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对毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr.)叶围煤污菌(sooty moulds)群落组成及演替进行了探罚,分析了叶面营养物及其变化。 结果表明,叶面真菌的分离物密度随叶片的衰老而增加。对毛白杨叶面真菌分离鉴定,属于煤污菌有8种真菌:链格孢(Alternaria alternata),芽枝状枝孢(Cladosporium cladosporioides),球孢枝孢(Coladosporium sphaerospermum),尖孢枝孢(Cladosporium oxysporum),出芽短梗霉(Aurecobasidium pullulans),棕黑腐质霉(Humtco'a tuscoatra),伏克盾壳霉(Coniothyrixm fuckelii)和直立枝顶孢(Acremoniumstrictum)。不同生长期叶面真菌群落组成及优势种不同,叶面出现黑霉层后,以3种煤污菌为优势种即出芽短梗霉、链格孢和芽枝状枝孢。不同的菌表现一定的演替模式,定殖及达到峰值的时间不同。毛白杨叶面含有多种营养物,其含量及组分随生长期不同而异.与叶面真菌分离物密度呈显著性相关。此外,对蚜虫的发生、叶面营养物含量、煤污菌三者的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

沙月霞 《微生物学报》2009,49(10):1317-1322
摘要:【目的】了解果品微生物功能多样性信息,为红枣贮藏期贮藏病害的防控提供技术支撑,同时希望为果品果面微生物多样性的研究提供新的方法。【方法】采用Biolog方法研究了红枣贮藏期果品果面微生物群落结构功能多样性。【结果】红枣在不同贮藏时间内果面微生物群落的功能多样性差异很大,贮藏时间越长微生物越丰富,对不同碳源的利用程度越高;采用保鲜剂处理后红枣果面微生物群落的多样性、均匀度指数和AWCD 均显著低于未作任何处理的红枣果面微生物。四种不同处理的红枣果面微生物的特征碳源主要有六类:碳水化合物类、羧酸类、聚合  相似文献   

从三尖杉 ,南方红豆杉及香榧中分离出 1 72株内生真菌 ,对其进行抗菌活性检测 ,结果表明共 90株内生真菌对一种或多种植物病原真菌 ,如红色面孢霉 (Neurosporasp .) ,木霉 (Trichodermasp .) ,镰刀菌 (Fusariumsp .)等有抑制作用 ,来自三尖杉、南方红豆杉和香榧的抗菌活性菌株比例分别为 40 %,54.2 %及 57.1 %。其中平板抑菌圈直径大于1 5mm的高抗菌株有 3 5株。按Ainsworth等鉴定系统和方  相似文献   

王倩倩  陆嘉惠  张洁  徐影  徐可  张迦得  刘登奎 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9780-9795
胀果甘草(Glycyrrhiza inflata)主要分布于新疆、甘肃的荒漠区,是耐盐性最强的药用甘草,在改良盐碱地土壤中发挥着重要作用,其原生境土壤微生物群落结构特征是揭示种群分布影响因素及盐碱地修复机制的重要依据。从胀果甘草5个主产区采集原生境土壤,测定土壤理化指标,并采用高通量测序技术,结合Spearman、dbRDA等方法开展微生物群落组成及多样性特征研究,揭示不同分布区的优势微生物群落特征和影响因子。结果表明:真菌群落中曲霉属(Aspergillus)、地丝霉属(Geomyces)、镰刀菌属(Fusarium)和细菌群落中的寡养单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas)、MarinimicrobiumIdiomarina是野生胀果甘草原生境土壤中的优势微生物类群。不同分布区的土壤真菌多样性和丰富度具有显著差异,但土壤细菌多样性和丰富度差异不显著;部分分布区土壤中的真菌和细菌种类差异较大。土壤理化因子中,土壤含水量和总含盐量对真菌和细菌的群落分布、丰富度有显著影响。原生境含水量与曲霉属(Aspergillus)、镰刀菌属(Fusarium)、链格孢属(Alternaria)、青霉属(Penicillium)真菌呈显著负相关;与Marinnimicrobium,Idiomarina、Aliifodinibius和需盐杆菌属(Salegentibacter)细菌呈显著正相关,与链霉菌属(Streptomyces)细菌呈显著负相关。原生境土壤总含盐量,与曲霉属(Aspergillus)、裸子囊菌属(Gymnoascus)、Aporospora真菌呈显著正相关,与镰刀菌属(Fusarium)、丝盖伞属(Inocybe)、硬皮马勃属(Scleroderma)真菌呈显著负相关;总盐含量与Marinimicrobium、Idiomarina、嗜盐单胞菌属(Halomonas)、Aliifodinibius、Salinimicrobium、需盐杆菌属(Salegentibacter)这6种细菌的丰富度存在显著正相关关系,与链霉菌属(Streptomyces)和鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)细菌呈显著负相关。另外,土壤真菌和细菌的空间分布的异质性也与野生胀果甘草的生境类型和地理环境有关。原生境中丰富度高的嗜盐细菌可能与胀果甘草的盐适应和耐盐机制有密切关系。研究结果为野生胀果甘草的种群恢复、盐碱弃耕地的土壤功能修复研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为研究柴胡(Bupleurum chinense DC.)根部可培养内生真菌的多样性,分析山西省不同地区柴胡根部可培养内生真菌多样性的差异性,建立柴胡根部内生真菌库。本文以山西省不同产地的柴胡根为材料,采用传统植物组织平板分离法对柴胡根部可培养内生真菌进行分离培养和分子鉴定。从25个不同产地的柴胡样品根部中共分离培养得到705株真菌,经分子生物学鉴定,其中695株真菌归属为4门14纲23目32科55属119种。晋南地区的优势菌属为镰刀菌属(Fusarium, 32.18%)、亚隔孢壳属(Didymella, 15.96%)、曲霉属(Aspergillus, 8.24%)、异茎点霉属(Paraphoma, 6.91%)、茎点球属(Phoma, 5.32%)、链格孢属(Alternaria, 5.05%),晋北地区的优势菌属为镰刀菌属(31.66%)、曲霉属(15.36%)、链格孢属(9.09%)、亚隔孢壳属(8.15%)、异茎点霉属(7.52%),亚隔孢壳属、曲霉属、链格孢属等优势属的相对丰度差异较大;晋南地区的优势物种为Didymella bellidis(11.44%)、三线镰刀菌(Fusarium tricinctum, 7.98%)、腐皮镰刀菌(Fusarium solani, 7.45%)、锐顶镰孢菌(Fusarium acuminatum, 5.85%)、烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus, 5.85%),晋北地区的优势物种为锐顶镰孢菌(14.11%)、烟曲霉(11.91%)、三线镰刀菌(9.40%)、菊异茎点霉(Paraphoma chrysanthemicola, 5.64%)、D. bellidis(5.64%)、链格孢菌(Alternaria alternata, 5.64%),D. bellidis、锐顶镰孢菌、烟曲霉等优势种的相对丰度差异较大。差异性分析表明晋南地区的生物多样性显著高于晋北地区,D. bellidis、锐顶镰孢菌、烟曲霉等优势种的相对丰度差异较大,为进一步研究柴胡根内生真菌相对丰度差异较大的物种及其不同菌株对柴胡皂苷积累的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

张国庆  王方  李根  任萌 《微生物学报》2022,62(11):4397-4413
【目的】在无法实现洁净环境的古建筑内,文物易遭受霉菌的破坏,尤其是在闷热的夏季。探明空气中真菌的种类对文物、游客的安全具有重要意义。【方法】采用自然沉降法与撞击法对夏季养心殿正殿内代表性的6个取样位置的气生真菌进行培养并进行ITS1 rDNA序列分析。【结果】利用自然沉降法测得气生真菌22种,以枝孢属(Cladosporium)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)和青霉属(Penicillium)为优势类群,在2个位置(佛堂二层与西暖阁)空气真菌污染超标;而撞击法测得100余种,腐生营养型真菌比例较高,优势类群为链格孢属(Alternaria)、Cladosporium、木霉属 (Trichoderma)、根霉属(Rhizopus)、AspergillusPenicillium,所有6个位置均超标。通过对环境因子与真菌多样性的相关性分析发现,养心殿内真菌丰度与温度、湿度及悬浮颗粒物有着密切关系。在相对湿度较低的6月,温度对丰度影响较大;高湿度时,悬浮颗粒物与湿度对真菌丰度影响更大。丝状真菌的丰度与小粒径悬浮颗粒物、相对湿度存在显著正相关,而空气中的酵母菌与温度相关性更高。【结论】本研究对养心殿正殿空气中真菌的种属进行了鉴定,并分析了与环境因子的相关性,为预防、开放展览以及修缮提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

肖健  黄小丹  杨尚东  屈达才 《广西植物》2022,42(12):2099-2108
为研究青枯病易感和钝感桑树品种植株根际土壤真菌群落组成,该研究以ITS1F和ITS2R为引物,基于高通量测序技术对桑树青枯病易感品种(台湾长果桑,SM)和桑树青枯病钝感品种(桂桑12号,IM)植株根际土壤真菌群落结构进行分析。结果表明:(1)两个品种间指示真菌丰富度的ACE、Chao1指数及表征多样性的Shannon指数无显著差异,门分类水平,被孢霉门(Mortierellomycota)和球囊菌门(Glomeromycota)是青枯病钝感桑树品种植株根际土壤中特有的优势真菌门; 而属分类水平,Apiotrichum、地丝菌属(Geotrichum)、足放线病菌属(Scedosporium)和腐质霉属(Humicola)等是青枯病易感桑树品种植株根际土壤中富集的特有优势真菌属。(2)青枯病易感桑树品种植株根际土壤中,缺失了被孢霉门、球囊菌门真菌,以及被孢霉属(Mortierella)、镰刀菌属(Fusarium)、曲霉菌属(Aspergillus)和毛壳菌属(Chaetomium)等具有生防功能的优势真菌门属,可能是其易感青枯病的重要原因。(3)根据真菌群落对同类环境资源的利用途径进行功能预测发现,青枯病易感桑树品种根际土壤中,富集了相对较多的病理营养型和腐生营养型真菌; 而青枯病钝感桑树品种根际土壤中,富集了相对丰富的共生营养型真菌。(4)特有真菌数量更为丰富的土壤真菌OTU分类水平,可能是青枯病钝感桑树品种田间表现出更强抗性的重要原因。可见,在青枯病钝感桑树品种植株根际土壤中,富集的被孢霉属、镰刀菌属、曲霉菌属和毛壳菌属等优势特异真菌属,具有作为拮抗桑树青枯病备选菌属的潜力。  相似文献   

本研究从柑橘抗病品种的健康植株不同组织中分离纯化和鉴定内生真菌,并测定其发酵产物对柑橘溃疡病菌的抑制活性,以明确柑橘抗病品种中内生真菌的组成及其产抗柑橘溃疡病菌活性代谢产物的潜力,为柑橘溃疡病抗菌剂的开发奠定基础。该研究通过组织培养法分离内生真菌,采用形态学和分子生物学方法对其进行鉴定; 基于前期的拮抗预试验结果,选取代表性菌株进行发酵培养,通过乙酸乙酯浸提、真空抽滤、旋转蒸发浓缩制备粗提物; 采用带毒平板涂布法测定不同菌株发酵产物乙酸乙酯提取物对柑橘溃疡病菌的抑制活性。结果表明:(1)共分离得到72株内生真菌,归为2门(Ascomycota、Basidiomycota)、14个属,其中优势属为刺盘孢属(Colletotrichum)、球座菌属(Guignardia)、链格孢属(Alternaria)和镰刀菌属(Fusarium)。(2)不同柑橘品种中内生真菌多样性指数为温州蜜柑(桂林)>沙糖桔(桂林)>沙糖桔(梧州)。(3)不同组织中内生真菌多样性变化因地理位置差异而有所不同,采自桂林的温州蜜柑和沙糖桔均为叶片中的内生真菌的多样性高于枝条,而采自梧州的沙糖桔为叶片中的多样性低于枝条,并且采自梧州的柑橘样品与采自桂林的柑橘样品中的内生真菌相似性低。(4)测定了30株内生真菌乙酸乙酯提取物对柑橘溃疡病菌的抑制活性,其中29株菌株表现出不同程度抑制活性。不同柑橘品种中的优势属的MIC介于0.312 5~10 mg·mL-1之间,特有属的MIC介于0.156~5 mg·mL-1,共有属镰刀菌属的MIC介于0.312 5~2.5 mg·mL-1之间。研究结果表明柑橘抗病品种中内生真菌具有丰富多样性,并且其发酵提取物普遍对柑橘溃疡病菌具有抑制作用。特有属抑菌活性总体优于优势属,共有属镰刀菌属在不同柑橘抗病品种中均具有显著抑菌效果。  相似文献   

喀斯特典型地区烟管荚蒾AM真菌多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟管荚蒾是喀斯特地区灌木丛的主要组成植物。以茂兰喀斯特森林为采样地点,对烟管荚蒾AM真菌进行了分离、鉴定与多样性分析,并对优势菌种进行初步的接种研究。结果表明:烟管荚蒾根系的菌根侵染率为82.1%,从根际土壤分离到AM真菌2属16种,球囊霉属(Glomus)7种,无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)9种。优势种为根内球囊霉(Glomus intraradices)、皱壁无梗囊霉(Acaulospora rugosa)和刺无梗囊霉(A. spinosa)。优势菌种接种紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa),促生作用明显,并显著提高了SOD、POD和CAT酶活性。该研究对于探讨喀斯特地区AM真菌的多样性与独特性,筛选优良的宿主植物和与之高效共生的AM真菌具重要意义。  相似文献   

高仁恒  刘杏忠  张克勤 《菌物学报》1995,14(Z1):103-108
本文报道了来自我国云南及长白山地区的捕食真菌及其相关丝孢菌的8个新记录种,即纺锤孢指隔孢(Dactylella atractoides),狭长孢指隔孢(D. stenomeces)、顶毛孢单顶孢(Monacrosporium acrochaeturn),泡环单顶孢(M. aphrobrochum),异孢单顶孢(M. heterobrochum),瘤捕单顶孢(M. phymatopagum),三叉霉(Tridentaria sp.)及龟头轮枝孢(Verticillium balanoides).  相似文献   

Jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) as a naturally host for dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) is newly recorded from Southern Khorasan province of Iran. This is the first report of C. campestris, a stem parasite plant, naturally infecting jujube trees worldwide.  相似文献   

The efficacy of submicron chitosan dispersions (SCD) on Alternaria alternata rot of the ‘Lingwu changzao’ jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cv. Lingwu changzao) fruit and possible mechanisms involved were investigated in this study. When jujube fruit at the preharvest stage were sprayed twice with SCD (10 mg/ml) water solution and then natural infections were allowed to develop, there was a significant reduction in disease incidence and lesion index compared to control fruit during storage period, and similar results were obtained from postharvest fruit inoculated with the Alternaria rot pathogen. Scanning electron microscopy of the pathogen revealed that hyphae and spores were damaged and deformed when growing on the surface of fruit pretreated with SCD or CHO. The slowed softening of jujube fruit resulted from the protopectin content increasing compared with the control. Furthermore, SCD sprays inhibited cell wall hydrolysing enzymes, pectinase activity was decreased, and the increase in cellulase activity was postponed (from 30 days to 45 days).It was concluded that preharvest application of SCD was a more effective alternative to conventional chitosan for preventing postharvest from Alternaria rot of ‘Lingwu changzao’ jujube fruit.  相似文献   

Ziziphus is an important genus within the family Rhamnaceae. This genus includes several important fruit tree species that are widely planted in China and India, such as the Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.), the wild jujube (Z. acidojujuba), and the Indian jujube (Z. mauritiana). However, information about their domestication based on the chlorotype diversity of Chinese jujube population is lacking. In this study, chloroplast microsatellite (cpSSR) markers were developed and used to investigate the genetic relationships between and domestication of jujube cultivars and wild jujube populations. Primer sets flanking each of the 46 cpSSR loci in non-coding regions of the chloroplast genome sequence of Z. jujuba Mill. cv. ‘Junzao’ were designed. In total, 10 markers showed polymorphisms from 15 samples (9 jujube cultivars and 6 wild jujube individuals), of which 8 loci were due to variations in the number of mononucleotide (A/T) repeats and 2 were due to indels. Six cpSSR markers were used in further analyses of 81 additional samples (63 jujube cultivars, 17 wild jujube samples, and 1 Indian jujube). Using these cpSSR markers, the number of alleles per locus ranged from two to four. In general, the Shannon Index (I) for each cpSSR ranged from 0.159 to 0.1747, and the diversity indices (h) and uh were 0.061 to 0.435 and 0.062 to 0.439, respectively. Seven chlorotypes were found; the Indian jujube showed distinct chlorotypes, and both the Chinese and wild jujube had four chlorotypes and shared two chlorotypes. A dominant chlorotype (G) accounted for 53 of 72 jujube cultivars and 13 of 23 wild jujube individuals. All chlorotypes were highly localized along the Yellow River, from the mid- to the lower reaches, suggesting a wide origin of jujube. These cpSSR markers can be applied to population and evolution studies of Chinese jujube and wild jujube.  相似文献   

Rainfall and temperature are the primary limiting factors for optimum quality and yield of cultivated jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). Adaptation to arid and cool environments has been and remains an important goal of many jujube improvement programs. This study summarized the survey results of 116 Chinese jujube varieties grown at 33 sites in China. The objective was to identify the environmental factors that influence leaf morphology, and the implications for breeding and introduction of new jujube varieties. Jujube leaf morphological traits were evaluated for their potential relationships with mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP). The results showed that many leaf morphological traits had a strong linear relationship with local precipitation and temperature. Longer veins per unit area (VLA) and reduced leaf area and leaf perimeter were typical of arid areas. VLA was inversely related to MAT and MAP at the centers of origin of jujube. There was a positive relationship between leaf shape (perimeter2/area) and both MAT and MAP. These results indicated that leaf vein traits of Chinese jujubes might have resulted from their adaptation to environmental factors in the course of long-term evolution. Principal component analysis allocated the 116 jujube varieties to three different groups, differentiated on the basis of morphological and physiological leaf characteristics. Jujube varieties from the Hebei, Shandong, Henan, southern Shanxi and central Shaanxi provinces were closely related, as were varieties from northwest Shanxi and northeast Shaanxi provinces, and varieties from the Gansu and Ningxia provinces. These close relationships were partially attributed to the frequent exchanges of varieties within each group. Leaf venation characteristics might be used as reference indices for jujube variety introduction between different locations.Influences of Environmental Factors on Leaf Morphology of Chinese Jujubes  相似文献   

Owing to the high nutritional value and extensive medicinal use of its products, Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill) is one of the most important fruit crops in China. However, jujube fruits are highly perishable and thus have a short shelf life, which is a serious hindrance to the industry. Better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying jujube fruit softening is fundamental to overcome the problem. Thus, both forward and reverse suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) cDNA libraries were constructed to identify differentially expressed genes for fruit at half-red ripening stage and complete red stage. As a result of dot blot confirmation, a total of 154 differentially expressed genes were identified. After removed low-quality regions and screened for vector contamination, blasted with the non-redundant NCBI databases, 78.6 % of sequences exhibited high homology to previously identified or putative proteins. All the ESTs were annotated and classified according to the terms of the three main Gene Ontology vocabularies using the Blast2GO software. Furthermore, the quantitative real-time PCR was carried out for 17 genes to validate the genes differentially expressed from the SSH libraries. And the full-length sequences of galactose oxidase and aldehyde dehydrogenase genes were obtained. It is the first step to explore the functional genomics and regulatory networks during the storage period of jujube fruit. The identification of the genes differentially expressed is helpful to understand the ripening and softening of the jujube fruit at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Soil microbial communities undergo rapid shifts following modifications in environmental conditions. Although microbial diversity changes may alter soil functioning, the in situ temporal dynamics of microbial diversity is poorly documented. Here, we investigated the response of fungal and bacterial diversity to wheat straw input in a 12-months field experiment and explored whether this response depended on the soil management history (grassland vs. cropland). Seasonal climatic fluctuations had no effect on the diversity of soil communities. Contrastingly fungi and bacteria responded strongly to wheat regardless of the soil history. After straw incorporation, diversity decreased due to the temporary dominance of a subset of copiotrophic populations. While fungi responded as quickly as bacteria, the resilience of fungal diversity lasted much longer, indicating that the relative involvement of each community might change as decomposition progressed. Soil history did not affect the response patterns, but determined the identity of some of the populations stimulated. Most strikingly, the bacteria Burkholderia, Lysobacter and fungi Rhizopus, Fusarium were selectively stimulated. Given the ecological importance of these microbial groups as decomposers and/or plant pathogens, such regulation of the composition of microbial successions by soil history may have important consequences in terms of soil carbon turnover and crop health.  相似文献   

Flowers are an important niche for microbes, and microbes in turn influence plant fitness. As flower morphology and biology change rapidly over time, dynamic niches for microbes are formed and lost. Floral physiology at each life stage can therefore influence arrival, persistence and loss of microbial species; however, this remains little understood despite its potential consequences for host reproductive success. Through internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) community profiling, we characterized the effect of transitioning through five floral stages of mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium), from immature bud to spent flower, and subsequent allocation to seed, on the flower-inhabiting fungal community. We found nectar-consuming yeasts from Aureobasidium and Vishniacozyma genera and functionally diverse filamentous fungi from the Cladosporium genus dominated the anthosphere. The candidate core microbiota persisted across this dynamic niche despite high microbial turnover, as observed in shifts in community composition and diversity as flowers matured and senesced. The results demonstrated that floral stages are strong drivers of anthosphere fungal community assembly and dynamics. This study represents the first detailed exploration of fungi through floral development, building on fundamental knowledge in microbial ecology of healthy flowers.  相似文献   

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