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身高、体重、颅容量等是反映人类身体大小,探讨人类体质特征、生长发育水平及营养健康状况的重要指标。本文采用公式推算法,对2011年在福建漳平奇和洞遗址出土的、距今约9500年的奇和洞II号女性个体的身高、体重、颅容量等身体大小特征进行了研究。结果显示,奇和洞II号的身高和体重约为160.3cm和59.9kg,在新石器时代成年女性个体中属于较高水平,同时高于福建地区现代成年女性的平均水平;颅容量约为1369m L,在新石器时代成年女性个体中处于中间水平。奇和洞II号较好的身体特征发育,提示处于更新世晚期向全新世过渡这一时期的奇和洞人可能具有较好的营养状况;与新、旧石器时代各组的比较显示,这一时期我国华南地区古人类身体大小、形状特征已经形成;我国南、北方地区人群身高、体重差异已经出现。  相似文献   

采用二倍体鲍卵子,抑制其第一极体、抑制其第一极体和第二极体诱导四倍体,用三倍体鲍卵子与普通鲍精子受精并抑制其第一极体,以及用三倍体鲍的其它方法诱导四倍体。用倍体分析仪检测DNA相对含量以判别其倍性。实验结果,先后共培育出存活的四倍体鲍239个,个体大小为2.5~6.0cm;挑选性腺发育较好的四倍体鲍(包括雌雄),与普通鲍杂交繁育三倍体,先后共培育出10批次,培育出的苗量共计15.8万个。  相似文献   

应用组织学与免疫荧光组织化学手段从不同侧面系统研究了小鼠生后早期发育过程中轮廓乳头味蕾数量、形态及α-味蛋白表达的变化规律;结果表明:出生当天小鼠轮廓乳头内尚未有味蕾存在,但在生后早期迅速发育,在出生后最初4周内味蕾的数量、大小迅速显著地增长(P<0.001),味蕾的形态也从幼年期的椭圆形到成年期的长椭圆形,味蕾细胞明显延长;发育过程中离体味蕾的形态大小同组织学研究结果具有一致性;α-味蛋白阳性味蕾与阳性细胞在出生后最初2周内显著增长(P<0.001)。结果表明,味蕾发育过程是一个结构与功能相适应的过程。  相似文献   

焦花粉母细胞和花粉发育过程中细胞重建的初步观察杨俊慧,潘坤清,陈健辉,陈桦(广州师范学院生物系,510400)生物体内的细胞重建现象自贝时漳在南京丰年虫中间性个体中发现以来,先后在鸡胚、小鼠骨髓、沙眼衣原体中陆续发现。张锦珠等则在研究大豆根瘤发育过程...  相似文献   

整合昆虫发育生物学和果蝇遗传学来研究昆虫发育与变态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李胜 《昆虫知识》2007,44(3):319-322
成熟动物(昆虫)个体大小主要由生长持续时间和生长速度2个因素所决定。蜕皮激素和保幼激素协同调控昆虫发育变态,并决定昆虫生长持续时间;胰岛素、营养和细胞接触抑制等生长死亡信号及其传导途径控制细胞分裂、长大、分化、死亡,并最终决定昆虫的生长速度。最近研究成果表明,蜕皮激素信号和胰岛素信号相互影响,对昆虫个体大小起决定性的作用;脂肪体和营养代谢把这2条信号传导途径整合起来。科学家将会整合昆虫发育生物学和果蝇遗传学,抓住生长持续时间和生长速率2个关键因素,并以营养代谢和脂肪体为切入点来研究昆虫的发育变态。  相似文献   

通过剪趾和染毛双重标志的重捕跟踪途径, 结合行为观测研究了栖息于内蒙古农牧交错区草地生境的长爪沙鼠种群繁殖格局。按同生群分组分析的结果显示春季(4~5 月) 出生的雄鼠当年能达到性成熟的个体仅占34.6 % , 性成熟发育历期为3 个月, 其繁殖平均结束时间比越冬鼠早近1 个月。6 月以后出生的雄鼠当年达不到性成熟。达到性成熟的当年雄鼠在繁殖期结束前多数又转入性休止状态。当年雌鼠性成熟历期约2.5 月龄, 初次产仔时间在3.5 月龄左右。6 月份以后出生的雌鼠当年不参加繁殖。各同生群雌鼠1 年中最多产仔次数有差异,越冬鼠可产3~4 窝。4~5 月份出生的雌鼠当年可产1 窝。长爪沙鼠当年生雌、雄鼠非同步发育以及由性成熟的当年鼠与越冬鼠构成的繁殖格局有利于维持家群个体的适合度, 是该鼠生活史对策的重要特征之一。  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠是分布于我国北方典型和荒漠草原及农牧交错区的优势鼠种之一。2000 年10 月至2004 年10 月通过标志重捕法研究了栖息于内蒙古农牧交错区草地生境的种群动态。对其不同季节出生群性成熟特征和种群性成熟比率、繁殖个体比例、个体月补充率等繁殖参数的季节特征研究显示:冬季和春季出生的个体性成熟较夏季出生的个体快,尤雌鼠表现突出,其3 个季节出生群的性成熟时间分别为4. 6 ± 0.2、4. 4 ± 0.8 和7.7 ± 0.4月龄。种群性成熟比率、繁殖个体比例和个体补充率月间差异显著,季节消长明显,即春季最高,秋季(9 ~10月间)最低。结果还显示,种群性成熟比率与气温和降水负相关。长爪沙鼠喜栖于植被稀疏、低矮的干燥沙质土壤环境。从初春到夏末,随降水和气温增加其栖息生境的植被由低矮稀疏变得高而稠密,土壤湿度和粘性亦随之提高,地面种子库因发芽贮量减少,适宜生境的减少可能加剧了社群竞争,抑制了种群的繁殖表现。长爪沙鼠种群繁殖的季节变化反映了其生活史对策中适应高纬度气候和食物的季节波动的重要特征。  相似文献   

中国陆生哺乳类的易绝灭特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘学聪  李义明 《动物学报》2005,51(4):557-585
本研究首先收集了我国367个陆生哺乳类物种的4类基本特征数据:个体大小、繁殖力、利用和濒危等级。从类群和特征两个角度出发,用随机检验和回归分析的方法,检验(1)受威胁物种在各科中是否是随机分布的?如果不是,哪些科含有比随机分布更多或更少的受威胁物种?不同类群受威胁概率与人类的利用有何关系?(2)物种受威胁程度与个体大小和繁殖力有何关系?人类的利用是否对受威胁程度与个体大小和繁殖力的关系产生了重要影响?结果表明:受威胁物种在各科中的分布不是随机的,猴科、牛科和猫科含比随机分布更多的受威胁物种,而鼠科和科则相反;不同类群受威胁概率与被利用率成正比;物种受威胁程度相对于繁殖力和身体大小也不是随机的;当控制系统发育关系的影响后,物种受威胁程度随个体增大和繁殖力降低而增大;多元回归分析显示,只有个体大小与物种受威胁程度相关,这一点与其它的研究不同;个体大小与被利用率成正比。过度利用对我国哺乳类多样性受威胁模式产生了重要影响  相似文献   

将个体在出生以后的发育过程分为各个年令时期,是根据各发育阶段的解剖生理特征以及中枢神经系统发育的特点而划分的。常用的划分方法如下:——新生儿:自出生到3周;乳儿时期:3周到1足岁;幼儿时期:1—3岁;3岁到7岁为幼童期即学令前期,7岁到13—15岁为儿童期即学令期;性成熟期:女孩自13到18岁,男孩自15到20岁;通常自性成熟期开始至20岁称青年期,更后则为成年时期。一.身体各部的生长生后各时期体重和  相似文献   

新疆山地森林乔木和草地草本植物个体大小分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个体大小是植物重要的特征之一,目前其受环境因子的影响还不十分清楚。基于样地实际调查数据,我们分析了新疆山地森林乔木和草地草本植物个体大小的特征(统称为乔木和草本,分别以平均胸径和平均株高表示),并在物种和区域尺度,分析了其与分布区特征和植物多样性的关系。研究发现:(1)在物种尺度上,森林植被中乔木物种的个体大小与其分布区特征正相关,即分布范围较广的乔木倾向于个体更大;草地植被中草本植物的特征与此类似;(2)在区域尺度上,乔木平均个体越大,区域植物平均分布区越小,反之亦然;草本植物的平均个体大小与区域植物分布区特征无显著相关性;(3)在区域尺度上,森林乔木和草地草本植物的个体大小与植物多样性均呈正相关关系,即森林乔木和草地草本植物平均个体较大时,其区域多样性更高。  相似文献   

Variation in male lifetime breeding success (LBS) is central to understanding selection, yet it has rarely been measured in natural populations of large mammals. Here, we first describe variation in the opportunity for selection in cohorts of Soay rams (Ovis aries) on the archipelago of St. Kilda, Scotland, that were born during years of varying population density. Variation in LBS is closely coupled with demography, as rams born in years of low density following population crashes enjoy greater LBS than do those born in high-density years. Paradoxically, the opportunity for selection was greatest in the largest cohorts, those born in years of high population density, owing to low juvenile breeding success and overwinter survival. Variation in longevity and the contribution of nonbreeders were the most important components of the total variance in LBS in cohorts born in years of high density, while variation in fecundity was more important in cohorts born in low-density years. The opportunity for sexual selection is thus stronger in cohorts born in low-density years, as many rams in these cohorts survive to compete for mates as adults in subsequent ruts. Variation in population density in the year of birth also influenced the intensity of selection. Individuals born in years of high population density underwent strong natural selection in favor of longer hindlimbs over their first winter. In contrast, in cohorts born in low-density years, there was no natural selection on hindlimb in the first year of life. Longer hindlimbs were associated with increased fecundity over the entire lifetime of individuals born in low-density years. Natural and sexual selection thus act on the same trait in the same direction at different life-history stages in Soay rams, depending on the population density experienced in the year of birth.  相似文献   

First instar nymphs and adults of the grain aphid Sirobion auenae that had been reared at 10°C and 20°C over a number of generations, were cooled to -5°C and -10°C for 1 h and 6 h and returned to 20°C to assess the effects of brief exposures to low temperatures (cold-pulses) on their survival. rate of development, longevity and fecundity. A strong acclimation response was observed in first instar nymphs, with significantly less mortality in groups reared to 10°C compared to 20°C. Mean development time from first instar to adult was not significantly affected by low temperature exposure at the first nymphal stage. Longevity in all groups cooled as first instars was reduced by the sub-zero cold-pulses, and was also dependent on temperature and exposure time. Acclimated aphids survived longer than non-acclimated individuals. Reproductive rate, in terms of the number of nymphs born per aphid per day, was unaffected by cold stress applied at the first instar stage. Total fecundity was however reduced, being a function of the number and longevity of the survivors. Adult aphids were less cold hardy than nymphs; mortality was higher at -10°C than -5°C increasing with duration of exposure from 1 h to 6 h. Mean fecundity was reduced significantly in aphids cooled at the adult stage, the number of aphids born per day decreasing as the exposure period of the cold-pulse increased, suggesting that low temperature had affected embryogenesis. All the nymphs born to adults surviving exposure to -5°C for 6 h died within 48 h of birth, indicating that low temperature has a pre-natal effect on mortality.  相似文献   

Body mass is a key determinant of fitness components in many organisms, and adult mass varies considerably among individuals within populations. These variations have several causes, involve temporal and spatial factors, and are not yet well understood. We use long-term data from 20 roe deer cohorts (1977-96) in a 2600 ha study area (Chizé, western France) with two habitats contrasting in quality (rich oak forest in the North versus poor beech forest in the South) to analyse the effects of both cohort and habitat quality on adult mass (i.e. median body mass between 4 and 10 years of age) of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Cohort strongly influenced the adult body mass of roe deer in both sexes: males born in 1994 were 5.2 kg heavier when aged between 4 and 10 years old than males born in 1986, while females born in 1995 were 4.7 kg heavier between 4 and 10 years old than females born in 1982. For a given cohort, adult males were, on average, 0.9 kg heavier in the rich oak forest than in the poor beech forest. A similar trend occurred for adult females (0.5 kg heavier in the oak forest). The effects of cohort and habitat were additive and accounted for ca. 40% of the variation observed in the adult mass of roe deer at Chizé (males: 41.2%; females: 40.2%). Population density during the spring of the birth accounted for about 35% of cohort variation, whereas rainfall in May-June had no effect. Such delayed effects of density at birth on adult body mass probably affect population dynamics, and might constitute a mechanism by which delayed density-dependence occurs in ungulate populations.  相似文献   

We found in an earlier study that mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis and G. holbrooki) ceased reproduction in the late summer, long before the end of warm weather, stored fat, then utilized reserves to survive the winter and initiate reproduction the following spring. We hypothesized that this pattern of fat utilization was a life history adaptation that enabled the fish to acquire food resources in the autumn then allocate them to reproduction the following spring when the fitness of the young would be greater. Here we evaluate one aspect of this hypothesis by evaluating the probability of survival to maturity and fecundity of young as a function of date of birth. We placed cohorts comprising eight to ten litters of young born early‐, mid‐ or late in the reproductive season in replicate field enclosures. The entire experiment was repeated in two different years. Early‐born young had a significantly higher probability of survival to maturity but did not differ in fecundity relative to the last cohort of the season. Early‐born young also attained maturity early enough to reproduce in their year of birth while late‐born young had to overwinter before reproduction. The fitness consequences to the mother of either producing one more litter of young at the end of the season, versus instead storing fat and reproducing the following spring are not as determinate as are the effects of date of birth on offspring fitness. Females most often gain fitness by not producing one last litter and instead over‐wintering. If, however, the overwinter survival of offspring is not influenced by their size at the end of the season, then a female's fitness could be enhanced by producing one more litter late in the season. If instead the probability of overwinter survival is strongly influenced by the size of offspring at the end of the season, then our results suggest that a female gains more by deferring reproduction and storing for overwinter survival and reproduction the following spring.  相似文献   

Impaired fetal development, reflected by low birth weight or prematurity, predicts an increased risk for psychopathology, especially attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Such effects cut across the normal range of birth weight and gestation. Despite the strength of existing epidemiological data, cognitive pathways that link fetal development to mental health are largely unknown. In this study we examined the relation of birth weight (>2500 g) and gestational age (37-41 weeks) within the normal range with specific executive functions in 195 Singaporean six-year-old boys of Chinese ethnicity. Birth weight adjusted for gestational age was used as indicator of fetal growth while gestational age was indicative of fetal maturity. Linear regression revealed that increased fetal growth within the normal range is associated with an improved ability to learn rules during the intra/extra-dimensional shift task and to retain visual information for short period of time during the delayed matching to sample task. Moreover, faster and consistent reaction times during the stop-signal task were observed among boys born at term, but with higher gestational age. Hence, even among boys born at term with normal birth weight, variations in fetal growth and maturity showed distinct effects on specific executive functions.  相似文献   

To determine the associations of fecundity and childlessness with month of conception and to find a causal mechanism for these associations, we reanalyzed some of our previous data according to the predictions of the seasonal optimal ripening oocyte (SOptRO) and seasonal preovulatory over-ripeness ovopathy (SPrOO) hypotheses. Prime and minor SOptRO months as well as high-risk, no-risk, and very high risk SPrOO months were defined on the basis of a priori knowledge of the existence of ovulatory and anovulatory seasons in mammals and of the general birth distribution in Europe. The month of birth was assessed among 899 mothers with three or more children and 388 childless women extracted from a 1% sample of the Austrian population. The women with three or more children were born in excess during the prime and less often during the minor SOptRO months (chi2 = 2.81; p = 0.045; relative risk = 1.16; 95% CI = 1.01-1.33). This is in line with the SOptRO predictions. The childless women were more frequently born during the high-risk SPrOO months compared to the no-risk months but less often during the very high risk months. The linear trend (chi2 = 8.43; p = 0.009) is in line with the SPrOO predictions. We suggest that fecundity and childlessness are dependent on the gradient of oocyte maturation reflected by mother's month of birth, which may modulate future constitution.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Literature on the risk of birth defects among foreign‐ versus U.S.–born Hispanics is limited or inconsistent. We examined the association between country of birth, immigration patterns, and birth defects among Hispanic mothers. METHODS: We used data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study and calculated odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals and assessed the relationship between mothers' country of birth, years lived in the United States, and birth defects among 575 foreign‐born compared to 539 U.S.–born Hispanic mothers. RESULTS: Hispanic mothers born in Mexico/Central America were more likely to deliver babies with spina bifida (OR = 1.53) than their U.S.–born counterparts. Also, mothers born in Mexico/Central America or who were recent United States immigrants (≤5 years) were less likely to deliver babies with all atrial septal defects combined, all septal defects combined, or atrial septal defect, secundum type. However, Hispanic foreign‐born mothers who lived in the United States for >5 years were more likely to deliver babies with all neural tube defects combined (OR = 1.42), spina bifida (OR = 1.89), and longitudinal limb defects (OR = 2.34). Foreign‐born mothers, regardless of their number of years lived in the United States, were more likely to deliver babies with anotia or microtia. CONCLUSIONS: Depending on the type of birth defect, foreign‐born Hispanic mothers might be at higher or lower risk of delivering babies with the defects. The differences might reflect variations in predisposition, cultural norms, behavioral characteristics, and/or ascertainment of the birth defects. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The timing of puberty is a critical life history trait of short-lived species; spring-born individuals mature rapidly and breed in the season of birth, whereas young born in mid- to late summer delay puberty until the next spring. The cues that govern the transition from rapid to delayed maturation in natural populations remain unknown. To identify ecologically relevant photoperiod cues that control timing of puberty, we monitored nine cohorts of female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) born every 2 wk from 4 wk before to 12 wk after the summer solstice in a simulated natural photoperiod (SNP). Hamsters born by the summer solstice underwent rapid somatic growth and achieved puberty that summer; among females born 2-4 wk after the solstice, some delayed puberty by many weeks, whereas others manifested early puberty. Hamsters born 6 or more weeks after the solstice generally delayed puberty until the following spring. The transition from accelerated to delayed pubertal development in the SNP occurred at day lengths that induce early puberty when presented as static photoperiods. Despite differences in timing of birth and timing of puberty, fall and subsequent spring seasonal events occurred at similar calendar dates in all cohorts. We found no evidence that prenatal photoperiod history influenced postnatal development of female hamsters. Considered together with a parallel study on males, the present findings point to sex differences in responsiveness to natural photoperiod variations. In both sexes, incrementally changing photoperiods exert a strong organizing effect on seasonal rhythms.  相似文献   

Dwyer CM 《Theriogenology》2003,59(3-4):1027-1050
The survival of the neonate relies on the integrated expression of appropriate behaviours from both the mother and young. In precocious species, like the sheep, the speed with which the lamb stands and seeks the udder is related to lamb survival. In this study the effects of birth difficulty, lamb birth weight, ewe loss or gain in backfat from conception to delivery, ewe parity, litter size, and lamb sex on neonatal lamb behavioural development were investigated in over 500 lambs of two breeds (Scottish Blackface and Suffolk). Lambs that required assistance to be delivered were significantly slower to perform all neonatal behaviours than unassisted lambs (P<0.001), and were less active over the first 3 days after delivery (P<0.05). There were no effects of lamb birthweight that were not accounted for by the increased likelihood of requiring assistance in heavier birth weight lambs. Ewes that mobilised less body fat during their pregnancy produced lambs that stood and sucked quickly (P<0.001), and were more active over the first 3 days of life. Lambs born to first parity ewes were slower to stand and suck than lambs born to experienced ewes (P<0.001). There was an improvement in time taken by lambs to stand, seek the udder and to suck with each increase in ewe parity. Litter size had an additional retarding influence on the behaviour of multiple-born lambs that could not be accounted for by birthweight. In the Suffolk breed male lambs were slower to stand and suck than female lambs, this effect was not seen in Blackface lambs. These data demonstrate that lambs that require assistance at birth, even if they survive the birth process, lambs born to ewes that lose a lot of condition over pregnancy or first parity ewes, triplet lambs and, at least in some breeds, male lambs are slower to progress through the sequence of neonatal behaviours. These lambs are, therefore, at greater risk of not surviving to weaning.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to estimate the onset of sexual maturity of F(2) lambs born to crossbred ewes (East-Friesian x Black-Head Pleven breeds) x East-Friesian rams based on measurments of plasma FSH, LH and 17beta-estradiol levels during postnatal development. The hormonal levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in blood samples taken from 107 ewe lambs at the age of 0 to 10 days, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6 months and at 1 year from anestrous ewes (birth - Day 0). Starting at a baseline concentration during Days 0-10, FSH rose to a peak at Month 2 and declined after Month 3 to levels equivalent to those seen in yearling, sexually mature ewes. Mean LH concentrations rose from baseline to the highest level in samples taken at 5.5 months and stabilized at 6 months to the level seen in yearling ewes. The preovulatory LH peak was recorded in 5.5 month-old lambs. Neither FSH nor LH declined to baseline concentrations in lambs after the initial 10 days of life. 17beta-estradiol fluctuated, showing an initial rise in samples taken between Days 0-10 and Month 2, followed by insignificant variations between different ages and were near to those in yearling ewes. The data suggest that the sexual maturity in lambs is attained at 5.5-6 months of age. The findings allow us to suggest that these crossbred ewes might be fertilized at an earlier age (11-12 months) if they had reached the neccessary body development (body weight: 75-80% of that of adult ewes). They also might be included earlier in estrous synchronization programs in order to give birth to 3 lambs in 2 years.  相似文献   

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