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研究了北方12个落叶树种单位面积叶干重、叶片灰分、有机物质和7个元素的浓度和含量在落叶前后的变化,同一元素不同树种间及同一树种不同元素间有着不同的变化模式.单位面积叶干重、叶片有机物质浓度和含量在落叶后均表现下降的趋势;所有树种叶片灰分浓度和大部分树种的灰分含量(除刺槐、胡颓子、核桃楸外)均有增加;落叶时N、P、K的单位叶面积含量均可减少约1/3~2/3;Mg含量的减少在胡颓子、核桃楸、春榆、蒙古栎、日本落叶松等5个树种中发生,其余树种表现增加;落叶中Fe含量除胡颓子下降外,其余均表现升高;落叶中Ca、Si浓度和含量在所有分析树种中均表现增加趋势.  相似文献   

凋落物是森林生态系统养分的重要来源, 叶片脱落时间是影响其分解的关键因素。东北温带森林中蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)落叶时间较其他树种晚, 在山脊等贫瘠立地叶片甚至第二年春天才脱落。我们假设: 相对于其他树种, 蒙古栎叶片养分元素含量过高、再吸收时间长, 导致叶片延迟脱落。为验证假设, 除蒙古栎外, 选择了落叶时间居中的色木槭(Acer mono)和落叶较早的胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)为对象, 持续监测叶片从成熟至凋落过程中叶片养分元素含量, 包括大量元素: 氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)和镁(Mg), 微量元素: 铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)和锌(Zn); 并分析养分再吸收率。结果表明: 蒙古栎成熟叶养分元素含量介于对照树种之间; 凋落叶N、P和K含量低于对照树种, Fe和Mn含量高于对照树种, 其余元素含量介于对照树种之间。该结果不支持“蒙古栎叶片养分含量过高”假设。蒙古栎叶片N、P和K再吸收率高于对照树种, 再吸收率高低与其落叶时间完全一致; 叶片Cu和Zn再吸收率与对照树种无显著差异; 叶片其余元素未发生再吸收, 其累积率与对照树种无显著差异; 说明养分再吸收与养分含量无关, 可能与树种的种专一性相关, 可能会影响叶片脱落时间。由于蒙古栎多生长在贫瘠土壤, 其成熟叶无法积累更多养分; 为避免叶片脱落后养分进入土壤被其他物种利用, 将养分尽量回收储存于自身, 即蒙古栎叶片养分再吸收过程较长, 叶片脱落较晚。生长在极端贫瘠立地的蒙古栎叶片次年春天才落叶, 可能是由于再吸收一直在进行, 来不及脱落而保留至新生长季开始。落叶晚的树种养分再吸收率高、有利于自身养分保存, 更能适应贫瘠土壤, 反之亦然。  相似文献   

凋落物是森林生态系统养分的重要来源, 叶片脱落时间是影响其分解的关键因素。东北温带森林中蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)落叶时间较其他树种晚, 在山脊等贫瘠立地叶片甚至第二年春天才脱落。我们假设: 相对于其他树种, 蒙古栎叶片养分元素含量过高、再吸收时间长, 导致叶片延迟脱落。为验证假设, 除蒙古栎外, 选择了落叶时间居中的色木槭(Acer mono)和落叶较早的胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)为对象, 持续监测叶片从成熟至凋落过程中叶片养分元素含量, 包括大量元素: 氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)和镁(Mg), 微量元素: 铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)和锌(Zn); 并分析养分再吸收率。结果表明: 蒙古栎成熟叶养分元素含量介于对照树种之间; 凋落叶N、P和K含量低于对照树种, Fe和Mn含量高于对照树种, 其余元素含量介于对照树种之间。该结果不支持“蒙古栎叶片养分含量过高”假设。蒙古栎叶片N、P和K再吸收率高于对照树种, 再吸收率高低与其落叶时间完全一致; 叶片Cu和Zn再吸收率与对照树种无显著差异; 叶片其余元素未发生再吸收, 其累积率与对照树种无显著差异; 说明养分再吸收与养分含量无关, 可能与树种的种专一性相关, 可能会影响叶片脱落时间。由于蒙古栎多生长在贫瘠土壤, 其成熟叶无法积累更多养分; 为避免叶片脱落后养分进入土壤被其他物种利用, 将养分尽量回收储存于自身, 即蒙古栎叶片养分再吸收过程较长, 叶片脱落较晚。生长在极端贫瘠立地的蒙古栎叶片次年春天才落叶, 可能是由于再吸收一直在进行, 来不及脱落而保留至新生长季开始。落叶晚的树种养分再吸收率高、有利于自身养分保存, 更能适应贫瘠土壤, 反之亦然。  相似文献   

研究了北方阔叶树木中固氮和非固氮树种间养分元素含量的差异及季节变化趋势.在生长旺盛期到落叶期固氮和非固氮树种叶片之间N、Mg含量始终存在明显差异;固氮树种叶片中N、K含量降低的趋势明显低于非固氮树种,所研究的其它5个元素和灰分的季节变化率即累积的趋势则高于非固氮树种.在F检验和T检验的基础上,选择N、P、Mg、Si4个营养元素为参数进行的数量化分类,成功地区分了固氮和非固氮树种.  相似文献   

5种阔叶树的光合生理生态特性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对核桃楸、水曲柳、黄波罗、紫椴和白桦的光合生理生态特性研究表明,随着幼叶成长、叶绿素含量的增加,各树种光合能力与硝酸还原酶活力也增加.晴天,白桦与水曲柳光合曲线呈双峰,其余3树种呈单峰,阴雨数日转睛后,白桦与水曲柳光合曲线呈单峰,其余3树种呈双峰;阴天,5个树种光合曲线均与光照曲线相似.幼叶成长过程中硝酸还原酶活力与光合速率呈正相关;各树种的光合速率除受光的影响外,空气相对湿度是光能利用的限制因子.  相似文献   

采用田间定位试验方法,研究了追施氮肥对尾巨桉叶片养分浓度与贮量及内外循环的影响。结果表明:桉树落叶时质量损失26%,此时若以单位质量计算叶片养分浓度往往与实际情况不符,因此应以单位叶面积为基础表征养分浓度;与生长叶相比,桉树凋落叶中灰分和有机质含量分别下降33%和25%,表明一些可水解运输的有机物质在叶片凋落前已回输至树体;桉树叶片对N的利用率高达44%,表明存在氮的奢侈吸收。桉树叶片中N、P、K养分以内循环模式为主,内循环比例均在70%以上;Ca则以外循环为主,外循环比例约为90%;Mg、Si和灰分的内循环能力相当,外循环比例略高于内循环。  相似文献   

全球木本植物叶片硅钙生态化学计量学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集全球803种木本植物叶片硅(Si)、钙(Ca)数据,研究不同木本植物生活型(常绿植物以及落叶植物、针叶植物以及阔叶植物)叶片Si、Ca元素的化学计量学特征及其与纬度、气候因子(年平均温度,年平均降水量)间的关系。结果表明:(1)全球尺度上木本植物叶片Si、Ca含量存在较大变异性,且含量均低于中国境内的研究结果;(2)不同生活型树种间存在差异,针叶树叶片Si含量及Ca/Si显著高于阔叶树,落叶树叶片Si、Ca含量及Ca/Si均显著高于常绿树种;(3)随着纬度升高、年平均温度及年平均降水量的下降,全球尺度木本植物叶片Si、Ca含量显著升高,而Ca/Si显著下降;(4)不同生活型木本植物对气候因子的响应不同,除针叶及落叶树种的Ca含量外,其余各生活型树种Si、Ca含量与纬度及气候因子显著相关,随着纬度升高而升高,随年平均温度及年平均降水量的升高而降低,且随着年平均温度的降低,常绿及阔叶树种叶片Si含量下降速度显著高于落叶及针叶树种。研究结果能够为全球尺度生态化学计量学模型的发展提供数据基础,有助于更好地理解和模拟区域乃至全球尺度上纬度和气候因子对植物叶片Si、Ca含量的影响。  相似文献   

重庆石灰岩地区主要木本植物叶片性状及养分再吸收特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘宏伟  刘文丹  王微  柴捷  陶建平 《生态学报》2015,35(12):4071-4080
以重庆石灰岩地区15种常绿木本植物和14种落叶木本植物为研究对象,对两种生活型植物叶片衰老前后叶干物质含量(LDMC)、比叶面积(SLA)和叶片厚度(LT)进行了比较,并采用不同的计算方法(单位质量叶片养分含量、单位面积叶片养分含量)分析了两类植物叶片衰老前后养分含量及再吸收特征,最后对养分再吸收效率与其他叶性状因子之间的关系进行了相关分析。结果表明:常绿植物成熟叶LDMC、LT及衰老叶LT显著低于落叶植物,落叶植物成熟叶和衰老叶SLA均显著高于常绿植物(P0.05);基于单位质量叶片计算的养分含量,常绿植物成熟和衰老叶N、P量均低于落叶植物,而基于单位面积叶片计算的N、P含量则表现出相反的趋势;基于不同方法计算的N、P再吸收效率差异不明显,其中常绿植物基于单位质量叶片养分含量计算的N、P平均再吸收效率为39.42%、43.79%,落叶植物的为24.08%、33.59%;常绿和落叶植物N、P再吸收效率与LDMC、SLA、LT和成熟叶N、P含量之间没有显著相关性,但与衰老叶养分含量存在显著负相关(P0.05)。研究发现,无论是常绿植物还是落叶植物,衰老叶N、P含量均较低,表明石灰岩地区植物具有较高的养分再吸收程度。  相似文献   

研究了23种固氮与非固氮树种叶部N、P含量的季节变化、输出率以及叶片衰老过程中N、P的输出过程.结果表明,供试树种叶部N、P含量均存在着明显的季节变化,平均变化率为21~23%,最大变化率出现在叶片衰老期.在衰老期内不同树种表现出不同的N、P动态特征.固氮树种表现出低输出率,落叶中N含量是非固氮树种的1.6~3.7倍.固氮树种生长季叶部N含量在2.5%左右.  相似文献   

辽东山区主要树种叶片氮、磷、钾再吸收   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养分再吸收作为植物保存养分的重要机制之一,在凋落物分解和养分循环中起着重要作用。为明确辽东山区主要树种养分再吸收状况,选择4种次生林树种:蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、色木槭(Acer mono)、胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)、花曲柳(Fraxinus rhynchophylla)和人工林落叶松(Larix spp.)为对象,测定了各树种叶片凋落前(成熟叶)后(凋落叶)全氮(N)、全磷(P)、全钾(K)浓度,并分析了养分再吸收特征。结果表明:所测树种凋落叶N、P、K浓度均显著低于成熟叶(落叶松K不显著);胡桃楸N再吸收率与蒙古栎、色木槭、花曲柳差异显著,花曲柳与蒙古栎、色木槭P再吸收率差异显著,色木槭K再吸收率与蒙古栎、胡桃楸、花曲柳差异显著(P0.05);总体上,落叶松N、P、K再吸收率低于次生林树种,尤其是P再吸收率显著低于花曲柳、K再吸收率显著低于胡桃楸和花曲柳(P0.05)。上述结果表明,落叶松通过降低养分再吸收率,提高凋落物养分输入量,对土壤养分有效性做出正反馈。  相似文献   

Concentrations of pollutants in biotic materials are usually related to dry matter. This work demonstrates with the use of heavy metal-contaminated poplar leaves (Populus nigra ‘Italica’), that ash of dry matter (dry ash) obviously yields a better reference, as it eliminates the natural variations among organic substance contents. Values of heavy-metal concentrations in dry ash of leaves were generally more homogeneous and better correlated with corresponding values in air and soil than those in dry matter. It is further shown that concentrations of non-biodecomposable and non-volatile pollutants in the mineral fraction (the same as ash) of, for instance, plants and their residues (autumn leaves, mulch compost) can directly be compared with those in soil (nearly 100% mineral), and vice versa. This facilitates the setting of maximally permissible values for pollutant concentrations in plant dry matter or their residues, and in soil, which can be used in the protection of soils against pollutants accumulated in fresh or fallen leaves, mulch or compost. In this connection, the heavy-metal and lindane margins in West German regulations for issuing environmental certificates for compost products are discussed.  相似文献   

锐齿栎林个体光合器官生长与营养季节动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锐齿栎林单叶面积和干重的季节生长呈不同的S型曲线,叶面积叶干重比的季节变化呈不完全S型.叶从萌动到落叶持续约160d,展叶第1周,叶重量绝对增长快于叶面积的增加,之后相反.叶季节变化表现为叶面积增长迅速且持续时间较短,叶重量增加相对缓慢且持续时间较长.刚展叶时N、P、K含量很高,展叶期明显下降,落叶前最低,Ca含量季节变化则相反;Mg含量展叶期较高,之后逐渐下降且趋于稳定.叶N、P、K、Mg间呈显著的正相关,前者与Ca间呈显著的负相关.叶在生长期内具有较高的N/P、N/K,且其季节变化比单个元素含量更稳定;展叶初期K/Ca很高,之后变化逐渐稳定;叶K/Mg的季节变化趋于降低.展叶第1周叶N、P、K和Mg积累量迅速增加,继而缓慢增加,第45~50天达峰值,之后逐渐降低;Ca积累随叶龄的增加一直处于上升的趋势.叶内N、P、K、Mg和Ca积累量与叶的生长发育期有密切的关系.  相似文献   

1. Large-scale invasions of riparian trees can alter the quantity and quality of allochthonous inputs of leaf litter to streams and thus have the potential to alter stream organic matter dynamics. Non-native saltcedar ( Tamarix sp.) and Russian olive ( Elaeagnus angustifolia ) are now among the most common trees in riparian zones in western North America, yet their impacts on energy flow in streams are virtually unknown.
2. We conducted a laboratory feeding experiment to compare the growth of the aquatic crane fly Tipula (Diptera: Tipulidae) on leaf litter from native cottonwood ( Populus ) and non-native Tamarix and Elaeagnus . Tipula showed positive growth on leaf litter of all three species; however, after 7 weeks, larvae fed Tamarix leaves averaged 1.7 and 2.5 times the mass of those fed Elaeagnus and Populus , respectively. Tipula survival was highest on Populus , intermediate on Tamarix and lowest on Elaeagnus .
3. High Tipula growth on Tamarix probably reflects a combination of leaf chemistry and morphology. Conditioned Tamarix leaf litter had intermediate carbon : nitrogen values (33 : 1) compared to Populus (40 : 1) and Elaeagnus (26 : 1), and it had intermediate proportions of structural carbon (42%) compared to Elaeagnus (57%) and Populus (35%). Tamarix leaves are also relatively small and possibly more easily ingested by Tipula than either Elaeagnus or Populus .
4. Field surveys of streams in the western U.S.A. revealed that Tamarix and Elaeagnus leaf packs were rare compared to native Populus , probably due to the elongate shape and small size of the non-native leaves. Thus we conclude that, in general, the impact of non-native riparian invasion on aquatic shredders will depend not only on leaf decomposition rate and palatability but also on rates of leaf litter input to the stream coupled with streambed retention and subsequent availability to consumers.  相似文献   

东灵山地区辽东栎叶养分的季节动态与回收效率   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨辽东栎叶的养分回收对种群的适应能力和生态系统的养分循环的意义,在东灵山地区分析了辽东栎叶中N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe等6种元素的浓度和单位叶面积含量,确定了了辽东栎叶养分的季节动态与回收效率。结果发现:1)6种元素的浓度和单位叶面积含量在叶的生活史中都发生了明显的季节变化,其中N、P、K等3种元素的浓度在展叶初期下降很快,阴后逐渐下降的,但单位叶面积含量是在7月下旬达到最大值;2)Ca浓度和单位叶面积含量整个生长季中一直保持上升趋势,Mg的季节变化无一定规律;3)N、P、K、Mg都有一定程度的回收,其中N、P的回收率分别为67%和87%,Ca、Fe在叶有所积累。为探讨叶养分回收效率在常绿和落叶植物中的差异,对栎属植物养分动态进行了比较分析。结果表明:1)落叶植物成熟叶中的N浓度稍高于常绿植物,但不显著,N的回收率与成熟叶中的浓度成显著正相关,;2)栎属植物的成熟叶和落叶中的N、P浓度间呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Important phenological activities in seasonally dry tropical forest species occur within the hot‐dry period when soil water is limiting, while the subsequent wet period is utilized for carbon accumulation. Leaf emergence and leaf area expansion in most of these tree species precedes the rainy season when the weather is very dry and hot and the soil cannot support nutrient uptake by the plants. The nutrient requirement for leaf expansion during the dry summer period, however, is substantial in these species. We tested the hypothesis that the nutrients withdrawn from the senescing leaves support the emergence and expansion of leaves in dry tropical woody species to a significant extent. We examined the leaf traits (with parameters such as leaf life span, leaf nutrient content and retranslocation of nutrients during senescence) in eight selected tree species in northern India. The concentrations of N, P and K declined in the senescing foliage while those of Na and Ca increased. Time series observations on foliar nutrients indicated a substantial amount of nutrient resorption before senescence and a ‘tight nutrient budgeting’. The resorbed N‐mass could potentially support 50 to 100% and 46 to 80% of the leaf growth in terms of area and weight, respectively, across the eight species studied. Corresponding values for P were 29 to 100% and 20 to 91%, for K 29 to 100% and 20 to 57%, for Na 3 to 100% and 1 to 54%, and for Ca 0 to 32% and 0 to 30%. The species differed significantly with respect to their efficiency in nutrient resorption. Such interspecific differences in leaf nutrient economy enhance the conservative utilization of soil nutrients by the dry forest community. This reflects an adaptational strategy of the species growing on seasonally dry, nutrient‐poor soils as they tend to depend more or less on efficient internal cycling and, thus, utilize the retranslocated nutrients for the production of new foliage biomass in summer when the availability of soil moisture and nutrients is severely limited.  相似文献   

杨树叶片在凋落前将大量有机质输入干、枝、根中,在不同处理中,不施肥输出的比例大于施肥.施P并不导致杨树对P的奢侈吸收.施肥可使杨树主要营养元素的外循环通量高于不施肥.不施肥杨树叶片在凋落前P、K的输出率比施肥高约10%.  相似文献   

The growth of tree lupins was investigated in two experiments. In the first, two ages of plant, 4-wk-old seedlings and 1-year-old plants, were transplanted into a ryegrass sward in an upland environment. Growth, in terms of leaf production, branching and stem elongation, was measured over two successive growing seasons. Plant dry matter and nutrient contents were determined at the beginning and end of each growing season. In the first summer, the rate of production of new leaves on the main stem of seedling plants averaged 1.8 leaves per wk and main stem length increased from 5 to 67 cm. On older plants, where floral apices had been initiated on main and primary stems, there was a 3–10 fold increase in secondary branch length. In the second season, there was no effect of plant age on rates of leaf appearance or stem extension; dry matter production was higher than in the first season. In the second experiment, the effect of removal of 0%, 50% or 100% of fully expanded leaves on the subsequent growth of 23-wk-old plants was investigated. During the 7-wk growth period, defoliation promoted the rate of production of mature leaves, and area and dry weight of new laminae were slightly higher in defoliated plants. Defoliation did not affect the concentrations of N, P or K in the new laminae, but P and K concentrations in petioles of defoliated plants were significantly higher than those in intact plants. The results from the experiments are discussed in relation to the potential use of tree lupins as nurse species and biomass crops in hill and upland environments of the UK.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) was grown in the field under ambient and supplemental levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–315 nm) radiation to determine the potential for alteration in plant nutrients, decomposition, leaf quality and dry matter yield. Supplemental UV-B radiation simulating a 12, 20 and 25% stratospheric ozone depletion significantly decreased dry matter yield, but had no significant impact on harvest index. UV-B radiation resulted in an increase of the concentrations of N and K in all plant parts; changes of the concentrations of P, Mg, Fe and Zn varied in a tissue-dependent manner, as the decrease of P in leaves and stems, and its increase in spikes and grains. The mass of N, P, K, Mg, Fe and Zn in various plant parts and whole plant was generally decreased except leaf N mass was increased by enhanced UV-B radiation. Enhanced UV-B radiation decreased the concentrations of soluble carbohydrates in leaves and increased that of holocellulose and soluble proteins. After 60 and 100 days of decomposition of leaves and stems in the field, enhanced UV-B radiation stimulated the loss of organic C. As a consequence, the nutrient content of soils might be less diminished under enhanced UV-B radiation.  相似文献   

Tesfay Teklay 《Plant and Soil》2004,267(1-2):297-307
Foliar inputs from indigenous agroforestry trees and shrubs could provide sufficient nutrients and organic matter to sustain crop growth. However, concentrations of foliar nutrients and organic constituents show considerable seasonal, inter- and/or intra-species variations. To determine this variability, green and senesced leaves were sampled during dry and wet seasons from Cordia africana, Albizia gummifera and Milletia ferruginea trees at Wondo Genet, southern Ethiopia. Cordia is a deciduous, non-leguminous tree, while Albizia and Milletia are semi-deciduous and leguminous trees. Leaves were analyzed for concentrations of ash, N, P, K, cellulose, lignin, soluble polyphenols, and condensed tannins. Results from statistical analyses showed significant seasonal variations (P < 0.001) in concentrations of all leaf constituents, except for P and cellulose. Foliar concentrations of ash, N, soluble polyphenols, and condensed tannins were higher during the wet season while those of K and lignin were higher during the dry season. Green leaves had significantly higher (p < 0.001) N and P concentrations than senesced leaves, while senesced leaves had higher concentrations of K, cellulose, soluble polyphenols, and condensed tannins. The ‘ Relative Percentage Changes’ in concentration of N and P in senesced leaves, i.e., their enrichment or depletion with such nutrients relative to those in green leaves, were significantly higher (P < 0.001) for Cordia than Albizia and Milletia. On the other hand, there was no consistent pattern in the enrichment or depletion of senesced leaves with organic constituents, but these leaves were in most cases more enriched with organic constituents than green leaves. Over all, the percentage depletion or enrichment ranged from about 8% to 38% for N; 24% to 63% for P; −141% to 48% for K; −44% to 15% for cellulose; −44% to 51% for lignin; −203% to −61% for soluble polyphenols; and −290% to 11% for condensed tannins. It was concluded that variations in species and life-form (legume versus non-legume), season, and developmental stage of leaves could affect the quality of organic material from agroforestry species, which has important implications for management of organic residues in tropical agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Summary Patterns of variations in dry matter concentrations in tomato plants reflected production and translocation of dry matter, implying the possibility of controlling and regulating growth and development of plants by use of dry matter concentration as a useful parameter.Dry matter concentrations, analogous to nutrient concentrations, varied depending on growth conditions, and on type, age and position of plant organs.Interpretation of patterns of variations in contents and concentrations of leaf dry matter in plants, grown under widely different conditions, agreed with the source/sink hypothesis.High water applications were associated with high dry matter concentrations in upper leaves of young pot plants with low sink capacity and with low dry matter concentrations in leaves of older, trough-grown plants with high sink capacity.Accumulation of dry matter in upper leaves of plants is suggested to be associated with development of secondary sinks and, accumulation of dry matter in lateral shoots is considered as a possible explanation of apical dominance.Water regime and transpiration influenced distribution of contents of dry and fresh matter and of absorbed nutrient elements. Redistribution was influenced by water regime.The term, distribution is in the following used in connection with not only absolute values (contents) but also relative values (concentrations).  相似文献   

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