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Loss of natural wetlands is a global phenomenon that has been a serious threat to the wildlife. A common practice is to construct artificial wetlands to compensate for the loss of natural wetlands. To test whether artificial wetlands as habitats for waterbirds are good alternatives to natural wetlands, we compared species richness, abundance, and seasonal dynamics of waterbird communities of natural (here tidelands) and artificial wetlands (here aquacultural ponds) on Chongming Island, China. Our results indicate that habitat preference of waterbirds showed seasonal difference: most of the shorebirds were found on tidelands in spring, whereas most of the natatorial birds were recorded in aquacultural ponds in winter. Waterbirds preferred the tidelands rather than aquacultural ponds in both spring and autumn, whereas they showed no preference for either the tidelands or the ponds in summer and winter. It is concluded that natural wetlands are better habitats for waterbirds than artificial wetlands on Chongming Island, while the artificial ones are also suitable habitats for waterbirds in winter. The waterbirds might use artificial wetlands only when natural wetlands are unavailable or of poor quality. An over-emphasis that artificial wetlands are suitable habitats for waterbirds might encourage land managers to convert natural wetlands into the artificial ones, resulting in considerable loss of bird diversity. Therefore, for the purpose of bird conservation, it would be a better practice to conserve natural wetlands rather than to construct artificial ones after destruction of natural wetlands.  相似文献   

长江口九段沙植物群落研究   总被引:36,自引:4,他引:32  
唐承佳  陆健健 《生态学报》2003,23(2):399-403
长江口九段沙属于发育早期的河口沙洲,植被完全保持着自然演替的早期状况。对九段沙湿地高等植物群落的结构特点及演替特征进行研究。研究结果表明:九段沙湿地植被分布几乎覆盖整个沙岛,生物量丰富。高等植物中多克隆植物,植物群落结构简单,生物多样性低,植被具原生性,群落演替的早期原生特征明显,演替过程在没有引种互花米草之前人为干扰少,互花米草的引种加速了九段沙湿地植被的陆地化演替进程。最后提出保护和开发利用九段沙植被的适应原则。  相似文献   

长江口湿地三个演替阶段大型底栖动物群落特征   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
2001—2005年对长江口新生沙洲九段沙(上沙、中沙、下沙)盐沼演替序列不同阶段[盐渍藻类阶段(SA)、海三棱草(Scirpusmariqueter)—草(Scirpustriqueter)阶段(MT)、芦苇(Phragmitesaus-tralis)—互花米草(Spartinaalterniflora)阶段(AA)]的大型底栖动物群落特征进行了分析研究。大型底栖动物群落的物种数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、密度及生物量都是MT>AA>SA。SA、AA优势种的生活型分别是底内型、穴居型;MT优势种的生活型是底上附着型和穴居型。不同沙洲相同盐沼演替阶段大型底栖动物群落结构都较为相似,盐渍藻类阶段的相似性最高;不同演替阶段间差别明显,SA和AA间差别最大。不同盐沼演替阶段大型底栖动物群落特征的明显差异,既反映了环境沿盐沼演替序列的梯度变化,也体现了不同盐沼对底栖动物群落作用的差别,同时也显示了大型底栖动物对不同盐沼演替阶段生境的适应。  相似文献   

安徽沿江浅水湖泊越冬水鸟群落的集团结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈锦云  周立志 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5323-5331
长江中下游湖泊是越冬水鸟的重要栖息地,随着湖泊渔业养殖强度的不断加大,湖泊湿地严重退化,水鸟的越冬生态受到影响。为揭示长江中下游浅水湖泊越冬水鸟对湿地资源的利用特征,2008年12月至2009年3月,通过扫描取样法采集安徽省长江沿江升金湖、菜子湖和武昌湖3个浅水湖泊30种越冬水鸟的取食行为百分比数据,利用聚类分析法对越冬水鸟进行集团划分,并采用无倾向对应法(DCA)分析越冬水鸟的取食特征。聚类分析结果表明,安庆沿江湖泊越冬水鸟群落可分为4个集团,即深水取食集团G1、挖掘和啄取集团G2、浅水取食集团G3和泥滩拾取集团G4。G2集团的鸟种最多,共有13种,优势种为鸿雁(Anser cygnoides)、豆雁(Anser fabalis);G3集团次之,共6种,优势种为小天鹅(Cygnus columbianus)、白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia);G4集团共5种,优势种为黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)、鹤鹬(Tringa erythropus)和红脚鹬(Tringa totanus);G1集团水鸟种类有6种。这些水鸟的觅食生境主要在湖泊滩涂和浅水区域,其食物资源的可利用性和觅食对策共同决定群落组成结构。DCA分析表明,取食方式及取食时运动方式组成的觅食对策决定了集团食物资源的分割,草滩中取食鸟类主要采用静止取食和啄取方式,泥滩取食集团主要采取拾取及奔-停取食,深水区取食集团则主要采用潜水方式取食,因此,维持湖泊不同区域的丰富食物资源对于保护湖泊丰富的水鸟资源具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李凌晨  周立志  程磊  姚简  宋昀微 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7731-7745
水鸟是湿地生境质量的重要指示性动物类群,可敏感地反映湿地环境变化。浅水通江湖泊消落带具有复杂多样的生境和丰富的食物资源,是水鸟特别是越冬水鸟的重要聚集区,其食物资源的丰富度和可获得性受水文节律影响。在极端洪水作用下,消落带生境变化对越冬水鸟群落结构及其多样性的影响是一个值得关注的水鸟及湿地生态学问题。选择了具有典型消落带生境的升金湖作为研究区域,对2019年(正常水位)和2020年(异常水位)两个越冬季水鸟的数量、种类进行调查统计,分析了消落带的生境变化情况对越冬水鸟群落结构的影响。2019年越冬期,记录到水鸟(50984.20±9595.71)只(n=5),隶属7目13科51种;2020年越冬期,记录到水鸟(27923.00±13808.47)只(n=5),隶属7目12科53种。整个越冬季消落带的水鸟种类略增但数量减少,2019年游禽中的优势种为豆雁,2020年游禽中的优势种增加为豆雁和斑嘴鸭,但涉禽中的优势种由白琵鹭、反嘴鹬、凤头麦鸡转变为苍鹭、大白鹭和反嘴鹬。洪水导致的草滩-水域混合区生境面积减小使湿生植物退化,可能是导致以豆雁为主的食苔草水鸟数量大幅度减少的重要原因;因湖水延迟...  相似文献   

The present study deals with the species abundance, diversity and species richness of avian communities in the Bangalore University Campus (BUC), Bengaluru, India. One hundred and six species of birds belonging to 42 families under 68 genera were recorded. Shannon–Wiener’s and Fisher’s alpha diversities, species evenness, species richness of bird communities, number of bird species and percentage of population density of birds between various seasons in the BUC differed significantly between the study years. Of these bird species, the relative abundance (6.96 %) and species distribution ratio (0.070) of Psittacula krameri were highest, whereas relative abundance (0.04 %) and species distribution ratio (0.002) of Coracias benghalensis were lowest. The existing 32 species of flowering plants/trees belonging to 29 genera under 14 families in the campus are used for perching by birds. Moreover 29 species of flowering plants/trees belonging to 24 genera under 16 families depend on birds for pollination and/or seed dispersal. Occurrence of greater bird diversity and abundance of avian communities were recorded highest in the winter season in the BUC premises. In the different seasons, the BUC had varying community structure of birds between the study years. BUC suffers from numerous threats namely grass cutting, fire and grazing of domestic animals. Conservation methods needed for habitat management are restoration of vegetation and wetlands, and increase plant and tree diversity to protect the ecosystem of BUC habitat and to preserve its diversity of avifauna.  相似文献   

Land use management practices often change habitat structure, which in turn influence diversity and the composition of floral and faunal assemblages. In the southern Kalahari, southern Africa, heavy grazing after above‐average rainfall has lead to bush thickening, and widespread use of arboricides and/or removal of large trees for firewood has also impacted habitat structure. At sites near Kimberley, in South Africa, we investigated the effects of these changes on bird species richness and which aspects of habitat structure most influenced bird assemblage diversity and composition. We also investigated correlations between bird life history traits and habitat characteristics using RLQ analysis. Bird species richness and abundance were both explained by vertical habitat heterogeneity and density of woody species between the heights of 0–2 m, with bird species richness also explained by the density of woody species at heights above 6 m. Large trees within bush‐thickened areas dampened the effects of bush thickening on bird assemblages by enabling certain species to persist, consistent with the idea that large trees are keystone structures. Smaller insectivorous gleaners, ball‐ and cup‐nesters, birds with parts of their range extending into arid areas and birds with long‐wavelength plumage (i.e. red, orange or yellow plumage) dominated bush‐thickened habitats. Seed‐eaters, burrow‐ and ground‐nesters, bark‐foragers, birds that perch and sally, or perch and swoop to the ground, were all negatively associated with bush thickening. Cavity‐nesters, bark‐foragers, hawkers, frugivores, birds that perch and sally and species with iridescent plumage were negatively affected by the loss of large trees. Of the common species analysed, nearly 40% of species had life history traits tied to large trees; and 68% had traits negatively associated with bush thickening and removal of large trees together, suggesting that where these changes in habitat occur simultaneously, bird diversity will be strongly affected.  相似文献   

Rice fields, the most widespread cropland in Japan, provide important habitat for birds, but few studies have examined bird communities that are influenced by agriculture in rice fields. I studied the seasonal pattern of bird abundance and their habitat preferences in terms of agricultural habitats in the rice fields of the central Kanto Plain, central Japan. In total, 19 waterbird species and 31 landbird species were recorded over the study year. Waterbird occurrence was largely restricted to the cultivation season (i.e. the flooded season, May–August), with maximum abundance in August. Rice fields dried up during winter and supported few waterbirds except for irregular occurrences of little egrets (Egretta garzetta) and common snipes (Gallinago gallinago), which selectively used ditches with shallow water. Landbird abundance increased after the start of cultivation (May) to August, but more birds were attracted to the rice fields in midwinter (around January). For both waterbirds and landbirds, most species preferred levees and fallow grass fields, but avoided fields with rice vegetation. Unplowed fields after harvest were preferred by several species including skylarks (Alauda arvensis), while plowed fields were less attractive to most species. These results suggest the need for advanced agricultural practices to include improvement in habitat quality for birds.  相似文献   

The bird pollination systems of the New and Old Worlds evolved independently, and differ in many aspects. New World plants are often presented as those adapted to hovering birds while Old World plants to perching birds. Most Neotropical studies also demonstrate that in hummingbird species rich assemblages, only a small number of highly specialized birds exploits the most specialized plants with long corollas. Nevertheless, recent research on bird–plant pollination interactions suggest that sunbird pollination systems in the Old World have converged more with the highly specialized hummingbird pollination systems than previously thought. In this study we focus on the pollination systems of the bird pollination syndrome Impatiens species on Mt. Cameroon, West Africa. We show that despite the high diversity of sunbirds on Mt. Cameroon, only Cyanomitra oritis appear to be important pollinator of all Impatiens species. This asymmetry indicates the absence of pair wise co‐evolution and points to a diffuse co‐evolutionary process resulting in guilds of highly specialized plants and birds; a situation well known from hummingbirds and specialized plant communities of the New World. Additionally, the herbaceous habits of Impatiens species, the frequent adaptations to pollination by hovering birds, and the habitat preference for understory in tropical forests or epiphytic growth, resemble the highly specialized Neotropical plants. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 127–133.  相似文献   

Smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) is one of the most invasive exotic plants of saltmarshes worldwide. To understand the effects of smooth cordgrass invasion on the habitat use and selection by breeding saltmarsh birds, we compared species number and abundance of breeding birds in native reed (Phragmites australis) and smooth cordgrass-invaded habitats (reed-cordgrass mixed habitats and cordgrass monocultures) at Chongming Dongtan in the Yangtze River estuary, China. We further examined the similarity of bird communities in different habitats and habitat selection by dominant bird species. For saltmarsh generalists, species number and abundance did not differ among the habitats. For saltmarsh specialists, species number and abundance did not differ in reed monocultures and reed-cordgrass mixed habitats but were significantly lower in cordgrass monocultures than in reed monocultures and reed-cordgrass mixed habitats. ANOSIM indicated that the difference in bird communities was larger between cordgrass monocultures and the habitats with reed than between the habitats with reed. The saltmarsh specialists preferred reed monocultures, while saltmarsh generalists avoided reed monocultures. Most species indicated no selection (neither preferred nor avoided) on reed-cordgrass mixed habitats, and no species preferred the cordgrass monocultures. The use of cordgrass monocultures by the common saltmarsh birds was negatively related to their body size. This study suggests that the spread of exotic smooth cordgrass has greatly affected the species composition and structure of local bird communities and has been especially disadvantageous to the saltmarsh specialists.  相似文献   

Urban bird communities exhibit high population densities and low species diversity, yet mechanisms behind these patterns remain largely untested. We present results from experimental studies of behavioral mechanisms underlying these patterns and provide a test of foraging theory applied to urban bird communities. We measured foraging decisions at artificial food patches to assess how urban habitats differ from wildlands in predation risk, missed-opportunity cost, competition, and metabolic cost. By manipulating seed trays, we compared leftover seed (giving-up density) in urban and desert habitats in Arizona. Deserts exhibited higher predation risk than urban habitats. Only desert birds quit patches earlier when increasing the missed-opportunity cost. House finches and house sparrows coexist by trading off travel cost against foraging efficiency. In exclusion experiments, urban doves were more efficient foragers than passerines. Providing water decreased digestive costs only in the desert. At the population level, reduced predation and higher resource abundance drive the increased densities in cities. At the community level, the decline in diversity may involve exclusion of native species by highly efficient urban specialists. Competitive interactions play significant roles in structuring urban bird communities. Our results indicate the importance and potential of mechanistic approaches for future urban bird community studies.  相似文献   

四川嘛咪泽自然保护区不同生境类型鸟类多样性调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2006年4~5月采用样点法对四川嘛咪泽自然保护区的鸟类组成和种群数量进行了调查,共记录到鸟类7目23科105种,数量1948只,其中国家重点保护鸟类6种,我国特有鸟类7种。鸟类区系以东洋界成分为主。对不同生境鸟类多样性的分析结果表明:1)人工林和灌丛草地生境间的鸟类群落相似性指数最高,灌丛草地和原始林之间鸟类群落相似性最低;2)次生林鸟类多样性指数最高,灌丛草地最低;3)原始林内国家级保护鸟类最多,特有种仅次于次生林;4)林中鸟类垂直分布中间层密度最大。  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification typically leads to changes in bird diversity and community composition, with fewer species and foraging guilds present in more intensively managed parts of the landscape. In this study, we compare bird communities in small (2–32 ha) brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) remnants with those in adjacent uncultivated grassland, previously cultivated grassland and current cropland, to determine the contribution of different land uses to bird diversity in the agricultural landscape. Twenty remnant brigalow patches and adjacent agricultural (‘matrix’) areas in southern inland Queensland, Australia were sampled for bird composition and habitat characteristics. The richness, abundance and diversity of birds were all significantly higher in brigalow remnants than in the adjacent matrix of cropping and grassland. Within the matrix, species richness and diversity were higher in uncultivated grasslands than in current cultivation or previously cultivated grasslands. Forty-four percent of bird species were recorded only in brigalow remnants and 78% of species were recorded in brigalow and at least one other land management category. Despite high levels of landscape fragmentation and modification, small patches of remnant brigalow vegetation provide important habitat for a unique and diverse assemblage of native birds. The less intensively managed components of the agricultural matrix also support diverse bird assemblages and thus, may be important for local and regional biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Community structure and association of waterbirds with spatial heterogeneity in the Bahia Magdalena-Almejas wetland complex, Baja California Sur, Mexico. To test the hypothesis that spatial heterogeneity determines waterbird diversity in a coastal wetland, we compared waterbird density, diversity, and species composition among various habitats and landscapes units in Bahia Magdalena-Almejas, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Based on diversity patterns and bird distribution, we assessed the effect of coastal development on the waterbird community structure. To gather information on habitat features and waterbird populations we conducted waterbird censuses in 329 habitat segments along the internal coastline of the study area, from February 2002 to February 2003. We performed non-parametric analyses to test the null hypothesis of no diference on waterbird density, and diversity among landscape units and seasons. The species composition was evaluated using ordination techniques. Waterbird density was higher in winter and autumn in the three lagoons of the study area, particularly in the insular coast, sandy beach and dunes; it was higher in the few segments of antropic sustrate. Diversity was significantly higher in mangrove habitat along the peninsular coast, and in mangrove-dunes association on the insular coast. Although modification of coastal natural habitat and boat transit disturbance had no influence on waterbird density or diversity, the highest richness of waterbirds occurred in well preserved areas. Species composition analysis showed differences between Santo Domingo Channel and Magdalena Bay. Pelagic and mangrove habitat had a species composition difference higher than those associations in other habitats. Such differences in species assemblages by habitat and landscape units suggest that communities are structured according to the range of available natural resources in structurally complex habitats, and that dominant piscivorous waterbird species were favored in this community.  相似文献   

Oil palm (Elaies guineensis) plantations are among the fastest growing agroecosystems in the Neotropics, but little is known about how Neotropical birds use oil palm habitats. To better understand the potential value of oil palm as an overwintering habitat for migratory birds, we surveyed birds in oil palm and native forest remnants in Tabasco, Mexico, from 19 December 2017 to 27 March 2018. We collected data on bird abundance and vegetative structure and used generalized linear models and multivariate analysis to assess how oil palm development influenced migrant bird diversity, community assemblages, and abundance. We found that species richness of migratory birds tended to be higher in forest patches than in oil palm, that community assemblages of migratory birds differed between native forest and oil palm plantations, and that differences in migratory bird abundance, and subsequent changes in community assemblages were driven by differences between native forest and oil palm plantations in vegetative structure. The bird community of native forest was characterized by migrant species sensitive to forest loss that forage low in the understory and in the leaf litter, whereas the bird community of oil palm plantations was represented by generalist species that occupy a wider range of foraging niches. Our results suggest that most species of migrant birds responded positively to several forest structural features and that integrating more native trees and increasing the amount of understory vegetation in oil palm plantations may increase the value of working landscapes for migratory birds.  相似文献   

Understanding factors determining the distribution of species is a key requirement for protecting diversity in a specific area. The aim of this study was to explore the factors affecting diversity and distribution of species of birds on different forested hills in central Nepal. The area is rich in species of birds. Because the area is characterized by steep gradients, we were also interested in the importance of altitude in determining the diversity and species composition of the bird communities. We assessed bird diversity and species composition based on point observations along a gradient of increasing altitude in two valleys (Kathmandu and Palung) in central Nepal. Data on environmental variables were also collected in order to identify the main determinants of bird diversity and species composition of the bird communities. We recorded 6522 individual birds belonging to 146 species, 77 genera and 23 families. Resident birds made up 80% (117 species) of the total dataset. The study supported the original expectation that altitude is a major determinant of species richness and composition of bird communities in the area. More diverse bird communities were found also in areas with steeper slopes. This together with the positive effect of greater heterogeneity suggests that forests on steep slopes intermixed with patches of open habitats on shallow soil at large spatial scales are more important for diverse bird communities than more disturbed habitats on shallow slopes. In addition, we demonstrated that while different habitat characteristics such as presence of forests edges and shrubs play an important role in driving species composition, but they do not affect species richness. This indicates that while habitat conditions are important determinants of the distribution of specific species, the number of niches is determined by large scale characteristics, such as landscape level habitat heterogeneity and altitude. Thus, to protect bird diversity in the mid-hills of central Nepal, we should maintain diverse local habitats (viz. forest, shrubs, open land, etc.) but also make sure the natural habitats on steeper slopes with large scale heterogeneity are maintained.  相似文献   

长江口新生湿地大型底栖动物群落时空变化格局   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了解长江口新生湿地大型底栖动物时空变化格局,2004年11月—2005年10月对九段沙湿地的3个沙洲以及各主要生境进行了调查。结果表明:九段沙湿地大型底栖动物密度和生物量均呈春季最高,夏、秋季下降,秋季末和冬季回升的趋势,整体生物多样性水平较低,分布不均匀。夏季上沙和中沙底栖动物密度存在显著差异,四季生物密度和生物量空间梯度为下沙>上沙>中沙。由物种组成分析可知,九段沙湿地大型底栖动物群落时空变化与优势种的消长有关。各季海三棱藨草带和藨草带底栖动物密度和生物量最高,芦苇和互花米草次之,光滩区域最低,且群落季节波动大。外来物种互花米草生境下底栖动物群落特征与土著种芦苇生境下无显著差异。  相似文献   

城市化是生物多样性快速丧失的主要原因之一。鸟类作为城市生态系统的重要组成部分, 其生物多样性格局和物种保护已成为城市生态学研究的热点。为揭示城市化过程中城区和郊区破碎化林地中鸟类群落的多样性差异和嵌套格局, 本研究于2021年春、夏季鸟类繁殖期采用样线法对海口和三亚市的城区、郊区共13个林地斑块中的鸟类群落进行调查。使用NODF (nestedness metric based on overlap and decreasing fill)和WNODF (weighted nestedness metric based on overlap and decreasing fill)方法进行嵌套格局分析。研究发现: (1)共记录到林鸟100种, 隶属于11目39科, 其中三亚郊区的鸟类丰富度最高, 共8目29科68种。记录到国家重点保护鸟类共18种, 其中两城市郊区的国家重点保护鸟类物种数均多于城区, 海口郊区还记录到国家I级重点保护鸟类黄胸鹀(Emberiza aureola)。(2)鸟类群落多度、物种丰富度、Pielou均匀度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数在不同区域中均存在差异。海口城区的鸟类群落多度显著高于海口郊区(P < 0.05), 三亚郊区的鸟类群落物种丰富度、Pielou均匀度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均显著高于三亚城区和海口郊区(P < 0.05)。(3)嵌套分析结果表明, 海口和三亚市的城区、郊区林地鸟类群落均呈现反嵌套分布格局。线性回归分析显示, 三亚市城区和郊区的斑块面积与鸟类物种丰富度呈显著正相关, 而物种丰富度与斑块距最近大面积林地的距离之间无显著相关性。研究表明, 两城市鸟类群落多样性都表现出郊区高于城区的特点, 少数优势种(如白头鹎 Pycnonotus sinensis)占据了城市中的主要生态位。受城市化的影响, 海口郊区与城区鸟类群落有同质化的趋势。鸟类在城区和郊区斑块间的高流动性、种间竞争和斑块中资源的可利用性等因素可能导致斑块间鸟类群落的反嵌套分布格局。我们建议应加强城区和郊区鸟类的保护, 减少对林地的破坏, 提高城市鸟类多样性。  相似文献   

Large areas of tropical moist forests have been converted to cattle pastures, generating complex landscapes where different habitats are represented by small patches with an uneven spatial distribution. Here, we describe how bird communities respond to the different elements present in a livestock landscape that was originally dominated by tropical moist forest. We surveyed six habitats: open pastures, pastures with shrubs, early‐ and middle‐secondary forests, mature forest, and pastures invaded by bracken ferns (Pteridium aquilinum). Bird diversity was high in secondary and mature forests, and low in fern‐invaded sites and open pastures. Fern‐dominated sites had the lowest bird species richness, and trophic guild diversity of all habitats. Habitat structure affected both bird species richness and densities in similar ways. Tree species richness was the habitat attribute that had a bigger positive effect on bird species richness. Bird community structure varied among sampled habitats, separating habitats in two major groups (forests and pastures). Our data indicate that bracken fern‐invaded pastures were the worst habitat condition for avian communities. To increase bird diversity, we recommend to eliminate or manage bracken fern and to increase shrub and tree cover in open pastures to provide food resources and shelter for birds. Finally, we encourage the maintenance of secondary and mature forest remnants as a strategy to conserve resident birds within a landscape dominated by livestock activities.  相似文献   

Understanding the patterns of bird diversity and its driving force is necessary for bird strike prevention. In this study, we investigated the effects of landscape on phylogenetic and functional diversity of bird communities at Nanjing Lukou International Airport (NLIA). Bird identifications and counting of individuals were carried out from November 2017 to October 2019. Based on the land-cover data, the landscape was divided into four main types, including farmlands, woodlands, wetlands, and urban areas. Bird phylogenetic and functional diversity were strongly affected by landscape matrix types. Species richness and Faith's phylogenetic distance were highest in woodlands, while mean pairwise distance (MPD), mean nearest-taxon distance (MNTD), and functional dispersion (FDis) were highest in wetlands. Based on the feeding behavior, carnivorous birds had the lowest species richness but had the highest FDis, which implied that carnivorous birds occupied most niches at the NLIA. Moreover, bird assemblages exhibited phylogenetic and functional clustering in the four kinds of landscapes. A variety of landscape attributes had significant effects on species diversity, phylogenetic and functional diversity. Landscape-scale factors played an important role in the shaping of bird communities around NLIA. Our results suggest that landscape management surrounding airports can provide new approaches for policymakers to mitigate wildlife strikes.  相似文献   

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