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常用化学絮凝剂的环境效应与生态毒性研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李威  周启星  华涛 《生态学杂志》2007,26(6):943-947
化学混凝法是国内外应用最为广泛的一种水处理方法,因此化学絮凝剂在使用过程中的生态安全性也越来越受到人们的关注.本文对常用的铝盐絮凝剂、铁盐絮凝剂和有机高分子絮凝剂在制备和使用过程中的生态安全性进行了分析,认为铝盐絮凝剂的长期使用会造成水中过高的铝离子残留,其在环境中的迁移转化会造成植物、动物、微生物和人的危害;铁盐絮凝剂在制备过程中可能会引入有害离子,并产生NO2有害气体,铁离子可以促进自由基的产生,导致细胞和组织的损害;聚丙烯酰胺在自然条件下可缓慢降解为剧毒的丙烯酰胺单体.基于国内外化学絮凝剂在生态安全性方面的研究现状,提出了今后絮凝剂应用和研究的方向.  相似文献   

微生物絮凝剂概况及发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物絮凝剂作为一种高效、安全、无毒和无二次污染的天然高分子絮凝剂已备受关注.介绍了微生物絮凝剂的研发背景及历史,对微生物絮凝剂的特性、分类、机理以及应用现状作了分析,并指出了其发展方向.  相似文献   

本文对近年来微生物絮凝剂的发展进行了概述,在介绍微生物絮凝剂化学性质的基础上,讨论了与絮凝活性相关的絮凝剂投加量、投加顺序,待处理水体性质和水力条件等因素。重点论述了单一微生物絮凝剂水处理工艺、微生物絮凝剂和助凝剂复配水处理工艺、复合微生物絮凝剂水处理工艺和物理、化学方法和微生物絮凝剂联合水处理工艺。讨论发现结合现有研究成果,开发新的微生物絮凝剂水处理工艺具有重要的工业应用价值。  相似文献   

有机无机改性钾肥的结构特征及其增效机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用有机、无机(矿物)控释材料对化学钾肥(KCl)进行化学改性,制备出长效有机、无机(矿物)改性钾肥。有机、无机(矿物)改性钾肥具有长效性,盆栽试验表明,改性钾肥对第二作玉米幼苗具有显著的增产作用。X射线衍射表明,改性钾肥的结构变化与改性材料层间域的性质、改性材料与化学钾肥的适当比例及改性反应的物理化学条件有关。化学氯化钾肥的红外光谱较弱,且有一高分子包膜层。经有机、无机改性后,高分子包膜层被破坏,这层包膜层的破坏并没有降低改性钾肥钾的有效性,相反,有机、无机(矿物)的非包膜控释作用比高分子包膜层更具长效性。  相似文献   

椰子油提取物作为絮凝剂已广泛用于污水处理。为了进一步探究天然椰子油提取物在收集栅藻中的应用,以期开发一种天然无毒害作用的絮凝剂,本文中,笔者考察椰子油提取物浓度、体系p H、静置时间、搅拌时间及搅拌转速对絮凝收集栅藻的影响,并比较了天然椰子油提取物絮凝剂与几种传统化学絮凝剂收集藻液的效果。结果表明:椰子油提取物质量浓度为0.04 g/L、体系p H为3、静置时间15 min、搅拌时间2 min、搅拌速率150 r/min时,絮凝收集栅藻效果最优,收集率达到97.3%。此外,椰子油提取物的收集效果不差于化学絮凝剂,同时具备了天然环保无毒害的优点,具备一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

固定化酶和细胞中应用的新载体   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
周帼萍  贾君  黄家怿 《生物技术》2002,12(1):F003-F003,F002
自固定化技术兴起以来 ,其载体的研究就广受关注 ,也取得了不少成就 ,但在实际应用中还有许多问题需要解决 ,如使用寿命较短 ,操作半衰期不够长 ;载体价格较高 ,而且对底物和产物存在扩散阻力 ,所以许多学者仍一直在致力于新载体的研制和应用。固定化技术中所使用的载体可分为有机高分子载体、无机载体和复合载体[1] 。1 有机高分子载体材料1 1 天然高分子凝胶载体此类载体材料一般无毒性 ,传质性能好 ,但强度较低 ,在厌氧条件下易被微生物分解 ,寿命短。常见的有琼脂、海藻酸钠等 ,近来研究的比较热门的新载体是甲壳素和壳聚糖。1 1 1 …  相似文献   

从絮凝剂的来源和分子组成两方面对生物絮凝剂进行了系统分类,综述了生物絮凝剂产生菌的筛选模型以及生物絮凝剂在水处理和发酵工业中的应用,详细阐述了目前国内外提出的几种不同的生物絮凝剂絮凝机理,进而在此基础上剖析了目前生物絮凝剂研究工作中仍然存在的问题,并提出生物絮凝剂今后的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

浙江大学化学系运用仿生学的方法制备了一种新型有机-无机复合弹性晶体材料,其物理和化学性能都逼近天然骨骼。  相似文献   

生物絮凝剂的最新研究进展及其应用   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
从絮凝剂的来源和分子组成两方面对生物絮凝剂进行了系统分类,综述了生物絮凝剂产生菌的筛选模型以及生物絮凝剂在水处理和发酵工业中的应用,详细阐述了目前国内外提出的几种不同的生物絮凝剂絮凝机理,进而在此基础上剖析了目前生物絮凝剂研究工作中仍然存在的问题,并提出生物絮凝剂今后的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

微生物絮凝剂是近30年来逐渐发展起来的新型水处理药剂,是近年来絮凝剂研究的热点。本文从絮凝活性微生物的来源开始,依次阐述微生物絮凝剂的活性成分、微生物絮凝基因,并介绍了微生物絮凝剂的应用情况,对微生物絮凝剂的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Natural polysaccharides, derived from biomass feedstocks, marine resources, and microorganisms, have been attracting considerable attention as benign and environmentally friendly substitutes for synthetic polymeric products. Besides many other applications, these biopolymers are rapidly emerging as viable alternatives to harmful synthetic flocculating agents for the removal of contaminants from water and wastewater. In recent years, a great deal of effort has been devoted to improve the production and performance of polysaccharide bio-based flocculants. In this review, current trends in preparation and chemical modification of polysaccharide bio-based flocculants and their flocculation performance are discussed. Aspects including mechanisms of flocculation, biosynthesis, classification, purification and characterization, chemical modification, the effect of physicochemical factors on flocculating activity, and recent applications of polysaccharide bio-based flocculants are summarized and presented.  相似文献   

Organic and inorganic substances which were released into the environment as a result of domestic, agricultural and industrial water activities lead to organic and inorganic pollution. The normal primary and secondary treatment processes of these wastewaters have been introduced in a growing number of places, in order to eliminate the easily settled materials and to oxidize the organic material present in wastewater. The final result is a clear, apparently clean effluent which is discharged into natural water bodies. This secondary effluent is, however, loaded with inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus and causes eutrophication and more long-term problems because of refractory organics and heavy metals that are discharged. Microalgae culture offers an interesting step for wastewater treatments, because they provide a tertiary biotreatment coupled with the production of potentially valuable biomass, which can be used for several purposes. Microalgae cultures offer an elegant solution to tertiary and quandary treatments due to the ability of microalgae to use inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus for their growth. And also, for their capacity to remove heavy metals, as well as some toxic organic compounds, therefore, it does not lead to secondary pollution. In the current review we will highlight on the role of micro-algae in the treatment of wastewater.  相似文献   

Following the rapid proliferation of organic pollutants in the surface water, the application of microfiltration technology has been extensively studied for its treatment since the 1990s. Given that the conventional treatment processes were unable to treat the excessive dissolved organic compounds, microfiltration technologies have gained momentum as effective solutions to treat the surface water. The efficacy of low-pressure membrane filtration technologies such as microfiltration and ultrafiltration has been under scrutiny ever since, and numerous research studies have aimed at enhancing their capabilities to reject the suspended solids and organic matters. This paper reviews the development trajectory of membrane technology, ranging from microfiltration to membrane bioreactors, for treating dissolved organic matters in surface water and their future potential. This is a critical review of the physicochemical and biological options such as, but not limited to, pretreatment of water using coagulation, ozonation, adsorption and/or a combination of these. On the whole, it is concluded that the membrane bioreactor system, which combines biological process and physical rejection, showed high potential in treating polluted surface water, which needs to be further investigated extensively to promote its application in water treatment plants.  相似文献   

In the context of renewable vs. non-renewable sources of chemical compounds, the development of natural surfactants as a substitute for synthetic surfactants in technological applications is an important issue. In addition, as synthetic surfactants can persist in the environment causing toxic effects, the use of natural products presents a possibility to minimize impact on the environment. Nowadays, a promising new approach in surfactant-based technologies, consists of the use of humic acids (HAs) extracted directly from biomass that exhibit amphiphilic properties, and can be conveniently used as environmentally friendly surfactants. The raw material from which HAs are extracted and their macromolecular composition affect surfactant properties. Therefore fundamental data from more strictly qualitative aspects, needs to be investigated. This review highlights surfactant ability and chemical properties of HA substances coming from renewable sources in comparison to synthetic surfactants, and points out the capacity for HAs to be used effectively in this field of application.  相似文献   

The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) value is still a key parameter that can determine the level of organics, particularly the content of biodegradable organics in water. In this work, the effects of sample dilution, which should be done inevitably to get appropriate dissolved oxygen (DO) depletion, on the measurement of 5-day BOD (BOD5), was investigated with and without seeding using natural and synthetic water. The dilution effects were also evaluated for water samples taken in different seasons such as summer and winter because water temperature can cause a change in the types of microbial species, thus leading to different oxygen depletion profiles during BOD testing. The predation phenomenon between microbial cells was found to be dependent on the inorganic nutrients and carbon sources, showing a change in cell populations according to cell size after 5-day incubation. The dilution of water samples for BOD determination was linked to changes in the environment for microbial growth such as nutrition. The predation phenomenon between microbial cells was more important with less dilution. BOD5 increased with the specific amount of inorganic nutrient per microbial mass when the natural water was diluted. When seeding was done for synthetic water samples, the seed volume also affected BOD due to the rate of organic uptake by microbes. BOD5 increased with the specific bacterial population per organic source supplied at the beginning of BOD measurement. For more accurate BOD measurements, specific guidelines on dilution should be established.  相似文献   

With the continued population increase, more sustainable use of water, land, air and chemicals is imperative. Microorganisms will need to be called upon to aid in many sustainability efforts. Prokaryotes are the fastest-evolving cellular life, and most manipulatable via synthetic biology. Moreover, their natural diversity in processing organic and inorganic chemicals, and their survivability in extreme niches, make them prime agents to enlist for solving many of society's pressing problems.  相似文献   

长期施肥对石灰性土壤磷素肥力的影响Ⅱ.无机磷和有机磷   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
采用蒋柏藩-顾益初无机磷分级方法和灼烧法、Bowman-Cole的土壤有机磷分组方法,研究了定位试验23年的0~100cm土壤无机磷和有机磷的形态组成.结果表明。无机磷含量为厩肥>休闲>化肥>低秸>高秸>中秸>无肥.不同施肥处理土壤无机磷各组分的IPi值呈现以下特点:Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P的IP值较低,Ca10-P、Fe-P、O-P的IPi值较高.与无肥处理的无机磷各组分IPi值相比,厩肥与休闲处理Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P的IPi值显著增大,Ca10-P、Fe-P、O-P的IPi值减小,其中以Ca10-P的IPi值减小较大.单施化肥处理Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P、O-P的IPi值也增大,Ca10-P、Fe-P的IPi值减小,显示长期单施化肥不仅可明显提高Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P含量,而且对O-P的增长有显著作用.3种秸秆处理基本上呈现Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P的IPi值增大,Ca10-P、Fe—P、O-P的IPi值减小趋势.从就有效磷(Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P)含量而言,厩肥处理高于化肥处理,而单施化肥处理高于玉米秸秆处理.玉米秸秆配施化肥可显著增加土壤有机磷含量.对土壤有机磷库的贡献。玉米秸秆处理大于厩肥处理.施入有机肥,可增加土壤有机磷各组分的含量,而化肥则主要是促进土壤稳定性有机磷向活性、中活性有机磷转化.长期不施肥处理的土壤活性、中活性有机磷含量较低,而稳定性有机磷含量相对较高;休闲处理土壤有机质和有机磷含量均较低,而其活性有机磷、高稳性有机磷含量相对较高.  相似文献   

Extracellular biopolymer flocculants (EBFs) are flocculating substances, consisting of polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids, which are secreted in the culture broth by many microorganisms. Some of EBFs have attracted much attention as biodegradable and nontoxic substitutes for conventional chemical flocculants. This paper reviews the recent development of EBFs. Aspects discussed include an introduction to conventional chemical flocculants and EBFs, isolation of novel bioflocculant-producing microorganisms, culture conditions, chemical structure and molecular weight of EBFs, the physico-chemical factors affecting flocculating activity, fermentation process design and recent and emerging application fields of EBFs.  相似文献   

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