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甘蔗、斑茅及其杂种的过氧化物酶同工酶   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
甘蔗属(Saccharum L.)主要包括热带种(S.officinarum L.)、中国种(S.sinensisRoxb)、印度种(S.barberi Jeswiet)、“割手密”种(S.spontaneum L.)和大茎野生种(S.robustum Brandes)。甘蔗属的近缘植物——斑茅(Arundinaceum Retz)应该划归甘蔗属、蔗茅属(Erianthus Michx)或另立一属,意见不一。Dutt 等将斑茅列入蔗茅属,耿以礼等则将其划归甘蔗属。甘蔗糖业栽培的甘蔗(糖蔗)是热带种与割手密种、大  相似文献   

罗迪光  徐金星  周百嘉   《广西植物》1987,(2):111-113+193
广西野生蔗及其近缘植物营养器官内部结构基本相同。但割手密叶片下表皮具有明显的气孔窝斑茅等则无。斑茅茎节间的维管束分布较均匀,河八王茎中央没有维管束分布,割手密与蔗茅茎中维管束的分布。居于二者之间。  相似文献   

蔡泽林   《广西植物》1981,(3):20-23
<正> 我区地处祖国南疆,地形复杂,四季常绿,植被繁茂,植物资源十分丰富。为了了解我区野生甘蔗资源的类型及分布情况,我们于1979年10月至11月上旬和1980年10月下旬先后三次到南宁市郊、邕宁、武鸣、平果、田东、田阳、百色、田林和隆林等县公路沿线调查,并深入南宁市郊心圩、良丰江、邕宁县的伶俐长圹、百色镇郊、田林县旧州和隆林县的新州、德峨与者保等地采集。共采到甘蔗属的野生种及近缘属植物十二个材料,其中割手密四个、斑茅四个、蔗茅二个、河八王与金猫尾各一个。  相似文献   

似鮈类鱼类的系统发育研究(鲤形目:鲤科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对似类8属13种和外类群7属10种鱼类的比较研究,选取37个骨骼及外部特征,运用外类群比较法进行特征分析,根据分支系统学原理重建了似类的系统发育。特征分析和系统发育分析表明似类是具有许多共同离征的单系群,朝着流水性底栖生活和刮食性的主干方向发展;其中以似属最原始,胡属最特化构成7对姐妹群。蛇属是较早分化出的相对特化的类群,棒花鱼属和小鳔属的关系相对较远。  相似文献   

本文通过对似Ju类8属13种和外类群7属10种鱼类的比较研究,选取37个骨骼及外部特征,运用外类群比较进行特征分析,根据分支系统学原理重建了似Ju类的系统发育。特征分析和系统发育分析表明似ju类是具有许多共同离征的单系群,朝着流水性氏栖生活和刮食性的主干方向发展;其中以似Ju属最原始的,胡Ju属最特化构成7对姐妹群,蛇Ju属是较早分化出的相对特化的类群,棒花鱼属和小鳔Ju属的关系相对较远。  相似文献   

首次报道了15种杜鹃属(Rhododendron)植物、1种杜香属(Ledum)植物和Cassiope fastigiata的内转录间隔区(ITS) (包括5.8S)序列.加上从GenBank下载的13种杜鹃属植物和Bajiaria racemosa的ITS序列,以C. fastigiata和B. racemosa为外类群,用最大简约法对杜鹃属的亚属和组间的系统关系进行了分析.结果表明: 1)杜鹃属是一个单系类群,叶状苞亚属为杜鹃属的基部类群; 2)杜香属确应归并到杜鹃属中,且与有鳞杜鹃亚属有较近的亲缘关系; 3)有鳞杜鹃亚属和杜香构成一个单系分支,该分支是其余无鳞杜鹃花的姐妹群; 4)由无鳞杜鹃花组成的一个分支的内部支持率较低,其中常绿杜鹃亚属和映山红亚属均为内部支持率很高的单系类群,而羊踯躅亚属和马银花亚属均为多系类群; 5)在马银花亚属中,长蕊杜鹃组和马银花组均分别得到强烈支持,马银花组与异蕊杜鹃亚属可能构成姐妹群关系,异蕊杜鹃亚属和马银花组组成的一个分支可能与映山红亚属构成姐妹群关系.  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨杜鹃属的亚属和组间系统关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
首次报道了 15种杜鹃属 (Rhododendron)植物、1种杜香属 (Ledum)植物和Cassiopefastigiata的内转录间隔区(ITS) (包括 5 .8S)序列。加上从GenBank下载的 13种杜鹃属植物和Bajiariaracemosa的ITS序列 ,以C .fastigiata和B .racemosa为外类群 ,用最大简约法对杜鹃属的亚属和组间的系统关系进行了分析。结果表明 :1)杜鹃属是一个单系类群 ,叶状苞亚属为杜鹃属的基部类群 ;2 )杜香属确应归并到杜鹃属中 ,且与有鳞杜鹃亚属有较近的亲缘关系 ;3)有鳞杜鹃亚属和杜香构成一个单系分支 ,该分支是其余无鳞杜鹃花的姐妹群 ;4 )由无鳞杜鹃花组成的一个分支的内部支持率较低 ,其中常绿杜鹃亚属和映山红亚属均为内部支持率很高的单系类群 ,而羊踯躅亚属和马银花亚属均为多系类群 ;5 )在马银花亚属中 ,长蕊杜鹃组和马银花组均分别得到强烈支持 ,马银花组与异蕊杜鹃亚属可能构成姐妹群关系 ,异蕊杜鹃亚属和马银花组组成的一个分支可能与映山红亚属构成姐妹群关系。  相似文献   

为了筛选出一些有用可靠的分子标记,应用于禾本科能源植物的遗传化研究及种质资源评价,检测了48对源于小麦(Triticum aestivum)EST序列的SSR引物对7种有潜力的禾本科能源植物:斑茅(Saccharumarundinaceum)、中国芒( Miscanthus sinensis)、五节芒( M.floridulus)、河八王(Narenga porphyrocoma、南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)、营(Themeda villosa和香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)的可转移性.结果表明,在48对小麦EST-SSR引物中,36对具可转移性,可转移率为75.0%.这些可转移引物在7个物种中共检测出240个位点,其中多态性位点为184个,多态位点百分率高达76.7%.每个位点的PIC变幅为0~0.370,平均为0.220.利用EST-SSR数据构建了所研究的7种禾本科植物的系统发育树,其中斑茅、河八王、南荻及营被聚为A组,中国芒和五节芒聚为B组,香根草单独聚为C组,基本与形态学分类一致.因此,小麦EST-SSR分子标记在禾本科近源物种中的可转移性较高,对禾本科能源植物的遗传育种研究具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

甘蔗属及其近缘属种在分类关系上非常复杂,存在不少混乱,目前关于它们的分类学研究主要是基于形态学和同工酶水平,而基因水平上的报道很少,我们对甘蔗属及其近缘的属种的部分rbcL基因片段(1137bp)进行了测序比较,以期探讨rbcL基因能否用于研究甘蔗属及其近缘种之间的亲缘关系,序列比较显示rbcL基因在甘蔗属和近缘属种间的变异极低,一些来自不同属的个体序列完全一致,而某些同属内不同种个体却略有差异。这些结果表明rbcL基因在甘蔗属及其近缘属种之间的进化速率缓慢而不稳定,难以用于系统发育研究,不过,不同聚类方法都将斑茅与其它属种分开,放在玉米与甘蔗属和其他近缘属种分枝的外部,提示斑茅不应列入甘蔗属或蔗茅属,而应独立为一属。  相似文献   

“甘蔗复合群”是一类极具生物能源开发潜力的禾本科C4植物。近年来由于世界能源危机的影响和植物遗传育种研究的发展,国内外学者对“甘蔗复合群”植物资源评价和能源育种研究越来越重视。本文介绍了“甘蔗复合群”的基本概念、属种分类及核心类群等研究背景。同时以甘蔗属和芒属核心资源为例,从“甘蔗复合群”能源植物遗传育种的角度综述了国内外相关研究进展。旨在总结前人的理论研究成果和杂交育种实践经验,探讨相关类群在植物系统分类和种质资源利用中存在问题与对策,为我国“甘蔗复合群”能源植物的应用基础研究和产业化开发利用提出建议。  相似文献   

The Nymphaeaceae are one of the most important taxa for understanding the origin and evolution of primitive angiosperms due to its basal position in the cladograms of the angiosperms recently given based both on several gene sequences and on morphological characters, but phylogenetic relationships within the family have not as yet been resolved. The sequences of nrDNA ITS region of 11 species representing seven genera of the Nymphaeaceae and one outgroup, Ceratophyllum demersum, were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of the family using PAUP4.0b4A. Three most parsimonious trees (Length=1125, CI=0.7618 and RI=0.7214) were obtained. In the consensus tree: (1) Nelumbo was basal to the other genera with a bootstrap value of 100% and occupied an isolated position, so it could be separated from the Nymphaeaceae and placed in its own family, Nelumbonaceae, and its own order, Nelumbonales; (2) Nuphar was monophyletic, nested in the basal position of clade II and was strongly supported to be the sister group of the other genera (excluding Nelumbo) of the Nymphaeaceae, suggesting that its traditional inclusion in the Nymphaeaceae should be maintained; (3) Cabomba and Brasenia were sister group and formed a subclade with a bootstrap value of 99%, indicating their close affinity; (4) Nymphaea was strongly supported to be the sister group of a subclade comprising Euryale and Victoria with a bootstrap value of 94%, indicating that they should be placed in the Nymphaeaceae.  相似文献   

睡莲科的系统发育:核糖体DNA ITS区序列证据   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
以金鱼藻Ceratophyllum demersum为外类群,使用PAUP4.0b4A软件对睡莲科Nymphaeaceae植物7属11个代表种的ITS区序列进行了系统发育分析。采用最大简约法分析获得了3个最简约树,步长为1125,一致性指数(CI)和维持性指数(RI)值分别为0.7618和0.7214。利用3个最简约树获取严格一致树。结果表明:(1)莲属Nelumbo位于系统树的基部,自展支持率为100%,可从睡莲科中独立出来成立莲科Nelumbonaceae和莲目Nelumbonales;(2)萍蓬草属Nuphar是一单系类群,位于分支Ⅱ的基部,并和睡莲科其他属(不包括莲属)植物聚在一起构成姐妹群,故萍蓬草属仍应置于睡莲科中;(3)水盾草属Cabomba和莼菜属Brasenia聚成一小支并构成姐妹群,自展支持率为99%,说明这两属之间亲缘关系较近;(4)睡莲属和芡实属Euryale、王莲属Victoria聚成一小支并构成姐妹群,自展支持率为94%,说明三者亲缘关系较近,仍应置于睡莲科中。  相似文献   

Eight grassland associations with ten phases and two riverine forest associations were identified on the floodplains of Chitwan National Park in lowland Nepal. TwoThemeda arundinacea associations were primarily stable edaphic associations on mollic soils, often with aquic moisture regimes.Themeda associations were floristically similar to adjacent sal forest. Four mixed tall-grass associations primarily ofNarenga porphyrocoma, Saccharum bengalense, andSaccharum spontaneum were identified. These andThemeda arundinacea types were characterized by a very weak component of woody species. Two grass-shrub associations ofSaccharum bengalense andNarenga porphyrocoma with a strong woody species component typical of riverine forest were described.Trewia nudiflora-Bombax ceiba riverine forest and mixed riverine forest types also were identified on the basis of understory composition. Mixed tall-grass and grass-shrub associations appeared to represent early and late phases of grassland succession to riverine forest. Trajectories of succession are controlled primarily by fire and wildlife grazing. The classification refines the general classifications applied to the central Terai of Nepal and India, and should provide insight for classification of other Terai riverine grasslands.Abbreviations DS Dabadghao and Shankarnarayan's 1973 grassland classification for India - IMCY Imperata cylindrica - NAFA Narenga fallax - NAPO Narenga porphyrocoma - PHKA Phragmites karka - SABE Saccharum bengalense - SASP Saccharum spontaneum - THAR Themeda arundinacea  相似文献   

DNA sequences were used to assess the monophyly and inter-relationships of Miscanthus, Saccharum and related genera in the Saccharum complex. Three DNA regions were sequenced, including the trnL intron and the trnL-F intergenic spacer of the plastid genome and the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA). Because it was more variable, the ITS region proved most suitable for phylogenetic reconstruction at this level, and the results indicate that Miscanthus s.l. and Saccharum s.l. are polyphyletic. A set of species from Saccharum section Ripidium (clade a) do not group closely with any members of Saccharum s.l.. A number of Miscanthus species from eastern or south-eastern Asia represent a monophyletic group with a basic chromosome number of 19 (clade b), but the other species from Africa and the Himalayas are clearly excluded. There is support for a monophyletic Saccharum s.s. clade including S. officinarum and S. spontaneum that is sister to Miscanthus s.s (clade c). There is no evidence to support the division of some Saccharum s.l. into the genera currently known as Erianthus and Narenga. Saccharum contortum (=Erianthus contortus), S. narenga (=Narenga porphyrocoma) and Erianthus rockii, group more closely with Miscanthus fuscus, a species from the Himalayas and also with the African Miscanthus s.l. species (=Miscanthidium, clade d). Electronic Publication  相似文献   

该研究基于叶绿体基因组数据,对桃金娘目(6科44属97种)及其近缘类群(牻牛儿苗目2科5属25种)的系统发育关系进行了分析。结果表明:(1)桃金娘目基因组大小为152~171 kb,包括的蛋白质编码基因数目为74~90个;牻牛儿苗目基因组大小为116~242 kb,包括的蛋白质编码基因数目为75~132个。(2)对比叶绿体基因组序列和蛋白质编码基因所构建的系统发育树结果,在目间及牻牛儿苗目内差异显著,但在桃金娘目内基本一致。(3)基于蛋白质编码基因所构建的系统发育树表明,桃金娘目和牻牛儿苗目均为单系,为姐妹类群;桃金娘目内形成两个大支,桃金娘科、Vochysiaceae、野牡丹科形成一支,其中桃金娘科和Vochysiaceae关系较近是姐妹群,柳叶菜科、千屈菜科和使君子科形成另一支,其中柳叶菜科和千屈菜科关系较近为姐妹群;科级水平,桃金娘科、Vochysiaceae、野牡丹科、柳叶菜科、千屈菜科、使君子科和牻牛儿苗科均为单系(仅包括一个物种的科除外)。(4)支持将石榴属及菱属置于千屈菜科。(5)对蛋白质编码基因序列变异分析的结果表明,野牡丹科19个属的共享变异基因数目为53个,变异范围为5.84%~29.53%,桃金娘科9个属的共享变异基因数目为57个,其变异范围为1.31%~15.78%。该研究结果为进一步研究桃金娘目及相关科属的系统发育提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Cheirogaleidae currently comprises five genera whose relationships remain contentious. The taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of both Mirza coquereli and Allocebus trichotis are still unclear. The taxonomic status of the recently discovered Microcebus ravelobensis (a sympatric sibling species of Microcebus murinus) and its phylogenetic position also require further examination. A approximately 2.4-kb mitochondrial DNA sequence including part of the COIII gene, complete ND3, ND4L, and ND4 genes, and 5 tRNAs was used to clarify relationships among cheirogaleids. Mirza and Microcebus form a clade representing the sister group of Allocebus, with a clade containing Cheirogaleus major and Cheirogaleus medius diverging first. M. ravelobensis and Microcebus rufus form a subclade within Microcebus, with M. murinus as its sister group. The molecular data support the generic status of Mirza coquereli and species-level divergence of M. ravelobensis. Furthermore, "M. rufus" may well represent more than one species.  相似文献   

A survey of 120 plants of the genera Saccharum, Erianthus, Ripidium, Miscanthus, Narenga, Sclerostachya, Imperata, of intergeneric and interspecifi  相似文献   

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