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八角下脚料、甘蔗滤泥、桐麸联合堆肥的腐熟度指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定八角下脚料与甘蔗滤泥、桐麸联合堆肥过程中温度、C/N比、种子发芽指数(GI)等腐熟度指标,研究各项指标在堆肥进程中的变化情况。结果表明:GI可作为八角下脚料与甘蔗滤泥、桐麸联合堆肥评价堆肥腐熟度的主要评价指标。在起始C/N比为31.45条件下进行八角提油下脚料、甘蔗滤泥、桐麸的联合高温好氧堆肥,堆制21 d和26 d时,三种腐熟度指标未全部显示堆肥腐熟;堆制31 d时,C/N比为18.55,T值为0.59(小于0.6),发芽指数GI为93.7%(大于80%)。从温度、发芽指数和C/N比三个指标均可认为堆肥已达到腐熟。  相似文献   

好氧堆肥是有机固体废弃物处理处置的有效手段之一,堆肥还田也是贫瘠土壤改良的常用措施。但好氧堆肥是一个典型的CO_2等温室气体的释放过程。如何减少堆肥过程中的CO_2释放,强化堆肥的腐殖化过程对于实现有机固体废弃物的低碳化堆肥、提高作为优良土壤改良剂的腐殖质产量具有重要意义。本文选取农林秸秆和餐厨垃圾作为堆肥原料,研究不同翻堆频率对堆肥过程中的物料减量化、腐殖化和稳定化的影响,以期发现一个较低碳的堆肥工艺,并从微生物角度初步探索了其影响机制。研究结果显示,不同的翻堆频率(分别为每2 d、4 d和6 d翻堆一次),堆料的减量化和腐殖化程度有一定差异,翻堆频率为4 d的堆肥工艺物料减量率最高为50.5%,但碳减量率最低为77.4%;而翻堆频率为2 d的堆肥工艺腐殖质产量最高;3种堆肥工艺经62 d堆肥都达到了腐熟程度,翻堆频率为4 d的堆肥工艺腐熟化程度最高。不同的翻堆频率可能通过影响堆肥过程中堆料的温度、含氧量等因素从而改变堆料中活性微生物量、种类和生物酶活性,进而影响堆料的矿化和腐殖化进程。  相似文献   

旨在筛选出对城市污泥毒性物质敏感、与国际通用的水堇种子相似、可用于评价处理后的城市污泥有机肥的植物毒性的本土植物种子。试验采用我国常见的5个科的17种蔬菜种子,检测了不同腐熟度的城市污泥堆肥以及经植物处理的城市污泥产品的种子发芽系数,同时以水堇(Lepidium sativum L.)种子发芽系数为标准作比较分析。结果表明,对于未腐熟的污泥堆肥,油青四九菜心(Brassica parachinensis Bailey)、青江白菜(Brassica campestris Pekinensis)、京丰一号甘蓝(Brassica oleracea L.)等种子对污泥植物毒性较敏感,与水堇种子较相似。对于植物处理后的污泥产品,青江白菜和京丰一号甘蓝与水堇种子又有明显差异,只有油青四九菜心与进口水堇种子对污泥腐熟度的响应未表现出明显差异。而且油青四九菜心种子发芽系数与水堇之间的直线相关系数R2达到0.7465,水堇种子发芽系数0.5时对应于的该菜心种子发芽系数为0.53,因此较适合代替目前广泛用于检测污泥有机肥腐熟度的进口水堇种子。  相似文献   

猪粪堆肥化处理过程中的氮素转变及腐熟度研究   总被引:53,自引:3,他引:50  
经过63d堆肥化处理后,猪粪与木屑混合堆肥及猪粪,木屑与树叶混合堆肥的T-N分别从开始的1.57%和1.78%增加到2.0%和2.11%;水溶性NO3-N/水溶性T-N均从接近于0的水平增加到3%左右;水溶性有机N/水溶性T-N分别增加到70%和76%;水溶性NH4-N/水溶性T-N则分别从开始52%和61%下降至堆肥结束时的30%和24%。种子发芽系数的测定结果表明,加入树叶有利于猪粪的腐熟化,可使猪粪堆肥化处理所城的时间从42d缩短至35d。化学指标与种子发芽系数的相关分析结果表明,水溶性NH4-N/水溶性T-N,水溶性NO3-N/水溶性T-N和水溶性有机N/水溶性T-N均与种子发芽系数呈显著相关,可作为堆肥的腐熟度评价指标。  相似文献   

邱并生 《微生物学通报》2011,38(10):1602-1602
堆肥化是有机固体废物无害化、减量化、资源化的根本途径。有机固体废弃物的堆肥化研究一直是环境科学领域研究的热点之一。产品中含有有机质、P、K等多种植物所需的养分,可以提高农林等产品的产量,改善土壤结构,提高土壤肥力。微生物是堆肥过程的工作主体,早期对堆肥中微生物的研究主要采用分  相似文献   

微生物在有机固废堆肥中的作用与应用   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
好氧堆肥是实现有机固体废弃物资源化利用的主流处理方式。堆肥腐熟是一个由微生物主导的生理生化过程,堆料通过微生物发酵实现矿质化、腐殖化和无害化,转变成腐熟的有机肥。传统的好氧堆肥存在发酵周期长、养分损失、恶臭及温室气体排放等不足。在堆肥过程中添加微生物是弥补传统好氧堆肥缺陷、提高堆肥品质和功效的有效方法。近年来,国内外在好氧堆肥过程中主要微生物类群与其演替规律、外源添加微生物的作用与功能等方面取得了较大进展。本文简述好氧堆肥基本过程与主要影响因素,以及这个过程中主要微生物类群与其演替规律,重点介绍有关微生物添加剂在好氧堆肥中的应用及其作用方面的研究进展。同时,我们对目前微生物添加剂在应用中存在的问题进行分析并对解决途径进行探讨。  相似文献   

对不同畜禽粪便在堆肥过程中各种含氮化合物的动态变化进行了研究,结合综合性腐熟度评价指标——种子发芽指数(GI),探讨了畜禽粪便堆肥过程中与氮有关的腐熟度评价指标.结果表明:随着堆肥的进行,除奶牛粪外,其它畜禽粪便的全氮(TN)含量均呈先下降而后平稳变化趋势,奶牛粪则呈先增加而后平稳变化趋势;各种畜禽粪便中,碱解性氮(HN)含量先增后降;NH4+-N含量先下降而后保持平稳;NO3- -N含量则持续增加;NH4+ -N/NO3- -N迅速降低.堆肥腐熟度指标中,除综合性评价指标GI值外,HN/TN和NH4+ -N/TN也可作为评价畜禽粪便腐熟程度的优选指标,而NO3- -N/TN只能作为一般性评价指标.根据综合性评价指标GI值达到腐熟要求的标准(GI>0.50),除仔猪粪外,其它畜禽粪便在HN/TN<20.77%、NH4+ -N/TN<10.06%及NO3- -N/TN>0.38%时基本达到腐熟要求.  相似文献   

采用根际袋法研究腐熟有机物料对滨海盐土水稻淹水层及土壤的盐分和植株元素吸收的影响.结果表明,在不排水条件下,施用有机物料使淹水层盐分上升,土壤盐分也高于对照,但其根际富集程度降低;植株K吸收增强,Na则明显下降,Ca、Mg含量略增,但变化没有1价元素明显.  相似文献   

利用废弃菌袋鸡粪堆肥发酵制备微生物菌肥的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索食用菌栽培废弃物资源的回收利用,以废弃菌袋和鸡粪为基质,按1:1(W/W)充分混匀,添加1%(W/W)的腐熟菌剂初发酵3周后,添加0.5%(W/W)的功能菌剂进行复发酵。结果表明废弃菌袋和鸡粪腐熟充分,其种子发芽指数(GI)符合有机固体废弃物腐熟情况的公认指标。堆肥成品的酸碱度、有机质含量、全氮、全磷、全钾、重金属(总砷,总汞,铅,镉)含量等指标均符合行业标准NY525-2012,可用于农田、果园等作物的肥料,为后续废弃菌袋和鸡粪的资源化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

不同腐熟程度有机物料对土壤微生物群落功能多样性的影响   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25  
室内培养条件下,施用有机物料初期土壤微生物群落代谢功能Shannon多样性指数降低,中期又提高。有机物料种类和腐熟水平可明显影响土壤微生物群落对Biolog微平板中碳源的利用能力,土壤微生物群落利用各类碳源的能力随培养试验的延长而降低,在25d内新鲜有机物处理对碳源的利用率的下降速度低于同类腐熟有机物料处理。糖类是各处理土壤微生物群落的主要利用碳源。土壤微生物群落主成分分析表明,在施用有机物料后25d内腐熟水平是影响土壤微生物群落的主要因素,新鲜有机物处理的土壤微生物群落相似,腐熟有机物处理的土壤微生物群落相似,培养50d后各处理的土壤微生物群落无差异。  相似文献   

Composting is the biochemical transformation of waste organic matter by microorganisms whose metabolism occurs in the water-soluble phase. Therefore, a study of the changes occurring in compost dissolved organic matter can be useful for assessing its stability and maturity. In light of the variety of parameters generally utilized to study composting processes, this work aims at identifying the major chemical processes that occur in solution and their influence on the attainment of stability and maturity with composting time. Compost stability, assessed by means of respirometric analysis which determined oxygen demand as a result of mineralization of the compost's organic matter, and compost maturity evaluated with Lepidium sativum L. seed bioassays, were found to be highly related to the nature and content of water-soluble organic matter. Moreover, fractionation of the water-extractable organic carbon showed that the ratio of hydrophobic to hydrophilic carbon increased to values greater than unity for stabilized compost. These results together with the analysis for non-cellulosic polysaccharides, phenolic compounds and organic nitrogen within the water extracts, confirmed the influence of solubilization, mineralization and organic matter transformation on the quality of the final compost.  相似文献   

Changes in organic C, total N, C:N ratio, activities of cellulase, xylanase and protease, and microbial population were determined during composting of different organic wastes such as mixture of sugarcane trash and cattle dung, press mud, poultry waste and water hyacinth biomass. There were losses of N in poultry waste and water hyacinth with the effect an initial increase in C:N ratio was observed which decreased later on due to decomposition. The activities of cellulase, xylanase and protease were maximum between 30 and 60 days of composting in various wastes. Similar trend was observed with respect to mesophilic bacterial and fungal population. Various quality parameters like C:N ratio, water soluble C (WSC), CO(2) evolution and level of humic substances were compared after 90 day composting. There was statistically significant correlation between C:N ratio and CO(2) evolution, WSC and humic substances. Significant correlation between CO(2) evolved and level of humic substances was also observed. The study shows that no single parameter can be taken as an index of compost maturity. However, C:N ratio and CO(2) evolved from finished compost can be taken as the most reliable indices of compost maturity.  相似文献   

A microstructure characterization study using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was conducted to specify organic matter dynamics during the co-composting process of sewage sludge, green waste and barks. TEM results showed that ligneous and polyphenolic compounds brought by barks were not biodegraded during composting. Green waste brought more or less biodegraded ligneous constituents and also an active microbial potential. Chloroplasts and sludge flocs appeared to be relevant indicators of green waste and sewage sludge in composted products, as they were still viewable at the end of the process. TEM characterization of the final product highlighted two main fractions of organic matter, one easily available and a more recalcitrant one, and also a remaining microbial activity. Thus microstructure characterization appeared to be an appropriate way of taking the heterogeneity of the organic constituents' size and composition into account when attempting to specify such compost quality parameters as maturity and stability.  相似文献   

在烟草生产及加工过程中,通常会产生大量的烟草废弃物,如何有效利用这些废弃物以避免环境污染和资源浪费,已成为烟草行业亟需解决的问解。研究发现,烟草废弃物堆肥化处理是规模化利用废弃资源的有效途径之一,对烟草农业的绿色、低碳、循环、可持续发展具有重要意义。从有机肥堆肥制备技术、肥效研究等方面进行了系统综述,从整体上展示了烟草废弃物堆肥技术的发展现状,以期为国内烟草废弃物源堆肥未来技术的研发及产业化提供一定的参考。通过分析发现,在堆肥制备技术方面,主要有微生物菌剂添加技术、共堆肥技术和烟草材料预处理技术3种,此外还衍生出液态有机肥和厌氧发酵联产有机肥技术;在堆肥肥效研究方面,烟草废弃物堆肥可明显改善土壤的物性参数、化学参数以及生物学参数,显著钝化土壤重金属元素,进而提高作物的产量或品质,其中堆肥与化学肥料配施的效果相对较好;堆肥的多功能化是未来堆肥创新利用的重要途径。  相似文献   

Co-composting of pruning waste and horse manure was monitored by different parameters. A windrow composting pile, having the dimensions 2.5m (height) x 30m (length) was established. The maturation of pruning waste and horse manure compost was accompanied by a decline in NH(4)(+)-N concentration, water soluble C and an increase in NO(3)(-)-N content. Organic matter (OM) content during composting followed a first-order kinetic equation. This result was in agreement with the microbiological activity measured by the CO(2) respiration during the process. The correlation at a high level of probability found between the OM loss and CO(2) evolution showed that both parameters could be used to indicate the degree of OM degradation that is the maturity and stability phases of the compost studied. Humification parameters data from the organic matter fractionation did not show a clear tendency during the composting time, suggesting that these parameters are not suitable for evaluating the dynamics of the process.  相似文献   

The main by-product generated by the Spanish olive oil industry, a wet solid lignocellulosic material called "alperujo" (AL), was evaluated as a composting substrate by using different aeration strategies and bulking agents. The experiments showed that composting performance was mainly influenced by the type of bulking agent added, and by the number of mechanical turnings. The bulking agents tested in this study were cotton waste, grape stalk, a fresh cow bedding and olive leaf; the latter showed the worse performance. Forced ventilation alone was revealed to work inadequately in most of the experiments. The composting process involved a substantial degradation of the organic substrate with average losses of 48.4, 28.6, 53.7 and 57.0% for total organic matter, lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, respectively. Both organic matter biodegradation and humification were greatly influenced by the lignocellulosic nature of the starting material, which led to low organic matter and nitrogen loss rates and a progressive increase in more humified substances, as revealed by the end-values of the humification indices. The resulting composts were of good quality in terms of nutrient content, stabilised and non-phytotoxic organic matter and low heavy metal content. This demonstrates that composting technology can be used as an alternative treatment method to turn AL into compost that can be used as organic amendments or fertilisers for agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Waste management and declining soil fertility are the two main issues experienced by all developing nations, like India. Nowadays, agricultural utilization of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is one of the most promising and cost effective options for managing solid waste. It is helpful in solving two current burning issues viz. soil fertility and MSW management. However, there is always a potential threat because MSW may contain pathogens and toxic pollutants. Therefore, much emphasis has been paid to composting of MSW in recent years. Application of compost from MSW in agricultural land helps in ameliorating the soil’s physico-chemical properties. Apart from that it also assists in improving biological response of cultivated land. Keeping the present situation in mind, this review critially discusses the current scenario, agricultural utilization of MSW compost, role of soil microbes and soil microbial response on municipal solid waste compost application.  相似文献   

The utilization of agricultural waste organic materials through composting technology has gained significant traction in agricultural production as an effective means of crop nutrient management. However, the differences in the impact of organic amendments prepared by traditional composting and vermicomposting on soil properties still deserve further research. Based on field experiments conducted in greenhouse, compared to chemical fertilizer treatments as control, we utilized traditional compost (OF) and vermicompost (VcF) derived from agricultural organic waste edible mushroom bran and cow manure (2:8). Variations in soil physiochemical properties, activities of soil enzymes related C and P cycling, abundances and diversities of bacterial 16S rRNA and fungal ITS gene at total DNA level were analyzed. Both compost treatments enhanced soil organic carbon, soil total phosphorus, and soil available P content significantly and also increased the activities of soil α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, acid phosphomonoesterase, and alkaline phosphomonoesterase significantly. The above results suggested that soil C and P transformations were stimulated effectively by both organic amendments. OF and VcF increased the fungal ITS absolute abundances significantly while diversity indices of soil bacterial community increased significantly under both treatments. Correlation analysis indicated that bacterial community composition was strongly correlated with several soil property indexes while fungal community composition was only significantly correlated with soil total phosphorous content. In conclusion, similar to traditional compost, vermicompost significantly improved soil nutrient cycling (especially C and P aspects). In terms of soil microbes, bacteria and fungi showed different responding mechanism to vermicompost: bacteria adjust microbial structure, while fungi tend to proliferated. In consideration of the advantages of vermicompost in technology and economic cost, it could be applied in the subsequent agricultural production more frequently.  相似文献   

The treatment of the simulated lead-contaminated solid waste by composting with white-rot fungus was studied at laboratory scale. The composting system without the inocula of white-rot fungus was prepared as control, and the composting of the uncontaminated solid waste with the inocula of white-rot fungus was carried out as the other control. The results indicated that the solid waste inoculated with white-rot fungus could be successfully processed. The final compost was mature with 70.5% of lead (Pb) in residual fraction and none in exchangeable fraction. Germination index reached 120%. All the results indicated that the bioavailability of Pb in compost was reduced and the potential harm of Pb in compost was alleviated by composting with the inocula of white-rot fungus.  相似文献   

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