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African mole‐rats of the family Bathyergidae are subterranean hystricomorph rodents found throughout sub‐Saharan Africa, where the distributional ranges of the most speciose taxa are divided by the African Rift Valley. In particular, mole‐rats of the genera Heliophobius and Fukomys are distributed widely, and their adaptive radiation appears to have been strongly influenced by the geological process of rifting. As a result, virtually all members of the genus Fukomys occur in locations west of the Rift Valley. However, a small number of isolated populations occur east of the Rift Valley in Tanzania, where Heliophobius is widespread and is the predominant bathyergid rodent. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences of previously unstudied Tanzanian mole‐rats (genus Fukomys) and geographically adjacent populations strongly suggests that vicariance in the Western Rift Valley has subdivided populations of mole‐rats and, together with climatic changes, played a role in the isolation of extralimital populations of Fukomys in Tanzania. Together with molecular clock‐based estimates of divergence times, these results offer strong support for the hypothesis that the observed patterns of cladogenesis are consistent with tectonic activity in the ‘Mbeya triple junction’ and Rungwe volcanic province between Lakes Rukwa and Nyasa. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 337–352.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids (GCs) are routinely used as anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of asthma. They act through binding to glucocorticoid receptor α (GRα), which represses numerous genes encoding pro-inflammatory mediators. A hormone binding deficient GR isoform named GRβ has been isolated in humans. When overexpressed by transfection, GRβ may function as a dominant negative modulator of GRα. However, to act as such, GRβ has to be more abundant than GRα, and conflicting data have been obtained concerning the relative levels of the two isoforms in cell lines and freshly isolated cells. Moreover, the dominant negative effect was not confirmed by independent laboratories. In GC-resistant asthmatics, GRβ was expressed by an increased number of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), airway T cells, and cells found in skin biopsies of tuberculin responses. However, the relative amounts of GRα and GRβ in these cells were not determined. In GC-dependent asthmatics, PBMCs expressed GRα predominantly. No cells containing higher levels of GRβ than GRα have yet been reported in asthmatics. Even if the existence of such cells is demonstrated, the role of GRβ in asthma will remain a matter of controversy because functional studies have given discrepant data.  相似文献   

The carbon flux from woody debris, a crucial uncertainty within global carbon-climate models, is simultaneously affected by climate, site environment and species-based variation in wood quality. In the first global analysis attempting to explicitly tease out the wood quality contribution to decomposition, we found support for our hypothesis that, under a common climate, interspecific differences in wood traits affect woody debris decomposition patterns. A meta-analysis of 36 studies from all forested continents revealed that nitrogen, phosphorus, and C : N ratio correlate with decomposition rates of angiosperms. In addition, gymnosperm wood consistently decomposes slower than angiosperm wood within common sites, a pattern that correlates with clear divergence in wood traits between the two groups. New empirical studies are needed to test whether this difference is due to a direct effect of wood trait variation on decomposer activity or an indirect effect of wood traits on decomposition microsite environment. The wood trait–decomposition results point to an important role for changes in the wood traits of dominant tree species as a driver of carbon cycling, with likely feedback to atmospheric CO2 particularly where angiosperm species replace gymnosperms regionally. Truly worldwide upscaling of our results will require further site-based multi-species wood trait and decomposition data, particularly from low-latitude ecosystems.  相似文献   

Expression of surface antigen genes in Trypanosoma brucei occurs at expression sites located near telomeres. Since only one antigen is produced at a time, a mechanism must exist to prevent the simultaneous activity of multiple expression sites. Here we report that PstI and PvuII restriction sites in silent telomeric antigen genes are partially uncleavable , presumably as a consequence of DNA modification. The modification, which is absent in transcribed genes but returns after gene inactivation, may be specific for telomeric DNA because (1) it is not detected in non-telomeric genes; (2) modification is highest close to the telomere; (3) the level of modification in a telomeric gene is influenced by the size of the telomeric DNA segment downstream. Whether telomere modification is cause or consequence of antigen gene switch-off remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Antigenic diversity in pathogenic microbes can be a result of at least three different processes: diversifying selection by acquired immunity, host–pathogen coevolution and/or host specialization. Here, we investigate whether host specialization drives diversity at ospC (which encodes an immunodominant surface protein) in the tick‐transmitted bacterium Borrelia afzelii. We determined prevalence and infection intensity of ospC strains in naturally infected wild mammals (rodents and shrews) by 454 amplicon sequencing in combination with qPCR. Neither prevalence nor infection intensity of specific ospC strains varied in a species‐specific manner (i.e. there were no significant ospC × host species interactions). Rankings of ospC prevalences were strongly positively correlated across host species. Rankings of ospC infection intensities were correlated more weakly, but only in one case significantly < 1. ospC prevalences in the studied mammals were similar to those in ticks sampled at the study site, indicating that we did not miss any mammal species that are important hosts for specific ospC strains. Based on this, we conclude that there is at best limited host specialization in B. afzelii and that other processes are likely the main drivers of ospC diversity.  相似文献   

Attempts to uncover the adaptive significance of density-dependent colour polyphenism in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae), have been unsuccessful. Desert locust juveniles can change colour as part of a phenotypically plastic response to changes in local population density known as phase polyphenism. They are typically cryptic in colour at low rearing density (solitarious phase), but become conspicuous at high density (gregarious phase). Recent evidence indicates that this colour change functions interspecifically as an aposematic signal. Other recent evidence, however, suggests that previous attempts to demonstrate an intraspecific function of gregarious coloration in mediating group interactions among locusts may have been confounded by the effects of multiple sensory cues. We reinvestigated the intraspecific function of density-dependent colour polyphenism and specifically controlled for potentially confounding olfactory and tactile cues. We found no effect of gregarious phase (yellow and black) coloration as either a gregarizing stimulus to behaviourally solitarious locusts or as a visual aggregation stimulus behaviourally to gregarious locusts. We did, however, find that nonmoving solitarious phase (green) coloration significantly increased the activity levels of behaviourally gregarious locusts. We cannot explain this result and its biological relevance remains unknown. In the absence of support for the intraspecific visual cue hypothesis, we favour an aposematic perspective on the function of density-dependent colour polyphenism in the desert locust. The aposematic perspective parsimoniously accounts for density-dependent changes in both colour and behaviour. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Local adaptation is a key process for the maintenance of genetic diversity and population diversification. A better understanding of the mechanisms that allow (or prevent) local adaptation constitutes a key in apprehending how and at what spatial scale it occurs. The production of resting stages is found in many taxa and reflects an adaptation to outlast adverse environmental conditions. Daphnia magna (Crustacea) can alternate between asexual and sexual reproduction, the latter being linked to dormancy, as resting stages can only be produced sexually. In this species, on a continental scale, resting‐stage production is locally adapted—that is, it is induced when the photoperiod indicates the imminence of habitat deterioration. Here, we aimed to explore whether selection is strong enough to maintain local adaptation at a scale of a few kilometers. We assessed life‐history traits of 64 D. magna clones originating from 11 populations of a metapopulation with permanent and intermittent pool habitats. We found large within‐ and between‐population variation for all dormancy‐related traits, but no evidence for the hypothesized higher resting‐stage production in animals from intermittent habitats. We discuss how gene flow, founder events, or other forms of selection might interfere with the process of local adaptation.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence in support of the hypothesis that, in mammals, photoreceptive tasks are segregated into those associated with creating a detailed visual image of the environment and those involved in the photic regulation of temporal biology. The hypothesis that this segregation extends to the use of different photoreceptors remains unproven, but published reports from several mammalian species that circadian photoentrainment survives a degree of retinal degeneration sufficient to induce visual blindness suggest that this may be so. This has lead to speculation that mammals might employ a dedicated 'circadian photoreceptor' distinct from the rod and cone cells of the visual system. The location and nature of this putative circadian photoreceptor has become a matter of conjecture. The latest candidates to be put forward as potential circadian photopigments are the mammalian cryptochrome proteins (CRY1 and 2), putative vitamin-B2 based photopigments. To date, published experimental evidence falls short of a definitive demonstration that these proteins form the basis of circadian photoreception in mammals. Consequently, this review aims to assess their suitability for this task in light of what we know regarding the biology of the cyrptochromes and the nature of mammalian photoentrainment.  相似文献   

Diabetic patients are postulated to be in a perpetual state of oxidative stress and inflammation at sites where chronic complications occur. The accumulation of AGEs derived from both endogenous and exogenous sources (such as the diet) have been implicated in the development and progression of diabetic complications, particularly nephropathy. There has been some interest in investigating the potential for reducing the AGE burden in chronic disease, through the action of AGE “clearance” receptors, such as the advanced glycation end-product receptor 1 (AGE-R1). Reducing the burden of AGEs has been linked to attenuation of inflammation, slower progression of diabetic complications (in particular vascular and renal complications) and has been shown to extend lifespan. To date, however, there have been no direct investigations into whether AGE-R1 has any role in modulating normal kidney function, or specifically during the development and progression of diabetes. This mini-review will focus on the recent advances in knowledge around the mechanistic function of AGE-R1 and the implications of this for the pathogenesis of diabetic kidney disease.  相似文献   

Many parasites alter host behaviour to enhance their chance of transmission. Recently, the ecdysteroid UDP‐glucosyl transferase (egt) gene from the baculovirus Lymantria dispar multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV) was identified to induce tree‐top disease in L. dispar larvae. Infected gypsy moth larvae died at elevated positions (hence the term tree‐top disease), which is thought to promote dissemination of the virus to lower foliage. It is, however, unknown whether egt has a conserved role among baculoviruses in inducing tree‐top disease. Here, we studied tree‐top disease induced by the baculovirus Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) in two different host insects, Trichoplusia ni and Spodoptera exigua, and we investigated the role of the viral egt gene therein. AcMNPV induced tree‐top disease in both T. ni and S. exigua larvae, although in S. exigua a moulting‐dependent effect was seen. Those S. exigua larvae undergoing a larval moult during the infection process died at elevated positions, while larvae that did not moult after infection died at low positions. For both T. ni and S. exigua, infection with a mutant AcMNPV lacking egt did not change the position where the larvae died. We conclude that egt has no highly conserved role in inducing tree‐top disease in lepidopteran larvae. The conclusion that egt is a ‘gene for an extended phenotype’ is therefore not generally applicable for all baculovirus–host interactions. We hypothesize that in some baculovirus–host systems (including LdMNPV in L. dispar), an effect of egt on tree‐top disease can be observed through indirect effects of egt on moulting‐related climbing behaviour.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) is an important regulator of inflammation, being proinflammatory at low concentrations and anti-inflammatory at high concentrations. As such, TGF-beta might be important in maintaining the balance between control and clearance of infectious organisms on the one hand and prevention of immune-mediated pathology on the other. In this article, Fakhereldin Omer, J?rgen Kurtzhals and Eleanor Riley review the immunoregulatory properties of TGF-beta in the context of parasitic infections. Data from murine malaria infections suggest that TGF-beta modifies the severity of the disease, and a number of potential protective mechanisms are discussed. Evidence is accumulating that TGF-beta is important for the regulation of other host-parasite interactions and that parasites might directly influence TGF-beta-dependent pathways via the synthesis of TGF-beta or TGF-beta-receptor homologues.  相似文献   

Patterns of spontaneous and induced daily torpor were measured in the Afrotropical pouched mouse (77–115?g), Saccostomus campestris, in response to photoperiod, temperature, and food deprivation, using temperature telemetry. Photoperiod had no influence on the incidence, depth, or duration of daily torpor in either males and females. Although the testis size index decreased in response to food deprivation and photoperiod by a maximum of 24%, full testis regression did not occur. Torpor bout duration was, on average, 5.3?h, independent of photoperiod and ambient temperature. Males did not enter torpor in response to food deprivation but did in response to low ambient temperature, though significantly less frequently than females. At normothermia, the body temperatures (daily minimum, mean, maximum) of males were significantly lower than those of females. Minimum body temperatures of both males and females during torpor did not fall below 20?°C at an ambient temperature of 15?°C. The patterns of torpor measured here differ from those observed in species from strongly seasonal environments. They suggest adaptation to an environment rendered unpredictable by the El Niño Southern Oscillations. As an aseasonal, opportunistic breeder capable of year-round adaptive hypothermia, the pouched mouse represents an excellent model animal for research on physiological and behavioral adaptations to unpredictable environments.  相似文献   

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