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漆酶因可氧化许多种有机污染物,在土壤污染修复方面的应用潜力受到广泛重视。筛选具有较高漆酶活性的土壤真菌,可以为污染土壤修复提供生物资源。通过培养基中愈创木酚颜色反应,从土壤中筛选获得1株真菌菌株F-5。18S rRNA基因序列显示该菌株属于巨座壳科(Family Magnaporthaceae)。单因素试验和正交试验结果显示,蔗糖和蛋白胨分别是最有利于该菌产漆酶的碳源和氮源。在适当培养条件下,真菌F-5培养液酶活性可达4033U/L,表现出该菌具有较强的产漆酶能力。在多环芳烃(PAHs)污染土壤的生物修复中,真菌F-5可使土壤中苯并(a)芘、二苯并(a,h)蒽等高环、高毒性多环芳烃降解,并使土壤多环芳烃毒性当量大幅降低。因此,真菌F-5适合修复PAHs污染土壤。  相似文献   

多环芳烃污染土壤微生物修复研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
曾军  吴宇澄  林先贵 《微生物学报》2020,60(12):2804-2815
多环芳烃是我国土壤环境质量标准中要求严格管控的一类持久性有机污染物,利用微生物技术修复有机污染土壤具有绿色、经济等突出特点,应用前景广泛。目前多学科的协同发展和新技术的研究应用,为多环芳烃土壤微生物转化机制与污染生态过程等方面带来了新的认识,同时对修复技术的实际应用与调控提供了新的思考方向。本文以多环芳烃污染土壤微生物修复为主体,从污染土壤微生物修复应用技术、多环芳烃微生物降解特征、土壤体系污染物归趋规律与微生物作用及土壤污染微生物群落响应与研究技术等方面进行综合评述,并针对现存应用技术瓶颈和理论空白作进一步思考和展望。  相似文献   

有机污染土壤中菌根的作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
近年来,土壤有机污染问题日益突出,传统的修复方法存在局限性。菌根是植物根系与菌根真菌形成的共生体,能增强植物的逆境抗胁迫能力,对于促进有机污染物的降解和转化具有积极的作用。本文主要阐述了石油、多环芳烃、多氯联苯、农药和酞酸酯等几类典型的有机污染土壤中外生菌根和丛枝菌根的作用;旨在说明利用菌根技术修复有机污染土壤是生物修复的一项重要工具,具有广阔的发展前景,为进一步研究菌根的作用以及更好地运用菌根技术奠定基础。  相似文献   

多环芳烃污染土壤生物修复研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多环芳烃 (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs) 是一类广泛分布于环境中的持久性污染物,结构稳定、难以降解,对生态环境和生物具有“三致”毒害性,其环境去除和修复备受关注。绿色、安全、经济的生物修复技术被广泛应用于PAHs污染土壤的修复。本文从土壤中PAHs的来源、迁移、归趋和污染水平总结了目前我国土壤多环芳烃污染的基本状况;归纳了具有PAHs降解作用的微生物、植物种类及机理;比较了微生物修复、植物修复和联合修复3类主要的生物修复技术。指出植物与微生物的互作机理的解析,抗逆菌株、植株的筛选与培育,实际应用的安全和效能评估应成为多环芳烃污染土壤修复领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

AM真菌对重金属污染土壤生物修复的应用与机理   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
罗巧玉  王晓娟  林双双  李媛媛  孙莉  金樑 《生态学报》2013,33(13):3898-3906
土壤重金属污染威胁人类健康和整个生态系统,而高效、低耗、安全的生物修复技术显示出了极大的应用潜力,特别是利用植物-微生物共生体增强生物修复效应的应用.丛枝菌根(Arbuscular Mycorrhizae,AM)真菌是一类广泛分布于土壤生态系统中的有益微生物,能与90%以上的陆生高等植物形成共生体.研究发现,AM真菌能够增强宿主植物对土壤中重金属胁迫的耐受性.当前,利用AM真菌开展重金属污染土壤的生物修复已经引起环境学家和生态学家的广泛关注.基于此,围绕AM真菌在重金属污染土壤生物修复作用中的最新研究进展,从物理性防御体系的形成、对植物生理代谢的调控、生化拮抗物质的产生、基因表达的调控等角度探究AM真菌在重金属污染土壤生物修复中的作用机理,以期为利用AM真菌开展重金属污染的生物修复提供理论依据,并对本领域未来的发展和应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

蚯蚓在有机污染土壤生物修复中的作用机理与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蚯蚓的各类活动能够改善土壤理化性质,提高土壤微生物活性,引入高效降解菌等,直接或间接地促进有机污染物在土壤中的降解和转化。其中蚓触圈是有机污染物降解的热点区域。此外,生物富集也是蚯蚓修复土壤有机污染的重要机理之一。研究表明,蚯蚓能够促进土壤中多种有机污染物的降解,在土壤有机污染生物修复方面具有广阔的应用前景。本文综述了蚯蚓在土壤有机污染生物修复中的作用机理及在修复多环芳烃、多氯联苯、农药等污染土壤方面的应用,指出当前研究存在的不足,并对未来研究进行展望,以期为土壤有机污染生物修复提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

内生真菌重组漆酶rLACB3修复花生连作土壤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤中酚酸类物质的积累是导致花生连作障碍的主要原因之一,真菌漆酶可以有效地转化酚酸类物质,但还没有报道将漆酶直接应用于连作土壤的修复。本研究使用盆钵试验研究了不同浓度的漆酶rLACB3对连作土壤修复的效果。处理30 d后,施加500 U·kg-1漆酶处理的修复效果优于20和100 U·kg-1。在花生根际土壤中,500 U·kg-1漆酶处理的可培养细菌、放线菌、固氮菌数量和对照相比分别提高33.0%、37.7%和30.2%。使用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)分析根际土壤微生物区系表明,500 U·kg-1漆酶处理的细菌、真菌和固氮菌的Shannon多样性指数比对照分别提高9.0%、17.3%和14.8%。根际土壤中3种酚酸物质香豆酸、4-羟基苯甲酸和香草酸,500 U·kg-1漆酶处理比对照分别减少41.2%、43.8%和35.9%。花生生物量和结瘤数量,500 U·kg-1漆酶处理比对照分别增加17.9%和17.4%。综上表明,内生真菌重组漆酶rLACB3在连作土壤修复中具有较好的应用潜力。  相似文献   

[背景] 真菌和细菌被认为在多环芳烃污染土壤生物修复过程中发挥协同作用,目前在真实土壤体系中开展真菌-细菌协同降解研究较少。[目的] 研究真菌和细菌对不同种类多环芳烃降解的差异及对蒽和苯并[a]蒽的生物强化与协同作用。[方法] 选用多环芳烃降解真菌和细菌各一株,在液体纯培养体系下分析它们对不同种类多环芳烃降解的差异,在土壤体系中采用放射性同位素示踪技术研究2种微生物对蒽和苯并[a]蒽的生物强化与协同作用。[结果] 供试细菌鞘脂菌NS7能够很好地降解低环种类多环芳烃,以蒽作为唯一碳源时可以将其完全降解,在复合污染条件下对菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘等降解效果突出(>90%),对苯并[a]芘降解效果较差(9.76%)。相比而言,供试真菌糙皮侧耳菌对苯并[a]芘具有更好的降解效果(21.18%),对低环多环芳烃降解效果明显不如降解菌NS7。在自然土壤中,蒽和苯并[a]蒽具有明显不同的矿化效率,分别为18.61%和4.28%,在蒽污染土壤中加入鞘脂菌NS7并未显著提高蒽的矿化率(P>0.05),相比而言,苯并[a]蒽污染土壤中加入糙皮侧耳显著提高了污染物矿化效率(2.24倍),表明真菌和细菌在土壤环境中的定殖存活能力可能影响了生物强化效果。采用灭菌土壤排除土著微生物的竞争排斥作用,研究了真菌菌丝对生物强化降解的影响,发现在蒽污染土壤中,真菌菌丝的迁移作用显著提高了细菌鞘脂菌NS7对污染物的矿化率,从1.75%提高到5.91%;而在苯并[a]蒽灭菌污染土壤中,接种糙皮侧耳却没有发现苯并[a]蒽矿化率提高的现象,表明自然土壤中真菌强化降解苯并[a]蒽的作用可能是源于真菌菌丝促进污染物和土著降解菌的接触,而非直接来自真菌本身。[结论] 细菌能够很好地降解低环种类多环芳烃,而真菌对高环种类多环芳烃降解效果较好。真菌可能通过菌丝促进土著微生物在土壤中的迁移,增大多环芳烃和土著降解菌的接触,从而促进了多环芳烃降解。研究加深了对多环芳烃污染土壤生物强化修复的认识,对发展基于真菌-细菌协同作用的生物强化与调控技术提供理论指导。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染土壤的植物修复及其机理研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着人类对化学品的依赖程度越来越高,环境的有机污染状况也越来越严重.有机污染土壤的植物修复是指利用植物在生长过程中,吸收、降解、钝化有机污染物的一种原位处理污染土壤的方法,具有应用成本低、生态风险小、对环境副作用小等特点.本文综述了近年来国内外有机污染土壤的植物修复研究进展情况,重点介绍了多氯联苯、多环芳烃、农药和硝基芳香化合物等持久性有机污染物的植物修复,阐述了有机污染土壤植物修复的关键机制,并分析了该技术在实际工程应用中的局限性及应考虑的因素.最后,指出了今后该领域的重点研究方向.  相似文献   

【目的】研究了氧化还原介体在产漆酶真菌氧化蒽和芘的作用。【方法】通过非变性电泳和酶活力分析。【结果】发现血红密孔菌Z-1和木蹄层孔菌Z-5只产漆酶,其最大酶产量分别为11.90 U/mL和4.83 U/mL,不产木质素过氧化酶和锰过氧化物酶。木蹄层孔菌Z-5的胞外液尽管具有较低的漆酶活性,但是氧化了74.3%的蒽和12.4%的芘,高于血红密孔菌Z-1对蒽和芘的氧化率,提示天然介体可能存在于真菌胞外液中并且影响了漆酶对多环芳烃的氧化。实验进一步表明,木蹄层孔菌Z-5灭活和不灭活的超滤液以及灭活的胞外液对纯漆酶氧化多环芳烃的促进作用均大于血红密孔菌Z-1,说明木蹄层孔菌Z-5的天然介体比血红密孔菌Z-1能够更为有效地促进多环芳烃氧化。【结论】氧化还原结体在产漆酶真菌降解底物过程中发挥了重要作用,这也解释了木蹄层孔菌Z-5胞外液尽管漆酶活性不高,但是具有较大多环芳烃氧化率的原因。  相似文献   

Laccases produced by white rot fungi are capable of rapidly oxidizing benzo[a]pyrene. We hypothesize that the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading bacteria producing laccase can enhance the degree of benzo[a]pyrene mineralization. However, fungal laccases are glycoproteins which cannot be glycosylated in bacteria, and there is no evidence to show that bacterial laccases can oxidize benzo[a]pyrene. In this study, the in vitro oxidation of PAHs by crude preparations of the bacterial laccase, CueO, from Escherichia coli was investigated. The results revealed that the crude CueO catalyzed the oxidation of anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene in the same way as the fungal laccase from Trametes versicolor, but showed specific characteristics such as thermostability and copper dependence. In the presence of 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), high amounts of anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene, 80% and 97%, respectively, were transformed under optimal conditions of 60°C, pH 5, and 5 mmol l(-1) CuCl(2) after a 24-h incubation period. Other PAHs including fluorene, acenaphthylene, phenanthrene, and benzo[a]anthracene were also oxidized by the crude CueO. These findings indicated the potential application of prokaryotic laccases in enhancing the mineralization of benzo[a]pyrene by PAH-degrading bacteria.  相似文献   

We are studying the enzymatic modification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by the laccase from Coriolopsis gallica UAMH 8260. The enzyme was produced during growth in a stirred tank reactor to 15 units ml−1, among the highest levels described for a wild-type fungus; the enzyme was the major protein produced under these conditions. After purification, it exhibited characteristics typical of a white rot fungal laccase. Fifteen azo and phenolic compounds at 1 mM concentration were tested as mediators in the laccase oxidation of anthracene. Higher anthracene oxidation was obtained with the mediator combination of ABTS and HBT, showing a correlation between the oxidation rate and the mediator concentration. Reactions with substituted phenols and anilines, conventional laccase substrates, and PAHs were compared using the native laccase and enzyme preparations chemically modified with 5000 MW-poly(ethylene glycol). Chemically modified laccase oxidized a similar range of substituted phenols as the native enzyme but with a higher catalytic efficiency. The k cat increase by the chemical modification may be as great as 1300 times for syringaldazine oxidation. No effect was found of chemical modification on mediated PAH oxidation. Both unmodified and PEG-modified laccases increased PAH oxidation up to 1000 times in the presence of radical mediators. Thus, a change of the protein surface improves the mediator oxidation efficiency, but does not affect non-enzymatic PAH oxidation by oxidized mediators. Received 10 December 2001/ Accepted in revised form 20 July 2002  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are organic compounds generated mainly by anthropogenic sources. They are considered toxic to mammals, since they have carcinogenic, mutagenic and genotoxic properties, among others. Although mycoremediation is an efficient, economical and eco-friendly technique for degrading PAHs, the fungal degradation potential of the phylum Ascomycota has not been widely studied. In this work, we evaluated different fungal strains from the polluted soil of ‘La Escondida’ lagoon in Reynosa, Mexico to know their potential to degrade phenanthrene (PHE). Forty-three soil isolates with the capacity to grow in the presence of PHE (0·1% w/v) were obtained. The fungi Aspergillus oryzae MF13 and Aspergillus flavipes QCS12 had the best potential to degrade PHE. Both fungi germinated and grew at PHE concentrations of up to 5000 mg l−1 and degraded 235 mg l−1 of PHE in 28 days, with and without an additional carbon source. These characteristics indicate that A. oryzae MF13 and A. flavipes QCS12 could be promising organisms for the remediation of sites contaminated with PAHs and detoxification of recalcitrant xenobiotics.  相似文献   


In this paper, laccase is immobilized by the cross-linking method, using organic fertilizer as a carrier and glutaraldehyde as a cross-linking agent. Here, the optimal conditions of laccase immobilization were explored and the optimal operating conditions and stabilities of free laccase and immobilized laccase were also studied. Then, free laccase and immobilized laccase were applied to the soil remediation. Meanwhile, the effect of soil improvement treated with immobilized laccase was studied through ecological evaluation. The results showed that the optimal conditions for laccase immobilization were: the volume fraction of glutaraldehyde was 5%, the amount of enzyme added was 15 mL, and the immobilization time was 6 h. Under the same conditions, thermal stability and acid-base stability of immobilized laccase were better than free laccase. Under the optimal conditions, using laccase to treat 2,4-dichlorophenol in the soil, it was found that the free laccase group degraded 44.4% within 5 days, while the immobilized laccase group degraded 58.6%. Although both the degradation trends and route are the same, the degradation effect of the latter is obviously better. Ecological evaluation showed that organic fertilizer carrier had an impact on soil physical and chemical properties and soil enzymes, playing a positive role in soil ecological security and improving the soil.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are present in products made from creosote, coal tar, and asphalt. When wood pile treated with creosote is placed in soil, PAHs can contaminate it. Creosote has been used for wood preservation in the past and is composed of approximately 85% PAHs and 15% phenolic compounds. PAHs cause harmful effects to humans and the environment because of their carcinogenic and mutagenic properties. White rot fungi can degrade not only lignin, but also recalcitrant organic compounds such as PAHs. Among numerous white rot fungi used in previous studies, four species were selected to degrade PAHs in a liquid medium. From this evaluation of the degradation of PAHs by the four fungal isolates, two species were ultimately selected for the highest rates of removal. Following 2 weeks of incubation with Peniophora incarnata KUC8836, the degradation rates of phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene were 86.5%, 77.4%, and 82.6%, respectively. Mycoaciella bispora KUC8201 showed the highest degradation rate for anthracene (61.8%). Hence, bioremediation of creosote-contaminated soil with an initial concentration of 229.49 mg kg?1 PAHs was carried out using the two selected fungi because they could simultaneously degrade 13 more PAHs than the comparison species. More importantly, isolates of P. incarnata KUC8836 were discovered as powerful degraders of PAHs by producing laccase and manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP), with 1.7- and 1.1-fold higher than the comparison species, respectively. Therefore, the white rot fungus may be proposed for the removal of PAHs and xenobiotic compounds in contaminated environments.  相似文献   

The use of blood meal was studied for in-site bioremediation of contaminated farmland soil. The combination of blood meal and indigenous microorganisms helped to in-site remediate the combined contaminated aging farmland soil of DDTs and PAH in Shenyang, China. The concentration of DDTs and PAHs was 47.94 ± 0.63 μg/kg and 690.10 ± 5.16 μg/kg, respectively. Biostimulation using blood meal or glucose promoted the bioremediation rate of DDTs and PAHs. Compared to glucose, blood meal was a longer term repair additive of DDTs and PAHs, and the remediation result was more efficient and durable. In the blood meal treatment, plowing the soil once every 7 days could increase the soil enzyme activities and bacterial populations, and it could significantly promote the remediation rates of DDTs (P < 0.05) and more evidently promote the remediation rates of PAHs. The DDTs and PAHs remediation rates increased from 32.18% and 20.17% to 43.41% and 26.09%, respectively, in soil treated with blood meal and plowed weekly after the five month remediation. This study provides an highly efficient in-site farmland soil bioremediation technology that could have practical utility.  相似文献   

Growth parameters, ligninolytic enzyme activities and ability to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by the fungus Irpex lacteus were characterized and compared with those of other white rot fungi capable of rapid decolorization of poly R-478 and Remazol Brilliant Blue R dyes. I. lacteus was able to grow on mineral and complex media and efficiently colonized sterile and non-sterile soil by exploratory mycelium growing from a wheat straw inoculum. In shallow stationary cultures growing on high nitrogen mineral medium containing 45 mM ammonium as nitrogen source, the fungus produced lignin peroxidase (LIP), Mn-dependent peroxidase (MnP) and laccase simultaneously, the respective maximal activities of 70, 970 and 36 U/l being attained around day 18. Growing in nitrogen-limited medium (2.4 mM ammonium), no LIP was formed and levels of MnP and laccase decreased significantly. During growth in sterile soil, the fungus synthesized LIP and laccase but not MnP. I. lacteus efficiently removed three- and four-ringed PAHs from liquid media and artificially spiked soil. The variety of ligninolytic enzymes, robust growth, capability of soil colonization and resistance to inhibitory action of soil bacteria make I. lacteus a suitable fungal organism for use in bioremediation. Received: 30 March 2000 / Accepted: 19 May 2000  相似文献   

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