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Abstract: Twenty-six Hyphomicrobium isolates from the sewage treatment plant and its receiving water body in Plön (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) and two culture collection strains were screened for the occurrence of genes coding for denitrification enzymes (dissimilatory nitrate, nitrite and nitrous oxide reductases), for dinitrogen fixation (nitrogenase reductase) and for nitrification (ammonia monooxygenase catalyzing the first stage of this process) by DNA-probing. More than one half of the isolates had genes coding for denitrification enzymes. The DNA-DNA hybridization signals obtained with the gene segments correlated with enzyme activity measurements. The DNA of some isolates distinctly hybridized with the nif H probe indicating the occurrence of nitrogenase in the genus Hyphomicrobium . No signal was detected with the gene probe for nitrification. The results show that probes consisting of gene segments can be employed successfully to monitor the occurrence of genes which can show complex expression and in bacteria growing at low rates. The distribution pattern of the denitrification genes indicates that methylotrophic prosthecate bacteria of the sewage treatment plant and its receiving water body occupy different ecological niches.  相似文献   

Nitrification and denitrification are bacterial functions, which are important for the global nitrogen cycle. Thus, it is important to study the diversity and distribution of bacteria in the environment, which are involved in the nitrogen cycle on the earth. Ammonia monooxygenase encoded by the amoA gene and nitrite reductase encoded by nirK or nirS are essential enzymes for nitrificaton and denitrification, respectively. These genes can be used as markers for the identification of organisms in the nitrogen cycle. In this study, we identified amoA (42 clones) and nirS (98 clones) genes in parallel from samples recovered from the deep-sea of the Nankai Trough. Genes for nirK could not be amplified from these samples. The obtained amoA sequences were not so closely related to those of amoA genes from previously isolated environmental organisms and those of genes from environmental DNAs. On the other hand, the nirS genes sequenced showed some relationship to some extent with the latter genes. However, some of the newly sequenced genes formed clusters, which contained no previously identified genes on a phylogenetic tree. These are likely present in specific denitrifiers from the deep-sea. The results of this study further suggest that nitrifiers and denitrifiers live in the same area of the Nankai Trough and the nitrogen cycle exists even in the deep-sea.  相似文献   

For biological nitrification, a set of experiments were carried out to approximate the response of lag period along with ammonia oxidation rate with respect to different concentrations of cyanide (CN) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and temperature variation in laboratory-scale batch reactors. The effects of simultaneous changes in these three factors on ammonia oxidation were quantitatively estimated and modeled using response surface analysis. The lag period and the ammonia oxidation rate responded differently to changes in the three factors. The lag period and the ammonia oxidation rate were significantly affected by the CN and AOB concentrations, while temperature changes only affected the ammonia oxidation rate. The increase of AOB concentration and temperature alleviated the inhibition effect of cyanide on ammonia oxidation. The statistical method used in this study can be extended to estimate the quantitative effects of other environmental factors that can change simultaneously.  相似文献   

A bioreactor system with 30 packed gel envelopes was installed in a thermal power plant for the removal of nitrogen from ammonia-containing desulfurization wastewater. Each envelope consisted of double-sided plate gels containing Nitrosomonas europaea and Paracoccus denitrificans cells with an internal space in between for injecting an electron donor. The envelope can remove ammonia from wastewater in a single step. When the wastewater was continuously treated with the bioreactor system, it removed 95.0% of the total nitrogen in the inlet, and the total nitrogen concentration in the outlet was below 9.0 mg L−1. The maximum nitrogen removal rate was 6.0 g day−1 per square meter of the gel area. The maximum utilization efficiency of the injected ethanol for denitrification was 98.4%, and the total organic carbon concentration in the outflow was maintained at a low level. Since the bioreactor system could use the electron donor effectively, it was not necessary to use an additional aerobic tank to remove the electron donor and a settling tank to segregate the surplus sludge containing bacteria from wastewater. Our concept of using packed gel envelopes would be highly effective for constructing a simple and efficient nitrogen removal system capable of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification.  相似文献   

Changes in the fractions of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in two laboratory-scale reactors were investigated using 16S rRNA probe hybridizations. The reactors were operated in intermittent aeration mode and different aeration cycles to treat anaerobically digested swine wastewater with ammonia concentrations up to 175 mg NH(3)-N/L. High ammonia removals (>98.8%) were achieved even with increased nitrogen loads and lower aeration: non-aeration time ratios of 1h:3h. Nitrosomonas/Nitrosococcus mobilis were the dominant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the reactors. Nitrospira-like organisms were the dominant nitrite-oxidizing bacteria during most of the investigation, but were occasionally outcompeted by Nitrobacter. High levels of nitrifiers were measured in the biomass of both reactors, and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing bacterial levels adjusted to changing aeration: non-aeration time ratios. Theoretical ammonia-oxidizer fractions, determined by a mathematical model, were comparable to the measured values, although the measured biomass fractions were different at each stage while the theoretical values remained approximately constant. Stable ammonia removals and no nitrite accumulation were observed even when rRNA levels of ammonia oxidizers and nitrite-oxidizers reached a minimum of 7.2% and 8.6% of total rRNA, respectively. Stable nitrogen removal performance at an aeration: non-aeration ratio of 1h:3h suggests the possibility of significant savings in operational costs.  相似文献   

This study investigated three lab-scale hybrid wetland systems with traditional (gravel) and alternative substrates (wood mulch and zeolite) for removing organic, inorganic pollutants and coliforms from a synthetic wastewater, in order to investigate the efficiency of alternative substrates, and monitor the stability of system performance. The hybrid systems were operated under controlled variations of hydraulic load (q, 0.3-0.9 m3/m2 d), influent ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4-N, 22.0-80.0 mg/L), total nitrogen (TN, 24.0-84.0 mg/L) and biodegradable organics concentration (BOD5, 14.5-102.0 mg/L). Overall, mulch and zeolite showed promising prospect as wetland substrates, as both media enhanced the removal of nitrogen and organics. Average NH4-N, TN and BOD5 removal percentages were over 99%, 72% and 97%, respectively, across all three systems, indicating stable removal performances regardless of variable operating conditions. Higher Escherichia coli removal efficiencies (99.9%) were observed across the three systems, probably due to dominancy of aerobic conditions in vertical wetland columns of the hybrid systems.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of organic additions on nitrification and dentrification were examined in sediment microcosms. The organic material, heat killed yeast, had a C/N ratio of 7.5 and was added to sieved, homogenized sediments. Four treatments were compared: no addition (control), 30 g dry weight (dw) m−2 mixed throughout the 10 cm sediment column (30M), 100 g dw m−2 mixed throughout sediments (100M), and 100 g dw m−2 mixed into top 1 cm (100S). After the microcosms had been established for 7–11 days, depth of O2 penetration, sediment-water fluxes and nitrification rates were measured. Nitrification rates were measured using three different techniques: N-serve and acetylene inhibition in intact cores, and nitrification potentials in slurris. Increased organic additions decreased O2 penetration from 2.7 to 0.2 mm while increasing both O2 consumption, from 30 to 70 mmol O2 m−2 d−1, and NO3 flux into sediments. Nitrification rates in intact cores were similar for the two methods. Highest rates occurred in the 30M treatment, while the lowest rate was measured in the 100S treatment. Total denitrification rates (estimated from nitrification and nitrate fluxes) increased with increased organic addition, because of the high concentrations of NO3 (40 μM) in the overlaying water. The ratio of nitrification: denitrification was used as an indication of the importance of nitrification as the NO3 supply for denitrificaion. This ratio decreased from 1.55 to 0.05 iwth increase organic addition.  相似文献   

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