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The mitochondrial DNA of various carrot lines was characterized by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, and six sequence-tagged sites (STSs) led to identification of the petaloid type of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). Using six STS primer combinations, we were able to classify five CMS lines into two groups and eight fertile carrots into six groups. Both the STS1 and the STS4 primer combinations differentiated CMS cytoplasms from the fertile cytoplasms, and the STS2 primer combination revealed two different types of CMS cytoplasms – of Wisconsin Wild and Cornell origins. Cybrid carrot lines with petaloid flowers which had been obtained by asymmetric cell fusion could also be separated from fertile cybrids by the STS1 primer combination. The STS1 fragment contained a homologous sequence with the orfB gene. DNA gel blot analysis indicated that homologous regions to the STS1 fragment existed in fertile types as well as the CMS types, although the restriction fragment size patterns differed. These observations demonstrate that rearrangements involving this region occurred in the mitochondrial genome. The STS4 fragment had a more complicated gene structure, including retrotransposon-like sequences and small segments of chloroplast genome. Received: 10 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 February 1999  相似文献   

 A spontaneously derived fertile plant was recovered from a petaloid cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) carrot inbred line. Genetic analysis indicated a single nuclear gene was responsible for the restoration to fertility. Within a family segregating for the nuclear restorer in combination with the sterility-inducing cytoplasm, fertile plants were recovered that could not restore fertility when crossed to sterile genotypes. Genetic analysis indicated cytoplasmic reversion for fertility, and Southern analysis, comparing mtDNA organization of the fertile revertant and its CMS progenitor, identified mitochondrial genome rearrangements. Hybridization of cosmids representing a 108-kb subgenomic circle of the sterile line to DNA of a fertile maintainer and fertile revertant lines indicated a similar mtDNA organization for these genotypes that was distinct from that of the sterile line. Six restriction fragments totalling 43.2 kb were common to the fertile maintainer and revertant and absent in the sterile; other restriction fragments totalling 38.2 kb were present only for the sterile line. Unique fragments of low stoichiometry, two for the fertile maintainer and three for the revertant, distinguished these lines. The reversion to fertility in the sterile line could have resulted from the amplification of a mitochondrial submolar genome highly homologous to that found in the fertile maintainer line. Received: 4 October 1997/Accepted: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) chicories have been previously obtained by somatic hybridisation between fertile industrial chicory protoplasts and CMS sunflower protoplasts. In this study, we compared three different CMS chicory cybrids that originated from three different fusion events. The cybrids were backcrossed with different witloof chicories in order to transfer the three male-sterile cytoplasms from an industrial chicory nuclear environment to a witloof chicory nuclear context. Southern hybridisation, using different mitochondrial genes as probes, revealed that the three cybrid mitochondrial genomes were different and that they were stable throughout backcrossing generations regardless of the pollinator. However, pollinators were found to influence floral morphologies – with one being able to restore fertility – showing that nuclear context can affect the sterility of the cybrids. PCR and RFLP analyses revealed that the orf522 sequence, responsiblefor CMS in PET1 sunflower, was present in two out of the three cytoplasms studied, namely 411 and 523, but was absent from the other cytoplasm, 524. We thus concluded that orf522 is not responsible for CMS in the 524 cybrid. Although the orf522 gene is present in the 411 and 523 cytoplasms, it is probably not responsible for the sterile phenotype of these cybrids. Received: 3 June 1998 / Accepted: 30 April 1999  相似文献   

 The incidence and inheritance of a chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) mutation/marker, BP10U, was studied in crosses among cultivated carrots (Daucus carota ssp. sativus). BP10U is about 400 bp larger than the more common BP10L allele. The occurrence of BP10U among carrot inbreds was widespread. Individual plants exhibited only one form of BP10, and cpDNA inheritance was strictly maternal. BP10U only occurred in male-fertile plants. Some male-fertile inbreds and all cytoplasmically male-sterile (petaloid) carrots had the BP10L allele. Alloplasmic cpDNA variation has been reported previously in Daucus, but this is the first report of variation and inheritance of cpDNA within cultivated carrot. Received: 11 August 1998 / Accepted: 8 September 1998  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are serious pests of carrot (Daucus carota L.) worldwide. While soil treatment with nematicides is the primary means for managing nematodes in carrot, there is a need to identify and introduce host plant resistance for crop improvement. This study was conducted to determine the inheritance of resistance to root-galling and reproduction by M. javanica (Treub) Chitwood in a selection (BR-1252) of carrot variety Brasilia. F2, F3, F4, and BC1 progenies from the cross BR-1252×B6274 (a susceptible inbred line) were screened in pot tests for reaction to M. javanica. The observed reactions based on galling and egg production on fibrous roots gave segregation patterns in all tests that were consistent with relatively simply inherited dominant resistance. Field testing in progress indicates that this resistance is very effective against both M. javanica and M. incognita. A single gene model fits the observed data acceptably well in F3 generations. However, the range of 3% to 51% susceptible plants in segregating F3 families and 1% to 47% in segregating F4 families is much wider than the 25% expected with a single-gene model, and linked duplicate factors in the coupling phase could also explain the observed segregation patterns. The variation in percentage susceptibility among these families did not clearly cluster into three expected categories (25% S, 20.25% S, and 0.25% S for a 10-cM linkage distance, or 25% S, 16% S and 1% S for 20 cM), but it did tend to occur over the same range. Thus a 10-cM to 20-cM-linked duplicate factor model cannot be dismissed at this time. Egg production data in the F2, F3, and F4 families provided evidence for slightly lower resistance expression in the heterozygous condition. Thus, while overall expressed in a dominant fashion, the resistance does exhibit some allelic dosage response. Received: 14 June 1999 / Accepted: 7 July 1999  相似文献   

Summary X-irradiated protoplasts of Daucus carota L., 28A1, carrying cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) cytoplasm and iodoacetamide-treated protoplasts of a fertile carrot cultivar, K5, were fused with polyethylene glycol (PEG), and 73 plants were regenerated. Twenty-six randomly chosen regenerated plants had non-parental mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as revealed by XbaI restriction fragment patterns, and all of the plants investigated had diploid chromosome numbers. Of the 11 cybrid plants that showed mtDNA fragment patterns clearly different from those of the parents, 10 plants showed male sterility with brown or red anthers, and one plant possessed partially sterile yellow anthers. The mtDNA fragment patterns of the ten cybrid plants with male sterile flowers resembled that of a CMS parent, 28A1; and four fragments were identified that were common between the sterile cybrid plants and 28A1, but absent from the partially sterile cybrid plants and a fertile cultivar, K5. The results indicated that the CMS trait of the donor was efficiently transferred into the cybrid plants by donor-recipient protoplast fusion.  相似文献   

In order to gain a better understanding of the evolution of Ogura male-sterile cytoplasm in radish, a large-scale sequence analysis of mitochondrial orf138 was conducted using 107 Japanese wild radishes, 29 cultivated radishes and seven Raphanus raphanisturum. A single approximately 0.8-kb fragment containing the orf138 locus was amplified from each plant by PCR, and the nucleotide sequence of an entire coding region of orf138 was determined by direct-sequencing procedures. An identical sequence to the published orf138 (Type A) was identified in Japanese wild radish, including a single plant in a population near Kagoshima prefecture where Ogura (1968) first found ’Ogura male-sterile radish’. Thus, it was confirmed that the ’Ogura male-sterile cytoplasm’ was derived from Japanese wild radish, with a Type A orf138 sequence, growing in this area. A total of six nucleotide changes and a single insertion/deletion (indel) were found in orf138 from both wild and cultivated radishes. By a combination of mutations, the orf138 sequences of the 143 radish plants were classified into nine types. Based on the pattern of mutations and the distribution of orf138 variants, it was concluded that the orf138 variants are derived from Type B or C, after Ogura-type cytoplasm was introduced from R. raphanistrum into Japanese wild radish. Received: 19 December 2000 / Accepted. 26 January 2001  相似文献   

 A stepwise procedure was investigated to determine the optimal conditions for the establishment of Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerdemann & Trappe in dual in vitro culture with Ri T-DNA-transformed roots of Daucus carota L. Glomus mosseae spores germinated best in 10 mm Tris or MES-buffered medium at pH values just above neutral. Growth of hyphae from germinated spores was much greater in the presence of Tris than MES, eg. 8 mm versus 4 mm per spore for Tris and MES, respectively, at pH 7.2. Roots exhibited a broad pH optimum for growth of 6.0–7.0 in both MES and Tris, but did not grow well above pH 7.5. In addition, purified gelling agent, gellan gum, was utilized to lower the P concentration of media. With these factors combined, mycorrhizas were successfully established in 14% of dual cultures. Accepted: 5 March 1997  相似文献   

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