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依据国家标准,结合原建筑结构和对实验动物的实际需要,对我校原有实验动物设施进行了改造,该工程设计合理,施工规范,改造后的SPF级实验动物设施通过验收,各项环境指标均符合国家标准,实现了低成本、低能耗和低运行费的效果。  相似文献   

目的分析总结湖北省2012年度实验动物许可单位年检中环境设施的检测结果,找出问题,提出促进湖北省实验动物环境设施可靠运行的建议。方法各实验动物环境设施采用30%区域抽检方式,依据GB14925-2010《实验动物环境及设施》,进行环境指标检测。结果除气流速度、沉降菌最大平均浓度外,其他技术指标均存在不符合国家标准的情况。结论应针对实验动物设施管理加强培训,提高实验动物设施管理人员的管理水平,从而保证实验动物设施的正常运行。  相似文献   

实验动物设施的安全运行和环境条件标准化控制是实验动物繁育生产质量和进行动物实验的条件保证。本人运用安全系统工程、安全科学管理理论,结合我国实验动物安全工作发展,就实验动物环境设施的安全运行管理、检查、发现、分析和消除实验动物环境设施运行中潜在的危险和危害因素,做一阐述。总结性地提出了实验动物环境设施安全检查的程序、内容、实施步骤的闭环式安全检查模型。利用安全检查表,科学有效地开展实验动物环境设施安全检查工作,把事故消灭在萌芽状态。  相似文献   

军事医学科学院实验动物中心始建于1951年,是国内最早从事实验动物科学研究、生产繁育、动物实验及实验动物人才培训为一体的综合性实验动物专业单位。现设有实验动物生产、动物实验、饲料生产、科学研究等8个科室及实验动物微生物、遗传、病理、营养等专业学科,技术人员200多人。现有各种设施面积4万平方米,繁育供应各种实验动物20多种,年生产能力达60余万只。啮齿类动物生产全部达NPF标准。现有动物实验SPF级屏障设施5000平方米,设施条件国内领先,可承担各类动物实验课题。  相似文献   

2008年5月14—22日,中国实验动物学会组织国内实验动物专家及相关人员27人参加了在日本仙台召开的“日本实验动物科学技术2008”学术年会,并参观考察了日本东北大学大学院医学系研究科医学部实验动物设施、东京大学医科学研究所实验动物设施、日本国立感染症研究所、日本三菱制药田边制药株式会社等实验动物科研、生产、教学及相关单位。  相似文献   

在中国实验动物学会的组织下,作者于2007年5月22~30日赴日本东京,参加了在那里举办的日本第54届实验动物年会。通过听取学术报告、参观设施设备展览和观摩实验动物设施,对日本的实验动物管理工作有了直观的了解。主要归纳为以下三个方面。  相似文献   

随着医学实验动物学科的发展及实验动物生产、使用许可证管理办法的实施,本文介绍了我校屏障系统动物实验设施的运营管理模式,包括建立完整的文件及系统内标准操作的管理体系、人员队伍的建设和管理、实验动物环境设施的管理、系统内环境物品的管理等,总结相关经验以供同行参考。  相似文献   

目的依据节能、安全、高效、实用的原则,设计一款集饲养与实验一体化的屏障设施。方法在该屏障系统中主要设计了可以组合的传入单元、生活单元、过渡单元和实验单元。在动物和物品的传递流程中,加入了自动灭菌的控制。结果本设计能够提高工作效率,有效保障实验动物的清洁度。结论本系统可以满足清洁级和SPF级的中、小规模实验动物生产及实验需要。  相似文献   

随着国内、外实验动物的发展,屏障设施的建立和应用越来越广泛。因此,许多单位投入大量资金搞硬件建设,但对设施运行后的节能考虑较少。目前,国内屏障设施的设计多采用分区控制、变频风机、换热器等来考虑节能,但在送、回风形式上并未改变传统的顶送风、四角回风形式,该送、回风形式由于受到平板饲养架的限制,设计上房间的换气次数多为15-20次/h,实际上动物饲养笼内的换气次数远远低于房间的换气次数,不能有效的保证笼内换气。本作者根据国内、外实验动物设施发展趋势,创新研制出定向流系统(已获得实用新型专利证书,专利号:ZL200520069682.8)饲养动物,同时采用动物饲养系统和房间送、回系统分开控制进行节能设计,有效的保证动物笼内换气和节能。该设计为国内首创,应用本设计夏季可节电47.4 kW.h,按工业用电0.8元/h计算,每小时节约运行成本近38元。  相似文献   

实验动物设施是医院科学研究的技术平台。如何利用有限的资源,全面提高实验动物中心科研服务水平是管理者亟待解决的问题。本文通过总结第四军医大学口腔医院实验动物中心的规范化建设及管理,探索提高实验动物中心运行效率和科研服务质量的方法。  相似文献   

在实践经验的基础上,本文对实验动物屏障设施运行管理中的软件建设、内环境的洁净维持、配套设备的管理、“四流”的净化控制等几个关键问题作了论述,希望能对我国实验动物屏障设施管理水平的提高有所帮助。  相似文献   

目的比较4种独立通风笼具(individually ventilated cages,IVC)的环境参数。方法参考GB14925-2001的检测方法对分别来自4个厂家生产的4种不同的IVC进行环境检测。结果4种IVC在空气洁净度、落下菌、噪声和照度等4个指标检测数据较为一致;在梯度压差、换气次数、气流速度等3个指标存在较大的差别;而温湿度等指标取决于IVC所处的外部环境。结论目前缺乏国家标准对IVC环境指标进行限定,各厂家所生产的IVC存在差异,需要在此方面加强研究,以促进IVC的标准化,更好的服务于实验动物行业。  相似文献   

BackgroundDespite widespread availability of HIV treatment, patient outcomes differ across facilities. We propose and evaluate an approach to measure quality of HIV care at health facilities in South Africa’s national HIV program using routine laboratory data.Methods and findingsData were extracted from South Africa’s National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) Corporate Data Warehouse. All CD4 counts, viral loads (VLs), and other laboratory tests used in HIV monitoring were linked, creating a validated patient identifier. We constructed longitudinal HIV care cascades for all patients in the national HIV program, excluding data from the Western Cape and very small facilities. We then estimated for each facility in each year (2011 to 2015) the following cascade measures identified a priori as reflecting quality of HIV care: median CD4 count among new patients; retention 12 months after presentation; 12-month retention among patients established in care; viral suppression; CD4 recovery; monitoring after an elevated VL. We used factor analysis to identify an underlying measure of quality of care, and we assessed the persistence of this quality measure over time. We then assessed spatiotemporal variation and facility and population predictors in a multivariable regression context.We analyzed data on 3,265 facilities with a median (IQR) annual size of 441 (189 to 988) lab-monitored HIV patients. Retention 12 months after presentation increased from 42% to 47% during the study period, and viral suppression increased from 66% to 79%, although there was substantial variability across facilities. We identified an underlying measure of quality of HIV care that correlated with all cascade measures except median CD4 count at presentation. Averaging across the 5 years of data, this quality score attained a reliability of 0.84. Quality was higher for clinics (versus hospitals), in rural (versus urban) areas, and for larger facilities. Quality was lower in high-poverty areas but was not independently associated with percent Black. Quality increased by 0.49 (95% CI 0.46 to 0.53) standard deviations from 2011 to 2015, and there was evidence of geospatial autocorrelation (p < 0.001). The study’s limitations include an inability to fully adjust for underlying patient risk, reliance on laboratory data which do not capture all relevant domains of quality, potential for errors in record linkage, and the omission of Western Cape.ConclusionsWe observed persistent differences in HIV care and treatment outcomes across South African facilities. Targeting low-performing facilities for additional support could reduce overall burden of disease.

Jacob Bor and co-workers use a new measure of care quality to report on facility-level variations in HIV care and outcomes in South Africa.  相似文献   

A simple gel-diffusion technique is described for the diagnosis of ram epididymitis caused by Brucella ovis. The results are shown to be very similar to those obtained by the complement-fixation test, which is currently the standard method of diagnosis. The method is suitable for use in the field and is expected to facilitate the control of ram epididymitis in areas where laboratory facilities are not available.  相似文献   

Humans are mammals, not bacteria or plants, yeast or nematodes, insects or fish. Mice are also mammals, but unlike gorilla and goat, fox and ferret, giraffe and jackal, they are suited perfectly to the laboratory environment and genetic experimentation. In this review, we will summarize the tools, tricks and techniques for executing forward genetic screens in the mouse and argue that this approach is now accessible to most biologists, rather than being the sole domain of large national facilities and specialized genetics laboratories.  相似文献   

The performance of the nitrate reductase assay was evaluated in a multicenter laboratory study to detect resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to the first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol and streptomycin using a set of coded isolates. Compared with the gold standard proportion method on L?wenstein-Jensen medium, the assay was highly accurate in detecting resistance to rifampicin, isoniazid and ethambutol with an accuracy of 98%, 96.6% and 97.9%, respectively. For streptomycin, discrepant results were obtained with an overall accuracy of 85.3%. The assay proved easy to be implemented in countries with limited laboratory facilities.  相似文献   

The present study contains information about proper microbiological monitoring of laboratory animals' health and the standardization of microbiological monitoring methods in Korea. Microbiological quality control for laboratory animals, composed of biosecurity and health surveillance, is essential to guard against research complications and public health dangers that have been associated with adventitious infections. In this study, one hundred and twenty-two mice and ninety rats from laboratory animal breeding companies and one animal facility of the national universities in Korea were monitored in 2000-2003. Histopathologically, thickening of the alveolar walls and lymphocytic infiltration around the bronchioles were observed in mice and rats from microbiologically contaminated facilities. Cryptosporidial oocysts were observed in the gastric pits of only conventionally-housed mice and rats. Helicobacter spp. infection was also detected in 1 of 24 feces DNA samples in mice and 9 of 40 feces DNA samples in rats by PCR in 2003, but they were not Helicobacter hepaticus. This paper describes bacteriological, parasitological, and virological examinations of the animals.  相似文献   

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