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牧民对高寒牧区生态环境的感知——以甘南牧区为例   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
赵雪雁 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2427-2436
地处青藏高原的甘南牧区是典型的生态敏感区,牧民作为牧区最主要的经济活动主体与最基本的决策单位,其对生态环境的认识和响应影响着牧区的生态安全.采用参与性农户评估方法(PRA)对甘南牧区的97户牧民家庭进行了调查,并根据分布区域将其分成纯牧区牧户和半农半牧区牧户两组,就牧民的环境意识、对环境变化的感知、对环境变化原因的认识进行比较分析,基于分析结果,提出了相关的政策建议.研究结果表明:研究区牧民对生态环境重要性的认识非常明确,但在生产中却较少真正考虑对生态环境的影响;与20a前相比,85%的牧户认为生态环境有所恶化,纯牧区牧户的感受更为深刻;对于生态环境恶化的原因,超过40%的牧户认为是超载过牧,其次是破坏植被(22.68%)和气候变化(18.56%).两组牧户对于生态环境恶化原因的认识具有一定差别,纯牧区牧户认为主要原因是过度放牧及气候变化,半农半牧区牧户认为是过度放牧与破坏植被、滥垦土地.  相似文献   

广东南江工业园对其生态环境的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南江工业园地处北江江边,内设有电镀、五金加工企业,为查明工业园所在区域的环境状况,确定本项目对周边生态环境的影响,对南江工业园的陆地生态环境和水生生态环境进行了调查,结果表明工业园对其陆地生态环境造成一定的影响,约333hm2土地受到占用及将受到破坏,其中挖方、填方造成的水土流失量分别为110t·km-2·a-1、225t·km-2·a-1,而采取水土保护措施后,挖方、填方造成的水土流失量分别为58t·km-2·a-1、45t·km-2·a-1。在水生态方面亦对水生生物造成了一定的直接影响。  相似文献   

黄土高原泾河流域牲畜承载力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕晓丽  王辉  周睿  洪军  索安宁  葛剑平 《生态学报》2006,26(12):4219-4224
畜牧业是泾河流域北部地区的经济支柱产业。过度放牧使草地退化,土地沙化严重,是流域生态环境恶化的主要原因之一。根据降雨,植被.牲畜量之间的定量关系。利用泾河流域1971—2000年平均降雨数据,估算了泾河流域牲畜承载力的空间分布格局,并根据同期的各县市牲畜存栏数据和该区植被分布数据,分析各县市放牧压力的时空分布。对于泾河流域的牲畜承载力水平而言,目前是一个什么状况以及与理论上的最大承载力的可变动的空间如何,是研究的主要目的,以期为该区的农牧业合理布局及其退耕还林(草)工程具体实施提供科学依据和理论指导。 利用DEM对该流域近30a的降水数据空间插值,获得降雨空间数据,并以降雨.生产力.牲畜量的经验模型进行估算,研究结果表明以降雨R估算的泾河流域牲畜承载力空间分布自南向北逐渐变小。基于县域单元,对于表征放牧压力的牲畜放牧指数(SRI)而言,相对总面积的SPd只有环县、吴旗、定边、盐池和泾川5县超过1,表明这5个县属于过度放牧区域,其它地区不存在牲畜超载现象;对于基于草地面积的SPd,除了经济相对发达的西峰市、咸阳市区、兴平市和泾渭交界的地区部分县市小于1,大部分地区的SPd值都大于1,尤其是北部的环县、吴旗、盐池、定边等县。都超过10几倍。属于严重的超载放牧地区,超载放牧是北部地区土地沙漠化的主要原因,而北部区域是泾河乃至整个黄土高原的泥沙的主要来源,因此产生严重的生态影响。退耕还林(草)工程实施中应明确上述县市的严重的生态现象,并对这些区域的生态地位重点进行宣传教育。同时,表明基于草地面积计算的牲畜放牧指数较基于总面积计算的更具有现实意义。  相似文献   

中国南方红壤生态系统面临的问题及对策   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
赵其国  黄国勤  马艳芹 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7615-7622
南方红壤对于我国农业乃至整个国民经济的持续发展和人民生活水平的迅速提高发挥了重要作用,但由于红壤性质上的酸、瘦、粘等弱点,分布区域降水时空不均匀,以及不合理开发利用造成的水土流失、土壤退化、土壤污染等,导致红壤地区的生态环境恶化,红壤资源潜在的生产能力得不到应有的发挥,使整个地区农业及经济持续发展受到严重影响。目前,中国南方红壤生态系统面临水土流失、土壤酸化、肥力退化、季节性干旱、土壤污染、生物退化、石漠化及土地沙化、耕地面积缩减和系统功能衰减等问题。针对上述问题,在综合治理措施上必须提高认识,调整农业结构,优化耕作制度,大力发展立体农业,防治水土流失和土壤污染,改良土壤,培肥地力,重建红壤区植被生态系统,建立和完善红壤预警,从而保证南方红壤生态系统的持续稳定健康发展。  相似文献   

水分胁迫下不同抗旱类型品种对氮素营养反应的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验结果表明,小麦受到水分胁迫时,游离脯氨酸大量积累,胁迫缓慢加重时,渗透调节能力增强,适当的氮素营养,可增强渗透调节作用,有助于干旱下维持膨压,提高NR酶活性和净光合速率。水地型品种对水分和氮素营养都较敏感,叶片水势、饱和渗透势、NR酶活性、游离脯氨酸含量的变化都较旱地型品种大,旱地型品种在受旱时水分状况较稳定,生理代谢变化幅度较小,但两类旱地品种对氮素营养的反应不同。旱肥型较旱薄型敏感。水分胁迫下,水地型品种渗透势下降较多,渗透调节幅度较大,是对逆境更敏感或实际受到的胁迫较重的表现。  相似文献   

生态恢复和经济发展悖论中毒害草的地位及悖论解决途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨渺  李贤伟  马金星 《生态学杂志》2005,24(10):1177-1181
探讨了毒害草存在的生态价值、利用价值及毒害草防治的弊端。认为过度放牧是畜牧业陷入困境的主要原因,毒害草的繁衍只是草原退化的直接反映,防除缺乏依据。现有的防治措施存在各种弊端,对环境和生物多样性保护不利;并指出毒害草可以覆盖地面、减少水土流失,对草原生态系统的保护和恢复有利,故认为毒害草的大量繁衍是草原生态系统与放牧系统协同进化的结果,是草原生态系统发展的防御机制,具有极大生态价值。同时提出草原生态系统可持续发展要从人的生存和经济发展着眼,要改变现有生活模式,发展多种经营,实行跨区域经济补偿;要控制人口数量,对现有人口要实现城镇化。  相似文献   

基于3S的呼和浩特市土地利用变化及其生态效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在3S技术及相关模型支持下,对呼和浩特市1987—2004年土地利用变化及其生态效应进行了研究。结果表明,草地和耕地是呼和浩特市的主要土地利用类型。研究期间耕地和建设用地面积有所增加,其他土地利用类型面积有不同程度的减少。耕地的拓展及植被的恢复是研究区土地利用方式改变的两大主要方向。1987—2004年,呼和浩特市生态环境综合指数由0.401增加到0.408,生态环境质量有所改善。造林种草是改善生态环境质量最主要的驱动因子,其贡献率为25.30%。拓展耕地是恶化生态环境最主要的驱动因子,其贡献率为20.50%。研究区生态环境质量变化的空间差异显著,清水河县生态环境改善速度最快,主要驱动因子为退耕还林还草,其贡献率达57.89%。武川县生态环境恶化速度最快,主要驱动因子为耕地拓展,其贡献率为62.15%。  相似文献   

基于农户响应的北方农牧交错带生态改善策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐建英  柳文华  常静  马礼 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6126-6134
农户是农村地区生产和决策的基本单位,其生计策略和认知态度对当地生态环境有重要影响,基于农户生计策略和认知响应的调查分析是探讨生态改善策略的重要方法。以北方农牧交错带红旗滩小流域为例,采用参与式农户评估方法,对农户的社会经济特征以及农户对农业及农业政策的响应进行了调查分析。结果表明,研究区域农户经营结构具有典型的农牧二元特征,农、牧业之间相互依赖,分别解决粮食和增收问题,相对而言,农户对牧业生产抱有较高的期望。农户对退耕还林政策和禁牧政策持相反的态度。结合研究区域的生态和社会经济背景,对上述结果进行了深入的剖析,并在此基础上提出当地生态环境改善须考虑和解决三方面的问题:即农牧协调问题、农户的经济需求问题和农户的经营行为问题。  相似文献   

1991—1992连续两年,在水、旱地两种环境条件下,对20个品杂种,9个性状进行了3个遗传参数的分析。从遗传进度的估算中确定了较高增量的性状。在遗传相关的分析中,又得出14对性状遗传相关系数较高,表现型相关系数水、旱地都达到显著水准。但在相关遗传进度的估算中,其增量幅度旱地明显地小于水地,这说明旱地培育高产品种的困难较大。通过对124个指数项目的分析,提出了水、旱地育种各自应采用的较好的选择方案。  相似文献   

基于样带农户调查的江西省山江湖林业工程生态成效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄麟  邵全琴  刘纪远  邵景安  匡文慧 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5346-5354
"山江湖工程"实施的20多年间,以人工造林为主的消灭荒山、治理水土流失等生态建设使江西省的森林覆盖率由36%提升至60.05%。利用江西省中南部典型样带4个县181个村508户农户的入户实证调查资料及相关辅助数据,分析了"山江湖工程"实施以来的具体生态成效,以及目前存在的主要生态问题。结果表明:工程区农户通过直接参与工程的建设、管理而成为山江湖工程的主体,但大部分属于被动参与,参与收益后逐渐开始考虑参与方式和利益获取的均衡性,其主体地位体现在对造林树种、密度、方式、经营管理等方面的选择;农户通过不同经验指标衡量工程实施后的具体生态成效,认识到工程的显著成效表现在植被恢复、保持水土、保护野生动物、涵养水源等方面;对于生态成效无意识的农户,与局部地区只砍不种以及未获收益后农户经营的逆反心理有关;目前存在的主要生态问题是乱砍滥伐、超方砍伐等。  相似文献   

Populations of farmland birds are under pressure as a result of agricultural intensification. It has been proposed that less intensive approaches to farming, such as organic farming methods, may halt these population declines. In addition, organic farmers may have a more positive attitude towards nature and the environment which can possibly also have positive effects on the populations of breeding birds. We have compared the attitude of conventional and organic farmers towards the presence of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica and the abundance of breeding Barn Swallows on organic and conventional arable farms in the Netherlands. We found that the abundance of breeding Barn Swallows did not differ between these two types of farms an that both organic and conventional farmers had a positive attitude towards the presence of Barn Swallows on their farms. Our results show that organic farming does not attract more Barn Swallows. However, agricultural intensification could have resulted in lower breeding success and, consequently, population declines, although there may be other contributory factors as well.  相似文献   

Summary Tracer studies were made on balance and chemical distribution of added fertilizer under field conditions using a modified type of lysimeter at different moisture regimes. A modified chemical method was also used for the determination of different forms of organic N.An average of 25 per cent of the isotope enriched nitrogen applied to soil could not be accounted for at the end of the 3 years of experiment. The amount of residual added N in soil was around 33 per cent of which 27 per cent was in 0–20 cm layers and only 6 per cent was found in 20–50 cm layers. The average crop recoveries were around 43 per cent. Only 0.18 per cent of NO3–N was leached from the irrigated plots.The alkali-stable N (amino acid-N) fraction was higher for irrigated (19 per cent) than nonirrigated plots (15 per cent). There were no difference in the amounts of fixed NH4, non-hydrolyzed and alkali-labile N fractions for irrigated and non-irrigated plots. Only an average of 1.5 per cent of total fertilizer N was found as fixed NH4–N form but the total fixed NH4–N was higher (10–13 per cent) than that reported by other workers for surface soil layers. The sum of different soil-nitrogen fractions were always higher than the total nitrogen in soil.  相似文献   

黄土高原退耕还林(草)政策的实施有效改善了区域生态环境,然而其对社会经济的影响存在明显的地域差异。以甘肃省定西市安定区近郊凤翔镇和远郊鲁家沟镇为例,采用重复测定方差分析、主响应曲线分析和相关分析等解析2镇1998—2015年农村经济结构及收入变化对退耕还林(草)政策实施的响应特征,确定退耕还林(草)政策实施驱动的土地利用变化与农村收入之间的关系。研究发现:(1)退耕还林(草)政策实施解释了2镇70.4%的农业收入结构差异,因政策的实施推动了小麦等夏粮作物向玉米、马铃薯等秋粮作物的转变,进而影响了农业收入结构的变化;(2)退耕还林(草)政策对农村经济结构的影响弱于对农业收入结构的影响,它解释了2镇54.1%的农村经济结构差异,近郊凤翔镇农村经济收入明显高于远郊鲁家沟镇。退耕还林(草)政策对以农业为主导产业的远郊鲁家沟镇农村经济结构影响相对较小,近郊凤翔镇工业、服务业和商业餐饮业等非农产业占农村经济总收入的比重随着农业收入比重的降低而有所提高;(3)退耕还林(草)政策的实施带动了该区种植业结构的转变,这在一定程度上缩小了凤翔镇和鲁家沟镇农村集体收入之间的差距;(4)退耕还林(草)政策实施过程中,梯田面积、玉米和马铃薯等秋粮作物种植面积的增加提高了农村居民纯收入。研究认为退耕还林(草)在实施过程中需考虑地域差异,依据区域经济发展状况进行相应调整,在推动种植业发展的同时还应兼顾林业、牧业和一些非农产业发展,最终实现生态环境恢复与农村经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

Capsule Diet composition and feeding behaviour of breeding birds differed between areas of high and low agricultural intensification.

Aims To analyze diet composition and feeding behaviour of Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus in agricultural landscapes with different degrees of agricultural intensification.

Methods Diet composition and feeding behaviour was assessed by focal observations at nests during breeding seasons in 2001–03 in two agricultural areas within the eastern Ebro Basin (on the northern Iberian Peninsula) which differed in their degree of agricultural intensification: a traditional non-irrigated and non-intensively managed farmland area; and an irrigated and intensively managed farmland area.

Results Marsh Harriers in the intensively managed area took higher percentages of small mammals than harriers in the traditional area managed at low-intensity, where they also had a more diverse diet. Male delivery rates increased throughout the breeding season in the intensively managed area. On the contrary, no significant trend in delivery rates was observed in the traditional area, where harriers turned to larger prey late in the season.

Conclusion Marsh Harriers probably took advantage of different prey types in intensively managed and traditional farmland according to prey availability. Differences in diet composition seem to be related to different foraging strategies adopted by harriers in traditional and intensively managed farmlands. In the traditionally managed farmlands, harriers responded to increases in the energy requirements of the brood over the course of the breeding season by taking larger prey, whereas in the intensively managed farmlands harriers increased feeding rates.  相似文献   

张印  周羽辰  孙华 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7327-7335
农田氮素流失引起的非点源污染已成为国内外农田生态环境资源可持续利用及农业可持续发展的瓶颈,对其进行有效控制愈显迫切.对非点源污染的控制不能简单地照搬点源污染的方法,须针对非点源污染本身具有的强烈外部性及复杂、广泛、不易监测等特征,探究与非点源污染特征规律相对应的对策.生态补偿作为应对全球生态危机和环境污染的一种公共政策工具,对于内化外部效应具有良好的效果.以农户减少一定程度的氮肥施用量获得政府补偿为切入点,论证了农户减少氮肥用量到最佳生态经济施氮量是获得补偿的依据;以宜兴市为实证对象,运用意愿调查评估法和成本-收益法相结合的方式测算了农户参与农田氮素非点源污染控制的生态补偿标准.研究表明:(1)宜兴市主要粮食生产的最佳生态经济施氮量为375.6 kg/hm2,农户参与农田氮素非点源污染控制的补偿额度理论值为620.0-7098.0元/hm2;(2)68.3%的受访农户愿意接受补偿而减少氮肥用量,受偿意愿与种田经验、受教育程度等因素正相关;(3)愿意接受补偿的农民中50.7%选择氮肥量减少到最佳生态经济施氮量,农田氮素非点源污染控制的补偿标准为620.0元/hm2.  相似文献   

Rotylenchulus reniformis is the most damaging nematode pathogen of cotton in Alabama. It is easily introduced into cotton fields via contaminated equipment and, when present, is difficult and costly to control. A trial to monitor the natural migration of R. reniformis from an initial point of origin was established in 2007 and studied over two growing seasons in both irrigated and non-irrigated no-till cotton production systems. Vermiform females, juveniles and males reached a horizontal distance of 200 cm from the initial inoculation point, and a depth of 91 cm in the first season in both systems. Irrigation had no effect on the migration of vermiform females and juveniles, but males migrated faster in the irrigated trial than in the non-irrigated trial. Population density increased steadily in the irrigated trial during both years, exceeding the economic threshold of 1,000 per 150 cm(3), but was highly correlated with rainfall in the non-irrigated trial. The average speed of migration ranged from 0- to 3.3-cm per day over 150 days. R. reniformis was able to establish in both the irrigated and non-irrigated trials in one season and to increase population density significantly.  相似文献   

This comparative study is based on structured interviews with farmers participating in the agri-environment schemes in Estonia and Finland. It explores farmers’ interest in and knowledge of farmland wildlife, their understanding of the concept of biodiversity, and awareness of the potential causes behind declines of farmland birds. It also examines the relationship between farmers’ interest and willingness to undertake practices favouring farmland wildlife. Estonian and Finnish farmers showed considerable interest in wildlife on their farms, which was only weakly related to the self-assessed knowledge of wildlife. Many farmers viewed biodiversity from a narrow perspective often excluding species directly related to farming. Finnish farmers expressed more concern about the decline in common farmland species than Estonian ones. In both countries farmers rated intensification of agriculture as the major driving force behind farmland bird declines. The expressed interest in wildlife positively correlated with willingness to undertake wildlife-friendly measures. Only farmers with agri-environment contracts targeted specifically at biodiversity enhancement were more knowledgeable about practical on-farm activities favouring wildlife, and were more willing to employ them than the rest. Estonian farmers expressed a high degree of willingness to enhance wildlife though agri-environment management, which is a good sign for better implementation of the recently established national programme towards conservation.  相似文献   

Effects of partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) on the hydraulic conductivity in the soil-root system (L(sr)) in different root zones were investigated using a pot experiment. Maize plants were raised in split-root containers and irrigated on both halves of the container (conventional irrigation, CI), on one side only (fixed PRI, FPRI), or alternately on one of two sides (alternate PRI, APRI). Results show that crop water consumption was significantly correlated with L(sr) in both the whole and irrigated root zones for all three irrigation methods but not with L(sr) in the non-irrigated root zone of FPRI. The total L(sr) in the irrigated root zone of two PRIs was increased by 49.0-92.0% compared with that in a half root zone of CI, suggesting that PRI has a significant compensatory effect of root water uptake. For CI, the contribution of L(sr) in a half root zone to L(sr) in the whole root zone was ~50%. For FPRI, the L(sr) in the irrigated root zone was close to that of the whole root zone. As for APRI, the L(sr) in the irrigated root zone was greater than that of the non-irrigated root zone. In comparison, the L(sr) in the non-irrigated root zone of APRI was much higher than that in the dried zone of FPRI. The L(sr) in both the whole and irrigated root zones was linearly correlated with soil moisture in the irrigated root zone for all three irrigation methods. For the two PRI treatments, total water uptake by plants was largely determined by the soil water in the irrigated root zone. Nevertheless, the non-irrigated root zone under APRI also contributed to part of the total crop water uptake, but the continuously non-irrigated root zone under FPRI gradually ceased to contribute to crop water uptake, suggesting that it is the APRI that can make use of all the root system for water uptake, resulting in higher water use efficiency.  相似文献   

不同生计方式农户的环境感知——以甘南高原为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵雪雁 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6776-6787
准确的环境感知是合理环境行为的前提,利用参与式农村评估方法,研究了甘南高原不同生计方式农户的环境感知。结果发现:(1)甘南高原农户生计方式较单一,生计多样化指数仅为1.76,纯牧区、半农半牧区、农区农户的非农化水平依次提高,但非农活动均以外出打工为主;(2)随着非农化水平的提高,农户的生态关注度、生态保护认知度以及生态变化感知度发生有规律变化,纯农户、兼业户、非农户的生态关注度、生态恶化感知度依次降低,但生态保护认知度依次增强; 3) 非农户、兼业户的环保活动参与度强于纯农户。  相似文献   

BackgroundIn 2006, a study investigating knowledge and attitudes regarding antibiotic use and resistance in Sweden, indicated high level of knowledge but also areas in need of improvement.Objective(i) To provide an update on the knowledge and attitudes to antibiotic use and resistance of the Swedish population, and (ii) to identify which groups within the population are in particular need of improved knowledge or attitudes.MethodsA questionnaire was sent by post in 2013 to 2,500 randomly-selected individuals aged 18–74, living in Sweden. Latent class analyses were conducted to group respondents based on their responses. The association between socio-demographic characteristics and the probability of belonging to each latent class was assessed.ResultsThe response rate was 57%. Ninety-four per cent of the responders knew that bacteria could become resistant to antibiotics and the majority answered correctly to the questions regarding antibiotic resistance development. The respondents expressed confidence in doctors who decided not to prescribe antibiotics. Three latent classes related to ‘knowledge regarding antibiotic use and resistance’, two regarding ‘attitudes towards antibiotic accessibility and infection prevention’ and three regarding ‘attitudes towards antibiotic use and effects’ were revealed. Men, younger and more educated people were more knowledgeable but males had a less restrictive attitude. Respondents with high levels of knowledge on antibiotics were more likely to have appropriate restrictive attitudes to antibiotics.ConclusionKnowledge on antibiotic use and resistance is maintained high and has improved in Sweden compared to 2006. People with lower education and elderly are especially in need of improved knowledge about antibiotic use and resistance.  相似文献   

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