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梅婕  刘立明  吴剑荣 《微生物学报》2015,55(12):1568-1575
摘要:【目的】为了研究腺苷单磷酸核苷酶基因(amn)缺失对谷氨酸棒杆菌S9114生理代谢的影响。【方法】本文构建了amn基因缺失菌株△amn,并对谷氨酸发酵性能以及酸耐受性进行了比对分析。【结果】与野生菌株WT相比,amn基因缺失菌株:(1)细胞干重提高了16.2%,谷氨酸产量降低了58.8%;(2)发酵10 h、25 h和40 h,胞内ATP分别提高了3.0、3.7和2.2倍,异柠檬酸裂合酶活性提高17.1%、4.9%和44.5%,异柠檬酸脱氢酶活性降低76.9%、74.6%和5.0%,谷氨酸脱氢酶活性降低42.4%、50.8%和42.4%;(3)pH4.0条件下存活率降低了64.9%,而胞内ROS和蛋白质羰基化水平提高了31.5%和22.5%。【讨论】amn基因的缺失提高了菌株的胞内ATP水平和生物量,但是对谷氨酸发酵和酸性条件的耐受性却产生不利影响。  相似文献   

陶然  毛雨丰  付晶  黄灿  王智文  陈涛 《微生物学通报》2017,44(11):2530-2538
【目的】研究乙酸合成途径阻断及NADH氧化酶表达对于谷氨酸棒杆菌生产乙偶姻的影响。【方法】在谷氨酸棒杆菌CGF2中异源表达als SD操纵子构建乙偶姻生产菌株CGT1,考察敲除乙酸生成途径cat和pqo对乙偶姻的影响。然后引入短乳杆菌的NADH氧化酶,在优化的溶氧条件下研究其对乙偶姻产量的影响。【结果】CGT1在摇瓶发酵中可积累6.27 g/L乙偶姻,敲除cat使乙偶姻产量显著提高30.94%,达到8.21 g/L;双敲除cat和pqo没有进一步提高产量。通过优化发酵的溶氧水平,乙偶姻产量达到10.06 g/L。在高溶氧水平下引入NADH氧化酶导致菌株的生长和糖代谢速率提高,但乙偶姻产量略有降低。在分批补料发酵中,重组菌株乙偶姻产量达到40.51 g/L,产率为0.51 g/(L?h)。【结论】在谷氨酸棒杆菌中阻断乙酸合成途径cat能够有效提高乙偶姻产量,NADH氧化酶在高溶氧水平下表达不利于乙偶姻的合成,需要进一步调节表达水平以确定其效果。  相似文献   

采用谷氨酸棒杆菌S9114和枯草芽胞杆菌NTG-4在10 L自控发酵罐上进行混菌发酵,探索混菌发酵生产γ-聚谷氨酸的可行性并进行工艺优化。结果表明:温度、接种量、pH及溶氧对聚谷氨酸发酵有较大影响,发酵前期维持32℃,6 h提温至37℃变温控制,谷氨酸棒杆菌和枯草芽胞杆菌接种量分别为5%和0.5%,pH 7.0,溶氧20%最有利于γ-聚谷氨酸发酵,在此条件下发酵32 hγ-聚谷氨酸最高产量为38.3 g/L。  相似文献   

吕红芳  王浩  徐宁  鞠建松  刘君 《微生物学通报》2017,44(11):2539-2546
【目的】探究外源添加不同氨基酸和相容性溶质对谷氨酸棒杆菌(Corynebacterium glutamicum)在高糖胁迫环境下生长的影响及可能的作用机理。【方法】通过在培养基中外源添加各种氨基酸和相容性溶质,研究其对谷氨酸棒杆菌在高葡萄糖和高蔗糖胁迫下生长的影响,并分析添加精氨酸对高葡萄糖胁迫下菌株糖转运和代谢途径中关键酶转录水平的影响,以及对菌株发酵产氨基酸的影响。进一步探究了碱性氨基酸在其它棒状杆菌属中抵御高葡萄糖胁迫的潜在作用。【结果】在高葡萄糖胁迫条件下,外源添加赖氨酸、精氨酸和组氨酸后谷氨酸棒杆菌的生物量分别提高54.7%、50.0%和37.6%;而在高蔗糖胁迫条件下,添加脯氨酸和四氢嘧啶后菌株生物量增加20%以上。进一步研究表明,在高葡萄糖胁迫下,外源添加精氨酸后谷氨酸棒杆菌的葡萄糖利用速率提高约2.5倍,谷氨酸的发酵产量也增加了127.5%。此外,碱性氨基酸对其它4种棒状杆菌也具有一定的渗透保护效应。【结论】精氨酸对谷氨酸棒杆菌在高葡萄糖胁迫下具有良好的渗透保护作用,可能归因于其能促进葡萄糖的转运和代谢能力,同时发现碱性氨基酸的渗透保护效应对棒状杆菌属具有一定的普遍性。  相似文献   

【目的】分析乳杆菌代谢产物对化脓性链球菌的抑制作用。【方法】基于双层平板打孔法,通过测量抑菌圈大小来检测乳杆菌代谢产物对化脓性链球菌的抑菌作用;然后分别采用高效液相色谱法和4-氨酰安替比林法检测乳杆菌代谢产物中的有机酸和H2O2含量;最后,检测乳酸、乙酸和H2O2对化脓性链球菌的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)、最小杀菌浓度(MBC)。【结果】对化脓性链球菌的抑菌效果以植物乳杆菌KLDS1.0667最好,副干酪乳杆菌KLDS1.0342-1次之,瑞士乳杆菌KLDS1.0203抑菌效果最差;乳酸和乙酸产量KLDS1.0667>KLDS1.0342-1>KLDS1.0203;H2O2产量KLDS1.0203>KLDS1.0667>KLDS1.0342-1。在抑菌试验中,乳杆菌的发酵上清液经去除H2O2处理后抑菌圈直径都减小;将发酵上清液的p H调至7.0后均检测不到抑菌圈。结果表明,乳杆菌代谢产物中对化脓性链球菌起抑制作用的主要物质为有机酸和H2O2,其中乳酸是产生抑菌作用的最主要物质。乳酸、乙酸和H2O2对化脓性链球菌的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)分别为1.28、0.64和0.008 g/L,对化脓性链球菌的最小杀菌浓度(MBC)分别为5.12、2.56和0.032 g/L。【结论】乳杆菌可利用其代谢产物对化脓性链球菌产生抑制作用,主要抑菌物质为有机酸和H2O2。  相似文献   

【目的】提高重组谷氨酸棒杆菌发酵L-苯丙氨酸(L-phenylalanine,L-Phe)的产量。【方法】使用正交试验设计以及响应面优化法分别对种子培养基及发酵培养基进行优化,确定了重组谷氨酸棒杆菌发酵L-Phe的最佳种子培养基及最佳发酵培养基。【结果】重组谷氨酸棒杆菌发酵L-Phe最佳种子培养基(g/L):葡萄糖25.0,玉米浆25.0,硫酸铵15.0,硫酸镁1.0,磷酸二氢钾2.0,尿素2.0,p H 6.8-7.0;最佳发酵培养基(g/L):葡萄糖110.0,玉米浆7.0,硫酸铵25.0,硫酸镁1.0,磷酸二氢钾1.0,柠檬酸钠2.0,谷氨酸1.0,碳酸钙25.0,p H 6.8-7.0;在最佳培养基条件下L-Phe产量最高达到9.14 g/L,较优化前的7.46 g/L提高了22.5%。【结论】通过正交试验和响应面分析对重组谷氨酸棒杆菌发酵L-Phe培养基进行优化,明显提高了L-Phe的产量,并确定了葡萄糖、玉米浆和硫酸铵为发酵培养基中影响L-Phe产量的3个关键因子。研究结果为L-Phe的发酵放大提供了依据。  相似文献   

张彦位  张娟  堵国成  陈坚 《微生物学通报》2018,45(12):2563-2575
【背景】乳酸菌作为重要的发酵微生物在应用过程中面临广泛存在的酸胁迫。【目的】确认天冬氨酸可有效提高乳酸乳球菌的酸胁迫抗性,通过解析天冬氨酸的作用机制,为进一步提高乳酸菌酸胁迫抗性提供可借鉴的思路。【方法】通过荧光定量PCR比较胁迫条件下天冬氨酸对L.lactisNZ9000产能和氨基酸代谢途径中关键基因转录水平的影响,并通过过量表达天冬酰胺酶增加胞内天冬氨酸的含量。【结果】天冬氨酸主要是在转氨酶的作用下生成草酰乙酸和谷氨酸。草酰乙酸参与三羧酸循环,为细胞提供更多的能量;谷氨酸经谷氨酸脱羧酶途径提高细胞的酸胁迫抗性。经pH4.0胁迫处理后,天冬氨酸使糖酵解和三羧酸循环产能途径中关键基因转录上调,胞内ATP含量为对照组的42倍;胞内谷氨酸含量为对照的1.99倍。通过过量表达天冬酰胺酶获得的重组菌株,在pH3.6条件下胁迫0.5h后,存活率约为对照组的11.11倍。【结论】在L. lactis NZ9000中探究了天冬氨酸提高酸胁迫抗性的作用机理,进一步完善了氨基酸代谢提高乳酸菌酸胁迫抗性的理论基础。  相似文献   

【目的】构建谷氨酸棒杆菌表达元件探测载体,筛选能够启动蛋白表达的序列片段。【方法】基于谷氨酸棒杆菌表达载体p XMJ19,利用Golden Gate新型克隆方法构建表达元件插入位点,使筛选的片段能够与报告基因快速无缝衔接,同时避免残留额外的序列对表达元件效果测试产生可能存在的干扰。对本课题组前期的谷氨酸棒杆菌BZH001高、中、低溶氧条件下的发酵样品转录组数据进行分析,筛选出稳定于高转录水平的6个基因,通过软件预测每个基因的启动子区域和5′UTR区域,两者构成能够启动基因表达的功能性元件,并将其从基因组中克隆出来。以增强型绿色荧光蛋白基因egfp作为报告基因,快速测量出表达元件的效果。【结果】获得5个不同效果的内源性表达元件,最好的元件插入探测载体后在谷氨酸棒杆菌中表达的荧光强度大于3 500 RFU/OD600。【结论】通过结合转录组数据,探测载体能够快速有效筛选表达元件,为将来人们对谷氨酸棒杆菌基因工程改造和生物系统的构建提供更多基础材料。  相似文献   

建立了谷氨酸棒杆菌合成L色氨酸(LTry)的代谢流量平衡模型,应用该模型计算出发酵中后期的代谢流分布并通过MATLAB软件线性规划得到Try理想代谢流分布。结果表明75.15%的碳架进入糖酵解,24.85%的碳架进入HMP途径;但与理想代谢流相比,应从遗传改造和发酵控制方面降低 TCA循环的代谢流,减少副产氨基酸的生成,摸索最适的溶氧控制对提高Try产率至关重要。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium sp.)ATCC 31749在氮源限制条件下生物合成热凝胶是一个专性好氧过程,在微氧和缺氧条件下,热凝胶的合成受到严重限制。为探寻溶氧影响微生物多糖合成的代谢途径和调控机制,本研究比较了不同溶氧条件下(75%,50%,25%,5%)土壤杆菌发酵生产热凝胶的蛋白质组差异。【方法】利用蛋白质二维电泳技术,分离出不同溶氧水平下土壤杆菌显著表达差异的胞内蛋白,利用质谱MALDI-TOF/TOF鉴定二维电泳表达差异蛋白点,并分析热凝胶合成过程中溶氧对相关蛋白表达的影响。【结果】在4个溶氧水平下成功鉴定出15个显著差异蛋白,主要参与多糖合成、脂肪酸合成、氨基酸合成等途径。其中葡萄糖磷酸变位酶和乳清苷5-磷酸脱羧酶直接参与调控热凝胶合成。【结论】溶氧可显著影响与热凝胶合成途径相关蛋白的表达,高溶氧水平可增加热凝胶前体物质UDP-葡萄糖的积累,使更多的UDP-葡萄糖用来合成热凝胶。  相似文献   

The effects of dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) on hybridoma cell physiology were examined in a continuous stirred tank bioreactor with a murine hybridoma cell line (167.4G5.3). Dissolved oxygen concentration was varied between 0% and 100% air saturation. Cell growth and viability, carbohydrate, amino acid, and energy metabolism, oxygen uptake, and antibody production rates were investigated. Cell growth was inhibited at both high and low DO. Cells could grow at 0% DO and maintain viability under a nitrogen atmosphere. Cell viability was higher at low DO. Glucose, glutamine, and oxygen consumption rates changed little at DO above 1% air saturation. However, the metabolic uptake rates changed below 1% DO, where growth became oxygen limited, and a Km value of 0.6% DO was obtained for the specific oxygen uptake rate. The metabolic rates of glucose, glutamine, lactate, and ammonia increased 2-3-fold as the DO dropped from 1% to 0%. Amino acid metabolism followed the same general pattern as that of glutamine and glucose. Alanine was the only amino acid produced. The consumption rates of amino acids changed little above 1% DO, but under anaerobic conditions the consumption rates of all amino acids increased severalfold. Cells obtained most of their metabolic energy from glutamine oxidation except under oxygen limitation, when glucose provided most of the energy. The calculated ATP production rate was only slightly influenced by DO and rose at 0% DO. Antibody concentration was highest at 35% DO, while the specific antibody production rate was insensitive to DO.  相似文献   

Oxygen is an important nutrient that may limit the productivity of commercial cell culture reactors. The transient responses of hybridoma growth and metabolism to step changes in the oxygen supply rate have been examined for dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO) ranging from 0.1% to 10% of air saturation in continuous culture. Metabolic quotients are reported for glucose, lactate, ammonia, oxygen, glutamine, alanine and other amino acids. A majority of the estimated ATP production was due to oxidative phosphorylation under all conditions tested. Decreases in the oxygen supply rate below the value required to maintain 0.5% DO caused the viable cell concentration to decrease. Glycolysis was enhanced at the lower oxygen concentrations, and after an initial decrease, the specific glutamine consumption rate was also higher. High residual glutamine concentrations occurred below 0.5% DO. Oxidation of other amino acids and production of serine were also inhibited. The cells subsequently adapted to low oxygen concentrations. The increase in cell concentration following the return to 10% DO was preceded by increased biosynthetic activity, as evidenced by transiently reduced yields of lactate from glucose, and alanine and ammonia from glutamine.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the metabolic activity and de novo synthesis of amino acids from glucose correlate with changes in intracellular organic osmolytes involved in astrocytic volume regulation during hyperammonemia and hyponatremia. Multinuclear (1H-, 31P-, 13C-) NMR spectra were recorded to quantify water-soluble metabolites, the cellular energy state, as well as the incorporation of [1-(13)C]glucose into amino acids of primary astrocyte cultures. Myo-inositol levels were strongly decreased already at 3h after treatment with NH4Cl; other intracellular osmolytes, such as hypotaurine and choline-containing compounds were also decreased, along with a concomitant increase of both the total concentration and the amount of newly synthesized glutamine, alanine, and glutathione. During ammonia stress, the decrease of organic osmolytes compensated in part for increased intracellular osmolarity caused by amino acid synthesis. Hypotonic conditions alone also lowered the content of organic osmolytes including cellular amino acids, but much less than in hyperammonemia. This was due to impaired mitochondrial metabolic activity via the Krebs cycle, which also enhanced ammonia-induced ATP decrease. However, the changes in the sum of organic osmolytes were not significantly different after ammonia-treatment in hypoosmotic compared to anisoosmotic media, suggesting that the decrease of cellular organic osmolytes may not adequately compensate for the increased intracellular osmolarity caused by amino acids under hyponatremia. Therefore, the ammonia-induced release of osmolytes is an early process in response to increased intracellular osmolarity evoked by increased glutamine and alanine as a consequence of stimulated metabolic activity. The imperfect correlation of changes in astrocytic glutamine, other organic osmolytes, and the cellular energy state under hyperammonemic stress in isoosmotic and hypoosmotic media, however, point to additional mechanisms contributing to astrocyte dysfunction in hyperammonemic states, which are independent from glutamine formation.  相似文献   

【目的】谷氨酸棒杆菌是工业生产氨基酸的主要菌株,以缬氨酸高产菌株谷氨酸棒杆菌V1为研究对象,探讨磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)和磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶(PCK)介导的草酰乙酸回补途径对菌株生理特性以及主要氨基酸代谢流量的影响。【方法】通过基因工程手段,在谷氨酸棒杆菌V1中过表达pepc(编码PEPC)和pck(编码PCK),比较重组菌与出发菌关键酶活性、发酵特性以及主要氨基酸积累量变化。【结果】构建两株重组菌V1-pepc(强化草酰乙酸回补途径)和V1-pck(弱化草酰乙酸回补途径),重组菌生长均较出发菌延缓,总生物量、葡萄糖和硫酸铵消耗基本不变;过表达pck,PCK活性提高22.8%,丙氨酸、缬氨酸、谷氨酸、精氨酸积累量分别提高了11.8%、17.2%、27.8%和19.5%;过表达pepc,PEPC活性提高27.5%,同时PC活性降低12.9%,天冬氨酸族和谷氨酸族氨基酸的整体流量变化不大,丙氨酸族氨基酸的整体流量降低了14.7%。【结论】丙氨酸族氨基酸受此回补途径影响较大,天冬氨酸族氨基酸受此影响较小。  相似文献   

The effects of serum, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, and medium pH on hybridoma cell physiology were examined in a controlled batch bioreactor using a murine hybridoma cell line (167.4G5.3). The effect of serum was also studied for a second murine hybridoma cell line (S3H5/gamma 2bA). Cell growth, viability, cell density, carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism, respiration and energy production rates, and antibody production rates were studied. Cell growth was enhanced and cell death was decreased by increasing the serum level. The growth rates followed a Monod-type model with serum being the limiting component. Specific glucose, glutamine, and oxygen uptake rates and specific lactate and ammonia production rates did not change with serum concentrations. Amino acid metabolism was slightly influenced by the serum level. Cell growth rates were not influenced by DO between 20% and 80% air saturation, while the specific death rates were lowest at 20-50% air saturation. Glucose and glutamine uptake rates increased at DO above 10% and below 5% air saturation. Cell growth rate was optimal at pH 7.2. Glucose and glutamine uptake rates, as well as lactate and ammonia production rates, increased above pH 7.2. Metabolic rates for glutamine and ammonia were also higher below pH 7.2. The consumption or production rates of amino acids followed the glutamine consumption very closely. Cell-specific oxygen uptake rate was insensitive to the levels of serum, DO, and pH. Theoretical calculations based on experimentally determined uptake rates indicated that the ATP production rates did not change significantly with serum and DO while it increased continually with increasing pH. The oxidative phosphorylation accounted for about 60% of total energy production. This contribution, however, increased at low pH values to 76%. The specific antibody production rate was not growth associated and was independent of serum and DO concentrations and medium pH above 7.20. A 2-fold increase in specific antibody production rates was observed at pH values below 7.2. Higher concentrations of antibody were obtained at high serum levels, between 20% and 40% DO, and at pH 7.20 due to higher viable cell numbers obtained.  相似文献   

【目的】L-缬氨酸生物合成的前体物质是丙酮酸。为了增加磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸向丙酮酸的代谢流向,优化L-缬氨酸前体物质的供应,以一株积累L-缬氨酸的谷氨酸棒杆菌V1(Corynebacterium glutamicum V1)为对象,构建磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)基因敲除的重组菌株C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc,并研究pepc敲除后菌株生理特性的改变。【方法】运用交叉PCR方法得到pepc基因内部缺失的同源片段Δpepc,并构建敲除质粒pK18mobsacB-Δpepc。利用同源重组技术获得pepc基因缺陷突变株C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc。采用摇瓶发酵对C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc进行发酵特性的研究。对谷氨酸棒杆菌模式菌株C.glutamicum ATCC 13032、出发菌株C.glutamicum V1和敲除菌株C.glu-tamicum V1-Δpepc的丙酮酸激酶(Pyruvate kinase,PK)、丙酮酸脱氢酶(Pyruvate dehydro-genase,PDH)、丙酮酸羧化酶(Pyruvate carboxylase,PC)分别进行测定和分析。【结果】PCR验证以及PEPC酶活测定都表明筛选到pepc缺陷的突变菌株C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc,摇瓶发酵结果表明,突变菌株C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc不再积累L-缬氨酸而是积累L-精氨酸达到7.48 g/L。酶活测定结果表明出发菌株的PDH和PC酶活均低于模式菌株C.glu-tamicum ATCC13032和重组菌株C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc,出发菌株的PK与PEPC酶活与模式菌株没有较大的差异。【结论】研究表明,通过切断PEPC参与的三羧酸循环的回补途径,增加磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸向丙酮酸的流向使丙酮酸向TCA循环的流量增加,精氨酸的累积量提高。同时,以丙酮酸为前体的L-缬氨酸和丙氨酸的积累量降低。  相似文献   

The murine B-lymphocyte hybridoma, CC9C10 was grown at steady state under serum-free conditions in continuous culture at dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the range of 10% to 150% of air saturation. Cells could be maintained with this range at high viability in a steady state at a dilution rate of 1 d(-1), although with lower cell concentrations at higher DO. A higher specific antibody production measured at higher DO was matched by a decrease in the viable cell concentration at steady state, so that the volumetric antibody titre was not changed significantly. An attempt to grow cells at 250% of air saturation was unsuccessful but the cells recovered to normal growth once the DO was decreased.There was a requirement for cellular adaptation at each step-wise increase in dissolved oxygen. Adaptation to a DO of 100% was associated with an increase in the specific activities of glutathione peroxidase (x18), glutathione S-transferase (x11) and superoxide dismutase (x6) which are all known antioxidant enzymes. At DO above 100%, the activities of GPX and GST decreased possibly as a result of inactivation by reactive oxygen radicals.The increase in dissolved oxygen concentration caused changes in energy metabolism. The specific rate of glucose uptake increased at higher dissolved oxygen concentrations with a higher proportion of glucose metabolized anaerobically. Short-term radioactive assays showed that the relative flux of glucose through glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway increased whereas the flux through the tricarboxylic acid cycle decreased at high DO. Although the specific glutamine utilization rate increased at higher DO, there was no evidence for a change in the pattern of metabolism. This indicates a possible blockage of glycolytic metabolites into the TCA cycle, and is compatible with a previous suggestion that pyruvate dehydrogenase is inhibited by high oxygen concentrations.Analysis of the oxygen uptake rate of cell suspensions at steady state under all conditions showed a pronounced Crabtree effect which was manifest by a decrease (up to 40%) in oxygen consumption on addition of glucose. This indicates that the degree of aerobic metabolism in these cultures is highly sensitive to the glucose concentration. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 54: 153-164, 1997.  相似文献   

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