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非致命性捕食风险是捕食者对猎物产生的间接的、非致命性的捕食压力,对维持捕食者-猎物种群数量的相对稳定具有重要意义。鸟类拥有较复杂的反捕食对策,是研究非致命性捕食风险的理想对象。本文综述了非致命性捕食风险对鸟类影响的研究进展。研究者通过多种方法模拟非致命性捕食风险,发现不同鸟类的耐受性不仅会影响个体适合度,也会影响其种群数量动态。鸟类对非致命性捕食压力的行为响应受诸多因素影响,包括鸟类自身状态,栖树高度,集群大小等。研究鸟类对非致命性捕食风险的响应,对完善捕食风险权衡理论,建立种群数量预测模型,以及探讨人类与鸟类共存机制具有重要意义,同时可为生态旅游中提出合理的接近距离、制定有效的保护管理措施提供科学指导。  相似文献   

在自然生态系统中,不同营养级物种可通过特征介导间接效应对生态系统的稳定及种群产生深刻的影响。但目前有关特征介导间接效应的实验研究多见于无脊椎动物、鱼类和两爬类。本研究以根田鼠为对象,在野外围栏内建立预防捕食者和未预防捕食者两种实验处理种群,并通过采用麦克马斯特法测定两种处理种群实验个体肠道寄生物感染种类及感染率和感染强度,采用PHA(phytohemagglutinin)反应和白细胞分类计数测定不同处理种群实验个体免疫能力,以分析捕食风险对根田鼠肠道寄生物的感染效应。结果表明,未预防捕食者处理组根田鼠PHA反应、白细胞计数和淋巴细胞计数较预防捕食者处理组实验个体显著降低,而球虫 E. wenrichi 的感染率和感染强度则显著增加,但绦虫和线虫以及其他3种球虫的感染率和感染强度无显著差异。结果表明,捕食者可通过介导猎物免疫力特征而间接影响猎物肠道寄生物的感染,验证了本项提出的捕食风险可通过降低根田鼠的免疫能力而增加其肠道寄生物感染的假设。  相似文献   

相互作用的集合种群研究动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周淑荣  李金花  王刚 《生态科学》2005,24(4):289-294
在集合种群水平上,两个或更多物种可以生活在同一个斑块网络中而没有相互作用.但在很多情况下,种间的相互作用会影响种群的迁移率、灭绝率和侵占率,从而调节相应物种的集合种群动态.这方面的研究主要有集合种群水平上物种之间的竞争、捕食以及在没有任何环境异质性的条件下物种在空间上聚集分布的产生和维持等.综述了近年来关于集合种群水平上的竞争,捕食者和猎物系统以及捕食与复杂空间动态的最新研究成果.  相似文献   

具捕食偏爱的似然竞争模型及模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郭小虎  李维德  郭建军 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5741-5747
在集合种群似然竞争模型的基础上引入了捕食者对猎物偏爱性因素,提出了具捕食偏爱的似然竞争模型.应用动力系统方法研究了系统的平衡态,用计算机模拟研究了偏爱度对平衡态的影响、平衡态在偏爱度与斑块破坏共同作用下的变化、偏爱度对系统演化动态以及空间分布的影响.结果表明:(1)适度地平衡捕食者对各猎物的偏爱度,有利于系统物种共存;(2)斑块破坏对捕食系统的影响程度与捕食者对各猎物的偏爱度密切相关;(3)适当的增加捕食者对优势猎物的偏爱能有效的缩短系统达到稳定共存的驰豫时间;(4)猎物的丰富度与捕食者对该猎物的偏爱度负相关,猎物斑块的破碎化程度与捕食者对该猎物的偏爱度正相关;(5)在遭破坏的斑块上,多食者比单食者更有利于生存.该研究结果对生态保护和生物资源的可持续利用有重要的启发和指导意义.  相似文献   

覃光球  卢豪良  唐振柱  赵鹏  白雪涛  彭亮 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2481-2489
捕食信息素是捕食者释放的,能够引发猎物反捕食反应的化学信号。在水生生态系统中,捕食信息素在捕食者和猎物之间信息传递及协同进化过程中发挥着重要的作用,其生态学效应在国际上受到广泛关注。捕食信息素的来源有多种形式,研究中常使用养殖过捕食者的水溶液作为捕食信息素的来源。捕食信息素的作用效果受到捕食者和猎物的种类、信息素的浓度、观察的指标等多方面因素的影响。捕食信息素可以对水生生物的行为、形态和生活史特征等方面造成影响。水生生物通过感知捕食信息素来提前预知潜在的被捕食风险,并作出适应性调整,以降低被捕食的风险。在某些情况下,捕食信息素可以与污染物产生交互作用,从而干扰污染物对水生生物的毒性。对水生环境中捕食信息素的研究现状做了综述,介绍了当前对捕食信息素来源和理化性质等本质问题的认识,总结捕食信息素对水生生物行为、形态和生活史特征的影响,以及捕食信息素对污染物毒性的干扰,并分析了这一研究领域尚存在的困难和今后的研究方向。加强对捕食信息素的研究,将为解析水生环境中捕食者和猎物的生态关系提供新依据。  相似文献   

在自然界,捕食者和寄生物是两种主要的种群外部调节因子,二者的交互作用会对猎物和宿主种群波动产生深远影响。较低的球虫感染强度与捕食对根田鼠(Alexandromys oeconomus)繁殖无显著的交互作用。自然界球虫感染存在季节性变化,秋季感染强度最高。为了探究较高感染强度下,球虫与捕食对根田鼠繁殖的主效应及交互作用,本研究采用2×2析因实验设计,在野外围栏中测定了根田鼠种群肠道内寄生物的感染率和感染强度、雄性睾丸指数、睾酮水平、精子密度、精子活力以及雌性卵巢指数。结果表明,较高的感染强度下,球虫能显著抑制根田鼠的繁殖性能,但球虫感染与捕食对根田鼠的繁殖无显著的交互作用,这可能与球虫感染和捕食效应在时间上的错配有关。本研究认为,球虫感染对繁殖期小哺乳动物种群的调节作用虽有限,但其可通过与捕食者的耦合来降低宿主越冬时的存活率,进而影响宿主种群波动。  相似文献   

捕食风险及其对动物觅食行为的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对捕食风险的涵义及其对猎物动物觅食行为的影响、猎物动物面对捕食风险时的反应进行了论述。捕食风险可以简单地理解为一定时间内猎物动物被杀死的概率。当捕食风险存在时 ,动物会选择相对安全但觅食效益较低的地点觅食 ;由于死亡率和消化方面的限制 ,一般都会产生食谱收缩 ;觅食活动方式的时间格局也会因捕食风险而发生改变 ,如水生动物的昼夜垂直迁移、某些陆生动物昼行性与夜行性活动的转换、月光回避等。在与捕食者发生遭遇时 ,猎物动物的主要反应是 :①发出某些信号以阻止捕食者的追捕 ;②靠近并注视捕食者 ;③逃逸 ;④在一定的时间恢复觅食活动。在以往的研究中 ,对捕食者种类已经有了较多的了解 ,而对猎物如何判断捕食者丰富度信息、估计风险程度等方面则知之甚少 ;同时 ,对捕食风险水平的调控、对多种因素的综合分析也较少涉及。在今后的研究中 ,还应该考虑研究的尺度问题 ,因为在不同尺度的环境条件下 ,猎物动物对于捕食风险的反应可能大相径庭。  相似文献   

惠苍 《西北植物学报》2004,24(3):370-383
集合种群的空间模式研究是当今生态学的核心问题之一。本研究利用常微分动力系统以及基于网格模型的元胞自动机模型对Allee效应、拥挤效应以及捕食作用集合种群的空间分布模式做了全面的模拟研究。Allee效应描述当种群水平低于某一阈值时会发生由生殖成功几率下降造成的种群负增长率,而拥挤效应是指当种群密度过高时引起的个体性为异常从而达到调节种群增长率的作用。文章组建了3个空间确定性模型:局部作用模型(CIM)、距离敏感模型(DSM)和集合种群捕食模型(MMP)。局部作用模型显示在一维生境中空斑块形成金字塔状,二维模型显示出明显的动态拟周期性以及由空间混沌所形成的异质性。距离敏感模型可导致由迁移个体中密度制约强度决定的集合种群大小复杂动态与种群密度的双峰分布。这些结果说明动态行为的复杂性,不仅可用于表征研究物种的特性,而且可以表明该物种的续存能力与灭绝风险。集合种群捕食模型是概率转换空间模型,利用该模型得出了依赖于模型参数和生境尺度的白组织种群概率空间分布模式。模拟的结果表明,系统的内在机制和这种白组织模式导致捕食者形成集团型不明显的“捕食小组”或“杀手小组”,并具有较高扩散力.但却包括侵占率低、灭绝率高的特点。而使猎物种群形成高集团性、高侵占率、低灭绝率、低扩散力的种群集团。这种特点又使捕食者种群在生境中处于中心地带,而使猎物种群形成在捕食者和生境边缘间的环状分布。这些结果还说明了尺度对于生态学的研究是至关重要的,不同的尺度将产生不同的系统模式。  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物种群周期性波动的外因调节假说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志强  王德华 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1279-1286
对小型哺乳动物种群数量周期性波动的外因调节假说进行介绍 ,概述了食物假说、捕食假说和复合因子假说的主要内容和研究进展。在少数生存环境严酷的小型哺乳动物种群中 ,食物假说能解释它们的周期性数量波动现象 ,可能作为调节因子起作用 ,但难以说明低数量期的确切机制 ,对于大多数小型哺乳动物而言 ,它更可能作为限制因子。捕食假说解释了北欧芬诺斯坎底亚地区某些种群的周期性波动 ,尤其是捕食的间接效应已引起许多学者的关注 ,但也有不支持该假说的证据。对于复合因子假说 ,近年颇受学者重视 ,其中验证食物和捕食交互及累加作用的实验证据较多 ,有的研究还包括气候、种间竞争、空间或社会行为等因素。有关复合因子的实验研究 ,尽管工作是困难和艰巨的 ,花费也是巨大的 ,但所得结果却极有价值 ,为深入理解种群动态调节理论提供了一个合理而有效的手段  相似文献   

食物、捕食和种间竞争对东方田鼠种群动态的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨月伟  刘震  刘季科 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6311-6324
采用2×2×2析因实验设计,在野外围栏条件下,测定食物、捕食和竞争物种黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)对东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)种群动态作用的格局.食物可利用性、捕食及种间竞争的独立作用对种群最小存活数均具有极显著的效应,除捕食与种间竞争的交互作用接近显著水平外,食物与种间竞争、食物与捕食者以及三者间的交互作用均不显著;三类外部因子对种群补充量的独立作用效应均达到极显著水平,且对种群补充量的作用具有累加效应;食物可利用性、捕食及种间竞争对种群繁殖成体的比例具有极显著的作用;三类外部因子对种群幼体与成体的比例具有极显著的作用.对种群年龄结构而言,与捕食者及种间竞争比较,食物可利用性是相对较弱的影响因子,在任何捕食与种间竞争交互作用条件下,食物的作用均不显著;三类外部因子均能显著地影响东方田鼠的体重增长率,但三者的交互作用对其影响不显著;MANOVA结果表明,捕食对成体存活率的作用最强烈,其次,为食物可利用性,种间竞争的作用最弱,但三者的交互作用效应不显著.对幼体的存活时间,除捕食的作用接近显著水平外,食物可利用性及种间竞争的作用均不显著.结果提供了食物可利用性、捕食和种间竞争对东方田鼠种群动态作用的充分证据,验证了食物、捕食和种间竞争对田鼠类种群动态具有独立或累加效应的总假设.  相似文献   

Scaling the effects of predation and disturbance in a patchy environment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jill Lancaster 《Oecologia》1996,107(3):321-331
The effects of hydraulic disturbances on the impact of two predatory benthic invertebrates on their prey were examined in a stream at two distinct spatial scales. At the scale of small habitat patches (0.0625 m2), hydraulic patch type was an important determinant of the microdistribution of prey and predators. Prey abundances were similar across all patch types at baseflow, but local densities were higher in patches identified as low-flow refugia after periods of high and fluctuating flow. The microdistribution pattern of predatory larvae of a caddisfly, Plectrocnemia conspersa, was similar to that of its prey, whereas predatory larvae of an alderfly, Sialis fuliginosa, did not shift their microdistribution significantly with discharge and were always most abundant in lowflow refugia. There was little evidence of an aggregative response of predators with prey, even though both predators and prey are mobile. Both predator species showed similar patch-specific patterns of per capita consumption rates: uniform consumption rates across hydraulic patch types at low and moderate flows, but highest in flow refugia during high flows. Species-specific patterns, however, were apparent in the magnitude and direction of differences between consumption rates during disturbance events, and in comparable patches at base flow: At high flow, consumption rates for P. conspersa were exaggerated (3.9 times higher) in flow refugia but at par in other patches; for S. fuliginosa they were at par in flow refugia but reduced in other patches (up to 3.3. times lower). These differences may be related to species-specific foraging behaviours (search vs ambush predators) and the influence of prey movements on feeding success. Using the patch-scale results only, it is difficult to predict the effects of physical disturbance on predation intensity at the larger scales of whole habitats, populations or communities. At the large scale (>200 m2), net predator impacts were estimated over the stream reach, using a spatially explicit model that accounts, in an additive way, for habitat heterogeneity and patch-specific responses of predators and prey. The relationship between predator impact over the whole reach and hydraulic disturbance differed for the two predators. The predator impact of S. fuliginosa decreased with increasing hydraulic disturbance, as predicted by the harsh-benign hypothesis. There was no directional trend for P. conspersa, however, and maximum predator impact may occur at intermediate disturbance levels. For the prey community in this stream, predation pressure from S. fuliginosa appears to fluctuate directly with the discharge hydrograph, whereas predation from P. conspersa may be more persistent. Flow refugia may play a dual role in the sructure of stream communities by preventing catastrophic mortality of animals (predators and prey) from physical forces during disturbances, and by maintaining (or perhaps increasing) predation pressure. Summing the effects of species interactions in small habitat patches to the larger scale of a whole stream reach indicates that the scale of approach influences the observed patterns and their implied underlying process.  相似文献   

Intraguild (IG) predator density can alter its effects on intraguild prey populations through several mechanisms, including density-dependent processes that affect IG predator traits such as size or growth that enhance or limit its predatory abilities. We examined whether intraspecific density-dependence altered IG predator traits, as well as the subsequent interspecific effects among its intraguild prey within a larval salamander guild. Four densities of ringed salamanders (Ambystoma annulatum), the IG predator, were combined with the presence/absence of spotted salamanders (A. maculatum), the IG prey, within experimental mesocosms. We modeled the effects of A. annulatum density on both conspecific and heterospecific responses that would be indicative of density-dependent competition and predation, respectively. We also modeled the reciprocal interspecific effects of A. maculatum on A. annulatum. We found that increasing intraspecific density negatively affected morphological traits but not survival of A. annulatum. No interspecific effects of A. maculatum on A. annulatum were observed. Alternatively, traits of A. maculatum showed nonlinear relationships with increasing A. annulatum density. Thinning effects of A. annulatum on A. maculatum were observed, as survival was positively and size negatively related for A. maculatum with IG predator density. The temporal overlap of the IG predator and prey also increased nonlinearly with IG predator density, intensifying the potential encounter rate of the two species. Overall, this study shows that density-dependent processes in IG predators can significantly affect traits of both themselves, as well as IG prey, which could ultimately change whether competition or predation occurs between the two groups.  相似文献   

Björn Söderbäck 《Oecologia》1994,100(3):229-235
Two freshwater crayfish species, Astacus astacus L. and Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana, co-occur in some Swedish lakes. Observational studies indicate that the introduced, North American species P. leniusculus may gradually replace the native A. astacus, but the mechanism behind the replacement is not known. This study examined the direct effects of interspecific competition between the crayfish, and indirect effects of competitive interactions and fish (European perch, Perca fluviatilis L.) predation. Three different experiments with young-of-the-year (YOY) crayfish were performed. P. leniusculus was strongly dominant over similar-sized A. astacus in interference competition for shelter in a laboratory experiment. However, in a 35-day experiment in outdoor pools, A. astacus growth and survival were about equally affected by interactions with conspecifics and P. leniusculus. In contrast, P. leniusculus was significantly more affected by intraspecific competition than by competition with A. astacus, suggesting asymmetric competition between the two species. The presence of perch in outdoor ponds with mixed-species groups of the two crayfish species resulted in considerably higher predation rates on A. astacus than on P. leniusculus. Both species showed strong antipredator responses to perch by increasing refuge use. I suggest that higher perch predation rates on A. astacus originate from P. leniusculus being the superior species in interspecific competition for shelter. Because of displacement from refuges, A. astacus individuals become more exposed to the predator. This indirect effect of interactions among the two cray-fish species and the predator may be important in the observed in situ replacement of A. astacus by P. leniusculus.  相似文献   

Animal population dynamics in open systems are affected not only by agents of mortality and the influence of species interactions on behavior and life histories, but also by dispersal and recruitment. We used an extensive data set to compare natural loss rates of two mayfly species that co-occur in high-elevation streams varying in predation risk, and experience different abiotic conditions during larval development. Our goals were to generate hypotheses relating predation to variation in prey population dynamics and to evaluate alternative mechanisms to explain such variation. While neither loss rates nor abundance of the species that develops during snowmelt (Baetis bicaudatus) varied systematically with fish, loss rates of the species that develops during baseflow (Baetis B) were higher in streams containing brook trout than streams without fish; and surprisingly, larvae of this species were most abundant in trout streams. This counter-intuitive pattern could not be explained by a trophic cascade, because densities of intermediate predators (stoneflies) did not differ between fish and fishless streams and predation by trout on stoneflies was negligible. A statistical model estimated that higher recruitment and accelerated development enables Baetis B to maintain larger populations in trout streams despite higher mortality from predation. Experimental estimates suggested that predation by trout potentially accounts for natural losses of Baetis B, but not Baetis bicaudatus. Predation by stoneflies on Baetis is negligible in fish streams, but could make an important contribution to observed losses of both species in fishless streams. Non-predatory sources of loss were higher for B. bicaudatus in trout streams, and for Baetis B in fishless streams. We conclude that predation alone cannot explain variation in population dynamics of either species; and the relative importance of predation is species- and environment-specific compared to non-predatory losses, such as other agents of mortality and non-consumptive effects of predators. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Crossland MR  Alford RA  Shine R 《Oecologia》2009,158(4):625-632
Invasive species are widely viewed as unmitigated ecological catastrophes, but the reality is more complex. Theoretically, invasive species could have negligible or even positive effects if they sufficiently reduce the intensity of processes regulating native populations. Understanding such mechanisms is crucial to predicting ultimate ecological impacts. We used a mesocosm experiment to quantify the impact of eggs and larvae of the introduced cane toad (Bufo marinus) on fitness-related traits (number, size and time of emergence of metamorphs) of a native Australian frog species (Opisthodon ornatus). The results depended upon the timing of oviposition of the two taxa, and hence the life-history stages that came into contact. Growth and survival of O. ornatus tadpoles were enhanced when they preceded B. marinus tadpoles into ponds, and reduced when they followed B. marinus tadpoles into ponds, relative to when tadpoles of both species were added to ponds simultaneously. The dominant tadpole-tadpole interaction is competition, and the results are consistent with competitive priority effects. However, these priority effects were reduced or reversed when O. ornatus tadpoles encountered B. marinus eggs. Predation on toxic toad eggs reduced the survival of O. ornatus and B. marinus. The consequent reduction in tadpole densities allowed the remaining O. ornatus tadpoles to grow more rapidly and to metamorphose at larger body sizes (>60% disparity in mean mass). Thus, exposure to B. marinus eggs reduced the number of O. ornatus metamorphs, but increased their body sizes. If the increased size at metamorphosis more than compensates for the reduced survival, the effective reproductive output of native anurans may be increased rather than decreased by the invasive toad. Minor interspecific differences in the seasonal timing of oviposition thus have the potential to massively alter the impact of invasive cane toads on native anurans.  相似文献   

Conservation efforts require an understanding of the basic behavior and ecology of target species. However, limited information exists for a wide range of taxa, including declining species of rockfish (genus Sebastes). First, we observed captive juvenile China rockfish (S. nebulosus) to determine how they interact with their environment and conspecifics. Juveniles exhibited site fidelity and territoriality. These aggressive interactions occurred within the context of size-biased dominance, centered on competition for structurally complex habitat. Given the apparent importance of structure and the absence of structure in typical hatchery environments, we then asked how the absence of structure affects future behavior. When barren-reared and structure-reared juveniles were combined into a structurally complex aquarium, barren-reared fish displayed less structure use and less site fidelity than structure-reared fish. However, after 1 to 2 weeks, barren-reared fish began to use structure and showed site fidelity that eventually equaled that of structure-reared juveniles, showing that those behavioral effects of the rearing environment were not permanent. Though these short-term effects may still impact survival after hatchery release, we were unable to detect significant effects on vulnerability to a predator (lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus) in laboratory trials.  相似文献   

The literature on whether community diversity has a positive effect on individuals' inter-ethnic attitudes (contact hypothesis) or a negative effect (threat hypothesis) remains inconclusive. Most studies infer mechanisms of contact or threat based on the relationship between diversity and mean levels of prejudice in a community. We suggest that both processes of threat and contact may be occurring with increasing diversity. By applying a measure of individual-level contact, this paper demonstrates that increasing community diversity does have a negative effect on inter-ethnic attitudes but only among individuals without inter-ethnic ties. Among those who do form ties, increasing diversity has no effect – that is, contact moderates the negative effect of community diversity. However, this relationship is further moderated by levels of disadvantage in the community. This paper has important implications for the use of the contact/threat hypotheses in studies of contextual diversity and the wider debate on rising diversity in the UK.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine whether the sea star Asterias forbesi and the naticid gastropod Euspira heros feed on surfclams, Spisula solidissima, in an additive or non-additive manner. Predators were allowed to feed on clams with conspecifics and in the presence of the other predator species. Clam mortality (measured as the rate of decline of clam number) and predator feeding rates were noted. To determine the effects of temperature on interactions among the predators, the experiment was conducted at three different temperatures. At all temperatures, feeding rate of each predator was not affected by the presence of the other species, and clam mortality in the presence of both predators was predictable from mortality in the presence of a single predator species. These additive interactions are most likely a result of habitat partitioning between the predators, with naticid snails being infaunal and sea stars being epifaunal. Previous studies in a variety of systems show no clear pattern of occurrence of non-additive interactions. Relatively small differences in predator or prey behavior may be responsible for the presence or absence of non-additive interactions. Received: 6 August 1998 / Accepted: 25 January 1999  相似文献   

Summary Two congeneric damselfly species, Enallagma traviatum and E. aspersum, dominate the littoral macroinvertebrates of Bays Mountain Lake and of the adjacent fish-free Ecology Pond, respectively (northeastern Tennessee, USA). Extending previous experimental studies, we test seven hypotheses concerning the role of fish (bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus) and larvaldragonfly (Anax junius) predation, competitive effects on damselflies, and the interaction between competition and predation, in determining invertebrate dominance in these communities. Three types of experiments were conducted: an enclosure experiment within Ecology Pond, an outdoor replicated tub experiment, and a laboratory behavior experiment. The in-situ enclosure experiment showed that E. traviatum larvae were more susceptible to Anax predation than were E. aspersum larvae; a tendency toward greater vulnerability to fish of E. aspersum compared with E. traviatum was not statistically significant. The outdoor tub experiment confirmed both of these trends with statistically significant results. In the tubs, both predators inhibited feeding of both zygopterans (as indicated by reduced fecal mass), particularly for E. aspersum in the presence of fish. This effect appears to have been primarily indirect, mediated through exploitation of the zooplankton. We also detected competitive effects of E. traviatum on E. aspersum: E. traviatum reduced the emergence and increased the exposure above the substrate of E. aspersum. In the absence of predators, E. traviatum inhibited feeding of E. aspersum via interference. In the laboratory behavior experiment, predators inhibited crawling by E. aspersum. E. aspersum was more exposed than was E. traviatum; it swam and crawled more than did E. traviatum, considerably increasing these movements at night. Over all, E. traviatum consistently appeared to be the more cryptic of the two species, and E. aspersum appeared to be much more active. Our results suggest an explanation for the clear difference in structure between communities like Bays Mountain Lake and Ecology Pond: predaceous fish eliminate large invertebrate predators and shift the community toward cryptic forms at relatively low densities, reflecting the effects of both predation and exploitation competition. In the absence of fish, large invertebrate predators are less able to deplete littoral invertebrates but may favor the more active forms, perhaps because these are better able to avoid invertebrate predators.  相似文献   

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