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刘超  任国栋 《昆虫学报》2012,55(10):1205-1220
基于16属65种琵甲(含新记述7属)的防御腺特征, 探讨了琵甲族(鞘翅目: 拟步甲科)的属级系统发育关系。通过对这些种的防御腺着生位置、 形状、 长度、 宽度、 囊体间距、 囊壁厚度、 囊壁花纹、 囊壁褶皱等特征进行解剖测量和分析, 归纳出族、 属级特征。利用SPSS19.0和Hennig86(1.5版)两个软件对选定特征进行聚类分析和系统进化分析, 得出琵甲族16属的进化关系为:Prosodes>Blaptogonia>Tagonoides>Thaumatoblaps>Caenoblaps>Agnaptoria>Asidoblaps>Coelocnemodes>Dila>Gnaptor>Blaps>Pseudognaptorina> Nalepa>Belousovia>Gnaptorina>Itagonia。基于防御腺形态学数据的琵甲族系统发育分析结果将琵甲族16个属清楚地分开, 表明其在分类上具有重要价值。  相似文献   

任国栋  杨秀娟  印红 《昆虫学报》2002,45(6):805-811
根据琵甲族Blaptini11属 5 8种防御腺的着生位置、形状、长度、宽度、囊袋距离、表面花纹等特征归纳出属级和族级特征。每属选 1代表种 ,各选 6个典型特征 ,组成特征矩阵 ,用Hennig 86 (1 5版 )软件初步确定了琵甲族各属的系统发育关系 ,得出琵甲族属级进化趋势为 :宽琵甲属Blaptogonia >侧琵甲属Prosodes>异琵甲属Thaumatoblaps>琵甲属Blaps>亚琵甲属Asidoblaps>齿琵甲属Itagonia >贞琵甲属Agnaptoria >小琵甲属Gnaptorina >地琵甲属Dila >新琵甲属Neoblaps >乾琵甲属Coelocnemodes。所有研究标本保存在河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

基于28S rRNA D2序列的内茧蜂亚科的分子系统发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首次利用同源28S rRNA D2基因序列对内茧蜂亚科Rogadinae (昆虫纲Insecta:膜翅目Hymenoptera:茧蜂科Braconidae)进行了分子系统学研究。本研究从95%~100%乙醇浸渍保存的标本中提取基因组DNA并扩增了10种内群种类和5种外群种类的28S rDNA D2片段并测序(GenBank序列号AY167645-AY167659),利用BLAST搜索相关的同源序列, 采用了GenBank中13个种类的28S rRNA D2同源序列,然后据此进行分子分析。利用3个外群(共8个种类)和3种建树方法 (距离邻近法distance based neighbor joining, NJ; 最大俭约法maximum parsimony, MP; 和最大似然法maximum likelihood, ML)分析了内茧蜂亚科内的分子系统发育关系。结果表明,由分子数据产生的不同的分子系统树均显示内茧蜂亚科是一个单系群。内茧蜂亚科内依据形态和生物学特征的分群(族和亚族)及其系统发育关系得到部分支持。NJ、MP和ML分析结果均表明内茧蜂族Rogadini不是一个单系,而是一个并系,其余3族则得到不同程度的支持。内茧蜂族可分成2个分支:“脊茧蜂属Aleiodes+弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes”和“沟内茧蜂属Canalirogas+锥齿茧蜂属Conspinaria+刺茧蜂属Spinaria+内茧蜂属Rogas”,二者不是姐妹群。脊茧蜂属Aleiodes和弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes始终是姐妹群。脊茧蜂属Aleiodes是一个单系,并可分成2个姐妹分支,这与依据形态和生物学特征的亚属分群相一致。弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes Chen et He,1991是一个独立的属。分支“沟内茧蜂属Canalirogas+锥齿茧蜂属Conspinaria+刺茧蜂属Spinaria+内茧蜂属Rogas”的单系性仅得到部分分子数据的支持;因形态特异(腹部成甲壳状)而列为亚族级的刺茧蜂属Spinaria,分子分析没有证实这一点。横纹茧蜂族Clinocentrini是个单系,并在内茧蜂亚科的系统发育中处于基部(原始)的位置。我们研究结果还表明,阔跗茧蜂属Yelicones和潜蛾茧蜂属Stiropius相对应的阔跗茧蜂族Yeliconini和潜蛾茧蜂族Stiropiini为2个独立的分支, 与形态和生物学的结果一致,但它们在内茧蜂亚科的系统发育的位置不明,有待今后进一步研究。  相似文献   

针对斑芫菁族分类系统中伪斑芫菁属Pseudabris分类关系的不确定,选择该族6个代表种,对其触角感器的形态特征、类型变化和分布位置做了记述、分析比较,提供了扫描电镜照片;基于14个触角特征的分析数据,构建了该族3个属和6个种可能的系统发育树。属间关系:沟芫菁属Hycleus+(伪斑芫菁Pseudabris+苹斑芫菁Mylabris);种间关系:(眼斑沟芫菁H.cichorii+大斑沟芫菁指名亚种H.phaleratus)+((长角伪斑芫菁P.hingstoni+长腹伪斑芫菁P.longiventris)+(苹斑芫菁M.calida+丽斑芫菁M.speciosa))。  相似文献   

中国慈姑属系统发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了中国慈姑属植物间的系统发育关系。选取了12个与该属系统发育有较重要关系的特征,将8个已知分类群与外类群刺果泽泻属进行了比较。应用数量分支分析的Farris-Wagner方法,建立了中国慈姑属系统发育分支图。讨论了各分类群间的系统发育关系、该属起源和数量分支分析方法等问题。  相似文献   

该研究对中国锦葵科15属22种、2变种、2变型及外类群椴树科华椴的花粉形态特征进行了光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察与比较分析,其中7属9种、2变种、2变型植物的花粉为首次光学显微镜观察报道,8属10种、1变种、2变型植物的花粉为首次扫描电镜观察报道,为该科植物的科下分类阶元(族、亚族、属)的划分及其演化关系的探讨提供花粉形态学依据。结果显示:(1)中国锦葵科15属植物的花粉粒均较大,圆球形,直径约54.4~211.5 μm,表面具刺状纹饰,具散孔或孔沟;其演化趋势为从中等大小、3孔沟、具基部膨大的短尖刺的花粉向体积增大、多散孔、具基部平的长刺(有时具二型刺)的花粉演化。(2)锦葵科花粉的形态特征在科、族、亚族和属的划分上有较大的分类学意义,从花粉形态特征角度支持将锦葵科植物划分为4个族。翅果麻属和木槿族成员曾被放入木棉科中,但本研究表明翅果麻属和木槿族的花粉形态符合锦葵科的特征而与木棉科存在明显差异,因此认为宜将这2类群归于锦葵科,并将翅果麻属放到木槿族中。(3)花粉学证据支持棉族和锦葵族具较紧密的亲缘关系,锦葵族中的苘麻亚族可能是该科最原始的类群,梵天花族可能比木槿族更进化。  相似文献   

袁向群  高可  袁锋  张雅林 《昆虫学报》2015,58(4):400-407
【目的】探讨中国弄蝶亚科各族之间的系统发育关系。【方法】对22属32种弄蝶亚科蝶类的Cytb和ND1基因部分序列进行了联合分析,分别采用最大似然法(maximum likelihood,ML)和贝叶斯法(Bayesian inference,BI)构建了系统发育树。【结果】测得的Cytb和ND1基因联合后,获得的序列总长为836 bp,包含保守位点450个,变异位点386个,简约信息位点304个;A+T的平均含量为76.9%,明显高于C+G的平均含量(23.1%)。基于Cytb和ND1基因联合序列的系统发育分析显示,钩弄蝶族(Ancistroidini)、刺胫弄蝶族(Baorini)、弄蝶族(Hesperiini)为单系群,且亲缘关系较近,其亲缘关系为:(弄蝶族Hesperiini+(刺胫弄蝶族Baorini+钩弄蝶族Ancistroidini));而锷弄蝶族Aeromachini(=酣弄蝶族Halpini)是一个复系群。【结论】本文支持钩弄蝶族(Ancistroidini)、刺胫弄蝶族(Baorini)、弄蝶族(Hesperiini)的族级地位,锷弄蝶族(Aeromachini)与Warren等研究结果矛盾,其他族有待补充样本后做进一步研究。  相似文献   

【目的】蜉金龟亚科(鞘翅目:金龟科)成虫外部形态高度趋同,种间相似性大,属族等高级阶元的鉴别特征混乱,因此构建新的形态指标系统极为重要。近年来内唇形态广泛应用于蜉金龟的分类学研究,并能有效区分部分种类,然而内唇在高级阶元的分类学价值和应用范围仍未可知。【方法】本文选取276属818种金龟为研究对象,其中包括蜉金龟亚科7族259属799种,以及外群样本17属19种(蜣螂亚科13属14种,沙金龟亚科4属5种),利用几何形态学手段量化蜉金龟内唇的形态学信息,评估了属级和族级的区分度,并联合支序系统学方法,重建了蜉金龟祖先内唇形态。【结果】根据主成分分析显示,属级阶元的形态总方差为0.032 131 27,族级为0.032 914 63,内唇在属族间变异程度接近(两者相差约3%),揭示了内唇形态在高级阶元间基本保持稳定,适合用于分类鉴定。为了进一步探索内唇在高级阶元的分类归属是否也接近,随之对样本进行判别函数分析。结果显示,仅基于内唇形态,98.49%的属可被正确鉴定,族级有98.41%的正确率,表明内唇在属级阶元间的判别归类略胜于族级阶元,内唇适合应用于高级阶元的判别归类。结合系统发育树,重建的内唇祖先形态显示其多变区域包括上内唇根基部、侧缘,内唇前区和内唇外缘等6个特征,不仅验证了前人对内唇的部分特征应用,也发现了新的形态指标。【结论】本研究利用定量形态学方法证实了内唇适用于蜉金龟高级阶元分类,同时为外部形态趋同类群提供了新的特征筛选与评估范式。  相似文献   

贾凤龙  吴武 《昆虫学报》1997,40(2):189-194
我国的刺鞘牙甲属BerosusLeach昆虫前人共记载过4种,包括在两个亚属内,即:费氏刺鞘牙甲B.(Enoplurus)fairmaireiZaitz.、印度刺鞘牙甲B.(E.)indicusMotsh.、路氏刺鞘牙甲B.(E.)lewisiusSharp和柔毛刺鞘牙甲从(s.str.)pulchellusM'Leay。本文增加4新种,即齿腹刺鞘牙甲B.(s.str.)dentatisWuetPu,黄氏刺鞘牙甲B.(E.)huangiJiaetPu,云南刺鞘牙甲B.(E.)yunnanensisJiaetPu和黑背刺鞘牙甲B.(E.)atrodorsusJiaetPu。全部模式标本保存于中山大学昆虫学研究所。我国刺鞘牙甲属BerosusLeach种检索表l(4…  相似文献   

盔唇瓢虫族昆虫是瓢虫科中一类重要的捕食性天敌,主要捕食介壳虫,是该类害虫的重要生物防治天敌。盔唇瓢虫族昆虫研究历史悠久,目前世界盔唇瓢虫族包括22属超过280种,其中有9属42种分布在中国。该族许多属建立时间早,鉴别特征的原始描述不够详细,导致属间界定模糊,属的地位时常受到质疑且变动频繁。一些种类丰富,形态多变、且分布广泛的属如盔唇瓢虫属、光缘瓢虫属仍缺少世界性的订正研究。随着瓢虫科分子系统发育研究的开展,瓢虫科经典分类系统受到了较大的挑战,而盔唇瓢虫亚科已被证实为非单系起源的类群。目前,将盔唇瓢虫族归入瓢虫亚科得到绝大多数瓢虫科分子系统发育研究的支持,但与其它类群的亲缘关系仍存争议。尽管已有研究对盔唇瓢虫族现存所有属的系统发育关系进行了分析,但部分类群缺少分子数据,导致这些类群在该族系统发育关系中的位置并不明确。本文回顾了国内外盔唇瓢虫族的分类历史,记述了目前该族在瓢虫科的分类地位以及族下系统发育关系进展,最后对盔唇瓢虫族分类研究存在的问题及未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Crosses between African and European honeybees in Brazil resulted in a highly defensive hybrid bee. The acid gland is important in the expression of this characteristic, being responsible for venom production. Morphological variations in this gland could influence the quantity of venom. Glandular morphology was analyzed, along with the quantity of venom produced and the bees' genetic characteristics. The gland and the venom reservoir were removed from workers. The gland was placed on a histological frame for measurement and the contents of the reservoir were weighed. The results were submitted to an analysis of regression and submitted to Test Z, to evaluate the differences between the averages. The phenotypes were evaluated according to the standard found in literature. Gland length varied from 7.42 mm to 20.33 mm, the quantity of venom from 0.19 mg to 0.34 mg, and as far as the genetic characteristics are concerned, 63.3% of the colonies had workers with large glands. In 53.3% of the colonies, 90% of individuals had simple glands, suggesting the evolutionary process leading to the loss of branching, since the presence of branching indicates primitiveness. The production of venom is associated with the length of the gland and branching does not influence the quantity of venom. There was no statistical difference between the size of the branched and simple glands or in the quantity of venom produced, therefore the large glands can favor commercial exploration of venom, producing larger quantities.  相似文献   

The arachnids of the order Opiliones (harvestmen) have a pair of scent glands opening at the sides of the body, the substances of which are used in defense. Several types of behavioral, morphological and chemical defensive mechanisms have been assigned to the order as a whole, although some of these tactics were restricted to particular groups. Only around 25 species have been studied from this perspective so far. In the present paper, we analyzed 33 species (mostly from the largest harvestmen family, the Gonyleptidae) aiming at recognizing the usefulness of the defensive characters in taxonomy and evolutionary biology. We observed the morphology of the gland opening (ozopore) area and the defensive behavior, and their relationship, and mapped these traits on an available phylogenetic hypothesis of relationship within Gonyleptidae. As outgroups, we analyzed Cosmetidae and Stygnidae. Combining the observed behavioral characters of the emission of defensive secretion (near the ozopore, with liquid displacement through an integumentary groove, or in form of a jet) with the morphological types of the gland opening (direction of the integumentary dome that surrounds the gland opening, presence of two openings and the relationship between their sizes, and presence of a V-shaped cut at the anterior opening), we recognized eight patterns. In addition, we could examine the evolution of such traits within Gonyleptidae.  相似文献   

Summary: Though harvester ants are closely similar in ecology, species differ in their worker size polymorphism as well as in the glandular source of their trail pheromones and defensive compounds. In the harvester ant Messor barbarus, we find that the recruitment trail pheromone is located in the Dufour gland, while defence-alarm substances are produced in the poison gland. We also investigated how the glandular development and the ethological response to these abdominal glands are related to worker body size. For both glands, M. barbarus workers show monophasic and nonisometric growths with slopes of allometric regression lines lower than 1. The highest trail-following response is elicited by the Dufour gland secretion from media workers, responsible for most foraging activities in M. barbarus. Aggressive behaviour is more frequently observed in the presence of poison gland secretions from medium and large-sized workers. Differences between species and between worker size classes in the ethological role of sting associated glands are discussed in relation to the foraging ecology and defensive characteristics of harvester ants.  相似文献   

The sternum V glands are a key synapomorphy that unites Trichoptera with Lepidoptera, but their functional aspects have not been analysed from an evolutionary perspective. We examine phylogenetic trends and correlations between chemical and morphological features of these glands. The most likely ancestral gland compounds are heptan‐2‐ol, 4‐hepten‐2‐one and ‐ol, nonan‐2‐one, and 6‐nonen‐2‐one and ‐ol, making pheromone production a plausible ancestral function. The most widespread gland compounds (heptan‐2‐one and ‐ol and nonan‐2‐one and ‐ol) are not known from Apataniidae + Limnephilidae (Trichoptera), which in turn uniquely produce a number of methylated 3‐ketones and their corresponding alcohols, probably functioning as pheromones. We propose a functional connection between perforated patches on sternum IV in females and a scaly/dome‐covered area around the gland openings, as well as between perforated patches and lack of Trichoptera‐type opening muscles. We also propose a functional connection between the shape of the gland reservoirs and the presence of gland reservoir musculature. The perforated patches were significantly correlated with several gland compounds that had double bonds between carbon atoms: the double bonds may lower the viscosity of the compounds, facilitating secretion through the tiny pores of the perforated patches. The production of defensive substances in Pycnopsyche (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) is probably connected to the presence of large, compartmentalized gland reservoirs. Large glands in male Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) are probably linked to male aggregation pheromone production. The relative sizes of sternum V gland reservoirs and fenestral gland reservoirs in female philopotamids (Trichoptera) suggest a complementary function of the two structures. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 561–579.  相似文献   

The skins of phyllomedusine frogs have long been considered as being tremendously rich sources of bioactive peptides. Previous studies of both peptides and cloning of their precursor encoding cDNAs have relied upon methanolic skin extracts or the dissected skins of recently deceased specimens and have not considered the different glands in isolation. We therefore focused our attention on the tibial gland of the Giant Monkey Frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor and constructed a cDNA library from the skin secretion that was obtained via mechanical stimulation of this macrogland. Using shotgun cloning, four precursors encoding host-defense peptides were identified: two archetypal dermaseptins, a phyllokinin and a phylloseptin that is new for this species but has been recently described from the Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog, Phyllomedusa sauvagii. Our study is the first to report defensive peptides specifically isolated from anuran tibial glands, confirming the hypothesis that these glands also contribute to chemical defense. Moreover, the discovery of novel compounds for this otherwise very well characterized species suggests that this largely neglected gland might possess a different cocktail of secretions from glands elsewhere in the same animal. We will also discuss some evolutionary implications of our findings with respect to the adaptive plasticity of secretory glands.  相似文献   

Arachnids of the order Opiliones (harvestmen), which includes around 6000 specìes, have a pair of scent glands that open at the sides of the body, producing substances used as defence. Several types of behavioural, morphological and chemical defensive mechanisms have been identified in the order as a whole, although some of these tactics were restricted to particular groups. Only around 60 species have been studied from this perspective so far, more than half of which belong to the largest harvestman family within the order Laniatores, the Gonyleptidae, and have only recently been studied in an evolutionary perspective, showing the usefulness of defensive characters in taxonomy and evolutionary biology. Within Laniatores, the Grassatores clade includes the Gonyleptidae and 20 additional families, mostly poorly or not previously studied. We describe the morphology of the structures involved in fluid displacement during chemical defence in 15 of these families (data on two additional families are available from the literature) and discuss the evolution of such traits based on an available phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships within Grassatores, using the representatives of Triaenonychidae (a non‐Grassatores family of Laniatores) for comparison. We conclude that most non‐gonyleptoid Grassatores share (maybe plesiomorphically) a series of characteristics, mostly strongly different from what is observed within the gonyleptoids, and that smaller groups seem to share diagnostic features related to chemical defence, as is the case of stygnids, cosmetids and triaenonychines, and especially of manaosbiids and cranaids, whose defensive morphologies largely resemble those of derived gonyleptids. The following main synapomorphies were detected: (a) Grassatores: the presence of a deep and well‐defined descending channel; (b) Samooidea+Zalmoxoidea+Assamioidea+Gonyleptoidea: lateral pegs along the lateral channel; (c) Samooidea+Zalmoxoidea: deep channels forming an H on the dorsal scute; (d) Gonyleptoidea: ozopore cutting dorsally (reversing in Agoristenidae and Stygnidae to a laterally placed oval ozopore), a wide and smooth lateral channel, reversing to a lateral channel whose bottom is covered with either small plates (Agoristenidae) or high tubercles (Stygnidae), and apophyses of coxa II close to or covering the ozopore.  相似文献   

The taxonomic concepts of Blapimorpha and Opatrinae (informal and traditional, morphology‐based groupings among darkling beetles) are tested using molecular phylogenetics and a reassessment of larval and adult morphology to address a major phylogeny‐classification gap in Tenebrionidae. Instead of a holistic approach (family‐level phylogeny), this study uses a bottom‐up strategy (tribal grouping) in order to define larger, monophyletic lineages within Tenebrioninae. Sampling included representatives of 27 tenebrionid tribes: Alleculini, Amarygmini, Amphidorini, Blaptini, Bolitophagini, Branchini, Cerenopini, Coniontini, Caenocrypticini, Dendarini, Eulabini, Helopini, Lagriini, Melanimini, Opatrini, Pedinini, Phaleriini, Physogasterini, Platynotini, Platyscelidini, Praociini, Scaurini, Scotobiini, Tenebrionini, Trachyscelini, Triboliini and Ulomini. Molecular analyses were based on DNA sequence data from four non‐overlapping gene regions: carbamoyl‐phosphate synthetase domain of rudimentary (CAD) (723 bp), wingless (wg) (438 bp) and nuclear ribosomal 28S (1101 bp) and mitochondrial ribosomal 12S (363 bp). Additionally, 15 larval and imaginal characters were scored and subjected to an ancestral state reconstruction analysis. Results revealed that Amphidorini, Blaptini, Dendarini, Pedinini, Platynotini, Platyscelidini and Opatrini form a clade which can be defined by the following morphological features: adults—antennae lacking compound/stellate sensoria; procoxal cavities externally and internally closed, intersternal membrane of abdominal ventrites 3–5 visible; paired abdominal defensive glands present, elongate, not annulated; larvae—prolegs enlarged (adapted for digging); ninth tergite lacking urogomphi. To accommodate this monophyletic grouping (281 genera and ~4000 species), the subfamily Blaptinae sens. nov. is resurrected. Prior to these results, all of the tribes within Blaptinae were classified within the polyphyletic subfamily Tenebrioninae. The non‐monophyletic nature of Terebrioninae has already been postulated by previous authors, yet no taxonomic decisions were made to fix its status. The reinstatement of Blaptinae, which groups ~50% of the former Tenebrioninae, helps to clarify phylogenetic relations among the whole family and is the first step towards a complete higher‐level revision of Tenebrionidae. The Central Asian tribe Dissonomini (two genera, ~30 species) was not included in Blaptinae due to a lack of representatives in the performed phylogenetic analyses; however, based on morphological features, the tribe is listed as a potential addition to the subfamily.  相似文献   

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