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鸟击防范是民航机场保障航空飞行安全的重要工作。及时收集新建机场鸟情数据、开展鸟击风险评估,对机场鸟防工作有重要意义。云南沧源佤山机场在2016年末通航,2017年8月—2018年4月对其锥形面区域的鸟类进行了为期1年的调查,以掌握机场周边鸟类多样性的本底状况,并根据鸟类的数量、个体大小、遇见频次、生境利用率和飞行高度等5项指标,对每种鸟在不同季节的鸟击风险进行了评估。结果表明,佤山机场周边有野生鸟类13目46科164种,其中留鸟占73.8%。鸟类群落组成具有明显的季节性变化,物种数:春季冬季夏季秋季。基于风险等级评估方法,确定了以留鸟为主的13种高风险鸟类。根据这些鸟类的生态特征,提出了佤山机场的鸟防建议。  相似文献   

合肥新桥国际机场鸟类多样性及鸟击风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸟类多样性研究对于新建机场开展鸟击防范工作具有指导意义。2012年2月到2013年1月,采用样线调查法对新建合肥新桥国际机场及其周边地区鸟类进行了调查,根据鸟类相对数量、遇见频率、生境利用率和飞行高度,对机场鸟类鸟击风险进行评价。共记录到鸟类79种,其中留鸟34种,夏候鸟21种,冬候鸟和旅鸟分别为12种和11种;食虫鸟35种,食谷鸟8种,杂食性鸟15种,肉食性鸟21种。在各类生境中以林地的鸟类密度(D=10.25ind·hm-2)和Shannon-Wiener指数(H'=2.12)最高。全年以秋季鸟类密度(D=9.23ind·hm-2)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H'=2.13)最高。新桥机场鸟击风险高的鸟类共23种,飞行区内(R≥40)12种,飞行区外(R≥40)21种;其中留鸟占60%,食虫鸟占52%。加强对留鸟和食虫鸟的管理,采取生态防治和综合防治措施,对于降低机场鸟击风险具有积极意义。  相似文献   

鸟击对民用和军用飞机的飞行安全构成严重威胁,了解和掌握机场及其周边地区的鸟类群落结构对机场开展鸟击防范工作具有重要意义。本研究于2013年6月至2014年5月,采用固定距离样线法对重庆江北机场以机场中心为圆心、半径8 km范围内的区域进行鸟类多样性调查。共记录鸟类102种,隶属于15目、40科。其中留鸟44种,夏候鸟30种,冬候鸟13种,旅鸟15种;雀形目鸟类占绝对优势,计54种,占调查鸟类物种总数的52.94%。对鸟类群落结构分析结果表明,冬季密度最大,夏季最低;秋季的多样性指数最高,夏季最低;春季的均匀度指数最高,夏季最低;夏季的优势度指数最高,秋季最低。结合鸟类的密度D值、分布系数ADC值、鸟击风险值R、相对风险比例RE以及鸟类生活习性等综合分析,与鸟击发生关系密切的鸟种为家燕(Hirundo rustica)、灰椋鸟(Sturnus cineraceus)、八哥(Acridotheres cristatellus)、黑卷尾(Dicrurus macrocercus)、金翅(Carduelis spinus)、珠颈斑鸠(Phasianus colchicus)以及人工饲养物种家鸽(Columba domestica)等,根据调查结果对重庆江北机场的鸟击防范工作提出了综合防治建议。  相似文献   

中国植物区系的鸟类传粉现象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了分布于中国的传粉鸟类类群和鸟类传粉的植物类群,并分析了这些植物的分布区类型和花部特征.中国的传粉鸟类几乎全部属于雀形目;鸟类传粉现象广泛存在于30余科的植物中,其花部特征表现出对非专性嗜蜜鸟类的适应.这些植物类群在中国的植物区系中主要表现出热带成分的特征,但其中也有温带成分.结合植物类群的系统发育研究以及对其鸟类传粉现象的认识,可以系统地了解鸟类传粉在旧世界温带地区的起源与演化,以及鸟-花协同进化的过程.  相似文献   

四川南充高坪机场秋冬季节鸟类多样性与鸟撞预防   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年9月-2007年2月,对四川南充高坪机场及其周围4种生境(草地、农耕区、村囤、松林)的鸟类进行调查,并进行鸟类多样性指数分析.结果共记录到鸟类81种,隶属于13目37科;秋冬季农耕区和村囤的鸟类密度、数量明显比草地和松林高;机场草地冬季鸟类的密度明显比秋季高.结合鸟类的生活习性及其栖息生境、Ⅳ值、分布广度和在各生境中的优势密度和总范围里的密度,秋季对鸟撞最具危险的是白鹭、家鸽、山斑鸠、白鹡鸰、白头鹎、小云雀、小鹀等;冬季对鸟撞最具威胁的是家鸽、小云雀、小鹀、金翅雀、白头鹎、水鹨等.并相应提出了相应一些的预防措施,如减少结实的植物、剪草降低草高、控制土壤动物的密度等.  相似文献   

机场鸟撞的生态防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机场鸟撞是世界航空业的三大灾害之一,给人们的生命财产、经济和社会带来了相当大的危害.绝大多数鸟撞事故发生在机场及其附近空域,且主要发生于飞机的起飞滑跑、爬升、进近和着陆滑行阶段.机场地形开阔平坦,较大的面积、丰富的植物和昆虫等条件为鸟类的栖息、取食、嬉戏、饮水、隐藏、繁殖等需求提供了理想的场所,机场鸟类的数量和出现频率与机场的地理位置、机场区域内低洼地雨后积水、气候和天气以及机场周边环境都有密切的关系.作者认为生态防治是机场防治鸟撞的根本途径,并介绍了生态防治的措施.  相似文献   

为了解鸟击规律,作者收集了重庆江北机场2009—2013年的鸟击事件信息并对鸟击残骸进行送检,共收集鸟击事件信息189起,其中白天77起,占40.74%,夜间112起,占59.26%。鸟击数据显示:春、夏、秋季是鸟击高发季节;8月和11月为白天鸟击高发月份;夜间鸟击高发在春季(4、5月)和秋季(8、9、10月);鸟击多发种类有小云雀、家鸽、家燕、金腰燕、白鹡鸰、池鹭、大杜鹃及蝙蝠等。结合江北机场鸟类群落调查数据分析发现:在飞行区集群活动的鸟种容易成为鸟击的高危物种,鸟击发生频率与鸟类生活习性关系密切;迁徙鸟类是江北机场鸟击的最大威胁。本文根据分析结果提出了一些相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

机场鸟撞防制中的鸟类风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机场的鸟类由于其所处位置的特殊性,会对飞行安全造成一定威胁。各种鸟类因其自身特征,风险大小也各有不同。在实际调查的基础上,建立了风险评价指标体系,构建了机场鸟类风险评价的实用数学模型,给出了一种度量鸟类风险的简单、合理的科学方法,并就具体实例进行了分析研究。计算结果表明,在所有观察到的70种鸟类中,风险很大者占总数的24.29%,风险较大者占30.00%,风险一般者占30.00%,风险较小者占15.71%。其中风险很大和较大的鸟类应是机场重点防治的对象。就各鸟类的单个风险评价指标也给出了定量结果。以上风险分析结果,为鸟类风险评价和机场鸟害防治提供了定量依据。  相似文献   

在国内首次利用光纤光谱仪对鸟卵的颜色进行量化和分析。通过对灰林鵖(Saxicola ferrea)和矛纹草鹛(Babax lanceolatus)2种鸟的卵色300~700 nm的光谱测量,表明这2种鸟除蓝色色度外,二者卵色在亮度、绿色、黄色以及红色色度上均存在显著差异。灰林鵖和矛纹草鹛卵色的可见光反射光谱反射比值呈现很相似的平行关系,拥有共同的高峰和低峰;而其卵色的紫外光部分呈现从差异大到差异小的变化。用主成分分析光谱的反射和形状,结果对于灰林鵖和矛纹草鹛,前3个主成分分别解释了99.9%和99.8%的光谱变量,其中代表鸟卵亮度的第1主成分分别解释了93.7%和89.3%的变量,代表卵色饱和度的第2主成分分别占总变量的5.5%和9.1%。利用光纤光谱仪对鸟卵的颜色进行定量分析,可为鸟类的区系分类、系统进化和行为生态学等方面的研究提供更客观和科学的数据,同时也拓展了新的研究领域和视角。  相似文献   

内蒙古乌海民航机场鸟类多样性与鸟撞防范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了开展鸟撞预防工作、减少鸟撞事故的发生,2009年8月-2010年7月,每月对乌海民航机场及其周围7种生境的鸟类进行调查,并分析了鸟类多样性指数.共记录到鸟类106种,隶属于16目37科,其中繁殖鸟78种,非繁殖鸟28种.依据重要值,并结合鸟类的分布系数和集群行为以及是否穿越跑道及跑道上空等因素,将调查记录到的106种鸟类划分为严重危险、很危险、较危险和一般危险4个等级.根据调查资料和吸引鸟类分布的主要环境因子分析,提出了乌海机场鸟撞防范对策.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3):371-379

Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a pharmacologically active substance derived from turmeric, exhibits anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antioxidant properties. We examined the modulation of oxidative-stress resistance and associated regulatory mechanisms by curcumin in a Caenorhabditis elegans model. Our results showed that curcumin-treated wild-type C. elegans exhibited increased survival during juglone-induced oxidative stress compared with the control treatment. In addition, curcumin reduced the levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species in C. elegans. Moreover, curcumin induced the expression of the gst-4 and hsp-16.2 stress response genes. Lastly, our findings from the mechanistic study in this investigation suggest that the antioxidative effect of curcumin is mediated via regulation of age-1, akt-1, pdk-1, osr-1, unc-43, sek-1, skn-1, sir-2.1, and mev-1. Our study elucidates the diverse modes of action and signaling pathways that underlie the antioxidant activity exhibited by curcumin in vivo.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms at the TP53, cytochrome P‐450 (CYP), and glutathione S‐transferase (GST) genes are related to cancer susceptibility and present high diversity in allele frequencies among ethnic groups. This study concerns the CYP2E1, GSTM1, and GSTT1 polymorphisms in seven Amerindian populations (Xavante, Guarani, Aché, Wai Wai, Zoró, Surui, and Gavião). Polymorphic sites at CYP1A1 and TP53 were also studied in the Aché and Guarani tribes and compared with previous results about these systems already obtained in the other populations. The CYP2E1*5B haplotype showed, respectively, the highest and the lowest frequencies already observed in human groups. High frequencies of CYP1A1*2A and CYP1A1*2C alleles and mostly low values of GSTM1*0/*0 and GSTT1*0/*0 genotypes were observed. These data may be interpreted as being due to genetic drift or selection for these high‐frequency CYP1A1 alleles and against GST null genotypes during America's colonization. Intrapopulation diversity varied from 0.19 (Guarani) to 0.38 (Surui), and 90% of the total diversity was due to the variability within populations. The relationships between these Amerindians and with other ethnic groups were evaluated based on DA distances and the neighbor‐joining method. Low correlation was observed between genetic relationships and geographic distances or linguistic groups. In the TP53 comparison with other ethnic groups, Amerindians clustered together and then joined Chinese populations. The cluster analysis seems to indicate that the Aché tribe might descend from a Gê group that could have first colonized that Paraguayan region, but had also assimilated some amount of the Guarani gene pool, maybe through intertribal admixture. Am J Phys Anthropol 119:249–256, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Alcohol metabolism causes cellular damage by changing the redox status of cells. In this study, we investigated the relationship between genetic markers in genes coding for enzymes involved in cellular redox stabilization and their potential role in the clinical outcome of acute alcohol-induced hepatitis. Study subjects comprised 60 patients with acute alcohol-induced hepatitis. The control group consisted of 122 healthy non-related individuals. Eight genetic markers of the genes UGT1A1, GSTA1, GSTP1, NAT2, GSTT1 and GSTM1 were genotyped. GSTT1 null genotype was identified as a risk allele for alcohol-toxic hepatitis progression (OR 2.146, P=0.013). It was also found to correlate negatively with the level of prothrombin (β= ?11.05, P=0.037) and positively with hyaluronic acid (β=170.4, P=0.014). NAT2 gene alleles rs1799929 and rs1799930 showed opposing associations with the activity of the biochemical markers γ-glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase; rs1799929 was negatively correlated with γ-glutamyltransferase (β=?261.3, P=0.018) and alkaline phosphatase (β= ?270.5, P=0.032), whereas rs1799930 was positively correlated with Γ-glutamyltransferase (β=325.8, P=0.011) and alkaline phosphatase (β=374.8, P=0.011). Enzymes of the glutathione S-transferase family and NAT2 enzyme play an important role in the detoxification process in the liver and demonstrate an impact on the clinical outcome of acute alcohol-induced hepatitis.  相似文献   

南京市正常人群NQO1、CYP1A1、mEH基因的多态性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用PCR技术,对南京市正常人群中NQO1、CYP1A1、mEH-外显子3、mEH-外显子4基因型多态性进行了研究。88例样本中,相关基因野生型纯合子(wt/wt)、杂合子(wt/vt)、突变型纯合子(vt/vt)三种基因型的频率分布及基因频率分别是:NQO1 29.5%(0.304),51.1%(0.495)和19.3%(0.202);CYP1A?135.2%(0.329)、44.3%(0.489)和20.5%(0.181);mEH-外显子3为26.1%(0.297),56.8%(0.496),17.0%(0.207);mEH-外显子4为83.0%(0.826),15.9%(0.165),1.1%(0.008)。以上结果与国外的有关报道存在一定差异,在不同地区中国人群的频率分布特征基本一致,种族差异可能是造成有关基因型分布差异的重要原因。 Abstract:The polymorphisms of NQO1, CYP1A1, mEH-Exon3 ,and mEH-Exon4 genes in normal Nanjing population (88 cases) were investigat ed by PCR approach. The results showed that the population frequency distributio ns of genotypes of wild-type,heterozygote, homozygous variant were respectively: NQO1? 29.5%,51.1%,19.3%;CYP 1A1 35.2%,44.3%,20.5%;mEH-exon3 26.1 %,56.8%,17.0%;mEH-exon4 83.0%,15.9%,1.1%. The frequency distributions o f genotypes in Nanjing population differ from those of other countries and do no t show marked differences compared with other different area in Chinese populati on. The ethnic difference might be an important reason which results in the diff erences of related genotypes.  相似文献   

Endogenous DNA damage levels were analyzed in relation to polymorphisms in genes encoding phase I detoxifying enzyme—CYP1A1, phase II detoxifying enzymes—GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 and enzyme involved in nucleotide excision repair-XPD. The study group consisted of 220 healthy non-smoking volunteers; 90 men and 130 woman, 25–60 years old (44 ± 10 years). The level of DNA damage (% DNA in tail) was evaluated by alkaline comet assay. The genetic variants were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism PCR. The highest level of DNA damage (6.7%) was found in carriers of both: AA variant of XPD gene and M1 null variant of GSTM1 gene. The lowest level of DNA breaks (3.7%) was associated with the genotype GSTP1-AA/GSTM1 (+).  相似文献   

This report extends the genetic map of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) by adding chromosome assignments for ten genes to the seven already mapped (Pack et al. 1995). A somatic cell hybrid panel was used for the mapping. The genes for peptidase A (PEPA) and isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 (IDH1) map to chromosome de; the genes for phosphoglucomutase-1 (PGM1), superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1), and mannosephosphate isomerase (MPI) are located on chromosome af; the genes for nucleoside phosphorylase (NP) and glutathione reductase (GSR) are on chromosome ik; and the genes for peptidase S (PEPS), malic enzyme-1 (ME1), peptidase B (PEPB) are found on chromosomes jl, go, and mp respectively. Received: 2 October 1995 / Accepted: 21 November 1995  相似文献   

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