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盐生植物角果碱蓬种子二型性对环境的适应策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
角果碱蓬(Suaeda corniculata)是藜科一年生盐生植物, 在我国分布于北方盐碱滩涂和盐碱荒漠地区。角果碱蓬具有棕色和黑色两种异型体种子(简称棕色和黑色种子)。对采自内蒙古鄂托克前旗盐渍化生境的角果碱蓬二型种子的形态、休眠和萌发特性开展对比研究, 测定了二型种子休眠和萌发行为对温度、光照和盐分(NaCl)的响应, 以揭示盐生植物异型种子对温带盐漠生境的适应对策。结果表明: (1)二型性种子在大小、种皮特性和结实比例方面有显著差异。与黑色种子相比, 棕色种子个体较大, 种皮透水性强。黑色种子与棕色种子的结实比例约为5.6 : 1。(2)新成熟的棕色种子的萌发对各温度梯度和光照条件不敏感, 萌发率较高(84%-100%); 而新成熟的黑色种子萌发率较低(8%-78%), 萌发对光照敏感。(3)黑色种子具有浅度生理休眠, 种皮划破、赤霉素处理和低温层积均可有效地提高种子的萌发率。(4)二型种子萌发对土壤盐分的胁迫具有不同的响应。与黑色种子相比, 棕色种子对盐分胁迫不敏感, 在较高的盐分浓度下仍有较高的萌发率, 低温层积处理能够降低黑色种子对盐胁迫的敏感性, 有效地提高种子的初始萌发率、萌发恢复率和最终萌发率。角果碱蓬二型种子不同的形态、休眠和萌发特性, 提高了该物种在高度异质性生境中的适合度, 对种群成功地适应温带盐漠环境具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

为揭示北疆地区豆科植物种子对绵羊消化道作用的响应, 采集了北疆地区天然草地中常见的15种豆科植物种子。首先测定种子的长、宽、厚和质量, 并计算种子的形状指数。其次, 用种子饲喂绵羊, 收粪试验在种子摄食后的第6、12、24、36、48和72 h进行, 测定种子经绵羊消化道作用后的回收率、种子在绵羊消化道内的平均滞留时间以及消化道作用前后种子的萌发行为, 并研究了种子大小及形状指数对平均滞留时间和种子回收率的影响。结果如下: 15种植物种子质量在1.50-37.68 mg之间, 形状指数在0.001-0.12之间, 均为中等或较大类型的球(圆)形种子; 种子被绵羊采食后的排放动态符合高斯模型: Y = 0.02 + 0.74e -0.5(( X - 29.61)/9.41)2, 种子排放高峰期集中在采食后的24-36 h时间段内; 种子回收率最大的是洋甘草(Glycyrrhiza glabra)(39.25%), 最小的是草木犀(Melilotus officinalis)(4.28%); 平均滞留时间最长的是草木犀(37.19 h), 最短的是新疆棘豆(Oxytropis sinkiangensis)(22.33 h); 种子回收率与种子大小和形状指数之间分别具有符合形如Y = 6.45 + 2.05X - 0.04X 2Y = 2.59 + 36.97e -24.47 X的函数关系模型; 平均滞留时间与种子大小和形状指数之间分别具有符合形如Y = 12.48 + 37.44e -0.07 XY = 3.93 + 2055.33X - 21757.99X 2的函数关系模型, 此结果表明, 较大、较小和形状不规则的豆科种子较易被绵羊消化和排泄。经绵羊消化道作用后, 多叶锦鸡儿(Caragana pleiophylla)种子的萌发率由消化前的96.22%显著降低至35.17%, 野火球(Trifolium lupinaster)和狐尾黄耆(Astragalus alopecurus)种子萌发率和消化前相比差异不显著, 其余12种种子的萌发率均显著提高(p < 0.05)。  相似文献   

野豌豆属4种植物种子萌发的积温模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以青藏高原野豌豆属窄叶野豌豆(Vicia angustifolia)、山野豌豆(V. amoena)、歪头菜(V. unijuga) 3种野生植物与一种当地栽培植物救荒野豌豆(箭筈豌豆) (V. sativa) ‘兰箭3号’种子为材料, 在5、10、15、20、25及30 ℃下进行萌发实验, 应用种子萌发的积温模型对上述4种植物萌发对温度的响应特征进行了比较分析。结果表明: 1)基于萌发速率(1/Tg)对种子萌发温度最低温Tb值的估计受萌发率(g)的影响较小; 与此不同, 除‘兰箭3号’种子外, 对萌发最高温Tc值的估计, 受到g的显著影响。 这表明种群内所有种子个体萌发的Tb值相对恒定, 但Tc值在有些物种中变异较大; 2)基于重复概率单位回归分析估计的种子萌发Tb值与基于萌发速率估计的值较为接近; 而由此方法估计的Tc值则与萌发率为50%时的估计值较为接近; 3)相比多年生豆科植物歪头菜和山野豌豆, 一年生豆科植物箭筈豌豆‘兰箭3号’与窄叶野豌豆具有相对较低的TbTc值; 4)积温模型可准确地预测休眠破除后豆科植物种子在不同温度条件下的萌发进程。  相似文献   

为了评价亚高山地带木本植物种子萌发对策及其与生活史关联, 该文对青藏高原东缘61种常见木本植物的种子萌发特征以及种子萌发与种子大小、扩散方式、海拔及生境的关系进行了调查分析。结果表明: 1) 61种植物的种子萌发率呈现偏斜、双峰分布。6种植物(9.8%)的种子萌发率大于80%, 13种(21.3%)的萌发率在60%~80%之间, 9种(14.8%)的萌发率在40%~60%之间, 8种(13.1%)的萌发率在20%~40%之间, 25种(41%)的萌发率小于20%, 其中8种植物的种子萌发率为零, 显示了该生境中木本植物的种子以休眠、低萌发率或连续稳定的萌发对策占优势, 以避免不利的环境因素。2)种子扩散方式是决定61种木本植物种间萌发率变异(R2 = 24.1%, p < 0.001) 和萌发开始时间变异(R 2= 21.3%, p < 0.01) 的主要因素; 种子大小、母体植株的海拔和生境对种子萌发率和萌发开始时间几乎没有影响(p > 0.05); 风扩散的种子比脊椎动物扩散和无助扩散的种子有更高的萌发率(F = 9.219, p < 0.001) 和较早的萌发开始时间(F = 6.772, p < 0.01)。说明植物生活史特征如种子萌发与扩散方式之间存在固有而紧密的联系, 扩散能力强的种子(如风扩散)由于能散布到较远而空旷的生境, 可能避免了各种有害因素或个体竞争, 因而种子以较强的萌发能力进行拓殖; 扩散能力弱的种子(如无助扩散)由于其散布距离较近, 种子以休眠或降低萌发的方式来避免个体或同胞竞争以及各种有害因素, 以获得最大的生态利益并确保物种延续。  相似文献   

不同贮藏和处理条件对不同植物的种子萌发有不同的影响。该文以河西走廊干旱半干旱区8种荒漠植物为研究对象, 探讨了种子经历不同冷层积(4 ℃、-5 ℃、-26 - 10 ℃)和室温干燥贮藏后的萌发响应。研究结果表明: 1)冷层积可使种子萌发率提高、保持不变或降低, 冷层积的有效温度下界可降至-5 ℃或更低。4 ℃和-5 ℃的冷层积使多裂骆驼蓬(Peganum multisectum)和驼蹄瓣(Zygophyllum fabago)种子的萌发率升高、萌发速度加快, 冬季过低的气温以及较大的温度变幅(-26 - 10 ℃)使部分种子萌发率升高。3种冷层积和室温干燥贮藏使黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)种子萌发率达到90%-100%。唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)、甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)、苦马豆(Sphaerophysa salsula)种子经过3种冷层积和室温干燥贮藏后萌发率变化较小。中亚紫菀木(Asterothamnus centrali-asiaticus)种子对各种贮藏条件的响应不明显, 部分种子活性丢失。刺沙蓬(Salsola ruthenica)种子扩散时有较高的萌发率(84%), 经-5 ℃和-26 - 10 ℃冷贮藏后, 种子仍具有较高的萌发率, 经4 ℃冷贮藏后几乎不萌发, 大部分种子活性丢失。2)不同物种的种子经过不同方式的贮藏后, 萌发对温度的响应不同。经冷层积后的多裂骆驼蓬种子萌发响应于恒温, 驼蹄瓣和刺沙蓬种子萌发更加响应于变温条件; 多数植物种子在变温培养下萌发速度慢于恒温下。  相似文献   

研究准噶尔无叶豆(Eremosparton songoricum) 6个居群间果实和种子特性及种子萌发差异, 以揭示异质生境下准噶尔无叶豆果实和种子的生态适应机制。结果显示: 居群间准噶尔无叶豆的植株距离(F = 2.34, p = 0.03)和植株冠幅(F = 8.49, p < 0.01)存在显著差异, 沙漠北缘E、F居群和沙漠腹地C居群(受人类干扰剧烈)的植株距离和植株冠幅高于沙漠腹地A、B、D居群; 居群间准噶尔无叶豆果实和种子的长度、宽度、厚度、重量存在显著差异, 居群E、F和C的大部分参数显著高于其他沙漠腹地居群; 居群间果实多子性(F = 6.96, p < 0.01)也存在显著差异, 居群C的果实多子性最高((32.50 ± 4.79)%); 萌发结果表明, 居群间新鲜的成熟种子萌发不存在显著差异, 且萌发率都低于15%; 所有居群的大部分种子都存在物理性休眠现象, 人为划破种皮能显著提高种子萌发率, 但在低温(15/5 ℃)条件下, 所有居群的种子萌发率都较低, 说明低温抑制了种子萌发; 经人为划破种皮解除物理休眠后, 种子的休眠没有完全释放, 居群C、E和F (大种子居群)的种子萌发率显著高于居群A、B和D (小种子居群) (F = 30.77, p < 0.01), 说明准噶尔无叶豆种子不仅存在物理性休眠现象, 也可能存在生理休眠现象。不同程度的种子复合休眠可能是准噶尔无叶豆不同居群适应古尔班通古特沙漠的重要生存策略。  相似文献   

生物结皮对5种不同形态的荒漠植物种子萌发的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
生物结皮广泛分布于干旱、半干旱区, 强烈影响着土壤表层理化特性, 进而对种子散布、萌发和定居产生影响。目前关于生物结皮与植物种子萌发关系的研究结论存在争议。该文通过室内人工控制实验, 研究了生物结皮对古尔班通古特沙漠5种具不同种子形态特征的荒漠植物白梭梭(Haloxylon persicum)、蛇麻黄(Ephedra distachya)、角果藜(Ceratocarpus arenaarius)、涩芥(Malcolmia africana)和狭果鹤虱(Lappula semiglabra)的种子萌发的影响。结果表明, 在干燥和湿润两种条件下, 生物结皮对不同形态植物种子萌发均具有不同的作用。在干燥条件下, 生物结皮显著抑制了角果藜和涩芥种子的萌发(p<0.05), 对其它3种植物无显著影响; 而湿润条件下, 生物结皮显著抑制了白梭梭、角果藜和狭果鹤虱种子的萌发(p<0.05), 对蛇麻黄、涩芥则无显著影响。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下研究了青藏高原东缘11种小檗属(Berberis)植物的种子萌发特性,并分析了种子萌发能力与种子大小和海拔之间的关系。结果表明,11种植物中,仅有5种植物(金花小檗、匙叶小檗、锥花小檗、鲜黄小檗和刺黄花)种子萌发率超过50%,其中金花小檗最高(86.7%);有2种植物(巴东小檗、华西小檗)种子始终没有萌发,其余4种植物种子萌发率均在10%以下;种子萌发开始时间均在10d以后,匙叶小檗种子萌发的持续时间最长(40d)。11种植物种子萌发率、萌发速率、萌发持续时间与种子大小均呈显著负相关,而萌发开始时间与种子大小之间具有显著的正相关关系。萌发率、萌发速率、萌发持续时间与海拔均有较弱的正关联,萌发开始时间与海拔有较弱的负关联。  相似文献   

陈辉  张霜  曹敏 《植物生态学报》2008,32(5):1084-1090
 该研究应用人工气候箱设置不同的光照和温度梯度, 探讨对对叶榕(Ficus hispida)种子萌发的影响。结果表明, 荧光灯条件下(红光和远红光比例(R/FR)为4.56, 光量子密度(PPFD)约为90 μmol&;#8226;m–2&;#8226;s–1), 温度对种子萌发速率有显著影响, 而对最终萌发率的影响不显著。对叶榕的种子为光敏性种子, 萌发严格需光, R/FR对种子最终萌发率的影响显著, 较高的R/FR促进种子萌发, 而较低的 R/FR 抑制种子萌发。光强影响种子的萌发速率, 较弱的光照可以延缓种子萌发, 但并不能完全抑制其萌发。在30 ℃条件下, 对叶榕的种子可以在较高的 R/FR (0.42) 水平下萌发, 但温度为23/20 ℃ 时, 种子对 R/FR 的要求增高, 0.42的R/FR不能导致种子萌发。说明较低的温度和 R/FR 都可以显著抑制对叶榕的种子萌发, 而较高的温度和R/FR皆有利于种子的萌发。  相似文献   

王欣  高贤明 《植物生态学报》2010,34(12):1404-1413
根据三峡水库水位运行时间, 设计了30、75、115、155、195和240天共6个水淹时间梯度(T-1、T-2、T-3、T-4、T-5和T-6), 采用模拟水淹的方法, 研究了不同水淹时间对三峡消落带4种常见的一年生草本植物稗(Echinochloa crusgali)、金狗尾草(Setaria pumila)、马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)和荩草(Arthraxon hispidus)种子萌发的影响。结果表明: 1)随着水淹处理时间的增长, 这4种植物的萌发率基本上呈现先增高后降低的趋势。稗和荩草在T-1-T-5的种子萌发率显著高于对照(CK) (p < 0.05), T-6和CK之间差异不显著。金狗尾草T-2、T-3的萌发率显著高于CK (p < 0.05), T-1、T-4-T-6与CK之间无显著性差异。马唐在水淹处理(T-1-T-6)的萌发率均显著高于对照(CK), 但长时间水淹处理(T-4-T-6)对萌发的促进作用要低于短时间水淹处理(T-1-T-3)。这说明一定时间的水淹有利于打破种子休眠并提高种子萌发率。2)一定时间的水淹处理加快了稗、金狗尾草、马唐和荩草的萌发进程。对照组种子的日萌发率较均匀, 萌发曲线较平缓。而水淹处理的种子多集中在3-5天内大量萌发。和对照相比, 一定时间的水淹处理显著提高了这4种植物种子的萌发指数, 缩短了种子的萌发持续时间, 提早了种子萌发高峰时间和达到50%萌发率的时间。长时间的水淹对种子的萌发进程影响不大。3)总体来说, 稗、金狗尾草、马唐和荩草在各个处理下的萌发率均较高(> 40%), 可以考虑作为三峡消落带植被恢复的备选物种。  相似文献   

Ligularia virgaurea is widely distributed in the alpine meadows of the eastern Qinghai-Tibet plateau. We studied the effects of temperature and seed storage length on seed germination in a laboratory experiment, the effects of seed mass and light intensity on seed emergence in a pot experiment, and the effect of meadow disturbance intensity on seed emergence in a field experiment. Our results showed that seeds of L. virgaurea germinated well under a wide range of temperatures. Germination percentage decreased with increased seed storage length. When seeds were stored for either 6 or 12 months the germination percentage increased with decreasing temperature. The emergence percentage of large seeds was higher than that of small seeds. Seedling survival of large seeds was greater than that of small seeds in 75% and 50% of natural irradiance. Large seeds of L. virgaurea were more successful colonizers in the alpine meadows. Seeds of L. virgaurea germinated in both disturbed meadows and non-disturbed meadows, but seed emergence and seedling establishment were higher in the disturbed meadows, that is, disturbance could facilitate the recruitment and establishment of L. virgaurea .  相似文献   

The effect of seven different constant temperatures and five ranges of alternating temperatures on seed germination of seven species of cacti from Puebla, México was analyzed. Six cacti species germinated in a wide range of temperature. Columnar cacti were more tolerant to low temperatures and germinated in a wider range of temperature than barrel cacti. One of the barrel cacti studied (Ferocactus recurvus) only reached full germination at 25 °C . Temperature fluctuations did not produce significant effects on germination compared to the results obtained at constant temperatures. This may reveal differing ecophysiological adaptations with respect to temperature requirements during the establishment conditions for each life form. Columnar cacti may become established mainly under the shade of desert shrubs, whereas barrel cacti maybe can also become established in open areas, beneath the shade of small rocks or soil irregularities. In both cases, temperature fluctuations are attenuated by the shade, but mean temperatures may be higher in the second condition than beneath the shade of plants.  相似文献   

Invasion of alien plant species (IAS) represents a serious environmental problem, particularly in Europe, where it mainly pertains to urban areas. Seed germination traits contribute to clarification of invasion dynamics. The objective of this research was to analyze how different light conditions (i.e., 12-hr light/12-hr darkness and continuous darkness) and temperature regimes (i.e., 15/6°C, 20/10°C and 30/20°C) trigger seed germination of Ailanthus altissima (AA), Phytolacca americana (PA) and Robinia pseudoacacia (RP). The relationship between seed germination and seed morphometric traits was also analyzed. Our findings highlight that temperature rather than light was the main environmental factor affecting germination. RP germinated at all tested temperatures, whereas at 15/6°C seeds of AA and PA showed physiological dormancy. RP had a higher germination capacity at a lower temperature, unlike AA and PA, which performed better at the highest temperatures. Light had a minor role in seed germination of the three species. Light promoted germination only for seeds of PA, and final germination percentage was 1.5-fold higher in light than in continuous darkness. Seed morphometric traits (thickness [T], area [A] and volume [V]) had a significant role in explaining germination trait variations. The results highlight the importance of increasing our knowledge on seed germination requirements to predict future invasiveness trends. The increase in global temperature could further advantage AA and PA in terms of germinated seeds, as well as RP by enhancing the germination velocity, therefore compensating for a lower germination percentage of this species at the highest temperatures.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to explore the effect of temperature, light, and post-harvest period, and their interactions, on seed germination ecology of four common pasture species in the Mediterranean environment. Mature seeds of Diplotaxis erucoides, Hirschfeldia incana, Hyoseris scabra (Mediterranean distribution) and Sonchus oleraceus (cosmopolitan distribution) were subjected to seven constant temperatures (10–40°C, at intervals of 5°C) under continuous darkness, or a 12 h/12 h light/dark photoperiod at 30, 150 and 270 days after harvest (DAH). Cumulative germination and germination speed were determined. In all the tested species, except S. oleraceus, light significantly enhanced germination. S. oleraceus seeds maintained germination values over 90%, in a wide range of temperatures (10–35°C), in the dark as well as in light. Seeds of H. incana germinated well soon after seed dispersal. In D. erucoides and H. scabra, germination increased with storage period, while in S. oleraceus there was no effect of seed age. In all the species, moreover, no germination was recorded at 40°C. Temperature, light, and post- harvest requirement may be regarded as an adaptation strategy to ensure optimal conditions for seedling development and survival in Mediterranean species, while the species with a cosmopolitan distribution germinates under almost all tested conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory-stored seeds ofDiamorpha cymosa (Nutt.) Britton (Crassulaceae) were germinated at monthly intervals starting shortly after maturity in late May and ending at approximately the time germination is completed in the field (November). Seeds were placed at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 15/6, 20/10, 30/15 and 35/20°C at a 14-hr photoperiod (12/12 hr thermoperiods at the alternating temperature regimes) and in constant darkness. In June, seeds were almost completely dormant and thus germinated poorly or not at all under all conditions. As seeds aged from late May to November 1. germination at the 14-hr photoperiod increased in rate and total percentage, 2. the maximum germination temperature increased from 15 to 25°C at constant temperatures and from 20/10 to 30/15°C at the alternating temperature regimes and 3. the optimum temperature for germination increased from 15 to 15–20°C at constant temperatures but remained at20/10°C at alternating temperature regimes throughout the study. During the same period germination in constant darkness was negligible at constant and alternating temperature regimes. This pattern of physiological after-ripening apparently is an adaptation to summer-dry,winter-wet habitats such as rock outcrops of southeastern United States.A short period of illumination with white light given after a 12-hr imbibition period in darkness promoted germination in the dark at 25/10°C but not at 15 or 25°C. A short period of illumination given during the imbibition period was much less effective in promoting germination in the dark. Drying up to 7 days did not cause light-stimulated seeds to lose their ability to germinate in darkness. The light requirement for seed germination probably does not play a role in restrictingD. cymosa to its well-lighted habitats on granite and sandstone outcrops.This research was supported by funds from the University of Kentucky Research Foundation and by an NIH Biomedical Sciences Support Grant to the University of Kentucky.  相似文献   

以青藏高原东缘31种常见杂草(禾本科、菊科和紫草科)植物种子为对象,在野外实验条件下,观测了其萌发特性,并对其萌发模式以及种子大小和萌发特征的关系进行了分析,以期对当地的杂草防治提供理论依据.结果表明,这些植物种子的萌发模式可以分为以下4种类型:爆发型、过渡型、缓萌型和低萌型.其中过渡型和缓萌型所占比例最大(各占32.3%),爆发型次之(25.8%),低萌型最小(9.7%).高峰萌发率与种子大小呈显著负相关,萌发高峰时间与种子大小呈显著正相关,萌发率、萌发指数与种子大小呈较弱的负关联,萌发开始时间与种子大小呈较弱的正关联,萌发持续时间与种子大小几乎无相关关系.  相似文献   

Abstract Seed characteristics are key components of plant fitness that are influenced by temperature in their maternal environment, and temperature will change with global warming. To study the effect of such temperature changes, Arabidopsis thaliana plants were grown to produce seeds along a uniquely designed polyethylene tunnel having a thermal gradient reflecting local global warming predictions. Plants therefore experienced the same variations in temperature and light conditions but different mean temperatures. A range of seed‐related plant fitness estimates were measured. There were dramatic non‐linear temperature effects on the germination behaviour in two contrasting ecotypes. Maternal temperatures lower than 15–16 °C resulted in significantly greater primary dormancy. In addition, the impact of nitrate in the growing media on dormancy was shown only by seeds produced below 15–16 °C. However, there were no consistent effects on seed yield, number, or size. Effects on germination behaviour were shown to be a species characteristic responding to temperature and not time of year. Elevating temperature above this critical value during seed development has the potential to dramatically alter the timing of subsequent seed germination and the proportion entering the soil seed bank. This has potential consequences for the whole plant life cycle and species fitness.  相似文献   

Investigating how seed germination of multiple species in an ecosystem responds to environmental conditions is crucial for understanding the mechanisms for community structure and biodiversity maintenance. However, knowledge of seed germination response of species to environmental conditions is still scarce at the community level. We hypothesized that responses of seed germination to environmental conditions differ among species at the community level, and that germination response is not correlated with seed size. To test this hypothesis, we determined the response of seed germination of 20 common species in the Siziwang Desert Steppe, China, to seasonal temperature regimes (representing April, May, June, and July) and drought stress (0, ?0.003, ?0.027, ?0.155, and ?0.87 MPa). Seed germination percentage increased with increasing temperature regime, but Allium ramosum, Allium tenuissimum, Artemisia annua, Artemisia mongolica, Artemisia scoparia, Artemisia sieversiana, Bassia dasyphylla, Kochia prastrata, and Neopallasia pectinata germinated to >60% in the lowest temperature regime (April). Germination decreased with increasing water stress, but Allium ramosum, Artemisia annua, Artemisia scoparia, Bassia dasyphylla, Heteropappus altaicus, Kochia prastrata, Neopallasia pectinata, and Potentilla tanacetifolia germinated to near 60% at ?0.87 MPa. Among these eight species, germination of six was tolerant to both temperature and water stress. Mean germination percentage in the four temperature regimes and the five water potentials was not significantly correlated with seed mass or seed area, which were highly correlated. Our results suggest that the species‐specific germination responses to environmental conditions are important in structuring the desert steppe community and have implications for predicting community structure under climate change. Thus, the predicted warmer and dryer climate will favor germination of drought‐tolerant species, resulting in altered proportions of germinants of different species and subsequently change in community composition of the desert steppe.  相似文献   

To conserve a threatened plant species (Penthorum chinense Pursh) in Japan, seed germination responses to pretreatment (imbibition and/or chilled), temperature and light, and seed dispersal by water were examined. The seeds collected from abandoned paddy fields in a warm temperate region, central Japan, germinated in light (14 h photoperiod; light 22°C, dark 21°C) after a moist-chilled treatment. After this pretreatment, the seeds germinated well at 10–25°C (optimum temperature 15°C), but did not germinate in darkness even at the optimum temperature. Most of the seeds floated on distilled water, but 20–60% of the seeds that were collected from several populations sank in distilled water, indicating dimorphism in seed dispersal by water. The floating and sunken seeds did not show significant differences in weight and germination rate within a population. The addition of a surface-active agent in distilled water submerged the seeds, indicating that the buoyancy of the seeds is attributable to an oil coating on the seed surface that enhances the interfacial tension on the seeds. Three times the number of seeds sank in river water collected from a rural area than in distilled water. A greater number of seeds also sank in water that had increasing concentrations of linear alkylbenzenesulfonate, which is a major component of synthetic detergents. This suggests that the water dispersal of this species is suppressed by surface-active agents, including detergents, in river water.  相似文献   

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