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采用占基质总量10%、13.5%、17%、27%的银合欢叶代替基质中部分或全部麸皮作氮源,选用金针菇菌株19、306、98进行栽培试验,结果表明,采用上述四种基质栽培金针菇,菌丝长势良好,日长速均快于对照(添加27%铁皮),增长4.0%~18.0%,其中添加10%银合欢叶、17%麸皮的基质,菌丝长速最快,出菇最早,产量最高,比对照增产3.4%~5.0%。菌株19增产最多,其次为菌株306。  相似文献   

将共生固氮植物银合欢叶作为蔗渣栽培凤尾菇的氮素添加剂,以取代基质中占10-20%的米糠,采用生料菌块或畦式栽培工艺均能获得不同程度的增产效果。试验结果显示,用20%的叶片取代米糠,菌块栽培增产39.1%,生物效率为116.3%;室内外畦式栽培增产幅度45.8-54.62%,生物效率51.7-70.6%。用10%的叶片取代米糠,增产效果较小。成本核算结果,菌块栽培每百公斤银合欢叶比用米糠种菇净收入增加97.90元;室内外畦式栽培每百公斤银合欢叶比用米糠种菇净收入增加76-145.50元。此外,银合欢叶还能加速菌丝生长,缩短培菌时间2-3天,提早出菇,多产优质菇。  相似文献   

以固氨树种银合欢、南洋楹、大叶相思的木屑为主料,添加棉籽壳等辅料培养猴头菌,以栲树木屑为主料作对照。结果表明,以三种固氨树木屑栽培的猴头菌,菌丝粗壮,均匀,日长速快于对照,增长5.4%~16.2%,而且出菇快,朵形大,产量比对照增加6.0~13.9%。添加南洋楹基质的菌丝长速最快,其次为添加银合欢基质。产量则以添加银合欢基质的最高,添加大叶相思的次之。  相似文献   

银合欢属Leuaena Benth. ,约40种,产中美洲及北美南部。无刺乔木或灌木;叶二回偶数羽状复叶,头状花序,花白色,故名银合欢,雄蕊10,分离,荚果薄带状,开裂。银合欢L. leucocephala(Lam.)De Wit. (L. glauce(L.)Benth.)原产中美墨西哥,我国引种  相似文献   

添加银合欢叶生料栽培凤尾菇,不但能获得显著的增产效果,而且可提高产品质量和营养价值,特别是提高鲜菇的蛋白质、糖和脂肪含量,降低粗纤维含量;对重金属铅、砷、汞含量的影响甚微。生料栽培使用0.1%多菌灵抑菌剂,其产品农药残留量为0.2 ppm,食用安全。  相似文献   

银合欢是热带及亚热带木本豆科作物,它生长迅速成材快而且固氮力高,其叶又是极好的饲料及有机肥料。银合欢树枝燃烧能产生大量的热和少量的烟及灰,是很好的烧柴。银合欢还是高级纸浆和纤维工业的原料。银合欢有广泛的用途,因此世界上对银合欢普遍很重视,有人称之为“奇迹树”。银合欢根系上长着大量根瘤,据估计,银合欢每年每亩可提供  相似文献   

植被恢复对干热河谷退化土壤改良的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐国勇  高成杰  李昆 《生态学报》2015,35(15):5157-5167
土地退化和土壤恶化是我国干热河谷主要环境问题。树种筛选及树种与土壤关键限制因子间的相互作用是生态恢复的基础和前提。对比研究了干热河谷地区植被恢复22年间不同时期(1991、1997、2005和2013年)5种人工林(新银合欢Leucaena leucocephala,苏门答腊金合欢Albizia kalkora,大叶相思Acacia auriculiformis,印楝Azadirachta indica和赤桉Eucalyptus camaldulensis)和1种自然恢复样地中土壤主要物理、化学和微生物性质。结果表明植被恢复处理和取样时间对土壤性质有显著影响。在22a的植被恢复期内,土壤物理性质提高幅度为3.0%—20.2%,远不及土壤微生物和化学性质。通过自然恢复机制改良的退化土壤,其改良率(63.6%)高于印楝(54.9%)、苏门答腊金合欢(54.3%)和赤桉(53.2%)人工林,但改良率不及新银合欢(68.2%)和大叶相思(67.3%)人工林。研究得出造林树种类型决定干热河谷土壤改良进程。与自然恢复相比,人工植被恢复(如造林)并不一定能加速退化土壤改良。新银合欢和大叶相思适合作为改良干热河谷退化土壤的先锋树种,而生态系统自然恢复也可作为改良干热河谷退化土壤的一种适宜方式。  相似文献   

银合欢叶作为培养基氮素添加剂能促进佛罗里达平菇、黑木耳和香菇的菌丝生长。除生料栽培培菌期间含羞草素明显自然降解及高压灭菌大量破坏含羞草素外,还发现菌丝对含羞草素有显著的降解作用。  相似文献   

利用银合欢、南洋楹和大叶相思三种速生固氨树的木屑袋栽香菇,结果表明,银合欢木屑能促进香菇菌丝生长,鲜菇产量比对照提高108.6 g/袋,生物效率提高31.0%;大叶相思木屑的鲜菇产量比对照提高51.6 g/袋,生物效率提高13.1%。对各配方的香菇不同时期的5'-磷二酯酶活性检测表明,子实体形成期酶活性比转色期弱,即其活力在于实体形成期受抑制,且受抑制程度与产量呈正相关。  相似文献   

近年来,在国内一些书刊、树木(苗木)名录上,把Leucaena glauca(Willd.)Benth.称为银合欢;而把L.leucocephala(Lam.)de Wit称作“新银合欢”。把这两个拉丁学名看成是两种植物是不对的,它只是异名与正名的关系,所谓“新银合欢”,实际上就是银合欢。此外,还有中名冠以地名的银合欢,如“萨尔瓦多(新)银合欢”、“菲律宾银合欢”等,也都是银合欢这个种,只不过是类型、品系或来源地不同而已。  相似文献   

Leucaena leucocephala (Mimosaceae), a tropical plant, has been a very important forage for livestock in tropical area. The leaves and seeds contain proteins up to 30% and 33% of the dry weight respectively. We have been interested in studying these proteins and expression of genes encoding these proteins and constructed the genomic library. Total DNA from leaves of L. leucocephala was isolated and digested partially with Sau3A. Bacterophage lambda EMBL3 was used as a cloning vector. Recombinant molecules were packaged into viable phage particles in vitro and the yield of recombinant phages was 3.5×106 pfu. In order to understand the homology between genes encoding seed storage protein from L. leucocephala and soybean, the library was amplified and screened with a gene encoding the α'-subunit of the soybean 7S storage protein. Four positive clones were obtained and three of them were chosen for further analysis. Physical mapping and partial DNA sequence have revealed the homology between genes encoding storage proteins of L. leucocephala and soybean.  相似文献   

Low cost fermentation media using agricultural by-products (wheat bran extract, rice bran extract and soybean meal extract) as a major nutrient source, were evaluated for the production of tyrosinase from the fungus Auricularia auricula in submerged culture. In single-factor experiments, three components (wheat bran extract, casein and CuSO4) were chosen to further optimize medium composition using response surface methodology (RSM). The central composite experimental results showed the following optimum medium composition: wheat bran extract 36.0 %, casein 1.1 g/l and CuSO4 0.13 g/l. Under these conditions, the highest tyrosinase activity was 17.22 U/ml, which was 2.1 fold higher than that obtained using the non-optimized medium. The present study is the first to report the statistical optimization of medium composition for production of tyrosinase by A. auricula using cheaper wheat bran extract as a major nutrient source. These results might provide a reference for the development of a cost-effective medium for commercial production of tyrosinase.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out to achieve cent per cent transplantation success of micropropagated Leucaena leucocephala (a fast growing multipurpose leguminous tree species) plantlets using two vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Glomus fasciculatum and Glomus macrocarpum. Plantlets were obtained by rooting the shoots [obtained through; hypocotyl callus in presence of 10-5M BAP + 10-6M NAA; and axillary bud sprouting from cotyledonary and other nodes in presence of 10-5M BAP, on Gamborg's B5 medium], on half strength B5 medium supplemented with 5×10-6M IBA. Subsequent to the nodulation of their roots with Rhizobium (strain PRGL 001)in soilrite, these plantlets were tranferred to sterilized garden soil by laying inoculum of either Glomus fasciculatum or Glomus macrocarpum around their roots. Only 20% of the plantlets survived in soils lacking VAM fungus. In contrast, cent per cent of the plantlets of Leucaena leucocephala established very well and showed good growth in VAM inoculated soil. Roots of the later plantlets showed presence of both external and internal hyphae with well formed arbuscules and vesicles confirming the establishment of good mycorrhizal association. These studies convincingly demonstrate that the mycorrhizal association help in successful establishment of tissue culture raised plantlets of Leucaena leucocephala in the field conditions by alleviating the transplantation shock. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫下坡柳等幼苗质膜相对透性和脯氨酸含量的变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以金沙江干热河谷主要树种坡柳、银合欢和山毛豆幼苗为材料,通过盆栽苗自然干旱胁迫,同时以浇水处理为对照,探讨了干旱胁迫下三树种幼苗叶片的相对含水量、质膜透性以及脯氨酸含量的变化情况。结果表明,干旱胁迫后三树种叶片的相对含水量、质膜相对透性以及脯氨酸含量都发生了变化,只是变化的幅度和进程不同。三项生理指标的综合分析及结合其自然表现,坡柳具有较强的抗旱能力,其次为银合欢,最后是山毛豆。  相似文献   

借助二次通用旋转组合设计法研究了麦草栽培姬菇配方的数学模型,以探讨利用麦草替代棉籽壳的新配方.试验结果得出了配料的取值范围及最佳栽培配方,即麦草79%,麸皮15%,玉米粉4%,过磷酸钙1%,黄豆饼粉1%.在实际生产中很有应用价值.  相似文献   

Fructification and yield of the edible mushrooms Pleurotus pulmonarius and Stropharia rugosoannulata are clearly enhanced when wheat straw is supplemented with 30% Lolium perenne grass chaff. The bioactive compound in the methanol extract of grass chaff was identified as beta-adenosine. In vitro biological activity tests showed that 0.012 mg of beta-adenosine per ml of medium stimulated earlier fructification of Pleurotus pulmonarius. Mushroom fruiting trials showed that when 12 mg beta-adenosine was added to 1 kg wet wheat straw, primordia of Pleurotus pulmonarius appeared two days earlier and primordia of Stropharia rugosoannulata appeared 18 days earlier when compared to pure wheat straw substrate. This concentration of beta-adenosine had no impact on the mushroom yield of Pleurotus, but resulted in a 2.2 fold increase in yield for Stropharia. beta-Adenosine at 25 mg per kg wet wheat straw increased the yield of Pleurotus with 52% and the yield of Stropharia with 258%, but this concentration delayed primordial formation in Pleurotus.  相似文献   

以金沙江干热河谷主要树种坡柳、银合欢、山毛豆实生幼苗为材料,通过盆栽苗自然干旱胁迫,同时以浇水处理为对照,研究了干旱胁迫对坡柳、银合欢、山毛豆3个树种丙二醛含量、膜相对透性及保护酶活性的影响。结果表明,干旱胁迫下3个树种幼苗的细胞膜透性、MDA及SOD, POD酶活性都发生了变化,只是变化的幅度和进程不同。干旱胁迫对银合欢膜系统损伤生成的主要降解产物不是MDA;山毛豆清除活性氧毒害作用主要不是通过SOD和POD的作用;通过叶片相对保水力测定及膜透性、MDA相对含量、酶活性变化情况的分析,3个树种中坡柳耐旱性最强,其次为银合欢,山毛豆居后。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the role of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase of symbionts in nodulation and growth of Leucaena leucocephala. The acdS genes encoding ACC deaminase were cloned from Rhizobium sp. strain TAL1145 and Sinorhizobium sp. BL3 in multicopy plasmids, and transferred to TAL1145. The BL3-acdS gene greatly enhanced ACC deaminase activity in TAL1145 compared to the native acdS gene. The transconjugants of TAL1145 containing the native or BL3 acdS gene could grow in minimal media containing 1.5mM ACC, whereas BL3 could tolerate up to 3mM ACC. The TAL1145 acdS gene was inducible by mimosine and not by ACC, while the BL3 acdS gene was highly inducible by ACC and not by mimosine. The transconjugants of TAL1145 containing the native- and BL3-acdS genes formed nodules with greater number and sizes, and produced higher root mass on L. leucocephala than by TAL1145. This study shows that the introduction of multiple copies of the acdS gene increased ACC deaminase activities of TAL1145 and enhanced its symbiotic efficiency on L. leucocephala.  相似文献   

In this study, Bacillus sphaericus NRC 69 was grown in culture media, in which 12 agricultural wastes were tested as the main carbon, nitrogen and energy sources under solid state fermentation. Of the 12 tested agricultural by-products, wheat bran was the most efficient substrate for the production of B. sphaericus mosquitocidal toxins against larvae of Culex pipiens (LC50 1.2 ppm). Mixtures of tested agricultural wastes separately with wheat bran enhanced the produced toxicity several folds and decreased LC50 between 3.7- and 50-fold in comparison with that of agricultural wastes without mixing. The toxicity of B. sphaericus grown in wheat bran/rice hull at 8/2 (g/g) and wheat bran/barley straw at 1/4 (g/g) showed the same toxicity as that in wheat bran medium (LC50 decreased 17- and 16-fold, in comparison with that in rice hull or barely straw media, respectively). In wheat bran medium, the maximum toxicity of the tested organism obtained at 50% moisture content, inoculum size 84 × 106 CFU/g wheat bran and incubation for 6 days at 30°C. Addition of cheese whey permeate at 10% to wheat bran medium enhanced the toxicity of B. sphaericus NRC 69 about 46%.  相似文献   

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