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基因的功能是由蛋白质来执行的,而蛋白质要通过与其他生物分子相互作用来完成其各种生物功能。因此,如果能够快速做出蛋白质在不同时间、空间和不同环境中的相互作用图谱,就会帮助我们了解这些蛋白质的功能,进而了解许多生命活动的机制。目前,用于大规模研究蛋白质间相互作用的方法主要有酵母双杂交系统及其衍生系统、亲和纯化与质谱分析联用技术,前者用于研究蛋白分子间的两两相互作用,后者用于研究蛋白质复合物间的相互作用。本文主要阐述了酵母双杂交、细菌双杂交、哺乳动物细胞双杂交、亲和纯化与质谱联用技术在大规模蛋白质相互作用研究中的应用。  相似文献   

吴萌  李竑  陈铭 《生命的化学》2021,(2):353-360
蛋白质是生命活动的主要承担者。蛋白质种类繁多,结构多样,具有十分广泛的生物学功能,可作为载体蛋白、酶蛋白和信号肽等参与调控细胞内的各种代谢活动。生物体内蛋白质与其他分子的相互作用,尤其是蛋白质-蛋白质之间的相互作用,是蛋白质行使这些重要生物学功能的基础。通过研究可以相互作用的蛋白质形成的各种复合体,对揭示蛋白质的功能,更清楚地阐明细胞生长、发育、分化和凋亡的生命活动规律,为重大疾病的预防、治疗和新药开发提供了理论基础。目前科研工作者在基于分子生物学、生物化学、微生物学和生物物理学的基础上已经发展出了许多蛋白质相互作用的研究技术,本文着重对现有研究方法中的生物膜干涉技术和微量热泳动技术进行介绍和综述。  相似文献   

目的 利用酵母双杂交技术在活细胞内筛选并回转验证与PML-C结构域相互作用的蛋白质.方法 通过诱饵质粒pGBKT7-PML-C,利用酵母双杂交系统从白血病细胞cDNA文库中筛选与PML-C结构域相互作用的蛋白质.结果 利用酵母双杂交技术筛选到43个能与PML-C结构域相互作用的克隆;经进一步的归类与酵母回转试验得到9个阳性克隆.结论 在细胞内PML-C结构域能与多种蛋白质有相互作用.中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶(neutrophil elastase,NE)介导的急性早幼粒细胞白血病的发生可能与这些相互作用所致的生物学功能改变有关.  相似文献   

大规模蛋白质相互作用研究方法进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关薇  王建  贺福初 《生命科学》2006,18(5):507-512
随着2000年酵母大规模蛋白质相互作用网络图谱的成功描绘,蛋白质相互作用特别是大规模蛋白质相互作用研究成为生命科学领域的又一个研究热点。酵母、果蝇、线虫以及人类蛋白的大规模相互作用图谱的相继完成,不仅对系统研究细胞内各种生命活动有着重要意义,也标志着蛋白质相互作用研究方法的不断发展和完善。本文综述了当前大规模研究蛋白质相互作用的技术方法并进行了比较分析。每种技术都有其各自的优缺点,在实验中要根据不同的要求和目的选择适宜的方法。  相似文献   

蛋白质相互作用既是蛋白质执行功能的主要方式,也是细胞功能调控网络的结构基础。蛋白质间异常的相互作用及其连锁网络的紊乱是引起许多病理改变的原因。作为功能基因组和蛋白质组研究的重要内容,规模化蛋白质相互作用研究已成为近年国际上研究的热点之一。文章综述了当前规模化蛋白质相互作用研究中的常用技术和常用蛋白质相互作用数据库,研究者可根据研究需要和技术特点利用这些资源。  相似文献   

在11月4日出版的《细胞》杂志上,发表了美国加州大学科学家最新研究的一项分析基因相互作用的方法,称为上位性微阵列剖面法(E-MAP),这种方法将改变细胞动力生物学研究目前的面貌,进一步找到已知基因的新功能、未知蛋白的功能,以及确定生化过程和蛋白质之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

X-box 结合蛋白 1 是一种重要的转录因子,参与体内多项信号转导过程. 为进一步研究 XBP1 的生物学功能,运用酵母双杂交技术在肝细胞文库中筛选 XBP1 的结合蛋白. 首先运用 PCR 技术扩增获得 XBP1 的编码序列,克隆至 pGEM-T 载体,经测序鉴定后,亚克隆至诱饵载体 pGBKT7 中,转化酵母 AH109(a type). 免疫印迹检测诱饵质粒 pGBKT7-XBP1 在AH109 酵母中的表达之后,含有诱饵质粒的酵母 AH109 与含有肝细胞 cDNA 文库质粒 pACT2 的酵母 Y187(αtype)配合,配合后的二倍体酵母生长在含有 X-α-gal 的营养缺陷型培养基上 (SD/-Trp-Leu-His-Ade) 进行选择和筛选,经测序和序列比对确定阳性克隆的开放读码框 ORF,得到 7 种不同的蛋白质. 为了进一步验证这些筛选蛋白质与 XBP1 的相互作用,克隆其中一种蛋白质 MT1E,并运用 GST pulldown 和免疫共沉淀技术成功检测了 MT1E 和 XBP1 的相互作用(体外 / 体内),结果提示,MT1E 可能是 XBP1 的一个新的调节蛋白. 通过酵母双杂交技术筛选得到的 7 种蛋白质分别与肝细胞基础代谢、蛋白质的合成与运输、细胞的增殖与凋亡密切相关. 上述结果有助于揭示 XBP1 的生物学功能,为进一步探讨 XBP1 的表达和调控机制提供新线索.  相似文献   

酵母表面展示技术应用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酵母菌的蛋白表达方式与高等真核生物细胞十分相似.酵母表面展示技术是研究真核生物,尤其是人类蛋白质表达的理想方法之一。酵母茵表面标记可溶性配基,通过流式细胞技术对酵母菌展示文库进行快速、精确的筛选,其已广泛用于研究天然蛋白质一蛋白质的相互作用、抗体Fab片段的亲和力,成熟、抗体的检测与筛选,以及功能蛋白质抗原表位图谱绘制等。  相似文献   

蛋白-蛋白相互作用在细胞生命活动中起着关键的作用。后基因组时代主要是研究蛋白的功能,通过研究蛋白的相互作用及其图谱的构建来了解蛋白的功能。研究蛋白-蛋白相互作用的方法很多,酵母杂交是最常用的检测体内蛋白-蛋白相互作用的敏感系统。随着人们对该系统的广泛应用。这一系统得到了不断的完善及改进,并广泛应用于蛋白-蛋白、蛋白质-RNA、蛋白质-DNA以及其他的小分子间相互作用的研究。拟就酵母杂交系统的原理、改进、发展及应用做一综述。  相似文献   

酵母双杂交技术及其在蛋白质组研究中的应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
蛋白质组学是后基因组时代出现的一个新兴的研究领域,它的主要任务是识别鉴定细胞,组织或机体的全部蛋白质,并分析蛋白质的功能及其模式。因此,揭示蛋白质组中蛋白质间的相互作用关系也是蛋白质组学的重要内容之一。酵母双杂交技术是用来检测蛋白质间是否相互作用的一个非常有效的手段,该技术在酵母蛋白质组研究中的初步成功应用,表明它有望在人类蛋白质且研究中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

The genomics revolution has unveiled a wealth of poorly characterized proteins. Scientists are often able to produce milligram quantities of proteins for which function is unknown or hypothetical, based only on very distant sequence homology. Broadly applicable tools for functional characterization are essential to the illumination of these orphan proteins. An additional challenge is the direct detection of inhibitors of protein-protein interactions (and allosteric effectors). Both of these research problems are relevant to, among other things, the challenge of finding and validating new protein targets for drug action. Screening collections of small molecules has long been used in the pharmaceutical industry as 1 method of discovering drug leads. Screening in this context typically involves a function-based assay. Given a sufficient quantity of a protein of interest, significant effort may still be required for functional characterization, assay development, and assay configuration for screening. Increasingly, techniques are being reported that facilitate screening for specific ligands for a protein of unknown function. Such techniques also allow for function-independent screening with better characterized proteins. ThermoFluor, a screening instrument based on monitoring ligand effects on temperature-dependent protein unfolding, can be applied when protein function is unknown. This technology has proven useful in the decryption of an essential bacterial enzyme and in the discovery of a series of inhibitors of a cancer-related, protein-protein interaction. The authors review some of the tools relevant to these research problems in drug discovery, and describe our experiences with 2 different proteins.  相似文献   

Dunham WH  Mullin M  Gingras AC 《Proteomics》2012,12(10):1576-1590
Identifying the interactions established by a protein of interest can be a critical step in understanding its function. This is especially true when an unknown protein of interest is demonstrated to physically interact with proteins of known function. While many techniques have been developed to characterize protein-protein interactions, one strategy that has gained considerable momentum over the past decade for identification and quantification of protein-protein interactions, is affinity-purification followed by mass spectrometry (AP-MS). Here, we briefly review the basic principles used in affinity-purification coupled to mass spectrometry, with an emphasis on tools (both biochemical and computational), which enable the discovery and reporting of high quality protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Methods for the detection and analysis of protein-protein interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Berggård T  Linse S  James P 《Proteomics》2007,7(16):2833-2842
A large number of methods have been developed over the years to study protein-protein interactions. Many of these techniques are now available to the nonspecialist researcher thanks to new affordable instruments and/or resource centres. A typical protein-protein interaction study usually starts with an initial screen for novel binding partners. We start this review by describing three techniques that can be used for this purpose: (i) affinity-tagged proteins (ii) the two-hybrid system and (iii) some quantitative proteomic techniques that can be used in combination with, e.g., affinity chromatography and coimmunoprecipitation for screening of protein-protein interactions. We then describe some public protein-protein interaction databases that can be searched to identify previously reported interactions for a given bait protein. Four strategies for validation of protein-protein interactions are presented: confocal microscopy for intracellular colocalization of proteins, coimmunoprecipitation, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and spectroscopic studies. Throughout the review we focus particularly on the advantages and limitations of each method.  相似文献   

蛋白质作为生命活动的执行者,其功能往往体现在与其他蛋白质的相互作用中,研究蛋白-蛋白相互作用对于人们深入了解和预防传染病、靶向治疗多基因疾病、阐明蛋白质的分子作用机制及各种复杂的生命现象具有重要意义。目前,有多种技术被用来研究蛋白间的相互作用,研究难点在于实时捕获瞬时或弱蛋白质间的相互作用,质谱技术(mass spectrometry, MS)可在某种程度上解决该难点。由于质谱技术可研究简单的蛋白质复合物再到大规模的蛋白质组实验,基于质谱技术研究蛋白质间相互作用被越来越多地应用于科学研究中。综述了蛋白质间相互作用检测方法的研究进展,重点介绍了氢氘交换质谱法和化学交联质谱法研究蛋白质间相互作用的优缺点及其应用,最后对基于质谱技术研究蛋白质间相互作用进行了总结与展望,以期为深入开展相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Summary: Studies of the functional proteins encoded by the poxvirus genome provide information about the composition of the virus as well as individual virus-virus protein and virus-host protein interactions, which provides insight into viral pathogenesis and drug discovery. Widely used proteomic techniques to identify and characterize specific protein-protein interactions include yeast two-hybrid studies and coimmunoprecipitations. Recently, various mass spectrometry techniques have been employed to identify viral protein components of larger complexes. These methods, combined with structural studies, can provide new information about the putative functions of viral proteins as well as insights into virus-host interaction dynamics. For viral proteins of unknown function, identification of either viral or host binding partners provides clues about their putative function. In this review, we discuss poxvirus proteomics, including the use of proteomic methodologies to identify viral components and virus-host protein interactions. High-throughput global protein expression studies using protein chip technology as well as new methods for validating putative protein-protein interactions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Blot overlay techniques have long been used to directly visualize protein-protein interactions within membrane complexes. However, this approach is often hampered by the limited quantities of purified membrane proteins available for conjugation with marker molecules. Here we applied continuous-elution gel electrophoresis as a preparative alternative to isolate sufficient amounts of a homogeneous protein sample to be used as a peroxidase-labeled probe in blot overlays. Microsomal muscle proteins ranging from approximately 20 to 600 kDa were electrophoretically separated and various marker proteins present in eluted fractions were identified by immunoblotting. Since the supramolecular structure of calsequestrin has recently been determined, this terminal cisternae protein was isolated as a model protein for studying protein-protein interactions. In blot overlay assays, peroxidase-conjugated calsequestrin specifically bound to the ryanodine receptor, triadin, calsequestrin itself, and junctin, illustrating that the biological binding affinities are retained in electrophoretically prepared muscle proteins. Potential applications for differential blot overlay approaches and for analyzing pathophysiological preparations from dystrophic muscle were evaluated. Since continuous-elution gel electrophoresis can separate a wide range of differently sized proteins from subcellular fractions, our report indicates that this technique can be utilized for the rapid identification of protein-protein interactions in future high-throughput analyses of subproteomes.  相似文献   

The interactions between proteins allow the cell's life. A number of experimental, genome-wide, high-throughput studies have been devoted to the determination of protein-protein interactions and the consequent interaction networks. Here, the bioinformatics methods dealing with protein-protein interactions and interaction network are overviewed. 1. Interaction databases developed to collect and annotate this immense amount of data; 2. Automated data mining techniques developed to extract information about interactions from the published literature; 3. Computational methods to assess the experimental results developed as a consequence of the finding that the results of high-throughput methods are rather inaccurate; 4. Exploitation of the information provided by protein interaction networks in order to predict functional features of the proteins; and 5. Prediction of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

蛋白质相互作用数据库及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对蛋白质相互作用及其网络的了解不仅有助于深入理解生命活动的本质和疾病发生的机制,而且可以为药物研发提供靶点.目前,通过高通量筛选、计算方法预测和文献挖掘等方法,获得了大批量的蛋白质相互作用数据,并由此构建了很多内容丰富并日益更新的蛋白质相互作用数据库.本文首先简要阐述了大规模蛋白质相互作用数据产生的3种方法,然后重点介绍了几个人类相关的蛋白质相互作用公共数据库,包括HPRD、BIND、 IntAct、MINT、 DIP 和MIPS,并概述了蛋白质相互作用数据库的整合情况以及这些数据库在蛋白质相互作用网络构建上的应用.  相似文献   

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