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石羊河流域初春和仲夏两季不同地点,洪水期、平水期30个河水样孢粉分析显示, 没有人类影响的情况下,河水样孢粉组合是由河流上游径流区的植物孢粉和采样点附近植被孢粉组成的,前者在孢粉组合中至少占30%~60%.河水搬运孢粉的能力非常强,可长距离、大量地搬运孢粉.孢粉组合中河水贡献孢粉的含量较高,如:云杉属(Picea Dietr.)花粉河水的贡献率在中下游可达16.5%和7.7%.采样时间、地点影响河水的孢粉组合和浓度,洪水期是孢粉搬运的主要时期.河水经过水库后,其中孢粉绝大多数沉积在水库中.  相似文献   

滦河流域及周边地区花粉与植被关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 滦河流域及周边地区空气中的花粉组合基本上反映了当地的植被面貌,与植物的花期相对应,乔木植物的花期多在春季,草本植物的花期多在夏秋季,该地冬季基本上无植物开花,冬季空气中的花粉应是当年或多年春、夏、秋季散落在地上又被风吹到空气中的表土花粉和一些外来花粉;表土花粉随海拔高程的降低依次出现山地草甸、针阔混交林或以针叶树为主的针阔混交林、山地灌草丛、滨海平原草甸和滨海草甸或滨海盐生草甸的等5个花粉组合带,分别为蒿(Artemisia)-唐松草(Thalictrum)-松(Pinus)-桦(Betula)孢粉组合带、松-桦-栎(Quercus)-蒿孢粉组合带、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)-蒿-禾本科(Gramineae)-中华卷柏(Selaginella sinensis)孢粉组合带、藜科-蒿-菊科(Compositae)-香蒲(Typha)孢粉组合带和藜科-蒿-莎草科(Cyperaceae)-禾本科孢粉组合带;由于花粉在河水中是以悬移质颗粒被搬运,因此在不同时期沉积物花粉组合存在着一定的差异,其中洪水期间河水对孢粉的分选作用最为明显。  相似文献   

捕食是小哺乳动物死亡最常见的原因,也导致被捕食动物遗骸发生明显改变。动物死亡后的风化、踩踏、搬运等过程也会改变动物的骨骼并影响到化石组合的形成。本文研究了内蒙古大庙三个中新世化石地点,时代从早中新世到晚中新世早期(约21~11.6 Ma)。通过分析各小哺乳动物化石组合的沉积背景以及埋藏学特征识别化石埋藏的主要成因。结果显示出捕食是三个地点小哺乳动物化石埋藏的基本成因,而在两个年轻的地点中也有流水搬运与可能的踩踏因素的叠加。三个地点可能存在不一样的捕食者:早中新世地点以猫头鹰捕食为主,中、晚中新世地点则以日间活动的鸟类或哺乳类为主要捕食者。研究还显示小哺乳动物的系统发掘是可行的,在一定程度上可以减少采样过程中产生的破坏。  相似文献   

郝秀东  欧阳绪红  谢世友 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5235-5245
通过对重庆市南川区岩溶山区和石漠化区14个不同植被类型的表土调查和采样,以研究该区表土孢粉组合特征的差异性。结果显示:(1)岩溶山区的表土孢粉组合中以乔木花粉为优势,含量为34.38%-63.39%,其次是草本和蕨类植物的孢粉,含量为32.04%-58.18%,灌木花粉含量最小,为6.08%-29.77%,沼生草本也有少量,仅为0.14%,这与当地的现代植被基本相同;(2) 石漠化地区的表土孢粉组合以草本和蕨类植物孢粉占优势,含量为46.40%-76.47%,其次是乔木花粉(主要为马尾松),含量为17.73%-46.84%,灌木花粉含量最小,为5.79%-12.50%,说明其植被退化严重;(3)石漠化区的表土孢粉组合中有很多喜钙性、旱生性、石生性植物,对生态恢复和重建有很好的指示意义,为该区恢复和重建自然生态环境提供参考性依据。  相似文献   

捕食是小哺乳动物死亡最常见的原因,也导致被捕食动物遗骸发生明显改变.动物死亡后的风化、踩踏、搬运等过程也会改变动物的骨骼并影响到化石组合的形成.本文研究了内蒙古大庙三个中新世化石地点,时代从早中新世到晚中新世早期(约21~11.6 Ma).通过分析各小哺乳动物化石组合的沉积背景以及埋藏学特征识别化石埋藏的主要成因.结果显示出捕食是三个地点小哺乳动物化石埋藏的基本成因,而在两个年轻的地点中也有流水搬运与可能的踩踏因素的叠加.三个地点可能存在不一样的捕食者:早中新世地点以猫头鹰捕食为主,中、晚中新世地点则以日间活动的鸟类或哺乳类为主要捕食者.研究还显示小哺乳动物的系统发掘是可行的,在一定程度上可以减少采样过程中产生的破坏.  相似文献   

通过对重庆金佛山国家自然保护区10个不同植被类型的表土调查和采样,研究该区表土孢粉组合特征.结果表明,研究区植物孢粉共由106科属组成,其中以针叶乔木、蕨类和阔叶乔木孢粉占优势,含量分别为8.94%-56.30%、19.73%-46.77%和6.17%-39.28%,其次是灌木和草本花粉,分别为6.24%-29.77%...  相似文献   

中国第四纪晚期孢粉记录整理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
倪健  陈瑜  董丹 《植物生态学报》2010,34(8):1000-1005
孢粉数据库是重建过去植被格局以及研究古气候变化和大气圈-生物圈-人类活动相互关系的基础,而孢粉取样信息的记录和整理是建立孢粉数据库的重要前提。该文在收集我国1960–2008年发表的孢粉研究文献的基础上,整理分析了第四纪晚期,尤其是2万年以来(全新世为主)全国孢粉采样点的信息,包括采样地点名称、详细采样位置、省份、采样点经纬度和海拔高度、样品类型、取样深度、孢粉样品数量、14C测年数量及年代记录、覆盖的时间段和参考文献。总结发现,我国目前共有2324个表土/湖泊表层花粉采样点和987个第四纪晚期的地层沉积剖面和钻孔,其中高质量的地层孢粉采样点714个。虽然我国以及部分国际上从事第四纪研究的科学家尽了最大努力开展中国疆域的孢粉学研究,但由于人力、物力以及地形条件的限制,在我国仍然存在部分孢粉采样的"地理空隙",比如北方和西北荒漠地区、青藏高原无人区、中南部山区和东部人类活动频繁区域。然而,该数据信息库的不断完善,将为中国第四纪孢粉数据库的建立奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

西北干旱区河西走廊东段、石羊河终闾湖泊边缘的三角城剖面全新世早期至末次冰消期 2 92— 6 0 0cm处 15 5个样孢粉组合 ,显示云杉、圆柏属含量极高 ,两者之和达 40 %— 6 0 % ,且百分比互为消长。云杉百分比与孢粉浓度、植被分异度成正比。通过对云杉、圆柏属生态习性、传播性能、与其它组分关系、当地特殊的自然地理条件的综合分析 ,笔者认为剖面中高含量的云杉、圆柏属来自流域上游祁连山 ,是石羊河搬运的结果 ,孢粉组合中其它成分有当地的 ,也有来自山上的。剖面附近表土花粉分析支持这种观点。云杉、圆柏属是判断流域环境变化的主要因子 ,孢粉组合中其它成分可辅助判断环境变化的细节。流域环境重建模式和具体的变化过程是 :孢粉组合中的主要成分指示流域山上的植被状况 ;云杉花粉含量高时 ,流域有效湿度大 ,山上云杉林范围扩大 ,终闾区湖泊发育 ,整个流域生物分异度、密度 ,孢粉浓度都大 ;圆柏属花粉含量高 ,流域干旱 ,山上云杉林范围急剧减少 ,整个流域生物分异度、密度减小 ,孢粉浓度降低。圆柏属受干旱影响较小 ,数量有所减少 ,但因补偿递减率的作用 ,百分比增加。这可为重建我国西部干旱区湖泊孢粉记录的古环境作参考。  相似文献   

青海省北祁连中三叠统孢粉组合及其沉积相意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青海省祁连县俄博乡大擦汗沟、土圈沟、柯柯里等三叠系剖面的粉砂岩、砂质页岩、泥质页岩中首次发现较丰富的孢粉和疑源类化石,计57属98种。孢粉中的蕨类植物孢子占总组合的44.6%,裸子植物花粉占33.9%;疑源类有8属13种,占21.5%,称Verrucosisporites-Triadispora-Trematosp haeridium孢粉组合。该组合面貌与国内外中三叠世不同相区的孢粉组合特征基本相似并可对比。北祁连山南坡本组合及上下其它组合中海相疑源类的存在,表明该区在三叠纪受到海水影响,海水完全退出是在三叠纪之后。文章还初步探讨其沉积相意义。  相似文献   

南京紫金山现代植被表土孢粉的初步研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
 选择南京紫金山现代植被进行植被调查和表土孢粉分析。结合中国东部不同气候带下的几个地点表土孢粉分析,把孢粉百分含量、孢粉组合及孢粉优势种、标志种与植被的各项参数进行对比,找出植被与孢粉之间的关系。为恢复古植被、古生态和古气候提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Despite it being a component of the seston we know very little about fluvial (waterborne) pollen and spore (palynomorph) transport. This paper presents the results of a monitoring programme conducted over two years and at a catchment scale in South West England. A hierarchical monitoring network was established with flood peak samples taken at 9 sub-catchments, intra-hydrograph samples taken in two sub-catchments and time-integrated sampling undertaken at one location. In addition sampling was undertaken of probable palynomorph sources such as channel bed and bank sediments, and the airborne pollen flux was monitored using modified Tauber traps. The results support previous research in illustrating how the vast majority of fluvial pollen and spores are transported during floods (91%) and that the main control on waterborne palynomorph assemblages is the catchment vegetation and its spatial distribution but with a long-distance (extra-catchment) component. However, strong seasonal effects are also shown, and the importance of distinctive sources such as the riparian input, bed re-suspension and overland flow into drains and tributaries is revealed. Fine sediment in river pools appears to act as a selective store of damaged cereal type pollen grains derived from arable fields. Although pollen does form part of composite particles the data presented here suggest that the majority of the pollen is transported as single grains. Fluvial palynomorph loading is strongly dependant upon discharge and so concentrations in laminated or varved sediments could be regarded as a proxy for flood magnitude. Handling editor: J. Saros  相似文献   

Four oxbow lakes and two neighbouring sections of their parent Warta River (Odra River system, Poland) were sampled to investigate differences in fish assemblages between habitats in 1999–2000. Additional comparisons were made with 12 other oxbow lakes in this section of the river that were sampled 30–40 years ago. Downstream of a man‐made reservoir, higher species number, diversity and evenness were recorded in oxbow lakes than in the river channel. Upstream of the reservoir, differences in these variables from both habitats were insignificant. Fluvial and stagnant water samples were clearly separated in the multivariate space of a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). For two oxbow lakes and two neighbouring sections of the Warta River, 12 abiotic and biotic environmental variables were available, and only velocity, water temperature and conductivity were significantly correlated with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) axes. Fish assemblages of four recently investigated oxbow lakes were clearly separated in the multivariate space of DCA from other neighbouring oxbows sampled 30–40 years ago. Species previously subdominant were becoming rare. Oxbow lakes that are continuously or at least periodically connected with the channel are indispensable for maintaining high biodiversity and a sustainable fishery in the river system.  相似文献   

燕山南部花粉散布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
燕山南部花9粉用布特性研究表明,空气中的花粉反映的是植物花期的季节性变化,表 粉是植物多年花粉散布的混合,冲积物花粉与空气中和表土花粉显著不同,是取样点上游表土花粉的混合,与取样点周围植被关系较小。因此,根据冲积物花粉恢复古植被,反映的是整个流域的植被面貌,而不是某一点的植被特征。  相似文献   

Longitudinal variations of phytoplankton biomass and composition were assessed in a 250 km-long section of the St.Lawrence River, which alternately runs through narrow (< 2 km) river cross sections and wide (up to 10 km) fluvial lakes. In the main river stem, concentrations of suspended matter and total phosphorus increased with distance downstream, whereas light penetration decreased. Seasonal changes in plankton composition and biomass were more important than those resulting from differences in water mass (tributary) of origin. Sampling at three cross river sections and in two fluvial lakes showed a progressive downstream decrease in phytoplankton biomass and changes in size structure and taxonomic composition. River plankton was primarily composed of small (< 10 µm equivalent spherical diameter), truly planktonic cells belonging to Cryptophyceae and diatoms, with Chlorophyceae in summer. Plankton sampled in summer among rooted macrophytes in fluvial lakes exhibited a higher biomass of resuspended periphytic algae than in the main river stem, which contributed slightly to downstream phytoplankton biomass.Successive river cross sections always shared about 50% of their taxa, indicating a rapid downstream transport of algae within the main water mass. However, the proportion of species common to all cross sections was highest during the spring freshet, and lowest during summer low discharge, likely resulting from the development of a distinct flora in fluvial lakes during summer. Conversely, about 30% of the identified taxa were exclusive to a cross section and were replaced by others occurring downstream. Overall, phytoplankton composition along the St.Lawrence River is primarily controlled by advective forces, which result in a homogeneous flora in the main river stem, with a local contribution of resuspended periphyton from fluvial lakes.  相似文献   

对玉溪遗址剖面53个地层样品和附近山地的9个现代表土样品进行了孢粉分析,结果表明:玉溪文化时期(6 000a.BP—7 200a.BP)孢粉组合以乔灌木为主,草本次之,蕨类孢子含量较少。乔灌木中以松属、桦木属、栎属占绝对优势;草本中藜科、蒿属含量较高;蕨类孢子以凤尾蕨为主。孢粉谱反映了较为湿润的气候特征。表土孢粉以超代表性的松属占绝对优势,可能是植被群落演替过程中松属植物作为先锋种类表现在演替初级阶段具有明显生长优势的结果,表土孢粉组合基本与当地植被状况相吻合。本研究在14 C测年基础上结合其它代用指标发现在剖面上部第4—8层和下部淤泥层中Rb/Sr值较高且乔灌木花粉百分含量明显增加,可以解释为该段淤泥层为古洪水遗迹,洪水可能有利于对孢粉的富集。地层剖面中文化层与淤泥层呈现交互沉积,表明周期性的洪水事件影响到了人类活动的连续性。  相似文献   

Water quality time series available for major tropical floodplains commonly have low temporal resolutions and irregular sampling frequencies. Here we examine such data using singular spectrum analysis, a non-parametric time series analysis technique, to assess the typical cyclical variations and long-term trends in upland Cerrado and lowland floodplain reaches of three rivers that are tributaries to the Pantanal in Brazil to evaluate ecological state and impact level, and develop recommendations for improved monitoring of Cerrado–Pantanal river systems. Both upland and lowland reaches have their average water quality cycles linked to a monocyclical hydrological regime. Amplitudes of nutrient concentrations (N, P) and Turbidity are higher in the uplands, whereas cyclical oxygen variations are up to two times higher in the floodplain reaches. SSA showed that trend extraction is possible for parameters with lower intra-annual variations and were found to be partially opposing (oxygen) in upland (negative trend) and floodplain (positive trend) stations. Land use intensification in the uplands is reflected by N concentrations in upland reaches. In the floodplain, the Paraguay river was found under a slight TN enrichment regime of about 0.02 mg L?1 per year between 1995 and 2009. Assuming a fixed budget for institutional water quality monitoring, we recommend a reduction of the 150 registered sampling gauges by environmental agencies in the Brazilian Pantanal and its contribution area, 95 % of them with less than four samples per year, in favor of using the same resources for increased sampling frequency at a smaller number of sites.  相似文献   

Question : What is the relative importance of the initial seed bank and subsequent seed dispersal for floristic composition of bank vegetation two years after creation of a newly‐cut reach of a river channel? Location : River Cole, West Midlands, United Kingdom. Methods : We took bank and bed sediment samples from a 0.5‐km reach of a new river channel cut into intact flood‐plain. After river diversion, seed samples deposited on artificial turf mats placed on the river banks and flood‐plain edge were taken in summer and winter 2002 and 2003. Seed rain samples from funnel traps were taken during summer 2002 and 2003. We undertook greenhouse germination trials to assess viable seed species within these samples. In summer 2004, we surveyed river bank vegetation. Agglomerative cluster analysis was used to investigate floristic similarity between seed bank, seed rain, seed deposition samples and final bank vegetation cover. DCA was used to explore contrasts between the samples and to assess whether these reflected interpretable environmental gradients. Results : Seed rain samples contained a small subset of species in the summer depositional samples. 38 species were found within the final vegetation, the seed bank, and at least one of the four sets of depositional samples; a further 30 species not present in the seed‐bank samples were present in at least one of the four sets of depositional samples and the final vegetation. Floristic composition of the vegetation was most similar to the depositional samples from winter 2002 and 2003 and summer 2003. DCA axis 1 reflected a time sequence from seed‐bank samples through depositional samples to the final vegetation. Conclusions : Newly cut river banks were colonized rapidly. Seed remobilization and hydrochorous transport from the upstream catchment are important for colonization. Species richness was highest in samples deposited during winter when high river flows can remobilize and transport viable seeds from upstream. This process would also have enhanced the species richness of seed production along the banks during the second summer (2003).  相似文献   

Terrigenous marine and continental sediments constitute pollen reservoirs able to fulfil the lack of Pleistocene data extracted from autochtonous lacustrine sediments for palaeovegetation reconstructions. Nevertheless, it is essential to constrain the signification of the pollen signal in such still under-exploited sediments. This article introduces a study carried out on the shelf of the Gulf of Lions. It aims at (1) highlighting the transport of pollen grains and the signification of the record in that area as well as at (2) discussing the pollen transport in various sedimentary contexts. The present study was carried out on surface water of the Rhone River, sea water and surface sediments of the shelf of the Gulf of Lions. The pollen content of the Rhone River and of its plume is in agreement with the season of sampling. On the contrary, the other samples of sea water did not contain any pollen grain. The samples from the surface sediments of the shelf are very rich in pollen grains and evidence the absence of sorting by currents except for Pinus. Indeed, its relative abundance increases when the fluvial impact decreases. The pollen signal (except Pinus) records the phytogeographic changes linked to the different drainage basins. The riparian woodland is over-represented at the Rhone River mouth. In front of the Pyreneo-languedocian rivers, Mediterranean xerophytes pollen grains are more abundant. From these results and from others taken in the literature, a model of pollen transport is built: all thin terrigenous sediments contain pollen grains essentially transported by rivers while autochthonous sediments (i.e., found in closed lakes or marine pelagic sediments) contain pollen grains brought by wind. Small closed lakes (or peat bogs) pollen spectra document local floras while those from pelagic marine sediments document floras from several hundred square kilometres.  相似文献   

1. River food webs rely on two major food sources: autochthonous primary production within the river and allochthonous organic matter transferred to the river. We characterised the consumer communities and assessed the food sources of dominant consumers along a subtropical mountainous river (the Lanyang River of north‐eastern Taiwan) at the catchment scale from the headwater to the estuary using natural abundances of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. 2. The downstream transport of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) was two orders of magnitude greater than that of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM). Transport of both materials increased from the headwater and reached a maximum in the midstream reach. CPOM composition exhibited a gradual shift from leaves and branches in the headwater, an area characterised by high canopy cover, to algae in the midstream reaches and marsh plants in the downstream reaches. 3. Consumer communities can be classified into two regional categories: the upland category in the headwater and upstream and midstream reaches and the lowland category comprised of samples from the downstream reach and estuary. The upland category revealed a clear and gradual seasonal shift in community composition, but a seasonal shift was not apparent for the lowland category. Nutrient concentrations and water temperature were the main factors explaining longitudinal and seasonal variations. 4. The use of sources of organic matter by dominant consumers along the Lanyang River was primarily determined by their availability. Riparian C3 plants were the major food sources in the headwater, upstream reach and estuary, but the contribution of periphyton increased in the upper midstream reach where the river flows through an agricultural area. In the lower midstream and downstream reaches, the contribution of riparian C4 plants became dominant. 5. The trophic transfer of organic materials in the Lanyang River may be influenced by the fast current velocity and by sewage nutrient loading in the river, both of which have important implications for predicting how the functioning of subtropical river food webs will respond to human‐related changes in land use.  相似文献   

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