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以粳稻台中65为母本,高州普通野生稻141个编号材料为父本,成功组配72个粳野杂种F1,分别对杂种F1的结实率、花粉育性及其发育特点进行研究。结果发现,粳野杂种F1平均结实率为68.30%,变化范围为30.29%~94.05%,大部分在50%~80%之间;花粉平均育性为76.49%,最低为33.23%,最高为95.72%,大部分都高于70%,表现正常。花粉败育类型包括染败、典败、圆败和大小花粉粒;花药的平均裂药指数为3.87,接近正常。粳野杂种F1花粉发育过程与栽培稻基本一致,可分为8个时期,包括小孢子母细胞形成期、小孢子母细胞减数分裂期、小孢子早期、小孢子中期、小孢子晚期、二胞花粉早期、二胞花粉晚期和成熟花粉期。研究结果表明广东高州普通野生稻可能具有决定杂种F1花粉育性的不同基因,包括花粉不育中性基因等。  相似文献   

广东高州普通野生稻与粳稻杂交F1花粉育性及其发育特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以粳稻台中65为母本,高州普通野生稻141个编号材料为父本,成功组配72个粳野杂种F1,分别对杂种F1的结实率、花粉育性及其发育特点进行研究.结果发现,粳野杂种F1平均结实率为68.30%,变化范围为30.29%~94.05%,大部分在50%~80%之间;花粉平均育性为76.49%,最低为33.23%,最高为95.72%,大部分都高于70%,表现正常.花粉败育类型包括染败、典败、圆败和大小花粉粒;花药的平均裂药指数为3.87,接近正常.粳野杂种F1花粉发育过程与栽培稻基本一致,可分为8个时期,包括小孢子母细胞形成期、小孢子母细胞减数分裂期、小孢子早期、小孢子中期、小孢子晚期、二胞花粉早期、二胞花粉晚期和成熟花粉期.研究结果表明广东高州普通野生稻可能具有决定杂种F1花粉育性的不同基因,包括花粉不育中性基因等.  相似文献   

高州普通野生稻主要生殖性状的数理统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高州野生稻各采样点的生殖特性表现出明显的多样性。对141份野生稻的花粉育性、裂药指数、胚囊育性和结实率进行通径分析。结果表明,花粉育性、裂药指数和胚囊育性决定了结实率变异的61.17%,其中裂药指数对结实率的直接作用最大,通径系数为0.6495;花粉育性和胚囊育性对结实率的直接作用较小,通径系数分别为0.2356和0.2137,花粉育性通过裂药指数还有较大的间接通径系数(0.2960)。通过系统聚类,将高州普通野生稻分为4群,并时各群进行方差分析和邓肯氏多重比较,可归纳为:Ⅰ群的花粉育性、胚囊育性和裂药指数对结实率影响小;Ⅱ群主要由胚囊育性影响结实率;Ⅲ群主要由裂药指数影响结实率;Ⅳ群主要由花粉育性和裂药指数共同影响结实率。  相似文献   

利用整体染色激光扫描共聚焦显微镜术(WCLSM),对采自广东省高州市6个地点共141个编号的高州普通野生稻的成熟胚囊育性和胚囊形成发育特点等进行研究。结果表明,供试的绝大多数高州普通野生稻材料成熟胚囊均存在不同程度的育性异常现象,包括雌性生殖单位退化、极核位置异常、极核数目异常、胚囊退化等。这些异常结构的胚囊由于没有正常的卵细胞,不能正常受精,影响子粒结实。141个编号平均异常胚囊频率为11.11%,最高异常率为67.86%。高州普通野生稻胚囊发育过程与正常栽培稻一致,属寥型。对一些结实率偏低材料的研究,发现在胚囊发育过程的不同时期存在一些异常现象,包括功能大孢子退化,二至八核胚囊发育异常等。对柱头上的花粉量调查,发现观察的69个编号中,多数编号柱头上花粉量偏少。研究表明,花粉量偏少影响受精是导致结实率偏低的最主要原因之一。本文对导致结实率偏低的综合因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

用压片法对八倍体小偃麦与硬粒小麦及其杂种F_1小孢子发生和花粉发育进行了详细的细胞学观察。结果表明,两亲本八倍体小偃麦和硬粒小麦的小孢子发生和花粉发育是基本正常的,二者结实率也基本正常。[八倍体小偃麦×硬粒小麦]F_1小孢子发生过程非常紊乱,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ出现较高频率的单价体和多价体,其相对紊乱系数高达0.67;减数分裂晚后期,每个细胞落后染色体平均3.56条;四分体期,每个四分体微核数平均2.82个。在杂种F_1花粉发育的每个时期都可产生不同频率的败育花粉。在三细胞成熟花粉期,杂种F_1可育花粉百分率为67.36%,基本能够满足传粉受精的需要,但其结实率仅为2.79%,远远低于两亲本结实率。因此杂种F_1花粉的败育不是导致其结实率低的主导因素。  相似文献   

海南万宁普通野生稻居群开花习性和生殖特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对目前海南最大的普通野生稻居群——万宁普通野生稻居群的花期、花时、结实率和花粉育性进行了调查研究。结果发现,该普通野生稻居群内东部和西部群体花期相差15d;东部群体单穗平均结实率为8.67%,西部群体单穗平均结实率达62.1%,呈极显著差异;而东部和西部群体的花时基本相同,花粉育性与栽培稻均无显著差异。该居群东部群体与毗邻再生栽培稻的花期相遇,花时一致,满足基因漂移发生的部分必须条件。虽然目前尚无充分证据证明普通野生稻与其毗邻的栽培稻有基因漂移发生,但出于野生稻保护的需要,转基因水稻种植应设置安全距离,避开该野生稻分布区域。  相似文献   

利用压片法及石蜡切片法观察冬季低温下香石竹小孢子发育过程,以明确低温导致香石竹小孢子败育的因素,为杂交育种奠定基础。结果表明:(1)冬季低温下香石竹只有部分小孢子发育正常,经过小孢子母细胞、减数分裂和四分体等时期,最后发育成花粉。(2)石蜡切片法观察到冬季低温下香石竹1.5~1.6cm长花蕾中有61%的花粉母细胞发生败育,1.7~1.8cm长花蕾中有71%的花粉母细胞发生败育。(3)部分已经进入四分体时期的小孢子胼胝质未能及时溶解,妨碍了小孢子释放而导致败育。研究认为,花粉母细胞和四分体的发育异常是冬季低温下香石竹小孢子败育的主要原因。  相似文献   

芡实花粉败育的细胞学观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
芡实(EuryaleferoxSalisb.)花粉的败育主要发生在小孢子母细胞减数分裂时期和小孢子单核期与二核期。形成的不正常四分体中有一些具有不完整的横隔壁,一些则完全不形成横隔壁,而发育成具4个核的原生质团;气候异常是造成该时期不育现象的主要原因之一。小孢子单核期及二核期存在发育异常的孢子。绒毡层的提前发育、过早解体、肥大生长及延迟退化是花粉败育的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

利用异源多倍体杂种优势是多倍体水稻研究的第三阶段,但异源多倍体杂种常常不育。为明确其不育特点,本文以本实验室通过远缘杂交获得的栽培稻(AA)品种DTS137和高秆野生稻O.alta(CCDD)的杂种三倍体ACD和加倍形成的六倍体AACCDD为材料,分别对其花粉和胚囊发育过程进行石蜡切片观察,发现3x与6x之间以及6x雌性和雄性生殖方式和前途具有明显的不同:(1)异源三倍体ACD水稻杂种花粉败育彻底,败育发生在小孢子母细胞时期,绒毡层细胞提前解体:大孢子母细胞不能进行减数分裂,与周围的珠心组织一起发生解体,雌性完全败育。(2)异源六倍体水稻杂种(AACCDD)的雄性败育发生在小孢子母细胞减数分裂的细线期,此期小孢子母细胞发育停滞,随后解体;而雌性器官的发育基本正常。推测异源六倍体杂种的不育性与不同基因组间存在着部分核质不亲和性有关。据此,为了克服六倍体水稻AACCDD的不育性和验证该杂种雌性可育的结论,以栽培稻(AA)的PMeS二倍体品系HN2026.2x为父本与之杂交,通过胚挽救成功获得回交杂种BC1F1植株,经根尖染色体鉴定为2n=4x=48,系由AACD组成。虽然该异源三基四倍体是不育的,但为随后的染色体加倍创造AAAACCDD同源异源八倍体,进而获得结实的同源异源多倍体杂种打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

''京白梨''结实与雌雄配子体发育的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以‘京白梨’、‘鸭梨’、‘雪花梨’为材料,用石蜡切片技术对其雌雄配子体发育过程进行了观察研究,并对其花粉育性、自然授粉结实率进行统计分析。结果表明:(1)‘京白梨’自然授粉结实率和花粉发芽率明显低于‘鸭梨’和‘雪花梨’;(2)京白梨从小孢子母细胞形成到成熟花粉的各个发育阶段观察到未形成小孢子或形成后很快退化、花粉囊中的花粉极少、花粉发育阶段细胞发生退化等不同类型的雄性败育个体,而且在花粉成熟阶段有部分花药中的绒毡层细胞不发生退化,花粉难以散出造成雄性败育;(3)雌配子体在大孢子母细胞发育阶段发现不能形成大孢子和大孢子形成后退化或发育不良等多种发育异常的雌配子体败育类型,而且败育频率高达36.7%。研究表明,‘京白梨’雌、雄配子体在其形成发育过程中的各种异常使其不能正常受精,最终导致坐果低下。  相似文献   

青葙花药发育的结构和组织化学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对苋科植物青葙Celosia argentea花药发育的结构和组织化学(多糖和脂滴)特征进行观察。青葙小孢子发生为同时型,四分体为四面体型。药壁为典型四层,绒毡层属于同型绒毡层。成熟花粉为二胞型。早期花药中的淀粉粒和脂滴均较少,绒毡层细胞至小孢子晚期退化为体积较大的脂块。二胞花粉时期的中层细胞退化为脂滴。早期二胞花粉中先出现多糖颗粒,晚期的成熟花粉中积累大量淀粉粒和较少的脂滴为营养储存物。  相似文献   

以杂交中熟籼稻品种金优63、汕优63为供试材料,采用盆栽试验,在水稻生长前期连续喷施3次硅酸钠(Na2SiO3·9H2O),于人工气候箱内在水稻开花期进行常温(日均温26.6 ℃,日最高温度29.4 ℃)和高温(日均温33.2 ℃,日最高温度40.1 ℃)处理5 d,研究施硅在花期高温胁迫下对杂交水稻剑叶叶绿素含量、光合性能、抗氧化酶活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量、花粉活力、花药酸性转化酶活性、柱头授粉性能和结实率等的影响.结果表明: 与对照相比,施硅可显著提高高温胁迫下水稻剑叶叶绿素含量,提高净光合速率和气孔导度,减少胞间CO2浓度,增强叶片光合作用,减少MDA含量,提高超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性;提高花药中可溶性酸性转化酶活性和花粉活力,增加花粉囊基部裂口宽度,提高水稻每柱头上授粉总数、萌发数、花粉萌发率和萌发数大于10粒者所占的比例,降低花粉总数小于20粒者所占的比例;使金优63、汕优63结实率的降低分别减轻13.4%、14.1%.因此,在水稻生长前期喷施外源硅,可减轻水稻在开花期结实率的降低,提高杂交水稻的抗热性.  相似文献   

In this study, distribution of polysaccharides, lipids, and proteins in the developing anthers of Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. was examined from sporogenous cell stage to mature pollen, using cytochemical methods. To detect the distribution and dynamic changes of insoluble polysaccharides, lipid bodies, and proteins in the anthers through progressive developmental stages, semi-thin sections of anthers at different developmental stages were stained with periodic-acid-Schiff (PAS) reagent, Sudan black B, and Coomassie brilliant blue, respectively, and examined under light microscope. Ultrastructural observations with TEM were also carried out to determine the storage form of starch in the connective tissue, and storage form of lipids in the tapetal cells. In sporogenous cell stage, anther wall contains numerous insoluble polysaccharides. However, from the sporogenous cell stage to the vacuolated microspore stage, the amount of insoluble polysaccharides in the anther wall decreases gradually. At bicellular pollen stage, tapetum degenerates completely and polysaccharides are not seen in the anther wall. Lipid bodies are observed in the cytoplasm of both middle layer and tapetal cells at tetrad stage, whereas they disappear in the vacuolated microspore stage. Compared with polysaccharides, proteins are limited in the anther wall at early stages of development. During pollen development, polysaccharides, proteins, and lipid bodies are scarce in the cytoplasm of sporogenous cells, but their amount increases at premeiotic stage. From tetrad stage to bicellular pollen stage, microspore cytoplasm contains variable amount of insoluble polysaccharide grains, lipid and protein bodies. At bicellular pollen stage, plentiful amount of starch granules are stored in the cytoplasm of the pollen grains. Proteins and lipid bodies are also present in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Anther dehiscence is very important for pollen maturation and release.The mutants of anther dehiscence in rice (Oryza sativa L.) arefew,and related research remains poor.A male sterility mutant of anther dehiscence in advance,add(t),has been found in Minghui 63 and its sterility is not sensitive to thermo-photo.To learn the character of sterilization and the function of the add(t) gene,the morphological and cytological studies on the anther and pollen,the ability of the pistil being fertilized,inheritance of the mutant,and mapping of add(t)gene have been conducted.The anther size is normal but the color is white in the mutant against the natural yellow in the wild-type.The pollen is malformed,unstained,and small in the KI-I2 solution.The anther dehiscence is in advance at the bicellular pollen stage.A crossing test indicated that the grain setting ratio of the add(t) is significantly lower than that of the CMS line 2085A.The ability of the pistil being fertilized is most probably decreased by the add(t) gene.The male sterility is controlled by a single recessive gene of add(t).This gene is mapped between the markers of R02004 (InDel) and RM300 (SSR) on chromosome 2,and the genetic distance from the add(t) gene to these markers is 0.78 cM and 4.66 cM,respectively.  相似文献   

Calcium distribution in fertile and sterile anthers of a thermosensitive male-sterile wheat genotype was investigated using an antimonate precipitation method. During fertile anther development, before meiosis of the microspore mother cells, calcium precipitates were apparent in tapetal cells of the anther wall. After meiosis, precipitates were detected in the early microspores and accumulated in the large vacuole of late microspores. After microspore division, following decomposition of the large vacuole, precipitates decreased in the bicellular pollen. The earliest abnormality in calcium precipitate distribution detected during sterile pollen development was the greater accumulation of precipitates in the cytoplasm and nucleus of late microspores. The sterile microspore can divide to form bicellular pollen, but the large vacuole of sterile bicellular pollen did not decompose and greater abundance of precipitates was retained in the large vacuole. Abnormal distribution of calcium precipitates in sterile pollen precedes structural changes, suggesting that abnormal calcium metabolism is associated with pollen abortion.  相似文献   

In future climates, rice could more frequently be subjected to simultaneous high temperature and water stress during sensitive developmental stages such as flowering. In this study, five rice genotypes were exposed to high temperature, water stress and combined high temperature and water stress during flowering to quantify their response through spikelet fertility. Microscopic analyses revealed significant differences in anther dehiscence between treatments and genotypes, with a moderately high association with the number of germinated pollen grains on the stigma. There was a strong relationship between spikelet fertility and the number of germinated pollen on stigmas. Although, all three stress treatments resulted in spikelet sterility, high-temperature stress caused the highest sterility in all five genotypes. A cumulative linear decline in spikelet fertility with increasing duration of independent high-temperature stress and in combination with water stress was quantified. Better anther dehiscence, higher in vivo pollen germination, and higher spikelet fertility were observed in both the N22 accessions compared with IR64, Apo and Moroberekan under high temperature, water stress and combined stress, indicating its ability to tolerate multiple abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

莴苣花药发育过程中钙的分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
减数分裂前,莴苣花药中的钙颗粒很少。减数分裂后,花药绒毡层细胞中的钙颗粒明显增加。同时在花药药室基质中也出现许多细小的钙颗粒。刚从四分体中释放出的小孢子内钙颗粒很少。伴随着花粉外壁物质在小孢子表面的沉积,钙颗粒开始积累在花粉壁部位。随后。小孢子中开始出现钙颗粒。当小孢子开始形成液泡后,钙颗粒向其中聚集,伴随着小液泡融合成大液泡。体积较大的钙颗粒主要集中在液泡中,而细胞质基质中的钙颗粒很少。随着二胞花粉中的大液泡消失,花粉细胞质中的钙颗粒变得很少。在以后的发育中,只有花粉壁中积累较多的钙颗粒。在莴苣花药发育过程中,钙与绒毡层细胞的退化和小孢子液泡形成以及二胞花粉中大液泡的消失有关。而花粉外壁表面积累丰富的钙与以后花粉的萌发有关。  相似文献   

The final split: the regulation of anther dehiscence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Controlling male fertility is an important goal for plant reproduction and selective breeding. Hybrid vigour results in superior growth rates and increased yields of hybrids compared with inbred lines; however, hybrid generation is costly and time consuming. A better understanding of anther development and pollen release will provide effective mechanisms for the control of male fertility and for hybrid generation. Male sterility is associated not only with the lack of viable pollen, but also with the failure of pollen release. In such instances a failure of anther dehiscence has the advantage that viable pollen is produced, which can be used for subsequent rescue of fertility. Anther dehiscence is a multistage process involving localized cellular differentiation and degeneration, combined with changes to the structure and water status of the anther to facilitate complete opening and pollen release. After microspore release the anther endothecium undergoes expansion and deposition of ligno-cellulosic secondary thickening. The septum separating the two locules is then enzymatically lysed and undergoes a programmed cell death-like breakdown. The stomium subsequently splits as a consequence of the stresses associated with pollen swelling and anther dehydration. The physical constraints imposed by the thickening in the endothecium limit expansion, placing additional stress on the anther, so as it dehydrates it opens and the pollen is released. Jasmonic acid has been shown to be a critical signal for dehiscence, although other hormones, particularly auxin, are also involved. The key regulators and physical constraints of anther dehiscence are discussed.  相似文献   

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