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天然落叶松老龄林每1个种子年后第2年,林地表面即会出现大量天然幼苗100-270株·m-2.幼苗发生时间集中,绝大多数在6月底.赤杨落叶松林幼苗发生较丛桦落叶松林和杜香落叶松林的迟.幼苗死亡时期也集中,主要在幼苗发生后的15天内.其间杜香落叶松林的幼苗死亡率为48%,3年内97%;丛桦落叶松林为29%和66%;赤杨落叶松林为33%和69%.7月以后发生的幼苗存活率很低,早期发生的幼苗占优势,死亡率低.丛桦落叶松林和杜香落叶松林幼苗的早期优势显著,尤其是杜香落叶松林.幼苗存活的年际变化很大,落叶松幼苗数量丛桦落叶松林>赤杨落叶松林>杜香落叶松林.  相似文献   

人为干扰对大兴安岭北坡兴安落叶松林粗木质残体的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较了兴安落叶松天然林和两种不同干扰类型兴安落叶松林(一次干扰林、二次干扰林)之间活立木蓄积、粗木质残体(CWD)蓄积和组成的差异.结果表明:天然林、一次干扰林和二次干扰林的活立木蓄积量分别为161.6、138.3和114.8 m3·hm-2,粗木质残体的蓄积量分别为69.77、36.64和32.61 m3·hm-2.天然林粗木质残体大部分径级在20~40 cm,其中倒木、枯立木分别占总材积的72%和28%;一次干扰林和二次干扰林粗木质残体大部分径级在10~30 cm,其中倒木、枯立木和伐桩分别占各自总材积的70%、14%、16%和57%、15%、28%.人为干扰造成兴安落叶松林粗木质残体蓄积减少,改变了粗木质残体的组成.  相似文献   

人为干扰对大兴安岭北坡兴安落叶松林粗木质残体的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
比较了兴安落叶松天然林和两种不同干扰类型兴安落叶松林(一次干扰林、二次干扰林)之间活立木蓄积、粗木质残体(CWD)蓄积和组成的差异.结果表明:天然林、一次干扰林和二次干扰林的活立木蓄积量分别为161.6、138.3和114.8 m3·hm-2,粗木质残体的蓄积量分别为69.77、36.64和32.61 m3·hm-2.天然林粗木质残体大部分径级在20~40 cm,其中倒木、枯立木分别占总材积的72%和28%;一次干扰林和二次干扰林粗木质残体大部分径级在10~30 cm,其中倒木、枯立木和伐桩分别占各自总材积的70%、14%、16%和57%、15%、28%.人为干扰造成兴安落叶松林粗木质残体蓄积减少,改变了粗木质残体的组成.  相似文献   

西藏色季拉原始冷杉林死亡木特征研究   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
通过色季拉原始冷杉林死亡木的研究 ,结果表明 :冷杉林死亡木主要由枯立木、拔根倒木、干基折断木和干中折断木 4种类型构成 ,其中干基折断和拔根倒方式形成的倒木是林地死亡木最主要的输入形式 ;主林层林木的老龄化和心腐病导致了树势的衰弱 ,极易发生折倒 ,风害、雪压是诱发立木折倒死亡的直接原因。冷杉林死亡木的现存量为 111.53 t· hm- 2 ;C、N、P、K、Ca、Mg 6种养分元素的总贮量为 60 442 .69kg· hm- 2 ;原始冷杉林死亡木现存量大、养分贮量高 ,是目前国内已知的针叶林类型中贮量最高的  相似文献   

以内蒙古大兴安岭兴安落叶松林火烧迹地为研究对象,采用分层取样的方法对群落中植被进行了调查,分析比较了3种不同林型兴安落叶松林群落恢复过程中物种组成及多样性的差异。结果表明:不同林型兴安落叶松林群落各层α多样性指数总体表现为草本层灌木层乔木层。不同林型兴安落叶松林火烧迹地群落恢复12年后,草本层的Simpson和Shannon-Wiener指数均小于对照样地并呈现出草类-兴安落叶松林杜香-兴安落叶松林杜鹃-兴安落叶松林的趋势,而在灌木层则各指数均大于对照样地并呈现出草类-兴安落叶松林杜鹃-兴安落叶松林杜香-兴安落叶松林的趋势。  相似文献   

大兴安岭兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)天然林分级木转换特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过调查样地,作树干解析,分析了不同结构兴安落叶松天然林分级木(优势木、平均木和被压木)转换特征。研究表明:(1)不同结构的兴安落叶松天然林分级木转换年龄、方向和转换率均不同。兴安落叶松分级木转换率29.4%。分级木中,优势木、平均木和被压木转换率分别35.3%、41.2%、11.8%。分级木转换中,优势木与平均木相互转换比例较高,优势木转平均木占83.3%,平均木转优势木占85.7%;优势木向被压木转换比例仅为16.7%;被压木不能转换成优势木,只能转换成平均木,被压木中无转换占88.2%,在森林经营和抚育采伐中应考虑伐除这些被压木。(2)在林分年龄36~65a范围内,随着林分年龄增大,其转换率呈增加趋势。林分年龄30~39a、50~59a和60~69a时,其转换率分别0、33.3%和46.7%。(3)随着林分密度增加,分级木转换率呈增高趋势。当林分密度小于2500株.hm^-2时,主要于优势木与平均木间转换。当林分密度大于2500株.hm^-2时,才出现其它分级木与被压木相互转换现象。(4)不同林型分级木转换率和转换方向不同。草类-落叶松和杜香-落叶松林分级木转换率分别50%和9.5%。(5)不同水平格局林分分级木转换率不同。聚集分布和随机分布时,其转换率分别61.1%和13.3%。  相似文献   

促进兴安落叶松天然更新的出苗条件研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据40多块标准地调查,促进更新措施后兴安落叶松1年生幼苗出现的频度及数量与种子年关系很大,幼苗更新效果最好的是种子年当年,更新频度可达60%以上,幼苗平均为1.0—2.0×103株·ha-1,其他年份促进的效果较差.同时,也与迹地类型、种源状况和整地质量关系较大.一般在山坡中、下部,土壤湿润的杜香落叶松和藓类越桔落叶松林迹地促进效果较好,其更新频度为60—70%.绝大部分更新幼苗出现在表土裸露、无杂草灌木、土壤湿润的地方.更新频度与植被盖度呈明显的衰减指数相关.促进地块距下种林墙最好不超过60m范围.  相似文献   

长白山北坡云冷杉林和落叶松林物种组成与群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云冷杉林是长白山北坡保存最完整的森林植被,而落叶松林是长白山的隐域性森林植被.为了更好地了解其物种组成和群落结构等基本特征,于2010年在长白山北坡自然保护区内分别建立了4 hm2的云冷杉林和落叶松林长期监测样地,对样地内所有胸径≥1 cm的木本植物进行了定位、调查和挂牌.结果表明:云冷杉林样地木本植物有22种,隶属于6科12属;落叶松林样地木本植物有22种,隶属于8科16属.两样地物种组成差异不大,区系组成基本上都属于北温带成分.云冷杉林样地木本植物独立个体数为8640株,包括分支数为9257株;落叶松林样地木本植物独立个体数为3696株,包括分支数为4060株.两样地优势种明显,云冷杉林样地,臭冷杉和长白落叶松处于优势地位,其重要值分别占所有物种的38.7%和23.9%;落叶松林样地,长白落叶松占绝对优势,其重要值占所有物种的61.9%.两样地群落更新良好,径级结构均呈倒"J"型.云冷杉林样地,臭冷杉径级结构呈倒"J"型,长白落叶松径级结构呈正态分布;落叶松林样地,长白落叶松胸径≥10 cm个体的径级结构呈正态分布.主要物种空间分布在两个样地中随径级和空间尺度的变化表现出不同的格局,共有种在不同样地间表现出不同的格局.  相似文献   

苔藓在森林生态系统养分富集和循环方面有重要作用,苔藓植物在氮磷循环中的作用可能受到森林更新和生长基质的影响.为理解苔藓在森林生态系统养分循环中的作用,研究了高山森林不同位置(林窗中心、林窗边缘、林下)和不同生长基质(活立木、倒木、枯立木、大枯枝、根桩、地表)上的苔藓植物氮磷含量.结果表明:地表苔藓氮含量(3.12 mg·g-1)显著低于其他生长基质上的苔藓,尽管枯立木附生苔藓氮含量高达17.41 mg·g-1,但倒木、大枯枝、枯立木和活立木苔藓氮含量差异不显著;最高(1.09 mg·g-1)和最低(0.61 mg·g-1)的磷含量分别出现在森林地表和枯立木的苔藓,且森林地表的苔藓磷含量显著高于其他生长基质上的苔藓,但倒木、大枯枝、根桩和活立木上的苔藓磷含量差异不显著.林窗位置显著影响了倒木和大枯枝上的苔藓氮、磷含量,林窗内倒木和大枯枝上的苔藓氮、磷含量显著高于林窗边缘.粗木质残体的类型、腐烂等级对苔藓氮、磷含量的影响存在差异,两者交互作用的影响显著;第Ⅴ腐烂等级倒木上的苔藓氮含量显著高于其他腐烂等级;第Ⅲ腐烂等级大枯枝上的苔藓氮含量显著高于其他腐烂等级;第Ⅱ腐烂等级倒木上的苔藓磷含量显著高于其他腐烂等级;第Ⅳ腐烂等级枯立木上的苔藓磷含量显著高于其他腐烂等级.可见,森林林窗更新和粗木质残体腐解过程会影响苔藓植物的氮、磷含量,同时影响森林生态系统的养分循环过程.  相似文献   

2011年8月,在红松阔叶混交林2.55 hm2的样地内,调查了42株倒木及其形成的坑和丘复合体的微立地特征及其植被更新状况,测定了丘顶、丘面、坑壁、坑底、完整立地5个微立地的土壤含水量、土壤温度、空气相对湿度和光合有效辐射.结果表明:在5个微立地中,丘顶的光合有效辐射最高(527.9μmol·m-2·s-1),完整立地最低(58.7 μmol·m-2·s-1);丘顶的土壤温度最高(16.0℃),坑底最低(13.3℃);坑底的土壤含水量最高(34.6%),丘面最低(0.5%);完整立地的空气相对湿度最高(75.9%),丘顶最低(68.0%).形成坑和丘复合体的5个树种的频率大小依次是红松(42.9%)>云杉(31.0%)>白桦(16.7%)>冷杉(7.1%)>稠李(2.4%).42株掘根倒木中,有2/3偏向西北方向.倒木体积与坑深度、坑长度、丘高度、丘宽度均呈极显著正相关,与丘厚度呈负相关.坑的宽度和长度分别与倒木的胸径呈显著和极显著正相关.不同微立地之间物种丰富度的大小顺序为完整立地>坑>丘;所有树种盖度的大小顺序依次为完整立地>坑>丘.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mode of tree death in relation to topography was examined in three lowland rain forests; Belalong and Andalau, in Brunei Darussalam and Danum, in Sabah, East Malaysia. In total, 1543 dead trees ≥20 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) were enumerated in an area of 36 ha. In Belalong, 31% of the dead trees had died standing, 26% had snapped, 21% had uprooted, 19% had either died‐standing or snapped and 3% remained undetermined (n = 436). In Andalau, 46% had died standing, 11% had snapped, 14% had uprooted, 26% had either died standing or snapped and 3% remained undetermined (n = 591). In Danum, 37% had died standing, 22% had snapped, 14% had uprooted, 24% had either died‐standing or snapped and 3% remained undetermined (n = 516). Slope position, e.g. whether the tree was located in a valley, mid‐slope, upper slope or ridge, was related to mode of death in all three sites. Elevation and tree diameter were related in two of the sites, and drainage, soil depth and soil shear strength were related in one of the sites. Generally the proportion of standing deaths increased moving from the valleys up to the ridge tops while uprooting proportions had the converse relationship. Slope position had little effect on the proportions of snapped trees. The three modes of death create different types of gaps. The findings substantiate that different topographies have different proportions of these gap types. The predominant gap type may have consequences for local and regional differences in forest structure and composition.  相似文献   

Although the forests of the southeastern United States are among the most productive and diverse in North America, information needed to develop conservation guidelines for the saproxylic (i.e., dependent on dead wood) fauna endemic to the region is lacking. Particularly little is known about the habitat associations and requirements of saproxylic parasitoids even though these organisms may be even more vulnerable than their hosts. We sampled parasitoids emerging from dead wood taken from two forest types (an upland pine-dominated forest and a lowland hardwood-dominated forest), three tree species (Liquidambar styraciflua L., Pinus taeda L., and Quercus nigra L.) and two wood postures (standing dead trees (i.e., snags) and fallen logs) in South Carolina. Parasitoid abundance did not differ between forest types or among tree species, but did differ between wood postures, being higher in snags than logs. This difference may have been due to the logs being in contact with the ground or surrounding vegetation and therefore less accessible to parasitoids. Parasitoid abundance and density decreased with height on both snags and logs. Species richness did not differ between forest types, among tree species or between wood postures. According to analysis of similarities, parasitoid communities did not differ between forest types, but did differ among tree species. The wasp communities associated with the different tree species and posture combinations were distinct. In addition, communities associated with the upper boles and crowns of snags were distinct from those occurring lower on snags. These results emphasize the importance of maintaining tree diversity in managed forests as well as retaining or creating entire snags at the time of harvest.  相似文献   

兴安落叶松种群格局的分形特征——关联维数   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
种群格局关联维数揭示出个体空间关联的尺度变化规律,表明种群个体的空间相关程度。采用关联维数对大兴安岭兴安落叶松种群格局的研究表明,各类兴安落叶松林中兴安落叶松种群格局具有较高的关联维数(接近2),个体空间关联程度较高,其次序为杜鹃-兴安落叶松林(1.746)>草类-兴安落叶松林(1.740)>越桔-兴安落叶松林(1.550)>杜香-兴安落叶松林(1.468)。兴安落叶松-白桦林中兴安落叶松种群格局的关联维数较小(<1.512,远离2),个体间关联较弱,处于劣势伴生地位。通过将各天然森林类型与兴安落叶松人工林比较显示,个体空间相关程度由高至低的次序为兴安落叶松人工林(1.762)>兴安落叶松天然林(1.626)>兴安落叶松-白桦林(1.434),揭示出兴安落叶松种群在不同森林类型中个体空间关联的尺度变化的差异。文中还对综合运用各种分形维数揭示种群格局尺度变化特征的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Intensive forest management has led to a population decline in many species, including those dependent on dead wood. Many lichens are known to depend on dead wood, but their habitat requirements have been little studied. In this study we investigated the habitat requirements of wood dependent lichens on coarse dead wood (diameter >10 cm) of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris in managed boreal forests in central Sweden. Twenty-one wood dependent lichen species were recorded, of which eleven were confined to old (estimated to be >120 years old) and hard dead wood. Almost all of this wood has emanated from kelo trees, i.e. decorticated and resin-impregnated standing pine trees that died long time ago. We found four red-listed species, of which two were exclusive and two highly associated with old and hard wood. Lichen species composition differed significantly among dead wood types (low stumps, snags, logs), wood hardness, wood age and occurrence of fire scars. Snags had higher number of species per dead wood area than logs and low stumps, and old snags had higher number of species per dead wood area than young ones. Since wood from kelo trees harbours a specialized lichen flora, conservation of wood dependent lichens requires management strategies ensuring the future presence of this wood type. Besides preserving available kelo wood, the formation of this substratum should be supported by setting aside P. sylvestris forests and subject these to prescribed burnings as well as to allow wild fires in some of these forests.  相似文献   

Standing dead trees (or snags) are an important component of forest ecosystems, especially for tree cavity‐nesting vertebrate species, but their prevalence in South African forests remains under studied. Consequently, we investigated forest structure, and the presence and abundance of snags in six southern mistbelt forests in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. These forests have had varying levels of timber extraction over the past 150 years or more. We found snags were relatively rare in all six forests (<4.3% of trees sampled). Mean diameter at breast height (dbh) of snags ranged from 52 to 82 cm across the forests, with smaller snags in Kologha Forest and larger snags in Tyume Forest. A bimodal distribution of snag successional stages was found, with frequencies peaking at early and late stages, and few in the intermediate stages. Tree species diversity in the forests was relatively low (twelve–nineteen species across forests; only 28 species in total). There was no significant difference in dbh of trees between forests, with most occurring in the 20–29‐cm dbh size class. Future studies are required to identify trees that most likely support suitable cavities for tree cavity‐nesting bird species, and to determine cavity‐nester assemblage requirements in southern African forests.  相似文献   

为揭示天然次生林群落演替规律,以吉林省汪清林业局金沟岭林场的云冷杉天然次生林为对象,采用相邻网格法调查样地(100 m×100 m)内每株林木(DBH≥1 cm)的基本特征及坐标位置,研究死木的分布格局及空间关联性。结果表明: 死木的径级分布呈左偏单峰山状分布,其中枯倒木呈多峰山状分布;各树种的死木株数与该树种的总株数没有必然联系;树种死木株数与树种混交度之间存在显著负指数关系;死木主要在0~8 m尺度上呈聚集分布,随着尺度的增大,逐渐转变为随机分布或均匀分布,以随机分布为主;中(10 cm≤DBH<20 cm)、小径级(1 cm≤DBH<10 cm)死木在8 m以下的小尺度上的聚集分布是造成死木总体在小尺度上呈聚集分布的主要原因。不同径级死木与不同径级活立木的空间关联性差异较大,死木与幼树(1 cm≤DBH<5 cm)的关系较为明显,尤其是大径级死木与幼树在2~25 m尺度上呈显著正关联性;死木与小树(5 cm≤DBH<15 cm)没有明显的关联性;中、小径级死木与中树(15 cm≤DBH<25 cm)在0~3 m尺度上呈正关联性,与大树(DBH≥25 cm)分别在9、11~14 m以及15、42~45 m尺度上呈负关联性。树种在生物学特性、径级分布和空间布局上的差异影响着死木的株数和径级分布;混交程度低的树种可能出现较多的死木;死木空间分布格局随林木径级和研究尺度的大小产生变化;死木与活立木的空间关联性在不同径级和不同尺度上呈现出明显差异。  相似文献   

Chokkalingam  Unna  White  Alan 《Plant Ecology》2001,156(2):139-160
Stand structure including spatial patterns was studied in northern hardwood and mixed forest types in the 2000-ha old-growth Big Reed Forest Reserve in northern Maine using complete stem mapping, dendrochronology, and spatial analyses on 0.5 plots. The inclusion of saplings, dead wood, age distributions, spatial pattern, and interactions provided some idea of underlying processes and temporal change. Structural characteristics were most comparable to spruce-northern hardwood forests of northern New England and New York, and most characteristics matched expected patterns for old-growth forests of the region.Results indicated smaller maximum-tree sizes, lower basal areas (26–34 ) and downed-wood volumes (29–64), higher densities (475–649), but similar species longevities compared to other mesic old-growth forests further south and in the Lake States. The stands were dominated by very shade-tolerant tree species, including Fagus grandifolia Ehrh., Acer saccharum Marsh.,Picea rubens Sarg. and Abies balsamea(L.) Mill, with each species found in many crown positions and age and size classes. The sapling layer was dominated by Fagus grandifolia followed by Picea rubens. Most species had reverse-J shaped diameter distributions, but age distributions were indicative of synchronous, episodic recruitment. In most plots, Acer saccharum diameter distributions were skewed towards the mid-larger size classes. Lack of young and small Acer saccharum stems suggested change in forest composition towards Fagus grandifolia dominance. Most species formed small-scale clusters (15 ) perhaps in response to small gap disturbances. Snags were the dominant dead wood type and were randomly to regularly distributed in most plots. Logfall directions were unrelated to hurricane paths. Recent small-scale disturbance events and topographic position appear to be important in explaining current structure and dynamics of the hardwood and mixed forests of Big Reed Forest Reserve in northern Maine. The continued effects of beech bark disease had a greater effect on hardwood plots, whereas a recent spruce budworm outbreak had a greater effect on plots with higher conifer density.The dominance of very shade tolerant tree species in small-scale clusters, and randomly distributed snags rather than clustered uproots were indicative of the prevalence of small scale gap disturbance regimes in the hardwood and mixed forests of Big Reed Forest Reserve in northern Maine. Varying topographic position may allow for slight changes in disturbance regime leading to consequent variation in structure and dynamics. H1, a more open plot on upper exposed slopes, had distinctly different characteristics such as lower live and dead tree and sapling densities than the other plots, but more uprooted trees and Acer saccharum saplings. Such small scale gap disturbance regimes operating on an episodic basis, and effects of slight variations in this regime on stand composition and structure have significant implications for silvicultural interventions and management of these forest types.  相似文献   

Hawaiian forests are subject to the effects of periodic hurricane conditions. Hurricane Iniki struck the island of Kauai, Hawaii on September 11, 1992 with winds exceeding 200 km/h and caused defoliation, felling of trees by snapping and uprooting, and standing tree mortality due excessive limb and leaf loss. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if measured wood mechanical characteristics could be correlated with stem failure of trees under windstorm conditions. A field survey indicated that post-hurricane stem condition (snapped, uprooted, or standing) differed among five common canopy species and was significantly correlated with stem apparent elastic modulus (relative flexibility). Species that tended to snap had significantly higher apparent elastic moduli than those that remained standing or were uprooted. Wood density and stem diameter were not significantly related to stem failure mode. Native trees had a higher percentage per species of standing individuals but also had increased uprooting. Nonnative tree species were more often snapped and fewer were standing after the hurricane. The higher incidence of stem failure for introduced canopy trees may increase the spread of alien understory species following wind disturbance events. These relationships provide a simple means to predict relative differences in stem failure due to high wind conditions and should be considered in planning reforestation efforts on the Hawaiian Islands.  相似文献   

Vegetative reproduction of trees in some European natural forests   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
H. Koop 《Plant Ecology》1987,72(2):103-110
Various means of vegetative reproduction in unexploited forests in western Europe are illustrated with examples. Root suckers are sometimes almost the only method of forest regeneration near the limits of tree growth on the Wadden islands and they can play an important role in forest gaps and riverine forests. Trunk suckers finally replacing their parent trees occur in Alnus, Tilia and Ulmus. Partial uprooting of trees, favoured by special soil conditions, was shown to be an important condition for vegetative reproduction. Temporary survival after uprooting gives opportunity for development of reiterative sprouts, that can replace the vertical axis of a fallen tree. Contact of living branches or even whole stems with soil or mouldering logs favours the growth of adventitious roots. Thus vegetatively reproduced individual trees establish before the uprooted parent tree finally dies. Examples of the clonal spreading of trees are given and a special strategy of layering its branches in pasture woods has been described for beech. Modern forestry rigorously eliminates conditions suitable for the vegetative reproduction of forest trees so their abilities in this respect are often underestimated. Vegetative reproduction seems to be particularly important under circumstances where natural growth is difficult e.g. near the limits of tree growth, on dynamic sites and under heavy shade.  相似文献   

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