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【目的】在假单胞菌中,小RNA(sRNA)参与初级和次级代谢产物、多种毒素因子以及菌群传感系统的调控,通过在植物根际促生铜绿假单胞菌M18中研究RsmY对吩嗪-1-羧酸(PCA)和藤黄绿菌素(Plt)两种抗生素的调控作用,深入了解假单胞菌中次级代谢的途径并为构建高产抗生素工程菌株提供了一定的理论基础。【方法】运用同源重组技术,构建了铜绿假单胞菌M18株的rsmY突变菌株M18RY,通过基因过表达、lacZ报告基因融合分析实验,进一步验证了RsmY对抗生素合成基因的调控作用。【结果】比较野生型M18和突变株M18RY中PCA和Plt在同一培养条件下的生物合成量,突变菌株M18RY中PCA的产量显著增加,为野生型菌株的5倍左右,而Plt的产量降为野生型的1/8。LacZ报告基因融合分析进一步证明了RsmY对PCA的负调控作用主要是通过phz2基因簇来实现的。【结论】结果表明,rsmY基因区别性调控PCA和Plt的生物合成。  相似文献   

假单胞菌所合成的环脂肽是一类由环状的寡肽连接一个脂肪酸链组成的两亲性分子,利用巯基化模块由非核糖体肽合成酶合成。环脂肽的生物合成受到严格、复杂的调控,GacS/GacA双组分系统和群体感应系统是其中两类重要的调控系统。本文总结假单胞菌合成环脂肽的调控机制及相关调控因子;对基于PCR的高通量分子筛选方法获取特定环脂肽进行分析,同时对基于调控机制的遗传改造提高假单胞菌产环脂肽的能力和获取更多新型环脂肽等方面的应用进行 展望。  相似文献   

[目的]为了确定铜绿假单胞菌调控因子Pip对两个不同吩嗪合成基因簇(phz1和phz2)的具体调控方式与可能的调控机制.[方法]根据基因比对结果,采用同源重组技术构建Pip调控因子缺失突变株PA-PG以及克隆ip基因作互补分析;再以已构建的吩嗪基因簇缺失突变株PA-Z1G和PA-Z2K为受体菌,构建突变株PA-PD-Z1G和PA-PG-Z2K,测定并比较野生株及相关突变株的吩嗪-1-羧酸和绿脓菌素的合成量,推定Pip对两个不同吩嗪合成基因簇的调控方式.[结果]在GA培养基中,突变株PA-PG的吩嗪-1-羧酸和绿脓菌素都比野生型明显减少;互补分析显示,突变株PA-PG的吩嗪-1-羧酸和绿脓菌素都显著提高并恢复到野生株PAO1水平;突变株PA-Z1G的吩嗪-1-羧酸和绿脓菌素合成量因Pip缺失而显著减少;而突变株PA-Z2K的吩嗪-1-羧酸和绿脓菌素合成量在Pip缺失后仍保持不变.[结论]初步推定,转录调控因子Pip对铜绿假单胞菌吩嗪合成代谢的确具有促进作用;Pip通过正向调控吩嗪基因簇phz2的合成功能实现对吩嗪合成代谢的调控.  相似文献   

【目的】根际铜绿假单胞菌M18能产生藤黄绿菌素(Plt)和吩嗪-1-羧酸(PCA)两种主要的抗生素。其PqsR/PQS群体感应系统由应答调控蛋白PqsR与信号分子PQS组成。前期研究已经表明pqsR负调控Plt生物合成及基因簇表达。本论文旨在研究PQS分子对Plt合成及基因表达的调控作用。【方法】从M18基因组中扩增PQS合成基因pqsA,通过同源重组技术构建假单胞菌M18的pqsA突变菌株M18pqsA。利用lacZ报告基因分析、信号分子添加实验等,研究PQS对Plt合成及基因表达的调控作用。【结果】在KMB培养基中,分别比较野生型菌株M18和突变菌株M18pqsA的Plt产量,突变菌株的Plt产量存在较小幅度的升高,约为野生型菌株的1.53倍。添加PQS对plt表达存在一定程度但不是很显著的负调控作用。【结论】PQS分子对Plt生物合成及基因表达存在部分负调控作用。  相似文献   

【背景】属于H-NS家族的MvaT转录因子参与了铜绿假单胞菌的许多重要代谢过程,如吩嗪合成代谢,但其调控方式仍不十分明确。【目的】确定转录调控因子MvaT是否直接调控铜绿假单胞菌的吩嗪合成过程,即该蛋白是否可以直接结合2个吩嗪-1-羧酸合成基因簇(phzA1G1和phzA2G2)与3个分支转化基因(phzH、phzS和phzM)的上游启动子区域。【方法】以铜绿假单胞菌SJTD-1和其mvaT基因敲除突变株SJTD-1(ΔmvaT)为研究对象,检测其在不同培养基条件下吩嗪化合物的合成量差异。通过体外异源表达与亲和纯化,获得重组蛋白MvaT。利用凝胶阻滞实验,确定MvaT重组蛋白对5个吩嗪代谢基因簇/基因上游启动子的结合情况。【结果】mvaT基因敲除突变株SJTD-1(ΔmvaT)的吩嗪产量较野生型显著提升。MvaT重组蛋白被有效表达与纯化,体外凝胶阻滞实验结果显示,该重组蛋白可与phzA1G1、phzA2G2、phzM、phzS和phzH的上游启动子区域均发生特异性结合。其中,重组蛋白MvaT与phzA1G1和phzA2G2的结合区域位于其上游启动子的200 bp以内,而该蛋白与phzM、phzS和phzH的结合区域则位于其上游启动子的100 bp以内。【结论】MvaT蛋白通过直接结合吩嗪合成代谢基因的上游启动子区域来直接调控假单胞菌的吩嗪类化合物合成。  相似文献   

双组分系统是存在于原核和少部分真核生物细胞中的信号转导系统,主要由组氨酸蛋白激酶和反应调节蛋白组成,通过感应外界环境信号、信号输入、磷酸基团传递、信号输出等环节调节基因表达,使细胞能更加适应环境变化。铜绿假单胞菌为条件致病菌,其双组分系统构成多样、功能复杂且参与介导耐药性产生,因此铜绿假单胞菌的双组分系统日益引起人们关注。本文对铜绿假单胞菌双组分系统的组成、信号转导机制、种类、研究方法及其临床意义进行了综述。  相似文献   

【目的】为了进一步鉴定铜绿假单胞菌转录调控因子σ~(38)对2个拷贝吩嗪合成基因簇(phz A1-G1和phz A2-G2)的具体调控方式并推定介导绿脓菌素合成代谢的可能调控机制。【方法】根据铜绿假单胞菌基因组信息,利用同源重组原理构建rpo S基因缺失突变株Δrpo S以及克隆全长rpo S基因作互补分析;再以单一吩嗪基因簇缺失突变株Δphz1和Δphz2为出发菌株,分别构建rpo S缺失突变株Δrpo Sphz1和rpo S插入突变株Δrpo Sphz2,测定并比较野生株及相关突变株的绿脓菌素合成量,初步推定σ~(38)因子对2个不同吩嗪基因簇表达的调控方式。【结果】在GA培养基中,突变株Δrpo S的绿脓菌素合成量比野生株显著增加;互补分析证实,σ~(38)可使突变株Δrpo S的绿脓菌素降低并接近野生株PAO1水平;与对照株Δphz1相比,突变株Δrpo Sphz1的绿脓菌素合成量因σ~(38)因子缺失而显著减少;而与对照株Δphz2相比,突变株Δrpo Sphz2的绿脓菌素合成量因σ~(38)因子缺失显著增加。【结论】转录调控因子σ~(38)对铜绿假单胞菌绿脓菌素的合成代谢的确具一定的负调控作用;结合已报道的研究结果,初步推定:σ~(38)因子通过负调控吩嗪基因簇phz1,正调控吩嗪基因簇phz2的表达实现对绿脓菌素合成代谢的调控。  相似文献   

假单胞菌M18是一株能同时合成藤黄绿脓菌素(Plt)和吩嗪-1-羧酸(PCA)两种抗生物质的植物根际促生细菌。运用PCR方法, 从M18基因组中扩增得到pqsR基因, 该基因编码LysR家族调控蛋白PqsR。通过同源重组技术, 构建假单胞菌M18的pqsR突变菌株M18PRG。比较野生型菌株M18和突变菌株M18PRG在KMB培养基的Plt产量, 发现M18PRG 菌株合成Plt的量约为野生型M18菌株的3~4倍。在pqsR突变株的反式互补实验中, Plt的产量回复到野生型水平。pltA′-′lacZ翻译融合的测定结果进一步证明PqsR对Plt生物合成基因簇具有负调控作用。分析M18野生型及其pqsR突变株的生长曲线, 发现PqsR对细菌的生长具有抑制作用。另外, 我们还发现pqsR基因调控红色色素的产生。上述结果表明, 在假单胞菌M18中, PqsR作为全局性调控因子参与了细胞内多种生理活动的调控。  相似文献   

[目的]为了研究铜绿假单胞菌全局调控因子RsmA对两个吩嗪(Phenazine)合成基因簇phz1和phz2的调控方式与机制.[方法]采用基因缺失和抗性基因(gentamycin resistance cassette,aacC1)插入相结合的策略构建了rsmA基因缺失突变株PA-RG ;通过构建互补表达载体和过表达载体,进一步确认RsmA对绿脓菌素的调控作用 ;采用电转化方法将构建的翻译融合表达载体pMEZ1(phz1'-'lacZ)和pMEZ2(phz2'-'lacZ)分别导入铜绿假单胞菌突变株PA-RG和野生株PAO1,采用Miller法测定融合β-半乳糖苷酶活性.[结果]在GA培养基中,互补分析和过表达分析表明,RsmA抑制绿脓菌素的合成.此外,pMEZ1在突变株PA-RG中的表达增强,为野生株的2-3倍 ;而pMEZ2在突变株PA-RG中的表达降低,野生株是突变株的2倍.[结论]由此初步判定,铜绿假单胞菌全局调控因子RsmA对两个不同吩嗪合成基因簇的调控作用具有特异性,在一定程度上RsmA负调控phz1,正调控phz2.  相似文献   

PhoP-PhoQ是调控沙门菌毒力的重要双组分信号转导系统,由组氨酸蛋白激酶PhoQ和反应调节蛋白PhoP组成。PhoP-PhoQ可调节沙门菌对Mg2+及其他周质环境的适应性,并调控沙门菌感染中毒力基因的转录和表达。PhoP-PhoQ调控的毒力基因参与沙门菌对上皮细胞的侵袭、胞内生存、对抗菌肽的抵抗反应、脂质A的修饰、Ⅲ型分泌系统效应蛋白的分泌等环节。PhoP-PhoQ还可与其他双组分信号转导系统或调节子合作,调控沙门菌的毒力。因此,PhoP-PhoQ双组分信号转导系统在沙门菌的毒力调控中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

细菌能够在其他微生物无法生存的环境中生长,必然具有更加强大的适应外界环境的能力。细胞信号转导的效率决定了细菌对外界刺激做出应答反应的速率和能力。双组分调控系统是维持细菌在压力环境中存活的重要结构。Cpx双组分信号转导系统是革兰氏阴性菌中普遍存在的双组分调控系统之一,在响应外界环境变化并做出适应性反应的过程中起着主要作用。本文主要针对细菌中双组分信号转导系统的种类、Cpx双组分信号转导系统参与的调控、Cpx双组分信号转导系统所调控的靶基因及其生理行为的研究进展进行综述,以期为科研人员更深入的研究提供思路和理论基础。  相似文献   

Vershinina  O. A.  Znamenskaya  L. V. 《Microbiology》2002,71(5):497-511
Bacterial Pho regulons contain genes whose products are involved in the transport and assimilation of inorganic phosphate. The expression of these genes is regulated by a specific two-component signal transduction system. The paper summarizes data on the organization and function of Pho regulons in gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, with particular emphasis on the Pho regulons of the best studied bacteria Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria have developed various response mechanisms in long evolution to sense and adapt to external or internal changes under abiotic stresses. The signal transduction system of a model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 includes mainly two-component signal transduction systems of eukaryotic-type serine/threonine kinases (STKs), on which most have been investigated at present. These two-component systems play a major role in regulating cell activities in cyanobacteria. More and more co-regulation and crosstalk regulations among signal transduction systems had been discovered due to increasing experimental data, and they are of great importance in corresponding to abiotic stresses. However, mechanisms of their functions remain unknown. Nevertheless, the two signal transduction systems function as an integral network for adaption in different abiotic stresses. This review summarizes available knowledge on the signal transduction network in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and biotechnological implications under various stresses, with focuses on the co-regulation and crosstalk regulations among various stress-responding signal transduction systems.  相似文献   

The root-associated biological control bacterium Pseudomonas aureofaciens 30-84 produces a range of exoproducts, including protease and phenazines. Phenazine antibiotic biosynthesis by phzXYFABCD is regulated in part by the PhzR-PhzI quorum-sensing system. Mutants defective in phzR or phzI produce very low levels of phenazines but wild-type levels of exoprotease. In the present study, a second genomic region of strain 30-84 was identified that, when present in trans, increased β-galactosidase activity in a genomic phzB::lacZ reporter and partially restored phenazine production to a phzR mutant. Sequence analysis identified two adjacent genes, csaR and csaI, that encode members of the LuxR-LuxI family of regulatory proteins. No putative promoter region is present upstream of the csaI start codon and no lux box-like element was found in either the csaR promoter or the 30-bp intergenic region between csaR and csaI. Both the PhzR-PhzI and CsaR-CsaI systems are regulated by the GacS-GacA two-component regulatory system. In contrast to the multicopy effects of csaR and csaI in trans, a genomic csaR mutant (30-84R2) and a csaI mutant (30-84I2) did not exhibit altered phenazine production in vitro or in situ, indicating that the CsaR-CsaI system is not involved in phenazine regulation in strain 30-84. Both mutants also produced wild-type levels of protease. However, disruption of both csaI and phzI or both csaR and phzR eliminated both phenazine and protease production completely. Thus, the two quorum-sensing systems do not interact for phenazine regulation but do interact for protease regulation. Additionally, the CsaI N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) signal was not recognized by the phenazine AHL reporter 30-84I/Z but was recognized by the AHL reporters Chromobacterium violaceum CV026 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens A136(pCF240). Inactivation of csaR resulted in a smooth mucoid colony phenotype and formation of cell aggregates in broth, suggesting that CsaR is involved in regulating biosynthesis of cell surface components. Strain 30-84I/I2 exhibited mucoid colony and clumping phenotypes similar to those of 30-84R2. Both phenotypes were reversed by complementation with csaR-csaI or by the addition of the CsaI AHL signal. Both quorum-sensing systems play a role in colonization by strain 30-84. Whereas loss of PhzR resulted in a 6.6-fold decrease in colonization by strain 30-84 on wheat roots in natural soil, a phzR csaR double mutant resulted in a 47-fold decrease. These data suggest that gene(s) regulated by the CsaR-CsaI system also plays a role in the rhizosphere competence of P. aureofaciens 30-84.  相似文献   

The root-associated biological control bacterium Pseudomonas aureofaciens 30-84 produces a range of exoproducts, including protease and phenazines. Phenazine antibiotic biosynthesis by phzXYFABCD is regulated in part by the PhzR-PhzI quorum-sensing system. Mutants defective in phzR or phzI produce very low levels of phenazines but wild-type levels of exoprotease. In the present study, a second genomic region of strain 30-84 was identified that, when present in trans, increased beta-galactosidase activity in a genomic phzB::lacZ reporter and partially restored phenazine production to a phzR mutant. Sequence analysis identified two adjacent genes, csaR and csaI, that encode members of the LuxR-LuxI family of regulatory proteins. No putative promoter region is present upstream of the csaI start codon and no lux box-like element was found in either the csaR promoter or the 30-bp intergenic region between csaR and csaI. Both the PhzR-PhzI and CsaR-CsaI systems are regulated by the GacS-GacA two-component regulatory system. In contrast to the multicopy effects of csaR and csaI in trans, a genomic csaR mutant (30-84R2) and a csaI mutant (30-84I2) did not exhibit altered phenazine production in vitro or in situ, indicating that the CsaR-CsaI system is not involved in phenazine regulation in strain 30-84. Both mutants also produced wild-type levels of protease. However, disruption of both csaI and phzI or both csaR and phzR eliminated both phenazine and protease production completely. Thus, the two quorum-sensing systems do not interact for phenazine regulation but do interact for protease regulation. Additionally, the CsaI N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) signal was not recognized by the phenazine AHL reporter 30-84I/Z but was recognized by the AHL reporters Chromobacterium violaceum CV026 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens A136(pCF240). Inactivation of csaR resulted in a smooth mucoid colony phenotype and formation of cell aggregates in broth, suggesting that CsaR is involved in regulating biosynthesis of cell surface components. Strain 30-84I/I2 exhibited mucoid colony and clumping phenotypes similar to those of 30-84R2. Both phenotypes were reversed by complementation with csaR-csaI or by the addition of the CsaI AHL signal. Both quorum-sensing systems play a role in colonization by strain 30-84. Whereas loss of PhzR resulted in a 6.6-fold decrease in colonization by strain 30-84 on wheat roots in natural soil, a phzR csaR double mutant resulted in a 47-fold decrease. These data suggest that gene(s) regulated by the CsaR-CsaI system also plays a role in the rhizosphere competence of P. aureofaciens 30-84.  相似文献   



Conserved two-component system ColRS of Pseudomonas genus has been implicated in several unrelated phenotypes. For instance, deficiency of P. putida ColRS system results in lowered phenol tolerance, hindrance of transposition of Tn4652 and lysis of a subpopulation of glucose-grown bacteria. In order to discover molecular mechanisms behind these phenotypes, we focused here on identification of downstream components of ColRS signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Soluble extracts of Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) that readily oxidise methane to methanol will also oxidise ammonia to nitrite via hydroxylamine. The ammonia oxidising activity requires O2, NADH and is readily inhibited by methane and specific inhibitors of methane mono-oxygenase activity. Hydroxylamine is oxidised to nitrite via an enzyme system that uses phenazine methosulphate (PMS) as an electron acceptor. The estimated K mvalue for the ammonia hydroxylase activity was 87 mM but the kinetics of the oxidation were complex and may involve negative cooperativity.Abbreviations PMS Phenazine methosulphate - NADH nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced form - K m Michaelis constant - NO 2 - nitrite - NH2OH hydroxylamine  相似文献   

The overproduction of polysaccharide alginate is responsible for the formation of mucus in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. Histidine kinase KinB of the KinB-AlgB two-component system in Pseudomonas aeruginosa acts as a negative regulator of alginate biosynthesis. The modular architecture of KinB is similar to other histidine kinases. However, its periplasmic signal sensor domain is unique and is found only in the Pseudomonas genus. Here, we present the first crystal structures of the KinB sensor domain. The domain is a dimer in solution, and in the crystal it shows an atypical dimer of a helix-swapped four-helix bundle. A positively charged cavity is formed on the dimer interface and involves several strictly conserved residues, including Arg-60. A phosphate anion is bound asymmetrically in one of the structures. In silico docking identified several monophosphorylated sugars, including β-d-fructose 6-phosphate and β-d-mannose 6-phosphate, a precursor and an intermediate of alginate synthesis, respectively, as potential KinB ligands. Ligand binding was confirmed experimentally. Conformational transition from a symmetric to an asymmetric structure and decreasing dimer stability caused by ligand binding may be a part of the signal transduction mechanism of the KinB-AlgB two-component system.  相似文献   

The membrane-anchored DjlA protein represents the third member of the DnaJ 'J-domain' family of Escherichia coli that includes DnaJ and CbpA. DjlA possesses a J-domain at its extreme C-terminus but shares no additional homology with DnaJ. Our genetic analysis suggests that DjlA acts in concert with the RcsB/C two-component signal transduction system to augment induction of the cps (capsular polysaccharide) operon and synthesis of colanic acid mucoid capsule. The DjlA J-domain is essential for the observed stimulation of this pathway as deletion, or introduction of the mutation H233Q, within the highly conserved HPD tripeptide abolished all inducing activity. Deletion of the transmembrane anchor sequence also abolished all inducing activity. djlA is not an essential gene under all conditions tested, nor is it essential for mucoid capsule biosynthesis; however, strong overexpression leads to rapid loss of cell viability suggesting that the gene is normally tightly regulated. Northern analysis revealed that djlA message was extremely unstable but could be induced or stabilized in response to cold shock. The activation of the cps operon by DjlA is dependent upon both DnaK(Hsp70) and GrpE, and therefore we propose a role for DjlA, together with this chaperone machine, as a novel regulator of a two-component histidine kinase signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

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