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有机酸是影响香蕉果实风味的主要物质之一。本研究以不同基因型的巴西蕉(AAA)和粉蕉(AAB)果实为试材,利用高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)测定了不同发育及成熟时期果实中有机酸组分及其含量变化,结果表明,巴西蕉和粉蕉果实中均检测出8种相同的有机酸组分,此外巴西蕉中还检测到了酒石酸,而粉蕉中未检出。随着果实发育,巴西蕉总有机酸含量呈现"先降-后升-再降"的变化趋势,而粉蕉呈现逐渐上升的趋势。巴西蕉和粉蕉可食期果实各有机酸组分含量及其构成比例也存在明显差异。巴西蕉以积累奎尼酸、苹果酸和富马酸为主,三者占总有机酸的比例分别为23.84%、18.71%和17.09%;粉蕉以柠檬酸、奎尼酸和苹果酸为主,分别占总有机酸的34.10%、27.27%和16.75%。这一结果为深入研究香蕉果实风味形成以及有机酸代谢途径等提供了参考。  相似文献   

该文以‘南天黄'' ‘中蕉9号'' ‘红香蕉''三个香蕉品种为材料,研究土壤淋施硒酸钠溶液对香蕉植株生长、果实产量和品质,以及叶片MDA、脯氨酸、硒含量的影响。结果表明:(1)每株0.25、0.50 g施硒处理能显著促进三个香蕉品种株高的增长,对‘南天黄'' ‘红香蕉''基茎围的增长促进作用显著,对‘中蕉9号''基茎围促进作用不显著。(2)施硒对植株营养生长过程中叶片MDA含量的影响较小,仅在部分时间段MDA含量显著升高或降低; 每株0.25、0.50 g的硒酸钠处理能显著降低三个香蕉品种叶片中脯氨酸含量。施硒对香蕉叶片中硒含量具有显著影响,施硒浓度越高,叶片中硒含量也越高。(3)施硒能显著提高各香蕉品种单株产量,对‘中蕉9号'' ‘红香蕉''单果重促进作用显著,对‘南天黄''单果重促进作用不显著; 每株0.25 g施硒处理,‘中蕉9号''的单株产量为24.38 kg、单果重为165.86 g,分别比对照高出了12.80%、14.69%。(4)土施适宜浓度的硒酸钠能提高香蕉果实中维生素C、钾含量,‘南天黄'' ‘中蕉9号'' ‘红香蕉''三个香蕉品种施硒后维生素C含量最高可达12.7、13.9、10.6 mg·100g-1,比对照分别提高了12.72%、18.84%、29.39%; 钾含量最高可达349、279、397 mg·100g-1,比对照分别提高29.62%、33.28%、47.77%。(5)硒处理浓度越高,果实中硒含量也越高; 对照处理的香蕉果实硒含量未达到富硒标准,每株经0.25、0.50 g硒酸钠处理后三个香蕉品种的果实硒含量均达到富硒标准。综上认为,土壤淋施硒酸钠溶液能提高香蕉果实中的硒含量,促进香蕉植株生长、提升果实品质,且对降低叶片中MDA和脯氨酸含量具有一定影响,但对不同香蕉品种的影响效果存在差异,该研究结果为富硒香蕉的生产栽培提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

小豆种质资源子粒淀粉和支链淀粉含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对小豆主产区的325份种质资源的子粒总淀粉和支链淀粉相对含量进行了鉴定评价.结果表明:小豆子粒中总淀粉含量为44.79%~67.44%,平均为57.06%;支链淀粉相对含量为62.61%~98.94%,平均为82.24%;品种间差异均达极显著.筛选出总淀粉高于62.64%和支链淀粉相对含量高于93.57%的种质资源各16份、直链淀粉相对含量高于29.14%的种质资源13份.  相似文献   

以云南9个不同栽培区域‘哈斯’(Hass)油梨果实为试材,在同一条件下分别观测油梨果实主要内在与外观品质,分析云南不同栽培区域油梨果实主要品质差异,为探索云南油梨栽培适宜生态区域提供借鉴。结果表明:(1)油梨果实外观品质以单果重、种子重量、可食率变异系数较大,分别达到31.31%、38.09%和8.08%,并以LJ产区的油梨单果重和可食率最大;油梨果肉内在品质中以脂肪、可溶性蛋白、维生素C(Vc)含量变异系数较大,分别为37.57%、22.42%和17.89%,脂肪含量以BS产区最高,可溶性蛋白和Vc含量均以BN产区最高。(2)油梨果实Vc、总黄酮、脂肪含量以及单果果肉重、果实纵径等显著受到树龄和气候因子的综合影响。其中:树龄与脂肪、可溶性固形物、Vc、总黄酮含量呈正相关关系,与单果果肉重呈显著负相关关系;经度与脂肪、可溶性固形物、干物质、可溶性蛋白含量呈正相关关系;纬度与可溶性固形物、果肉密度、种子长度呈正相关关系,与Vc、总黄酮含量呈显著负相关关系;海拔与脂肪、可溶性固形物、Vc、总黄酮含量呈正相关关系;年平均气温与果肉密度、单果重、单果果肉重、果实纵径呈正相关关系;年平均降雨量与...  相似文献   

刘宁 《生物学通报》2010,(11):50-50
答:淀粉以淀粉粒的形式储存在植物的根、茎、种子和果实等器官中。在酸的作用下淀粉的最终水解产物是葡萄糖。用热水溶解淀粉时,可溶的部分为直链淀粉,不溶的部分为支链淀粉。不同植物淀粉中直链淀粉和支链淀粉所含比例不同,如玉米淀粉中含直链淀粉的比例为27%,土豆淀粉中直链淀粉的含量为30%:豆类淀粉全为直链淀粉,糯米淀粉则全为支链淀粉。  相似文献   

以强筋小麦品种'济麦20'为材料,在防雨池栽培条件下研究了施氮量和花后土壤含水量对强筋小麦籽粒淀粉合成及其品质的影响,以明确强筋小麦获得高产优质的花后适宜土壤含水量及施氮量.结果表明:在同一施氮量下,适宜的花后土壤含水量(60%~70%)籽粒游离态淀粉合成酶(SSS)和束缚态淀粉合成酶(GBSS)活性在籽粒发育过程中一直最高,有利于直链淀粉、支链淀粉的积累和支链淀粉/直链淀粉比的提高,提高峰值粘度、低谷粘度、最终粘度和衰减值;花后土壤含水量过高(80%~90%)或过低(40%~50%)均导致籽粒SSS和GBSS活性降低,从而使直链淀粉、支链淀粉的积累量降低,减小支链淀粉/直链淀粉比,使峰值粘度、低谷粘度、最终粘度降低.(2)在同一土壤含水量下,增施氮肥不利于灌浆前期SSS和GBSS活性和直链淀粉、支链淀粉积累量的提高,并且随着土壤含水量增加增施氮肥该趋势加重;适量增施氮肥能提高支链淀粉/直链淀粉比和峰值粘度、低谷粘度、最终粘度,过多或过少施氮则降低支/直比和峰值粘度、低谷粘度、最终粘度.研究认为,在本试验条件下,适量增施氮肥(纯氮225 kg/hm2)或适宜的花后土壤含水量(60%~70%)可促进强筋小麦籽粒淀粉的合成,有效改善其淀粉品质.  相似文献   

选用3份糯性和2份非糯性小麦材料,通过田间试验在灌浆过程中分别检测了各材料的籽粒直链和支链淀粉积累量、淀粉积累速率及淀粉合成关键酶活性的动态变化过程,探讨籽粒淀粉累积与相关酶活性的关系.结果表明:(1)非糯小麦在花后7 d前均未检测到直链淀粉存在,而此时已经检测到支链淀粉含量,并且糯小麦仅含有支链淀粉,支链淀粉早于直链淀粉合成.(2)糯性和非糯性小麦灌浆期籽粒的直、支链淀粉积累速率均呈先增加后降低的趋势,且直、支链淀粉最终积累量取决于最大积累速率和平均积累速率的大小,而积累活跃期的调节作用较小;糯性和非糯性小麦在淀粉合成过程中的腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPP)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)、颗粒结合型淀粉合成酶(GBSS)和淀粉分支酶(SEB)活性均呈单峰曲线变化,活性峰值基本上都出现在花后20~25 d左右.(3)直链淀粉积累速率与AGPP、SSS、GBSS和SBE活性变化显著或极显著正相关,而支链淀粉积累速率仅与SSS活性变化极显著正相关,总淀粉积累速率与AGPP和SSS活性变化显著或极显著正相关.  相似文献   

利用普通小麦直链淀粉合成酶GBSS基因及支链淀粉关键合成酶SSⅡ基因的特异分子标记鉴定了黄淮冬麦区自20世纪50年代以来253份主推品种,发现8份品种缺失Wx-B1基因,其中5份材料(小偃168、秦麦1号、83S502、山东935031、山东928802)是新发现的缺失Wx-B1基因的小麦品种,未发现Wx-A1、Wx-D1基因缺失类型品种;所鉴定253份品种的SSⅡ基因均为野生型,未发现缺失突变类型。通过对8份缺失Wx—B1基因品种直链淀粉含量分析,发现这些品种的直链淀粉含量差异较大.变异范围为19.9%-33.0%,其中豫麦47、83S502和中育5号3个品种的直链淀粉含量较低,分别为19.9%、21.3%和26.4%,可以用于优质面条小麦品质改良。  相似文献   

采收期对猕猴桃果实品质及其耐贮性的影响   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
选用海沃德猕猴桃为试验材料,对8个不同采收期(盛花后151、155、159、163、167、171、175和179 d,采收Ⅰ~Ⅷ期)猕猴桃果实在(0±1)℃冷藏过程中的生理生化变化进行比较.结果显示:(1)采收Ⅰ、Ⅱ期果实采收时具有较高的硬度、淀粉含量和可滴定酸含量,可溶性固形物含量则低于6%,贮藏期间出现的呼吸高峰和乙烯释放高峰均比其它采收期高;采收Ⅶ、Ⅷ期果实采收时硬度明显低于前面的采收期,淀粉含量和可滴定酸含量降低,可溶性固形物含量达到8%以上,贮藏期间乙烯释放速率高峰比其它采收期提前10 d,果实衰老过程明显提前;(2)入贮150 d后,采收Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅶ和Ⅷ期果实的失重率差异不显著,采收Ⅰ期与采收Ⅷ期果实的腐烂率差异不显著,但均与其它采收期存在显著差异.研究发现,盛花后第159~171天采收猕猴桃,果实采收时的可溶性固形物含量在6.5%以上,贮藏120 d后与其它采收期相比仍保持相对较高的硬度、淀粉含量、Vc含量和可滴定酸含量,而且贮藏150 d后失重率和腐烂率都比较低,表明该期间为海沃德"猕猴桃的适宜采收期.  相似文献   

不同类型玉米籽粒的营养品质及其与籽粒质地的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
测定普通玉米、爆裂玉米、糯玉米和甜玉米4种类型玉米籽粒不同发育时期的直链淀粉、支链淀粉、总淀粉、可溶性糖和蛋白的含量,分析这些营养物质与角质率的关系。结果表明:灌浆期间4种类型玉米的直链淀粉、支链淀粉和总淀粉含量呈上升趋势,总蛋白含量呈下降趋势,可溶性糖含量变化规律不明显。爆裂玉米的直链淀粉含量始终最高(4.7%-23.1%),甜玉米(1.4%-4.6%)和糯玉米(2.3%-4.9%)的始终较低;甜玉米的支链淀粉含量一直最低(15.7%-35.5%),除授粉10d以外,糯玉米的支链淀粉含量一直最高(65.5%-69.8%);甜玉米总淀粉含量始终最低(17.1%36.1%)、总蛋白含量(15.2%-26.9%)和授粉30d后的可溶性糖含量最高(14.2%-17.6%)。高蛋白含量可能是爆裂玉米和甜玉米角质率高的原因,糯玉米的角质率低可能与支链淀粉含量高和蛋白积累少有关。  相似文献   

Carbohydrate and mineral nutrition was studied in relation to abscission in fruitlets from leafy inflorescences of the Washington navel orange ( Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck). Differences in the growth rate of the fruitlets permitted to predict abscission several weeks in advance. This allowed characterization of early differences in composition and behaviour of persisting and abscising fruitlets.
Inflorescences with persisting fruitlets accumulated more mineral elements than inflorescences with abscising fruitlets, and for the phloem-mobile elements the excess accumulation was allocated to the fruitlets. Starch accumulated in the inflorescence leaves during early fruitlet growth, and this accumulation was enhanced by the persisting fruitlets despite their higher growth rate and mobilizing ability. The relations between the fruitlets and the inflorescence leaves cannot be explained totally in terms of source sink relationships; a hormonal regulation of the leaves by the fruitlets is postulated.
Acid invertase activities and hexose concentration in the pericarp were higher in the abscising fruitlets. The lower early growth rate of these fruitlets is thus not caused by a limitation in carbohydrate supply. It seems more related to carbohydrate utilization, probably hormonally mediated, as demonstrated by the higher dependence on hormone supply for the growth in vitro of the endocarp explants.  相似文献   

以套白色单层纸袋的着色富士系‘天红2号’和短枝富士后代优系4-1-103,以及不着色姊妹系‘冀苹4号’和‘冀苹5号’4个苹果品种(系)为试验材料,利用质构仪整果穿刺和质地多面分析法(texture profile analysis,TPA)测定果实质地,光学显微镜观察果实显微结构,探讨苹果果实质地及其显微结构与果面裂纹的关系,为抗裂纹品种的选育和潜在裂纹机制提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)盛花后132~185 d,‘天红2号’和‘冀苹4号’裂纹率和裂纹指数始终高于4-1-103和‘冀苹5号’,其裂纹主要部位为果肩部。(2)‘天红2号’和‘冀苹4号’的果肉脆裂性、果肉硬度分别显著小于4-1-103和‘冀苹5号’。(3)‘天红2号’和‘冀苹4号’的表皮细胞密度显著小于4-1-103和‘冀苹5号’,其果肉细胞间隙率显著大于4-1-103和‘冀苹5号’,且其角质膜有“V”型凹陷,并发生龟裂,而4-1-103和‘冀苹5号’角质膜完整均一。(4)主成分和灰色关联度分析表明,果肉硬度、果皮果肉硬度比和果肉细胞间隙率是解释裂纹的主要指标。研究发现,果实角质膜完整均一、果肉硬度大、果肉细胞间隙率小的苹果品种不易发生果面裂纹。  相似文献   

该研究以宁夏枸杞为材料,对其果实发育过程中果实淀粉含量、淀粉代谢相关酶活性进行测定,并对果实发育过程中果皮细胞内质体超微结构和淀粉组织化学定位进行了系统观察。结果表明:(1)枸杞果实内淀粉含量随果实的发育呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势,在果实花后14d其含量达到最高(13.85mg·g-1)。(2)果实内α淀粉酶活性和β淀粉酶活性随果实发育成熟呈现逐渐增加的趋势,且α淀粉酶活性始终明显高于β淀粉酶活性。(3)组织化学和超微结构研究表明,在果实转色(花后24d)以前果实的造粉体内有大量淀粉粒的存在,但在果实第二次快速生长期,果实内的淀粉粒分解、消失,而叶绿体内没有观察到淀粉粒。研究认为,淀粉是宁夏枸杞果实发育过程中碳水化合物的一种暂时贮存形式,对维持果实早期的库强起到了重要作用,但随着第二次快速生长期果实库强的增加,淀粉体内的淀粉被淀粉酶分解转化为还原糖贮藏在果肉细胞中。  相似文献   

Endosperm starch and pericarp starch were isolated from maize (B73) kernels at different developmental stages. Starch granules, with small size (2–4 μm diameter), were first observed in the endosperm on 5 days after pollination (DAP). The size of endosperm-starch granules remained similar until 12DAP, but the number increased extensively. A substantial increase in granule size was observed from 14DAP (diameter 4–7 μm) to 30DAP (diameter10–23 μm). The size of starch granules on 30DAP is similar to that of the mature and dried endosperm-starch granules harvested on 45DAP. The starch content of the endosperm was little before 12DAP (less than 2%) and increased rapidly from 10.7% on 14DAP to 88.9% on 30DAP. The amylose content of the endosperm starch increased from 9.2% on 14DAP to 24.2% on 30DAP and 24.4% on 45DAP (mature and dried). The average amylopectin branch chain-length of the endosperm amylopectin increased from DP23.6 on 10DAP to DP26.9 on14DAP and then decreased to DP25.4 on 30DAP and DP24.9 on 45DAP. The onset gelatinization temperature of the endosperm starch increased from 61.3 °C on 8DAP to 69.0 °C on 14DAP and then decreased to 62.8 °C on 45DAP. The results indicated that the structure of endosperm starch was not synthesized consistently through the maturation of kernel. The pericarp starch, however, showed similar granule size, starch content, amylose content, amylopectin structure and thermal properties at different developmental stages of the kernel.  相似文献   

We explore how the presence of urea can influence the kinetics of amylolysis, with a long-term objective of developing practical and energy efficient bioconversion protocols. In this study, triticale and corn starches were hydrolyzed by a granular starch hydrolyzing enzyme with or without addition of urea and a pre-heating treatment at subgelatinization temperature. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that the gelatinization parameters of triticale and corn starches were negatively correlated with the urea concentration in the starch suspension. Addition of urea did not significantly affect starch amylolysis by the granular starch hydrolyzing enzyme at 30 °C. However when pre-heating at a higher yet sub-gelatinization temperature (50 °C for triticale and 61 °C for corn, 5 °C below the onset of starch gelatinization) for 30 min, the presence of urea greatly facilitated the amylolysis of both tricticale and corn starches. Scanning electron microcopy revealed starch granule mophological changes to a porous structure in residual starch granules/fragments rich in resistant starch. This means that the amylolysis pattern in the presence of urea was fundamentally changed, and urea disrupts starch hydrogen bonds effectively with heating treatment at a sub-gelatinization temperature. This treatment combination increased both starch hydrolysis rate and extent. Since extra energy was not necessary to gelatinize starch, this method may benefit starch and bio-enthanol industries to reduce the costs of starch hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The peel and pulp of the banana fruit and the pseudostem were examined for glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) and aldolase activities and protein, phenolics, chlorophyll and starch. The peel-pulp ratio at various stages of fruit development on the plant and in detached fruits showing incipient ripening were used as an index of the physiological age of the fruit. The enzymes exhibited maximum activity at a stage corresponding to the initiation of the climacteric. GPT level at this stage was higher than that of GOT. An initial increase in the protein content was followed by a decline in both peel and pulp, the level reaching a minimum in climacteric fruits. Astringency, measured in terms of total phenolics, decreased with development; in mature fruits, peel contained 4–5 × as much phenolics as pulp. Chlorophyll in mature fruits was 10 × higher than in young fruits and decreased in ripe fruits. The onset of ripening was attended with a pronounced decrease in the starch. The various analyses were carried out also on the pseudostem removed from the plant soon after flower formation.  相似文献   

Channels of maize starch granules are lined with proteins and phospholipids. Therefore, when they are treated with reagents that react at or near the surfaces of channels, three types of crosslinks could be produced: protein–protein, protein–starch, starch–starch. To determine which of these may be occurring and the effect(s) of channel proteins (and their removal) on crosslinking, normal and waxy maize starches were treated with a proteinase (thermolysin, which is known to remove protein from channels) before and after crosslinking, and the properties of the products were compared to those of a control (crosslinking without proteinase treatment). After establishing that treatment of starch with thermolysin alone had no effect on the RVA trace, three reaction sequences were used: crosslinking alone (CL), proteinase treatment before crosslinking (Enz-CL), proteinase treatment after crosslinking (CL-Enz). Two crosslinking reagents were used: phosphoryl chloride (POCl3), which is known to react at or near channel surfaces; STMP, which is believed to react throughout the granule matrix. Three concentrations of POCl3 (based on the weight of starch) were used. For both normal maize starch (NMS) and waxy maize starch (WMS) reacted with POCl3, the trends were generally the same, with apparent relative degrees of crosslinking indicated to be CL-Enz = CL > Enz-CL, but the effects were greater with NMS and there were differences when different concentrations of reagent were used. The basic trends were the same when potato starch was used in the same experiments. Crosslinking with STMP was done both in the presence and the absence of sodium sulfate (SS). Both with and without SS and with both NMS and WMS, the order of indicated crosslinking was generally the same as found after reaction with POCl3, with the indicated swelling inhibition being greater when SS was present in the reaction mixture. Examination of the maize starches with a protein stain indicated that channel protein was removed by treatment with thermolysin when the proteinase treatment occurred before crosslinking with either POCl3 or STMP, but only incompletely or not at all if the treatment with the proteinase occurred after crosslinking. Because the crosslinking reactions were less effective when the protein was removed, the results are tentatively interpreted as indicating that they involved protein molecules, although there may not be a direct relationship.  相似文献   

Rapid visco analysis (RVA) was performed to study the pasting properties of mixtures of wheat flour and tuber starches, i.e., potato starch (PS), sweet potato starch (SPS), yam starch (YS), and cassava starch (CS), at 10–50% starch in the mixtures. Lower phosphorus and higher amylose contents were observed in CS, followed by YS, SPS, and PS. The peak, breakdown, final, and setback viscosities of the control wheat flour were lower than those of the control PS, SPS, YS, and CS. The peak viscosity of wheat–PS mixtures was higher than those of the wheat–SPS, wheat–YS, and wheat–CS because of the higher phosphorus and lower amylose content of PS, which resulted in higher swelling of PS than that of SPS, YS, and CS. The breakdown viscosities increased as the starch content of the PS, SPS, and CS in the mixtures increased to up to the 50%, and the values tended to decrease in the wheat–YS mixture. The setback viscosities of wheat–SPS, wheat–YS, and wheat–CS increased significantly as the starch content increased from 10% to 50%, and that of wheat–PS dropped dramatically at 50%. The findings in this work provide evidence that tuber starches could be used as a partial substitute for wheat flour in some wheat-based products.  相似文献   

Commercial traps and lures have recently become available for monitoring male and female Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Australia, with possible applications in monitoring and mass trapping. This study investigated the attractiveness of commercially available male [Capilure® (CPL), Trimedlure (TML) cone, plugs, and wafers] and female‐targeted synthetic lures (three‐component BioLure®, BioLure® Unipak, Ceratitis® Unipak, TMA Plus® Unipak and Biotrap® gel), and five female‐targeted traps [Maxi® trap, Sorygar Tephri‐trap, Probodelt® cone trap, and BioTrap Globe® traps (two versions)]. Results showed that TML and CPL lures were equivalent up to 8 weeks, but TML‐baited traps captured 1.2–4.6 times more male medflies than CPL‐baited traps with lures aged 9–16 weeks. For female‐targeted trapping, all tested lures were female selective. Ceratitis® Unipak was equivalent to three‐component (3‐C) BioLure®, whilst BioLure® Unipak captured 1.1–1.5 times more medflies than 3‐C BioLure®. The least efficient lures were TMA Plus® Unipak and Biotrap Fruit Fly Attractant Gel. Tephri‐traps were the least efficient trap, with Maxi traps catching 1.9–6.7 times more medflies than the Tephri‐trap. The appropriate selection of lures and traps for applications in monitoring and mass trapping are discussed.  相似文献   

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