齿3枚,第1单尖齿最大,第2单尖齿略大于第3单尖齿,1枚第四前臼齿(P4),3枚臼齿。上述特征与东阳江麝鼩(C. dongyangjiangensis)模式标本的描述和鉴定特征基本一致,因此将3号采集标本鉴定为东阳江麝鼩。基于Cyt b基因进行分子系统发育分析,采集标本与麝鼩属物种中的东阳江麝鼩遗传距离最近,在0.004 ~ 0.027之间。系统发生树显示,3号标本与东阳江麝鼩构成一个单系进化分支,进一步证实本次采集的3号标本是东阳江麝鼩,为贵州省分布新记录种。  相似文献   

在大兴安岭山脉呼中地区、塔河地区和呼伦湖地区,小兴安岭山脉萝北地区,长白山山脉横道河子地区、三道关地区、牡丹峰地区、凤凰山地区和新宾地区,对我国东北地区鼩鼱科动物进行调查。共获得686号标本,首先利用形态特征描述和形态测量进行形态学物种鉴定,然后利用mt DNA Cyt b基因全序列构建系统发生树,使用ABGD软件进行分子生物学物种鉴定,形态学和分子生物学物种鉴定结果一致。证实东北地区鼩鼱科动物包括麝鼩属2种:大麝鼩(Crocidura lasiura)和山东小麝鼩(C. shantungensis);鼩鼱属9种:大鼩鼱(Sorex mirabilis)、中鼩鼱(S. caecutiens)、远东鼩鼱(S. isodon)、苔原鼩鼱(S. tundrensis)、长爪鼩鼱(S. unguiculatus)、栗齿鼩鼱(S. daphaenodon)、细鼩鼱(S. gracillimus)、扁颅鼩鼱(S. roboratus)和姬鼩鼱(S. minutissimus)。调查发现大麝鼩和山东小麝鼩同域分布,且更临近人类生活区。在我国东北地区,中鼩鼱、细鼩鼱和远东鼩鼱种群数量与分布范围较大,其它物种种群数量明显小于这3个物种;大鼩鼱和扁颅鼩鼱分布数量较小,苔原鼩鼱仅在呼伦湖地区被采集到,在此地与姬鼩鼱同域分布。栗齿鼩鼱仅在大兴安岭地区捕获到。文中测量各物种标本的外形(体重、头体长、尾长、尾长/头体长、后足长、耳长),及头骨(颅全长、颅基长、基长、脑颅宽、脑颅高、眶间宽、上齿列长、下齿列长、腭前部宽、腭后部宽),通过照片展示了鼩鼱属9个物种的颅骨形态特征,并给出每一物种的鉴别特征,作为东北地区鼩鼱科物种形态分类依据。  相似文献   

2018年11月在安徽省黄山市太平湖国家湿地公园(30°34′42″N,118°41′47″E)和宣城市旌德县蔡家桥镇(30°21′26″N,118°30′11″E)的针阔混交林采集到3只麝鼩属小型兽类。3只个体体型较小,体重11~14 g;背毛灰褐色,腹部毛色稍淡;尾短而粗壮,上下异色,基部2/3散生稀疏的长刚毛,这些特征与台湾灰麝鼩(Crocidura tanakae)描述一致。基于Cyt b全序列构建的最大似然树显示,这3号标本与从GenBank下载的台湾灰麝鼩(GenBank登录号KX946002~KX946006、AB175080、AB175081)构成单系群(支持率为100%)。这3号标本Cyt b全序列与台湾灰麝鼩地模标本(GenBank登录号AB175080、AB175081)的遗传距离在0.76%~0.85%之间。基于以上结果,确定这3号标本为台湾灰麝鼩,这是该物种在安徽省的首次发现,也是其在华东地区的首个分布记录。  相似文献   

2015年4至12月,以玉龙鼠疫疫源地的核心区域文笔山为样区,在2 400 m以上海拔区间划分4个垂直生态带,采用夹夜法进行四个季节的小型兽类调查。根据生态位宽度指数(B_i)和生态位重叠指数(C_(ih))对该地区小型兽类垂直空间与季节生态位特征进行分析。调查共布鼠夹8 028次,捕获小型兽类1 583只,包括4目6科12属23种,其中,优势种齐氏姬鼠(Apodemus chevrieri)、大绒鼠(Eothenomys miletus)和中华姬鼠(A.draco)的垂直空间、季节以及时空二维生态位宽度指数较大,在4个季节的4个垂直空间均有分布。黑腹绒鼠(E.melanogaster)的垂直空间生态位宽度指数最高,对垂直空间资源利用最优。稀有种社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)、褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)、侧纹岩松鼠(Sciurotamias forresti)、南小麝鼩(Crocidura horsfieldi)、臭鼩鼱(Suncus murinus)和黄腹鼬(Mustela sibirica)的垂直空间、季节以及时空二维生态位宽度指数均近似为0,在资源轴分布上具有单一性。在垂直空间和季节生态位重叠方面,C_(ih)0.3的种对分别为147对和152对,分别占总种对的58.10%和60.08%,大部分为与优势种和常见种组成的种对。C_(ih)=0的种对分别为42对和37对,占比16.60%和14.62%,大部分为与稀有物种组成的种对。在季节方面,C_(ih)0.6的种对有78对,占总种对的30.81%。巢鼠(Micromys minuts)和黄腹鼬、侧纹岩松鼠和臭鼩鼱、南小麝鼩和玉龙绒鼠(E.proditor)3对小型兽类的垂直空间C_(ih)=1。巢鼠和南小麝鼩、臭鼩鼱,滇绒鼠(E.eleusis)和中麝鼩(C.russula)、黄腹鼬,中麝鼩和黄腹鼬,南小麝鼩和臭鼩鼱,6对小型兽类季节C_(ih)=1。结果说明,玉龙县小型兽类优势种、常见种生态位宽度和生态位重叠指数均高于稀有种,但整体对空间的占有利用合理,各种群在群落中具有各自的生态位,保证了种群相对稳定。此调查可为当地鼠疫等自然疫源性疾病的宿主动物调查和研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

1. Experimental data on the maximum growth and food consumption of winter‐acclimatised Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) juveniles from three Norwegian rivers situated at 59 and 70°N were compared with predictions from published models of growth and food consumption of summer‐acclimatised fish from the same populations. 2. All winter‐acclimatised fish maintained positive growth and a substantial energy intake over the whole range of experimental temperature (1–6 °C). This contrasted with predictions from growth models based on summer acclimatised Atlantic salmon, where growth and energy intake ceased at approximately 5 °C. 3. Growth and food consumption varied significantly among populations. Winter‐acclimatised fish from a Northern population had a higher mass‐specific growth rate, higher energy intake and higher growth efficiency than southern populations, which is contrary to predictions from models developed using summer‐acclimatised salmon, where fish from the Northern population had the lowest growth efficiency. 4. The experiment provides evidence that thermal performance varies seasonally and suggests adaptation to the annual thermal regime.  相似文献   

There is evidence supporting the importance of a healthy diet; however, there are few studies analyzing the seasonal variation of food intake. The present study was aimed to evaluate seasonal variation of food and energy intake in Spanish elderly also to investigate diet quality based on the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) score. From a cross-sectional study, 28 individuals (39% males) aged over 55 years volunteered for a longitudinal follow-up. Dietary assessment was evaluated through 24-h dietary recalls. Energy and nutrient intake were calculated using DIAL software. Furthermore, diet quality was measured using HEI. Data was analyzed considering the interaction of sex, age, fitness status, and body composition. Cereals intake was significantly lower in summer than in winter and autumn (both p?<?0.05); whereas, drinks intake was significantly higher in summer than in winter, spring, and autumn (all p?<?0.01). Daily energy intake was significant higher in spring than in summer, and in autumn than in summer (p?<?0.05), and energy intake from lunch was also statistically higher in spring than in summer (p?<?0.01). The HEI was classified as good; however, a negative and significant association was observed between HEI and cholesterol, alcohol, and monounsaturated fatty acids intake (p?<?0.01). Cereals and drinks intake and total daily energy intake changed according to seasons. This should be considered in nutritional studies. Diet quality seems not to be affected by these seasonal changes, and HEI did not show a good association with the majority of foods and macro- and micronutrients.  相似文献   



This study aimed to evaluate the energy expenditure and energy intake as an experiment of energy balance of elite Taekwondo players receiving summer vs. winter intensive training.


The summer training group (STG, n = 15) and the winter training group (WTG, n = 18) wore an accelerometer for the measurement of energy expenditure and maintained a daily dietary record for measurement of energy intake, for seven consecutive days during summer or winter intensive training.


The total energy expenditure (TEE) (834.1 kcal, p < .001), the total counts (1,867 counts, p = .038), and the energy expenditure during moderate (384.6 kcal, p < .001) and vigorous activity (351.8 kcal, p < .001) were significantly lower in the STG than in the WTG. On the other hand, the macronutrient intake showed that intake of energy (902.7 kcal, p < .001), carbohydrates (82.6g, p < .001), and protein (93.9g, p < .001) in the STG were significantly lower than those of the WTG. When comparing TEE and total energy intake, the STG consumed 902.7 kcal less as energy than the WTG, while the STG performed 834.1 kcal more as TEE than that of the WTG.


In conclusion, both of the summer and winter intensive training are not proper for energy balance condition. Therefore, to promote the optimal energy balance during the summer or winter intensive training period, a training and sports nutrition program based on the amount of energy expenditure and energy intake for Taekwondo players should be considered.  相似文献   

The feed intake, growth, oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of juvenile Arctic charr were measured over period of four weeks at different temperatures which were either constant (11.0, 14.4, 17.7 °C) or fluctuated daily (14.3 ± 1 °C). Maximum feed intake was estimated to occur at 14.3 °C, while oxygen consumption and nitrogen excretion were highest at the highest temperature, and growth rate was estimated to be highest at 13.9 °C. Feed conversion efficiency was estimated to be highest at 13.2 °C, where over 62.7% of ingested energy was allocated to growth. Metabolic rate accounted for 16–30% of ingested energy and nitrogen excretion was under 3% of ingested energy. The nitrogen budget was under similar thermal influences to the energy budget. Thermal fluctuation increased metabolic rate, but not feed intake, leading to a reduction in feed conversion efficiency under fluctuating temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates, temperature acclimation, lipid deposition and temperature tolerance were investigated in two species of hylid treefrogs, the green treefrog (Hyla cinerea) and the coastal plain (Cope's) gray treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis). The rate of oxygen consumption at rest differed between the two species only at 30 degrees C; there was no difference in respiratory metabolism at lower ambient temperatures. Hyla cinerea generally completed metabolic acclimation earlier than H. chrysoscelis, particularly at high temperatures; both species appeared to be fully acclimated in 6 days or less. The gray treefrog is less tolerant of high ambient temperatures than the green treefrog; mean upper lethal temperature was 41.5 degrees C for Hyla chrysoscelis and 43.7 degrees C for H. cinerea. Metabolized energy was higher at high ambient temperatures (i.e. 29 degrees C) for H. chrysoscelis than H. cinerea, while the reverse was true at 19 degrees C. The coefficient of utilization (100 X metabolized energy/gross energy intake) did not vary significantly between species or within species over the ambient temperature range of 19-24 degrees C; H. chrysoscelis had a significantly higher efficiency at 29 degrees C. Lipid reserves were generally similar in the two species throughout the summer. Differences in behavior, seasonal variation in activity and timing of reproduction are all related to thermal physiology and may play a role in determining the distributional limits of the two species.  相似文献   

Aquatic and aerial rates of oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion of ribbed mussels, Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn), collected from the mid-intertidal zone of a mid-Atlantic salt marsh, were measured under ambient conditions of food, temperature, and salinity over five seasons. Rates of aquatic respiration covaried with body size and season, as the rates were high and strongly related to mussel tissue weight in spring and summer but low and weight independent in winter. There was a significant interannual difference between summer of 1995 and 1996. Rates of aerial respiration also varied seasonally, with high rates of oxygen consumption in summer and low rates in winter. The magnitude of these seasonal variations were greater than those for aquatic respiration, and as a result, the ratio of aerial to aquatic respiration was higher in summer (0.61 and 0.52) than in winter (0.11). This indicates that G. demissa was able to actively regulate aerial respiration, thereby permitting high aerobic metabolism during prolonged periods of air exposure in summer. We hypothesize that such high rates of aerial respiration, during the seasons of high metabolic activity, are required to provide sufficient energy for mussels to facilitate food digestion during air exposure at low tide. Rates of ammonium excretion varied seasonally and increased with mussel weight in all seasons. The atomic ratio of oxygen to nitrogen (O:N), calculated from aquatic respiration vs. ammonium excretion, was significantly lower in autumn (26) than in other seasons (46–60) among which the O:N did not vary significantly.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Adults of Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) form massive overwintering aggregations in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. These diapausing pre-reproductive adults may remain in the aggregations for up to 10 months. Beetles were collected from overwintering sites in Nevada County, California, and held at 4C for 6 weeks. In order to simulate the winter to summer transition, the beetles were transferred to 20C and 68% r.h. under a LD 12:12h cycle. Supercooling points increased slightly from - 16C on day 0 to - 12.9CC on day 21. In contrast, low temperature tolerance decreased markedly within 2 weeks. On day 0 nearly all beetles survive 2 h of exposure to - 5C, whereas only 50% survived this treatment on day 4. These data demonstrate the general lack of correlation between the supercooling point and the lower lethal temperature in warm-acclimated beetles. Within 1 day of transfer to 20C, oxygen consumption decreased by 26%. This decrease continued through day 14 when the rate of oxygen consumption had decreased to 40% of initial values. Beetles acclimated to 20C selected temperatures significantly higher than cold-acclimated beetles. The parametric shifts observed in this study are consistent with a physiological transition from cold-hardiness and energy conservation during winter to one of dispersal, feeding and reproduction in summer beetles.  相似文献   

Physiological properties of the temperate hermatypic coral Acropora pruinosa Brook with symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) on the southern coast of the Izu Peninsula, Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan, were compared between summer and winter. Photosynthesis and respiration rates of the coral with symbiotic zooxanthellae were measured in summer and winter under controlled temperatures and irradiances with a differential gasvolumeter (Productmeter). Net photosynthetic rate under all irradiances was higher in winter than in summer at the lower range of temperature (12–20°C), while lower than in summer at the higher range of temperature (20–30°C). The optimum temperature for net photosynthesis was apt to fall with the decrease of irradiance both in summer and winter, whereas it was higher in summer than in winter under each irradiance. At 25/ 50/100 μmol photons nr2 s?1, it was nearly the sea‐water temperature in each season. Dark respiration rate was higher in winter than in summer, especially in the range from 20–30°C. In both seasons the optimum temperature for gross photosynthesis was 28°C under 400 μmol photons nr2 s?1 and lowered with decreasing irradiance up to 22°C under 25 μmol photons nr2 s?1 in summer, while 20°C under the same irradiance in winter. The optimum temperature for production/respiration (P/R) ratio was higher in summer than in winter under each irradiance. Results indicated that metabolism of coral and zooxanthellae is adapted to ambient temperature condition under nearly natural irradiance in each season.  相似文献   

赵志军  曹静  陈可新 《兽类学报》2014,34(2):149-157
为阐明小型哺乳动物体重和能量代谢的季节性变化以及生理调节机制,将黑线仓鼠驯化于自然环境下12个月,测定其体重、能量收支、身体组织器官和血清瘦素水平的季节性变化。黑线仓鼠能量摄入和支出的季节性变化显著,冬季摄入能、基础代谢率(BMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)显著高于夏季。体重季节性变化不显著,但身体组织器官重量呈现显著的季节性变化,冬季肝脏、心脏、肾脏以及消化道重量显著高于夏季。体脂含量夏季最高,冬季最低,冬季显著低于夏、秋和春季(P <0.01)。血清瘦素水平的季节性变化显著,夏季瘦素水平比秋、冬季分别高88.2% 和52.4% (P <0.05)。结果表明,黑线仓鼠体重维持季节性稳定,与“调定点假说”的预测不同;但脂肪含量和血清瘦素季节性变化显著,符合该假说。夏季血清瘦素升高具有抑制能量摄入的作用,冬季血清瘦素可能是促进代谢产热的重要因子,瘦素对能量代谢和体重的调节作用与气候的季节性变化有关。    相似文献   

Abstract. Third-instar larvae of the goldenrod gall fly ( Eurosta solidaginis Fitch) live inside ball galls on goldenrod plants from summer to the following spring.Because galls are highly exposed to the weather, larvae experience substantial variations in body temperature.This study documents the oxygen consumption of gall fly larvae with regard to the effects of ambient temperature, seasonal conditioning, and prior exposure to subzero temperature.The body mass of larvae doubles between the late summer and the autumn; it subsequently undergoes a modest decline by early winter.The O2, consumption of field-acclimatized larvae increases with ambient temperature, especially between 0 and 10°C (Q10= 2.6-3.4).The thermal sensitivity of metabolism declines at higher ambient temperatures, most notably during the autumn/early winter.After exposure to 15°C for 1 week, autumn and early winter larvae maintain much lower rates of O2 consumption than do late summer specimens.Prior exposure to -5°C for 24 h did not influence the O2 consumption of larvae.Low thermal sensitivity of O2 consumption, especially at higher ambient temperatures, is an energy-sparing mechanism during seasonal inactivity.Indeed, the persistence of this metabolic pattern in larvae exposed to 15°C suggests that they have entered a state of diapause.  相似文献   

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