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本文分析了第三脑室注射组胺(HA)抑制胃酸分泌效应的外周过程。雄性SD大鼠,摘除双侧肾上腺,用37℃的生理盐水通过恒流泵进行连续胃灌流。用注射器泵静脉每小时给药,观察其对五肽促胃液素(10μg/kg,iv)诱导的胃酸分泌的影响。结果如下:(1)切除双侧膈下迷走神经可阻断HA(1μg,icv)的中枢抑酸效应;(2)预先静脉注射硫酸阿托品[0.05mg/(kg·100min)]可阻断HA的中枢抑酸效应;(3)预先静脉注射生长抑素拮抗剂[2~4μg/(kg·100min)],可剂量依赖性地拮抗HA的中枢抑酸效应。结果提示:HA的中枢抑酸效应由迷走神经传出,可能通过乙酰胆碱M受体及引起生长抑素释放实现。  相似文献   

本实验用细胞外记录法,观察大鼠外侧隔核(LS)微量注射促甲状腺素释放激素(TRH)对丘脑束旁核痛兴奋神经元(PEN)放电的影响。结果如下:(1)LS注射TRH对束旁核PEN痛放电产生明显的抑制效应;TRH的最大抑制效应及持续时间与TRH剂量(1,2.5,5μg/1μl)的对数呈正线性相关;(2)预先 LS 注射纳洛酮(3μg/1 μl)不能改变TRH抑制柬旁核PEN痛放电效应;(3)预先LS注射阿托品(5μg/lμl)阻断了TRH对束旁核PEN痛放电的抑制效应。结果表明:LS是TRH参与镇痛的一个有效的作用部位。LS胆碱能M受体可能参与了TRH的抑制PEN痛放电效应,而TRH的抑制效应未涉及阿片受体。  相似文献   

下丘脑外侧区注入胃泌素对大鼠胃酸分泌的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈奇  梅懋华 《生理学报》1987,39(3):261-268
本工作观察了下丘脑外侧区(LHA)、腹内侧核(VMH)或侧脑室(LCV)注射17肽胃泌素(G17)或五肽胃泌素(G5)对清醒大鼠胃酸分泌的影响。结果表明,将 G17或 G5注入 LHA可引起胃酸分泌明显增加,而将 G5注入 VMH、LCV 或静脉则不影响胃酸分泌;切断迷走神经可以阻断在 LHA 注入 G5引起胃酸分泌增加的效应;在阿托品背景下,将 G5注入 LHA仍能引起胃酸分泌明显增加;静脉注射酚妥拉明,心得安或纳洛酮均不影响 G5对 LHA 刺激胃酸分泌的作用。这些结果提示:LHA 是胃泌素作用的一个特异性部位,由 LHA 发出的冲动可能通过迷走神经内的两种传出纤维引起胃酸分泌,一为胆碱能纤维,另一为非胆碱能非肾上腺素能纤维。  相似文献   

与迷走神经完整大鼠比较,迷走神经切除(VT)大鼠胃酸分泌显著减少(从2.67到1.14μEq/10min),约两个月恢复到术前水平。在迷走神经完整大鼠,异丙肾上腺素(IS,10μg/min)显著地刺激酸分泌,去甲肾上腺素(NA,5μg/min)则抑制酸分泌。在 VT 三月后的大鼠,IS 抑制酸分泌,NA 则显著地刺激酸分泌。这种变化的生理意义可能是交感神经系统代偿丧失了的迷走泌酸机能。IS 和 NA 增加大鼠心率,心得安(25μg/min)显著地减少它,而酚妥拉明(25μg/min)没有明显的作用;IS、NA、心得安或酚妥拉明对迷走神经完整、VT即刻和三月后的大鼠心率的影响均无差异,表明 VT 后交感神经系统调节胃酸分泌的作用的变化并非循环改变的结果。  相似文献   

脑室注射组胺H1受体激动剂对大鼠胃酸分泌的作用机制   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
孙成钢  王竹立 《生理学报》1993,45(6):581-586
本文对中枢注射PEA抑制胃酸分泌的作用机制进行分析。雄性Wistar大鼠,重200-300g,用37(生理盐水通过恒流泵进行连续胃灌流。第三脑室给药,观察其对五促胃液素(160μg/kg,s.c.)诱导的胃酸分泌的影响。结果如下:(1)预先注射纳洛酮2.5μg可阻断10μgPEA的中枢抑酸效应;(2)双侧膈下迷走神经切除可翻转PEA(5-20μg)的抑酸效应,且有量效关系;双侧肾上腺摘除对PEA中  相似文献   

本文分析了中枢注射PEA抑制胃酸分泌效应的脑内过程。雄性Wistar大鼠,摘除双侧肾上腺,用37℃的生理盐水通过恒流泵进行连续胃液流。第三脑室给药,观察其对五肽促胃液素(160μg/kg,s.c.)诱导的胃酸分泌的影响。结果如下:(1)预先脑室注射抗CRF血清(2.5μl,1:20000)可阻断1OμgPEA的中枢抑酸效应;(2)分别脑室给予CRF(1.0和2.0μg)和β-内啡肽(0.94和1.25μg)均明显抑制胃酸分泌;(3)预先注射纳洛酮(5.0μg,i,c.v,)可取消CRF(1.0μg)的中枢抑酸效应,而预先注射抗CRF血清(2.5μl)对β-内啡肽(0.94μg)的中枢抑酸效应无明显影响。结果提示:PEA可能首先引起CRF释放,后者再刺激内源性阿片肽释放,从而导致迷走介导的胃酸分泌抑制效应。  相似文献   

本文报道第三脑室注射组胺(0.25—2.0μg/5μl)对五肽促胃液素诱导的胃酸分泌的双重影响。雄性Wistar大鼠,重200—300g,戊巴比妥钠腹腔麻醉。用37℃生理盐水通过恒流泵进行连续胃灌流。在静脉恒速灌注五肽促胃液素(7.5μg/kg·h)的基础上,第三脑室注射组胺(0.25μg/5μl)或H_1受体激动剂2-Pyridylethylamine(PEA,10μg/5μl),10min后总酸排出量即开始减少,90min仍未恢复。组胺剂量增至1.0μg或2.0μg时,出现双重效应。部份动物(分别占73%或50%)胃酸分泌减少,另一部分动物(27%或50%)胃酸分泌增多。H_2受体激动剂dimaprit(10μg/5μl)或impromidine(0.1μg/5μl)对胃酸分泌无明显影响。苯海拉明(16μg/0.2ml或32μg/0.2ml,i.m.)预处理可分别取消组胺和PEA的抑胃酸效应。这些结果提示:脑内组胺可能参与胃酸分泌中枢调节。其抑制效应似通过H_1受体介导;双重效应的机制有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

组胺H1受体激动剂PEA抑制胃酸分泌效庆的中枢机制   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
李民友  王竹立 《生理学报》1995,47(3):259-263
本文分析了中枢注射PEA抑制胃酸分泌效应的脑内过程。雄性Wistar大鼠,摘除双侧肾上腺,用37℃的生理盐水通过恒流泵进行连续胃灌流。第三脑室给药,观察其对五肽促胃液素(160μg/kgs.c)诱导的胃酸分泌的影响。结果如下:(1)预先脑室注射抗CRF血清(2.5μl,1∶20000)可阻断10μgPEA的中枢抑酸效应;(2)分别脑室给予CRF(1.0和2.0μg)β-内啡肽(0.94和1.25  相似文献   

侧脑室注射蛙皮素可显著地减轻消炎痛造成的大鼠胃粘膜损伤,并呈明显的剂量-效应关系。蛙皮素在抑制溃疡发生的同时,还明显地抑制消炎痛对胃酸分泌的刺激作用,并增加胃壁结合粘液的分泌。这些作用可能与其抗溃疡效应有关。 切除胃交感神经对溃疡发生及蛙皮素减轻溃疡的作用均无影响;切除双侧膈下述走神经可显著地减轻溃疡,但在切除迷走神经大鼠,蛙皮素的保护作用较在完整动物降低,且低于仅切除迷走神经效应。或甚至较切除前加重。此外,将具有兴奋迷走中枢作用的促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)注入侧脑室可明显地加重溃疡,并可对抗蛙皮素减轻溃疡的作用。这些结果仅提示,蛙皮素的抗溃疡作用可能部分地通过它对迷走中枢紧张性的抑制。 将蛙皮素(0.3μg)注入大鼠下丘脑前核或腹内侧核,可明显地减轻溃疡;而注入下丘脑后核则无效。这提示,前两个核团可能是蛙皮素在中枢有效作用部位的组成部分。  相似文献   

张静  王竹立 《生理学报》1997,49(4):439-444
本文探讨中枢组织胺增强胃酸分泌的作用机制。雄性SD大鼠重200-300g,用37℃生理盐水做恒速,连续胃灌流。膈下迷走神经切除后,观察第三脑室或外周给药对五肽促胃激素诱导的胃酸分泌及对血交涉以质酮水平的影响。结果如下:1.第三脑室注射1.0μg组织胺增强G-5诱导的胃酸分泌,这作用可为预先肌肉注射苯海拉明8.0μg听阻断。2.脑注射促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子增强因酸分泌,且呈量效关系。3.脑室注射组  相似文献   

孙文颖  肖命良 《动物学报》1990,36(3):251-256
实验用SD大鼠,记录丘脑束旁核(pf)的痛敏单位放电。下丘脑外侧区(LHA)微量注射赛庚啶(cyproheptadine,3μg/μl)后观察到:1.pf痛敏单位的自发放电与(痛)诱发放电频率明显增加,且诱发放电时程延长;2.部分痛敏单位自发放电由注射前散在的单脉冲形式转变为注射后的散状间簇状或完全的簇状式放电;3.LHA注射等量配药液对pf痛敏单位放电无明显影响。本实验结果提示:LHA局部的内源性5-HT参与该区对丘脑水平痛信息的抑制性调控过程。  相似文献   

Mechanisms involved in the cephalic phase of gastric acid secretion were studied in awake fasted rats with chronic gastric fistula and exposed to the sight and smell of chow for 30 min. Acid secretion was monitored using constant intragastric perfusion and automatic titration. Sham feeding induced a peak acid response reaching 82 +/- 7 micromol/10 min within 20 min compared with the average 22 +/- 2 micromol/10 min in controls. The sham-feeding response was abolished by intracisternal pretreatment with the TRH(1)-receptor antisense oligodeoxynucleotides or subcutaneous injection of atropine, whereas TRH(1) mismatch oligodeoxynucleotides had no effect. Serum gastrin was not altered by the sham feeding and increased by refeeding. Gastrin antibody did not block the rise in acid during sham feeding, although the net acid response was reduced by 47% compared with the control group. Glycine-gastrin antibody, indomethacin and nitro-l-arginine methyl ester had no effect. Atropine and gastrin antibody decreased basal acid secretion by 98 and 75%, respectively, whereas all other pretreatments did not. These results indicate that the cholinergic-dependent acid response to sham feeding is mediated by brain medullary TRH(1) receptors in rats.  相似文献   

Central injection of TRH or its metabolically stable analogue RX 77368 has been demonstrated to produce a vagal-dependent stimulation in gastric acid secretion. Accumulating evidence exists regarding the interaction of serotonin (5HT) with TRH containing neuronal systems. This study was performed to assess the effect of pretreatment with the 5HT uptake inhibitor fluoxetine on the TRH analogue-induced gastric acid secretory response. Systemic fluoxetine (30 mumol/kg, i.v.) produced a 43-85% increase in the intracisternal RX 77368 (78-780 pmol)-induced gastric acid output, while not affecting the basal acid response. The acid response to a lower dose of RX 77368 (26 pmol) was not altered. In addition, intracisternal fluoxetine (180 nmol) produced a 71% augmentation of the acid secretory response of i.c. RX 77368 (260 pmol). Intracisternal injection of lower doses (60, 120 nmol), or intravenous injection of 180 nmol of fluoxetine was ineffective in altering the intracisternal RX 77368-induced acid response. Pretreatment with the noradrenergic or dopaminergic uptake inhibitor desipramine or GBR 12909 did not alter the RX 77368-stimulated gastric acid secretory response. The results show that fluoxetine pretreatment potentiates the effect of intracisternal RX 77368 on acid secretion. The effect appears to be impulse dependent, and central sites of action are involved. The data suggest an interaction of synaptic serotonin with a RX 77368-elicited event (activation of TRH receptors, second messenger systems and/or firing of the motor vagus) results in potentiation of the RX 77368-induced gastric response.  相似文献   

The effects of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LRH) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) upon the lordotic response to repetitive coital stimlation were studied using ovariectomized (OVX) and ovariectomized-adrenalectomized (OVX-ADX) female rats. Both OVX and OVX-ADX rats, pretreated with estrone alone, exhibited a dual behavioral response to repeated coital stimulation. The initial response to short-term stimulation was facilitatory with peak sexual receptivity occurring approximately 120 min following the initial male contact. This initial phase was followed by a depression of sexual receptivity associated with continued coital stimulation. Subcutaneous injection of 500 ng of LRH prior to mating was found to significantly potentiate the initial increases in sexual receptivity and to delay the onset of behavioral depression. The injection of 500 ng of TRH was observed to significantly depress behavioral enhancement due to repetitive coital stimulation.The repetitive coital stimulation model was utilized to localize forebrain areas behaviorally responsive to LRH and TRH. Stainless steel cannulas were implanted into either the medial preoptic area (MPOA), arcuate area (ARC), lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), or cerebral cortex (CC). Cannulated animals, primed with estrone, were tested for sexual receptivity immediately prior to experimental treatment, i.e., the infusion of 0.5 μl of 50 ng of LRH or TRH in 0.9% saline, 0.5 μl of 0.9% saline, or sham infusion. A second mating (postinfusion) test was performed 1.75 hr following infusion. When infused into the MPOA or ARC, LRH significantly enhanced lordotic behavior as compared to values obtained for saline or sham infusions. The infusion of LRH into LHA or CC showed no enhancement beyond the levels observed in control infusions (saline and sham infusions). The infusion of TRH into the MPOA or ARC depressed lordotic enhancement to repeated mating, however, this depression was significant only in ARC. These findings were consistent with previously demonstrated actions of releasing hormones upon neural activity within the MPOA and ARC.  相似文献   

在57只麻醉家兔,用同心圆双极电极刺激右侧下丘脑外侧区、前区、后区、背内侧核、腹内侧核五个不同部位,观察到均能诱发房性早搏等房性心律失常,且存在相对特异性。在用1mA 强度电刺激时,以前三个部位的诱发率较高。如预先轻度灼伤右心房后再刺激下丘脑外侧区或前区,可显著提高房性心律失常的发生率,并使诱发房颤等严重房性心律失常的机会有所增加。在同时描记股动脉血压的家兔中,观察到房性心律失常均在血压增高时出现,并以下丘脑后区、前区、外侧区的增压反应较为显著。在下丘脑外侧区增加刺激强度时,房性心律失常的发生率不随增压平均值的增加而递增,与室性心律失常不同。切断双侧颈迷走神经干后再刺激下丘脑同一部位时,原能诱发房性早搏的家兔全部不再诱发,而原能诱发以室性早搏为主的室性心律失常的部分兔仍能发生。这些结果提示,电刺激下丘脑诱发房性心律失常的机制与室性心律失常有所不同。  相似文献   

—In the hypothalamus, the highest GABA content (approx. 26 nmol/mm3) was constantly observed in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA). In other parts of the hypothalamus uneven distribution of GABA was also observed, but areas showing high concentration of GABA did not coincide with the locations of various hypothalamic nuclei. In the LHA, which is known to contain a feeding centre, the anterior part (6.4 and 6.0 mm anterior (A 6.4 and A 6.0) respectively to the vertical zero plane of de Groot) showed a remarkably high content of GABA. The GABA content in the LHA at A 6.4 was decreased during the initial phase of insulin hypoglycemia and, in contrast, showed a significant increase following hyperglycemia induced by alloxan administration. In the ventromedial nucleus (VMH) of the hypothalamus, which is known to contain a satiety centre, the GABA content was increased during the initial phase of insulin hypoglycemia. The results suggest that both certain parts of the LHA and VMH contain or receive GABA-inhibitory neurons and that these neurons may play important physiological roles in controlling functional states of the feeding and satiety centres in the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Previous evidence has shown sympathetic nerve responses to insular cortical (IC) stimulation are mediated by synapses within the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) and ventrolateral medulla (VLM). The present study was aimed at determining the neurotransmitter(s) and receptor(s) involved at the synapse in the VLM. Twenty male Wistar rats were instrumented for renal nerve, arterial pressure, and heart rate recording. The IC or the LHA was stimulated with a bipolar electrode (200-1000 microA; 2 ms; 0.8 Hz) to elicit sympathetic nerve responses. Antagonists were then pressure-injected into the VLM (300 nL). Bilateral and unilateral kynurenate (25 mM) resulted in 100% block of IC-and LHA-stimulated sympathetic nerve responses. Bilateral injection of the non-NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX; 200 microM) also resulted in up to 100% block of IC and LHA sympathetic responses. In addition, unilateral injections of CNQX were made in two animals, resulting in 100 and 83% block of LHA sympathetic responses. Bilateral injection of the NMDA receptor antagonist DL-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5; 200 microM) did not affect the response to IC or LHA stimulation. Kynurenate, CNQX, and AP5 all resulted in an elevation of baseline sympathetic nerve activity and a pressor response. Kynurenate resulted in a 263+/-79% increase in baseline activity, while CNQX and AP5 resulted in 83+/-19% and 91+/-21% increases. respectively. Bilateral injections of antagonists for GABA(A) (bicuculline; 0.1 microM), acetylcholine (atropine; 0.1 microM) and catecholaminergic alpha and beta receptors (phentolamine and propranolol: 0.1 microM) had no effect on LHA sympathetic responses. Thus, sympathetic responses originating in the IC and LHA are mediated by a non-NMDA receptors in the VLM, which are likely AMPA receptors.  相似文献   

Intracisternal injection of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-Gly (pGlu-His-Pro-Gly) produced a dose-dependent (1-100 micrograms) stimulation of gastric acid secretion in urethane-anesthetized rats implanted acutely with a gastric fistula. The peak response occurred 20-30 min after intracisternal injection and lasted for more than 2 h. Intravenous injection of TRH-Gly (100 micrograms) did not modify gastric acid secretion. Following intracisternal injection of TRH-Gly, a peak elevation of both TRH-Gly and TRH levels is observed in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within 15 min. Thereafter, TRH values are returned to basal levels at 75 min after the injection, whereas TRH-Gly concentrations remain significantly elevated throughout the 2-h period of measurement. Compartmental analysis revealed that CSF conversion of TRH-Gly to TRH was only 0.0072%/min. Medullary coronal sections containing the dorsal vagal complex and the raphé nucleus revealed increased content of TRH-Gly, but not TRH, 40 min after administration of TRH-Gly at an intracisternal dose effective in stimulating gastric acid secretion (100 micrograms). In addition, TRH but not TRH-Gly (10(-7)-10(-5) M) displaced [3H]MeTRH binding from rat medullary blocks containing the dorsal vagal complex. These data suggest that the intracisternal TRH-Gly-induced stimulation of gastric acid secretion is not related to its conversion to TRH in the CSF, or direct activation of TRH receptors in the medulla. The acid secretory response of TRH-Gly may be due to the formation of TRH at the active brain sites, or alternatively to activation of its own specific receptors.  相似文献   

The regulation of TSH secretion by E1, E2, E1 alpha and F2 alpha prostaglandins was studied by means of a monolayer culture system of dispersed rat anterior pituitary cells which was appropriately responsive to TRH, T3 and SRIF. PGEs and Fs induced significant increases in basal TSH release of the order of 30% at 10(-9) or 10(-8) to 10(-5) or 10(-4) M. Only PGEs accentuated the TSH release induced by a half maximal dose of TRH (10(-9) M) of the order of 60% in a dose dependent manner (10(-9) to 10(-6) M of PGEs), whereas PGFs did not. SRIF (10(-8) or 10(-9) M) alone failed to alter basal TSH release but did completely inhibit the TSH response to TRH (10(-9) M). SRIF also significantly inhibited both the increase in basal TSH release and the accentuation of the TSH response to TRH induced by PGEs (10(-6) M) but did not diminish the enhancement of basal TSH release induced by PGFs (10(-6) M). 7-oxa-13-prostynoic acid (PY1), a prostaglandin antagonist, which can act as an agonist in some systems, itself exhibited agonistic properties of PGEs with respect to basal and TRH induced TSH release. PY1 failed to inhibit the TSH release induced by all PGs, but partially inhibited the accentuated TSH response to TRH induced by PGEs. Indomethacin, PG synthetase inhibitor, did not affect basal or TRH induced TSH release in our system. These data suggest that PGs of the E and F series probably modulate TSH release via different mechanisms and that the PGE effect on basal TSH release differs from its augmentation of TRH induced TSH response. It is speculated that these effects of PGs may have physiological significance.  相似文献   

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