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老年性痴呆(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)是老年人群中最普遍的痴呆类型,是一种神经退行性紊乱疾病,目前临床上还没有有效的治疗方法。快速老化小鼠亚系P8(senescence-accelerated mouse prone8,SAMP8)是研究增龄相关性认知缺陷机制以及研究脑老化机制的良好动物,同时也是研究AD较为理想的实验动物模型之一。cDNA芯片技术可以同时规模研究成千上万个基因的表达,尤其适于AD这种多机制、多靶标、多途径的复杂疾病的研究,为了揭示AD的发病机制,发现用于治疗AD的药物靶标,以SAMP8和SAMR1海马抑制消减cDNA文库中的cDNA片段为材料,以β-actin和G3PDH为内参,设计了16×(1×14)点阵方案,并点制了含有3136个点的SAM海马差异表达cDNA芯片。芯片背景均匀一致,点的大小均一,排列规则整齐。在靶分子与探针杂交过程中,进行了杂交条件和洗涤芯片的优化。将杂交结果进行统计分析,选择差异表达的cDNA进行测序并进行生物信息学分析,用实时定量RT-PCR对部分基因的表达进行了验证,检测了芯片筛选结果的可靠性。该芯片的成功制备为进一步进行差异表达基因的筛选和研究提供了良好的手段,并将成为揭示SAMP8脑老化和AD发病机制的有力手段。  相似文献   

目的:探讨快速老化过程中差异蛋白质及其与学习记忆的关系.方法:以13月龄和8月龄快速老化小鼠模型的快速老化亚系SAMP8和抗快速老化亚系SAMR1的额叶为研究对象,经双向电泳技术和考马斯亮兰G250染色,分别获取13月龄和8月龄SAMP8和同龄SAMR1额叶的2-DE考染图谱,用PDQuest 7.40图像分析软件,建立不同月龄蛋白质组的匹配差异图谱,分析图谱中SAMP8与SAMR1蛋白质的表达变化.结果:8月龄SAMP8额叶检测到579个蛋白点,同龄SAMR1额叶检测到612个蛋白点;13月龄SAMP8额叶检测到705个蛋白点,同龄SAMR1额叶检测到621个蛋白点.PDQuest7.40软件匹配差异分析显示,8月龄SAMP8与同龄SAMR1比较,SAMP8表达缺失33个蛋白,两者共有显著差异表达蛋白35个.13月龄SAMP8与同龄SAMR1比较,SAMR1中表达缺失84个蛋白,两者均有但表达有显著变化的蛋白质36个.13月龄和8月龄的SAMP8互相比较,13月龄组新增蛋白126个,二者共有差异表达蛋白58个.13月龄和8月龄的SAMR1比较,13月龄组新增9个蛋白,二者共有差异表达蛋白33个.结论:两组不同月龄小鼠额叶SAMP8和SAMR1存在差异表达蛋白质,进一步研究有助于了解衰老的发生机制,并为研发调节学习记忆蛋白的新药提供依据.  相似文献   

为构建含较多大片段的高质量的老年性白内障消减cDNA文库 ,利用生物素标记、磁珠分离的改良消减杂交法获得差异cDNA .利用选择性PCR法扩增其中大片段差异cDNA ,将其与T 载体进行T A连接并转化入大肠杆菌 ,成功构建老年性白内障消减cDNA文库 .共获得 4 0 0 0余个克隆 ,随机挑取的 2 2个克隆中 ,≥ 10 0 0bp的片段有 7个 ,占 31 8% ,≥ 75 0bp有 15个 ,占 6 8 2 % .将≥ 75 0bp的 15个克隆进行反向点杂交 ,排除其中假阳性克隆 ,阳性克隆经测序并与GenBank比较 ,得到 6个已知基因、1个新基因 ,6个已知基因中 4个为全长基因 ,说明所得cDNA片段较大 ,文库质量较高 .改良消减杂交法结合选择性PCR法可以快速有效地获得大片段高质量的消减cDNA文库 ,为进一步筛选、鉴定老年性白内障致病相关基因奠定了基础  相似文献   

分离不同性别的鸡胚性分化早期差异表达基因,可为禽类性别决定和性分化机制研究提供基本信息。本研究分别以孵化3.5-6d的雌、雄鸡胚性腺为材料,利用抑制性消减杂交技术成功构建了雌-雄鸡胚间正、反向消减cDNA文库,并利用斑点印迹杂交从中筛选出了39个性别差异表达的阳性cDNA克隆。以持家基因GAPDH为参照指标检测消减文库的消减效率,结果发现两个文库的消减效率均高达25倍。插入片段PCR鉴定结果显示,消减文库中cDNA插入片段的长度主要分布于250-750bp之间。分别对雌、雄鸡胚消减文库中的252和168个cDNA克隆进行斑点杂交筛选,再随机从两个消减文库中共抽取39个阳性差异表达克隆进行序列测定及序列比对分析。结果表明:这39个cDNA克隆分别代表了定位于鸡不同染色体上的18个已知功能的基因和11个假定基因;参照哺乳动物同源基因的功能,所得的18个已知差异基因可能参与多种生物反应过程。用半定量RT-PCR方法对雌、雄鸡胚消减文库中各5个基因的表达情况进行进一步验证,发现除雌性库中的一个基因外其它9个基因均有较明显的性别差异表达。这些性别差异表达基因的获得为进一步研究鸡胚性腺发育中的基因表达调控奠定了基础  相似文献   

目的:构建DADS诱导HL60-细胞G2/M期阻滞的差异表达文库,初步筛选相关基因.方法:分别提取无DADS和有DADS处理HL-60细胞的总RNA和mRNA,构建消减cDNA文库.随即挑选正向SSH的阳性克隆,PCR检测插入片段,将含插入片段的克隆测序.Blastn分析差异cDNA片段的同源性.结果:构建了DADS诱导人白血病HL-60细胞G2/M期阻滞差异表达文库,其中包含120个正向SSH的克隆和100个反向SSH的克隆.50个随机正向SSH的克隆测序、比较同源性,发现5个新EST片段,已经在GenBank中登录.结论:所构建的DADS诱导人白血病HL-60细胞G2/M期阻滞消减文库为进一步筛选白血病HL-60细胞G2/M期阻滞相关基因奠定了基础.  相似文献   

目的:对4个消减cDNA文库中筛选到的特异基因片段进行功能分析,为筛选津田芜菁和赤丸芜菁花青素合成的特异基因和代谢途径奠定基础。方法:以不同处理的津田芜菁和赤丸芜菁块根为材料,采用抑制削减杂交构建4个消减cDNA文库并富集特异基因群体,同时对消减文库的特异基因片段进行初步的生物信息学分析。结果:通过功能聚类、代谢途径分析和基因注释等手段分析了消减cDNA文库的特异基因片段。结论:对消减文库特异基因片段的功能分析,为进一步分离和鉴定依光型和非依光型花青素合成相关基因奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Shu W  Chen XH  Niu YC 《遗传》2011,33(9):1011-1016
为分析条锈菌诱导下的小麦抗病与感病近等基因系之间差异表达的基因,以接种小麦条锈菌CY26小种的抗病近等基因系Yr4/6×Taichung 29幼苗叶片cDNA作为实验方,接种CY26的感病亲本Taichung 29幼苗叶片cDNA为驱动方,利用抑制消减杂交(SSH)技术构建了一个包含1 300余克隆的消减文库。对文库中600个克隆进行了反向Northern点杂交筛选,对获得的阳性克隆进一步进行了Northern杂交验证,获得显著差异的克隆12个。经测序和BlastX分析,其中6个差异表达序列的推测产物分别为亮氨酸重复序列蛋白、过氧化氢酶、硫氧还蛋白、RNA结合蛋白、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶和热激蛋白。除亮氨酸重复序列为信号传导类蛋白外、其他几个均为抗病防御类蛋白。  相似文献   

为了分离鉴定柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimeria tenella)孢子发育阶段虫体的差异表达基因,分别以柔嫩艾美耳球虫未孢子化卵囊和孢子化卵囊为驱动组、子孢子为实验组,或未孢子化卵囊为驱动组、孢子化卵囊为实验组,利用抑制性消减杂交(SSH)技术,构建了2个子孢子cDNA消减文库和1个孢子化卵囊cDNA消减文库。随机从3个cDNA消减文库中分别挑取50个克隆,经PCR鉴定2个子孢子cDNA消减文库的重组率都为96%,孢子化卵囊cDNA消减文库的重组率为98%。从每个文库中随机挑取50个克隆测序,并进行同源性比较分析,结果显示:从孢子化卵囊cDNA消减文库中获得了13个单一有效序列,其中8个EST与已知蛋白同源性很高;从2个子孢子cDNA消减文库中共获得了40个单一有效序列,其中9个EST与已知蛋白同源,其余可能为柔嫩艾美耳球虫的新基因。这些结果为分离柔嫩艾美耳球虫新功能基因和进一步探索防治球虫病的方法提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

目的:研究黄连解毒汤(HL)对快速老化小鼠亚系SAMP8海马差异表达基因的影响,揭示HL改善认知功能障碍的分子机制。方法:应用快速老化小鼠亚系SAMP8和SAMR1海马差异表达cDNA芯片,比较了SAMP8和SAMR1、石杉碱甲处理的SAMP8和SAMP8对照,以及HL处理的SAMP8和SAMP8对照的基因表达谱,并对HL的药物反应基因进行了比较;采用实时荧光定量PCR技术对芯片结果进行了验证。结果:给予SAMP8HL后,对SAMP8海马基因表达具有明显的调节作用。差异表达基因包括信号转导基因Dusp12、Rps6ka1、Penk1、Nope,Leng8,蛋白质代谢相关基因Ttc3、Amfr、Prr6、Ube2以,核酸代谢基因Fhit、Itm2c、Cstf2t、Ddx3x、Ercc5、Pcgfr6,能量代谢基因Stubl,免疫反应相关基因Clqb,转录调节基因Dlertdl6le、Gcn512、Ssu72,细胞生长相关基因Ngrn、Anln,递质转运相关基因Slc17a7,以及功能未知基因12个。结论:提示HL对于认知功能的改善可能是通过调节信号转导、突触传递、蛋白质和能量代谢、细胞增殖分化等途径发挥作用的;研究中发现的HL作用基因可能是改善学习记忆的潜在靶标。  相似文献   

何青  袁红雨 《广西植物》2005,25(3):237-240,i006
采用抑制消减杂交方法,以褐飞虱取食32h的水稻幼苗及未受褐飞虱取食的水稻幼苗为作为对比材料构建了消减cDNA文库,以分离水稻幼苗中褐飞虱应答基因。随机从消减cDNA文库中挑选16个白色菌落提取质粒,进行PCR扩增,发现插入片段的长度位于100~900bp之间。以在受褐飞虱取食的水稻幼苗中特异表达的基因(BpHi008A)为探针,通过斑点印迹分析发现在抑制消减后的cDNA池中,目的基因得到有效富集。利用反向总RNA斑点印迹分析和Northern杂交验证,从消减cDNA文库中筛选到了25个基因受褐飞虱取食的诱导。其中有17个克隆与编码已知功能蛋白的基因有显著的同源性,它们分别参与蛋白质的折叠与降解、蛋白质与蛋白质的相互作用及信号传递、脂类代谢、胁迫反应、物质运输和细胞生长等。总体上,参与胁迫反应和衰老的基因在褐飞虱取食后表达增强。  相似文献   

Wang Q  Liu Y  Zou X  Wang Q  An M  Guan X  He J  Tong Y  Ji J 《Neurochemical research》2008,33(9):1776-1782
Senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) is considered as a useful animal model for age-related learning and memory impairments. Hippocampus, a critical brain region associated with cognitive decline during normal aging and various neurodegenerative diseases, appeared a series of abnormalities in SAMP8. To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying age-related cognitive disorders, we used 2-DE coupled with MALDI TOF/TOF MS to analyze the differential protein expression of the hippocampus of SAMP8 at 6-month-old compared with the age-matched SAM/resistant 1 (SAMR1) which shows normal aging process. Two proteins were found to be markedly changed in SAMP8 as compared to SAMR1: ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L3 (Uchl3), implicating in cytosolic proteolysis of oxidatively damaged proteins, was down-regulated while mitofilin, a vital protein for normal mitochondria function, exhibited four isoforms with a consistent basic shift of isoelectric point among the soluble hippocampal proteins in SAMP8 compared with SAMR1. The alterations were confirmed by Western blotting analysis. The analysis of their expression changes may shed light on the mechanisms of learning and memory deficits and mitochondrial dysfunction as observed in SAMP8.  相似文献   

Microcystins (MCs) are hepatotoxic cyclic heptapeptides produced by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). There are more than 70 MCs variants of which the most common and widely studied is MC-LR. We screened the hepatocellular differentially expressed genes against MC-LR in the bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Suppression subtractive hybridization was used to construct the forward subtracted and reverse subtracted cDNA libraries, and one hundred and thirty two positive clones (seventy one in forward library and sixty one in reverse library) were randomly selected and sequenced. Finally, fifty five reliable sequences from the forward subtracted library were used in a homology search by BLASTn and BLASTx, as were 57 reliable sequences from the reverse subtracted library. Furthermore, eight analyzed sequences from the forward subtracted cDNA library and seven from the reverse subtracted library were found to be non-homologous sequences. The screening identified genes induced by MC-LR in both libraries that are involved in various processes, such as energy metabolism, immunity, and apoptosis. Some are cytoskeleton- and transportation-related genes, while signal transduction-related genes were also found. Significant genes, such as the apoptosis-related gene p53 and the proto-oncogene c-myc, are involved in inhibition of the MC-LR response in the reverse subtracted library. In addition, several immune-related genes, which play an important role in antioxidation and detoxification of MC-LR, were characterized and identified in both of the subtracted libraries. The study provides the basic data to further identify the genes and molecular mechanism of detoxification of microcystins.  相似文献   

Wei XL 《生理科学进展》2000,31(3):227-230
运用逆转录 多聚酶链反应 (RT PCR)技术及学习记忆行为实验 ,通过快速老化模型小鼠 (SAM )、氢化可的松处理小鼠及正常小鼠 ,研究发现海马糖皮质激素受体 (GR)、盐皮质激素受体 (MR)、bcl 2、c fos、神经细胞粘附分子 (NCAM )、早老蛋白 2 (PS 2 )及apoE与中枢学习记忆功能具有密切的关系。应用mRNA差异显示技术研究发现 ,SAM的快速老化亚系SAMP8和抗快速老化亚系SAMR1海马有 6条明显差异的基因片段 ,其中二个为新基因。口服六味地黄汤 (LW )对模型动物学习记忆功能衰退具有明显的改善作用 ,同时对海马基因表达异常具有明显纠正作用。应用胚胎大鼠原代培养的海马神经元研究发现皮质酮对学习记忆有关基因表达具有明显影响。上述结果提示 ,中枢学习记忆过程与海马多种基因表达存在密切的关系 ,纠正海马基因表达异常、调节下丘脑 垂体 肾上腺 (HPA)轴的平衡是LW益智作用的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

A subtracted cDNA library specific to osmotic stress of Haloxylon ammodendron (Mey.) Bge seedlings was constructed by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) and T/A cloning. SSH was performed between two groups of H. ammodendron seedlings, one was cultivated in Hoagland (H) solution as a driver and the other group was treated with osmotic stress of the Hoagland solution by the addition of 400 mM mannitol (M), as a tester. The library consisted of about 400 recombinant clones, with the average size being of 500 bp, ranging from 300 bp to 1500 bp. Using a PCR-select differential screening kit, 100 recombinant clones were randomly chosen from the subtracted cDNA library and hybridized with forward, reverse subtracted and unsubtracted probes for two rounds. As a result, 21 positive clones specific to osmotic stress were obtained and some of them were verified by Northern blot analysis. The sequencing analysis of 6 positive clones and the following homology comparison to GenBank [blastx] non-redundant databases characterized that two sequences obtained in this experiment may contribute to novel drought-related genes.  相似文献   

Suppression subtracted hybridization (SSH) and dot blotting were used to identify differential gene expression in the mesocarp and kernel of oil palm nuts. The different types of nut tissue show differences in fatty acid anabolism and the synthesis of other important compounds. In total, 302 clones from forward SSH libraries and 238 clones from reverse SSH libraries were identified following differential screening, respectively. Among these, 120 clones from the forward SSH library and 81 clones from the reverse SSH library, showed tenfold or more differential expression levels, and were sequenced. Sequence analysis revealed that 76 clones (28 from the forward SSH library and 48 from the reverse SSH library) represent non-redundant cDNA inserts. The differential expression of 39 subset genes in the two different tissues was further confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Functionally annotated blasting against the GenBank non-redundant protein database classified all 76 candidate genes into six categories, according to their putative functions. Interestingly, our results show that a group of significantly differentially expressed genes are involved in processes associated with oil palm nut maturation, such as the synthesis of medium-chain saturated fatty acids and phytic acid, nut development, and stress/defense responses. This study describes some relationships between gene expression and metabolic pathways in mature oil palm nuts, and contributes to our understanding of oil palm nut ESTs.  相似文献   

The SAM strains, a group of related inbred strains consisting of senescence-prone inbred strains (SAMP) and senescence-resistant inbred strains (SAMR), have been successfully developed by selective inbreeding of the AKR/J strain of mice donated by the Jackson laboratory in 1968. The characteristic feature of aging common to the SAMP and SAMR is accelerated senescence and normal aging, respectively. Furthermore, SAMP and SAMR strains of mice manifest various pathobiological phenotypes spontaneously. Among SAMP strains, SAMP8 and SAMP10 mice show age-related behavioral deterioration such as deficits in learning and memory, emotional disorders (reduced anxiety-like behavior and depressive behavior) and altered circadian rhythm associated with certain pathological, biochemical and pharmacological changes. Here, the previous and recent literature on SAM mice are reviewed with an emphasis on SAMP8 and SAMP10 mice. A spontaneous model like SAM with distinct advantages over the gene-modified model is hoped by investigators to be used more widely as a biogerontological resource to explore the etiopathogenesis of accelerated senescence and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

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