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Quorum sensing, a group behaviour coordinated by a diffusible pheromone signal and a cognate receptor, is typical of bacteria that form symbioses with plants and animals. LuxIR‐type N‐acyl L‐homoserine (AHL) quorum sensing is common in Gram‐negative Proteobacteria, and many members of this group have additional quorum‐sensing networks. The bioluminescent symbiont Vibrio fischeri encodes two AHL signal synthases: AinS and LuxI. AinS‐dependent quorum sensing converges with LuxI‐dependent quorum sensing at the LuxR regulatory element. Both AinS‐ and LuxI‐mediated signalling are required for efficient and persistent colonization of the squid host, Euprymna scolopes. The basis of the mutualism is symbiont bioluminescence, which is regulated by both LuxI‐ and AinS‐dependent quorum sensing, and is essential for maintaining a colonization of the host. Here, we used chemical and genetic approaches to probe the dynamics of LuxI‐ and AinS‐mediated regulation of bioluminescence during symbiosis. We demonstrate that both native AHLs and non‐native AHL analogues can be used to non‐invasively and specifically modulate induction of symbiotic bioluminescence via LuxI‐dependent quorum sensing. Our data suggest that the first day of colonization, during which symbiont bioluminescence is induced by LuxIR, is a critical period that determines the stability of the V. fischeri population once symbiosis is established.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing is a chemical communication process that bacteria use to control collective behaviours including bioluminescence, biofilm formation, and virulence factor production. In Vibrio harveyi, five homologous small RNAs (sRNAs) called Qrr1–5, control quorum‐sensing transitions. Here, we identify 16 new targets of the Qrr sRNAs. Mutagenesis reveals that particular sequence differences among the Qrr sRNAs determine their target specificities. Modelling coupled with biochemical and genetic analyses show that all five of the Qrr sRNAs possess four stem‐loops: the first stem‐loop is crucial for base pairing with a subset of targets. This stem‐loop also protects the Qrr sRNAs from RNase E‐mediated degradation. The second stem‐loop contains conserved sequences required for base pairing with the majority of the target mRNAs. The third stem‐loop plays an accessory role in base pairing and stability. The fourth stem‐loop functions as a rho‐independent terminator. In the quorum‐sensing regulon, Qrr sRNAs‐controlled genes are the most rapid to respond to quorum‐sensing autoinducers. The Qrr sRNAs are conserved throughout vibrios, thus insights from this work could apply generally to Vibrio quorum sensing.  相似文献   

The evolution of host–parasite interactions could be affected by intraspecies variation between different host and parasite genotypes. Here we studied how bacterial host cell‐to‐cell signaling affects the interaction with parasites using two bacteria‐specific viruses (bacteriophages) and the host bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa that communicates by secreting and responding to quorum sensing (QS) signal molecules. We found that a QS‐signaling proficient strain was able to evolve higher levels of resistance to phages during a short‐term selection experiment. This was unlikely driven by demographic effects (mutation supply and encounter rates), as nonsignaling strains reached higher population densities in the absence of phages in our selective environment. Instead, the evolved nonsignaling strains suffered relatively higher growth reduction in the absence of the phage, which could have constrained the phage resistance evolution. Complementation experiments with synthetic signal molecules showed that the Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) improved the growth of nonsignaling bacteria in the presence of a phage, while the activation of las and rhl quorum sensing systems had no effect. Together, these results suggest that QS‐signaling can promote the evolution of phage resistance and that the loss of QS‐signaling could be costly in the presence of phages. Phage–bacteria interactions could therefore indirectly shape the evolution of intraspecies social interactions and PQS‐mediated virulence in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Type VI secretion is critical for Vibrio cholerae to successfully combat phagocytic eukaryotes and to survive in the presence of competing bacterial species. V. cholerae type VI secretion system genes are encoded in one large and two small clusters. In V. cholerae, type VI secretion is controlled by quorum sensing, the cell–cell communication process that enables bacteria to orchestrate group behaviours. The quorum‐sensing response regulator LuxO represses type VI secretion genes at low cell density and the quorum‐sensing regulator HapR activates type VI secretion genes at high cell density. We demonstrate that the quorum regulatory small RNAs (Qrr sRNAs) that function between LuxO and HapR in the quorum‐sensing cascade are required for these regulatory effects. The Qrr sRNAs control type VI secretion via two mechanisms: they repress expression of the large type VI secretion system cluster through base pairing and they repress HapR, the activator of the two small type VI secretion clusters. This regulatory arrangement ensures that the large cluster encoding many components of the secretory machine is expressed prior to the two small clusters that encode the secreted effectors. Qrr sRNA‐dependent regulation of the type VI secretion system is conserved in pandemic and non‐pandemic V. cholerae strains.  相似文献   

N‐(3‐Oxododecanoyl)‐l ‐homoserine lactone (C12) is produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa to function as a quorum‐sensing molecule for bacteria–bacteria communication. C12 is also known to influence many aspects of human host cell physiology, including induction of cell death. However, the signalling pathway(s) leading to C12‐triggered cell death is (are) still not completely known. To clarify cell death signalling induced by C12, we examined mouse embryonic fibroblasts deficient in “initiator” caspases or “effector” caspases. Our data indicate that C12 selectively induces the mitochondria‐dependent intrinsic apoptotic pathway by quickly triggering mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilisation. Importantly, the activities of C12 to permeabilise mitochondria are independent of activation of both “initiator” and “effector” caspases. Furthermore, C12 directly induces mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilisation in vitro. Overall, our study suggests a mitochondrial apoptotic signalling pathway triggered by C12, in which C12 or its metabolite(s) acts on mitochondria to permeabilise mitochondria, leading to activation of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of bacterial quorum sensing have been proposed as potentially novel therapeutics for the treatment of certain bacterial diseases. We recently reported a marine Halobacillus salinus isolate that secretes secondary metabolites capable of quenching quorum sensing phenotypes in several Gram-negative reporter strains. To investigate how widespread the production of such compounds may be in the marine bacterial environment, 332 Gram-positive isolates from diverse habitats were tested for their ability to interfere with Vibrio harveyi bioluminescence, a cell signaling-regulated phenotype. Rapid assay methods were employed where environmental isolates were propagated alongside the reporter strain. “Actives” were defined as bacteria that interfered with bioluminescence without visible cell-killing effects (antibiotic activity). A total of 49 bacterial isolates interfered with bioluminescence production in the assays. Metabolite extracts were generated from cultures of the active isolates, and 28 reproduced the bioluminescence inhibition against V. harveyi. Of those 28, five extracts additionally inhibited violacein production by Chromobacterium violaceum. Chemical investigations revealed that phenethylamides and a cyclic dipeptide are two types of secondary metabolites responsible for the observed activities. The active bacterial isolates belonged primarily to either the genus Bacillus or Halobacillus. The results suggest that Gram-positive marine bacteria are worthy of further investigation for the discovery of quorum sensing antagonists.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing is a chemical signaling mechanism used by bacteria to communicate and orchestrate group behaviors. Multiple feedback loops exist in the quorum‐sensing circuit of the model bacterium Vibrio harveyi. Using fluorescence microscopy of individual cells, we assayed the activity of the quorum‐sensing circuit, with a focus on defining the functions of the feedback loops. We quantitatively investigated the signaling input–output relation both in cells with all feedback loops present as well as in mutants with specific feedback loops disrupted. We found that one of the feedback loops regulates receptor ratios to control the integration of multiple signals. Together, the feedback loops affect the input–output dynamic range of signal transmission and the noise in the output. We conclude that V. harveyi employs multiple feedback loops to simultaneously control quorum‐sensing signal integration and to ensure signal transmission fidelity.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing, bacterial cell-to-cell communication, has been linked to the virulence of pathogenic bacteria. Indeed, in vitro experiments have shown that many bacterial pathogens regulate the expression of virulence genes by this cell-to-cell communication process. Moreover, signal molecules have been detected in samples retrieved from infected hosts and quorum sensing disruption has been reported to result in reduced virulence in different host–pathogen systems. However, data on in vivo quorum sensing activity of pathogens during infection of a host are currently lacking. We previously reported that quorum sensing regulates the virulence of Vibrio harveyi in a standardised model system with gnotobiotic brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) larvae. Here, we monitored quorum sensing activity in Vibrio harveyi during infection of the shrimp, using bioluminescence as a read-out. We found that wild-type Vibrio harveyi shows a strong increase in quorum sensing activity early during infection. In this respect, the bacteria behave remarkably similar in different larvae, despite the fact that only half of them survive the infection. Interestingly, when expressed per bacterial cell, Vibrio harveyi showed around 200-fold higher maximal quorum sensing-regulated bioluminescence when associated with larvae than in the culture water. Finally, the in vivo quorum sensing activity of mutants defective in the production of one of the three signal molecules is consistent with their virulence, with no detectable in vivo quorum sensing activity in AI-2- and CAI-1-deficient mutants. These results indicate that AI-2 and CAI-1 are the dominant signals during infection of brine shrimp.  相似文献   

Cranberry juice has long been recognized in folk medicine as a therapeutic agent, mainly in urinary track infections. It acts as an antibiofilm agent against various pathogens. Quorum sensing is process where bacteria communicate with each other via signal molecules known as autoinducers. This process is strongly involved in various bacterial pathological and physiological pathways. Various strains of Vibrio harveyi bacteria were incubated with different concentrations of nondialyzable material of cranberry (NDM) with or without addition of exogenous autoinducer. Bioluminescence regulated by the autoinducers was measured in GENios reader. Effect of NDM alone or NDM supplemented with autoinducer on quorum sensing was determined as change in bioluminescence in each treated sample compared to appropriate control in every strain. Using model of V. harveyi, we found an inhibitory effect of cranberry constituents on bacterial signaling system. This effect was reversible, since exogenous autoinducer was able to recover bioluminescence which was decreased by NDM. We hypothesized that cranberry NDM interacts with V. harveyi quorum sensing by competition with autoinducer for binding to autoinducer sensor.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing was once considered a way in which a species was able to sense its cell density and regulate gene expression accordingly. However, it is now becoming apparent that multiple microbes can sense particular quorum‐sensing molecules, enabling them to sense and respond to other microbes in their neighbourhood. Such interactions are significant within the context of polymicrobial disease, in which the competition or cooperation of microbes can alter disease progression. Fungi comprise a small but important component of the human microbiome and are in constant contact with bacteria and viruses. The discovery of quorum‐sensing pathways in fungi has led to the characterization of a number of interkingdom quorum‐sensing interactions. Here, we review the recent developments in quorum sensing in medically important fungi, and the implications these interactions have on the host's innate immune response.  相似文献   

The Phr peptides of the Bacillus species mediate quorum sensing, but their identification and function in other species of bacteria have not been determined. We have identified a Phr peptide quorum‐sensing system (TprA/PhrA) that controls the expression of a lantibiotic gene cluster in the Gram‐positive human pathogen, Streptococcus pneumoniae. Lantibiotics are highly modified peptides that are part of the bacteriocin family of antimicrobial peptides. We have characterized the basic mechanism for a Phr‐peptide signaling system in S. pneumoniae and found that it induces the expression of the lantibiotic genes when pneumococcal cells are at high density in the presence of galactose, a main sugar of the human nasopharynx, a highly competitive microbial environment. Activity of the Phr peptide system is not seen when pneumococcal cells are grown with glucose, the preferred carbon source and the most prevalent sugar encountered by S. pneumoniae during invasive disease. Thus, the lantibiotic genes are expressed under the control of both cell density signals via the Phr peptide system and nutritional signals from the carbon source present, suggesting that quorum sensing and the lantibiotic machinery may help pneumococcal cells compete for space and resources during colonization of the nasopharynx.  相似文献   

Aims: To study the potential biocontrol activity of bioflocs technology. Methods and Results: Glycerol‐grown bioflocs were investigated for their antimicrobial and antipathogenic properties against the opportunistic pathogen Vibrio harveyi. The bioflocs did not produce growth‐inhibitory substances. However, bioflocs and biofloc supernatants decreased quorum sensing‐regulated bioluminescence of V. harveyi. This suggested that the bioflocs had biocontrol activity against this pathogen because quorum sensing regulates virulence of vibrios towards different hosts. Interestingly, the addition of live bioflocs significantly increased the survival of gnotobiotic brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) larvae challenged to V. harveyi. Conclusions: Bioflocs grown on glycerol as carbon source inhibit quorum sensing‐regulated bioluminescence in V. harveyi and protect brine shrimp larvae from vibriosis. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results presented in this study indicate that in addition to water quality control and in situ feed production, bioflocs technology could help in controlling bacterial infections within the aquaculture pond.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell signaling in intestinal pathogens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the conventional view of prokaryotic life, bacteria live a unicellular existence, with responses to external stimuli limited to the detection of chemical and physical signals of environmental origin. This view of bacteriology is now recognized as overly simplistic, because bacteria communicate with each other through small "hormone-like" organic compounds referred to as autoinducers (Als). These bacterial cell-to-cell signaling systems were initially described as mechanisms through which bacteria regulate gene expression via cell density, and, therefore, they have been named quorum sensing. When the Als reach a threshold concentration, they interact with regulatory proteins, thereby driving bacterial gene expression. Bacterial intercellular communication provides a mechanism for the regulation of gene expression resulting in coordinated population behavior. The functions controlled by quorum sensing are varied and reflect the needs of a particular species of bacteria inhabiting a given niche. Quorum sensing-controlled processes include bioluminescence, virulence factor expression, biofilm development, and conjugation among others. Enteric pathogens use quorum sensing to regulate genes involved in virulence, such as motility, and type III secretion. Quorum sensing is utilized to sense the presence of the normal intestinal flora and to warrant successful colonization of the host.  相似文献   

Aims:  To study the relationship between luminescence, autoinducer production and virulence of pathogenic vibrios. Methods and Results:  Luminescence, quorum sensing signal production and virulence towards brine shrimp nauplii of 13 Vibrio campbellii and Vibrio harveyi strains were studied. Although only two of the tested strains were brightly luminescent, all of them were shown to produce the three different types of quorum sensing signals known to be produced by Vibrio harveyi. Cell-free culture fluids of all strains significantly induced bioluminescence in the cholerae autoinducer 1, autoinducer 2 and harveyi autoinducer 1 reporter strains JAF375, JMH597 and JMH612, respectively. There was no relation between luminescence and signal production and virulence towards brine shrimp. Conclusions:  There is a large difference between different strains of Vibrio campbellii and Vibrio harveyi with respect to bioluminescence. However, this is not reflected in signal production and virulence towards gnotobiotic brine shrimp. Moreover, there seems to be no relation between quorum sensing signal production and virulence towards brine shrimp. Significance and Impact of the Study:  The results presented here indicate that strains that are most brightly luminescent are not necessarily the most virulent ones and that the lower virulence of some of the strains is not due to a lack of autoinducer production.  相似文献   



Cell-to-cell communication (also referred to as quorum sensing) based on N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) is a widespread response to environmental change in Gram-negative bacteria. AHLs seem to be highly variable, both in terms of the acyl chain length and in the chemical structure of the radicals. Another quorum sensing pathway, the autoinducer-2-based system, is present both in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In this study the presence of signal molecules belonging to both quorum sensing signalling pathways was analysed in the marine symbiotic species Vibrio scophthalmi.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing is a mechanism of cell‐to‐cell communication that allows bacteria to coordinately regulate gene expression in response to changes in cell‐population density. At the core of the Vibrio cholerae quorum‐sensing signal transduction pathway reside four homologous small RNAs (sRNAs), named the quorum regulatory RNAs 1–4 (Qrr1–4). The four Qrr sRNAs are functionally redundant. That is, expression of any one of them is sufficient for wild‐type quorum‐sensing behaviour. Here, we show that the combined action of two feedback loops, one involving the sRNA‐activator LuxO and one involving the sRNA‐target HapR, promotes gene dosage compensation between the four qrr genes. Gene dosage compensation adjusts the total Qrr1–4 sRNA pool and provides the molecular mechanism underlying sRNA redundancy. The dosage compensation mechanism is exquisitely sensitive to small perturbations in Qrr levels. Precisely maintained Qrr levels are required to direct the proper timing and correct patterns of expression of quorum‐sensing‐regulated target genes.  相似文献   

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