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靶向性是肿瘤治疗取得成功的关键因素。病毒载体用于治疗肿瘤的过程中必须要求特异性作用于肿瘤细胞的同时降低对正常细胞的毒性。腺相关病毒(adeno-associated virus,AAV)较其他病毒载体具有免疫原性小、宿主范围广和介导基因可长期表达等优点,因此得到了广泛的应用。然而,AAV载体针对肿瘤的靶向性一直是近年研究的热点和难点。现就AAV载体治疗肿瘤的概况和靶向策略以及其安全性等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

腺病毒载体是基因治疗的常用载体之一,已经广泛应用于肿瘤和遗传疾病等的基因治疗研究中.但是临床发现腺病毒载体有较高的免疫原性,同时缺乏组织或细胞特异性,制约了其在临床上的应用.通过共价键结合或者静电力作用,将高分子修饰到病毒衣壳上,利用高分子的特殊性质可以降低载体的免疫原性和提高载体的靶向性,同时载体保持了较高的转染能力...  相似文献   

为了构建TAT与KDR-siRNA慢病毒载体,观察其对肺癌细胞株 A549的体外靶向抗肿瘤作用,利用重组技术构建TAT-KDR siRNA慢病毒载体并转染人肺癌细胞株 A549。实时荧光定量PCR、Western blot检测KDR基因水平变化;流式细胞仪、MTT 法、集落形成试验检测其对A549细胞株细胞凋亡、细胞增殖和克隆形成的影响;细胞黏附实验评价其肿瘤靶向性。其抗癌作用主要表现为可有效地抑制A549细胞KDR基因表达、细胞增殖和克隆形成,促进细胞凋亡,并具有肿瘤靶向性作用。因而认为,TAT与KDR靶向siRNA慢病毒载体具有显著的肿瘤靶向性和抗肿瘤活性。  相似文献   

新型纳米靶向给药系统的研究与开发对于难治愈性疾病(尤其是肿瘤)的治疗具有重大意义,而其发展很大程度上取决于载体材料 的设计。构思巧妙、设计合理的载体材料能使载体实现靶向功能,将药物定位浓集于病灶部位,并最大限度地发挥高效低毒的作用。基于 不同的靶向策略,包括被动靶向、主动靶向和响应肿瘤微环境的靶向,综述了近年来一些新型纳米载体材料的设计,为新型纳米靶向给药 系统的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

150多年前就发现某些细菌能够选择性地在实体肿瘤部位生长聚集,而在正常组织器官则否。尽管对产生这一现象的原因尚不明了,但人们已经利用细菌的这一特性,就试图将其作为治疗实体肿瘤的一种非常有前景的方法进行了研究。随着基因工程技术的日益完善,以及新的具有肿瘤靶向性细菌的发现,细菌作为肿瘤靶向性载体用于治疗肿瘤已日益受到青睐。这些细菌被用来传递抗肿瘤生长或杀伤肿瘤的物质,如毒素、前药转化酶、血管生长抑制剂、细胞因子等。  相似文献   

安全、有效、具有靶向性的病毒载体是基因治疗药物在临床上得以应用的关键。microRNA是一类单链、内源性的转录后调控小分子,它的发现为开发具有靶向性调控能力的病毒载体提供了新的研究方法。以下在介绍microRNA调节病毒载体靶向性原理的基础上,着重介绍microRNA在清除复制能力病毒的污染、消除转基因特异性免疫、增强肿瘤靶向性基因治疗、开发活体疫苗等领域的应用。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国内外几款溶瘤病毒制剂的相继上市,溶瘤病毒疗法成为肿瘤免疫治疗的焦点。溶瘤病毒可选择性感染并裂解肿瘤细胞,同时释放肿瘤相关抗原激活机体的抗肿瘤免疫反应,达到杀伤肿瘤细胞和抑制肿瘤生长的目的。溶瘤病毒对肿瘤的靶向杀伤作用决定了其安全性和溶瘤效果。为了开发出安全高效的溶瘤病毒,目前主要采用以下策略:利用某些病毒载体对肿瘤细胞的天然靶向性,使溶瘤病毒选择性地在肿瘤细胞内复制并杀伤肿瘤细胞;或者对病毒基因组进行缺失和插入等修饰,通过靶向肿瘤细胞特异性表面受体、胞内信号通路或者肿瘤微环境等提高溶瘤病毒的肿瘤靶向性。其中,肿瘤微环境中的低氧状态、新血管生成以及免疫抑制状态等都可成为溶瘤病毒的靶点。而溶瘤病毒通过表达细胞因子和免疫检查点抑制剂,或者与CAR-T细胞联合作用,靶向调节肿瘤微环境中免疫抑制状态,成为提高溶瘤病毒肿瘤靶向性的常用方法。本文将对以上溶瘤病毒靶向治疗肿瘤策略的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

肿瘤靶向治疗的研究是当今生物医学界的研究热点.本研究采用整合素αvβ3单克隆抗体作为肿瘤靶向分子,以单壁碳纳米管(SWNT)作为运输载体,同时利用单壁碳纳米管在近红外区的光吸收特性,开展靶向肿瘤光热治疗.实验结果表明,这种整合素αvβ3单抗标记的碳纳米管探针对高表达αvβ3的U87MG细胞具有高靶向选择性和靶向光杀伤性...  相似文献   

一种高效感染血液细胞的新型靶向性腺病毒载体的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人C组5型腺病毒(Ad5)载体能够有效感染上皮来源的细胞,但对造血细胞的感染效率很低,限制了其在造血调控基础研究以及血液病基因治疗中的应用.为了建立高效感染血液细胞的新型靶向性腺病毒载体系统,对5型腺病毒载体的纤维顶球进行了改造,以AdEasy系统为基础,应用递归PCR的方法人工合成人B组11p型腺病毒的部分纤维(fiber)基因,采用一系列分子生物学方法将其替换AdEasy骨架质粒中的人5型腺病毒的fiber基因,得到新的腺病毒骨架质粒命名为pAdEasy-1/F11p,应用带有GFP报告基因的穿梭质粒pShuttle-GFP与AdEasy-1/F11p腺病毒DNA在BJ5183细菌内重组得到重组腺病毒质粒,将其转染293细胞获得重组腺病毒,命名为Ad5F11p-GFP.以Ad5-GFP作对照,同时感染K562、U937等白血病细胞系,流式细胞仪检测GFP的表达.初步检测结果显示在10MOI时,Ad5F11p-GFP能够有效感染K562、U937等白血病细胞系,感染细胞效率>90%,对照Ad5-GFP感染细胞效率<30%,这表明改建后的腺病毒AdEasy-1/F11p可以高效介导基因转移到血液细胞,是一种很好的血液细胞靶向性腺病毒载体.  相似文献   

NGR(Asn-Gly-Arg)是通过噬菌体展示技术筛选出来的能够和肿瘤新生血管特异结合的三肽模体,可以将多种药物分子和病毒载体靶向运输到肿瘤或者进行血管再生的组织中。为此构建了腺病毒衣壳蛋白knob的HI环(HI-loop)经NGR肽段修饰的并同时表达三种报告基因的腺病毒载体Ad5/E1-mCherry/E3-luciferase-2A-eGFP/knob-NGR。体内、外实验研究表明,该病毒载体可成功表达三种报告基因;经NGR肽段修饰的腺病毒载体对人乳腺癌细胞系MDA-MB-231的感染效率高于未经修饰的对照腺病毒Ad5CMVeGFP。该载体的成功构建为进一步研究经NGR肽段修饰的腺病毒在肿瘤动物模型体内的靶向性及经NGR肽段修饰的并携带治疗基因的实验治疗研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

BackgroundCytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells are an ex vivo–expanded cellular therapy product with potent anti-tumor activity in a subset of patients with solid and hematologic malignancies. We hypothesize that directing CIK cells to a specific tumor antigen will enhance CIK cell anti-tumor cytotoxicity.MethodsWe present a newly developed method for affixing antibodies directly to cell surface proteins. First, we evaluated the anti-tumor potential of CIK cells after affixing tumor-antigen targeting monoclonal antibodies. Second, we evaluated whether this antibody-conjugation method can profile the surface proteome of CIK cells.ResultsWe demonstrated that affixing rituximab or daratumumab to CIK cells enhances cytotoxic killing of multiple lymphoma cell lines in vitro. These ‘armed’ CIK cells exhibited enhanced intracellular signaling after engaging tumor targets. Cell surface proteome profiling suggested mechanisms by which antibody-armed CIK cells concurrently activated multiple surface proteins, leading to enhanced cytolytic activity. Our surface proteome analysis indicated that CIK cells display enhanced protein signatures indicative of immune responses, cellular activation and leukocyte migration.ConclusionsHere, we characterize the cell surface proteome of CIK cells using a novel methodology that can be rapidly applied to other cell types. Our study also demonstrates that without genetic modification CIK cells can be rapidly armed with monoclonal antibodies, which endows them with high specificity to kill tumor targets.  相似文献   

Tumor microenvironment is known to play important roles in tumor progression. Many therapies, targeting the tumor microenvironment, are designed and applied in the clinic. One of these approaches is in situ antitumor therapy. This way, bacteria, antibodies, plasmid DNA, viruses, and cells are intratumorally delivered into the tumor site as “in-situ antitumor vaccine,” which seeks to enhance immunogenicity and generate systemic T cell responses. In addition, this intratumoral therapy can alter the tumor microenvironment from immunosuppressive to immunostimulatory while limiting the risk of systemic exposure and associated toxicity. Contemporarily, promising preclinical results and some initial success in clinical trials have been obtained after intratumoral therapy.  相似文献   

刘涛  张旎娴  何凤  张丹  项方  卢斌 《生物磁学》2014,(2):368-371
肿瘤的生物治疗尤其是用免疫活性细胞输注的过继免疫治疗是目前研究热点之一,是继手术、放疗、化疗三大常规治疗的又一新的治疗肿瘤的方法。此疗法不仅是常规抗肿瘤治疗的补充,更是为晚期不宜手术或无法承受放疗化疗所带来的副作用的患者开辟了一个新的治疗途径,可取得常规方法无法达到的疗效,成为人类抗击肿瘤最有希望的战略措施之一。细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞是用于肿瘤过继免疫治疗较为有效的免疫效应细胞之一,是目前所知杀伤活性最高的肿瘤杀伤细胞,具有增殖速度快、杀瘤活性高、杀瘤谱广的特点,对正常骨髓造血前体毒性小,已大量应用于临床。脐血CIK细胞增殖速度、杀瘤活性优于外周血CIK细胞,移植后移植物抗宿主病发生率更低等优点,因而受到广泛关注。本文就脐血CIK细胞的抗肿瘤研究的特点及,临床应用进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells are T cell derived ex vivo expanded cells with both NK and T cell properties. They exhibit potent anti-tumor efficacy against various malignancies in preclinical models and have proven safe and effective in clinical studies. We combined CIK cell adoptive immunotherapy with IL-12 cytokine immunotherapy in an immunocompetent preclinical breast cancer model. Combining CIK cells with IL-12 increased anti-tumor efficacy in vivo compared to either therapy alone. Combination led to full tumor remission and long-term protection in 75% of animals. IL-12 treatment sharply increased the anti-tumor efficacy of short-term cultured CIK cells that exhibited no therapeutic effect alone. Bioluminescence imaging based in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo homing assays revealed that short-term cultured CIK cells exhibit full cytotoxicity in vitro, but display different tumor homing properties than fully expanded CIK cells in vivo. Our data suggest that short-term cultured CIK cells can be “educated” in vivo, producing fully expanded CIK cells upon IL-12 administration with anti-tumor efficacy in a mouse model. Our findings demonstrate the potential to improve current CIK cell-based immunotherapy by increasing efficacy and shortening ex vivo expansion time. This holds promise for a highly efficacious cancer therapy utilizing synergistic effects of cytokine and cellular immunotherapy.  相似文献   

《Bioscience Hypotheses》2008,1(6):309-311
The concept of using viruses to kill tumors has long been established, but the field has suffered great setbacks and “bottle neck” in target efficiency. The problem with using systemic virotherapy is that the immune system and tumor microenvironment could seek, sabotage and destroy virus, which allows only a tiny fraction of viruses to find their way to tumors. In our prospect, cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells can be a prospective sheltering agent. The tumor-selective viruses encapsuled in CIK cells can be safely and efficiently delivered to tumor cells, attaining a synergy of tumor killing by both CIK cells and tumor-selective viruses. For successful delivery, the viruses should have high infectious ability to CIK cells, and the replication of viruses should be strictly modulated by cell vehicles. Ad5F35 chimeric adenovirus can be satisfactory agents if their replication can be driven by promoter of CD40 ligands. Moreover, ensuring absolute safety, either CIK cells or viral passengers can be engineered to express certain therapeutic genes to further enhance tumoricidal effect.  相似文献   

前列腺癌难以根治,研究雄激素非依赖型前列腺癌的靶向治疗具有实际的临床意义,涉及抗体靶向治疗、靶向抗前列腺癌药物研制、细胞生长信号转导通路抑制、微小RNA应用等多方面,而靶向清除肿瘤干细胞则是根治前列腺癌的有效策略。  相似文献   

Ras gene mutation or overexpression can lead to tumorigenesis in multiple kinds of cancer, including glioma. However, no drugs targeting Ras or its expression products have been approved for clinical application thus far. Adenoviral gene therapy is a promising method for the treatment of glioma. In this study, the human glioma cell line U251 was co-cultured with recombinant adenovirus KGHV500, and the anti-tumor effects of KGHV500 were determined by MTT, scratch test, Transwell invasion, and apoptosis assays. Then, KGHV500 was delivered via the intravenous injection of CIK cells into glioma xenografts. Tumor volume, ki67 proliferation index, apoptosis levels, and anti-p21Ras scFv expression were tested to evaluate targeting ability, anti-tumor efficacy, and safety. We found that the KGHV500 exhibited anti-tumor activity in U251 cells and increased the intracellular expression of anti-p21Ras scFv compared with that in the control groups. CIK cells delivered KGHV500 to U251 glioma cell xenografts and enhanced anti-tumor activity against glioma xenografts compared to that produced by the control treatment. In conclusion, targeting Ras is a useful therapeutic strategy for gliomas and other Ras-driven cancers, and the delivery of anti-p21Ras scFv by recombinant adenovirus and CIK cells may play an essential role in the therapy of Ras-driven cancers.  相似文献   

溶瘤病毒是一类天然的或经过基因编辑后能特异性在肿瘤细胞中复制、发挥抗肿瘤效应的病毒。溶瘤病毒的抗肿瘤效应主要通过以下两个方面实现:a. 直接的溶瘤效应,例如诱导肿瘤细胞发生凋亡、促使细胞裂解等;b. 溶瘤病毒作为一种激活免疫的药物,通过诱导机体产生强烈的抗肿瘤免疫,达到清除肿瘤的目的。溶瘤病毒疗法作为免疫疗法的一个重要分支,因其具有肿瘤特异性,便于基因改造等优点,成为该领域的研究热点。截至目前,处在临床实验招募和完成阶段的溶瘤病毒疗法虽然已达100多例,但已批准上市的产品仅有4款。溶瘤疗法应用于肿瘤治疗领域还面临着诸多挑战。因此,系统性回顾溶瘤病毒的改造策略,深入了解溶瘤病毒的生物学过程显得尤为必要。病毒依赖于宿主完成复制、增殖过程,其生物学过程与宿主的代谢状态密切相关。肿瘤的标志性特征为代谢重编程,即肿瘤细胞重新构建代谢网络以满足指数生长和增殖的需求并防止氧化应激的过程。通常包括糖酵解的增强和谷氨酰胺分解,以及线粒体功能和氧化还原稳态的变化。通过靶向宿主代谢重编程增强溶瘤病毒的复制、溶瘤能力是当前极具前景的方向。本文综述溶瘤病毒的临床应用现状及与代谢相关的调控机制,为进一步开发新型溶瘤病毒以及联用方式提供新的思路。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells are ex vivo expanded T cells with co-expression of CD3 and CD56 and NK activity. They have recently been evaluated in a phase I/II clinical trial against malignant lymphoma. Bispecific Ab (bsAb) redirect CIK cells to tumor targets, thus enhancing their cytotoxicity. While bsAb may improve T-cell mediated anti-tumor activity, little is known about the fate of effector cells upon redirection to tumor targets using a bsAb. METHODS: Using ex vivo-activated CIK cells, Her2/neu expressing breast and ovarian cell lines and a F(ab')2 Her2/neu x CD3 bsAb, we investigated the anti-tumor activity and the proliferative and apoptotic outcome of CIK cells. RESULTS: When redirected to tumor targets with bsAb, there was a significant increase in anti-tumor activity as well as an increase in both CIK cell proliferation and apoptosis. The addition of agonistic Ab against CD28 did not significantly increase proliferation or apoptosis of CIK cells redirected to CD80- and CD86- tumor targets. To attempt to reduce T-cell apoptosis, we incubated CIK cells in the presence of the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk, which led to a partial reduction in T-cell apoptosis without increasing cellular cytotoxicity. DISCUSSION: bsAb are effective in redirecting activated T cells to tumor targets and such redirection leads to both T-cell proliferation and apoptosis that are not altered by co-stimulation through CD28. Effector cell apoptosis can be reduced by using a caspase inhibitor but this does not increase CIK cell cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

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