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草原蝗虫营养生态位的研究*   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:29  
康乐  陈永林 《昆虫学报》1994,37(2):178-189
本文采用嗉囊内含物显微分析技术系统地研究了内蒙古典型草原蝗虫的选食特性和食物利用诺。根据11种蝗虫嗉囊内含物分析的结果,定量地研究了蝗虫的营养生态位以及生态位的重叠和宽度。11-种蝗虫依据生态位分化的特点,被划分为5个不同的营养需求类群:禾草取食者、禾草-杂草取食者、杂草-禾草取食者、杂草取食者和杂食者。作者通过对蝗虫食性及生物量的研究,提出了蝗虫潜在严重值和实际严重值的概念和计算方法,也就蝗虫在草原生态系统中的相互作用关系及共存关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

植物表皮蜡质中的饱和链烷作为内源指示剂广泛用于评价放牧家畜的食性和食量, 但用于天然草原蝗虫食性的评价研究较少。为了探讨天然草原蝗虫的食性及其生态位变化, 本研究以内蒙古天然草原为研究对象, 于2003年7-8月沿降水梯度选择3种典型植物群落(小针茅Stipa klemenzii、 羊草Leymus chinensis和大针茅Stipa grandis群落), 在每个植物群落不同放牧压力下小区随机做20个植被样方, 样方内植物齐地面刈割, 测定其地上生物量和物种多样性, 取主要植物种测定其链烷模式, 同时采集放牧小区优势蝗虫种亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus的粪便, 测定其链烷模式, 运用链烷技术评价蝗虫的食性及其营养生态位。结果表明: 不同植物群落中优势牧草种类及其比例不同, 其链烷模式存在种间差异, 链烷技术可以评价亚洲小车蝗的食性。亚洲小车蝗的食性在不同植物群落及不同放牧压力下存在显著的差异, 在羊草和大针茅群落中, 亚洲小车蝗是禾草采食者, 主要采食羊草和糙隐子草Cleistogenes squarrosa, 且与绵羊的营养生态位重叠指数较低, 分别为0.0619和0.0172; 在小针茅群落中亚洲小车蝗是杂类草采食者, 主要采食无芒隐子草Cleistogenes songorica、 猪毛菜Salsola collina和小针茅, 且与绵羊的营养生态位重叠指数较高, 达到0.1815。因此, 放牧不仅改变了群落的植物种类组成, 而且直接影响了亚洲小车蝗的食物组成, 二者对食物资源利用存在一定程度的竞争。  相似文献   

由贺达汉博士著,国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助,宁夏人民出版社1998年9月出版,共25万字。该书共10章:①绪论;②宁夏草地自然环境;③宁夏草地蝗虫群落结构与其生态适应特性;④蝗虫群落空间格局与抽样技术;⑤蝗虫多样性变化及其与环境因子的关系;⑥蝗虫种群地位及时、空异质性变化;⑦蝗虫种内和种间竞争;⑧蝗虫多维生态位及营养竞争模型;⑨蝗虫经济危害及防治指标;⑩宁夏草地优势种蝗虫生物学与防治。该书是一部较为系统的研究我国西北荒漠草原蝗虫群落特征及其与环境因子关系的专著,其中亦包括群落生态和有害生物…  相似文献   

草原沙蜥秋季食性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用剖胃法对采自内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯库布齐沙漠的草原沙蜥(Phrynocephalus frontalis)进行食性分析研究。结果表明,该地区的草原沙蜥在8~9月间,以昆虫类动物为主要食物,占全部食物的95.8%。不同性别草原沙蜥取食的食物种类差异不显著,雌雄个体的食物百分率相似性指数及营养生态位重叠值均较大,雄性的食物多样性指数(IFD)及营养生态位宽度(BTN)均大于雌性。成体和亚成体之间以及亚成体和幼体之间食物种类存在差异但不显著,而成体和幼体间的食物种类差异极显著,不同年龄草原沙蜥的食物百分率相似性指数较小,IFD值与BTN值均是成体最大,幼体最小。总有益系数、不同性别的有益系数分别为V总=22.44%,V雌=12.76%,V雄=9.83%,草原沙蜥是对荒漠化草原有益的类群。  相似文献   

荒漠草原蝗虫群落空间格局的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用种-面积关系模型,计算出宁夏荒漠草原蝗虫群落最小调查面积;通过2×2联列表,用点相关系数和相关系数公式对蝗虫种间分布关系进行分析,用模糊聚类法将调查蝗虫划分为4个类群;以6项聚集指标和新提出的混合度指数,对9种蝗虫种群及群落分布型进行了分析,用主成分分析法进行了排序归类。最后依据种群数量、混合度指数、分布型相似性提出群落格局的“主导分布型”新概念,认为宁夏束颈蝗种群分布型为宁夏荒漠草原蝗虫群落空间格局的“主导分布型”  相似文献   

荒漠草原三种蝗虫成虫种内和种间竞争的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
荒漠草原三种蝗虫成虫种内和种间竞争的研究贺达汉方成郑哲民(宁夏农学院农学系,永宁750105)(陕西师范大学动物研究所,西安710062)Intra_andInterspecificCompetitionamongtheAdultsofThreeGr...  相似文献   

本文研究了内蒙古典型草原蝗虫在时间、空间和食物资源利用方面的特点。对于这些资源利用的格局是通过对存在于三种类型植被中蝗虫种的生态位宽度、资源利用的分化和重叠以及每种蝗虫的种群大小来分析的。常用的生态位指数和主成份分析技术用来阐明蝗虫种间的关系。在放牧形成的异质性草原环境中,11种蝗虫根据它们在三维生态位方面的分化和重叠程度被划分成数个种组。种群的大小是根据种群实际生物量所含热能值来确定的。生态位宽度比较说明,在某一维生态位宽的种,在另一维上必定变窄。生态位重叠的差异说明共存的蝗虫种在资源利用上的分化。生态位重叠的补偿规律在本项研究中并不明显。本项研究结果说明,蝗虫种资源利用的分化主要归因于蝗虫的适应性分化和蝗虫——植物协同进化的相互作用关系,而不是蝗虫种间竞争所造成的。  相似文献   

为探讨荒漠草原主要食草动物(绵羊、达乌尔黄鼠和亚洲小车蝗)的食性及其种间生态位变化与草原退化的关系,以内蒙古苏尼特右旗荒漠草原为研究对象,于2003年7-8月运用饱和链烷技术研究小针茅群落不同放牧强度下绵羊、达乌尔黄鼠和亚洲小车蝗的食性及其生态位变化.结果表明:随牧压的增大,群落中小针茅数量显著减少,猪毛菜比例随着增加;绵羊、达乌尔黄鼠、亚洲小车蝗3种食草动物的主要食物均来源于猪毛菜,且采食比例随牧压增大而递增;3种食草动物对牧草的选择性指数随牧压的变化而变化,双齿葱和多根葱优先被采食;三者生态位重叠程度很高且生态位宽度随牧压的增加而变窄.重度放牧改变了小针茅群落的植物组成,使其演替为猪毛菜群落,3种食草动物对草地资源存在激烈的竞争,因此,控制鼠、虫的种群密度,防止鼠、虫害的发生对保证放牧家畜的食物安全具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

李鸿昌  郝树广  康乐 《昆虫学报》2007,50(4):361-375
为了阐明内蒙古地区不同景观植被地带蝗总科生态区系(Acridoidea ecofaunas)的生态地理学特征,本文依据长期野外考察和文献积累数据,分别对寒温型明亮针叶林带(F1)、中温型夏绿阔叶林带(F2)、森林草原带(FS)、典型草原带(TS)、荒漠草原带(DS)、暖温型草原化荒漠亚带(SD)和典型荒漠亚带(TD)等7个不同类型植被地带(或亚带)内蝗总科区系结构组成、生态生存条件(植被、气候、土壤等)及其区系形成的生态学机理进行了分析,综合比较了各植被地带(或亚带)的蝗虫物种多样性、区系地理成分的区域性分异及其与地带间不同植被的相关性。结论指出,由于多数蝗种具有以禾本科(Gramineae)和菊科(Compositae)植物为主要食料的食性特征,而典型草原带的植被群落恰以“多年生丛生禾草及根茎禾草”为建群优势层片,其形成的丰富食物资源、多样的栖息场所、充足的日光辐射和较长的生长期以及有利于产卵孵化的土壤条件等,为蝗虫提供了最为多样的时间、空间和营养生态位(niches),故蝗虫长期受自然选择的压力,在适应协同进化的历史过程中,形成了它们在典型草原带内具有最高的物种多样性。相比之下,在具有极端生态生存条件的内蒙古东部针叶林带和西部典型荒漠亚带内,分别因其低温高湿和高温低湿的两类不同极端气候特征的生态作用,形成了蝗虫在这两个植被地带内生存分布的生态阻限,故其拥有的物种多样性水平最低,其区系结构的组成种类也截然不同。  相似文献   

家畜放牧系统中草食动物食性及其生态位特征的认识对草地管理有重要的现实指导意义。本文采用粪便和胃内容物显微组织分析法,分析了甘南草原4种主要草食动物牦牛(Bos mutus)、藏羊(Ovis aries)、喜马拉雅旱獭(Marmota himalayana)和高原鼢鼠(Eospalax baileyi)秋季的食性及食物生态位重叠程度。结果表明,4种动物的食物资源谱存有较大差异,禾草科的发草(Deschampsia caespitosa)和莎草科的扁穗草(Brylkinia compressus)是藏羊和牦牛食物结构的主体,而喜马拉雅旱獭的食谱中绝大部分是鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)和克氏针茅(Stipa captillata),高原鼢鼠采食具有发达根茎的美丽风毛菊(Sausserua superba)、鹅绒委陵菜、蒲公英(Taraxacum mongolicum)及垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)。牦牛和藏羊的食物生态位宽度显著高于喜马拉雅旱獭和高原鼢鼠。食物生态位重叠度以藏羊和牦牛最高,其次为喜马拉雅旱獭和高原鼢鼠,重叠度最低的是藏羊和高原鼢鼠。甘南草原4种主要草食动物的食性及其生态位特征的分析可为优化当地草地管理策略提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Changes in species’ trophic niches due to habitat degradation can affect intra‐ and interspecific competition, with implications for biodiversity persistence. Difficulties of measuring species’ interactions in the field limit our comprehension of competition outcomes along disturbance gradients. Thus, information on how habitat degradation can destabilize food webs is scarce, hindering predictions regarding responses of multispecies systems to environmental changes. Seagrass ecosystems are undergoing degradation. We address effects of Posidonia oceanica coverage reduction on the trophic organization of a macroinvertebrate community in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy), hypothesizing increased trophic generalism, niche overlap among species and thus competition and decreased community stability due to degraded conditions. Census data, isotopic analysis, and Bayesian mixing models were used to quantify the trophic niches of three abundant invertebrate species, and intra‐ and interspecific isotopic and resource‐use similarity across locations differing in seagrass coverage. This allowed the computation of (1) competition strength, with respect to each other and remaining less abundant species and (2) habitat carrying capacity. To explore effects of the spatial scale on the interactions, we considered both individual locations and the entire study area (“‘meadow scale”). We observed that community stability and habitat carrying capacity decreased as P. oceanica coverage declined, whereas niche width, similarity of resource use and interspecific competition strength between species increased. Competition was stronger, and stability lower, at the meadow scale than at the location scale. Indirect effects of competition and the spatial compartmentalization of species interactions increased stability. Results emphasized the importance of trophic niche modifications for understanding effects of habitat loss on biodiversity persistence. Calculation of competition coefficients based on isotopic distances is a promising tool for describing competitive interactions in real communities, potentially extendible to any subset of ecological niche axes for which specimens’ positions and pairwise distances can be obtained.  相似文献   

大山雀和褐头山雀种间关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘nai发  李岩 《动物学研究》1989,10(4):277-284
在地理分布重叠地区的大山雀Parus major和褐头山雀Parus montanus栖息地海拔高度不同。大山雀栖于海拔2,370米以下,集中于次生杨桦林和老年人工杨树林;褐头山雀栖于海拔2,300米以上,集中于混交林和山杨栎林。它们的栖息地有一定重叠,但重叠值较低。重叠地带觅食生态位的四维中,树种选择一维有所不同,其余三维生态位重叠值均较大。两个种营养生态位有一定重叠,食物大小的重叠值更大。在进化发展过程中,两种山雀间完全的生态分离没有发生。  相似文献   

李云凯  汪惠琼  陈新军  贡艺 《生态学报》2020,40(15):5418-5423
同域近缘种由于进化选择的压力,会形成不同的行为适应策略。研究同域近缘种生态位格局,有助于理解近缘物种的竞争和共存机制,是深入了解种群动态变化的基础性问题。选取东太平洋赤道海域的柔鱼科头足类近缘种茎柔鱼和鸢乌贼为研究对象,利用生物地球化学示踪物(稳定同位素和脂肪酸)分析两种头足类的营养生态位及相互关系。结果显示,茎柔鱼和鸢乌贼肌肉的部分必需脂肪酸(C18∶2n6、C20∶2n6、C20∶3n3、C20∶4n6和C20∶5n3)含量存在差异,说明二者食物来源不同,但其碳、氮稳定同位素比值无显著差异,可能是因为相同个体大小的茎柔鱼和鸢乌贼营养级相近,且摄食空间相似。这些结果在营养生态位的分析结果中也得到了验证,稳定同位素营养生态位的重叠程度高于脂肪酸营养生态位,表明脂肪酸组成更能体现同域近缘种的食性差异。本研究可加深对头足类进化过程中摄食行为适应机制的理解,并为评估同域近缘种的营养生态位关系提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Because species interactions are often context‐dependent, abiotic factors such as temperature and biotic factors such as food quality may alter species interactions with potential consequences to ecosystem structure and function. For example, altered predator–prey interactions may influence the dynamics of trophic cascades, affecting net primary production. In a three‐year field experiment, we manipulated a plant–grasshopper–spider food chain in mesic tallgrass prairie to investigate the effects of temperature and food quality on grasshopper performance, and to understand the direct and indirect tritrophic interactions that contribute to trophic cascades. Because spiders are active at cooler temperatures than grasshoppers in our system, we hypothesized that predator effects would be strongest in cooled treatments, and weakest in warmed treatments. Grasshopper spider interactions were highly context‐dependent and varied significantly with food quality, temperature treatment and year. Spiders most often reduced grasshopper survival in the cooled and ambient temperature treatments, but had little to no effect on grasshopper survival in the warmed treatments, as hypothesized. In some years, plants compensated for grasshopper herbivory and trophic cascades were not observed despite significant effects of predators on grasshopper survival. However, in the year they were observed, trophic cascades only occurred in cooled treatments where predator effects on grasshoppers were strongest. Predicting ecosystem responses to climate change will require an understanding of how temperature influences species interactions. Our results demonstrate that changes in daily temperature regimes can alter predator–prey interactions among arthropods with consequences for ecosystem processes such as primary production and the relative importance of top–down and bottom–up processes.  相似文献   

  1. Ecological differences among species are usually associated with phenotypic differences that enable species to lessen interspecific competition. Many cryptic species co‐occur in communities, thus raising the question of their ecological equivalency. In the case of freshwater amphipods from the Hyalella azteca cryptic species complex, both ecological differences and overlaps have been reported among species that co‐occur in lakes. Since lakes are heterogeneous habitats that vary in space and time, it is possible that species minimise interspecific competition by occupying different trophic niches.
  2. We tested the hypothesis that amphipod species from the H. azteca complex co‐occur by feeding on different food resources in the littoral zone of boreal lakes. We compared the stable isotopes ratios (δ13C and δ15N) of amphipods from different species, and reconstructed their diets using mixing models.
  3. We showed that H. azteca amphipods from different species had isotopic compositions and habitat uses that greatly overlapped. Differences in isotopic composition often occurred, but they were also observed for amphipods of the same species sampled at different depths. This suggests that H. azteca amphipods fed mainly on resources that were available at the site where they occurred rather than distributed according to the occurrence of a specific resource.
  4. The overlap in diets suggests that H. azteca amphipods had overlapping trophic niches. Therefore, niche partitioning for food resources was not a process explaining the co‐occurrence of these species within these lakes.
  5. Competition for food resources was not likely an important mechanism to explain H. azteca species assemblages in communities. Each H. azteca species apparently fed on food items that were abundant in the littoral zone of lakes, meaning that competition for food might be avoided most of the time. If food scarcity ever happens, the period of scarcity is probably too short to allow the exclusion of one amphipod species by competitive exclusion because of the low differences in fitness between the species, allowing Hyalella cryptic species to co‐occur during the open‐water season. Neutral mechanisms and ecological drift might also influence assemblage dynamics.

Abstract  A study was conducted in a typical steppe area in central Inner Mongolia to determine resource utilization in time, space, and food by grasshopper assemblages. Pattern of use for these resources was analyzed from three vegetation types by examining species-specific niche breadths, overlaps and partitions of resource utilization as well as population sizes. Popular niche indices and the principal components analysis (PCA) procedure were used to indicate the interrelations among grasshopper species. In the heterogeneous grassland environments resulting from livestock grazing, eleven grasshopper species were categorized respectively based on the 3-dimensional niche segregation and overlap degree. Population sizes were determined by the calorific values of their realized population biomass. Comparison in niche breadth displayed that species which had a broad niche along one dimension at least had a narrow niche along another one. There were sufficient differences between species for overall overlap associated with resource use to explain coexistence in the assemblages by resource segregation. Distinct rule of niche complementarity in overlap was not found. Evidence from this study implied that the species-specific use of resource may be due primarily to grasshopper adaptive differentiation and to coevolutionary interactions between grasshopper and plant rather than interspecific competition among grasshopper species.  相似文献   

1. Generalist fish species are recognised as important couplers of benthic and pelagic food‐web compartments in lakes. However, interspecific niche segregation and individual specialisation may limit the potential for generalistic feeding behaviour. 2. We studied summer habitat use, stomach contents and stable isotopic compositions of the generalist feeder Arctic charr coexisting with its common resource competitor brown trout in five subarctic lakes in northern Norway to reveal population‐level and individual‐level niche plasticity. 3. Charr and trout showed partial niche segregation in all five lakes. Charr used all habitat types and a wide variety of invertebrate prey including zooplankton, whereas trout fed mainly on insects in the littoral zone. Hence, charr showed a higher potential to promote habitat and food‐web coupling compared to littoral‐dwelling trout. 4. The level of niche segregation between charr and trout and between pelagic‐caught and littoral‐caught charr depended on the prevailing patterns of interspecific and intraspecific resource competition. The two fish species had partially overlapping trophic niches in one lake where charr numerically dominated the fish community, whereas the most segregated niches occurred in lakes where trout were more abundant. 5. In general, pelagic‐caught charr had substantially narrower dietary and isotopic niches and relied less on littoral carbon sources compared to littoral‐caught conspecifics that included generalist as well as specialised benthivorous and planktivorous individuals. Despite the partially specialised planktivorous niche and thus reduced potential of pelagic‐dwelling charr to promote benthic–pelagic coupling, the isotopic compositions of both charr subpopulations suggested a significant reliance on both littoral and pelagic carbon sources in all five study lakes. 6. Our study demonstrates that both interspecific niche segregation between and individual trophic specialisation within generalist fish species can constrain food‐web coupling and alter energy mobilisation to top consumers in subarctic lakes. Nevertheless, pelagic and littoral habitats and food‐web compartments may still be highly integrated due to the potentially plastic foraging behaviour of top consumers.  相似文献   

高海拔山区气候条件恶劣, 资源匮乏, 探究同域分布的近缘物种如何利用有限的资源以实现稳定共存, 对于了解高山生态系统生物多样性格局的形成和维持机制具有重要意义。鸡形目鸟类飞行能力弱, 属于典型的地栖物种, 生态位空间相对狭窄, 可能面临更高的种间竞争压力。本研究旨在比较几种同域分布的鸡形目鸟类的时空生态位, 为了解高山生态系统同域物种的共存机制提供新的研究案例。2020年4-9月, 研究人员在四川卧龙国家级自然保护区海拔3,300-4,200 m的高山区域进行了野外调查, 通过样线法和样方法对鸡形目鸟类群落优势物种绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysii)、雉鹑(Tetraophasis obscurus)和雪鹑(Lerwa lerwa)繁殖期的微生境进行调查, 使用红外相机对其活动节律进行监测, 并运用核密度估计法从微生境利用和日活动节律两个生态维度进行了种间生态位比较。结果显示, 雪鹑在微生境利用和日活动节律上均与其他两个物种存在显著差异。绿尾虹雉与雉鹑在微生境的利用上具有相似偏好; 但绿尾虹雉的早活动高峰晚于雉鹑, 晚活动高峰早于雉鹑, 表现出显著的种间日活动节律差异; 然而, 整合两个维度后, 绿尾虹雉和雉鹑的整体生态位仍然高度重叠, 没有显著分化。本研究表明高山鸡形目物种间的生态位分化体现于多个不同的生态维度, 并且不同物种之间的分化方式有所差异。在空间和时间生态位上的显著分化使雪鹑与同域物种间的竞争压力相对较小, 有利于其实现稳定共存。而绿尾虹雉与雉鹑的整体生态位高度重叠, 建议进一步对其食性开展研究, 探讨营养生态位上的潜在种间分化。  相似文献   

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