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根据445例哈萨克族(哈族)及662例汉族新生儿的体格发育调查资料,计算出哈,汉族新生儿的7项身体形态指数并比较身体形态指数的性别、民族差异,表示营养状况的指数值哈族新生儿皆大于汉族新生儿,男孩多大于女孩,而表示体型的身高胸围指数,身高坐高指数值为男孩小于女孩。  相似文献   

哈萨克族中小学生体质发育资料及身体发育指数分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文报告了新疆阿勒泰地区7—18岁哈萨克族中小学生体质发育的调查结果。重点分析3456名城镇哈萨克族学生的体质发育资料。体质发育调查指标包括身高、体重、胸围、坐高、肩宽、骨盆宽六项,其增长幅度及变异度皆以体重为大。哈萨克族学生的身高不论男女,在多数年龄组小于国内同龄汉族学生,而体重则多数年龄组大于国内同龄汉族。本文还分析了哈萨克族学生的六项身体发育指数。  相似文献   

曹新  张思仲 《人类学学报》1996,15(3):255-259
应用核仁组织区银染技术对维吾尔、哈萨克及汉族共90人的染色体银染核仁形成区(Ag-Nucleolar Organizing Region,Ag-NOR)频率和近端着丝粒染色体随体联合频率的研究发现:维吾尔、哈萨克群体Ag-NOR及随体联合的细胞数与次数均高于汉族群体(P<0.01),具有显著性差异。维吾尔、哈萨克群体间上述的频率无显著性差异(P>0.05),支持了两民族遗传上的相近性。这与民族起源和过去用民族学、人类学研究结果是一致的。  相似文献   

Atomic absorption spectrometry is used to determine the contents of microelements (such as Zn, Cu, Ca, Mg and Fe) in the all-blood and hair of the Han, Uygur, and Kazak people in normal health state. The results show that the above mentioned elements in the hair arranged successively as Ca>Zn>Mg>Fe>Cu and those in the all-blood of the Han people arranged as Fe>Mg>Ca>Zn>Cu; of the Uygur and Kazak people, as Fe>Mg>Ca>Zn>Cu. This paper reports that the content of the microelement Mg in the all-blood and hair of the Uygur and Kazak people is obviously higher than that of the Han people (P<0.05).  相似文献   



Valvular calcification occurs via ongoing endothelial injury associated with inflammation. IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine and 75% of the variation in IL-10 production is genetically determined. However, the relationship between genetic polymorphisms of IL-10 and valvular calcification has not been studied. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between valvular calcification and IL-10 genetic polymorphisms in the Han, Uygur and Kazak populations in China.

Patients and Methods

All of the participants were selected from subjects participating in the Cardiovascular Risk Survey (CRS) study. The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs1800871 and rs1800872 of the IL-10 gene were genotyped using the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Three independent case-control studies involving the Han population, the Uygur population and the Kazak population were used in the analysis.


For the Han and Kazak populations, rs1800871 was found to be associated with valvular calcification in the recessive model, and the difference remained statistically significant following multivariate adjustment (p<0.001, p=0.031, respectively). For the Han, Uygur and Kazak populations, rs1800872 was found to be associated with valvular calcification in the dominant model, and the difference remained statistically significant following multivariate adjustment (p<0.001, p=0.009, and p=0.023,respectively)


Both rs1800871 and rs1800872 of the IL-10 gene are associated with valvular calcification in the Han and Kazak populations in China. Rs1800872 is also associated with valvular calcification in the Uygur population.  相似文献   

Since we could find no scientific basis for the 10 well-baby visits recommended in the first 2 years of life in Ontario, we carried out a randomized trial in 570 healthy, low-risk newborns to determine the efficacy and safety of decreasing the number of scheduled well-baby visits from 10 to 5. Among the 466 babies still in the trial at the end of the study period those in the 10-visit group had had a mean of 7.63 scheduled and 0.26 unscheduled well-baby visits and those in the 5-visit group a mean of 4.77 scheduled and 1.42 unscheduled well-baby visits. Reducing the recommended number of visits did not result in an increased incidence of illness or an increased prevalence of undetected abnormality, and the physical development of the babies in the two groups was almost identical. The mean scores of the two groups in assessments of mental development, maternal-child relations, maternal anxiety and parental satisfaction with health care were close. The results suggest that the recommended number of well-baby visits for healthy, low-risk newborns can be reduced to five for children of multiparas and six for children of primiparas. Any additional well-baby visits should be scheduled according to the needs and experience of the parents.  相似文献   

杨梅  吴军  吴顺华  高博  田伟真  李林 《生物磁学》2009,(16):3056-3059
目的:通过中性粒细胞抗原(NA)等位基因的频率调查,了解乌鲁木齐地区(乌市)健康、无血缘关系的维吾尔族、汉族、哈萨克族人群NA基因的多态性,为NA相关的输血性疾病建立可靠的基因诊断技术。方法:优化并建立了多重PCR—SSP法,对乌鲁木齐市健康、无血缘关系的维吾尔族120名,汉族118名,哈萨克族102名进行中性粒细胞抗原(NA)的NA1和NA2等位基因频率的调查。结果:维吾尔族NA基因频率(NA10.383,NA20.617),汉族、哈萨克族NA基因频率(NA1分别为0.555、0.510;NA2基因频率为0.445、0.490)。结论:多重PCR—SSP法分析NA基因等位基因频率结果较为可靠,重复性良好,方法操作简单。  相似文献   

张振标 《人类学学报》1984,3(2):132-140
从“t”值测验表明,黎汉通婚后裔在形态特征上有些变化。与黎族相比,蒙古褶出现率显著增多,上眼睑皱褶发育明显减弱;与汉族相比,波形鼻梁明显增加,上翘型鼻尖和鼻基底显著增多,水平型明显减少。从测量性特征的比较表明,通婚后裔在体征上较多地显示汉族的性状,比黎族更接近于汉族。  相似文献   

艾琼华 《人类学学报》1986,5(4):377-382
1983年7月至1984年7月,用回忆法调查了新疆伊犁地区3972名12—23岁的女性的初潮年龄,其中哈萨克族924人,维吾尔族864人,锡伯族486人,回族209人,蒙古族216人,汉族1273人。其平均初潮年龄是:哈萨克族14.37±1.09岁,维吾尔族14.34±1.41岁,蒙古族14.21±1.05岁,回族13.89±1.32岁,锡伯族13.78±1.02岁,汉族13.61±1.11岁。各族中均以七、八、九三个月来月经的最多。此外,还发现六个民族中1969—1972年出生的与1961—1964年出生的相比,平均初潮年龄都明显提前。在八年中,回族提前2.67岁,蒙古族提前1.90岁,锡伯族提前1.78岁,汉族提前1.64岁,哈萨克族提前1.17岁,维吾尔族提前1.13岁。  相似文献   

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