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生姜精油喷雾干燥法微胶囊化的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了以阿拉伯胶、麦芽糊精及大豆分离蛋白作为包埋生姜精油的壁材,采用三因子单形重心法优化确定壁材的最佳配方及工艺条件,采用喷雾干燥技术进行生姜精油的微胶囊包埋处理以获得固化的生姜精油微胶囊产品。  相似文献   

花椒精油微胶囊工艺的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文研究了以阿拉伯胶、麦芽糊精及大豆分离蛋白作为壁材。采用正交实验法优化确定壁材的最佳配方及工艺条件,采用喷干燥技术进行花椒精油的微胶囊包埋处理以获得固化的花椒精油微胶囊产品。  相似文献   

花青素作为植物界广泛存在的一种天然食用色素,安全、无毒、资源丰富,而且具有一定营养和药理作用,然而花青素对pH值、氧气、温度、光、金属离子等十分敏感。拟利用微胶囊化技术,保护花青素的抗氧化特性,并比较了2种常用的微胶囊方法(喷雾干燥法和锐孔法)的包埋效果,以期为花青素的使用提供一定参考。结果表明,啧雾干燥法制备紫玉米花青素微胶囊效果较锐孔法更好,而且当选择麦芽糊精和阿拉伯胶1:1作喷雾干燥的壁材,芯材(花青素)与壁材按1:16制备时,其包埋率可达34%,效果最佳。  相似文献   

目的:肉豆蔻精油因刺激性气味及易挥发的特点限制了其在食品中的应用,为提高肉豆蔻精油的适用性,利用喷雾干燥技术制备肉豆蔻精油微胶囊。方法:以辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉酯/麦芽糊精(OSA/MD)为复合壁材制备微胶囊,采用气相色谱—质谱联用(GC MS)法测定了包埋前后肉豆蔻精油的成分组成及相对含量,并对微胶囊稳定性进行考察。结果:制备的肉豆蔻精油微胶囊包埋率和保留率分别达到99.28%和88.15%,且40℃时保持稳定。结论:以辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉酯/麦芽糊精(OSA/MD)为复合壁材,利用喷雾干燥技术制备肉豆蔻精油微胶囊包埋效果好,且稳定性得到明显提高。  相似文献   

目的提高双歧杆菌NQ1501对环境的耐受性。方法采用流化床底喷工艺,以蔗糖、麦芽糊精、海藻糖和改性淀粉为内层壁材,聚丙烯酸树脂为外层壁材制备双歧杆菌NQ1501微胶囊,并对制得微囊进行评价。结果制得4种双歧杆菌NQ1501微胶囊均具有较好的耐酸和肠溶能力,25℃贮存6个月后对照菌粉存活率为4.8%,采用4种不同内壁材的微胶囊存活率分别为蔗糖28.6%,麦芽糊精45.7%,海藻糖38.9%,改性淀粉55.2%。结论采用该制备工艺制得双歧杆菌NQ1501微胶囊具备较好的耐酸性、肠溶性和常温保存稳定性。  相似文献   

本文采用喷雾干燥法制备高纯α-亚麻酸为芯材、亚麻籽胶为壁材的微胶囊,并以微胶囊化效率和含油率为指标,考察了制备工艺.结果表明,最佳微胶囊原料配方为:芯材与壁材的比例为(m/m)3∶2,料液浓度为5%,进料温度为20℃;最佳喷雾干燥工艺条件:进风温度为180℃,出风温度为80℃,雾化器转速21000 rpm,进料速度为42.01 mL/min.在此工艺条件下亚麻酸的微胶囊化效率为96.18%,含油率为60.09%.  相似文献   

为了制备包埋率高、稳定性好的火麻仁油微胶囊,拓展其在食品领域的应用范围,以火麻仁油为芯材、单双脂肪酸甘油酯为乳化剂、酪蛋白酸钠为壁材、固体玉米糖浆为填充剂、柠檬酸钠为缓冲盐、抗坏血酸棕榈酸钠为抗氧化剂,通过喷雾干燥法制备60%载油率的火麻仁油微胶囊,以微胶囊包埋率为响应值,在单因素实验的基础上,以干物浓度、进风温度、出风温度为实验因素,采用Box-Behnken响应面分析法进行优化。随后通过扫描电镜观察火麻仁油微胶囊表面形态结构,以确定包埋效果。并利用油脂氧化分析仪检测火麻仁油微胶囊的氧化稳定性。研究确定微胶囊的最佳工艺条件为:干物浓度42%、进风温度168 ℃、出风温度74 ℃,在此条件下制备得到的火麻仁油微胶囊包埋率可达92.15%。通过扫描电镜观察到火麻仁油微胶囊表面圆滑无裂痕,表明火麻仁油微胶囊包埋效果比较理想。经油脂氧化分析仪测定,与对照组(火麻仁油)相比,试验组(火麻仁油微胶囊)的氧化诱导期时间较长,能够达到30 h以上,说明通过对火麻仁油进行微胶囊包埋可以较大程度地提高油脂的稳定性。研究结果为火麻仁油在食品工业领域的开发和应用提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

作为葡萄加工的副产物,葡萄籽中富含葡萄籽油和低聚原花青素。作者利用超临界二氧化碳萃取葡萄籽后所得的残渣为原料,以含有0.8%醋酸的乙醇溶液为提取剂来提取其中的原花青素,在55℃条件下进行两次重复提取,葡萄籽残渣与提取液的比例控制在1∶8(W/V),每次提取60 min,原料中原花青素的提取率可以达到98.2%;为提高产品的贮藏稳定性,还对以阿拉伯胶与麦芽糊精组合作为原花青素微胶囊壁材来进行微胶囊化的工艺进行研究,结果表明在阿拉伯胶占壁材40%、芯壁材比为3∶7,混合液中固形物含量为20%的条件下,经喷雾干燥后所得原花青素的产率为88.84%,微胶囊化效率达到99.2%。检测结果表明,原花青素紫外吸收光谱在微胶囊化前后没有变化,而其贮藏稳定性得到提高。  相似文献   

【目的】优化鲟源嗜水气单胞菌拮抗解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊的制备工艺,并观察其特性。【方法】以明胶为壁材,采用单因素法,考察了明胶浓度、进风温度、进料速度、空气流量等因素对解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊有效含菌量的影响,并进一步通过正交试验设计优化制备解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊的喷雾干燥工艺参数,观察其微胶囊颗粒形态以及对人工模拟胃液和肠液的耐受力。【结果】解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊喷雾干燥的最佳制备工艺条件为:明胶浓度为3%,进风温度为155°C,进料速度为8 mL/min,空气流量为700 L/h,各因素对其喷雾干燥工艺的影响程度为:明胶浓度进料速度空气流量进风温度。此外,解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊的颗粒呈球形,表面有凹陷,但没有孔和裂纹,颗粒粒径分布基本均匀,平均大小为9.22μm,对人工模拟胃液和肠液具有较好的耐受力,对鲟源嗜水气单胞菌具有良好的生长抑制效果。【结论】本研究结果为鲟源嗜水气单胞菌拮抗解淀粉芽孢杆菌微胶囊的工业化生产奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的为解决乳酸菌产品活菌数的不稳定性,对乳酸菌进行微胶囊化包埋。方法用海藻酸钠和明胶的混合体系作为壁材,对乳酸菌进行静电喷雾包埋处理,并让微胶囊化乳酸菌在模拟胃肠液的环境中进行耐酸性和肠溶性实验。结果混合体系的壁材与乳酸菌具有较好的生物相容性,优选得出当芯壁材为12时包埋率最高(96.3%),微胶囊化乳酸菌在经人工胃液处理2h后,活菌数比未经微胶囊化的对照组高出2个数量级,且在经人工肠液处理40min后,乳酸菌几乎全部释放。结论静电喷雾法制备的乳酸菌微胶囊具有一定耐酸性和肠溶性。  相似文献   

为准确测定灵芝孢子粉中三萜的含量,运用高效液相建立适合孢子粉的分析测定方法。通过对前处理条件的优化,确定40%乙醇为孢子粉中等极性三萜酸类的最佳提取溶剂,浓缩倍数是子实体提取条件的50倍。通过色谱柱和洗脱条件的优化,建立了包括灵芝酸I、灵芝烯酸C、灵芝酸C2等13种标准品测定方法,方法学考察显示该分析方法精密度、重复性、稳定性的RSD值均小于5%,可以用于灵芝孢子粉中三萜类成分的定量检测。通过5组样品的分析发现,灵芝酸C6、灵芝酸G、灵芝酸A、灵芝酸D、灵芝酸F是灵芝孢子粉中的主要三萜类成分,其中灵芝酸A含量最高,平均占样品三萜总量的比例达19.71%;三萜类成分的溶出量与是否破壁没有相关性。三萜类成分在灵芝孢子粉和灵芝孢子油产品中的含量非常低,孢子粉的三萜含量为14.24-99.70μg/g,仅为子实体的1/100,灵芝孢子油中三萜含量也均低于50μg/g,因此三萜类成分不适合作为灵芝孢子粉及其相关产品的定量检测指标。  相似文献   

Microcapsules of a water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) emulsion, which contained a hydrophilic substance, 1,3,6,8-pyrenetetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt (PTSA), in its inner aqueous phase, was prepared by hot-air-drying or freeze-drying the emulsion using a single-droplet-drying method. Pullulan, maltodextrin, or gum arabic was used as a wall material, and the oily phase was tricaprylin, oleic acid, olive oil, or a mixture of tricaprylin and olive oil. An encapsulation efficiency higher than 0.95 was reached except for the microcapsules prepared using gum arabic and oleic acid. The hot-air-dried microcapsules were generally more stable than the freeze-dried microcapsules at 37°C and various relative humidities. The stability was higher for the microcapsules with tricaprylin as the oily phase than for the microcapsules with oleic acid. The higher stability of the microcapsules with tricaprylin would be ascribed to the lower partition coefficient of PTSA to the oily phase. There was a tendency for the stability to be higher at lower relative humidity for both the hot-air- and freeze-dried microcapsules. The volumetric fraction of olive oil in its mixture with tricaprylin did not significantly affect either the encapsulation efficiency or the stability of the hot-air-dried microcapsules.  相似文献   

Microcapsules of a water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) emulsion, which contained a hydrophilic substance, 1,3,6,8-pyrenetetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt (PTSA), in its inner aqueous phase, was prepared by hot-air-drying or freeze-drying the emulsion using a single-droplet-drying method. Pullulan, maltodextrin, or gum arabic was used as a wall material, and the oily phase was tricaprylin, oleic acid, olive oil, or a mixture of tricaprylin and olive oil. An encapsulation efficiency higher than 0.95 was reached except for the microcapsules prepared using gum arabic and oleic acid. The hot-air-dried microcapsules were generally more stable than the freeze-dried microcapsules at 37 degrees C and various relative humidities. The stability was higher for the microcapsules with tricaprylin as the oily phase than for the microcapsules with oleic acid. The higher stability of the microcapsules with tricaprylin would be ascribed to the lower partition coefficient of PTSA to the oily phase. There was a tendency for the stability to be higher at lower relative humidity for both the hot-air- and freeze-dried microcapsules. The volumetric fraction of olive oil in its mixture with tricaprylin did not significantly affect either the encapsulation efficiency or the stability of the hot-air-dried microcapsules.  相似文献   

The processing parameters of pump speed, inlet air temperature, outlet air temperature and homogenization pressure were evaluated. Encapsulation efficiency is high with a satisfied releasing rate. Then, acute otitis media (AOM) animal model was built and diet containing orange peel essential oil microcapsules were administrated to AOM animals. Pharmacological test showed that orange peel essential oil treatment could decrease serum and cochlea malondialdehyde (MDA), immunoglobulins A (IgA), immunoglobulins G (IgG), immunoglobulins M (IgM) levels and increase antioxidant enzymes activities. It can be concluded that orange peel essential oil treatment could decrease oxidative injury in acute otitis media rats.  相似文献   

Spray dried microcapsules of mint oil were prepared using gum Arabic alone and its blends with radiation or enzymatically depolymerized guar gum as wall materials. Microcapsules were evaluated for retention of mint oil during 8-week storage during which qualitative changes in encapsulated mint oil was monitored using principal component analysis. The microcapsules with radiation depolymerized guar gum as wall material component could better retain major mint oil compounds such as menthol and isomenthol. The t(1/2) calculated for mint oil in microcapsules of gum Arabic, gum Arabic:radiation depolymerized guar gum (90:10), gum Arabic:enzyme depolymerized guar gum (90:10) was 25.66, 38.50, and 17.11 weeks, respectively. The results suggested a combination of radiation depolymerized guar gum and gum Arabic to show better retention of encapsulated flavour than gum Arabic alone as wall material.  相似文献   

灵芝是名贵药用真菌,三萜是灵芝的关键药效成分。前期研究发现,磷脂酶D (Phospholipase D,PLD) 产生的磷脂酸 (Phosphatidic acid,PA) 可调控三萜合成,为进一步阐明PA调控灵芝三萜合成的分子机制,研究采用PA-beads富集结合LC-MS/MS技术,鉴定灵芝细胞中PA互作蛋白,结果共鉴定到了19个PA互作蛋白,主要包括细胞色素P450单加氧酶 (GL22084)、特异性蛋白激酶MAPK (GL23765)、过氧化氢酶和细胞表面疏水性蛋白等。通过基因克隆、原核表达载体构建、蛋白诱导表达和分离纯化,获得了融合GST标签的GL22084和GL23765蛋白,采用GST-pull down实验,验证了灵芝GL22084和GL23765蛋白与PA互作。研究结果揭示了灵芝细胞中PA互作蛋白,为后续解析PLD介导的PA信号分子调控灵芝三萜合成的分子机理奠定了基础;同时,鉴定到的PA互作蛋白也为其他物种的PLD/PA信号通路相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   


The present work aimed to study the influence of the pH and protein ratio on the formation of complex coacervates of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and whey protein isolated nanoparticles (WPIN). These biopolymers and transglutaminase, as a cross-linking agent, were used to encapsulate sacha inchi oil (SIO) containing β-carotene (β-C). The stability of β-C from SIO microcapsules (β-SIO microcapsules) was evaluated under in vitro digestion using an INFOGEST 2.0 in vitro digestion protocol. The release of β-C in a simulated food model was studied, and mathematical models were used to determine the mechanism. A ratio of 1:6 (CMC/WPIN) at pH 3.5 was used for the formation of the complex. Chemical and morphological analyses suggested that SIO was microencapsulated and that a high encapsulation efficiency was obtained. The β-C from β-SIO microcapsules was preserved in vegetable oil (food model), and Fickian diffusion occurred. The β-C from β-SIO microcapsules was preserved under oral and gastric conditions, and higher release occurred during intestinal digestion when samples were subjected to in vitro digestion simulation. After in vitro digestion, the β-C from β-SIO microcapsules presented higher stability (83.37%) and acceptable bioaccessibility (31.16%). There are few studies in the literature of encapsulated SIO using the CMC/WPIN complex or studies of the release of β-carotene from SIO during in vitro digestion and in food simulants. The knowledge obtained in this study will facilitate the use and applications of β-C-loaded microcapsule delivery systems.


Encapsulating fish oil by spray drying with an adequate wall material was investigated to determine if stable powders containing emulsified fish-oil-droplets can be formed. In particular, the dextrose equivalent (DE) of maltodextrin (MD) affects the powder structure, surface-oil ratio, and oxidative stability of fish oil. The carrier solution was prepared using MD with different DEs (DE = 11, 19, and 25) and sodium caseinate as the wall material and the emulsifier, respectively. The percentage of microcapsules having a vacuole was 73, 39, and 38% for MD with DE = 11, 19, and 25, respectively. Peroxide values (PVs) were measured for the microcapsules incubated at 60 °C. The microcapsules prepared with MD of DE = 25 and 19 had lower PVs than those prepared with MD of DE = 11. The difference in PV can be ascribed to the difference in the surface-oil ratio of the spray-dried microcapsules.  相似文献   

The preparation of crosslinked aggregates of pancreatic porcine lipase (PPL‐CLEA) was systematically studied, evaluating the influence of three precipitants and two crosslinking agents, as well as the use of soy protein as an alternative feeder protein on the catalytic properties and stability of the immobilized PPL. Standard CLEAs showed a global yield (CLEA’ observed activity/offered total activity) of less than 4%, whereas with the addition of soy protein (PPL:soy protein mass ratio of 1:3) the global yield was approximately fivefold higher. The CLEA of PPL prepared with soy protein as feeder (PPL:soy protein mass ratio of 1:3) and glutaraldehyde as crosslinking reagent (10 μmol of aldehyde groups/mg of total protein) was more active mainly because of the reduced enzyme leaching in the washing step. This CLEA, named PPL‐SOY‐CLEA, had an immobilization yield around 60% and an expressed activity around 40%. In the ethanolysis of soybean oil, the PPL‐SOY‐CLEA yielded maximum fatty acid ethyl ester (FAEE) concentration around 12‐fold higher than that achieved using soluble PPL (34 h reaction at 30°C, 300 rpm stirring, soybean oil/ethanol molar ratio of 1:5) with an enzyme load around 2‐fold lower (very likely due to free enzyme inactivation). The operational stability of the PPL‐SOY‐CLEA in the ethanolysis of soybean oil in a vortex flow type reactor showed that FAEE yield was higher than 50% during ten reaction cycles of 24 h. This reactor configuration may be an attractive alternative to the conventional stirred reactors for biotransformations in industrial plants using carrier‐free biocatalysts. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:910–920, 2018  相似文献   

研究灵芝Ganoderma lingzhi子实体的化学成分。采用正相硅胶、ODS、Sephadex LH-20凝胶柱色谱和prep-HPLC等方法分离与纯化,运用NMR、MS等波谱技术鉴定化合物结构。从灵芝95%乙醇提取物中分离得到5个降羊毛甾烷三萜类化合物,分别是ethyl 20(21)-dehydrolucidenate A(1)、lingzhi-20(21)-en-24-oic acid A(2)、20(21)-dehydrolucidenic acid A(3)、赤芝酮A(4)、lucidadone H(5)。化合物1和2是两个新的降羊毛甾烷三萜化合物;化合物3~5为首次从该属真菌中分离得到。化合物1和2在白血病(HL-60)、肺癌(A549)、肝癌(SMMC-7721)、乳腺癌(MCF-7)、结肠癌(SW480)五种不同的癌细胞株上进行细胞毒活性筛选,结果显示化合物1~5在40μM时无明显的细胞毒活性。  相似文献   

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