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目的 光泵磁强计(optically pumped magnetometer,OPM)脑磁图(magnetoencephalography,MEG)作为新一代脑功能成像技术,在多轴探测设计下具备了对传统MEG信号“盲区”的检测能力,为脑内功能活动研究提供更全面的技术工具。本文旨在探讨双轴OPM-MEG在测量真实生理反应时的信号分布差异特征。方法 采用9通道OPM-MEG对10名健康受试者的听觉相关频率跟随反应进行检测。通过每个被试1 000个试次的数据采集,获取所有通道头皮切向(Y轴)和径向(Z轴)的磁响应信号。结果 研究显示,双轴OPM-MEG记录到的信号在强度和分布上与传统MEG存在明显区别。双轴信号明显强于传统MEG,且传统MEG难以记录的切向信号显著强于径向信号。结论 本研究证实了双轴OPM-MEG在测量真实生理信号方面的能力,并且双轴测量能够获取更丰富的信息,特别是可能存在于传统MEG测量盲区中的脑功能活动信号。这为基于传统MEG记录的神经电活动模型带来了重大更新。双轴OPM-MEG的多轴记录特性在脑科学研究和脑疾病诊断领域都具有巨大的应用潜力。这项研究初步展示了双轴OPM-MEG在听觉诱发信号研究中的价值,为后续深入研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的 QuickTargSeq全集成法医DNA现场快速检测系统是国内首台自主研制的现场快检仪,可应用于InDel族群推断检测,2 h左右完成“样本进-结果出”的快速自动化InDel分型。本文对InDel族群推断微流控芯片检测体系的性能进行评估,以期为实践应用提供参考。方法 使用InDel族群推断微流控芯片检测体系,对体系的灵敏度、干扰物耐受性、成功率、分型准确率、精确性、准确性、峰平衡性及检材适应性进行验证评估,同时对测试样本的族群来源进行推断。结果 138份样本的全集成检测成功率为95.65%,分型准确率为98.85%;DNA模板量≥5 ng时,可获得完整InDel分型,口腔拭子样本最佳采集次数为口腔内壁左右两侧各刮擦8次,血卡样本最佳检测方式为6片(Φ=2 mm);所有基因座的平均杂合子峰高比值为0.86;10次运行的等位基因分型标准物(allelic ladder)片段大小标准差均在0.3 bp以内,测试样本等位基因和相应的等位基因分型标准物之间的片段准确性均在0.5 bp以内。结论 该体系可实现对口腔拭子、血卡、唾液卡及烟蒂样本的准确分型,能够准确推断样本的族群来源。  相似文献   

目的 老龄化是日益严重的社会性问题。老年人的认知功能,如注意等,出现了明显的衰退。探究老化过程中视觉注意调控网络的改变有助于理解老年人认知功能衰退的神经机制,并为寻找潜在的干预方式提供理论基础。方法 本研究采用经典的双目标注意任务:被试仅需全程注视屏幕中心的黑十字。黑十字左右两侧13.5°视角度会呈现两个相同的视觉圆点,800~1 200 ms后其中随机一个目标会发生改变或者不变。通过采集该视觉注意任务期间的脑电活动信号,比较青年人与老年人在视觉目标改变和不变两种条件下的大脑活动。结果 实验发现在青年人中,额叶、顶叶和颞叶等脑区的电极记录到的神经电活动特征对视觉目标是否改变存在显著性差别,而老年人的脑活动对该视觉目标改变无显著性变化。此外,还发现该脑网络的变化在青年人和老年人中均存在性别差异。结论 注意任务下老年人脑网络难以对外界视觉信息输入做出及时响应,老化过程伴随视觉注意调控网络(额叶、顶叶和颞叶等)功能的衰退,该脑网络的变化存在性别差异。本研究为老化引起视觉注意调控网络损伤提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨smc5基因敲除对斑马鱼肝脏基因表达谱的影响,进一步明确smc5突变对斑马鱼代谢的影响。方法:用CRISPR/Cas9技术构建smc5基因敲除斑马鱼模型,取3个月的smc5-/-和野生型斑马鱼肝脏进行转录组测序,创建基因表达谱文库,观察smc5基因敲除后斑马鱼肝脏基因表达谱的变化,将筛选出的差异表达基因进行功能富集,并运用荧光定量PCR对KEGG通路中显著的差异表达基因进行验证。结果:成功构建出7号外显子上2碱基缺失造成移码突变的smc5基因敲除斑马鱼模型。RNA-seq发现smc5-/-斑马鱼的肝脏基因表达谱变化显著,包含p53的多个通路激活,如细胞周期和凋亡。糖酵解、脂肪酸降解与代谢、丙酮酸代谢等相关通路显著下调。荧光定量PCR结果与RNA-seq结果一致。结论:smc5基因敲除下调斑马鱼肝脏糖脂代谢。本研究结果为进一步研究SMC5基因在糖脂代谢调控中的潜在机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

全身麻醉药广泛应用于临床,但其引起全身麻醉状态的神经机制至今仍不清楚。脊椎动物斑马鱼具有保守而简单的脑结构,近几年来已应用于神经机理基础性的研究。在本工作中,我们从行为和电生理水平上,首次建立了斑马鱼麻醉模型。在细胞外液中施加静脉麻醉药依托咪酯(etomidate),可以浓度依赖性地抑制斑马鱼的运动。在体细胞外电生理记录显示,依托咪酯可有效阻断斑马鱼脊髓运动神经元的电活动。运用在体局部场电位和全细胞记录技术,进一步发现依托咪酯可显著抑制大脑群体神经元的活动,并阻断视觉信号的传递。本工作表明,斑马鱼可以作为一种合适的动物模型,应用于全身麻醉药神经机制的研究。  相似文献   

全身麻醉药广泛应用于临床,但其引起全身麻醉状态的神经机制至今仍不清楚。脊椎动物斑马鱼具有保守而简单的脑结构,近几年来已应用于神经机理基础性的研究。在本工作中,我们从行为和电生理水平上,首次建立了斑马鱼麻醉模型。在细胞外液中施加静脉麻醉药依托咪酯(etomidate),可以浓度依赖性地抑制斑马鱼的运动。在体细胞外电生理记录显示,依托咪酯可有效阻断斑马鱼脊髓运动神经元的电活动。运用在体局部场电位和全细胞记录技术,进一步发现依托咪酯可显著抑制大脑群体神经元的活动,并阻断视觉信号的传递。本工作表明,斑马鱼可以作为一种合适的动物模型,应用于全身麻醉药神经机制的研究。  相似文献   

目的 槲皮素是一种广泛分布于药用植物中的黄酮类化合物,传统被认为具有神经保护作用。在本研究中,我们利用位于大鼠脑干的花萼状突触的突触前神经末梢的进行膜片钳记录,研究槲皮素调控突触传递和可塑性的突触前机制。方法 利用全细胞膜片钳结合膜电容记录,在突触后记录微小兴奋性突触后电流(mEPSC),在突触前神经末梢记录钙內流和神经囊泡的释放、回收以及可立即释放库(RRP)的恢复动力学。并且利用纤维刺激在轴突给予5~200 Hz的刺激,诱发突触后EPSC,记录突触后短时程抑制(STD)。结果 100 μmol/L槲皮素不影响突触后mEPSC的振幅、频率以及AMPA受体的动力学特征。在突触前神经末梢,槲皮素不改变钙内流或囊泡的释放,但显著抑制胞吐后的网格蛋白依赖的慢速胞吞。抑制胞吞会导致突触前囊泡动员的减慢,降低RRP的补充速率,并且增强高频刺激下的短时程可塑性STD。结论 本研究为槲皮素调控中枢神经突触传递提供全新的突触前神经机制,槲皮素有助于抑制中枢神经过度兴奋,进而发挥神经保护作用。  相似文献   

目的 近年来,用于脑功能调控的神经调控技术蓬勃发展,很多方法已在临床上被推广应用,主要包括电极深部脑刺激、经颅磁刺激、光遗传技术、超声深脑刺激等。但是这些调控技术存在刺激靶点改变灵活性差、空间分辨率不足、需要注射病毒转染等问题。与这些技术相比,太赫兹波调控则能以较高的时空分辨率、无需引入外源基因的方式对神经活动进行干预。激光神经刺激是一种具有较明确靶向性的刺激方法,可以通过调整不同激光参数(激光波长、脉冲能量等)控制引起神经兴奋或者抑制。但是由于该研究方向的实验手段和实验平台的缺乏,相关研究开展较少。方法 针对这个问题,从听觉神经入手,在分子、细胞和在体不同层面为相关领域的研究搭建了不同的测试平台。结果 实验结果表明,这些系统在时间和空间上具有良好的耦合性和靶向性,测得的信号受噪音干扰小。结论 这些系统可以有效测试神经系统对太赫兹刺激的响应并精确控制刺激时间和位置。  相似文献   

为了探讨水流对鱼类趋光性的影响, 利用自制的循环水槽装置, 以草鱼(Ctenpharyngodon idellus)幼鱼为研究对象, 研究其在光照度为300 lx, 不同流速工况(0、0.1和0.2 m/s)下的趋光性行为, 同时设黑暗静水工况为对照组。结果表明: (1) 0.2 m/s的流速可完全激发草鱼幼鱼的趋流性, 使其游泳方向多数与顶流方向呈± 20°。(2)根据草鱼幼鱼在不同流速工况下随光照度衰减在水槽内的分布情况, 计算得其在3种流速工况下的光强期望值分别为: 52.45, 34.62和37.86 lx。(3)当照度为300 lx时, 静水工况下的实验鱼在水槽中呈现“两头高, 中间低”的分布情况, 并未表现出对某一光强范围的偏好行为; 在小于感应值的低流速下, 草鱼幼鱼的分布情况总体趋势与静水工况类似, 但在远离光源处的分布较多, 多呈“逆流后退”行为; 当流速值超过感应流速时, 在趋流性的作用下, 鱼类在尾部的聚集情况明显下降, 同时在水槽中的分布更加均匀, 其原有光环境的作用减弱。研究初步证明了略大于感应值的小流速所引发的草鱼趋流性即可对其光环境响应行为产生影响。  相似文献   

目的 采用模式动物斑马鱼作为研究对象,观察氯丙嗪(chlorpromazine,CPZ)暴露对胚胎和幼鱼早期神经发育的影响.方法 在一般毒性评价的基础上,通过整体胚胎细胞凋亡检测和脑组织病理学检查,了解CPZ对神经发育的器质性改变;采用神经行为学方法,包括幼鱼触动逃避反应、自发运动以及惊恐逃避反射等,研究氯丙嗪暴露所致的神经发育功能性障碍.结果斑马鱼胚胎受精后6 h(6 hpf)~72 hpf暴露于CPZ(≥5 mg/L)可引起胚胎和幼鱼死亡、致畸和幼鱼孵化延迟,并呈浓度和时间依赖性;采用吖啶橙染色检测36 hpf整体胚胎凋亡细胞,发现凋亡细胞主要集中在胚胎中脑、后脑、丘脑以及中后脑连接区、脊索和尾部等处;脑组织病理学检测发现,7dpf幼鱼颅腔增大、脑体积减小、脑细胞缩小且细胞间隙增宽.6~72 hpf CPZ(≥0.0625 mg/L)暴露后,幼鱼神经行为学研究发现,CPZ(≥0.125 mg/L)可引起3dpf幼鱼触觉运动能力下降;CPZ(≥0 5 mg/L)可浓度依赖性地抑制幼鱼自发运动,并出现僵直不动、震颤或快速刻板式转圈运动等行为改变;光惊恐实验中,暗环境下各暴露组幼鱼对突发强光刺激均表现为惊跳逃避,并且暗-光交替期运动加速度变化与对照组无显著差异;在撤除光源后,1mg/L和2 mg/L暴露组幼鱼暗适应时程缩短,而0.125 mg/L和0.25 mg/L暴露组暗适应时程延长,提示CPZ对外界刺激引发的幼鱼活跃游动有抑制和促进双重毒性作用.结论 CPZ暴露对斑马鱼胚胎和幼鱼具有明显的神经发育毒性作用.模式动物斑马鱼作为一种高通量筛选模型在外源性化合物神经发育毒性评价中具有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

目的 当动物重复某种行为以逃避危险或获取奖励而无法成功时,会产生放弃。放弃是一种常见且基本的行为,在小鼠等模式动物中已经被广泛研究,但是其部分神经机制仍未被阐明。幼年斑马鱼适合进行全脑光学成像,是神经科学领域的重要模式生物。已经有研究者通过持续电击等消极刺激诱发斑马鱼放弃行为,然而奖励刺激能否引起斑马鱼放弃尚无报道。本文对奖励刺激引起的斑马鱼放弃行为进行了探究。方法 通过给予斑马鱼虚拟的食物视觉刺激,检验斑马鱼对虚拟食物的捕食情况,比较斑马鱼捕食频率和单次捕食时长随时间的变化。结果 虚拟的食物视觉刺激可以引起斑马鱼的捕食行为,接受25 min虚拟刺激后,8日龄以上斑马鱼的捕食频率和单次捕食时长均出现显著下降。结论 此研究丰富了斑马鱼放弃行为的研究范式,实验结果表明,缺失真实奖励的虚拟食物刺激可以诱导斑马鱼放弃捕食行为,这将进一步加深对动物放弃行为的理解,推动对其神经机制的研究。  相似文献   

How animals integrate different sensory information for orientation is a complex process involving interactions between a variety of internal and external factors. Due to this complexity, each component of a suite of factors is typically studied in isolation. Here, we examine how an internal factor (personality of fish) influences the response of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to the magnetic field, while swimming in a flow chamber. Our previous work demonstrated that the orientation to the water current (rheotaxis) of zebrafish individuals is influenced by variations of the magnetic field only when fish are part of a shoal. In this study, we evaluated the rheotactic behavior of 20 fish, grouped in shoals of “proactive” or “reactive” individuals, under magnetic fields of different directions. We found that the magnetic field influenced at which water speed rheotaxis was elicited in zebrafish with “reactive” personality, but not in those with “proactive” personality. These results suggest that fish personality influences response to or weighing of sensory inputs and provides some insight on the variation in behavioral responses to environmental stimuli in both laboratory and natural settings.  相似文献   

The rise of zebrafish as a neuroscience research model organism, in conjunction with recent progress in single-cell resolution whole-brain imaging of larval zebrafish, opens a new window of opportunity for research on interval timing. In this article, we review zebrafish neuroanatomy and neuromodulatory systems, with particular focus on identifying homologies between the zebrafish forebrain and the mammalian forebrain. The neuroanatomical and neurochemical basis of interval timing is summarized with emphasis on the potential of using zebrafish to reveal the neural circuits for interval timing. The behavioural repertoire of larval zebrafish is reviewed and we demonstrate that larval zebrafish are capable of expecting a stimulus at a precise time point with minimal training. In conclusion, we propose that interval timing research using zebrafish and whole-brain calcium imaging at single-cell resolution will contribute to our understanding of how timing and time perception originate in the vertebrate brain from the level of single cells to circuits.  相似文献   

To study neuronal networks in terms of their function in behavior, we must analyze how neurons operate when each behavioral pattern is generated. Thus, simultaneous recordings of neuronal activity and behavior are essential to correlate brain activity to behavior. For such behavioral analyses, the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, allows us to incorporate genetically encoded calcium indicators such as GCaMP1, to monitor neuronal activity, and to use sophisticated genetic manipulations for optogenetic or thermogenetic techniques to specifically activate identified neurons2-5. Use of a thermogenetic technique has led us to find critical neurons for feeding behavior (Flood et al., under revision). As a main part of feeding behavior, a Drosophila adult extends its proboscis for feeding6 (proboscis extension response; PER), responding to a sweet stimulus from sensory cells on its proboscis or tarsi. Combining the protocol for PER7 with a calcium imaging technique8 using GCaMP3.01, 9, I have established an experimental system, where we can monitor activity of neurons in the feeding center – the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG), simultaneously with behavioral observation of the proboscis. I have designed an apparatus ("Fly brain Live Imaging and Electrophysiology Stage": "FLIES") to accommodate a Drosophila adult, allowing its proboscis to freely move while its brain is exposed to the bath for Ca2+ imaging through a water immersion lens. The FLIES is also appropriate for many types of live experiments on fly brains such as electrophysiological recording or time lapse imaging of synaptic morphology. Because the results from live imaging can be directly correlated with the simultaneous PER behavior, this methodology can provide an excellent experimental system to study information processing of neuronal networks, and how this cellular activity is coupled to plastic processes and memory.  相似文献   

Recently, the zebrafish (Danio rerio) has been established as a key animal model in neuroscience. Behavioral, genetic, and immunohistochemical techniques have been used to describe the connectivity of diverse neural circuits. However, few studies have used zebrafish to understand the function of cerebral structures or to study neural circuits. Information about the techniques used to obtain a workable preparation is not readily available. Here, we describe a complete protocol for obtaining in vitro and in vivo zebrafish brain preparations. In addition, we performed extracellular recordings in the whole brain, brain slices, and immobilized nonanesthetized larval zebrafish to evaluate the viability of the tissue. Each type of preparation can be used to detect spontaneous activity, to determine patterns of activity in specific brain areas with unknown functions, or to assess the functional roles of different neuronal groups during brain development in zebrafish. The technique described offers a guide that will provide innovative and broad opportunities to beginner students and researchers who are interested in the functional analysis of neuronal activity, plasticity, and neural development in the zebrafish brain.  相似文献   

Suli A  Watson GM  Rubel EW  Raible DW 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e29727
The lateral line sensory system, found in fish and amphibians, is used in prey detection, predator avoidance and schooling behavior. This system includes cell clusters, called superficial neuromasts, located on the surface of head and trunk of developing larvae. Mechanosensory hair cells in the center of each neuromast respond to disturbances in the water and convey information to the brain via the lateral line ganglia. The convenient location of mechanosensory hair cells on the body surface has made the lateral line a valuable system in which to study hair cell damage and regeneration. One way to measure hair cell survival and recovery is to assay behaviors that depend on their function. We built a system in which orientation against constant water flow, positive rheotaxis, can be quantitatively assessed. We found that zebrafish larvae perform positive rheotaxis and that, similar to adult fish, larvae use both visual and lateral line input to perform this behavior. Disruption or damage of hair cells in the absence of vision leads to a marked decrease in rheotaxis that recovers upon hair cell repair or regeneration.  相似文献   

Understanding how animals navigate complex environments is a fundamental challenge in biology and a source of inspiration for the design of autonomous systems in engineering. Animal orientation and navigation is a complex process that integrates multiple senses, whose function and contribution are yet to be fully clarified. Here, we propose a data-driven mathematical model of adult zebrafish engaging in counter-flow swimming, an innate behavior known as rheotaxis. Zebrafish locomotion in a two-dimensional fluid flow is described within the finite-dipole model, which consists of a pair of vortices separated by a constant distance. The strength of these vortices is adjusted in real time by the fish to afford orientation and navigation control, in response to of the multi-sensory input from vision, lateral line, and touch. Model parameters for the resulting stochastic differential equations are calibrated through a series of experiments, in which zebrafish swam in a water channel under different illumination conditions. The accuracy of the model is validated through the study of a series of measures of rheotactic behavior, contrasting results of real and in-silico experiments. Our results point at a critical role of hydromechanical feedback during rheotaxis, in the form of a gradient-following strategy.  相似文献   

The spinal neural networks of larval zebrafish (Danio rerio) generate a variety of movements such as escape, struggling, and swimming. Various mechanisms at the neural and network levels have been proposed to account for switches between these behaviors. However, there are currently no detailed demonstrations of such mechanisms. This makes determining which mechanisms are plausible extremely difficult. In this paper, we propose a detailed biologically plausible model of the interactions between the swimming and escape networks in the larval zebrafish, while taking into account anatomical and physiological evidence. We show that the results of our neural model generate the expected behavior when used to control a hydrodynamic model of carangiform locomotion. As a result, the model presented here is a clear demonstration of a plausible mechanism by which these distinct behaviors can be controlled. Interestingly, the networks are anatomically overlapping, despite clear differences in behavioral function and physiology.  相似文献   

Mutations in the synaptic machinery gene syntaxin-binding protein 1, STXBP1 (also known as MUNC18-1), are linked to childhood epilepsies and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Zebrafish STXBP1 homologs (stxbp1a and stxbp1b) have highly conserved sequence and are prominently expressed in the larval zebrafish brain. To understand the functions of stxbp1a and stxbp1b, we generated loss-of-function mutations using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and studied brain electrical activity, behavior, development, heart physiology, metabolism, and survival in larval zebrafish. Homozygous stxbp1a mutants exhibited a profound lack of movement, low electrical brain activity, low heart rate, decreased glucose and mitochondrial metabolism, and early fatality compared to controls. On the other hand, homozygous stxbp1b mutants had spontaneous electrographic seizures, and reduced locomotor activity response to a movement-inducing “dark-flash” visual stimulus, despite showing normal metabolism, heart rate, survival, and baseline locomotor activity. Our findings in these newly generated mutant lines of zebrafish suggest that zebrafish recapitulate clinical phenotypes associated with human syntaxin-binding protein 1 mutations.  相似文献   

The contribution of cellular senescence to the behavioral changes observed in the elderly remains elusive. Here, we observed that aging is associated with a decline in protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity in the brains of zebrafish and mice. Moreover, drugs activating PP2A reversed age-related behavioral changes. We developed a transgenic zebrafish model to decrease PP2A activity in the brain through knockout of the ppp2r2c gene encoding a regulatory subunit of PP2A. Mutant fish exhibited the behavioral phenotype observed in old animals and premature accumulation of neural cells positive for markers of cellular senescence, including senescence-associated β-galactosidase, elevated levels cdkn2a/b, cdkn1a, senescence-associated secretory phenotype gene expression, and an increased level of DNA damage signaling. The behavioral and cell senescence phenotypes were reversed in mutant fish through treatment with the senolytic ABT263 or diverse PP2A activators as well as through cdkn1a or tp53 gene ablation. Senomorphic function of PP2A activators was demonstrated in mouse primary neural cells with downregulated Ppp2r2c. We conclude that PP2A reduction leads to neural cell senescence thereby contributing to age-related behavioral changes and that PP2A activators have senotherapeutic properties against deleterious behavioral effects of brain aging.  相似文献   

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