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【目的】实蝇类雄成虫对某些含有甲基丁香酚或覆盆子酮等特殊化合物的花类具有强烈的趋性。具有强烈气味的水果挥发物对果实蝇属昆虫的引诱作用尚未有研究。【方法】在杨桃园研究榴莲、菠萝蜜、菠萝及番荔枝4种新鲜水果气味对橘小实蝇的引诱作用,利用顶空固相微萃取和气质联用技术(GC-MS)提取并分析榴莲果肉挥发物成分。【结果】结果显示,榴莲果肉挥发物对橘小实蝇雄虫的引诱效果最显著;榴莲果肉挥发物共得到22个峰,鉴别到20种化合物。绝大部分为酯类物质(>90%),少数为醇类(0.50%)、醛类(0.45%)和含硫化合物(4.23%);诱捕试验显示,2-甲基丁酸乙酯对橘小实蝇雄虫的引诱数量显著高于2-甲基丁酸甲酯、丙酸丙酯、二甲基硫醚、辛酸乙酯、己酸甲酯以及榴莲鲜果肉。【结论】本试验结果将为下一步研发高效桔小实蝇引诱剂提供依据。  相似文献   

【目的】本文研究目的是验证酪蝇Piophila casei雌虫卵巢是否存在性信息素,并为酪蝇性信息素研究提供科学依据。【方法】测定了酪蝇雄虫对不同剂量的雌虫卵巢提取物的行为选择反应和触角电位反应,还利用模拟仓储实验测定了不同剂量的雌虫卵巢提取物对酪蝇雄虫的诱捕效果。【结果】当酪蝇雌虫卵巢提取物的剂量分别为0.5、1、1.5、2、2.5头当量时,雄虫对0.5、1、1.5头当量的雌虫卵巢提取物有选择反应,雄虫对这5个剂量的雌虫卵巢提取物均具有触角电位反应。酪蝇雌虫卵巢提取物对雄虫诱捕效果的模拟仓储实验结果显示:当酪蝇卵巢提取物的剂量分别为2、4、6、8、10头当量时,在非选择性实验中各当量的雌虫卵巢提取物对雄虫均有引诱效果,在选择性实验中雌虫卵巢提取物的剂量为2头当量时,对雄虫的引诱效果最好。【结论】酪蝇雌虫卵巢提取物对雄虫有显著的引诱效果,表明酪蝇雌虫卵巢中存在吸引雄虫的化学成分,即酪蝇的性信息素。  相似文献   

不同诱捕技术对松褐天牛的诱捕效果   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
通过不同引诱剂、不同诱芯、不同诱捕器和不同缓释量对松褐天牛的诱捕试验,结果表明,4种引诱剂对松褐天牛都有一定的引诱效果.其中,引诱剂MA2K 05的效果最好,引诱活性平均为26.3头/诱捕器,对其它鞘翅目和半翅目昆虫也有引诱作用;引诱剂MA2K 13活性次之,平均21.3头/诱捕器;MA2K 11最弱,平均13.8头/诱捕器.3种诱芯A、B和C的引诱效果分别为14.73、4.25和20.3头/诱捕器,其中诱芯C内引诱剂总量为诱芯A或诱芯B的2.5倍,且诱芯C内的引诱剂3~5 d需添加一次,而诱芯A和诱芯B的引诱活性能持续1个月以上,因此,诱芯B较为理想.宣州诱捕器引诱效果显著高于日式诱捕器,分别为36.4和9.7头/诱捕器.不同剂量诱捕结果表明,随着诱芯缓释量的增加,诱捕效果也相应提高,当剂量从20 ml上升至80 ml时,诱捕效果增加不显著;当诱剂达120 ml时,引诱效果显著增加.  相似文献   

【目的】为进一步阐明松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus诱芯中引诱剂植物挥发物(α-蒎烯和乙醇)和聚集信息素(2-十一烷氧基-1-乙醇)在野外条件下的变化及其对诱芯诱捕效果的影响。【方法】本研究应用气质联用仪(GC-MS),检测了松墨天牛诱芯中引诱剂植物挥发物α-蒎烯和乙醇及聚集信息素2-十一烷氧基-1-乙醇在野外悬挂不同时间后的比例和成分变化;并在林间设置20个诱捕器,每诱捕器上悬挂1个诱芯,其中10个诱捕器在第30天时更换新的诱芯,另10个诱捕器的诱芯不更换,调查相应的野外诱捕效果。【结果】诱芯中引诱剂植物挥发物含量变化结果显示,植物挥发物在前15 d内,平均释放量为5.05 mL/d;在第45-60天内,平均释放量仅为0.58 mL/d。植物挥发物成分分析结果显示,植物挥发物中α-蒎烯和乙醇的初始总含量≥97%,另外含有莰烯、氧化蒎烯、松香芹醇、松香芹酮、桃金娘烯醛、马鞭草烯酮、桃金娘烯醇等7种杂质。随着时间延长,植物挥发物中成分种类和含量均发生变化,其中第15天时,乙醇含量为零;第15-45天期间,共新增3种杂质,即马鞭草烯醇、樟脑烯醛和马鞭草烯基乙基醚;原有杂质松香芹醇、松香芹酮、桃金娘烯醛、马鞭草烯酮到第60天时含量所占比例显著增加。聚集信息素2-十一烷氧基-1-乙醇含量变化结果显示,在前15 d内,平均释放量为1.05μL/d;在第30-45天内,平均释放量下降到0.52μL/d;第45天时,聚集信息素含量几乎为零。野外诱捕试验结果显示,旧诱芯(已悬挂30 d的诱芯)和新诱芯(第30天时新更换的诱芯)在第45天时诱捕效果无显著性差异,在第50天时,新旧诱芯的野外诱捕效果差异达显著水平(P0.05),在第60天后,新旧诱芯的野外引诱效果差异达极显著水平(P0.01)。【结论】结果表明,松墨天牛诱芯中引诱剂在野外条件下释放速率存在"先快后慢"的趋势,并且随着时间的延长各成分之间的比例发生变化,主要成分也发生氧化,进而影响诱捕效果。我们自制的松墨天牛诱芯野外诱捕的高效持效期不少于45 d,持效期不少于60 d,如何更好地控制松墨天牛诱芯中引诱剂的释放速率,延缓各成分的变化,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

【目的】松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner&Buhrer) Nickle的媒介昆虫云杉花墨天牛Monochamus saltuarius Gebler在辽宁省被发现意味着我国北方松林的生态安全正在遭受严重的威胁。明确松材线虫入侵松林内的天牛种类、数目,可以为早期监测松材线虫媒介昆虫和潜在媒介昆虫的种群动态以及预测松材线虫病的发生提供参考。【方法】为了明确天牛广谱型引诱剂、APFI持久增强型松墨天牛高效诱剂、F8型松墨天牛引诱剂及其复配诱芯的诱捕效果,于2019-2020年的5-10月在辽宁省抚顺市的油松林、红松林、落叶松林开展诱捕天牛试验。【结果】将天牛广谱型引诱剂和F8型松墨天牛引诱剂放在同一诱捕器中具有较好引诱效果,每诱捕器捕获的天牛物种数量(油松林18种,红松林14种,共计19种)和天牛样本数量(油松林(18.31±8.86)头/周,红松林(23.44±10.92)头/周)最多。在试验林地共计诱捕到34种共计13307头天牛,其中云杉花墨天牛数量最多,占总诱捕量的67%,褐梗天牛Arhopalus rusticus、锯天牛Prionus insularis、小灰长角天牛Acanthocinus griseus、松皮花天牛Rhagium japonicum分别占总诱捕量的13.2%、6.6%、4.1%和2.7%。【结论】捕获到危害针叶树的天牛8种,包括云杉花墨天牛(优势种)、小灰长角天牛、灰长角天牛Acanthocinus aedilis、褐梗天牛、脊鞘幽天牛Asemum striatum和锯天牛。根据天牛的取食产卵习性推测,小灰长角天牛、灰长角天牛在补充营养的时候可能会传播松材线虫到健康松树上,而褐梗天牛、脊鞘幽天牛和锯天牛羽化成虫后不需补充营养且产卵在衰弱木的树皮缝隙或者表土处,它们有效传播松材线虫的几率较小。  相似文献   

【目的】早竹是一种重要的笋用竹种,人工经营的早竹林出笋率高、经济价值大。然而一些蝇类寄生于早竹笋内,导致竹笋品质降低、竹林退笋率增加。通过研究早竹林内蝇类种群动态和物种多样性,为科学防治笋蝇提供依据,以降低早竹笋的退笋率,增加竹笋产量,提高早竹种植的经济效益。【方法】采用黄板诱捕法调查早竹林内蝇类的多样性,运用多元线性回归分析了环境因子对蝇类Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的影响;并使用变异分解的方法分析了空间变量和环境变量对蝇类β多样性的影响。【结果】研究结果显示:在早竹林内共诱捕到的蝇类有8科10种,其中竹笋绒茎蝇Chyliza bambusae、江苏泉蝇Pegomyia kiangsuensis、横带花蝇Anthomyia illocata、常齿股蝇Hydrotaea dentipes、黑带食蚜蝇Episyrphus balteata是早竹林内的优势物种;黄板周围1.5 m范围内成竹数量和幼笋数量对蝇类的多样性有显著性影响,早竹林内蝇类的物种多样性随着成竹数量的增加而降低;空间变量单独对蝇类β多样性的解释量为8.54%,环境变量单独解释的量为28.84%,两者共同解释的量为10.46%,不能被环境变量和空间变量解释的量为52.16%。【结论】本研究展示了早竹林内蝇类多样性变动的动态,并阐释了蝇类多样性的主要影响因子,对于竹林害虫的综合治理、提高竹笋产量具有现实和理论意义。  相似文献   

利用蛀干类害虫引诱剂来引诱松褐天牛初步试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘际建 《生物学杂志》2006,23(1):17-18,25
研究利用生物措施引诱剂这门新技术,来诱杀松褐天牛,该引诱剂具有使用简便,在林间引诱距离达30m,诱捕率为27.6%的效果。  相似文献   

杨梅果实成熟度及挥发物对斑翅果蝇定向行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】杨梅Myrica rubra作为中国特有的水果,是斑翅果蝇Drosophila suzukii Matsumura的主要寄主之一,且受其危害严重。通过室内测定不同成熟度杨梅果实及其挥发物对斑翅果蝇定向行为的影响,明确不同成熟度杨梅果实及其挥发物在斑翅果蝇寄主定向中的作用。【方法】利用动态顶空吸附法提取不同成熟度的杨梅果实挥发物,并用Y-型嗅觉仪测定斑翅果蝇对不同成熟度杨梅果实及其挥发物的嗅觉反应。【结果】杨梅果实成熟度愈高,其p H值和糖度值愈高、酸度值愈低;成熟杨梅果实对斑翅果蝇已交配雌虫和未交配雌虫引诱效果极显著(P0.01),半熟杨梅和生杨梅果实对斑翅果蝇未交配雌虫引诱效果极显著(P0.01)、对已交配雌虫引诱效果显著(P0.05);3种成熟度杨梅果实对斑翅果蝇雌虫(已交配或未交配)引诱效果均表现为:成熟杨梅果实半熟杨梅果实生杨梅果实;成熟杨梅果实挥发物对斑翅果蝇已交配雌虫和未交配雌虫引诱效果显著(P0.05),半熟杨梅和生杨梅果实挥发物对斑翅果蝇未交配雌虫引诱效果显著(P0.05),但对已交配雌虫引诱效果不显著(P0.05)。【结论】不同成熟度杨梅果实及其挥发物对斑翅果蝇的定向行为有重要的影响。  相似文献   

为探索诱杀栗山天牛Massicus raddei(Blessig)成虫的新技术,本文研究了糖醋酒液对栗山天牛成虫的引诱效果。结果表明:糖醋酒液对栗山天牛成虫有较强的引诱作用,天牛羽化期内共诱捕到成虫6427头,平均每个引诱点引诱到107头,是林间寄主树单株虫口密度的5.15倍。诱捕到的雌雄成虫数量基本一致,且诱捕到的雌虫怀卵量只比处女虫略低,表明诱捕到的雌虫尚未产卵或者产卵较少。糖醋酒液引诱剂最佳配比为糖∶醋∶乙醇∶蒸馏水=30∶20∶10∶100,最佳引诱时间是19∶00-21∶00。添加了菊酯类杀虫剂的引诱剂对栗山天牛成虫的引诱效果明显下降,且成虫对该引诱剂的取食时间明显缩短,取食该引诱剂的成虫80%在2 h内即死亡,24 h后死亡率达100%。  相似文献   

【目的】为了探明对云斑天牛Batocera horsfieldi(Hope)有效的引诱物质。【方法】研究了云斑天牛对白蜡树、山核桃、黄山栾树和野蔷薇4种寄主植物的室内取食偏好性,采用动态顶空吸附法结合气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分析了植物挥发物成分,然后利用触角电位-气相色谱联用技术(GC-EAD)测定植物挥发物对云斑天牛触角的反应,最后对相关化合物进行了野外诱捕试验。【结果】结果表明:云斑天牛最喜欢取食的寄主植物是白蜡树,其次是黄山栾树和山核桃,野蔷薇没有取食;寄主植物挥发物成分中,萜烯类和烷烃类等物质占主要成分,不同寄主植物的挥发物中多种成分存在显著性差异;壬醛引起了云斑天牛显著的GC-EAD反应;最后,林间诱捕试验结果显示,顺-3-己烯醇和壬醛分别在林间诱捕到了一定量的云斑天牛,并且都是雄虫,同时顺-3-己烯醇还诱捕到了星天牛Anoplophora chinensis(Forster)。【结论】试验结果说明,顺-3-己烯醇和壬醛是两种对云斑天牛具有林间引诱效果的植物源物质,同时,顺-3-己烯醇是云斑天牛和星天牛共享的植物源引诱物质。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Experiments were conducted in a citrus orchard to investigate the attractiveness of 26 plant essential oils individually and in combination with a synthetic food odour lure to the Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens Loew. Anise, rose/grape seed, and tea tree oils were more attractive than unbaited traps but none approached the attractiveness of Advanced Pheromone Technologies' AFF lure, a synthetic food-odour lure that emits several nitrogenous chemicals attractive to this fly. Traps baited with most of the oils were less attractive than unbaited traps. Rose/grape seed oil and pure-rose oil enhanced attractiveness of AFF lures to both males and females by about 68%. Grape seed oil did not enhance the attractiveness of AFF lures demonstrating that rose oil was the active component of the rose/grape seed oil. No other oil enhanced attractiveness of AFF lures and most decreased attraction to AFF lures. The possibility that highly attractive chemicals may be present in rose oil as minor components is discussed. Traps baited with the combination of clove bud oil and the AFF lure captured only 3% as many flies as traps baited only with the AFF lure indicating that clove bud oil is highly repellent to Mexican fruit flies.  相似文献   

Feral Mexican fruit flies, Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), were trapped in a citrus orchard in Mexico by using two types of synthetic food-odor lures, the AFF lure (Anastrepha fruit fly lure, APTIV, Inc., Portland, OR) and the BioLure (two-component MFF lure, Suterra LLC, Inc., Bend, OR). In Multilure traps (Better World Manufacturing, Inc., Miami, FL) containing water, BioLures captured about the same numbers of flies as AFF lures. In Multilure traps containing antifreeze solution, BioLures captured 2 and 5 times more flies than AFF lures in two experiments. BioLures, and AFF lures did not differ in attractiveness when used on sticky traps (Intercept trap, APTIV, Inc.; and sticky cylinder trap). Multilure traps captured >4 times as many flies as sticky traps with the exception that captures of females did not differ between Multilure and sticky traps baited with AFF lures. The percentage of females captured in Multilure traps was greater when traps were baited with BioLures compared with AFF lures, but the reverse was true for sticky traps. Sticky cylinder traps captured a higher percentage of females than Multilure traps. The most effective trap/lure combination was the Multilure trap baited with BioLure and antifreeze. In comparison with tests of these two lures in Texas, results were similar for Multilure traps, but they differed for sticky cylinder traps in that AFF lures were consistently more attractive than BioLures in Texas, but not in Mexico.  相似文献   

Current control methodologies have not prevented the spread of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) across Brazil. Here, we describe the development of a new tool for controlling the sand fly vector of the disease: a long-lasting lure, which releases a synthetic male sex pheromone, attractive to both sexes of Lutzomyia longipalpis. This device could be used to improve the effectiveness of residual insecticide spraying as a means of sand fly control, attracting L. longipalpis to insecticide-treated animal houses, where they could be killed in potentially large numbers over a number of weeks. Different lure designs releasing the synthetic pheromone (±)-9-methylgermacrene-B (CAS 183158-38-5) were field-tested in Araçatuba, São Paulo (SP). Experiments compared numbers of sand flies caught overnight in experimental chicken sheds with pheromone lures, to numbers caught in control sheds without pheromone. Prototype lures, designed to last one night, were first used to confirm the attractiveness of the pheromone in SP, and shown to attract significantly more flies to test sheds than controls. Longer-lasting lures were tested when new, and at fortnightly intervals. Lures loaded with 1 mg of pheromone did not attract sand flies for more than two weeks. However, lures loaded with 10 mg of pheromone, with a releasing surface of 15 cm2 or 7.5 cm2, attracted female L. longipalpis for up to ten weeks, and males for up to twelve weeks. Approximately five times more sand flies were caught with 7.5 cm2 10 mg lures when first used than occurred naturally in non-experimental chicken resting sites. These results demonstrate that these lures are suitably long-lasting and attractive for use in sand fly control programmes in SP. To our knowledge, this is the first sex pheromone-based technology targeting an insect vector of a neglected human disease. Further studies should explore the general applicability of this approach for combating other insect-borne diseases.  相似文献   

Male lures are known for many tephritid fruit fly species and are often preferred over food bait based traps for detection trapping because of their high specificity and ability to attract flies over a wide area. Alpha-ionol has been identified as a male lure for the tephritid fruit fly Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel). The attraction of this compound to male B. latifrons individuals, however, is not as strong as is the attraction of other tephritid fruit fly species to their respective male lures. Cade oil, an essential oil produced by destructive distillation of juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus L.) twigs, synergizes the attraction of alpha-ionol to male B. latifrons. Catches of male B. latifrons at traps baited with a mixture of alpha-ionol and cade oil were more than three times greater than at traps baited with alpha-ionol alone. Substitution of alpha-ionol + cade oil for alpha-ionol alone in detection programs could considerably improve the chance of detecting invading or incipient populations of B. latifrons. However, detection programs should not rely solely on this lure but also make use of protein baited traps as well as fruit collections. Further work with fractions of cade oil may help to identify the active ingredient(s), which could help to further improve this male lure for B. latifrons.  相似文献   

In order to improve perimeter trapping for apple maggot fly behavioral control, we designed a set of experiments which aimed to reach a better understanding of the nature of the interaction between the natural host odor released by susceptible and low‐susceptibility apple cultivars, and an artificial host odor currently employed as a lure along with visual traps for apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae), perimeter trapping programs. The response of apple maggot flies to lured and unlured visual traps deployed in different rectangular arrays of susceptible and low‐susceptibility apple cultivars (two central trees of a particular cultivar surrounded by four perimeter trees of the same or a different cultivar) was evaluated over 2 years under field conditions. In uniform blocks of susceptible (Tidemann Red, Jersey Mac) or low‐susceptibility (Marshall McIntosh) cultivars, lured traps recovered a significantly greater proportion of the total capture than unlured traps, irrespective of lure position (center or perimeter trees). Unlured traps on central susceptible apple cultivars (Red Astrachan, Gala, Fuji) recovered a significantly greater proportion of the total capture than unlured traps on surrounding low‐susceptibility cultivars (Marshall McIntosh, Paula Red, Red Delicious, and Golden Delicious). Placing the lures near traps on low‐susceptibility cultivar trees surrounding unlured traps on central susceptible cultivar trees reduced apple maggot fly visits to traps on central trees, but the latter still recovered a similar proportion of the total capture as lured traps on perimeter trees. By contrast, placing the lures near traps on central susceptible cultivar trees surrounded by unlured traps on low‐susceptibility cultivar trees allowed lured central traps to receive a significantly greater proportion of the total capture than unlured perimeter traps. We conclude that the synthetic and natural host odor of susceptible cultivars interact additively in attracting apple maggot flies to visual traps, and that, when given the choice, traps and lures should be deployed on preferred rather than on less preferred cultivar trees. Implications for trap deployment strategies for tephritid monitoring and control are discussed in the light of our findings.  相似文献   

Sterile mass-reared Mexican fruit flies, Anastrepha ludens (Loew), were trapped in a citrus orchard by using multilure traps and cylindrical sticky traps baited with Advanced Pheromone Technologies Anastrepha fruit fly (AFF) lures or Suterra BioLure two-component (ammonium acetate and putrescine) MFF lures (BioLures). The cylinder trap/AFF lure combination was the best trap over the first 6 wk, the multilure trap/BioLure combination was best during weeks 6-12, and the multilure trap/AFF lure combination was best during the last 6 wk. The multilure trap/BioLure combination was best overall by 36% over the cylinder trap/AFF lure combination, and 57% over the multilure trap/AFF lure combination. Cylinder traps with BioLures were the least effective trap/lure combination throughout the experiment, capturing only half as many flies as cylinder traps with AFF lures. Captures with cylinder traps baited with either lure and multilure traps with BioLures were female biased. For the most part, both lures remained highly attractive and emitted detectable amounts of attractive components under hot field conditions for the duration of the 18-wk experiment. Total emission of ammonia was 4 times greater and 1-pyrroline at least 10 times greater from AFF lures compared with BioLures. Correlations of trap and lure performance with ammonia emission and weather were determined, but no conclusions were possible. Results indicate that BioLures would be the lure of choice in multilure or other McPhail-type traps and AFF lures would be superior with most sticky traps or kill stations that attract flies to outer (not enclosed) surfaces.  相似文献   

Jackson traps baited with male lures with or without insecticides are essential components of surveillance and monitoring programmes against pest tephritid fruit flies. The ability of a trap to capture a fly that enters, sometimes termed ‘trap efficiency’, is dependent on many factors including the trap/lure/toxicant combination. We tested the effects of three important components of Jackson traps on efficiency of capture of two important fruit fly species, using the ‘standard’ (i.e. as they are used in the state-wide surveillance programme in California) and alternative setups: Insecticide (Naled, DDVP or None), type of adhesive on the sticky panel (Seabright Laboratories Stickem Special Regular or Stickem Special HiTack) and use of a single or combination male lure (Methyl eugenol and/or cuelure). Experiments were conducted in large outdoor carousel olfactometers with known numbers of Bactrocera dorsalis and Zeugodacus cucurbitae and by trapping wild populations of the same two species. Lures were aged out to eight weeks to develop a comprehensive dataset on trap efficiency of the various combinations. Results indicate that the current liquid lure/naled combinations on cotton wicks used in California for surveillance of these flies can be effectively replaced by plastic polymer plugs for the lure and pre-packaged DDVP strips with no loss of trap efficiency for eight weeks of use or longer. The ‘high tack’ adhesive showed no advantage over the current standard against these flies, and both have low efficiency when used without an insecticide in the trap. Combination lure + DDVP varied when compared to the current standard liquid lure + naled: Olfactometer assays showed similar efficiency between them for B. dorsalis, but higher efficiency for the wafer against Z. cucurbitae. Field result showed similar or slightly higher performance of the wafer compared with the standard for B. dorsalis, but a much lower catch of Z. cucurbitae.  相似文献   

The Chinese citrus fruit fly, Bactrocera minax (Enderlein) is a univoltine Tephritidae pest that infests Citrus species. Field trials were conducted in 2010 to determine the potential use of a lure based on enzymatical-hydrolyzed beer yeast as liquid bait (hereafter named H-protein bait) for B. minax in the Hubei province, China. In a citrus orchard, we compared the attractiveness among aqueous solutions of H-protein bait, GF-120 fruit fly bait, sugar-vinegar-wine mixture, torula yeast, and Jufeng attractant when used in traps and in spot sprays, that is, lures used in combination with the insecticide trichlorphon. The H-protein bait was the most attractive lure in traps, ensnaring significantly more adults than sugar-vinegar-wine mixture, torula yeast, and Jufeng attractant, in decreasing efficiency order. In spot sprays those with H-protein bait killed significantly more female and male flies within 40 min than those with sugar-vinegar-wine mixture, GF-120, Jufeng attractant, and the control. In addition, the total number of flies killed by H-protein bait during the spot spray duration was higher than other treatments. Our results demonstrated that the H-protein bait may be a useful tool in citrus orchards in China to monitor B. minax populations as well as to manage this pest when used in spot sprays.  相似文献   

Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans [Diptera: Muscidae] L.) are blood‐feeding synanthropic pests, which cause significant economic losses in livestock. Stable fly antennae contain olfactory sensilla responsive to host and host environment‐associated odours. Field observation indicated that the abundance of stable flies increased significantly in grasslands or crop fields when cattle manure slurry was applied. Major volatile compounds emanating from manure slurry were collected and identified. Behavioural responses of stable flies to those compounds were investigated in laboratory bioassays and field‐trapping studies. Results from olfactometer assays revealed that phenol, p‐cresol and m‐cresol were attractive to adult stable flies. When tested individually, attraction was higher with lower dosages. Stable flies were most attracted to blends of phenol and m‐cresol or p‐cresol. Traps with binary blend lures caught more stable flies in field trials as well.  相似文献   

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