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通过分析岷江柏的迁地保护居群和野生居群的遗传多样性、遗传结构及居群间基因流,判断迁地保 护岷江柏居群的遗传多样性水平,为其迁地保护提供理论基础。本研究利用GBS(Genotyping-by-Sequencing) 测序技术获得的SNP位点对四川大渡河双江口岷江柏迁地保护移栽苗、苗圃播种苗及3个野生居群进行主成分分析(PCA分析)、聚类分析、分子进化树、遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。经过GBS测序共获得高质量Clean Data 118 321 514 728 bp,并开发了1947 047个tags,从中鉴定到了1 259 610个SNP位点。系统发育进化树显示大部分移栽岷江柏居群和野生岷江柏聚在一起,居群结构分析结果显示交叉验证错误率的谷值确定最优分群数为1。4个岷江柏居群的观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)、Shannon信息指数I(Shi)、近交系数(Fis)、多态信息含量(Pic)的值分别为0.181 5~0.272 0、0.223 2~0.300 3、0.331 0~0.464 9、0.178 0~0.246 5和0.272 2~0.309 2,说明岷江柏居群的遗传多样性水平较高。移栽岷江柏居群的He=0.300 3,Shi=0.464 9,岷江柏居群迁地保护居群遗传多样性总体水平略高于野生居群。野生岷江柏居群中白湾隧道(BW)_vs_松岗镇(SA)的遗传分化指数(Fst)较大,基因流(Nm)较小(Fst=0.091,Nm=2.496),而迁地保护的岷江柏居群与野生岷江柏居群没有明显的遗传分化,居群间的基因交流频繁(Fst<0.05,基因流Nm>4),说明没有明显的分群现象,岷江柏居群迁地保护居群遗传多样性较高。因此,移栽濒危植物是迁地保护过程中较好的方法,本文为以后野生岷江柏迁地保护提供参考,为其他树木种质资源的保存提供理论依据。  相似文献   

运用巢式方差分析、变异系数、表型分化系数和聚类分析等多种分析方法,研究了11个岷江柏种群的13个种实表型性状在种群内和种群间的变异及其与环境因子间的关系,并对其进行了类群划分.结果表明: 岷江柏种实表型性状在种群间和种群内均存在显著差异,种群内的变异(49.7%)大于种群间的变异(28.6%),种间平均分化系数为43.4%,分化程度相对较大.球果质量的平均变异系数最高(37.2%),其次是单个球果种子质量,球果长的平均变异系数最小(8.0%),是最稳定的种实性状.康定县的表型多样性最丰富,武都县的最小.在岷江柏的研究区内,最热月的平均气温和生长季的水分条件是其种实表型的主要限制因子.依据13个种实表型性状将11个岷江柏天然种群分为2类3亚类,基本上代表了3个流域的种群分布情况.大渡河流域种群种实表型性状最佳,岷江流域最差.  相似文献   

采用水蒸气蒸馏法和气相色谱技术对取自浙江富阳、贵州毕节和织金、湖南永州、福建永安和建瓯、云南景东、四川长宁、江西安远和分宜10个居群的山苍子[ Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers.]果实精油含量和柠檬醛含量进行测定,并分析了果实精油含量和柠檬醛含量与地理-气候因子的相关性;在此基础上对供试居群进行了聚类分析.测定结果表明:各居群的果实精油含量和柠檬醛含量差异显著,精油含量均值为3.60%,变异系数(CV)为1.54%~10.46%;柠檬醛含量均值为3.52%,CV为24.78% ~40.54%;云南景东居群精油含量最高(4.56%)、江西分宜居群最低(3.14%);福建永安居群柠檬醛含量最高(7.01%)、贵州毕节居群最低(1.85%),且柠檬醛含量的表型分化系数为57.87%,说明居群间柠檬醛含量的变异幅度大于精油含量,且居群间柠檬醛含量的变异程度大于居群内.相关性分析结果显示:山苍子果实精油含量与经度和7月均温呈极显著负相关,与年降雨量呈显著负相关,与海拔呈极显著正相关;柠檬醛含量与经度和年降雨量分别呈显著和极显著正相关,说明精油含量随经度增大而降低,且受环境水分和温度变化的影响较大;而柠檬醛含量随经度增大而提高,并明显受生境中水分条件的调节.聚类分析结果表明:在欧氏距离15处,供试的10个山苍子居群主要分成3类,根据地理位置大体可划分为西南部和东南部2个种质类型,其中福建永安居群较为特殊.研究结果表明:不同居群山苍子果实精油含量和柠檬醛含量差异与遗传特性、地理分布和生境气候条件均有一定的相关性.  相似文献   

岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana Rehd. et Wils.)为我国特有树种,以产于四川省岷江流域而得名,是岷江中上游、白龙江上游和大小金川流域的主要森林树种,拥有较大蓄积量。其针叶富含精油,但至今未加以任何利用,其化学组成也未见报道。为了使这一资源得到合理利用,我们对岷江冷杉精油的化学成分进行了研究。  相似文献   

为了合理有效地保育天然臭柏(Juniperus sabina L.)种质资源,追溯和阐释其分布格局的历史成因,本文对我国内蒙古自治区、陕西省、甘肃省和青海省共10个天然臭柏居群388个个体的核糖体内转录间隔区(ITS)序列片段进行测序分析。结果显示:臭柏ITS序列总长度为1089 bp,共含有25个变异位点,定义32个单倍型,其中H4和H6单倍型为共有单倍型;分子变异分析(AMOVA)显示,臭柏居群变异主要来源于居群内,遗传变异为95.04%,而居群间遗传变异仅4.96%,居群间差异水平极显著(F ST=0.0496,P<0.001);Network单倍型网络分析表明,H4和H6为古老单倍型,其他单倍型是由他们衍生而来;遗传分化系数N ST(0.072)0.05)。推测臭柏起源于第三纪中新世(Miocene)中期约12.38 Mya,在第四纪冰期可能存在多个小型避难所。沙埋产生不定根的扩繁能力和较好的有性更新环境可能是沙地居群遗传多样性高于山地居群的决定性因素。  相似文献   

岷江柏四个地理种群分布格局比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岷江柏是我国特有珍稀树种,其种群分布格局一直缺乏必要的研究。采用Greig-Smith的相邻格子样方调查法,调查了四川西部四个岷江柏地理种群,用方差/均值比率法和聚集度指标法分析了种群空间并进行了比较。结果表明,岷江柏种群分布格局与取样尺度有关。在2m×2m、4m×4m、6m×6m、8m×8m四个取样尺度下,小金种群均表现为集群分布,马尔康种群均表现为随机分布,金川种群和理县种群却随着取样尺度的增大,表现出聚集分布→均匀分布→随机分布的变化趋势。四个取样尺度中以2m×2m取样尺度来分析岷江柏种群空间分布格局时效果最好。方差/均值比率法运用统计方法确定T值的显著性,数学推导严密,运算简单,在分布格局分析中是一种较可靠的方法。  相似文献   

岷江干旱河谷区岷江柏人工林碳氮储量随林龄的动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了岷江干旱河谷区不同林龄岷江柏人工林生态系统碳氮储量及其分配特征.结果表明:岷江柏不同器官的碳含量相对稳定,氮含量则与器官类型密切相关,而土壤有机碳和氮含量均随着人工林林龄的增长而增加.岷江柏人工林植被层、土壤层以及生态系统的碳氮储量随着林龄的增长总体呈增加趋势.13、11、8、6和4年生岷江柏人工林生态系统总碳储量分别为190.90、165.91、144.57、119.44和113.49 t·hm-2,总氮储量分别为19.09、17.97、13.82、13.42和12.26 t·hm-2.岷江柏人工林生态系统碳氮大部分储存于0~60 cm土层,分别占生态系统总储量的92.8%和98.8%,且主要集中于0~20 cm土层,5个林龄平均碳氮储量分别为74.13和7.40 t·hm-2,分别占其平均土壤总碳氮储量(0~60 cm)的54.4%和48.9%.植被层有机碳和氮储量的分配不同,碳储量在乔木层(3.7%)的分配高于林下植被层(3.5%),而氮储量在乔木层(0.5%)的分配低于林下植被层(0.7%).不同林龄岷江柏人工林碳氮储量及其空间分布变化明显,且在此年龄段内,岷江柏人工林生态系统能够持续积累有机碳和氮.  相似文献   

川西地区岷江柏种群生命表与生存分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
岷江柏 (CupressuschengianaS .Y .Hu)是国家II级保护植物 ,处于渐危状态 ,由于缺乏种群结构的研究限制了对该种的全面认识和有效保护。本文调查分析了岷江柏种群的年龄结构 ,编制了岷江柏种群的特定时间生命表 ,绘制了种群的存活曲线、死亡率曲线和消失率曲线 ,并用 4个生存函数对该种群进行了生存分析。结果表明 ,川西地区岷江柏种群处于中龄林阶段 ,种群存活曲线属Deevey III型 ,年龄结构呈增长型 ,死亡率曲线与消失率曲线变化趋势基本一致。在这一发育过程中有两个死亡高峰 ,一个出现在幼苗向幼树的过渡期(5~ 15a) ,环境胁迫是幼苗高死亡率的关键 ,另一个出现在从中龄向老龄过渡的阶段 (130~ 2 30a) ,环境制约以及人为砍伐是高死亡率的根本原因。种群生存分析表明 ,岷江柏种群累计死亡率单调增加 ,生存率单调下降 ,130年以后种群的累计死亡率均超过 95 % ,生存率都不足 5 % ,危险率超过了生存率 ;种群发育过程总体表现为前期增长 ,中期稳定 ,后期衰退。对大小结构与年龄结构的对比分析表明 ,目前广泛采用的大小结构代替年龄结构的分析方法对岷江柏这样的长寿慢生树种误差较大。  相似文献   

毛细管气相色谱/质谱/计算机联用仪器分析结果表明,在四川省成都市一人工种植的银木(Cinnamomumseptentrionale)种群中,其枝叶精油主要化学组成在各植株间存在很大差异,发现精油存在1,8-桉叶油素,樟脑,异丁香酚甲醇和9-氧代橙花叔醇等四个化学类型.除异丁香酚甲醚类型外,其余类型均为第一次报道.综观樟属其它种的化学类型研究可见,化学类型在樟属植物中普遍存在种内多型性和种间共性.  相似文献   

温度对四川小金县岷江柏种子发芽的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对采自四川小金县的岷江柏(Cupressus chenggiana S. Y. Hu)种子发芽特征的研究,分析不同温度对种子发芽的影响.结果表明,采自四川小金县的岷江柏种子发芽周期为20 d,其中0 ~5 d为萌动期,5 ~15 d为高峰期;发芽温度为5℃~30℃,适宜发芽温度为10℃~25℃,种子最适发芽温度在2003年1、4、7和10月分别为25℃、15℃、20℃和20℃.岷江柏种子的最适发芽温度和贮藏过程中的发芽特征与环境温度有着密切的关系.  相似文献   

我国岷江柏林分类及群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了位于马尔康县、金川县、小金县、丹巴县和理县的37个岷江柏样地中的乔木、灌木和草本层的信息.利用TWINSPAN将37个样地划分为8个群丛,NMDS的结果与之相似;在群落结构方面,岷江柏乔木层郁闭度约55.68%,3m以上植株密度1 518 ind/hm2,高度分布和直径分布均呈倒“J”型分布,位于金川的群落乔木层...  相似文献   

Seeds were sampled from 19 populations of the rare Gentiana pneumonanthe, ranging in size from 5 to more than 50,000 flowering plants. An analysis was made of variation in a number of life-history characters in relation to population size and offspring heterozygosity (based on seven polymorphic isozyme loci). Life-his-tory characters included seed weight, germination rate, proportion of seeds germinating, seedling mortality, seedling weight, adult weight, flower production per plant and proportion of plants flowering per family. Principal component analysis (PCA) reduced the dataset to three main fitness components. The first component was highly correlated with adult weight and flowering performance, the second with germination performance and the third component with seed and seedling weight and seedling mortality. The latter two components were considered as being maternally influenced, since these comprised life-history traits that were significantly correlated with seed weight. Multiple regression analysis showed that variation in the first fitness component was mainly associated with heterozygosity and not with population size, while the third fitness component was only correlated with population size and not with heterozygosity. The latter relationship appeared to be non-linear, which suggests a stronger loss of fitness in the smallest populations. The second (germination) component was neither correlated with population size nor with genetic variation. There was only a weak association between population size, heterozygosity and the population coefficients of variation for each life history character. Most correlation coefficients were negative, however, which suggests that there is more variation among progeny from smaller populations. We conclude that progeny from small populations of Gentiana pneumonanthe show reduced fitness and may be phenotypically more variable. One of the possible causes of the loss of fitness is a combination of unfavourable environmental circumstances for maternal plants in small populations and increased inbreeding. The higher phenotypic variation in small populations may also be a result of inbreeding, which can lead to deviation of individuals from the average phenotype through a loss of developmental stability.  相似文献   

通过ISSR分子标记对都支杜鹃(Rhododendron shanii)5个居群114个个体的遗传多样性进行了分析。8个引物共检测到69个位点,其中多态位点36个,多态位点百分率 (P) 为52.17%;物种水平的Shannon多样性指数(I)为0.2536,Nei指数(H)为0.1659;居群水平的P、I和H分别平均为32.46%、0.1955和0.1344;Nei’s基因分化系数GST=0.1845,基因流Nm=2.2104;遗传结构的AMOVA分析显示,总的遗传变异中88.3%存在于居群内,11.7%存在于居群间;PCA分析和Splite Tree构建的NJ树均显示居群间分化小;遗传距离与地理距离显著相关。较强的基因流、多年生木本及异交与分布区狭窄等可能是导致都支杜鹃遗传多样性较低的主要原因。目前该种的保护应以就地保护为主,尤其要注意对大居群的保护。  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of five wild populations of marine polychaete Marphysa sanguinea found in China was investigated using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat-PCR (ISSR-PCR) polymorphisms. The results of the ISSR-PCR showed that 108 (90.8%) of the 119 ISSR loci tested were polymorphic. The Shannon's information index value was 0.4981, Nei's gene diversity was 0.3418, and the coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) was 0.3671, which indicated that the among-population component accounted for 36.7% of the total variation, while the within-population component accounted for 63.3%. A UPGMA tree showed that the five populations clustered into two branches. Populations from Dalian, Xingcheng, and Rushan clustered together, while the two Guangxi populations, A and B, clustered into a unique group. The results indicated that the genetic diversity among the five populations of M. sanguinea is high, which will provide useful information for the protection of biodiversity among marine polychaetes.  相似文献   

Aims: Our objectives were to determine the variations in phenotypic traits of Armeniaca sibirica populations and their spatial patterns. Methods: We used nested variation, coefficient of variation, multi-comparison, correlation analysis and principal component analysis to analyze the 23 phenotypic traits for 130 individuals in 13 populations of A. sibirica. Important findings: The results showed that there were significant differences in phenotypic variations among and within populations. The variation was greater among populations (47.15%) than within population (16.43%). The mean phenotypic differentiation coefficient was 73.03% among populations, indicating the variance among populations being the main source of the phenotypic variation. The average variation coefficient of 23 traits ranged from 7.01% to 27.23%, with an average of 14.28%. The variation coefficient of nutlet was highest (15.67%), and the variation coefficient of fruit was smallest (12.11%). The phenotypic diversity is highest in Wanjiagou Tumotezuoqi and smallest in Horqin, Right Front Banner Chaersen. Longitude, mean annual precipitation and sunshine duration were significantly correlated with major traits of phenotypic. The 13 populations could be divided into four groups according to the principal component analysis. Leaf traits of Wula Mountain and nutlet traits of Archorchin Banner were significantly correlated with ecological and geographic factors.  相似文献   

为明确内蒙古山杏(Armeniaca sibirica)种群间和种群内的表型变异程度和变异规律, 以内蒙古山杏自然分布区的13个种群的23个表型性状为研究对象, 采用巢式方差分析、多重比较、变异分析、相关性分析和主成分分析等多种分析方法, 对种群间和种群内的表型多样性及其与地理生态因子的相关性进行了讨论。研究结果表明: 内蒙古山杏的表型性状在种群间和种群内均存在丰富的变异, 种群间的变异大于种群内的变异, 表型性状的平均分化系数为73.03%, 种群间变异是山杏表型变异的主要变异来源。各性状的平均变异系数为14.28%, 变异幅度为7.01%-27.23%, 其中核的变异系数最大, 果的变异系数最小。土默特左旗万家沟种群表型多样性最丰富, 科尔沁右翼前旗察尔森种群表型多样性最小。表型性状主要受经度、年降水量以及年日照时间3个主要地理生态因子影响。通过主成分分析可以把13个种源区划为四大类, 其中乌拉山种群的叶性状和阿鲁科尔沁旗种群的核性状受地理生态因子影响最大。  相似文献   

Aims Our objectives were to determine the variations in phenotypic traits of Armeniaca sibirica populations and their spatial patterns. Methods We used nested variation, coefficient of variation, multi-comparison, correlation analysis and principal component analysis to analyze the 23 phenotypic traits for 130 individuals in 13 populations of A. sibirica. Important findings The results showed that there were significant differences in phenotypic variations among and within populations. The variation was greater among populations (47.15%) than within population (16.43%). The mean phenotypic differentiation coefficient was 73.03% among populations, indicating the variance among populations being the main source of the phenotypic variation. The average variation coefficient of 23 traits ranged from 7.01% to 27.23%, with an average of 14.28%. The variation coefficient of nutlet was highest (15.67%), and the variation coefficient of fruit was smallest (12.11%). The phenotypic diversity is highest in Wanjiagou Tumotezuoqi and smallest in Horqin, Right Front Banner Chaersen. Longitude, mean annual precipitation and sunshine duration were significantly correlated with major traits of phenotypic. The 13 populations could be divided into four groups according to the principal component analysis. Leaf traits of Wula Mountain and nutlet traits of Archorchin Banner were significantly correlated with ecological and geographic factors.  相似文献   

This study assessed the role of leaf trichome density as a component of resistance to herbivores, in six populations of Datura stramonium. Phenotypic selection on plant resistance was estimated for each population. A common garden experiment was carried out to determine if population differences in leaf trichome density are genetically based. Among population differences in leaf trichome density, relative resistance and fitness were found. Leaf trichome density was strongly positively correlated to resistance across populations. In 5 out of 6 populations, trichome density was related to resistance, and positive directional selection on resistance to herbivores was detected in three populations. Differences among populations in mean leaf trichome density in the common garden suggest genetic differentiation for this character in Datura stramonium. The results are considered in the light of the adaptive role of leaf trichomes as a component of defence to herbivores, and variable selection among populations.  相似文献   

Microsatellite diversity at 18 loci was analysed in 94 individual plants of 10 wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum (C. Koch) Thell., populations sampled from Israel across a southward transect of increasing aridity. Allelic distribution in populations was not distributed randomly. Estimates of mean gene diversity were highest in stressful arid-hot environments. Sixty-four per cent of the genetic variation was partitioned within populations and 36% between populations. Associations between ecogeographical variables and gene diversity, H(e), were established in nine microsatellite loci. By employing principle component analysis we reduced the number of ecogeographical variables to three principal components including water factors, temperature and geography. At three loci, stepwise multiple regression analysis explained significantly the gene diversity by a single principal component (water factors). Based on these observations it is suggested that simple sequence repeats are not necessarily biologically neutral.  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi) 不同地理种群的形态变异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用主成分分析和聚类分析两种方法,分析了高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi)12 个地理种群17 项形态特征的变异。主成分分析结果显示,分析构建的雄性前3 个主成分累积贡献率为78.483% ,而雌性前4 个主成分累积贡献率为79.587% 。对种群间形态差异分析贡献最大的指标为颅全长、基长、后头宽等反映头骨大小性状,以及顶嵴、额嵴最小间距体现的颧弓扩张程度指标。主成分分析结果与聚类分析结果一致,12 个地理种群分化构成两个大的地域性群体:一个由甘肃种群构成的甘肃群体;另一个由四川种群和青海种群构成的混合群体。两个地域性群体实际上反映出两个不同的分化方向:一个方向表现为头骨较小,顶嵴、额嵴相对分开即颧弓扩张程度小,如甘肃群体;另一个则表现为头骨较大,顶嵴、额嵴相对靠拢即颧弓扩张程度大,如混合群体。这种地域群体的形态变异可以解释为,地下洞道系统中环境因子选择作用对高原鼢鼠形态变化产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

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