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对宁夏境内贺兰山、罗山和六盘山的蛾类进行了系统性调查和区系分析。结果表明,贺兰山共有蛾类18科146属190种,罗山共有蛾类21科130属164种,六盘山共有蛾类33科397属648种。贺兰山、罗山、六盘山蛾类的G指数分别为5.9590、4.7522、5.7538;F指数分别为20.5551、25.3831、43.3902;G-F指数分别为0.7101、0.8128、0.8674。贺兰山和罗山的物种以古北界型占优势,分别占总物种数的66.84%和52.44%,无东洋型的物种分布。六盘山的蛾类广布型物种所占比例比较高,达70.22%,古北型占25.93%,另外还有少量东洋型物种分布。各天然林区相似性系数为中等不相似水平。  相似文献   

宁夏地区已记录的甲虫种数超过1000种(亚种),是构成该地区昆虫多样性的主要成分。本文对宁夏六盘山、贺兰山和罗山3个国家自然保护区已知甲虫种类的数量做了分析比较,得到以下不同的研究结果:六盘山、贺兰山和罗山分别有甲虫35科243属482种(亚种)、30科211属355种(亚种)、30科182属287种(亚种);从动物地理区系看,3区甲虫的广布型种类所占比例很高,分别占总种数的88.17%、85.91%和86.41%,尤以古北型+中国-日本型为突出。3区仅在古北界分布的类型所占比例较低,分别为11.83%、17.30%和13.59%。3区均无特有属存在,特有种所占比例非常小,分别占总种数的1.87%、0.28%、0.70%;六盘山、贺兰山和罗山甲虫的F指数、G指数和G-F指数依次为:F指数32.9064、29.4920和28.9752,G指数5.1998、5.0281和4.9669,G-F指数0.8420、0.8296和0.8286;贺兰山和罗山甲虫具有的相同种数最多,相似性系数为中等不相似水平,六盘山和罗山,六盘山和贺兰山甲虫的相似性系数均为极不相似水平。  相似文献   

3 与邻近地区藓类植物区系的关系3.1 与邻近地区藓类植物的比较 为进一步说明本地区与其他地区藓类区系的关系,本文选取了5个地区进行比较。3.1.1 与金佛山的比较 两地区主要以热带成分和东亚成分相联系,它们共有的80种中热带成分和东亚成分分别为28种和26种;而北温带成分、东亚-北美共有成分及温带亚洲成分在两地区之间的共有种仅为18种。在欧亚北部分布为主的一些温带成分基本上以金佛山为南界,而一些热带、亚热带的种类并非以此为北界(胡晓云等,1991)。例如:主  相似文献   

丽水大山峰木本植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丽水市大山峰位于浙南山区,是浙江省木本植物区系最丰富地区之一,共有木本植物84科237属543种,而且古老孑遗植物和珍稀濒危植物较多,地理成分复杂多样,可划分为14个分布区类型,区系具有明显的热带-温带过渡性;木本植物区系中,中国特有种占绝对优势,共有338种,占总种数的62.2%,是构成大山峰森林植被的建群种和优势种的主要成分.与邻近山地植物区系比较发现,大山峰木本植物区系与浙江白云山关系最密切.  相似文献   

甘肃省陇南,甘南地区啮齿类区系及分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1980—19 82年对甘肃省的陇南山地、甘南草原区东部的啮齿类进行了调查。查明两地共有啮齿类5科21属,39种;其中属东洋界的13种;古北界的9种;两区共有种为17种;4种为本省新纪录。鼠类生境有8种类型。数量最高的生境为弃耕地和采伐迹地。黑线姬鼠、中华林姬鼠、大林姬鼠、社鼠是该地区的主要鼠类,其中黑线姬鼠为优势种。  相似文献   

黑龙江鹤北地区维管束植物的区系分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张捷  胡秉坤  杨逢建  徐辉 《植物研究》2001,21(3):360-364
鹤北地区共有维管植物110科,412属,978种,其中蕨类植物有14科18属41种,裸子植物只有1科4属6种,被子植物有95科390属931种。其植物区系成分特征为:⑴植物种类繁多;⑵区系成分丰富;⑶单属科和单种属料多;⑷存在许多孑遗种;⑸区系主要是北温带性质,具有“南北混合型”特征。  相似文献   

甘肃省马衔山地区种子植物区系的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了甘肃省马衔山地区种子植物区系,用主成分分析(P.C.A)和信息聚类(I.C.A)方法对该区系与国内其它10个有代表性地区的种子植物区系进行了对比分析。其结果为:1.该区系温带性质十分明显,是一个汇集四大区系成分的过渡带;2.该区系起源于第三纪亚热带亚高山森林植物区系,随青藏高原的隆起和中亚干旱区的形成而分化形成;3.该区系与六盘山植物区的关系最近。该区系隶属于泛北极植物区,中国-日本森林植物  相似文献   

孙呈祥  龚大洁  郑智  李万江 《生物学通报》2013,(12):14-14,F0003
六盘齿突蟾为六盘山地区特有的珍稀无尾两栖动物。但近几年来六盘山地区人类活动日益频繁,对六盘齿突蟾的生存构成严重威胁,致使其栖息地迅速缩小,种群数量急剧下降,保护该物种已是刻不容缓。  相似文献   

作者于1984年5月在宁夏六盘山昆虫区系调查时采得一种新鬃蚤,命名为宁夏鬃蚤,新种Chaetopsylla (Chaetopsylla) ningxiaensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

浙江丽水木本植物区系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丽水市位于浙江西南部,是浙江木本植物最丰富的地区之一,共有木本植物95科338属1128种。通过对科、属、种的统计分析,该地区木本植物区系基本特征为:(1)植物种类丰富;(2)起源古老、单型属和寡种属较多;(3)各类地理成分复杂,与世界各地有着不同程度的联系,以温带成分为主;(4)区系过渡性明显。  相似文献   

滇西北中甸的两栖爬行动物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滇西北中甸地区共有两栖类13种(亚种),隶属于2目5科;爬行动物11种(亚种),隶属于1目2亚目5科。区系成分以东洋界西南区的种类占主导地位,两栖类占84.6%,爬行类占72.7%。区系特点表现为:区系组成单一却特有率高,成分古老又兼具年轻特点,南北动物交汇形成多样化。两栖爬行动物的种群分布与植被类型具有密切的相关性;为适应环境动物形态发生了较多变化。认为中甸地区是动物地理区划中的一关键地区,其两栖爬行类动物的调查及分类研究工作尚需进一步深入。  相似文献   

The polyneopteran insect fauna of Dinara Mountain area has been poorly studied in the past, with only scarce data published on the topic. During a study conducted in 2012 and 2013, a total of 19 better-investigated localities were visited and 68 species of Blattodea, Mantodea and Orthoptera were recorded for the first time in the investigated area, one species being recorded for the first time in Croatia. Our results, together with all available museum and literature data, are presented in this paper to complete the picture of polyneopteran insect fauna inhabiting this area.  相似文献   

Studies in the past decade have proven the Shanita fauna to be an excellent marker of the northern peri-Gondwana tectonic blocks.Thus,a study of the Shanita fauna from the Baoshan area in western Yunnan Province,China,could provide pivotal paleontological evidence for the paleogeographic reconstruction of the Baoshan block.We systematically analyzed the composition and the age of the Shanita fauna from the Permian Da'aozi Formation in Woniusi Section of the Baoshan area.Results suggested that the characteristic genera Shanita and Hemigordiopsis in this fauna comprised eight species (including two new species),and ten genera of other nonfusulinid foraminifera were also recognized from this fauna.Further comparative study showed that the Shanita fauna from the Baoshan area were probably late Maokouan (Lengwuan)to Wuchiapingian in age.In general composition,this fauna is comparable to those Shanita faunas from Shan State of Burma,Peninsular Thailand,and Nagri of Tibet,China.However,the relatively low generic diversity and occurrence of some endemic species,as well as the absence of fusulinids,indicate certain regional features of the Shanita fauna from the Baoshan area.  相似文献   

本文报道泉州市的爬行动物共 5 8种 ,分析了这 5 8种爬行类所属的动物区系。它们当中属于古北界的仅 2种 ,属于东洋界的有 5 3种 ,其中华南区与华中区共有者 30种 ,华中区的种类 4种 ,华南区的种类有 19种 ,说明泉州市爬行类的区系组成是以华南区的种类占优势。  相似文献   

Studies focusing on communities of helminths from Brazilian lizards are increasing, but there are many blanks in the knowledge of parasitic fauna of wild fauna. This lack of knowledge hampers understanding of ecological and parasitological aspects of involved species. Moreover, the majority of research has focused on parasitic fauna of lizards from families Tropiduridae and Scincidae. Only a few studies have looked at lizards from the family Leiosauridae, including some species of Enyalius. This study presents data on the gastrointestinal parasite fauna of Enyalius perditus and their relationships with ecological aspects of hosts in a disturbed Atlantic rainforest area in the state of Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. Two nematode species, Oswaldocruzia burseyi [(Molineidae) and Strongyluris oscari (Heterakidae) were found. Nematode species showed an aggregated distribution in this host population, with O. burseyi being more aggregated than S. oscari. The present study extends the range of occurrence of O. burseyi to the Brazilian continental area.  相似文献   

本文列出江西产跳蛛科蜘蛛30属63种的名录、地理分布以及区系特征。63种跳蛛属古北界的物种仅占6.2%,属东洋界以及东洋界、古北界共有物种分别占42.8%和51.0%。国内分布已基本查清的27种跳蛛区系分析表明:江西种类属华中区,与华南区、西南区共有种最多,其后依次为华北区、东北区、蒙新区,与青藏区共有种最少;江西跳蛛与邻省湖南共有种最多,其后依次为广东、福建、浙江、湖北、安徽,与江苏共有种最少。  相似文献   

Located along the Argentine coastline of northern Patagonia, are San Matías (SMG) and San José (SJG) gulfs; although they are regarded as an area with a high-priority conservational status, knowledge on their diversity is currently fragmentary. Studies on molluscs from this area have been historically centred in economic resources and few works have referred to non-commercial species. The present study aims to document the biological diversity of molluscs at the SMG/SJG area, in order to determine the significance of these two gulfs in the context of the Argentine marine fauna; to evaluate how well represented is this fauna in three protected areas; and to compare the fauna present in the protected areas with that of a non-protected area. For that purpose, molluscs coming from 132 sampling stations, ranging from the intertidal to 170 m depth, were studied, and a thorough bibliographic compilation was performed. A total of 196 species of molluscs are reported for the area. Surprisingly, almost one third of these species lacked previous records for SMG/SJG, including several new/possibly new species. The three studied protected areas contain 88.3% of the species recognised for the entire SMG/SJG area. Although several species appear as exclusive from one of these three areas, many of them are also present in an intermediately located, non-protected area. Molluscan diversity at the SMG/SJG area is greater than previously thought, comprising about 41.4% of the bivalves and 37.8% of the gastropods present in the Argentine shelf; thus suggesting that the area may be considered as a hot-spot of diversity in the Argentine Sea.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to apply cluster analysis to comparison of local faunas in the Northern Hemisphere at the species level by the example of the subfamily Arctiinae (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). A total of 200 North African, Eurasian (New Guinea inclusive), and North American (north of the United Mexican States) local faunas have been considered. It is found that the circumarctic fauna is clearly separated from the Palearctic and Nearctic ones, being closer to the former only at the level of genera. Therefore, it is not reasonable to recognize the united European-Canadian subprovince of the boreal belt according to the tiger moth faunas. The Palearctic tiger moth fauna is characterized by relatively smooth variations within the boreal, subboreal, and western subtropical belts. The fauna gradually changes from the Amur catchment area to South China, Himalayas, and India so that all fauna types of these regions are closely related to one another and, to a lesser extent, to equatorial fauna types of Southeast Asia islands. The boundary between the Palearctic and Oriental (Indo-Malayan) provinces should be drawn north of the Yangtze catchment area. The most dramatic fauna change at the species level takes place between North China and the Yangtze catchment, and at the genus level, between Northern and Northeastern China. It is reasonable to establish a broad transition area between the two zoogeographic provinces in Eastern Asia. On the grounds of the nonuniform tiger moth fauna, the South Chinese-East Himalayan subprovince should be assigned to the Oriental (Indo-Malayan) province rather than the Palearctic one, as was repeatedly proposed. The Southwest-Asian fauna (Arabian Peninsula and southern Iran) is transitional between the Palearctic, African, and Oriental ones. Many African taxa penetrate to the west and south of the Arabian Peninsula, whereas Oriental and Paleotropical species penetrate to southern Iran. It is reasonable to elevate considerably the rank of the Quinghai-Tibet highland fauna by distinguishing its habitat as a separate zoogeographic subprovince, because the similarity between this fauna type and any other Palearctic fauna at the species level is much less than between temperate faunas of the Palearctic and Nearctic. The assignment of this fauna to the Palearctic is confirmed only at the genus level.  相似文献   

Variations in abundance and species composition of macro-zoobenthos were studied at a sublittoral muddy-bottom station in the inner part of the German Bight from 1969 to 1976. The fauna of this area can be included in the classicalAbra alba community. A total of 98 species were found in 62 samples. Of these, only 4 species occurred in all samples:Nucula nitidosa, Diastylic rathkei, Ophiura texturata andNephtys hombergii. Species richness has declined since 1969. Populations of several species disappeared in the investigated area and its surroundings. Other populations are shown to exhibit remarkable fluctuations in abundance with sometimes heavy spatfalls or sudden breakdowns in population density, mainly during late summer. The long-term trend of impoverishment of the fauna is attributed to the development of anaerobic conditions in the muddy sediment. Such conditions are favoured by stable, thermohaline strafications of the water during summer, resulting in low oxygen levels and, probably, enrichment of hydrogen sulfide even in near-bottom water. Moreover, both continuou influx into the area of Elbe water, rich in suspended matter and nutrients and dumping of sewage sludge about 8 km east of the investigated area are considered to have increased the strees on the bottom fauna.  相似文献   

为了了解鸟类组成和海拔分布状况,利用样线法和固定调查点法于2007~2015年对广西大明山的鸟类进行了研究。在大明山共记录鸟类337种,隶属于17目56科。繁殖鸟类(包括留鸟和夏候鸟)共计234种,占大明山鸟类种数的69.4%,具有明显优势,构成了大明山鸟类区系组成的主体。大明山具有典型的华南区向华中区过渡的鸟类区系特征,67.1%的繁殖鸟类属于东洋型的种类。随着海拔的增加,东洋型的种类逐渐减少。依据海拔梯度和植被的不同,可以将大明山鸟类分成6个类群,鸟类总种数和繁殖鸟类种数均以海拔500~900 m的范围内最多,海拔200~500 m范围内鸟类次之。由于大明山地处热带南缘,本研究将为今后监测气候变暖对鸟类的影响提供依据。  相似文献   

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