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Xiphophorus fishes are well-established models for biomedical research of spontaneous or induced tumors, and their use in research dates back to the 1930s. Currently, 58 well-pedigreed lines exist among 24 Xiphophorus species housed as live animals at the Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center. The technique of sperm cryopreservation has been applied to preserve these valuable genetic resources, and production of offspring has been reported with cryopreserved sperm in two species (X. helleri and X. couchianus). The goal of this research was to establish protocols for sperm cryopreservation and artificial insemination that yield live young in X. maculatus, a widely used research species. The objectives were to: 1) collect basic biological characteristics of males, and quantify the sperm production yield after crushing of dissected testis; 2) cryopreserve sperm from X. maculatus by adapting as necessary the protocols for sperm cryopreservation of X. helleri and X. couchianus; 3) use cryopreserved sperm to inseminate virgin females of X maculatus and other species (X. helleri and X. couchianus), and 4) compare experimental trials over a 3-year period to identify opportunities for improving female fecundity. In total, 117 males were used in this study with a standard length of 2.5 ± 0.3 cm (mean ± SD), body weight of 0.474 ± 0.149 g, and dissected testis weight of 7.1 ± 3.7 mg. Calculation of sperm availability showed 5.9 ± 2.8 × 10(6) sperm cells per mg of testis weight. Offspring were produced from cryopreserved sperm. Male-to-male variation (1-70%) was observed in post-thaw motility despite little variation in motility before freezing (60-90%) or genetic variation (~100 generations of sib-mating). Comparisons of biological factors of males did not have significant correlations with the production of live young, and the influence of females on production of young was identified from the comparison of artificial insemination over 3 years. Overall, this study describes offspring production from cryopreserved sperm in a third species of Xiphophorus fishes, and identifies the opportunities for improving female fecundity which is essential for establishment of germplasm repositories for Xiphophorus fishes.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The reproductive cycle and growth of Craterocephalus marjoriae and Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum (Atherinidae) were studied in Brisbane, south-eastern Queensland, over a 17-month period (1981–82).
2. Both species had a 5-month breeding season in spring and summer, with a breeding peak in spring (September-October). Multiple spawning occurred but life time fecundity was not determined.
3. Gonosomatic index values and mean fecundity per female were higher in Craterocephalus marjoriae than in C. stercusmuscarum. Fecundity increased with body length in both species according to the relationship, F=aLb. Growth rates were similar and growth was adequately described by the von Bertalanffy equation. Both species grew rapidly during the first year and reached maturity the following season. Reproductive strategies are considered in relation to seasonal flooding in the streams inhabited.  相似文献   

Summary First clutches of double-brooded eastern phoebes Sayornis phoebe were manipulated (up two eggs, down 2 eggs or no change) to test for intraseasonal reproductive tradeoffs and to test whether size of first brood influenced food delivery rates to nestlings and nestling quality in second broods.Considering all nests from both broods, rate of feeding nestlings increased linearly with brood size but nestling mass per nest decreased with increasing brood size. High nestling weights in small broods may have resulted from parents delivering better quality food, but we did not test this.Among treatment groups in first broods, nestlings from decreased broods weighed more than those in control or increased broods. Treatment did not influence the likelihood that second nests would be attempted after successful first nests nor did it alter the interval between nests. Nestlings of parents that renested weighed more than those of parents that did not, regardless of treatment, suggesting that post-fledging care may preclude renesting. Mass of individual females did not change between broods, regardless of brood size. Clutch sizes of second attempts were not affected by manipulations of first broods but increasing first broods reduced the number of nestlings parents were able to raise to day 11 in their second broods. However, manipulation of first broods did not affect mean nestling mass per nest of nestlings that survived to day 11.In phoebes, parents of small first broods are able to raise nestlings in better condition. We predict that in harsh years, parents of small first broods would be more likely to renest. Parents of enlarged first broods sacrificed quality of offspring in second broods, which seems a reasonable strategy if nestlings from second broods have lower reproductive value.  相似文献   

Duration of paternal care in the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis Say is highly variable. Both parents bury and defend mouse-sized vertebrate carcasses as food resources for their offspring, but males abandon their broods several days before females. Nests defended by single female parents were taken over by aggressive conspecifics in live of nine cases, whereas only six of 16 nests defended by both parents were taken over. In the event of a takeover, the intruding beetle replaced the resident beetle of the same sex, destroyed any eggs that were present, and paired with the remaining resident to produce a new clutch. Broods raised by usurpers following takeovers were less successful than broods raised by initial residents on unused carcasses. The majority of takeovers occurred 35 days after carcass burial. The occurrence of nest intrusions by conspecifics did not significantly influence duration of male parental care; when conspecific intruders were excluded from nests males remained with their broods (± S.E.) 11·2 ± 0·8 days ( n = 15), and when intruders were added to nests males remained with their broods 12·2 ± 0·6 days ( n = 8). Conflict for carcasses intensified in response to larger brood mass, but duration of male care was unaffected by brood mass. Overall. brood mass and the presence or absence of intruders explained only 5% of the variance associated with brood abandonment by males.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1 The effect of larval rearing density on life-history parameters of Boettcherisca formosensis Kirner & Lopes (Sarcophagidae) was investigated. Increases in rearing density resulted in lowered larval survivorship, shortened larval development time and production of smaller, shorter-lived adults with reduced fecundity.
2. B. formosensis is larviparous. Average brood size was 17.5±1.0 (mean±M) larvae, which was much less than the average number of mature larvae inside gravid females. Females apparently produced a series of small broods, distributing their offspring over a number of carcasses.
3. Compared with the oviparous species Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wiedemann) (Calliphoridae), B. formosensis adults were larger and longer-lived, with a longer larval development time but shorter larval feeding period. However, females had a shorter pre-reproductive period, were less fecund, and had a lower life time reproductive investment.
4. B. formosensis had lower relative performance (measured by the composite index of performance, r') than H. ligurriens over the larval rearing density range, and was more sensitive to increases in density. Although the r' values suggest that the sarcophagid may be a competitively inferior species, other features which are not included in the index (such as larvipary, short larval feeding period and spreading of offspring from a single brood among carcasses) may be of significant adaptive value to B. formosensis.  相似文献   

H. H. T. Ma    P. K. S. Lam    D. Dudgeon 《Journal of Zoology》1991,224(4):677-687
There is a paucity of data on the life-history strategies of tropical animals. Accordingly, the inter and intraspecific life-history variations of three sympatric isopods, Burmoniscus oceliutus (Philosciidae), Formosillo raffaelei and Orodillo maculatus (Armadillidae), were studied at two sites in a Hong Kong forest. All three isopods were iteroparous. Burmoniscus oceilutus had more frequent breeding bouts, and smaller broods than O. muculutus and F. raffaelei. Although the three isopods had different life spans, brood numbers and life-time fecundities, their rates of offspring production (number of eggs per month) were similar. The Hong Kong isopods had longer breeding periods, a greater number of broods per life time, and lower reproductive allocation per brood than their temperate counterparts. These findings were consistent with the predictions of r - and K-theory. Intraspecific, between-site differences in fecundity and brood dry weight of F. raffaelei could probably be explained by the variations in the size of gravid females. Burmoniscus ocellutus produced heavier eggs at the site with a higher population density, suggesting that conditions at the site with a higher isopod density may be more K-selecting. Female-biased sex ratios, possibly resulting from differential sex-specific mortality, were common among the isopod samples, and the possible adaptive significance of this pattern was discussed. The potential influence of phylogenetic constraints on the evolution of life-history strategies was also considered.  相似文献   

Summary Most species of woodlice in temperate habitats have discrete breeding seasons. It is hypothesised that breeding synchronises with favourable environmental conditions to maximise offspring growth and survivorship (Willows 1984). We measured the breeding phenology of a species introduced to a tropical environment, primarily to consider the assumption that life histories in the tropics will differ fundamentally from those in temperate habitats. In addition to breeding phenology we considered variation in reproductive effort between individual females and the division of this effort between the size and number of young.A continuous breeding phenology was observed in a synanthropic population of Porcellionides pruinosus within the tropics. Reproductive effort varied between months, showed a weak relationship with female size and was independent of female fecundity. Female sizefecundity relationships varied between samples and when the proportion of reproductive females was high size-fecundity slopes were steeper than at other times. Mean offspring size varied between months and there was a wide range in offspring size within broods. Offspring size was not related to female body mass, reproductive effort or fecundity; consequently brood mass increased linearly with an increase in fecundity. Increased reproductive effort goes into more rather than larger offspring.We propose that the continuous breeding in this population was the result of the constant presence of an environmental cue to reproduction evolved in temperate habitats. Continuous breeding is not necessarily equivocal to high individual reproductive success even though overall population growth may be rapid. However, variation in reproductive effort suggests that individuals respond to current environmental conditions on short time scales.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between family (female parentage), body size of females, brood retention time between mating and parturition, female fecundity, and early growth of offspring in the guppy Poecilia reticulata. Mature, virgin females from a single brood were mated with a single male. Results of generalized linear models indicate that the effect of the family on female fecundity and offspring growth was significant, which suggested that these traits are genetically determined to a certain extent. Larger females at the time of mating produced larger broods, although female body size at the time of parturition did not affect brood size, in contrast to the results of some previous studies in guppies. Brood size was negatively associated with the body size of neonates. Results highlighted significant associations between brood retention time and female fecundity as well as offspring growth. In addition, the interaction between the family and brood retention time was significantly associated with female fecundity and offspring growth. Females of some families had longer retention times of larger broods, whereas those of other families had shorter retention times of smaller broods. On the other hand, females with longer brood retention times produced smaller neonates with slower growth. Since the family also affected the brood retention time, selection may work against the duration of brood retention of females via the size, growth and number of offspring, depending on environmental factors such as the intensity of predation or competition in neonates.  相似文献   

Genetic parentage analyses provide insights into mating systems and have revealed widespread evidence for polyandry in natural populations. Here, we use 5 microsatellite markers to estimate female mating rates in a feral population of green swordtails, Xiphophorus helleri, a live-bearing poeciliid fish that has become a model system in the study of precopulatory mate choice and mating competition. Although heralded as a potential model for investigating sperm competition as early as 1950, there has been no attempt to explore postcopulatory sexual selection in its mating system. We thus obtained information on the prevalence, and therefore biological relevance, of polyandry from a wild population. We genotyped the offspring from 14 wild-caught gravid females and determined the number of fathers in each brood using allele counting methods and the programs GERUD and PARENTAGE. Our analyses revealed that 57% (allele counts and GERUD) and 71% (PARENTAGE) of the sampled broods had at least 2 sires, with a global mean 1.74 fathers per brood. Paternity skew was generally high in mixed paternity broods so that our analyses almost certainly underestimate actual mating frequencies in the wild. Our data provide a solid underpinning for future studies of postcopulatory sexual selection in this species.  相似文献   

Life history traits (mean and maximum body length of females, number of embryos per brood = brood size, embryo diameter, number of broods per female, lifespan of females) for 302 populations of aquatic gammaridean amphipods, representing 214 species in 16 superfamilies, were reviewed. The variation of these traits, of lifetime potential fecundity (i.e. the number of embryos produced per female lifespan) and of reproductive potential (i.e. the number of embryos produced per female per year), with temperature (latitude), depth, salinity and superfamily, was investigated by various univariate and multivariate methods. Gammaridean amphipods comprise semelparous and iteroparous populations and species, with semiannual, annual, biannual or perennial life cycles. However, most gammarideans studied so far are iteroparous annuals. Body length explains most of the variation in brood size and embryo diameter. The reproductive potential may be increased by increasing body size for a constant breeding frequency, by increasing brood size at the expense of smaller embryos, by increasing breeding frequency for a constant lifespan at the expense of smaller individual broods and/or embryos, and by increasing longevity for a constant breeding frequency and brood size. Combinations of these different options constitute the life history patterns of gammarideans, which vary across superfamilies, latitude and depth, and cannot simply be explained by variations in body length. High latitude species were generally characterized by biannual or perennial life histories, large body size, delayed maturity, and single or few broods with many, relatively large embryos; converse sets of traits characterized low latitude species. Deep-living species had relatively smaller broods and embryos than their shallow-living relatives, yet did not produce more broods. However, different superfamilies dominated in different habitats. The importance of natural selection relative to phylogenetic (historical) and physiological constraints in the forging of these patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

Parents are predicted to trade offspring number and quality against the costs of reproduction. In altricial birds, parasites can mediate these costs because intensity of parasitism may increase with parental effort. In addition, parasites may mediate a trade-off between offspring number and quality because nestlings in large broods may have reduced anti-parasite immune defence. In this study, we experimentally analysed the effect of brood size on infestation by an ectoparasitic mite in nests of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica). Nests with an enlarged brood had larger prevalence and intensity of infestation than those with a reduced brood. Importantly, each nestling in enlarged broods was exposed to a larger number of mites, even when measured on a per nestling basis, than in reduced broods. Nestlings in enlarged broods had smaller body mass and T-cell-mediated immune response compared to reduced broods. T-cell-mediated immune response and feather growth were negatively correlated with per nestling intensity of infestation in enlarged but not in reduced broods. The results suggest that nestlings in enlarged broods have depressed immunity leading to larger per nestling mite infestation. Hence, exposure to parasites of offspring and parents increases with brood size, and parasitism can thus mediate trade-offs between reproduction and number and quality of the progeny in the barn swallow.  相似文献   

Population structure and life-history variables of the widely distributed alligator pipefish Syngnathoides biaculeatus were characterized in Bootless Bay, Papua New Guinea over the course of 11 months. There was little evidence of seasonality with four focal populations showing no significant change in abundance. Similarly, the sex ratio remained 1:1 for all but 1 month. Reproductive males carrying eggs (148–278 mm in total length, L T) were found in all months. Brood size was significantly, positively related to male L T for newly laid broods only. Maximum observed brood size was 351 and mean ± s . d . brood size was 238 ± 57 for newly laid broods. Juveniles and males showed no change in mean L T over the year while slightly smaller females were captured in November 2006 and September 2007. Males were significantly longer than females so von Bertalanffy growth coefficients were estimated separately for each sex: males L = 285 mm, K = 0·82 year−1 and females L = 261 mm, K = 1·10 year−1. These estimates suggest that this species grows rapidly and has a short-life span. In the context of growing concern about overexploitation of syngnathids, a rapid growth rate combined with year round reproductive activity suggests that the tropical S. biaculeatus may be relatively resilient with regard to fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Proximate mechanisms underlying reproductive skew are obscure in many animals that breed communally. Here, we address causes of reproductive skew in brood-parasitic associations of burying beetles (Nicrophorus vespilloides). Male and female burying beetles feed and defend their larvae on buried carcasses. When several females locate the same small carcass, they engage in violent physical altercations. The subordinate then acts as an intraspecific brood parasite, laying eggs, but not providing care. The dominant female largely monopolizes access to the carcass; she alone provides parental care and her share of the brood is much larger than the subordinate's. On larger carcasses, subordinates have greater access to the carcass than on small ones, and reproductive skew is reduced. Differential fecundity, ovicide and larvicide have been suggested as causes of skew on small carcasses. Here, we report the results of the experiments pertaining to the first two of these potential mechanisms. Ovicide did not significantly contribute to reproductive skew on small carcasses, but differential fecundity did. Fecundity differences were due to dominance status, not body size per se. Fecundity differences disappeared when supplemental food was available, suggesting that reduced access to the carcass limits fecundity by causing nutritional deficiencies. Supplemental food prevented such nutritional deficiencies and allowed subordinates to produce as many eggs as dominants. Apparently, aggressive behaviour by dominants functions in the context of reproductive competition, limiting subordinate reproduction by preventing food intake on the carcass.  相似文献   

Reproductive strategy is a central feature of the ecology of invasive species as it determines the potential for population increase and range expansion. The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, has invaded many countries and caused serious problems in freshwater ecosystems. However, little is known about the effects of environmental conditions on crayfish paternity and offspring traits in the wild. We studied these reproductive characteristics of P. clarkii in wild populations from two different habitats (ponds and ditches) in three locations with different environmental conditions in China. Genotyping of 1,436 offspring and 30 mothers of 30 broods was conducted by using four microsatellites. An analysis of genotyping results revealed that gravid females were the exclusive mother of the progeny they tended. Twenty-nine of 30 mothers had mated with multiple (2-4) males, each of which contributed differently to the number of offspring in a brood. The average number of fathers per brood and the number of offspring per brood were similar (P > 0.05) among six sampling sites, indicating that in P. clarkii multiple paternity and offspring number per brood are independent of environmental conditions studied. Indirect benefits from increasing the genetic diversity of broods, male and sperm competition, and cryptic female choice are a possible explanation for the high level multiple paternity and different contribution of fathers to offspring in this species.  相似文献   

Fecundity is a primary component of fitness. Theory predicts that the evolution of fecundity through increased brood size results from fecundity selection favouring larger female size to accommodate more offspring and to store more energy. This is expected to generate asymmetric selection on body size between the sexes, ultimately driving evolution of female-biased sexual size dimorphism. Additionally, it has been predicted that the intensity of fecundity selection increases when the opportunities for reproduction are reduced by the limiting thermal effects of increasing latitude-elevation (i.e. decreasing environmental temperatures) on the length of the reproductive season. This later factor would be particularly strong among ectotherms, where reproduction is heavily temperature-dependent. However, this integrative perspective on reproductive evolution by fecundity selection has rarely been investigated. Here, we employ a comparative approach to investigate these predictions in Liolaemus, a prominent lizard radiation. As expected, Liolaemus reproductive output (i.e. offspring number per reproductive episode) increases predictably with increasing female size. However, contrary to predictions, we found that increased fecundity does not translate into female-biased SSD, and that combined latitude-elevation does not impose a detectable effect on fecundity. Finally, our allometric analyses reveal that SSD scales with body size, which supports the occurrence of Rensch’s rule in these lizards. We discuss the evolutionary implications of our results, and the assumptions of the investigated hypotheses.  相似文献   

We tested whether daily mortality rates (DMR) of smallmouth bass offspring were influenced by life interval, offspring density and growth, parental male attributes, and selected mortality factors during parental care in a regulated Virginia stream. Mortality averaged 9.5% per day (range 5.2–13.9%) and 94.1% total (range 80.9–99.5%) from egg deposition to the juvenile period (29–36 d) for individual broods. Offspring losses were primarily attributed to fungus (Saprolegnia parasitica) infection of eggs and to American eel, Anguilla rostrata, predation. DMR were significantly higher for the interval from swim-up of larvae to metamorphosis relative to earlier and later intervals. There was no significant autocorrelation of DMR among life intervals for individual broods, indicating that relative mortality rates were inconsistent among broods through time. DMR were also uncorrelated with the number of offspring per brood, offspring growth rates, and parental male attributes, except during egg and embryo intervals. Daily egg mortality was negatively related to male size and positively related to the number of eggs per nest, suggesting that density-dependent egg mortality may have been partially offset in nests of larger males. Larger males received more eggs, tended to maintain larger broods throughout parental care, and contributed a high proportion of the total number of juveniles reared. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Various aspects were studied of the brood size and sex allocation strategies, and of size-fitness relationships in Parallorhogas pyralophagus (Marsh), a gregarious ectoparasitoid of Eoreuma loftini Dyar. Brood size was significantly correlated with host size; larger hosts were allocated larger broods. Brood sex ratios were fixed precisely at 1 male per 4 females, and eggs were likely to be deposited in that order; differential mortality did not contribute to this precise sex ratio. The sex allocation strategy of P. pyralophagus is likely to conform to strict, i.e. single foundress, local mate competition. Adoption of this strategy is probably influenced by a limited insemination capacity of males; a smaller proportion of females (0.09 vs. 0.21) remained virgin in broods with precise or higher sex ratios (> or = 0.20 males) relative to broods with lower than precise sex ratios (< 0.20 males). Moreover, all females were inseminated in most broods (60%) with precise or higher sex ratios, whereas this did not occur in broods with lower than precise sex ratios. The hypothesized occurrence of strict local mate competition in P. pyralophagus was supported also by observations that: (i) offspring brood sex ratios were independent of maternal brood sex ratios and number of parental females concurrently allocating offspring to a group of hosts, and; (ii) the rate of superparasitism under no-choice conditions was low (approximately 20%), suggesting that rates of outbreeding in the field are low. Other results suggested that fitness in P. pyralophagus was correlated with adult size; longevity and reproductive capacity both increased with adult size in males and females. However, adult size may be more important for females than for males because the differences in reproductive capacity between the largest and smallest individuals was up to 7.3 times greater in females versus < 2 times in males.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The degree to which a female partitions resourcesbetween fecundity and per offspring investment is a centralquestion in life-history theory. Maternal effects may influencethe nature of this tradeoff through their effect on per offspringinvestment and subsequent offspring fitness. The purpose ofthis study was to determine the effect of female age and sizeon brood size (number of offspring), per offspring investment,and fitness in the polychaete Streblospio benedicti. Early stageembryos were collected from brooding females of known age andsize over a period of 100 days; these embryos were counted andanalyzed for their C and N content. Female size had a positiveeffect on brood size; larger females produced larger broods.However, brood size decreased with female age (females did notincrease in size after reaching sexual maturity). Brood sizedeclined 20–46% between 60 and 160 days of age. Duringthis same age period per offspring investment, measured in termsof C and N, increased by 25%. Offspring survivorship and sizeat two weeks post-release from the female were used as measuresof offspring fitness. Offspring survivorship increased 28% between60 and 160 days of age. Increased growth in offspring from olderfemales resulted in a 23% increase in offspring size at twoweeks. Including the maternal age effect in two population modelsfor S. benedicti increased population growth rate (). Populationgrowth was increased to a greater degree when the maternal effectwas modeled by enhancing offspring survival compared to whenfecundity was increased by the same proportional amount. Thissuggests that the maternal effect may be adaptive, particularlywhen conditions for offspring survival and growth are poor.  相似文献   

A key tool used to assess reproductive trade-offs in birds is brood size manipulation (BSM) experiments. Most BSM studies have examined the influence on short-term measures of reproductive output. Seldom evaluated are the effects on long-term fitness proxies under temporally or spatially varying environments. Unpredictable environments may affect reproductive trade-offs by altering the value of the brood or hampering optimization of reproductive effort. We reduced or enlarged broods of 140 male Tengmalm’s owls Aegolius funereus by one chick during their first lifetime reproductive event. Males differed in age and bred in environments that varied in quality spatially (habitat structure) and temporally (abundance of main food). We measured the short-term (nestling number and condition) and long-term fitness proxies (survival, lifetime fledgling and recruits produced) until all experimental males disappeared from the population. BSMs did not affect fledgling number or condition, but in enlarged broods, offspring condition was lower in territories with a high proportion of agricultural fields. Importantly, no obvious impacts on long-term fitness proxies emerged; lifetime fledgling and recruit production of males did not differ between the BSM treatments. Thus, the primary caregiver (i.e. Tengmalm’s owl males) passed increased reproductive costs to their offspring, which is in agreement with other studies investigating intergenerational reproductive trade-offs in species of intermediate lifespan. Reluctance to accept increased current reproductive costs in these systems highlights the potential for sexual conflict in bi-parental care systems in which one of the pair is the primary caregiver.  相似文献   

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