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Caudal autotomy is a defense mechanism used by numerous lizards to evade predators, but this entails costs. We collected 294 adult Chinese skinks (Eumeces chinensis) from a population in Lishui (eastern China) to evaluate energetic and locomotor costs of tail loss. Of the 294 skinks, 214 (c. 73%) had previously experienced caudal autotomy. Neither the proportion of individuals with regenerated tails nor the frequency distribution of locations of the tail break differed between sexes. We successively removed four tail segments from each of the 20 experimental skinks (adult males) initially having intact tails. Lipid content in each removed tail segment was measured, and locomotor performance (sprint speed, the maximal length traveled without stopping and the number of stops in the racetrack) was measured for each skink before and after each tail-removing treatment. Another independent sample of 20 adult males with intact tails was measured for locomotor performance to serve as controls for successive measurements taken for the experimental lizards. Caudal lipids were disproportionately stored along the length of the tail, with most lipids being aggregated in its proximal portion. Tail loss significantly affected sprint speed, but not the maximal length of, or the number of stops during the sprint. However, the adverse influence of tail loss on sprint speed was not significant until more than 51% of the tail (in length) was lost. Our data show that partial tail loss due to predatory encounters or other factors may not severely affect energy stores or locomotor performance in E. chinensis. As tail breaks occurred more frequently in the proximal portion of the tail in skinks collected from the field, we conclude that caudal autotomy occurring in nature often incurs substantial energetic and locomotor costs in E. chinensis.  相似文献   

Many species of lizards use caudal autotomy as a defense strategy to avoid predation, but tail loss entails costs. These topics were studied experimentally in the northern grass lizard, Takydromus septentrionalis. We measured lipids in the three-tail segments removed from each of the 20 experimental lizards (adult females) initially having intact tails to evaluate the effect of tail loss on energy stores; we obtained data on locomotor performance (sprint speed, the maximal length traveled without stopping and the number of stops in the racetrack) for these lizards before and after the tail-removing treatments to evaluate the effect of tail loss on locomotor performance. An independent sample of 20 adult females that retained intact tails was measured for locomotor performance to serve as controls for successive measurements taken for the experimental lizards. The lipids stored in the removed tail was positively correlated with tailbase width when holding the tail length constant, indicating that thicker tails contained more lipids than did thinner tails of the same overall length. Most of the lipids stored in the tail were concentrated in the proximal portion of the tail. Locomotor performance was almost unaffected by tail loss until at least more than 71% of the tail (in length) was lost. Our data show that partial tail loss due to predatory encounters or other factors may not severely affect energy stores and locomotor performance in T. septentrionalis.  相似文献   

Locomotion is involved in various fitness‐related tasks, such as foraging, acquiring mates, and escaping from predators. Despite the importance of locomotor performance in determining fitness, animals often encounter situations in nature during which their locomotor performance is severely compromised. For animals that actively discard appendages as an anti‐predator strategy, the loss of appendages can cause a severe reduction in locomotor performance. However, whether animals can compensate for the impact on locomotor performance after autotomy is still unclear. A previous study has shown that tailless green anole lizards suffered from reduced in‐air stability during jumping. In this study, we monitored jump kinematics in three groups of Anolis carolinensis for five consecutive weeks to test two hypotheses: first, whether tailless green anoles can recover from reduced in‐air stability before their tails can regenerate; and second, whether gaining locomotor experience facilitates locomotor recovery. Our results revealed extensive individual variation in the ability to compensate for reduced in‐air stability. Some individuals did improve in‐air stability during the study period, whereas others showed no sign of improvement. Moreover, the acquisition of locomotor experience did not facilitate the recovery process. Our findings suggested that tail autotomy in green anoles probably imposes a long‐term fitness disadvantage. The utility of other compensatory mechanisms, such as altering behaviour, might play a role in natural populations to minimize the impact of autotomy on individual fitness. Our findings also shed light on the independent evolutionary losses of the ability to autotomize within lizards. Comparative studies which test whether species that autotomize more frequently/easily can better compensate for the effect of autotomy would be a fruitful direction of future research. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107 , 583–592.  相似文献   

Caudal autotomy (tail loss) during capture and handling is widely reported among several families of lizards. Autotomy causes elevated stress levels in lizards, and imposes a significant fitness cost on autotomized individuals. Despite these detrimental impacts, conservation and ethical issues associated with handling-related tail loss have received little attention. We assessed the incidence and correlates of tail autotomy during capture and handling in an endangered skink, the alpine she-oak skink Cyclodomorphus praealtus . A significant proportion (9.3%) of lizards autotomized their tails during capture and handling. Medium-sized lizards were more likely to lose their tails during handling, and this effect was exacerbated at intermediate body temperatures. Probability of autotomy had a complex relationship with cumulative observer experience, independent of other risk factors. Based on the modelled relationship of autotomy with body temperature, we propose that alpine she-oak skinks be cooled immediately after capture to reduce rates of autotomy during subsequent handling.  相似文献   

1. Many lizards use caudal autotomy as a defensive strategy. However, subsequent costs related to the alteration of locomotor abilities might decrease the fitness of individuals. In this paper, the movement patterns of spontaneously moving Psammodromus algirus lizards and their escape performance running at high speed were compared before and after tail loss. A control tailed group was also studied to assess the repeatability of locomotor patterns between trials.
2. Tail loss had a significant effect on spontaneous movement patterns. Tailless individuals moved at significantly slower speeds during bursts of locomotion, and distances moved within bursts were significantly reduced. The overall time spent pausing increased, and, as a result, overall speeds decreased to an even greater extent than burst speeds. However, mean durations of individual locomotor bursts and mean pause durations did not change significantly after tail loss.
3. Loss of the tail decreased mean stride length, although the positive relation between stride length and speed was retained.
4. Escape performance was also greatly affected; loss of the tail resulted in substantially reduced attained, maximal and overall escape speeds. These changes resulted in shorter escape distances (the time of the first pause after the initiation of the escape response) because the mean duration of escape responses did not change.
5. The relevance of these alterations for the ecology of this species, and how individuals may compensate for the costs of tail loss, favouring autotomy as an escape strategy, are discussed.  相似文献   

We used the frog‐eyed sand gecko (Teratoscincus scincus) as a model system to evaluate the locomotor costs of tail loss, and to examine whether tailless geckos use alternative anti‐predator behavior to compensate for the costs of tail loss. Of the 16 field‐captured geckos, eight were used as experimental animals and the remaining ones as controls. Locomotor performance, activity level and anti‐predator behavior were measured for experimental geckos before and after the tail‐removing treatment. Control geckos never undergoing the tail‐removing manipulation were measured to serve as controls for the measurements taken at the same time for experimental geckos. Experimental geckos did not differ from controls in activity level before they underwent the tail‐removing manipulation, but became less active thereafter. The mean locomotor stamina of tailless geckos was reduced by about 30% of the mean value for tailed ones. However, as the maximum stamina predicted from the laboratory trials is seldom required in nature, we expect that the costs associated with the reduced locomotor stamina may be relatively minor in T. scincus. All other examined locomotor (overall speed, maximal speed and stride length) and behavioral (distance to refuge, approach distance and flight distance) traits were not affected by the tail‐removing manipulation. Overall, our results suggest that tail autotomy plays no important role in influencing locomotor performance and anti‐predator behavior in lizards where the tail has no direct role in locomotion but is used to direct predatory strikes away from the torso.  相似文献   

Patterns of caudal-autotomy evolution in lizards   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Peter A.  Zani 《Journal of Zoology》1996,240(2):201-220
Using comparative techniques to account for phylogenetic effects, I examined patterns of evolution of caudal autotomy and foraging in 39 lizard species to test the hypothesis that caudal autotomy has co-evolved with morphology, locomotor performance, and foraging behaviour. There were significant positive associations between evolution of the point on the tail (distance from cloaca) at which tail loss occurs (an indirect measure of caudal autotomy) and evolution of each of the following: tail length, caudifemoralis longus (CFL) muscle length, and jump distance. The correlation with the evolution of sprint speed approached significance. These relationships primarily were due to the influence of tail-length evolution on autotomy-point evolution. With the effect of tail-length evolution removed, autotomy-point evolution was negatively correlated with the evolution of tail-loss frequency. The CFL restricts tail loss to portions of the tail posterior to the most distal point of its insertion in the tail. In addition, with the effect of tail-length evolution removed, CFL length co-evolved with sprint speed. These results indicate that tail morphology has co-evolved with caudal autotomy such that the evolution of the CFL has reduced caudal autotomy in certain groups of lizards.
Ambush foraging, the ability to lose the tail, intermediate CFL length, and low locomotor performance (i.e. slow sprint speed and short jump distance) are hypothesized to be the ancestral conditions in lizards using outgroup rooting. The diversification of lizard taxa has resulted in some lineages moving away from ancestral character states (i.e. family Teiidae, superfamily Varanoidea), while others are very similar or identical to their ancestors (i.e. superfamily Iguania).  相似文献   

Byron S. Wilson 《Oecologia》1992,92(1):145-152
Summary Caudal autotomy is an effective anti-predator mechanism used by many lizard species. Fitness benefits of surviving a predatory attack are obvious, although lizards that autotomize their tails may be at greater risk during subsequent encounters with predators than lizards with complete tails. In previous laboratory studies, tail-less lizards were more vulnerable to capture by predators, but little is known about the relative survival of tailed versus tail-less lizards in nature. This study reports on significant associations between naturally incurred tail injuries and the subsequent risk of mortality in 7 populations of the lizard Uta stansburiana. I used standard mark-recapture techniques to document survival and quantified tail injuries by estimating tail completeness. I then used sampled randomization tests to compare intitial tail completeness values of surviving versus non-surviving lizards. I evaluated overall patterns by comparising the means of tail completeness values of survivors versus non-survivors among mark-recapture sequences. Lizards with incomplete tails suffered higher mortality in the field, although this was not true for every comparison considered (i.e., for every mark-recapture sequence analyzed), and the overall trend was much stronger for adult males than for either adult females or juveniles. Higher mortality among lizards with incomplete tails is presumably a consequence of increased vulnerability to capture by predators. Vulnerability to predation of tail-injured lizards may be confounded by reduced social status in this species, because social subordination can result in the occupation of an inferior home range.  相似文献   

Caudal autotomy, or voluntary self-amputation of the tail, is a common and effective predator evasion mechanism used by most lizard species. The tail contributes to a multitude of biological functions such as locomotion, energetics, and social interactions, and thus there are often costs associated with autotomy. Notably, relatively little is known regarding bioenergetic costs of caudal autotomy in lizards, though key morphological differences exist between the original and regenerated tail that could alter the biochemistry and energetics. Therefore, we investigated lizard caudal biochemical content before and after regeneration in three gecko and one skink species. Specifically, we integrated biochemical and morphological analyses to quantify protein and lipid content in original and regenerated tails. All lizards lost significant body mass, mostly protein, due to autotomy and biochemical results indicated that original tails of all species contained a greater proportion of protein than lipid. Morphological analyses of two gecko species revealed interspecific differences in protein and lipid content of regenerated lizard tails. Results of this study contribute to our understanding of the biochemical consequences of a widespread predator evasion mechanism.  相似文献   

When attacked, crickets may shed or ‘autotomize’ an entrapped limb in order to escape a would‐be predator. We examined the relationship between limb autotomy, running speed and susceptibility to future predation in house crickets (Acheta domestica). Hind limb autotomy resulted in a significant reduction in escape speed and ability to jump during the escape run, and greater predation by both lizards (striped skink Mabuya striata punctatissima) and mice (pouched mouse Saccostomus campestris). Although limb autotomy may enable a house cricket to escape a predatory encounter, autotomy of even one hind limb results in immediate costs to escape speed in crickets and makes the animal more vulnerable to subsequent predator encounters.  相似文献   

Prey must balance the conflicting demands of foraging and defensive behavior. Foraging under the threat of predation may be further complicated among species that engage in caudal autotomy, the loss of a portion of the tail at preformed breakage planes, because the tail may serve as an important energy storage organ and contribute to motility, culminating in a trade-off between foraging and predator avoidance. As a result of the advantages conferred by the presence of a tail, individuals that have recently undergone autotomy may be more motivated to forage despite elevated levels of threat indicated by predator kairomones. We used a full factorial design to evaluate the combined effects of body size, exposure to predator kairomones, and experience with autotomy on the latency to strike at Drosophila prey, number of strikes, and prey captured per strike by Allegheny Mountain dusky salamanders (Desmognathus ochrophaeus). In our study, caudal autotomy was the only significant main effect and influenced both the latency to attack prey and the number of strikes attempted. In terms of latency to attack prey, there was a significant interaction between body size and autotomy such that “small” salamanders (≤3.2 cm SVL) without tails delayed their foraging behavior. In terms of the number of strikes toward prey, there was a significant interaction between autotomy and exposure to predator kairomones such that individuals with intact tails exhibited a greater number of strikes, with the exception of the “large” (>3.2 cm SVL) salamanders, which performed fewer strikes when exposed to the snake kairomones. There was no significant effect on foraging efficiency, although the trend in the data suggests that autotomized individuals forage more efficiently. This study was designed to evaluate the confluence of factors related to size, caudal autotomy, and exposure to stimuli from predators and hints at the magnitude of caudal autotomy on antipredator decision-making. Our data suggest that despite the importance of tail tissue for energy storage, locomotion, and mating, salamanders without tails are cautious when foraging under elevated risk.  相似文献   

The ability of an animal to shed its tail is a widespread antipredator strategy among lizards. The degree of expression of this defense is expected to be shaped by prevailing environmental conditions including local predation pressure. We test these hypotheses by comparing several aspects of caudal autotomy in 15 Mediterranean lizard taxa existing across a swath of mainland and island localities that differ in the number and identity of predator species present. Autotomic ease varied substantially among the study populations, in a pattern that is best explained by the presence of vipers. Neither insularity nor the presence of other types of predators explain the observed autotomy rates. Final concentration of accumulated tail muscle lactate and duration of movement of a shed tail, two traits that were previously thought to relate to predation pressure, are in general not shaped by either predator diversity or insularity. Under conditions of relaxed predation selection, an uncoupling of different aspects of caudal autotomy exists, with some elements (ease of autotomy) declining faster than others (duration of movement, lactate concentration). We compared rates of shed tails in the field against rates of laboratory autotomies conducted under standardized conditions and found very high correlation values ( r > 0.96). This suggests that field autotomy rates, rather than being a metric of predatory attacks, merely reflect the innate predisposition of a taxon to shed its tail.  相似文献   

Although the phenomenon of tail autotomy has traditionally been viewed in a purely adaptive light, functional constraints imposed by the locomotor system appear to have influenced the presence and extent of autotomy in lizards. Them. caudifemoralis longus is an unsegmented hind limb retractor that originates from the caudal vertebrae. It does not participate in autotomy and thus limits the proximal position of autotomic septa. Variation in the extent of the m. caudifemoralis is correlated with locomotor type. The muscle is large and originates from a long series of caudal vertebrae in fast moving lizards with powerful limb retraction, as exemplified by taxa capable of bipedal running. In slower lizards with sprawling postures, such as geckos, the m. caudifemoralis is small and restricted to the first few postsacral vertebrae. Autotomy is typically restricted or absent in the former lizards, while in the latter only the most proximal vertebrae are incapable of autotomy. In the evolution of existing patterns of caudal autotomy, functional demands intrinsic to the tail may be subservient to locomotor constraints imposed on the tail base by the m. caudifemoralis longus .  相似文献   

Many animals lose and regenerate appendages, and tail autotomy in lizards is an extremely well-studied example of this. Whereas the energetic, ecological and functional ramifications of tail loss for many lizards have been extensively documented, little is known about the behaviour and neuromuscular control of the autotomized tail. We used electromyography and high-speed video to quantify the motor control and movement patterns of autotomized tails of leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius). In addition to rhythmic swinging, we show that they exhibit extremely complex movement patterns for up to 30 min following autotomy, including acrobatic flips up to 3 cm in height. Unlike the output of most central pattern generators (CPGs), muscular control of the tail is variable and can be arrhythmic. We suggest that the gecko tail is well suited for studies involving CPGs, given that this spinal preparation is naturally occurring, requires no surgery and exhibits complex modulation.  相似文献   

Autotomy, voluntary shedding of body parts to permit escape, is a theoretically interesting defense because escape benefit is offset by numerous costs, including impaired future escape ability. Reduced sprint speed is a major escape cost in some lizards. We predicted that tail loss causes decreased speed in males and previtellogenic females, but not vitellogenic females already slowed by mass gain. In the striped plateau lizard, Sceloporus virgatus , adults of both sexes are subject to autotomy, and females undergo large increases in body condition (mass/length) during vitellogenesis. Time required for running 1 m was similar in intact autotomized males and previtellogenic females, but increased by nearly half after autotomy. Vitellogenic females were slower than other lizards when intact, but their speed was unaffected by autotomy. Following autotomy, speeds of all groups were similar. Thus, speed costs of autotomy vary with sex and reproductive condition: decreased running speed is not a cost of autotomy in vitellogenic females or presumably gravid females. Costs of autotomy are more complex than previously known. Speed and other costs might interact in unforseen ways, making it difficult to predict whether strategies to compensate for diminished escape ability differ with reproductive condition in females.  相似文献   

We investigated two predictions regarding the incidence of tail regeneration in lizards for three populations of brown anoles exposed to varying predation levels from the same predator (cats). Firstly although inefficient predators are likely to increase the incidence of regenerated tails (i.e. lizards can escape through tail autotomy), highly efficient predators will kill and eat the lizard and thus leave no evidence of autotomy. At the site with no cats, only 4% of anoles demonstrated signs of tail regeneration. This value was not significantly different from the site where feral cats (i.e. ‘efficient’ predators that would capture prey to eat, as supported by behavioural observation) were present (7%). By contrast, 25% of anoles present at the site with pet cats (well‐fed domesticated cats that caught and played with anoles, i.e. were ‘inefficient’ predators) exhibited regenerated tails. Secondly, more obvious lizards are more susceptible to predation attempts. Supporting this hypothesis, our data indicate a higher incidence of regenerated tails (28%) was recorded amongst adult males (which are territorial, occupying exposed positions) compared to females and subadult males (17%) or juveniles (1%). In conclusion, the behaviour of both the predator and the lizard influences the frequency of regenerated tails in brown anoles. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 648–656.  相似文献   

Leg autotomy can be a very effective strategy for escaping a predation attempt in many animals. In spiders, autotomy can be very common (5–40% of individuals can be missing legs) and has been shown to reduce locomotor speeds, which, in turn, can reduce the ability to find food, mates, and suitable habitat. Previous work on spiders has focused mostly on the influence of limb loss on horizontal movements. However, limb loss can have differential effects on locomotion on the nonhorizontal substrates often utilized by many species of spiders. We examined the effects of leg autotomy on maximal speed and kinematics while moving on horizontal, 45° inclines, and vertical (90°) inclines in the cellar spider Pholcus manueli, a widespread species that is a denizen of both natural and anthropogenic, three‐dimensional microhabitats, which frequently exhibits autotomy in nature. Maximal speeds and kinematic variables were measured in all spiders, which were run on all three experimental inclines twice. First, all spiders were run at all inclines prior to autotomization. Second, half of the spiders had one of the front legs removed, while the other half was left intact before all individuals were run a second time on all inclines. Speeds decreased with increasing incline and following autotomy at all inclines. Autotomized spiders exhibited a larger decrease in speed when moving horizontally compared to on inclines. Stride length decreased at 90° but not after autotomy. Stride cycle time and duty factor increased after autotomy, but not when moving uphill. Results show that both incline and leg autotomy reduce speed with differential effects on kinematics with increasing incline reducing stride length, but not stride cycle time or duty factor, and vice versa for leg autotomy. The lack of a significant influence on a kinematic variable could be evidence for partial compensation to mitigate speed reduction.  相似文献   

Tail autotomy as a defence against predators occurs in many species of lizard. Although tail autotomy may provide an immediate benefit in terms of survival it may nevertheless be costly due to other functions of the tail. For example, tail autotomy may affect the locomotory performance of lizards during escape. We investigated the influence of tail autotomy on the escape performance of the Cape Dwarf Gecko, Lygodactylus capensis, on a vertical and a horizontal surface. Autotomized geckos were significantly slower than intact geckos during vertical escape, whereas tail autotomy did not influence the horizontal escape speed. Backward falling of the autotomized geckos on the vertical platform may explain the reduced speed. In addition, tail autotomy did not significantly affect body curvature and stride length of the geckos. The observed decrease of escape speed on a vertical platform may influence the habitat use and behaviour of these geckos. Ecological consequences resulting from tail autotomy are discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

Understanding if morphological differences between organisms that occupy different environments are associated to differences in functional performance can suggest a functional link between environmental and morphological variation. In this study we examined three components of the ecomorphological paradigm – morphology, locomotor performance and habitat use – using two syntopic wall lizards endemic to the Iberian Peninsula as a case study to establish whether morphological variation is associated with habitat use and determine the potential relevance of locomotor performance for such an association. Differences in habitat use between both lizards matched patterns of morphological variation. Indeed, individuals of Podarcis guadarramae lusitanicus, which are more flattened, used more rocky environments, whereas Podarcis bocagei, which have higher heads, used more vegetation than rocks. These patterns translated into a significant association between morphology and habitat use. Nevertheless, the two species were only differentiated in some of the functional traits quantified, and locomotor performance did not exhibit an association with morphological traits. Our results suggest that the link between morphology and habitat use is mediated by refuge use, rather than locomotor performance, in this system, and advise caution when extrapolating morphology-performance-environment associations across organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract Many animals autotomize their tails to facilitate escape from predators. Although tail autotomy can increase the likelihood of surviving a predatory encounter, it may entail subsequent costs, including reduced growth, loss of energy stores, a reduction in reproductive output, loss of social status and a decreased probability of survival during subsequent encounters with predators. To date, few studies have investigated the potential fitness costs of tail autotomy in natural populations. I investigated whether tail loss influenced survival, growth and territory occupation of juvenile velvet geckos Oedura lesueurii in a population where predatory snakes were common. During the 3‐year mark–recapture study, 32% of juveniles voluntarily autotomized their tails when first captured. Analysis of survival using the program mark showed that voluntary tail autotomy did not influence the subsequent survival of juvenile geckos. Survival was age‐dependent and was higher in 1‐year‐old animals (0.98) than in hatchlings (0.76), whereas recapture probabilities were time‐dependent. Growth rates of tailed and tailless juveniles were very similar, but tailless geckos had slow rates of tail regeneration (0.14 mm day−1). Tail autotomy did not influence rock usage by geckos, and both tailed and tailless juveniles used few rocks as diurnal retreat sites (means of 1.64 and 1.47 rocks, respectively) and spent long time periods (85 and 82 days) under the same rocks. Site fidelity may confer survival advantages to juveniles in populations sympatric with ambush foraging snakes. My results show that two potential fitness costs of tail autotomy – decreased growth rates and a lower probability of survival – did not occur in juveniles from this population. However, compared with juveniles, significantly fewer adult geckos (17%) voluntarily autotomized their tails during capture. Because adults possess large tails that are used for lipid storage, the energetic costs of tail autotomy are likely to be much higher in adult than in juvenile O. lesueurii.  相似文献   

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