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活血丹小尺度空间遗传结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左威  宋文静  金则新  李钧敏 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5761-5768
活血丹(Glechoma lonituba)是唇形科活血丹属的多年生克隆草本植物。采用简单重复序列区(ISSR)分子标记技术,比较分析了3个不同斑块活血丹的遗传多样性、克隆多样性以及小尺度空间遗传结构,并探讨其与生境异质性、繁殖体传播和人为干扰的相关性。结果表明:1)活血丹物种水平的遗传多样性很低,各斑块的遗传多样性较低,以水渠边斑块最高,平葛村斑块次之,竹林下斑块最低。2)活血丹物种水平的克隆多样性较高,各斑块活血丹的克隆多样性以水渠边斑块最大,平葛村斑块次之,竹林下斑块最低。3)遗传分化系数Gst为0.7129,表明活血丹的遗传变异大部分存在于斑块间;斑块间的基因流较小,仅为0.2004。4)空间自相关分析表明活血丹一定的空间距离下存在显著的空间遗传结构,竹林下斑块在100cm时存在显著性正相关,其X轴截矩为205.994cm;平葛村斑块在200cm时存在显著性正相关,其X轴截矩为235.388cm;水渠边斑块在150cm时存在显著性正相关,其X轴截矩为240.336cm。应用软件SPAGeDi 1.2软件对各斑块的空间遗传结构进行量化,表明平葛村斑块具有最强的空间遗传结构,水渠边和竹林下斑块的空间遗传结构较弱。活血丹的遗传结构、克隆结构及空间分布格局受到其繁殖体传播特征、人为干扰和繁殖权衡的影响,是其对生境异质性的适应结果。  相似文献   

马青青  刘建军  余鸽  刘伟  马亦生 《生态学报》2016,36(20):6496-6505
利用SSR分子标记技术分析了佛坪国家级自然保护区秦岭箭竹(Fargesia qinlingensis)的克隆多样性和克隆结构,以探讨小尺度范围内秦岭箭竹自然居群遗传变异的分布特征,对该种开花特性、高山地区生态环境维护和大熊猫的保护提供重要依据。结果表明7对SSR引物共扩增出79个位点,其中多态性位点77个,多态位点百分率(PPB)为97.47%。秦岭箭竹的142个分株共形成107个克隆,最大克隆可达5 m。克隆多样性略高于其他克隆植物的平均值(D=0.62,G/N=0.17,E=0.68),基因型比率(G/N)、Simpson指数(D)、平均克隆大小(N/G)和Fager均匀性指数(E)分别为0.7535、0.9680、1.3271和0.5109。克隆空间结构分析表明秦岭箭竹的克隆构型为密集型,各克隆呈镶嵌性分布,同一克隆的分株排列紧密。克隆聚类分析表明各克隆之间聚类不明显,总体上来自同一样地的克隆被聚为一类。空间自相关分析显示在空间距离为36 m范围内,分株比基株有更显著的空间遗传结构,空间自相关系数r的取值范围分别为0.084—0.626和0.024—0.288,说明克隆繁殖在一定程度上限制了空间遗传结构的范围。样地内秦岭箭竹个体在空间距离小于44 m时存在显著的正相关空间结构,特别是在4 m处表现出最大的空间自相关系数(r=0.626),表明空间距离相距4 m内的个体最有可能属于同一克隆,4 m比5 m更能表现出清晰的克隆结构,X-轴截距为52.280,代表了秦岭箭竹不规则克隆的平均最小长度。秦岭箭竹的克隆多样性和克隆结构与初始苗补充、花粉散播方式和微环境差异有关。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖具刚毛荸荠居群遗传多样性和克隆结构的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用ISSR标记对鄱阳湖的2个具刚毛荸荠(Heleocharis valleculosa f.setosa)居群共120个个体的遗传多样性和克隆结构进行了研究.5条ISSR引物共检测到85个位点,其中49个为多态位点,占57.65%.具刚毛荸荠具有较高的遗传多样性(在物种水平上,Nei's基因多样性指数H=0.1545,Shannon信息指数I=0.2400),两居群间遗传分化很小.具刚毛荸荠的克隆多样性很高(D=0.9975),两居群不具有共同的基因型.空间自相关分析表明,具刚毛荸荠居群内遗传变异为随机分布格局.  相似文献   

艾纳香野生种群克隆多样性及克隆结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾纳香是具有克隆生长习性的多年生宿根性草本植物,其广布于中国南部,为了更有效地保护和合理利用艾纳香资源,本文利用RAPD分子标记技术,对4个野生艾纳香种群进行了克隆结构和克隆多样性(单克隆种群或多克隆种群)进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)10对10bp随机引物共检测到70条谱带,其中多态带为60条,占85.71%,检测到64个基因型,且全部为局限基因型;(2)与Ellstrand Roose(1987)总结的克隆多样性平均值(PD=0.17,D=0.62)相比艾纳香的种群克隆多样性水平稍高,Simpson指数平均为0.973,基因型比率PD平均为0.800;(3)遗传一致度和遗传距离分析表明,4个艾纳香野生种群被分成两组,一组是海南的所有种群,另外一组是云南类群。  相似文献   

运用ISSR分子标记技术,通过制定挖掘采样、"+"形采样及"垂直"采样3种采样方案,对贺兰山丁香(Syringa pinnatifolia var.alanshanica)不同居群的克隆多样性、克隆生长格局及其遗传多样性进行了分析.克隆多样性分析表明:挖掘采样方式采到的3个克隆系内,各自所包含的单株间具有完全相同的基因型;"垂直"采样及"+"形采样的7个居群、 239个样品表现出136个不同的基因型或克隆,显示贺兰山丁香具有较高的克隆多样性(D=0.994)及基因型分布均匀性(E=0.985).克隆生长空间格局分析表明,贺兰山丁香为密集型克隆植物.每个居群都由多克隆组成,克隆生长只发生在同一丛内,多数基株只含有1个分株,最多可达8个.物种水平上的平均克隆大小(NC)和平均基因型比例(PD)分别为1.757和0.569.对贺兰山丁香遗传多样性分析的结果显示,在居群水平和物种水平上都保持着较高的遗传多样性,其遗传变异主要存在于居群内;但居群间分化程度较低(GST=0.320),表明自然居群间基因交流有限.  相似文献   

余鸽  龙凤来  刘建军  马青青  康永祥  黄建  曹庆 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4743-4753
很多竹类植物是典型的克隆植物,也是大熊猫的食物。研究典型竹子种群克隆结构的形成和发展对竹林的生产和抚育具有理论和实践意义,可为预测该竹林群落的演替趋势和大熊猫保护提供科学依据。利用SSR标记研究不同年龄A(7龄)、B(30龄)和C(60龄)巴山木竹种群的克隆结构和多样性,探讨小尺度范围内不同年龄巴山木竹种群的克隆结构及斑块的建立和发展。8对SSR引物共扩增出了118个位点,3个种群样地的256个样本共检测到了49个克隆(基因型),A、B和C种群分别检测出31、10个和8个克隆。随着种群年龄的增长,巴山木竹克隆面积增加,克隆数量减少;A和B样地各克隆分布格局为团块状,而C样地克隆既有团块状又有离散状。这一结果显示出在幼苗定居的初期,基株可能以短距离的克隆延伸为主从而呈现出团块状;而随着年龄的增长,克隆面积不断扩大,当复轴混生型的巴山木竹克隆受到强大的压迫时,基株可能会进行较多的单轴和长距离克隆延伸,呈现出离散状。Mantel检测和空间自相关分析都支持3个样地在小尺度范围内存在明显的克隆空间遗传结构。3个样地在10 m等级下显著的正相关空间遗传结构距离为3.1、28、48 m,X-轴截距为9.051、30.698和50.536,空间自相关系数的范围分别为0.1—0.167、0.008—0.703和0.006—0.735。由此可推断,随着年龄的增长,巴山木竹克隆斑块的规模在不断地扩大,同一克隆的分株数量增加,在均匀取样情况下,正相关空间遗传结构距离范围内取到具有相同基因型的可能性越大。A、B和C 3样地的基因型比率(G/N)为1、0.14和0.055,Simpson多样性指数(D)分别为1、0.876和0.744。这说明巴山木竹幼苗期基因型比例远远高于成年的竹林,随着年龄的增长巴山木竹克隆多样性虽有所降低,但由于有性繁殖的作用仍然保持了较高的多样性。聚类和主坐标分析均表明总体上各样地的克隆被聚为一类,但不同样地少数克隆的基因型有重叠和聚集,可推断出不同巴山木竹种群之间可能存在着基因流动和近似的克隆起源。  相似文献   

将ISSR、SRAP分子标记与空间自相关分析技术相结合,对我国野生百里香属植物分布最南端 的怀远3个地椒居群进行了以斑块为单位的遗传多样性、克隆多样性和克隆结构、空间结构的研究.结果表明:地椒野生居群内不同斑块间存在较高的遗传多样性和克隆多样性,多样性条带百分率为75.75%,Nei基因多样性指数为0.2537, Shannon信息多样性指数为0.3811,基因型比率平均为0.61,Simpson指数平均为0.96,Fager均匀性指数平均为0.91.居群间的遗传分化较低,在总的遗传多样性中,90.35%来自居群内斑块间的变异,居群间占9.65%.野生地椒居群间无共有基因型斑块,居群内不同斑块间在一定范围内具有镶嵌性,克隆斑块间的分布范围主要集中在0~25 m.该地区地椒居群除了在部分位点呈现一定相关性外,总体缺乏空间结构.该地区野生地椒种群斑块的建立应为种子入侵所致,其后克隆繁殖对斑块的发展及种群的扩张起到了主要作用.  相似文献   

黄花杓兰云南中甸居群遗传结构及克隆多样性的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用AFLP分子标记方法对云南中甸的6个黄花杓兰( Cypripedium flavum )居群进行了遗传多样性水平、遗传结构及克隆多样性研究,其中两个居群用样方取样法分析其克隆空间结构.POPGENE软件分析结果表明:两组引物共产生104个位点,其中86个为多态位点,多态位点百分率为82.69%.黄花杓兰具有丰富的遗传变异(物种水平上, He=0.2884, Ho=0.4312;居群水平上,P=64.59%, He=0.2449, Ho=0.3606),黄花杓兰居群的遗传分化不大( Gst=0.154),居群间基因交流较为频繁( Nm=2.7460).居群的克隆多样性水平高( D=0.9638-0.9960,G/N=0.83-0.96),同一克隆的分株相邻,克隆生长延伸范围狭窄.黄花杓兰居群之所以保持较高水平的遗传多样性,可能与其既能通过实生幼苗增加基因的杂合度,又能通过无性分株把杂合体固定下来有关.  相似文献   

羊草种群克隆多样性的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 采用水平淀粉凝胶电泳技术检测了松嫩草原上两种叶色类型(灰绿型和黄绿型)羊草(Leymus chinensis)种群的克隆多样性。羊草种群中克隆多样性较高,Simpson指数平均为0.983,97.7% 的基因型为局部分布;在克隆特性上,灰绿型和黄绿型羊草也明显不同,黄绿型种群的克隆多样性低于灰绿型。由基株数据计算的种群遗传多样性与由分株计算的结果一致,进一步确认了黄绿型和灰绿型羊草间存在着明显的遗传分化。种群中不时有实生苗补充及环境异质性引起的分化选择作用可能是维持种群内基因型多样性的重要因素。  相似文献   

竹叶眼子菜居群遗传多样性和克隆结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈媛媛  栗琪  吴文颖  李伟 《应用生态学报》2006,17(11):2034-2040
采用ISSR技术对长江中游南岸豹澥湖和大冶湖不同生境中的竹叶眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)居群的遗传多样性及克隆结构进行了研究.结果表明,在两居群的106株个体中,利用6条ISSR引物共得到40条符合3/N标准并无连锁不平衡的清晰位点,竹叶眼子菜具有较高的遗传多样性,其多态位点百分率为75.0%,Shannon多样性指数为0.3736, 两居群的遗传分化很小.竹叶眼子菜的克隆多样性很高(D=0.9917),两居群间的克隆分化很大,不具有共有的基因型.竹叶眼子菜的基株分布为游击型构型,位于湖心的大冶居群克隆距离(3.0~31.5 m)明显地大于湖岸豹澥居群(2.4~6.7 m).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The mode of reproduction (sexual vs. asexual) is likely to have important effects on genetic variation and its spatial distribution within plant populations. An investigation was undertaken of fine-scale clonal structure and diversity within patches of Ilex leucoclada (a clone-forming dioecious shrub). METHODS: Six patches were selected in a 1-ha plot previously established in an old-growth beech forest. Two of the selected patches were composed predominantly of stems with male flowers (male patch), and two contained stems with predominantly female flowers (female patch). The remaining two patches contained stems with male flowers and stems with female flowers in more or less equal proportions (mixed patch). Different genets were distinguished using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. KEY RESULTS: One hundred and fifty-six genets with different RAPD phenotypes were identified among 1928 stems from the six patches. Among the six patches, the male patches had the lowest clonal diversity, and the mixed patches had the highest. Distribution maps of the genets showed that they extended downhill, reflecting natural layering that occurred when stems were pressed to the ground by heavy snow. In every patch, there were a few large genets with many stems and many small genets with a few stems. CONCLUSION: The differences in clonal diversity among patches may be due to differences in seedling recruitment frequencies. The skewed distribution of genet size (defined as the number of stems per genet) within patches may be due to differences in the timing of germination, or age (with early-establishing genets having clear advantages for acquiring resources) and/or intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Once thought to be dominated by a few genets, clonal plant populations can contain high levels of genetic diversity. Sexual reproduction and vegetative growth strategy affect the amount and distribution of genetic diversity within clonal plant populations. We determined the scale of genetic diversity in a population of Vaccinium stamineum, a clonal shrub that forms discrete patches. Using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique, we surveyed the genetic diversity of V. stamineum within and among patches from a 1-ha site. We found 67 unique RAPD profiles among the 99 sampled individuals from 22 patches. In two patches, all the sampled individuals had the same RAPD profile. In seven patches, every individual sampled had a different RAPD profile. The remaining patches showed mixed RAPD profiles which suggested both clonal and sexual reproduction. Each unique RAPD profile was restricted to one patch (with one exception), which suggests that clonal growth occurs at the patch scale. High levels of genetic variation within some patches may be explained by somatic mutation; however, seedling recruitment is a more likely explanation.  相似文献   

We investigated clonal diversity within patches of Ilex leucoclada and genetic variation within and among patches using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in a 1-ha plot within an old-growth beech forest. We found 38 patches that exhibited a clumped distribution in the middle of the plot. We identified a total of 166 RAPD phenotypes among the 215 stems sampled from 27 patches that were completely within the plot. The population showed high clonal diversity within patches (mean number of genets relative to number of stems = 0.79; mean Simpson's D = 0.89). Variation in RAPD phenotypes among patches was highly significant (PhiST in the molecular variance analysis = 0.316, P < 0.001), indicating genetic differentiation among patches. Pairwise genetic distances, PhiST, among patches did not correlate with geographical distances among patches. The cluster analysis based on the genetic distances showed few clear clusters of patches, indicating no spatial genetic structure among patches. High levels of clonal diversity both within patches and within the population may be explained by multiple founders, seedling recruitment during patch-formation, and somatic mutation. The significant genetic differentiation among patches may be caused by separate founding events and/or kin structuring within patches.  相似文献   

Elytrigia atherica is a tall clonal grass species typical of higher salt marshes, but is gradually invading to the lower marshes. At young successional stages of a salt marsh, E. atherica is found sparsely dispersed in small groups of ramets. These patches increase in size and ramet density over time, eventually forming extensive swards as succession proceeds. This study investigates the change in the clonal diversity of E. atherica stands during colonization as a result of its reproductive strategy. Clonal diversities of differently sized patches of E. atherica were investigated on two lower salt-marsh sites of different age, 25 years and 35 years, respectively. Microsatellite fingerprint patterns were used to determine genet identities and to estimate relatedness and genetic differentiation between the sites, between patches within sites and within patches. The majority of the patches on both sites contained more than one genet. On the older site, the clonal diversity was higher than on the younger site. However, the clonal diversity tended to decrease with increasing patch size. Low genetic differentiation was found between the two sites, indicating habitat differentiation, whereas differentiation between patches within sites was high. It is reasoned that different environmental conditions could have resulted in different clonal structures: On an older marsh, the increase of successful seedling recruitment, due to more suitable environmental conditions, leads to an increase in clonal diversity. Over time, with increasing ramet density, intraspecific competition is likely to increase, resulting in a decrease of clonal diversity.  相似文献   

We studied the genetic structure of a population of the clonal grass Setaria incrassata using isozyme electrophoresis to determine the extent of clone and gene diversity within and between three spatially isolated Setaria patches. High clone diversity and an even distribution of genets, which covered less than 0.25 m2 on average, indicated that patch formation was dominated by propagation from seed. Gene diversity was high within the population and there was little genetic differentiation between patches. High levels of heterozygosity and polymorphism and strongly negative fixation indices indicated extensive recombination through outbreeding, despite the low number of alleles per locus. The synergistic effects of vegetative and sexual propagation may have contributed towards the unexpectedly high genetic diversity of this population. Genetic diversity in clonal populations may be preserved in the genotypes of clones and may therefore be increased by even rare recombination events.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis halleri, a close wild relative of A. thaliana, is a clonal, insect-pollinated herb tolerant to heavy metals (Zn, Pd, Cd) and a hyperaccumulator of Zn and Cd. It is of particular interest in the study of evolutionary processes and phytoremediation. However, little is known about its population gene flow patterns and the structure of its genetic diversity. We used five microsatellite loci to investigate the genetic structure at a fine spatial scale (10 cm to 500 m) in a metallicolous population of A. halleri. We also studied the contributions made by clonal propagation and sexual reproduction (seed and pollen dispersal) to the genetic patterns. Clonal diversity was high (D(G) > 0.9). Clonal spread occurs only at short distances (< 1 m). Both clonal spread and limited dispersal, associated with sexual reproduction, contribute to the significant spatial genetic structure revealed by spatial autocorrelation analysis. The shape of the autocorrelogram suggests that seed dispersal is restricted and pollen flow extensive, which may be related to intense activity by insect pollinators. Clonal spread was more extensive in the lowly polluted zone than in the highly polluted zone. This cannot be interpreted as a strategy for promoting the propagation of adapted genotypes under the harshest ecological constraints (highest heavy metal concentrations). The higher fine-scale spatial genetic structure found in the lowly polluted zone can be ascribed to plant densities that were lower than in the highly polluted zone. No evidence of genetic divergence due to spatial heavy metal heterogeneity was found between lowly and highly polluted zones.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In plant populations the magnitude of spatial genetic structure of apparent individuals (including clonal ramets) can be different from that of sexual individuals (genets). Thus, distinguishing the effects of clonal versus sexual individuals in population genetic analyses could provide important insights for evolutionary biology and conservation. To investigate the effects of clonal spread on the fine-scale spatial genetic structure within plant populations, Hosta jonesii (Liliaceae), an endemic species to Korea, was chosen as a study species. METHODS: Using allozymes as genetic markers, spatial autocorrelation analysis of ramets and of genets was conducted to quantify the spatial scale of clonal spread and genotype distribution in two populations of H. jonesii. KEY RESULTS: Join-count statistics revealed that most clones are significantly aggregated at < 3-m interplant distance. Spatial autocorrelation analysis of all individuals resulted in significantly higher Moran's I values at 0-3-m interplant distance than analyses of population samples in which clones were excluded. However, significant fine-scale genetic structure was still observed when clones were excluded. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that clones enhance the magnitude of spatial autocorrelation due to localized clonal spread. The significant fine-scale genetic structure detected in samples excluding clones is consistent with the biological and ecological traits exhibited by H. jonesii including bee pollination and limited seed dispersal. For conservation purposes, genetic diversity would be maximized in local populations of H. jonesii by collecting or preserving individuals that are spaced at least 5 m apart.  相似文献   

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