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首次补充和描述了黄古竹Phyllostachysangusta、乌芽竹P.atrovaginata、角竹P.fimbriligula、美竹P.mannii、早园竹P.propinqua、芽竹P.robustiramea、水胖竹P.rubi-cunda、衢县红壳竹P.rutila、天目早竹P.tianmuensis 9种竹子的花部形态特征,并根据采得的可靠花枝标本对台湾桂竹P.makinoi的花部形态特征作了增补和修订。  相似文献   

四种竹子的花器官形态描述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近几年来南京林业大学竹种园中4种竹子出现开花现象.首次描述了鹅毛竹(Shibaoea chinensis)和异叶苦竹(Arundinaria simonii f.heterophylla)的花部形态特征,补充描述了月月竹(Chimonobambusa sichuanensis)和福建茶秆竹(Arundinaria amabilis var.convexa)的花部形态特征.  相似文献   

赖广辉 《广西植物》2018,38(9):1215-1220
该文根据采自华东地区的一些刚竹属植物居群中的可靠花枝标本,结合现场调查和形态解剖观察,描述和增补了白哺鸡竹、瓜水竹、谷雨竹、云和哺鸡竹的花序、假小穗和花部形态特征,并提供了显示花枝外貌和花器官主要特征的照片。瓜水竹的花序呈头序,小花较短,应属于水竹组;而其余3种的花序呈穗状,小花较长,应归隶刚竹组。所有的凭证标本均保存于安徽省广德县林业科学研究所竹类标本室中。  相似文献   

该文根据采自华东地区的一些刚竹属植物居群中的可靠花枝标本,结合现场调查和形态解剖观察,描述和增补了白哺鸡竹、瓜水竹、谷雨竹、云和哺鸡竹的花序、假小穗和花部形态特征,并提供了显示花枝外貌和花器官主要特征的照片。瓜水竹的花序呈头序,小花较短,应属于水竹组;而其余3种的花序呈穗状,小花较长,应归隶刚竹组。所有的凭证标本均保存于安徽省广德县林业科学研究所竹类标本室中。  相似文献   

发表了产于云南西部的玉山竹属一新种永德玉山竹(Yushania yongdeensis Yi et J. Y. Shi)。补充记载了雪山箭竹(Fargesia lincangensis Yi)的花部特征。  相似文献   

要发表了产于云南西部的玉山竹属一新种永德玉山竹(Yushania yongdeensis Yi et J.Y.Shi)。补充记载了雪山箭竹(Fargesia lincangensis Yi)的花部特征。  相似文献   

对中国杜鹃花科特有种:臭越橘(Vaccinium foetidissimum H. Lév. & Vaniot)的花部形态特征进行了描述。基于新补充的花部特征,讨论了该种与其相似种的区别。  相似文献   

不同居群野生早樱形态变异研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用数量分类学手段对福建武夷山和江苏宝华山不同居群野生早樱形态特征进行了比较研究。通过对2大居群24项形态指标的分析,不论是聚类分析还是主成分分析,2大居群的各个个体均归并为2类,自然体现出不同居群野生早樱表型特征的较大差异。主成分分析显示,叶部特征的长度、宽度、叶基夹角等,以及花部特征的花萼筒、花冠幅、花序总梗等是造成不同居群野生早樱表型差异的主要因素,单因素方差分析也印证了这一结论。最后,建议在分类学关系上将福建武夷山野生早樱做为大叶早樱新变种处理。  相似文献   

花部形态特征在植物交配系统的演化与维持过程中起关键作用,交配方式的转变将可能伴随着相应花部形态的调整。为探寻交配系统与花形态变异之间的联系,本研究对二型花柱植物滇丁香(Luculia pinceana)的二态和单态种群的花部形态特征进行比较分析。结果表明花部形态在两种不同花型构造的种群间分化程度显著大于花型构造相同的种群间变异。相对于二态种群而言,长花柱的单态种群中雌雄异位距离缩小,且个体间雌雄生殖器官在空间上的非法重叠程度增高,花部形态的调整能够同时促进自交和同型异交。在异型花柱物种内,异交为主的二型花柱种群向单态种群转变过程中自交比率预期上升,本研究表明花部形态的变异模式与交配系统转变相一致。  相似文献   

卢永彬  黄俞淞  许为斌  黄洁  刘演  向春雷  张强 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1227-1239
石山苣苔属(苦苣苔科)约30种,主要分布于我国南部的石灰岩地区.目前该属已知物种数虽少但花形态极其多样,是该科中分类最为困难的类群之一.基于分子证据,其它8个属中花形态迥异的一些物种被并入石山苣苔属.然而,该属花形态的演化趋势缺乏系统性的研究,传统分类对属的界定与分子系统学研究结果相矛盾的原因,以及是否有形态特征支持新界定的石山苣苔属还不清楚.该研究中,总共编码了19种石山苣苔属植物和9种报春苣苔属植物的35个形态特征,其中包括26个花部形态特征,在分子系统树上追踪了它们的演化路径.结果表明:无论属内还是属间,多数花部形态特征,尤其以往属的分类界定特征,在演化过程中变化频繁且发生了高度同塑性演化,这是导致传统形态分类不自然的关键因素.此外,在观察研究的所有特征中,花丝和柱头的差异可能在石山苣苔属植物共同祖先中经历了演变,或可用于区分石山苣苔属与其姐妹报春苣苔属的大多数种类.因此,在苦苣苔科植物的分类学研究中应当慎用这些花部性状作为分类依据,而且应对形态特征进行广泛地观察研究,在密集的取样和分辨率更高、更可靠的系统树上追踪它们的演化规律.更为重要的是,需要进一步研究导致复杂形态性状演化的内在分子调控机理和外在的自然选择动力,最终更加深入地理解石山苣苔属等典型喀斯特植物的演化过程和机理.  相似文献   

为进一步研究商陆科的系统位置提供花器官发生和发育的证据,在扫描电子显微镜下观察了商陆Phytolacca acinosa、多雄蕊商陆P. polyandra和垂序商陆P. americana的花器官发生.结果表明: 商陆属植物花被的发生均为2/5型螺旋发生.在同一个种不同的花蕾中,花被的发生有两种顺序:逆时针方向和顺时针方向.远轴侧非正中位的1枚先发生.雄蕊发生于环状分生组织.在单轮雄蕊的种中8-10枚雄蕊为近同时发生;两轮雄蕊的种8枚内轮雄蕊先发生,6-8枚外轮雄蕊随后发生,内轮雄蕊为同时发生,外轮雄蕊发生次序不规则.心皮原基也发生于环状分生组织,8-10枚心皮原基为同时发生.在后来的发育过程中,商陆的心皮发育成近离生心皮雌蕊;其他2种心皮侧壁联合发育成合生心皮雌蕊.对商陆属植物花器官发生的类型及发育形态学做了分析,结果支持商陆科在石竹目系统发育中处于原始地位的观点.  相似文献   

Heterostyly is a floral polymorphism that increase inter‐morph pollen transfer and promote disassortative mating. Breakdown of heterostyly has happened many times, either leading to dioecy or monomorphism. Mussaenda is a genus with diverse sexual systems including distyly, dioecy, floral monomorphism, and homostyly, making it an ideal system to study the evolution of floral traits and their relationship with sexual system shifts. Here, floral traits and pollen–ovule (P/O) ratios were estimated and used to test hypotheses about the relationships among P/O ratios, floral trait evolution, and sexual system shifts. Our results revealed that there is no significant difference of reciprocity in upper level sexual organs between species with different sexual systems. The reciprocity indices of the lower level sexual organs, however, are smaller in species with functional dioecy than in those with distyly. P/O ratios in dimorphic Mussaenda species were relatively lower than in monomorphic outcrossing species, but did not differ significantly between species with distyly and functional dioecy. Populational P/O ratios were negatively correlated with reciprocity index in the dimorphic species. We suggest that the loss of function in lower level organs in species with functional dioecy has resulted from less strict reciprocity. The relationship between P/O ratios and reciprocity indices strongly support that efficient disassortative pollination of distylus flowers may have promoted evolution towards low P/O ratios.  相似文献   

The Pyrola picta species complex of western North America comprises four species (P. picta, P. dentata, P. aphylla and P. crypta) that grow sympatrically in some parts of their collective ranges, have remarkably similar flowers and share pollinators. These species do not exhibit the genetic signatures typical of random or heterospecific mating, but instead show genetic divergence patterns indicating that they maintain surprising levels of reproductive isolation. To better understand how species boundaries are maintained, the current study uses statistical ordination analyses to determine whether species isolation across shared geographical ranges might be achieved through subtle differences in floral characters among species. The possible contribution of differences in flowering phenology (e.g. temporal reproductive isolation) to reproductive isolation was also evaluated for the small subset of populations in which two or more species occur in direct sympatry. Among species in the P. picta complex, there are both phylogenetic and geographical trends in some floral characteristics, whereas other characters do not covary with either geography or species identity. In several sympatric populations, differences in flowering phenology among species suggest that timing plays a major role in non‐random (i.e. mainly conspecific) mating. The conclusions of this study are that reproductive isolation in the P. picta species complex is reinforced by differences in the timing of floral maturation and the morphologies of androecium and floral display characters. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 00 , 000–000.  相似文献   

马先蒿属花冠无喙类的花器官发生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对花冠无喙类密穗马先蒿(Pedicularis densispica)和大王马先蒿(P.rex)的花器官电镜扫描发现,两种不同花冠型(无齿和具齿)的马先蒿花部器官发生和发育初期十分相似,表现为明显的单轴对称。2个萼片原基首先发生于花顶的近轴侧位,然后沿花顶边缘向远轴端发育形成--马蹄形结构。密穗马先蒿在近轴中部又出现1枚萼片原基,随后马蹄形结构分化出4枚萼片,并与近轴中部的原基愈合后构成5齿萼片;而大王马先蒿的2齿萼片直接由马蹄形结构发育而成。5枚独立的花瓣原基随后发生,但发育相对滞后;除近轴中部位置1枚空缺外,4枚雄蕊原基与花瓣原基位置呈交互发生;2个心皮原基同时在拱形花顶的近轴和远轴端发生,剩余的花顶形成中间的隔膜,并与2个心皮形成中轴胎座。对马先蒿与金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)和毛地黄(Digitalis purpurea)花器官发生和发育初期的特征进行了比较,讨论了马先蒿属花冠对称性变化的意义。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Heterostyly is a floral polymorphism that has fascinated evolutionary biologists since Darwin''s seminal studies on primroses. The main morphological characteristic of heterostyly is the reciprocal placement of anthers and stigmas in two distinct (distyly) floral morphs. Variation in the degree of intermorph sexual reciprocity is relatively common and known to affect patterns of pollen transfer within species. However, the partitioning of sexual organ reciprocity within and between closely related species remains unknown. This study aimed at testing whether intermorph sexual reciprocity differs within vs. between primrose species that hybridize in nature and whether the positions of sexual organs are correlated with other floral traits.


Six floral traits were measured in both floral morphs of 15 allopatric populations of Primula elatior, P. veris and P. vulgaris, and anther–stigma reciprocity was estimated within and between species. A combination of univariate and multivariate approaches was used to test whether positions of reproductive organs were less reciprocal between than within species, to assess correlations between sexual organ positions and other corolla traits, and to quantify differences between morphs and species.

Key Results

The three species were morphologically well differentiated in most floral traits, except that P. veris and P. vulgaris did not differ significantly in sexual organ positions. Overall, lower interspecific than intraspecific sexual organ reciprocity was detected. This decrease was marked between P. elatior and P. vulgaris, intermediate and variable between P. elatior and P. veris, but negligible between P. veris and P. vulgaris.


Differences in anther and stigma heights between the analysed primrose species were of the same magnitude or larger than intraspecific differences that altered pollen flow within other heterostylous systems. Therefore, it is possible to suggest that considerable reductions of sexual organ reciprocity between species may lower interspecific pollen flow, with potential effects on reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

The reproductive system ofProsopis chilensis, P. pugionata, P. flexuosa, andP. torquata is described. Observations were made of floral morphology, stigmatic receptivity, pollen grain viability, and the nature of pollen reserves. Scanning electrone microscopy and statistical analysis were carried out. The results allow us to conclude that: 1) The studied species have three distinct floral morphs characterized by significantly different style lengths and, to a lesser extent, different stamen lengths; 2) style precocity found in all species does not indicate protogyny; 3) flowers with shortest styles are not receptive; 4) the pollen grains of all floral morphs showed high viability; 5) peroxidase is present in both the pollen and pistil; 6) viable pollen grains invariably have both starch and pollenkitt; 7) the studied species are andromonoecious.  相似文献   

The pollen:ovule ratio (P/O) has traditionally been used as a rough estimator of plant breeding systems. It has been shown that plant breeding systems are associated with particular floral traits. In this study, we determined the P/O in 21 Leguminosae species from Argentina and explored relationships between P/O and taxonomic position, flower size, floral rewards, pollen presentation and pollination mechanisms. According to the results, 15 out of the 21 species classified were obligate xenogamous, although some of them have been recorded as facultative xenogamous in previous studies. There was a significant effect of taxonomic position (genus), reward type and pollination mechanism on P/O. Species offering only nectar as a floral reward (which were species with a brush mechanism) had a significantly lower P/O than species offering pollen or pollen and nectar. Species with the brush pollination mechanism had the lowest P/O, while species with valvular and pump mechanism had the highest P/O. However, pollen presentation (primary and secondary) and flower size did not have a significant effect on P/O. Our results demonstrate that P/O variability is determined by taxonomic position and pollination mechanism in this plant group.  相似文献   

The composition of the floral nectar sugars and amino acids of four species of Passiflora (P. foetida, P. caerulea, P. suberosa, and P. misera) included in different infrageneric taxa and with distinct pollination mechanisms has been studied. The effect of weather and floral age on nectar volume, existence, and total and relative amounts of the various compounds was explored. The proportion of sugars was rather constant within a given species whereas the composition, number, and total quantity of amino acids showed great intraspecific and intra-plant variability; these nectar properties were independent of floral stage or meteorological conditions. Species belonging to the same subgenus displayed equivalent sugar ratios and similar total amount of amino acids, so these characteristics might be conservative in the genus. For all species, the amino acid concentration surpassed known values for their respective pollination syndromes, viz. bee and wasp-pollinated flowers. No relationship emerged between pollinators with different glossa length and nectars with distinct sugar ratios. Rather, nectar chemical composition seems to reflect taxonomic relationships.  相似文献   

The floral development of two species of Peperomia, Peperomia reflexa A. Dietr. (P. tetraphylla (G. Font.) Hook. et Am.) and P. serpens C. DC., is described. The initiation order is in an acropetal succession and resembles that in P. metallica L. Lind. et Rod., P.pellucida (L.) Kunth and P. rubella Hook., although many more bracts are produced in these two species than in P. metallica. The arrangement of bracts and floral primordia is orthostichous in P. reflexa, but parastichous in P. serpens. The floral apices in P. reflexa are transversely ellipsoidal protuberances at first, then become saddle-shaped when they begin to produce simultaneously staminal primordia. They are similar to those of P. metallica, P. pellucida and P. rubella. However, their initiation of floral primordia is much delayed compared to the size of the bracts. The triangular or transvcrsely cuneate ridges then become L-shaped in P. serpens, this shape is related to the parastichous phyllotaxy of the bracts. So, the staminal primordia are successively initiated and develop at different rates. Therefore, they are not always the same size. The staminal primordia are initiated above the level of the floral apex in P. reflexa and P. serpens but below it in P. metallica, P. pellucida and P. rubella. The abaxial position of the carpel primordium on the apex and the closure of the ovary in P. reflexa and P. serpens are also similar to those in P. metallica, P. pellucida and P. rubella. The shape of the upper part of the ovary, stigmas and indumentum vary between the species. In P. reflexa, the upper part of the ovary becomes ovoid and acclivous, or leaning acropetally, to the axis of inflorescence. In P. serpens, it becomes helmet-shaped. The flowers of P.serpens are surrounded by the outgrowth of the axis of the inflorescence. The ontogenetical features of ovaries in Peperomia indicate that the fruit characters are useful in the taxonomy of the genus.  相似文献   

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